Debunked! The Constitution of Medina is a Legend -The Search for Muhammad - Episode 10

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[Music] hello everyone uh welcome back to another episode of this fascinating series uh concerning the search for muhammad this is al-fadi and with me here in studio is dr jay smith and today we're going to take a look at yet another evidence that typically is used to confirm the existence of muhammad however dr j as he did last time will show us how this particular piece of evidence known today as the constitution of medina uh can be debunked actually in other words showing that really it doesn't serve the purpose it is intended for in the first place and that's to prove the existence of the traditional muhammad dr jay thank you again for the work that you've been doing what is wrong with this particular document that myself growing up i was aware of it of course and i've used it always to confirm to myself that the prophet that i follow in is a real person that existed in the time that i'm told that he was there yeah and this is known as the constitution medina there are other names given to it it supposedly is a constitution that muhammad used when he moved after the hijrah in 622 up from mecca medina he was a he was a guest to medina he didn't grow up there he came from mecca that he'd been there off since 570 when he was born so he was moving into a new place he was asked to come there by the unsaid who are the natives who had a problem with the jews who were the ones that controlled the commerce and so there was this rivalry between the native arabs and the jews which tends to happen in an awful lot of places and they needed someone who is neutral and so he was chosen as that he was having a lot of problems with people in mecca already because of his revelation and his stipulations all these rules and regulations that were coming up from these revelations and so as he moved then in 622 the first thing he did according to tradition now everything i'm telling you is according to tradition we've already debunked the hijra uh in a previous episode when we saw that this had nothing to do with muhammad it had to do with miraculous destroying the sasanians in 622 and we're going to find out about ilyas ibn kabisa who is actually then given the responsibility to arbitrate which is fascinating he's doing the arbor trading in the 7th century now it's muhammad who's doing the arbor trading in the 9th century do you see both of them named muhammad fascinating yeah and this case this is down in medina the ilias ibn kabisa who's doing the arbitrating is up in hira which is today kufa now here he is according to the tradition the 9th century traditions here is muhammad he comes to medina and he needs he knows that there's a problem between the jews and the unsung so what does he do he creates this constitution some say it's uh it's 50 articles some say it's 24 articles there are many different renditions of it which shows you in and of itself that there is a problem here because they can't find the original there is no original and and that's one of the first things right off the top end where is this original just like where is waldo where is this quran where is muhammad where is any of this material where is this constitution medina lo and behold the first time we even hear about it is with ibn hisham in 8 33. so there's nothing before the 9th century that even refers to this constitution that's another big problem a huge big flag let's look at the slide and let's just bring this up now i've got a picture of that is nothing more than someone writing up a constitution medina and putting up on wikipedia that is that's a facsimile that is not the constitution okay i've heard people say ah so you're showing it you're asking where it is no that's i could have made that anybody could make that and you notice this one has let's see it has nine plus eight plus ten so you're this is only about a thirty about thirty uh supposedly 56. what's fascinating is when you look at this this is supposedly a document that's now an arbitration and it's there are three parties that are included the mod are those that come with muhammad from mecca the ansar are those of the natives who are in medina the arabs and the media and then the baanuka ban on the quran the three major jewish tribes fascinating those three names of the three jewish tribes are not on this constitution they did not sign it even that is a problem in and of itself we're not going to get into that we're looking at the history of three major tribes they are the three only three major tribes all of whom were thrown out of medina within five years you know of course the koreans were the ones who were all then executed 800 them in 627 but their names are not on it because you'll hear lots of muslims say the reason why they had to be executed and thrown out is because they reneged on this constitution that's true i mean you always hear that the the reason why they uh you know muhammad couldn't trust them anymore because they did renege and they changed their mind about it and turned their back on how can you read something you've not you've not signed right because all the signatures are on the constitution they're all there of who signed this condition those names are are conspicuously missing now let's get back to this because that's not what we're arguing about today well we're arguing is this historical did it exist and let's look at the problems certainly muslims love it because it seems like a great model for all of mankind until you look at it a little more carefully and you see it's not a model for any mankind and it looks like it keeps changing with the centuries and looks like this is the modern rendition that is now been introduced now in the 21st century first of all you'll notice that's very pro-jewish yet there are no jewish records of this and what the reason why there are no jewish records as our good friend right here this guy right here this is robert hoyland who wrote this book called seeing islam as others see it saw it you mentioned this uh in one of our previous episodes this is considered to be the standard work on everything that was written around the time of the seventh century around the time of when muhammad would have been living and he used because there's nothing from any islamic sources there's nothing islamic in here because they just don't exist so what has he done he's gone to all the surrounding areas around arabia and has looked at all the documents that you can have and so he is the one that is very clear there is nothing jewish that far south heek makes that claim they can't find anything and there are no jews living in medina so who are these banakai nukabana nadir and banana kuraiza family that are in the 9th century traditions redacted back to the 7th century these are written 240 i'm sorry 200 years later 201 years later by ibn hisham 240 years with al-buhari redacting it back they got that huge problem right there as a historical anachronism and so that's why we're doubting that this is not only authoritative it just doesn't make sense historically the second thing well that's the second thing the third thing it contradicts the siddha and the hadith treatment of jews when you look at the surah and the hadith they are apps i mean they're horrendous what they say about jews the way the jews were treated look at look at the jews in in just and khaibar especially look what muhammad does to the jews there huge it's enormous he's cruel he executes has coal put on the chest of one jew because he won't show where his treasury was i mean you can see just the the the enormous amount of cruelty in the syrah they hated jews it was an enormous amount of jews so when muslims say ah but this is what really muhammad was all about well then they're going to have to go and confront their own tradition because the hadith are the traditions of what muhammad said and did from the 9th century so this confronts those because it shows just the opposite of what the later traditions say uh they were treated the jews how they were treated number four the islands for the constitution are completely confused because you have conf confronting isanadz with different versions of islam which shows that there was an awful lot of confusion but this makes sense because who created the islam do you know the person that created the islands no shafi from the shafi school of islamic law oh you're talking about uh the science of islam the science of islam i'm sorry i should have said it correctly that shafi is the one that actually i thought you were talking about this not for this document no no no the whole science of islam was created by shafi in 8 20 8 20. well that's just the school of shocking school started around that time and he is the one that said that an islam must be traced all the way back to a companion of the prophet right and there is something called the el mor-rijal or the science of men to ensure authenticity their character everything else shocked who's reading in the 1950s uh the german scholar he is a ma he is that was his area of expertise was the the the martin in the isla uh the akhbars and he says if you take a look uh anything that comes before 820 that is attributed before 8 20 like ibn is which is not there's nothing there but he says if interestingly all the traditions say that all the islams before they were they would go in all directions they would not go to back hardly any of them would go back to muhammad himself and that's why shafi then introduced this notion that you have to have is not going all the way back to muhammad well how can you suddenly create islands in the 9th century of people who said this who said this you said this unless of course this is all fictitious can you see that in and of itself to make that stipulation and have a new rule that late in the ninth century 200 years later suggests to me this is all concocted and this is what shock said therefore you can't trust any of these well i mean that you know brother um i want to remind our muslim audience who are watching right now you know uh brothers and sisters in islam okay i'm gonna tell you this i love you you are going to notice and i hope you're paying attention to all of the data that we've been sharing with you everything we grow up knowing me myself as a former muslim of course everything we know about islam you'll always find it a later innovation that's what i want to call it a later innovation why redacted back to the time frame that you and i are told about when islam started it when the quran was revealed when muhammad lived and so on and so forth that's what you're seeing that's why you have a good thing that's what you have this is exactly the same thing now here is the problem i have i'm going to look at some areas that i have take a look at the very first article the very first article stipulates that muhammad is going to be an arbiter between man and god would you allow muhammad to be an arbiter between your your god and you i don't think so because jesus is my arbiter and second of all this is this is foreign you know kind of like idea it's it's added to muhammad at a later time uh simply because jesus is our intercessor in this case the jews were asked to sign this what jew would sign a document which starts with its article saying that muhammad is now the arbiter between their god and them and they're still waiting for the messiah i would sign that kind of article i mean the ones who created the ground where they are i mean thinking this through to stipulate and say now oh now i've just come from mecca i've never lived here before i've only been here one or two years if this was that with this was created in 622 between 622-624 i'm a guest here but i'm going to be your arbiter i'm going to be your intermission intermediary everything has to go through me now and your god what kind of idiot would sign a treaty like that not me not any jew the jews who rejected jesus the messiah they're gonna accept muhammad who who is not even well known he's not even a native and remember what did the jews do when they came there they started writing poetic verse against him and they quizzed them on everything and what happened to us gone with the wind well right through the heart she was stabbed through the heart by umad his disciple of muhammad while she was suckling her baby they're in bed she had six children in the middle of the night here comes umar who is who the prophet said who's going to take care of this woman for me he stabbed her through her heart came the next morning told muhammad what he had done and he said no two goats well and what did muhammad say to him blessed are you for what you have done for your prophet that's right perfectly accepted and what was her crying she wrote poetic verse against him that's all she did was write a poem in poem again so what happened to this constitution when she wrote the poems exactly now who is knowing that that's what muhammad is the kind of guy he is and that's the kind of thing he's accepted who would have signed that in the treaty no wonder the banu kanuka no wonder the bone in the deer and no wonder i don't even think they existed there were no jews in medina as we're now finding historically let me let me play the devil's advocate uh jay because you're going to hear this question probably from um muslims who claim themselves to be like the authority let's say yes or katie or others like him they're going to say well wait a minute you just told me that benny that didn't exist in the 7th century they existed maybe later but yet you're claiming that muhammad slaughtered them also in the seventh century so how can we reconcile this exactly when did he slaughter them he slaughtered them in 624 wait he didn't slaughter them in 624 he threw them out 625 he threw them out the ones that came slaughtered were in 627. this constitution supposedly was written in 622. so you're talking about constitution we're debunking the constitution and we're also debunking any notion that it's historically valid because it it for not only there it's that it's for between it's for the jews and the unsung there were no jews there so that's the first debunking but secondly no jew would ever sign it to begin with no wonder they didn't sign it no wonder so how could this be a constitution that is a model for all of mankind so how would this then apply to the historicity of muhammad or lack of because and this and when muslims say this is a proof that he existed no it isn't it's a proof that this is a fraud created by ibn hisham because that's the first time we hear it that's not to the 9th century redacted back on you know what we're saying to redact redact redact all the time if you attach him to the document this is just another one of that just debunked the document okay but so my conclusion now let's go back to the slide the historians like hoyland right here and pat andrews who is also study this consider a fraud because there was first of all no jews that far south and the only source where it comes from the ninth century muslim tradition imminent way too late and way too far away thus it's nothing more than legend all right well we have two legends so far that we have debunked the first one had to do with the astronomy letter and this one is the constitution of medina what is the next one next one we're going to do doctrine iakobi now before we enter this you know this also debunks the impact of umar oh please uh is much the same thing exactly same problem it is written by ibn hisham that's the first time you hear it from the 9th century redacted back that pack we don't have any reference before that time so just like this one is debunked from because it's too late and it's saying the wrong things so would be the pact of umar we don't even have any reference to umar we don't even know that he was a caliph there is nothing on the coins there's nothing on the descriptions about this guy the first time we hear about him is not till ibn hisham introduces him in 833 muhammad died in 632 umar supposedly was the caliph between 634 and 644. bingo you've got a problem there if he doesn't no one heard about him yet he is a calf and he owns all this land from tripoli all the way to afghanistan and yet there's no coins about him there's nothing riffing on anything rock inscriptions about him then that suggests to me he did not exist yes a man named uma did exist it's a very popular name but not a caliph name umar and certainly not anybody that would have had a pact in this case with the jews again again there are no jews there so how can he have impacted the jews in medina just like we saw with with the constitution medina that you throw out you also throw out the pact of muhammad now the next what we're going to be doing is looking at the doctrineia kobe and then we're going to also include that the writings of sebas so bring we'll bring those two in the next episode wonderful thank you so much brother thank you everyone for joining us here hopefully you are enjoying this series and these amazing of course documentations and issues that we are raising here i'm hoping that everyone will benefit from it if you are a muslim watching this all we ask you is to do this simple thing go and research the information we're providing to you on your own don't listen to me don't listen to jay don't listen to anyone the lord has given you an amazing ability to reason to think for yourself to decide on your own and at the end of the day my hope is this that you will find the truth in christ jesus our lord until then have a blessed day thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video we can't make these quality videos without the help of partners like you so please consider becoming a patreon supporter today at forward slash sierra international i want to make sure you always get notified when we release a new video so please click the bell to be notified and of 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Channel: CIRA International
Views: 21,263
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Keywords: al fadi, quran, mohammad, scripture, david wood, sam shamoun, shamounian, holy quaran, islamic theology, arabic, Qira'at Quran Conundrum, Quran, Qira'at, Al Fadi, Dr Jay Smith, CIRA International, more than one Quran, versions of the Quran, Muslims, holy quran, muhammad, the search for muhammad, did muhammad even exist, how can we trust the quran, constitution of medina
Id: TK4nLovUIjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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