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Corpus Christi is one of the most intriguing festivals in the Christian tradition and perhaps due to its complexity it is not celebrated by all denominations despite spanning Generations over thousands of years its true origin and meaning remain unknown to many in fact the story of Corpus Christie is often distorted and misunderstood even by many Christians who fail to grasp its true significance however from now on we will uncover together what really happened without further Ado let's start the video the whole story begins in the year 1263 at that time Europe was a mosaic of fervent beliefs and intense religious practices amid this setting there was a priest from Prague a city in the north of Italy this priest named Peter was experiencing a great crisis of Faith he had doubts about the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist a problem that deeply tormented his soul determined to find answers and strengthen his faith the priest decided to make a pilgrimage to Rome the Eternal City in those times many Believers made pilgrimages to the tombs of the Apostles St Peter and St Paul in Rome seeking an increase in faith and divine Graces so Peter set off from prag Crossing various regions on his spiritual journey along the way he decided to stop in in the town of balena balena was known for its Devotion to St Christina a virgin and Martyr from the third or fourth Century the town of bolena with its enormous and beautiful Lake was a place of great faith and religious history St Christina was called the saint of misfortunes due to the numerous martyrdom attempts she endured because of her faith born into a pagan family St Christina converted to Christianity at a young age despite her parents objections her Devotion to the Christian faith aroused the anger of her own father who held a prominent position in the town of bolena determined to make her renounce her faith her father subjected her to a series of tortures and attempts on her life however according to tradition all attempts to kill her failed due to miraculous interventions finally he decided to tie a heavy Stone to Christina's body and throw her into Lake bolena believing this would kill her however a miracle occurred instead of sinking the stone to which St Christina was tied miraculously floated on the water's surface sustaining her and preventing her from drowning if you're curious to find out what happens next please click the like button subscribe to the channel and keep watching the video as the stone floated St Christina remained on it protected by divine intervention this surprising and miraculous event witnessed God's protection of St Christina amid difficulties moreover as St Christina floated on the stone her Footprints remained marked on it to this day these Footprints became tangible evidence of the miracle that had occurred and a sacred Relic for the faithful the footprints have been preserved over the centuries as a symbol of St Christina's presence and the divine intervention that saved her from certain death St Christina's footprints on the stone became an object of veneration and devotion for local Christians and pilgrims who visited bolena seeking healing protection and spiritual guidance this miraculous event caused Christina's father upon witnessing The Prodigy to suffer a collapse and die Christina though she survived continued to face multiple attempts at martyrdom but was always saved by Divine interventions until her death the Devotion to St Christina was intense in balena and many pilgrims visited her tomb seeking blessings it was in this atmosphere of religious fervor that the priest Peter decided to celebrate a mass asking for St Christina's intercession to strengthen en his faith in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist during the mass celebrated by Father Peter in the town of balena something truly extraordinary happened Peter still struggling with his crisis of Faith regarding the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist lifted the consecrated host during the moment of consecration it was then that the host began to bleed blood flowed from The Host staining his hands and the Corporal a square cloth placed on the altar this unexpected and miraculous event astonished not only Peter but also the faithful present who observed the miracle with awe and reverence Father Peter overwhelmed by a mix of emotion astonishment and spiritual relief could not continue the celebration of the mass he carefully placed the bleeding host on the Corporal and filled with tears of joy and renewed devotion headed to the sacri y as he moved drops of blood fell on the floor and the steps of the altar leaving indelible marks that would be preserved as sacred relics the news of the miracle quickly spread throughout the church and other priests came to verify what had happened they were all impressed by the visible evidence of the miracle the bloodstained Corporal and the blooded stones with a heart full of gratitude and still in shock pet Peter decided to take the bloodstained Corporal and Report the miracle directly to Pope Urban IV who was in the nearby town of orvietto upon arriving in orvietto Peter recounted the event in detail to the Pope the pope deeply moved by the account recognized the miracle as a Divine sign of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist he recalled the vision received by St Juliana of li who had identified the need for a specific Feast to celebrate the Eucharist here it is worth pausing to explain this beautiful and intriguing story in more detail St Juliana of Li played a crucial role in the origin of the Feast of Corpus Christi in the early 13th century Juliana a young nun of 16 began to experience mystical Visions revealing the need for a special celebration dedicated to the Eucharist in one of these Visions she saw a bright white disc with a dark spot on one side this image intrigued her deeply and she spent many years in prayer seeking to understand its meaning after a period of spiritual discernment Juliana finally understood that the white disc represented the church and its Devotion to the Eucharist however the dark spot symbolized the absence of a specific Feast that add adequately honored the Blessed Sacrament although there was already the celebration of Holy Thursday which commemorated the institution of the Eucharist this Feast was also associated with the sorrow of Christ's passion Juliana realized that Jesus desired a joyful and solemn Feast dedicated exclusively to the glory of the Eucharist reluctant to reveal her Visions Juliana hesitated for 20 years until she finally found the courage to share her experience with a trusted priest named jacqu pantalon he firmly believed in the authenticity of Juliana's visions and encouraged her to spread her message however time passed and Juliana eventually died with her Visions Falling Into Obscurity years later the priest Jac pantalon the only person who knew about Juliana's Visions became Pope Urban IV Pope Urban the forth upon hearing the account from Father Peter was deeply moved and immediately recognized the significance of the miracle with a keen spiritual intuition and the memory of St Juliana of Li's Vision which had foreseen the need for a feast dedicated to the Eucharist the pope understood that this miracle was a Divine sign he decided to act swiftly to confirm the authenticity of the event and initiate the spread of the miracle and the establishment of a new lurgical Feast to verify the veracity of the miracle Pope Urban I for convened a group of trusted theologians and experts including the renowned St Thomas aquinus and St Bonaventure these men known for their wisdom and Holiness were sent to balena to investigate the occurrence and examine the relics St Thomas aquinus and St Bonaventure along with other theologian s conducted a thorough analysis of the evidence they studied the bloodstained Corporal the blooded stones and collected testimonies from the faithful who witnessed the miracle once the authenticity of the miracle was confirmed the committee of theologians began organizing the return to aletto bringing with them the precious relics including the bloodstained Corporal the news of the miracle had already begun to spread and as the committee left balena many local faithful filled with emotion and reverence started to follow them this crowd continued to grow as they Advanced with people from various nearby Villages and towns joining the procession as the procession neared ovetto Pope Urban IV informed of the successful verification and the approach of the miraculous relics decided to go out to meet the procession the pope accompanied by clergy and church dignitaries descended from his ceremonial vehicle as they approached the bridge where the theologians and the procession of faithful were arriving when the procession reached the bridge it was a moment of great solemnity and emotion Pope Urban I four wearing his pontifical vestments knelt in adoration before the Eucharist represented by the miraculous relics he reverently received the Blood Stained Corporal and the consecrated host and together with the procession began walking towards the city of orvietto this event marked the first Eucharistic procession which would become a central element in the celebration of Corpus Christi Pope Urban IV convinced by the theologians verification and the profound spiritual significance of the event decided to establish a solemn Feast to honor the Eucharist in 1264 he issued the bull transitus decreeing the creation of the Feast of Corpus Christi the bull emphasized the need to reaffirm faith in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist especially during a period when various heresies were questioning this Doctrine the pope saw the feast as a means to strengthen the faith of the faithful and promote Eucharistic devotion he also highlighted the role of Eucharistic Miracles such as the one at Bola as Divine signs confirming the truth of Christ's presence in the consecrated Bread and Wine following the decree of the feast Pope Urban I for took steps to ensure that the new celebration would be marked by a rich and deeply spiritual liturgy understanding the importance of an appropriate right that captured the essence and glory of the Eucharist the pope called upon some of the most renowned theologians of his time to compose the hymn and prayers to be used in the solemnity among the theologians summoned were St Thomas aquinus and St Bonaventure both intellectual and spiritual Giants of the 13th century when the time came to unveil the hymns all the theologians gathered in the presence of the Pope St Thomas aquinus known for his profound scholarship and spirituality was the first to present his composition St Thomas began to recite his hymn the louder seon praise o this hymn through richly crafted verses expresses the belief in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist and the reverence due to this Sacrament St Thomas's performance was so marvelous and inspiring that all the other theologians present remained silent deeply moved by the Perfection and spirituality of his words with great humility and re recognition of the superiority of St Thomas's work each of them tore up their own manuscripts acknowledging that St Thomas's himym perfectly captured the spirit and purpose of the new Feast thus the louder Sion became the official Hymn of the Feast of Corpus Christi this event not only highlighted the extraordinary theological and poetic skill of St Thomas aquinus but also underscored the unity and humility among the greatest theologians of the church in recognizing the most suitable work to glorify the Eucharist the first celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi instituted by Pope Urban I four marked a moment of profound devotion and joy in the church the festivity was meticulously planned to emphasize the importance of the Eucharist and reinforce faith in the real presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament the inaugural celebration of Corpus Christi featured a Solem Eucharistic procession an event that would become a central tradition of the feast during this procession the Blessed Sacrament was carried through the streets in a monstrance allowing the faithful to worship and honor the presence of Christ in the Eucharist the city of oreto where Pope Urban for was temporarily residing became the epicenter of this celebration the importance of oreto in the history of Corpus Christi was highlighted by the construction struction of a magnificent Cathedral designed to house and preserve the bloodstained Corporal the main relic of the Bola Miracle the Cathedral of orvietto known as the dwomo DI orvietto began Construction in 1290 a few years after the institution of the feast this Cathedral is a masterpiece of Italian Gothic architecture with its richly decorated facade and impressive Interiors thus the first celebration of Corpus Christi and the construction of the Cathedral of orvietto are interl events that established a lasting Legacy of Eucharistic devotion celebrating the bolsena miracle and the vision of St Juliana of liage these events continue to inspire and strengthen the faith of many Christians reaffirming the centrality of the Eucharist in the life of the church and the spirituality of the faithful it is worth noting that some religions may choose not to believe in or observe the Corpus Christi holiday for a variety of reasons some have their own beliefs and religious practices that do not include the celebration of the Eucharist or prefer not to venerate the host and wine as the body and blood of Christ additionally there may be theological and interpretative differences regarding the nature of the Eucharist and what is written in the pages of the Bible however it is important to remember that regardless of religious differences the core issue is having faith in God and practicing principles of love compassion and mutual respect respect for religious diversity and the pursuit of peace and understanding among different Traditions are values that transcend religious boundaries and are fundamental to building a more tolerant and inclusive world I hope you enjoyed the video please subscribe to the channel click the Bell to activate notifications leave your like and click on one of the two videos that will appear to continue watching us best regards and God bless
Channel: FaithfulChronicles
Views: 264,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K-xWhcRm1m4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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