The Secret Weapon Of Praying In Tongues // Rev. Richard Roberts // May 20, 2019 AM

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Oh father we praise you this morning Mariana Anika Sbrocco saw you at Sun de castilla Thank You father we bless you this morning to praise you and give you honor give you glory well this is the day that you've made and we rejoice and we are glad in it thank you Father for those landmarks the pastor was talking about thank you there are ear they are immovable guideposts for our lives thank you Father for the teaching on the Holy Spirit today now let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight so that everything that I say and do this morning brings honor and glory unto Jesus I thank you and praise you Satan take your hands off of us we don't belong to you we belong to God we were paid for by the shed blood of Jesus and so will glorify God in every area of our lives in Jesus name and everybody said amen give a shout of praise unto the Lord hallelujah [Music] halleluja halleluja [Music] glory be to the Lord praise God god bless you you may be seated I've got a little story to tell you this morning it was back in the early 1980s when Pastor Nancy Dufresne was Miss Oklahoma and was a student at the University and Tulsa that I first got to know her and and then when she and dr. Dufresne married all of that all that went on at that time I guess that's the nicest way on how to say it all the mess that that came against them we got to know them and knew them all through the years but we lost touch they began pastoring in California I I knew they were in California but I didn't know exactly where they were and we lost touch until about two years ago and I was preaching at Kenneth Copeland's annual ministers conference which I do every year and we made contact again she was there and she invited me to come and to speak at their fresh oil fellowship ministers meeting in January two years ago and I began to meet a number of pastors from across the country that are part of that fellowship and that's how I got this invitation to come here and there's something very special something very special about this group of ministers that are part of this fellowship something very special about your churches I've been now in five or six of the churches across the country and it's done it's not real and relegated to what part of the country because I've been in the Midwest in the South I've been in the West and and I'm probably gonna go up some in New York as well but but there's a there's a commonality there is a special comradery in the spirit now there's something happening in this in this particular group of churches and this fellowship your worship is so powerful and you sing songs that you can actually sing I'm just saying nothing you know and and you're not performing [Music] you know sometimes sometimes in life something needs to be said and and sometimes somebody from the outside can come and say things that somebody else at home might not be able to get away with okay but you see I'm here and I'm gonna leave so I'll be I'll be all right but I get so tired of going places that I have to dig myself out of a hole when I get up to preach you know I get so tired of going places where there where we're it's a performance and the words of the songs don't have any meaning and they don't even rhyme [Laughter] you you look like you know what I'm talking about and and and it's a performance and and when it's all over you want to say you know it's so dead you want to say when do we view the body but in this group of churches that are part of this fresh oil fellowship it's not that way at all you have something to build on when you get up there you could have gone ahead and preached for the next half hour of course I'm concerned you're gay you want to come up now and start preaching up I'm happy with that I'm not in any hurry but thank you thank you for this invitation I appreciate it I got to know pastor Jay and Debbie out in California at at these conferences and it's been such a blessing to me that's where I met you was and is out in California and I thank God for that so I appreciate it I felt like something ought to be said this morning about that so and to get a group of people on a Monday morning to come out now that's you know that's in the working of miracles category Oh praise God I heard this story about this man who fell out of a 20-story window and as he was falling he began to pray Oh help me and as he fell he saw a few floors below a flagpole steady sticking out and he cramped it and it broke his fall and he he held on and he was just holding on but his fingers were beginning to get really tired he protect the pray Lord help me and the Lord spoke to him said do you believe that I delivered Daniel from the Lions Den oh yes Lord I believe well do you believe that I delivered Shadrach Meshach and Abednego out of Nebuchadnezzar's burning fiery furnace oh yes Lord I believe the Lord said then turn loose [Applause] the man said now look here Lord I got myself into this mess I'll get myself out now that's the story of a lot of Christians they want to pray until they get directions and then when they get some direction suddenly they want to do it their own way I was in a city up north preaching and we were driving to the service and there was a street sign that said this way and I thought well that's an unusual name for a street and we drove on and the next block the next street was called that way and I thought well that's pretty strange but next street was called his way and I thought isn't that amazing cuz I've been this way in my life and I've been that way in my life now I'm trying his way sure works a lot better when my part is not the work my part is the trust and believing and that's that's where the Holy Spirit comes in now yesterday morning and last night talked a lot about healing and this morning I feel particularly led to to continue on this series and to go on to the Holy Spirit as I shared with you yesterday morning if you were here the Lord gave me three specific topics for the rest of my life one healing to the Holy Spirit three seed faith and so we're starting on the holy spirit this morning and probably tonight as well the the different facets of the Holy Spirit and today I want to talk particularly about the Holy Spirit in you now I'm a I'm a deal with the gifts of the Spirit tonight but not particularly today today I particularly want to deal with praying in tongues the baptism of the Holy Spirit praying in the spirit however you want to title it I don't really care what title you put on it but the experience and the benefit I'm the type of person that I I don't want to do something unless I know there's a benefit in it it's got to be something in it for us why would we do it you know we plant seed because there's benefit because we not only our blessing but the blessing comes back to us so there's got to be some benefit to us as Christians or else why are we a Christian so open your Bibles this morning over to Romans Romans chapter 8 and let me read a couple of passages here from Romans 8 and from 1st Corinthians 14 beginning at verse 26 in Romans 8 likewise the Spirit helpeth our infirmities now that word infirmities is not a reference to sickness it is a reference to weakness likewise the spirit also helpeth our weaknesses for we know not what to pray for as we ought but the Spirit Himself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered now let's just pause there for a moment it is them it's it's a shame that the translators in the King James Version used the word it's self the translation should have been himself the Holy Spirit is not in it the Holy Spirit is a person the third person of the Holy Trinity Father Son and Holy Spirit God represents himself in three he in three forms he's one God now there are some who believe we Christians are serving three gods Father Son and Holy Spirit no we're serving one God but he expresses himself in three forms first as a loving father second as the son and third as the Holy Spirit the Divine Paraclete and it's the same with water you take water and you boil it and it becomes a gas or a vapor you freeze it and it becomes a solid you put it in a glass or the glass and it's liquid you can drink it but it's still water so it's the same thing okay likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities are our weaknesses for we know not we don't know what to pray for as we ought how many times have we all faced that in our lives when we prayed but we didn't know what to pray for and we use every spiritual religious word we can think of Oh God Oh stained-glass window Oh Bible trying to get through some of you said that earlier today but the Spirit Himself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered or in other words for which there is no equivalent in human speech the groaning is deep down inside of you but which you don't have you don't have the words to say that's what he's saying and he that is the holy spirit that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind and we could add and we'll of the spirit because he the holy spirit maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God now turn over to first Corinthians 14 a great chapter on the Holy Spirit first Corinthians 14 and look at verse 2 for he now he's talking about a person now a human being god bless you for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto God for no man understandeth him howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries so we know when we pray in tongues we are not praying to men we're praying to God but we don't know what we're saying okay we feel good if you read on down you'll find verse 6 or 7 down there you'll find that the person who prays in tongues edifies himself you're edified you you feel better but you don't have any understanding to go with it and you got to get understanding what are you with knowledge if you don't know what to do with the knowledge okay so now now switch over to verse 13 and notice the difference wherefore let him that she's talking about us now let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret when Paul made this statement he is not talking about the operation of the gifts of the Spirit and this is this is this is the place of departure with a lot of Pentecostals over the years we have not done and I and I'm a classical Pentecostal that's how I grew up that's how I was raised I'm not a denominational Pentecostal but I'm I'm Pentecostal in the sense that I'm charismatic we Pentecostals have not done a good job of explaining what we mean we've used some terminology that has been highly misunderstood and miscommunicated not because we were trying to get it wrong we did not know how to explain things you know we didn't we didn't understand we didn't understand exactly how to say what we felt in our hearts our hearts were pure our hearts were right but but the words that came out were misunderstood and there's still much misunderstanding in the body of Christ today that's one reason why the evangelical world oftentimes thinks that we Pentecostals are heretics because in most cases they know the Bible far better than we do okay and and they know that there is a difference between the gifts of the spirit and your daily devotional prayer language so therefore when when I was growing up and I heard somebody say when did you get the Holy Ghost that was a bad that was a bad thing to say they didn't realize they were saying they were saying it wrong they didn't realize really what they were saying they were saying that there was there was something out there beyond their salvation at which they at which time they got the Holy Ghost and I will get back to that okay cuz of you I was I saying I'm saying something he was immortal I can just remember what was it I was saying something about him he'll come back to me anyway let's let's move on here and here's here's what I'm headed to in verse 14 now he's going to talk about himself notice the change here he uses the word I for if I now this is the departure line right here this is where Paul goes away from talking about the gifts of the Spirit which he's talked about in Chapter 12 the gift of the word of knowledge the gift of the gift of with a word of wisdom the the gift of faith the gift of prophecy the gift of tongues the gift of interpretation of tongues the discerning of spirits the working of miracles the gifts of healings there are nine gifts of the Spirit which Paul outlines in Chapter 12 that is not what he's talking about here he's not talking about a gift of tongues therefore when someone as I grew up would say when did you get the gift of tongues well let me tell you when you got it you never did that's impossible for human being to have the gift of tongues those gifts are sovereign first Corinthians 12 describes those gifts they belong to the Holy Spirit and they are manifested at the spirits will and in his timing those gifts can flow through any Christian but only when the Holy Spirit decides however the difference is and the departure that Paul makes here is that we have the right to pray in tongues every day of our lives any time we want to that's what we haven't made clear and that's what I want to help you with today because you more than likely have or will deal with people who don't understand this so I want to make a deposit into you today to help you to help those people and it just might help you to so let's let's let's read on now for if I notice the word I if I pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prayeth but my understanding is unfruitful well that goes back to what he said earlier because we're not speaking to men we're speaking to God we're praying the mysteries of God we're praying in tongues we feel better we're edified but we don't have any idea what we're saying okay what is it then or in other words what will I do I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding also okay now I'm once again I've got to build this superstructure this is this is this is this the way I was trained this is my understanding that you have to build a foundation for people to understand where you're coming from before you get into the the personal anecdotes and stories that help that help to to to fill out the message was back in the early 1960s I was 14 13 14 years old and we had a summer home in Southern California my father would base his ministry on the west coast in the summer and the fall and travel from there and he used that time to write books and to prepare for the for the upcoming year and so we would we would go out there on around the 4th of July and we would stay until Thanksgiving and I would go half a year to school in California and then at Thanksgiving I would come back to Oklahoma and I would finish the rest of the year there so I went to schools a year many many years I was a kind of a transplant and it was there it was there that the Lord revealed to my father that it was time to build a university now God had spoken to him in the back seat of the car I gave you the the testimony yesterday I left part of it out on purpose I shared with you yesterday morning that when he was in the backseat of that car on the way to the healing meeting in 1930 1935 that the Lord spoke to him and said son I am going to heal you and you're to take my healing power to your generation what the Lord also said to him is and you will build me a university and you will build it on my authority and you will build it on the Holy Spirit that was the rest of what he said and I saved that for today so now all those years had passed and it's now in the early 1960s and the time had come to build the university and my father had a problem he did not know how to build a university now it's it's it's really interesting when the Lord says to you do something and you don't have any idea what to do some of you are candidates for that you you know what I'm talking about the Lord has told you to do something and you don't have a clue I mean you're clueless of how to do it and he had no land he had no money he had no buildings he had no faculty he had no curriculum he had no students all he had was a word from God build me a university build it on my authority build it on the Holy Spirit and then he added these words raise up your students to hear my voice and to go where my light is seen dim my voice is heard small my power is not known even to the uttermost bounds of the earth and their work will exceed yours and in that I'm well pleased that's all that he had he had no know-how and he did not have a completed college education himself he had quit college in the second or third year in order to Pastor so we're out in California during during those those years and he began an intense study on the Holy Spirit I was not involved in it with the exception that whenever I would pass through the living room he would say come here Richard I want to test something out on you I was an unwilling observer I wasn't interested in anything he was talking about but because he was my dad he would sit me down and I would hear this not realizing that even in those years of not being a Christian it was getting inside me okay so I'm learning without trying to learn okay train up a child in the way they shall go and when they're older they'll not depart from it so is it okay if I just give you all this background so you understand where I'm coming from okay because you know I may not pass this way again I don't know I'm not in charge of that agenda God's in charge of that so I better give you everything I got while I'm here as the fella said I give you permission to just milk me dry okay I was raised on a farm so I can say that so he got a hold of one of our friends who pastored and I was telling pastor Jay about this this morning pastored out there a man by the name of Ralph Wilkerson precious man of God still livings and he's in his late 90s now and Ralph pastors a great Church out there called melody land Christian Center right across the street from Disneyland for many many years and Ralph in my father's opinion was the most balanced concerning the Holy Spirit and my father was always a person of balance taught me to be balanced and so for months every day Ralph's pastor Ralph would come to our home and they would sit there in our living room overlooking the ocean and talk about the Holy Spirit and go over scripture after scripture after scripture because my father had a mandate and he did not know how to do it so now after all those months we come back to Tulsa and he found a piece of land south of the city now part of the city over these years and he knew that was the place he had been offered land in California by the University of California system but he wanted to build it elsewhere so there was a farm on this land with producing oil wells and horses and cattle and for months he tried to get the man to sell and the man would not sell but he knew that was the piece of land and so our attorney would go out there repeatedly Saul Yeager Jewish man was our attorney former judge in the city and he would go out there time after time trying to buy the land the man wouldn't sell and my dad was praying one night and the Lord spoke to him and said go one more time so the next day he sent our attorney out there again and mr. Yeager knocked on the door of course the man knew who he was had been out there dozen times and he said to our attorney I'm so glad you're here we decided to sell last night family got together we decided to sell the whole piece of land and then of course he asked the thousand dollar question how much do you want and the man said well I only want a small down payment and you can pay it out over the years it'll be easier on my taxes that way of course that was music to my dad's here but he did have $1.00 to begin with not one dollar to buy it but he had a a promise from the man that he would sell it so he was able to make a very very small down payment on the land now move forward now over the next few weeks we would take my bicycle and put it in the trunk of the car and we would drive about half an hour out there to that piece of land by now the family had moved out and the house has remained in the barns and everything still remained and a couple of working oil wells we're still working and he and I my father and I would walk among the trees I'd ride my bicycle I was out there riding bison he was walking through the trees praying God how how do I do this this is the land you wanted me to have you've made it possible now I don't have any idea I have no idea how to do what you've told me to do when the Lord spoke to him I said are all Roberts do you have the Holy Spirit he said well sure of course and then the Lord said to him do you know who you have well the mere fact that the Lord would say to him do you know who you have must have meant that he didn't know who he had do you know who you have and so he replied I guess not and the Lord said you have the unlimited power of God at your disposal I do and the Lord said to him do you pray in tongues and my father said yes occasionally he prayed in tongues the way most Pentecostals in those days prayed in tongues they got what they called initial evidence they had a one-time experience where they burst into tongues feeling that they had arrived and they never did it again except in times of great joy or great distress I see some people nodding their heads you know what I'm talking about because that may be the only time that you pray in tongues great times of joy great times of distress and the Lord encouraged him to begin praying in tongues and he reminded him to the scripture that I read in Romans 8 that when a person is born again the Holy Spirit comes in and takes up so takes up residence in their hearts so when someone says when did you get the Holy Ghost where you could be honest and say I got the Holy Ghost when I got saved because the Holy Spirit came in and bore witness with my spirit that I'm a child of God that happened the day I got saved I don't have to go get him again because I've already got him and I you hear the old old-time Pentecostal say well when did you get the Holy Ghost what I got saved I didn't have to tarry I didn't have to roll around on the floor and wait I did have to get consecrated first a person who gets saved has the Holy Spirit instantaneously and could begin to pray in tongues at any moment but we were taught that you had to wait you had to tarry which was misunderstood because on the day of Pentecost the Lord told them to tarry but he told him to tarry because the Holy Spirit had not yet been poured out well now he's been poured out so we don't have to tear you'd have to wait you have to roll around on the floor you know you don't have to you know you don't have to hold on let go all these Pentecostal terminology words that we how do you print that well hold on or turn loose if I'm talking about I'm talking about 50 60 years that I've known about this almost at least 60 years and all this well-meaning people okay not trying to get something wrong and the Lord said to him I want you to begin praying in tongues well as I said he had only prayed in tongues in times of great joy or great distress as a general rule after that first time of praying tongues and he was young men and it began to study what the Lord said in his creature that the Holy Spirit comes in and bears witness with your spirit that you're a child of God remember I said earlier that's a mistranslation the word it the Spirit is not an it he's a person well a person talks the Holy Spirit then is in US came in whom were born again well it begs the question if he's in US what's he doing he's interceding the Bible tells us he makes intercession for the Saints who are the Saints that's us what's he doing he's reaching down into the innermost part of your being and my being and he's going down into the area for which we have no equivalent in human speech he's taking our deepest innermost feelings and taking them in a straight line prayer up to God he not only knows us but he knows the mind and will of the Father and we by an act of our will because Paul said I will pray in the spirit and I will pray and the word will in the Greek is determined I determined I'm going to pray in tongues and I'm gonna pray with the understanding also and because he did what I'm about to describe it totally changed his life he began to pray in tongues and tap in to the prayer of the Holy Spirit who was praying seven days a week 24 hours a day in a direct line prayer to God he joined in that prayer and after he prayed in tongues he stopped and he began to pray out loud in English and as he prayed out loud in English God gave words to him that did not come from his mind or as they came from his spirit Paul said what will I do I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding or in other words I will pray in my own link excuse me I will pray in tongues I'll give words in the spirit which I don't understand and then I will stop and begin to pray in my own language and God will give me new ideas new concepts new innovations and new and innovative ways of doing things he literally fell into it he began praying in tongues and praying in his own understanding and as he did it was like a huge lightbulb was turned on suddenly if he were here today he would confirm what I'm telling you he said suddenly son suddenly in the flash of a second I knew how to build a university I knew how to get the land which I had already paid down on I knew how to get the money I knew how to build the buildings and he wasn't an architect I knew how to get students I knew how to get faculty I knew how to do it in the flash of a second by praying in tongues and stopping and praying in his own language and he came home back to our house we went back to our house and my mother would hear him in the bedroom or in the in the bathroom praying in tongues and my mother would begin to say oral you have always been so balanced but you have gone off the deep end because she was raised as a classical Pentecostal also and he began to explain to her what I have explained to you pretty soon she was praying in tongues and praying in her understanding as well and that began to bleed over into us as children and it transformed my father's life and the proof is that he was able to do what the Lord told him to do and I know it's true as I graduated three times from there I got my bachelor's degree my master's degree and I got an earned a doctorate degree and I served in many capacities including I served as president for 15 years so I know what I'm talking about because it happened when you pray in tongues you're not speaking to two men you're speaking to God but you don't understand what you're saying but after you pray in tongues if you'll stop and begin to pray in your own language you'll be shocked what will come out of your mouth now move forward some some number of years now I'm up I'm up in my college years now and I've come back home and I've given my heart to the Lord and that evening there was a group of guys or I lived who were having a prayer meeting and they had invited me many times because I lived near them they invited me to come to their prayer meeting but I wasn't interested because I wasn't a Christian but that afternoon I had given my heart to the Lord suddenly I wanted the things of God that night was the night they were having a prayer meeting and I heard them I heard them praying I heard them speaking in in a language which was not English and so I knocked on their door and I said to them what are you doing well I knew what they were doing I've been raised in it I'd heard all my life but I'd never participated in it myself so they said we're praying in tongues would you like to join us I said I don't know how they said we'll come on in and we'll help you and I said what do I do I'm 19 I'm two weeks before my 20th birthday and they said start with us what do you mean start with you start with us say what we say and I said well now I'm not gonna pair it anybody I'm not gonna mimic you know if this is real it's not gonna be me mimicking you they said no no no no start with us and let us prime your pump [Laughter] suddenly I remember I was raised on a farm we had an old water pump on our farm and always just a little cup of water and you had to pour a little water in to pump to get a lot of water out suddenly I'd done to me what they were saying they were gonna use my starting with them like that little cup of water then we're gonna prime my pump they were gonna help me to get started in my own prayer language they said if you'll start with us the Lord will take you on into your own prayer language which would be different than ours and I knew what they were talking about they said you start with us say what we say and let the Lord just take you on into your own language I said okay and we started together and I started saying what they were saying but it wasn't more than a few seconds until the syllables coming out of my mouth were different than what they were saying I had no idea what I was saying because the Bible says I don't have any idea what I'm saying suddenly I felt better I felt that edification that the Bible talked about in 1st Corinthians 14 I felt I felt good I felt something coming up in me I felt it felt wonderful but I didn't have any information to go along with it so it was just a feeling it was a good feeling but you got to have more than a good feeling you know and then all of a sudden they said stop and begin to pray in English and I did and when I began to pray in English two or three sentences came out of my mouth that I knew did not come out of my brain and I said hey hey that's pretty good and they said do it again and so we started praying in this time a few more syllables in tongues came out of my mouth well I was not fluent there was no fluency at all just a few words because in order to to speak a language you have to speak it often in order for it to become fluent so I just got a few a few syllables and the next time I prayed in tongues there were a few more syllables and the more I prayed in tongues a few more syllables Kings and then I would stop and I would pray in English and all of a sudden ideas and insights and concepts began to come into my mind and God began to say through my own mouth what I was supposed to do with my life and suddenly I began to see all that I had experienced just as an observer in my younger years through my father and I began to understand what he went through in building the school and how the Holy Spirit allowed him and showed him how to do all these things suddenly I was experiencing it myself and I I felt like I could fly and I learned that I could pray in tongues anytime I wanted to I didn't have to wait until I was happy I didn't have to wait till I was sad I could just pray at any time at the drop of a hat I could just start praying in tongues and I could then I could stop and pray in English because remember Paul said I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding in other words you can turn it on you turned off it is not an emotional experience in itself now you certainly feel the emotion but it is not an emotional experience in itself you can stop it and you can start it just like you can take the faucet in your bathroom and turn it on and the water will flow and when you have had enough water you turned off it's under your control another in other words you don't have to do what I saw as I grew up which turned me off I saw people interrupting services rolling around the floor praying in tongues for two hours which totally out of outline and that's one of the things that turned me off when I was a boy in church because I saw a lot of people doing a lot of stupid things okay do you know anybody that stupid a minute look straight ahead don't look right or left years passed and I went through all kinds of stuff and when I was thirty thirty-one Lindsay and I got married but during those years I fell back into what I had seen I became a victim of it I didn't pray in tongues on a regular basis I I let it wane in my life and I went back to what I had seen as a boy and if you're not careful that's what happens to you I didn't pray in tongues much anymore only when I was real happy or when I was real sad and I knew that God was gonna use me in the healing ministry but it didn't know when didn't know how so Lindsay and I get married and she had them well I need to back up and tell you another story you know Kenneth Cottam can keep four stories going at the same time I'm not gonna be outdone I have to back up at this point okay we're remembering me put a pay put a paperclip right there okay remember when I say what I'm talking about remember say you just got married okay remember tell me that so I need to tell you this story cuz pastor said to me last night you need to tell the story so here's a good place to tell him Lindsay and I had had told you yesterday I believe I told you didn't I about about how we had how her mother had become a partner after her after her father died well the rest of the story is she came to law school would be a law student and that's where we met and a friend of mine had known her and said there's a real pretty Lebanese girl I want you to meet her dad is full-blood Lebanese her mother was Danish so she was half Dane half Lebanese and she had come to go to law school and my friend introduced me after a service among all the students riot preached and I'd preached a message on David and Goliath on cutting off the Giants head and I said we're gonna symbolically we're gonna cut the Giants head off of whatever it is that's coming against you may be spiritual may be physical may be financial may be some of the area of your life we're gonna cut that Giants head off tonight okay so I preached that message and we'd had a wonderful time of Prayer and afterwards my friend introduced me to her and she said I enjoyed your message and I said well thank you I appreciate that and I said to her what part did you enjoy she said the part about cutting off the Giants head okay I said well that's fine that and and so I innocently said to her what is your biggest giant she said you [Music] now you need to know I had been single for about a year and I'd planned to stay safe ever I was done with women she said I was her biggest giant how could I be her biggest giant I had never met her I've never seen her before had no idea who she was how could I be her biggest giant what kind of nut have you introduced me to you've all had some experience like that but no you just just want to just say well thank God and it ended right there and when I got home that night I what was that I couldn't get off my mind how could I be her biggest giant and so I led a couple days go by and I got her phone number and I called her and I said I don't understand how can I be your biggest giant I never met you for my life she said well the truth is and she began to tell the story about how my dad had prayed for her dad and she said how her mother had had prayed and how she wanted to go to law school but her mother wouldn't let her go anywhere else and she said I didn't want to come here in the first place and she said I had no idea that Oral Roberts had a son in the first place and as I was coming here the Lord began to speak to me about you and I told the Lord to cut it out I wasn't interested in whoever he wanted me to have a relationship with I wanted me a corporate tax attorney and I was gonna come here and get my law degree and go back to Florida where I was living and was she living in Florida Thun and and and and become a tax lawyer and I don't have she said I don't have time for you and I said well I don't remember inviting you anywhere [Applause] and so I said well let's have dinner tomorrow night she said okay so I didn't want to be with her and she did have time for me but the next night I went to pick her up at the apartment where she was living and she came to the door her and her hair I'll never forget her hair was soaking wet she had been late I was late coming from Luck class and she had run she had run three three or four miles and she had just gotten out of the shower and gotten dressed but her hair was still soaking wet her hair was all the way down here in this area and long beautiful hair and she said I'm sorry I I didn't have time to get ready I don't have time and so she put her hair up on top for him and we got to the restaurant and I said what would you say if I said to you I'd like you to take your hair down now it's still soaking wet in the restaurant and she said well actually she didn't say anything she just reached up and clips out let fall this might have some possibilities just simply asking her she takes her hair down you know that's kind of a sacred cow a lot of women and we we talked we talked for several hours and 16 weeks later we were married as thirty nine years ago and the most amazing thing was after we got married we go to bed at night and we'll start praying and she would just launch into tongues and pray in tongues and stop and pray in her own language and eyes I actually said there how do you do that I had forgotten I had forgotten how to do what I had done years before it is so far away I'd forgotten how to do it and she said well let me help you and she would begin to pray in tongues she would say just join in with me and I would join in with her and pretty soon I was praying in tongues again and I'd stop and begin to pray in English and she recharged me in the Holy Spirit and I've never had to go back and start over again all through these years now now I don't pray in tongues because I'm better than anybody else I pray in tongues because I need help Paul himself said we do not know what to pray for as we ought and we use every English word and it just seems to bounce off the ceiling and hit us in the face and we don't know what to say we don't know what to do in our own language I'll tell you in my life there are times when English just won't cut it and so as a couple we every day would pray in tongues and stop and pray in our own language we didn't announce it we didn't get up and do it publicly it's not most the time when I pray in tongues just not in public it's it's in my own private devotions I'm not doing it for show I'm not doing it to say look at me I speak in tongues no I'm trying to get help and a few years after a few years after we were married we were trying to have children and she had been told by her doctor that she would never be able to have children because she had endometriosis and which means you can get pregnant but you most likely gonna have a miscarriage and sure enough she had two or three I'm I always say - she always says three miscarriages and then she got pregnant again and carried a baby full-term and we thought well hallelujah have a baby and she carried the baby full-term and at nine months gave birth to a little boy beautiful little boy would name him Richard Orel and while he was in the hospital with her developed a breathing problem and 36 hours later he died in my arms in the intensive care and we were destroyed and we got to the memorial service and honestly I don't know how we got through it and there was a woman who walked up after the service to Lindsay and me and looked at us and said I prayed that your baby would die and I couldn't understand why she would say something like that and she said well because you were divorced and remarried I prayed your baby would die you know and I wanted to just hit her I didn't but I wanted to and I said to Lindsay you know imagine imagine the pain she must be going through in something in her life for her to say something that crew so we were we were destroyed all we knew how to do was to hold on to one another and pray and we prayed in tongues because our words in English weren't cutting it and we prayed in tongues and as we prayed in tongues and stopped and prayed on our our own language God began to say things to us in English that began to give us comfort and she had afterwards she looked at me and she said please don't ever ask me to get pregnant again and you know who could blame her she had had miscarriages now the loss of a child who could blame her and I was scheduled to go to Nigeria for Crusades in Lagos and in Benin City and in Jos and she was going to be in at home taking care of a new baby because I was supposed to go 2 weeks after the baby was due and we timed it to where she would be home and and I'd be in Africa after the baby was born and she looked at me and she said I'm going with you and I said honey you can't go you've just had a baby we've we just put our baby in the ground and you can't go I said no you didn't understand my healing is in Africa but she pointed her finger at me and said don't ever ask me to get pregnant again and I said okay so we went to we went to Nigeria and at that time I don't know if it's still true today but at that time Nigeria had the number one infant mortality rate in the world more baby more baby deaths in Nigeria than anyplace else in the world at that time and we went to that crusade and preached three days in each city many many miracles great miracles including the one I told you about yesterday with the young man who had never walked I was on that on the trip and we ministered to so many couples who had lost children and when we got back home she looked at me and she said let's try one more time and Jordan is now 34 and Katherine Olivia is now 32 and Chloe Elizabeth who we call Oral Roberts in a dress is 29 that happened because of praying in tongues and interpreting back praying in tongues is a Christians secret weapon the world can't do it the world doesn't have the Holy Spirit but you do I do and the Apostle said stir up the Holy Spirit who is in you and a lot of us need to be stirred up because we only pray in tongues at times of intense joy or intense sadness but that's not what it's for sure it's for that time as well but it's for everyday and as I say I don't do it to to make to make it look like I'm somebody special I was praying in tongues in my room this morning nobody heard it we were singing this morning I was praying in the spirit as I was sitting here as y'all were singing just trying to get Mike some clearness in my mind what the Lord want me to do today I don't advertise it and what I'm gonna do now I'm only gonna do now because I'm in a closed service like this because there are some of you who who are right with me a hundred percent and you're doing exactly what I'm doing but there are some others of you who do not have the fluency and you are now like I was you only do it in times of real happiness or extreme sadness and God has so much more for you so would you stand up for a minute one thing I learned from My Father is when there's a message there needs to be a demonstration that's the confirmation let's all just begin to pray in tongues and if you've never prayed in tongues before open your mouth and join in our prayer and let the Holy Spirit take you into your own language kela Mikasa tiannan akka so pricasso and you won't do it unless you open your mouth you will not speak unless you are a ventriloquist you'll never speak without opening your mouth Kolia Tanaka C practice at Anacostia andhaka SIA Costilla nanaka sabra casa Harriet Anika city st-pierre Tanaka so yeah that's it just pray in the spirit if you've never prayed in terms open your mouth and start with us and let the Lord take you into your own language she Lama Cassie Tia Barroso V ah ah oh yo no naka C TIA Tom Brokaw's otakus India Tanaka Sabra Casas vaasana' kisi Brea men doko sobre Casa Tanaka City Christian de Cassandra casa they are stop remember it's under the control of your will you can start and stop at will okay Paul said I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with the understanding also so you can start and you can stop it's not an out of an out of control experience okay you can stop when you decide to like you just did alright now pray again key stop cos oh yeah Sunday ah Lito I block a satanic Asiya share a case in Britannica so yachts and accustomed Brock Assad that's it stir up the Holy Spirit who is in you you don't have to go get him you already have him Cobra Saudi a Tanaka syndication broca's a motion a caseta a Tanaka Sabra is Tom Brokaw SIA now stop now begin praying out loud in English the first word that comes to your mind the very first thing that you hear start saying in English right out loud right out having English the very first words no matter what they sound like the very first words to come to your mind saying out loud now this is how you start now pray in tongues again kostia tanaka-san Baracus aha Sheila moco Saudia tanaka-san Baracus ah that's it there's some fluency coming now quiche da da da capo and the more you practice the more fluent you become new words and tongues will come even now after all these years I get new words in tongues I've never said before but I see a Tanaka salvo so bro cosa en la casa la casa schiacciata Akasaka soul - done now stop now begin to pray in English again the first words that come to your mind the very first words set it right out loud now my friends spirit of faith I don't know if I can deposit anything more valuable in your life than what I'm depositing this morning this is a way of life and I promise you on the authority of the word of God if you will begin to do what you just did and if you'll do it every day your fluency will grow you'll find you can do it anytime you want to because he's resident in you at all times and he is always interceding seven days a week 24 hours a day he's always praying in a straight line prayer to God always and at any time you choose you can tap in or join in his prayer and you can pray in tongues and you can stop and pray in English praying in English is just as important as praying in tongues because if you don't pray in English all you have is a feeling you're edified you feel better but you don't have information to go along with it and in this society in which we live you have to have information you have to know what to do I wouldn't dream of coming someplace without praying in tongues before I walk up to speak because I don't know exactly what God wants me to do I don't have this big master plan you know I don't have 65 pages of notes that I'm gonna read I mean I have some notes but I I don't use them very often you know because I'm sort of a spontaneous person and the crowd that I'm with will pull out of me what the Holy Spirit wants me to say so I I have some notes here but I haven't looked at him yet I looked at him in my room but I've been looking I'm gonna guy here because I want to flow in the Holy Spirit I want to be able to give what you need and I can't do that if I'm married to everything here now I'm quite capable of reading the whole thing you know but but because I did learn how to read as a boy I can read and that's the problem that I see in a lot of churches today and reading it it's not coming out of their spirit and I think the thing that touches my heart the most with this fellowship of churches of what your part is the openness that I feel and the hunger that I feel and the presence and Spirit of God I wish I could tell you how refreshing it is because if you had been to the places that I have been over all these many years this is not happening every place oh that it were but it's not and I want to thank all of you for allowing me the freedom to just open my heart and share with you the secrets of my life praying in tongues is your secret weapon the world can't do it honestly most Christians are not doing it they have the ability but they're not doing it but you not only can but you are and as you continue and as you do this every day it's like a muscle more you use a muscle the more you develop it you know the stronger you get and the more you pray in tongues the more language will flow and then when you pray in English invariably two things will happen you'll either be saying in English what you've been wanting to say and you didn't have the knowledge of how to say it or you'll be getting his response back to you so that suddenly you know what to do so many times in my life when I don't know what to do I just stop and pray in tongues and understanding comes I remember I was in in the largest crusade of my life in Kenya the last night there were two hundred thousand people and I've been in my hotel room studying and praying and preparing all day and they called me and said you better get here quick a huge crowd police said two hundred thousand I've never seen a crowd like that in my life and I'd studied and prayed and not prepared and I got on the platform and the Lord said to me don't preach that I said Lord I've studied and prepared all day he said well you needed the study and I said what do you want me to do 200,000 people and he said once you start praying in tongues and see what I do and so I began praying in tongues I was I was ready to walk on the platform when it happened and all of a sudden words began to come out of my mouth in English and suddenly I knew what he wanted me to do and it was totally different than what I planned but it was what he planned and that's what I want and that's the value of praying in tongues of getting the understanding got to have understanding let's pray in tongues one more time Chiti a tanaka simbra casa marshall pro Khorsandi asa ki Lama Sandy Ashton Marcos Shola maka Satya anarchism blackest at Anacostia praise you Father
Channel: Jay Eberly Ministries
Views: 488,715
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Id: Z4nbzcHPLCQ
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Length: 67min 0sec (4020 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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