Islamic Prophets Family Tree | The Bible and Quran Compared

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last year on this channel i did a video series about the biblical family tree which primarily focused on the characters from the hebrew bible a book that is used by both jews and christians well today i'm going to show you the family tree of islamic prophets specifically the 25 prophets that are mentioned by name in the quran you'll notice that many of the names on the islamic tree are pretty much the same as the names on the biblical tree however there are a few subtle differences so as we go through i'll be pointing these out in my video about jesus i made it clear that i myself am not a christian and i therefore approached the topic from a purely academic perspective well since this video is about the quran i feel that i should also mention that i myself am not a muslim and that therefore once again i'll be approaching the topic as an academic not as a follower of the religion if you want to get a copy of either this poster or the poster about the biblical family tree you can head over to our website [Music] [Music] so the first thing you'll notice about the islamic version of the family tree is that it does not include any images of the various people on it most people are familiar with the fact that muslims consider it offensive to draw or make any lifelike depiction of the prophet muhammad well generally speaking this rule applies to all of the islamic prophets not just to muhammad so that's why i've chosen to use icons made out of calligraphy instead and by the way the artwork was done by my good friend siawish from the islamic history channel al-mukhama so shout out to him for his great work like the biblical family tree the islamic version starts with adam and eve the first man and first woman although in islam eve is usually called hawa another major difference that i should point out is the fact that the 25 individuals highlighted on the islamic chart are all considered to be prophets whereas on the biblical chart the word profit is only used for certain individuals such as moses or elijah so for example in islam adam is seen as being a prophet whereas in judaism and christianity he is not according to one islamic tradition adam and hawa had two sets of twins a boy named kabil who had a twin sister named iklimia and a boy named habil who had a twin sister named la yuda those familiar with the bible will recognize the two boys as being cain and abel anyhow adam arranged for kabil to marry habil's twin sister and habil to marry kabil's twin sister but as the story goes kabil got angry because he felt that his own twin sister was more attractive and therefore he wanted to marry her instead this along with other reasons eventually led to kabil killing his younger brother habil thus the line continues through a third brother known as sheth or seth now in my video about the bible's version of this tree a lot of people asked if adam and eve were the first humans who did seth mary well according to the various abrahamic traditions adam and eve had many other children beyond those listed by name and therefore seth would presumably have married one of his sisters but at this point i should remind you that according to my own opinion and the opinion of most professional historians today when it comes to these very early stories we are actually dealing with mythology not real history so we shouldn't interpret the details as being literal anyway however i also want to point out that viewing adam and eve as non-historical does not automatically make a person an atheist i'm actually jewish and although i view most of the bible as being myth and legend i still find it to be a pretty important book i know that many other jews as well as many christians and muslims hold similar positions but since this video is simply about the family tree as traditionally understood by islam i won't go into the various scientific and theological debates for now let's just continue looking at the tree the next major prophet in islam is idris and he's generally seen as being the equivalent of the biblical enoch in fact all of the names from shaith to idris as well as beyond pretty much match up with the names given in the hebrew bible the spelling which is based on arabic is just a little bit different according to islamic tradition idris was the first human to use a pen and the first to pursue astronomy and other sciences he was also the great grandfather of new better known in the west as noah you'll notice that i made news box a little bigger as well as several of the other later boxes such as ibrahims and musas this is because these prophets are known as the ulul azmi or arch prophets lul azmi literally means the unwavering ones and out of the 25 only five are given this special designation nu of course is best known as being the man who built the ark and who thus survived the great flood along with a few other humans and a bunch of animals one main difference between the bible's version and the quran's version is that in the quran nu had four sons instead of just three and that his fourth son drowned in the flood as well as neu's wife in both cases because they did not believe noah's message the next two prophets hud and are not characters found in the hebrew bible hud might correspond to a briefly mentioned descendant of noah named eber but salih is not mentioned at all however in the quran there's a story about a tribe in arabia called the thamud who demanded salih give them a sign from allah now note that in arabic allah simply means god it's not a proper name or anything so i'll be using the two terms allah and god interchangeably so anyway in response to the demand god made a female camel miraculously appear out of a stone and provide them with milk every second day but eventually the people injured the camel and for this their city was destroyed in an earthquake we now come to the second of the five arch prophets ibrahim better known to christians and jews as abraham at this point there's a very important split in the tree as well as several major differences between the quranic version of events and the biblical version of events according to both traditions ibrahim had two main sons ismail and ishaq also known as ishmael and isaac ismail is the ancestor of the arab people and therefore of the prophet muhammad whereas ishaq is the ancestor of banu israel meaning the house of israel islamic tradition has many tales about ibrahim that are not found in the bible for example there is much more information about ibrahim's life in mesopotamia before he traveled to the land of canaan one famous story has him being thrown into a large fire for promoting monotheism and in that story he walks out unharmed but the most important difference between the islamic version of ibrahim's life and the biblical version concerns the sacrifice of his son in the bible ibrahim is commanded to sacrifice his second born son ishaq whereas in the quran although the name of the son is not given the person in the sacrifice is generally understood to have been ibrahim's firstborn son ismail in islam both isma'il and ishaq are considered to have been prophets as well as ibrahim's nephew lut lut is the equivalent of the biblical lot and in islam the story of god destroying the cities of sodom and gomorrah pretty much mirrors the biblical story however islamic tradition has a lot more detail about ismail according to muslims ibrahim took ismail to mecca where together they built the kaaba which today is the most sacred site in islam when muslims pray they always pray in the direction of the kaaba and one of the pillars of islam is the requirement to make a pilgrimage to the kaaba at least once in a person's life if they are able there's a famous story that occurred just after the kaaba was built when ibrahim was about to leave ismail with his mother hagar in mecca hagar asked who will take care of us to which ibrahim replied allah will after they are left alone they eventually run out of water and hagar runs between two nearby hills safa and marwa seven times searching for water when she returns to ismail empty-handed a miraculous spring suddenly appears which is now known as the zamzam well today the pilgrimage to mecca often includes traveling between the two hills seven times like hagar did and then a drink from the well all of the remaining prophets come from the line of ishaq with the exception of shuib and muhammad after ishaq came his son yakub who is jacob and yusuf who is joseph in the quran most of the prophets are mentioned often in passing here and there throughout the book as opposed to in just one place however yusuf is unique in that his story is told well as a story the chapter of the quran that deals with yusuf is one of the most detailed narratives in the whole book generally the story follows that of the biblical account with a few extra details basically jakub had 12 sons out of which yusuf was his favorite his other brothers were jealous and ended up throwing him in a well where he ends up being sold as a slave to egypt to a man named al-aziz who in the bible is known as potiphar years later al-aziz's wife becomes infatuated with yusuf in christian tradition the name of potiphar's wife is not given but in islamic tradition it is zulekha because of zulekha yusuf is eventually put in prison where he ends up becoming known as a person who can interpret dreams to make a long story short he ends up correctly interpreting the dreams of the pharaoh for which he is then made vizier or prime minister of the entire country the next two prophets do not come from the line of yakub in islam ayub who is known as job in the bible is thought to have been a descendant of youkub's brother aka esau whereas shoib is thought to have been a descendant of another son of ibrahim known as madiyan interestingly although islam originated in arabia only four of the 25 prophets named in the quran lived there shoib is one of those four the others being hud and salih who i mentioned earlier and of course muhammad i should also mention that although only 25 prophets are mentioned in the quran it is traditionally understood that there were about 124 000 prophets so perhaps there were more in arabia that were simply not mentioned anyhow most scholars believe that shoib is the person who is called jethro in the hebrew bible he was a priest in the land of midian which is located next to the sinai peninsula and it was his daughter sephora in hebrew zipporah who became the wife of the next major prophet of islam musa musa better known in the english-speaking world as moses was the third of the five ullul azmi or arch prophets and in fact his name is mentioned in the quran more than any other prophet showing up a total of 135 times musa and his brother haroon known in english as aaron are primarily associated with the exodus story i won't go through that story in this video because most people are already familiar with it and also i'll be doing an entire episode on moses next week but i will mention that musa is the first of four prophets to be associated with the giving of a holy book obviously the quran is the most holy book in islam however there are three other books that muslims consider to be holy and all three of these are mentioned by name in the quran itself the first is the tarat better known as the torah which was supposedly written down by musa because of his association with the torah musa or moses is of course one of the most important prophets in judaism and is in fact generally considered to be the founder of the jewish religion like i said i'll be doing an entire episode on moses next week particularly looking at his potential existence from a historical perspective so i won't say much about him now next we come to the most mysterious of the 25 prophets vu kifil in fact some muslim scholars do not consider this person to have been a prophet at all he is only mentioned in the quran twice and there is no agreement on which bible character if any he might correspond with the leading theory is that he is the same person as the biblical prophet ezekiel but again this is debated the only thing we really know about him is that he preached in babylon and that his name means owner of the double next on the list are the only two individuals who at the same time as being prophets also held the title of king dawud and suleiman in english david and solomon this father and son pair descend from a son of yakub named yahudah or judah whereas musa and haroon come from a son named lawy or levi like musa daoud is associated with a specific holy book in this case a book called the zaboor generally speaking the zaboor is thought to correspond to the book of the bible known as the psalms i'll also point out that suleiman is a name that has been used by many islamic monarchs over the centuries most notably by the greatest of the ottoman sultans suleiman the magnificent next up comes the prophet ilyas and his successor aliyasa both of whom are thought in islamic tradition to be descendants of haroon and who correspond to the biblical elijah and elisha like in the bible in islam elias is said to have prophesied during the reign of an israelite king named ahab if you watched my series on biblical genealogy you'll know that ahab is important in that he is one of the earliest characters in the bible and thus in islamic tradition as well for which we have indisputable evidence for in the archaeological record in islam ilias is often associated with a figure called kidr although he is not mentioned by name in the quran kiddur appears in the accounts of several prophets most notably elias who exactly kidr was or is is up for debate some see him as kind of an angel whereas others see him as more of a saint i should also mention that although ilias or elijah isn't considered to be one of the arch prophets in islam he is generally considered to be one of the two most important prophets in judaism the other being moses okay another prophet mentioned in the quran is yunus who corresponds to the biblical jonah who was the prophet who got swallowed by a giant fish we then come to zachariah yahya and issa all characters who appear in the christian new testament not in the hebrew bible which christians call the old testament zachariah was a priest and was the father of yahya who in the new testament is known as john the baptist according to the qur'an zacharia's wife had a sister who was married to an elderly man named imran imran was the father of maryam but then after imran's death maryam came under the guardianship of her uncle zakaria maryam is of course the woman better known to christians as mary however maryam is also a very important figure in islam in fact some muslims albeit a small minority see maryam herself as a prophet of course even more well-known than maryam is her son isa known to christians as jesus in both christianity and islam mary is said to have given birth to jesus as a virgin however according to christians jesus did have a father and that father was god but according to islam isa simply did not have a father so for muslims isa is not the son of god he is however considered to be the messiah and one of the five arch prophets he is said to have received the third of the four holy books of islam a book called injil injil means gospel and muslims believe that there was once an original gospel revealed to isa but now lost upon which the four surviving new testament gospels were based the final thing to note about isa is that many muslims like many christians believe in some sort of second coming or return of jesus which will occur at the end of history okay we now come to the most important prophet in islam the fifth of the five ullul azmi the prophet muhammad according to islam muhammad was the final prophet and is hence known as the katam an nbn which means the seal of the prophets in other words after muhammad allah's direct communication with his human servants ended and was sealed off according to islam allah revealed to muhammad the final and most important book of all the quran but for muslims the quran is not just a book it's the literal word of god and not a single part of it can be changed or even adequately translated into another language it differs from the bible in that whereas the bible is usually seen as being divinely inspired muslims believe that the quran was not just inspired by god it was literally dictated word for word in classical arabic by allah to muhammad as i mentioned earlier muhammad is said to be a descendant of isma'il the genealogy is not actually given in the quran but there is a well-established tradition that traces his line back to a patrilineal ancestor named adnan who in turn was said to have been a descendant of isma'il from early islamic tradition we also have quite a lot of details about the prophet muhammad's immediate family for example we know the name of his father his mother and many of his wives the first of which was named khadijah only four of his biological children lived to adulthood all four being daughters that he had with khadijah however of these four daughters only one fatima has descendants that are still living today through her sons hassan and hussein fatima married muhammad's first cousin ali according to shia muslims ali was the legitimate successor of muhammad whereas according to sunni muslims muhammad was first succeeded by his father-in-law abu bakr second by his father-in-law umar third by his son-in-law utman and then fourth by ali sunni muslims consider these four men to have been the first four caliphs of islam and they refer to them as the rashidun meaning the rightly guided ones after the death of ali the caliphate was first held by the umayyad dynasty the family of utman and then by the abbasid dynasty you can see from the chart that these dynasties note that the amayas used the white flag and the abbasids used the black flag were both closely related to the prophet however neither were his descendants for more information on the family tree of muhammad as well as of the umayyad and abbasid caliphs you can check out the two videos done on this topic by useful charts and al mukadma i'll leave a link to those in the description finally remember how i mentioned earlier that i'd be doing a full episode on moses next week well that video will actually be part of a series that will also include videos by the channel's let's talk religion and al mukharma while i as a jew will be talking about the historical evidence for moses let's talk religion we'll be discussing the historical evidence for jesus and al-mukharima will be discussing the historical evidence for muhammad so if you're interested in learning more about the history surrounding islam's final prophet as well as both musa and issa you'll want to keep an eye out for that once again if you want a copy of this poster you can head over to our website thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: UsefulCharts
Views: 3,523,438
Rating: 4.8192115 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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