Debunking Fake & Dangerous Viral Videos!

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Welcome to How To Cook That I'm Ann Reardon and  this is an episode of debunking where I take a   look at viral clips that you've sent to me to see  if they are real or fake. Let's start with this   first one from Blossom from their most viewed  video which has 110 million views! They take a   stick dip it in water then dip it in sugar put a  peg on it and let it dry then they mash up some   strawberries push them through a seive, add a  whole jug of water and the same amount of sugar   then they give that a stir and tip some of it into  a glass. They then add the sugared stick leave   it overnight and then in the morning you've got a  sugared Rock Candy Stick. This clip is definitely   fake, let me show you what would actually happen  if you were to take a stick and dip it in water   and then sugar and let that dry, then take some  strawberries and mash them up strain them through   a fine sieve, add a jug of water followed by the  same amount of sugar then heat that up and stir   it until the sugar is dissolved and pour it into  a glass. You get this pale pinky liquid with fine   bits of strawberry in it not a bright red clear  mixture and that's just the start. Let me put   it on a time lapse overnight so that you can see  what happens you can see the bits of strawberry   sinking and floating and sinking again all night  and if I pull it out in the morning you can see   the only sugar crystals on this stick are the  ones they told us to stick there at the start   and even the rest of those have dissolved so we've  got nothing on this part of the stick at all. If   we go back to their video and look more carefully  we can see that they magically have sugar crystals   growing in midair above the liquid and heaps of  them on the rest of the stick too. The step that   they forgot to mention was to buy a sugar stick  put it into the liquid and leave it ... for 1   second and and then film taking it out. This sort  of thing really bugs me because these simple safe   experiments that can be done at home are great for  getting kids interested in science and fascinated   with it but if you give them the wrong method  and then they try it and it totally fails and   nothing happens it's going to have the opposite  effect. If you did want to try this at home you   don't want to use equal parts of sugar and water  you want to use three times the amount of sugar to   the water. You can add food coloring and flavoring  if you want but don't add strawberries or anything   that's acidic because that's going to inhibit  the formation of the crystals. Now I'm going to   put this one on a time lapse overnight so that  you can see what's supposed to happen and you   can see there some tiny sugar crystals starting to  form right at the bottom of the stick. Forming big   chunky sugar crystals is quite a slow process you  can't just leave it overnight we're going to have   to leave it for days so I'll put this on to film  on a time lapse so you can watch that happen ... Look at all of those crystals! If  you pull it out of the liquid and   let it drain it's really very pretty and  the strawberry one as expected still has   absolutely nothing except for the sugar  we added at the top. Sadly it's just a   waste of people's time and ingredients.  Next Leventmiklosnagy sent in this one. Deep frying tomato ketchup I don't  want to try it but let's do it! I don't want to but I'm going maybe things are going to be all right Tomato ketchup is around 70% water and water is  denser than oil so it sinks to the bottom and   now because the oil is hotter than the boiling  temperature of water, the water very quickly   turns into steam and that steam takes up a lot  more space than the water so you get this sudden   expansion and these explosive looking bubbles  which shoot very hot oil everywhere! As well as   potentially causing burns if you're cooking over  gas this oil can hit the flames and ignite. So why   did this not happen in their video? Well despite  what it says on screen this is clearly not just   ketchup it's probably ketchup mixed with some sort  of starch like a corn flour or a wheat flour the   starch absorbs the water that's in the ketchup and  it still does evaporate when it hits the hot oil   but it's a lot slower reaction so you get all the  bubbles but it's not as violent it's not bubbling   everywhere. This is the exact same reason why you  don't add water to an oil fire because when that   water sinks and suddenly turns into steam it  just bursts everywhere. We did a video on that   some time ago if you're a longtime subscriber  and you know what recipe video this one was in   put the Emoji of that recipe in the comments and  let's just go back in time to that one. If you   overheat oil it'll first get to smoking point and  there'll be like this thick noxious smoke coming   from it and then it will get to flashpoint which  is just where it just bursts into flames all on   its own. If that ever does happen do not tip  water on it and to show you what would happen   if you did we've got a fireman at our house today.  We'll use just a little cup of water and it's just   plain tap water nothing else and then try and  put out the fire by tipping the water onto it. I felt that heat from behind the camera oh my  goodness! If that was inside the house your   kitchen would now be on fire and if you were  standing right next to the sauce pin I would   hate to think you would have horrific burns, do  not ever pour water on an oil fire and do not   try this at home. To put out an oil fire what you  should do is put an oven glove on and put the lid   on to starve it of oxygen then leave the lid on  it until it's coed right down otherwise it will   just ignite again when you open it up. Back to  current time let's say thanks to today's sponsor   June Journey. This game has beautiful graphics  it's got hand painted scenes that you have to   search through for hidden objects and for clues to  help solve a 1920s murder mystery. On each scene   it tells you down the bottom what you are hunting  for and if you can't find something then you just   need to click on the lightbulb in the corner and  it will show you where it is or what I like to do   is zoom in and you'll see down the bottom the ones  that are lit up are the ones that are currently on   the screen so it makes it a little bit easier to  find things. As well as hunting you also get to   decorate your own island and there are lots of  options here and if you change your mind later   and you want to move something around you can just  pick up what you had and move it to a different   spot, how good would it be if landscaping and  building was that easy in real life. You can   download June's Journey on iOS or Android or play  it on PC through Facebook games. I'll put a link   in the description or you can use the QR code on  screen. Next Adlad wants to know is this real? Was that a Coke Pringle ASMR video. This is  like ticking all the boxes of desperately   trying to get a viral recipe on any algorithm  nowadays but the real question is does the   recipe actually work? This video had a link to  a recipe so that's super helpful, it says you   need 180 g of chips but my packet only has 134  g in it so we're going to have to top it up. And that's really full already I'm going to  have to split this before adding in the flour. Ah, nuts! And now just because I'm curious to  see how this recipe would turn out if   you treated it like a normal bread dough  I'm going to make another batch with the   exact same ingredients and just change the method. After a second rise it has totally filled  two containers. This one is a bit over full   so I'm going to trim off the excess and then  bake them both in the oven. Okay so this is   the one mixed in the Pringles tube it's quite  heavy and solid and this is the one kneaded in   the bread machine it made double the volume so  as you'd expect it is more airy and bread-like   but still a little bit heavy. Let's put half  of one type on one side of my tray and the   other one on the other side then just add the  fillings that they had and the cheese on top   and bake again. Finally they added lots of sour  cream in to the middle and some chives on the   top. Now it's taste test time sort of a normal  bready flavor, texture no pretty pretty average. Hmm tastes like a big scoop of berley the sort  of stuff you feed to fish. The texture is stodgy,   solid that's pretty uh pretty ordinary. That's delicious! It's really B-grade it just  isn't enjoyable. It has a couple of unusual   ingredients in it that aren't usually in bread  can you detect or taste anything different? No.   It tastes a little bit sweeter but sugar's not  an unusual ingredient so maybe something like   lemonade or something it's coke. Coke. And another  ingredient Pringles. Pringles! Oh really why? The   why is always for views it's like the opposite  of trying to hide veggies in a meal to make it   more healthy this is bread with hidden junk  food in it. Next Drewyd found the chocolate   heart video for us thank you so much for sending  that in that's amazing. If you're unsure why she   would have sent that in just ask someone in  the comments and they'll explain it. Speaking   of chocolate though Tilna wants to know if I can  try this one you can create this light fluffy airy   chocolate mousse and all you need are chocolate  chips just blend them with water for about 2   minutes until creamy and smooth, pour it in a bowl  and refrigerate overnight the next day you have   chocolate mousse. Interestingly you can actually  make a mousse using just water and chocolate I've   done it before but I've never seen it done in  a blender and I have never seen it happen with   this much water to that little chocolate so let's  try this one out. This is the quantities given in   the description on their recipe and as you can see  there is a lot of water compared to Chocolate it   said to blend it for 2 minutes and after doing  that it looks like this there's still lots of   fine little bits of chocolate in water and the  written recipe says to keep blending until there   are no lumps so let's keep going and a couple  of minutes later there are no more lumps but   it doesn't look like a mousse I'm going to put  this in the fridge but I don't hold out much   hope for this one and just in case she was using  compound chocolate and not real chocolate I made   another batch and then the next morning this  is the one made with real chocolate and this   is the one that used compound chocolate. Using  compound chocolate we've got a Chocolatey milk   looking thing with a few chunks on top and the  real chocolate has a little bit of foam on it   and it's a little bit thick and chocolatey but  it's just a layer if you dig down it's liquid.   So that's disappointing. If you do want to make  a mousse out of just water and chocolate you're   going to need a lot more chocolate compared to  the amount of water that you're adding. You want   a microwave that for 30 seconds then give it a  whisk to stir it really well and then microwave   it for another 30 seconds. Whisk it again just to  make sure all the chocolate is melted and mixed   through then you want to cover it and freeze it  overnight. In the morning it looks like this it   needs to be really cold for this to work. Whip  it up with the electric beaters you need to whip   it for quite some time and at first it will look  like this which looks really cool these ribbons of   chocolate but it's not whipped enough yet so keep  going keep whipping it until it looks like this.   Now at this point you can push this a little bit  by adding some more water make sure it's chilled   from the fridge and only add in a little bit at a  time. You can get about 120 mil of extra water but   if you keep going beyond that it will split.  Even this much to me doesn't look perfect it   looks like we're just teetering on the edge of the  whole thing falling apart so you probably better   stopping a bit earlier with less water but even  this this has a lot more chocolate compared to   water than their original video did. If you find  a video you'd like to see debunk you can send it   to me on the email listed in the description just  make sure you link me to the original video. And   hey if you find a science creator or a video  that you think is amazingly good send me that   too that would make a nice change. If you enjoyed  this video make sure you like share comment and   subscribe and you might like some of these ones  too. Here is a list of absolute amazing people   who like seeing misinformation debunked online  so they became a patron and you can join them   too if you like. Make it a great week by being  kind to others and I'll see you on Friday ❤️
Channel: How To Cook That
Views: 827,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: howtocookthat, ann reardon, debunking, fake viral videos, 5 minute crafts, react, funny, entertaining, food science, timelapse, sugar crystals, youtube scientist, best, pringles, cake, 2 ingredient chocolate, growing sugar crystals at home
Id: Fsy2mZkGm3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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