Muhammad Is A Fraud - The Search for Muhammad - Episode 16

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[Music] hello everyone this is alfari and today we are going to conclude this fascinating video series on the quest for muhammad or the search for muhammad if you wish and we've done 16 episodes so far hopefully you've had a chance by now to have watched all of them maybe even most of them and we appreciate of course many of your comments and we encourage you also to continue to share comments or questions with us but we want to bring all of that into a meaningful practical conclusion here uh for all of you and with that i want to turn now my attention to dr j smith who's with me here dr j so what does this all mean everything that we talked about and how can people normal everyday person uses it to evangelize and reach muslims of christ well obviously everything that we have been doing in the last 16 hours of the 17th episode has been focusing on the man himself we've always talked about the book of the man book of the man that the roots of islam are dependent on those two ideas one the book the quran and the man muhammad here is the biography of muhammad this is by alfred guillaume this is the best that we recommend for you to read in english you can read it in french or in english or it's wrapped in japanese not for me because i can read it in arabic you can read it in arabic and you can go from the authentic article now it says it's ibm ishaq that is uh that is uh as we say is fraudulent ibiza had nothing to do with this this is all written by ibn hisham not sixty-five probably by the writings of eminence whatever that was who knows we don't even know that much exactly i would say that probably none of it is from ibn is what the the abbasids wants you to believe and that's what we're looking at it is a a bossett invention the islam we know today this was first made really popular by robert spencer back in 2012 when he came out with this book and we brought him in yesterday we had a live stream with him he then said well i'm coming out because so much new material has been found just this year in 2020 he's now coming out with another edition of this and he's added 25 we're going to be one of the first to get it i've already read it you've seen it you have it uh we have the pre-publication copies of it because we want to go through and see what you even told him that you know probably by the time it's published new stuff has already come up that's the problem with writing books once you write a book it's already out of date but it it takes it and shows now in the last eight years what we have now discovered but i think it's really important for people to get this because they will understand this argument early on did muhammad exist was controversial when he came out now it's not controversial because we're asking the same question of muhammad that we asked of jesus christ and should be asked of every great man of god or anybody who starts a tradition in this case you might need to do do you need to do this thing with gautama buddha you you need to do this with siddhartha any one of these characters that are supposedly joseph smith who is the one that supposedly created the mormon religion charles tays russell who is the one who is the creator for the jehovah witnesses whatever that religious figure is they are historical characters you need to apply the historical test to them we have done that with jesus we haven't done it with charles state wrestle or joseph smith or any others we're now moved doing it with muhammad and when you look and see how jesus in every category whether you're looking at source criticism where you're looking redacted criticism when you're looking at textualism of what he said or what the gospel accounts that he gave himself but those who wrote about him saying what he said and did those have now passed every one of those tests when we apply the same historical tests to the quran and especially to muhammad in this case to muhammad everything comes flying out in pieces and that's why we have been saying over and over again through all these episodes anything you know about muhammad does not come from his lifetime does not come from his sentry does not come from his lips does not come from what he did and is not written by anybody who are eyewitnesses not even the witnesses or the witness of the witness of the witnesses they are two to three hundred years later 200 300 years mean it's nothing more than oral tradition right oral tradition by definition is open to embellishment we all know that uh if you have these this in the chinese uh these birthday parties you have what they call chinese whispers i say something into you or you say to the next person you next to the next person by the time the 15th person or whatever says it back to me it's a completely different phrase than what i told you and if that happens in a 15-minute period you can imagine what happens over 200 years of oral tradition and that's why you when you look and see what the quran is that you see in this book when you compare it to of i'm sorry not the quran the muhammad in this book versus this book when you see it's two different muhammads and why because of this book here this guy here went back and decided to ask the question what exactly existed in the 7th century which is what everybody should do whenever they're looking at a historical character he went back but he couldn't find anything from any muslim sources so he had to look at other sources seeing islam as others saw it even the title is a misnomer because there was no islam and he kept on talking about muslims in this book robert spencer brought that up in our livestream where in the world did he find any reference to people called muslims in any of these references you know i want to be fair to him he's probably doing what you did for instance when you said baghdad when you're referring to something known today probably in his mind okay this is perceived to be about muslims therefore i'm going to talk about them as if that's what they were called but you know that's still a challenge for for him and others to prove that that's the group that we're talking about if i was if i was actually recording the exact quotation from that period i would not put muslims in there if muslims not in the quotation those are the five titles they that are found in the documents he's talking about in the original text they are five different words not muslim i would be very careful not to do that if i'm quoting that and also i would bring another uh argument here how do we know that even the sarasins you know or the muhajirin or the uh uh hagarin or the ishmaelites are actually what we call muslims today they're not absolutely not i think that's what we prove pretty clearly they're not muslims because they are not following anything that we now know to muslims today the muslims that were the muslims that we know today are uniquely abbasid muslims this is an ambassador uh into uh you might say even a creation and when you're ambassador you only come to power in 749 your headquarters is up in what is today baghdad it was called stefan to begin with they quickly changed and introduced the name bogdad for it all of your authorities come from tabathan which is in what is today iran come from buhari which is in today uzbekistan come from cairo which was then called fustad at that time it is now called cairo which is in egypt these are all places in the north all places in the north and once you introduce your narrative you want to destroy what's come before because they are the ones you hate the umayyads they had nothing good to do with they were up in damascus you are now in bogdan so you destroy all their stories you destroy all their history and you destroy their theology and you introduce your own history your own stories your own theology and you want to make sure that it's all founded upon your prophet now your prophet you don't place in petra you place him in mecca and you take the word mecca that's way up in odessa and you bring it down to here because that's the original one that's where abraham frank came from that's supposed whereas abraham lived so you take the word mecca and you introduce it onto this hamlet down here and then you need the sanctuary so therefore you re reproduce everything that was in petra you reproduce it on a smaller scale down in mecca once you have done that then you take all these embarrassing stories that david wood kept on talking about and you reinterpret them because these are embarrassing stories until you look and see no they're not you've got to give history to your prophet so he's attacked by the demons how could a prophet be attacked well he does get attacked what does he do he surprise survives the attack and it actually controls them so actually you're showing to this guy is great he has has suicidal thoughts well actually that is true but did he what did he do he superseded these these suicidal thoughts and had a victory over it so this man this prophet goes through all the stages that the biblical prophets went to remember all the biblical prophets had attacks every one of them looked weak until god came to their aid and then they were also able to supersede it what about the satanic verses that david wood came up with the satanic verses are actually probably three goddesses that are nabataean goddesses look and see what's in the koran all it says it doesn't say anything about the fact that he's that he was um uh that he was pro had a problem with satan all it says is what are you doing with these goddesses in chapter 53 verse 19 and 20 who are these goddesses these are nabatean goddesses allat is the same name is the generic name for alooza who is the goddess who is the wife of dushadah whose generic name is who then becomes the god that you have your god is nothing more than a character who is an abitant there a temple stone has his name up there in what is today petra and that god has a wife i thought god allah could only have no consorts in the chapter 6 verse 101 can you see these contradictions now that you've got your god you've got your muhammad in place you ask what are these three goddesses doing there uh he was these are because satan put him there so therefore you're trying to explain now you're trying to explain why the satanic verses are there but those gods were already well known in the umayyad period because they're in nabataean goddesses that is what the nabateans worshiped no wonder then you have that you call it and say this is satan's usurping that is not embarrassing not not for not as far as if you're an abbasid you're now explaining why these were always there and why what people were talking about them now once you do that you realize that when he talks about a fact that he is a 53 year old man can has a woman who is only nine six years old and he consummates his marriage with her when she's nine year old to us that's embarrassing no it isn't not if you're an ambassador that shows his virility that shows that he has an ability what about his nine wives well that shows even more virile what about all his cognitive that shows even more virile all of these fit a 9th century in arab environment especially an ab asset environment and every one of these stories that they would kept on thinking we're embarrassing we're not embarrassing to them they're only embarrassing to us because we're looking at them with christian eyes just to clarify you're talking about the debate the debate with david that happened about two weeks ago that and that's why when you talk about this uh this uh what they call principle of embarrassment not embarrassing at all to the ambassadors embarrassing to those of us who look at muhammad and say he's nothing like jesus christ and absolutely he's nothing like jesus christ we can't find anything embarrassing about jesus but we find a whole litany of material that are embarrassing about muhammad that muhammad however interesting lord is not the muhammad of the seventh century when you look at the seventh century muhammad his name is ilyas ibn kabisa from that is he's actually quite a character he is a king who has 30 villages and he's given that by kusura because of his nobility therefore he's not a weak person he doesn't have suicidal thoughts he doesn't have any of these problems with him he actually changes when the sassanids are then destroyed by the byzantine he then joins the lochmans and then becomes the arbiter that man is actually something they should have built it upon why didn't they use that muhammad because that's a muhammad worth following the reason why because he was a christian he was a christian now notice what do you do with all these christian caliphs and kings that come in the seventh century you take out and you destroy all the christian identity and you introduce a muslim identity you call them muslims you then place them in mecca and in medina which didn't exist but who cares because you're not you're not there just to worry about history because you're not interested in the historical record you're interested in eradicating the umayyad identity the umayyad identity was all headquartered in damascus that's 1200 miles further north and you don't want anything about damascus and you don't want anything about those kings and you don't realize that the coins are going to destroy you the iraq inscriptions are going to destroy you because we now know today if you want to see what's actually happening go back to those artifacts that existed in the 7th century go back and see what the story they're telling us and that's what we've done through these episodes we've looked at every one of these episodes we've looked at every one of these different categories that prove that there is no muhammad of the science century living in the seventh century this is an omad century this is an omai dynasty this is an amaya dynasty that is headquartered in damascus who have their headquart who have their sanctuary in petra and who now control all the way from from libya i'm sorry libya in the west all the way to afghanistan in the east that is extended now all the way out to india in the i'm sorry india in the east all the way to andalusia in the west in that kind of context it all fits to a piece now you can understand why all the mosques are facing petra until 706 they only start to be introduced to mecca in 727 because by that time the abbasis are coming into power they are now pointing their sanctuary down into mecca they now are wanting to then use that as their sanctuary but you have all the parallel mosques over the north africa and spain all facing straight south but look at the line they're facing they're facing parallel to a line between petra and mecca they're doing the same thing that our good friend that's in iraq um what's his name the governor iraq uh um hijacked alhaji is doing they are hedging their bets to see who's gonna win out in this tussle this political stussel obviously the abbasids went out once the abbasids went out they then create their own sanctuary they then create their own prophet then they've got to have a story for their prophet well you know that our good friend alhaji i'm not a judge is the first to write that in 765. sixty to seventy years later ibn hisham says no we wanna throw much of that out because he made a lot of errors and that's why you get the canonical text in finally this book right here this is 8 33 and then it takes another 40 years to finally get their traditions saying what he's gonna say this prophet had an awful lot of six hundred thousand traditions that were whittled down to seven thousand three hundred ninety seven and one ninety eight percent like that's just one collection of nine volumes that we have today when is the first volume that we actually see printed it's not printed until the 12th century we don't have anything from the 9th century and when are the other eight volumes printed not till the 16th century so that is a problem in and of itself so once you realize what's going on everything we have seen so far is an abbasid creation and riyad restating the story that with the umayyads had before him now i want to go back to the slides and i want to look at this northern dominance because when you look at the app you need to look at the map to see what we're talking about let's go through each one of these that i've been talking about let's look at mecca versus medina notice the manuscripts for the earliest manuscripts that we have that's the top copy of the samarkand the mail then petropolinis the huzaini and the sonar manuscripts the six major manuscripts do any of them come from mecca medina not not aware they all come from north of that what's when we look at the kirats look at the kiddos basra kufa damascus and cairo that's where the predominant ones from only eight come from mecca medina and those eight we're not even sure they are from mac medina they're only attributed to mech medina but the vast majority come from kufa and basra 6 from basra and 12 from kufa of the 30 that are made official that is the abbasid headquarters okay then you look at the canonical quran mecca medina there is no canonical qur'an they all the canonical quran that we use today the haskara comes from kufa the same place that the majority of the other qurans come from when you look at mecca medina there's no chronic arabic from mecca medina that is sabaic arabic all the arabic that is used in the quran is from the north it is from what is petra today there is uh when you look at the qiblas they're all facing petra they're all up until 706 the first mosque that finally faces mecca is not till 27. when you look at the muhammad the muhammad that we're looking at from the 7th century comes from where that arrow's pointing kira which is then turned into kufa so hira is the archaic name became kufa as it became a theological center for both interestingly both the jews and the christians and the arabs who then become the muslims now can you understand why so much of the koran is engaging with christians and jews because they were living in that city they were not living down in medina they were not living in the hijahs how can you have these discussions with people that don't exist right unless of course they're much further north then we let's let's look at the uh rock inscriptions all of the rock inscriptions up until 690 are from the north and they're all from around petra they are all pre-islamic they don't say anything about muhammad or mecca or muslims or islam or anything to do with the koran when you look at the hijrah the hijrah is nothing to do with a movement between two cities called mecca medina it is about the battle of hierarchicals destroying the sas indians and it happens in 622 ilyas ibn kabisa then takes advantage of that changes his position from a process and it becomes a pro-arab and that's why he then is the arbiter who then takes on his name is muhammad but it's the muhammad of the seventh century he's a muhammad i guess i would much prefer to follow because he elise was a christian and then when you get to the first mecca look at the first mecca the first mecca the city itself that's called mecca is way up in the north it's up in southern turkey you can see it on the map there the second mecca is finally way down look it's almost exactly below it you notice the line goes exactly straight south that's the mecca the abbasids introduced but that's not till in the mid 8th century and then the sanctuary itself the first sanctuary is not in mecca it's in petra that is in jordan that is introduced by the nabataeans therefore it is also in the north look at all the red circles there in the north the green circles are what the tradition wants us to believe that everything that happened up there they want to say happen down there nothing happened down there at all except for what the qiblas that are attributed there and we don't even know if they come from there at all it is all from the north now almost everything we know about islam today came primarily from north note all of these northern areas except kair are where the abbasids originated let's now come to our conclusions and these are my conclusions i'm going to go through a number of these i think there are 15 in in together should we go through them here are the number first one the sources for everything we know about traditional islam came too late and from too far away am i becoming redundant yeah except for the first canonization which is impossible fine that's the one from uthman the other four cannons are are too far north cairo damascus thus all in egypt syria or iraq the quranic arabic is derived from the nabataean aramaic which is again too far north the astronomy letter is not from the seventh century but for the 16th century thus again much too late and also it's from the ottoman empire therefore it would be coming from turkey again too far north the constitution medina is not from the seventh century but from the ninth century again too late and it comes from ibn hisham where did isham do his writing he did it in what is today baghdad again too far north the doctrine iakobi refers to the wrong man at the wrong place and from the wrong time the doctrine jacobi is also introduced in uh the in immediate again too late and also too far north muhammad is not in the quran nor is he in the description of donald i'm still on the fence on that one but i'm going to put it out there as a white paper the coins that we looked at support the 7th century archaeological and documentary evidence and simultaneously confront the traditional 9th ascension 10th century islamic narrative because it confronts it as far as who the people were they in the west they were all christians in the east they were all zoroastrians none of them were muslims at all when we go in london 10 ilyas ibn kabisa of may be a 7th century muhammad but the later traditions may borrowed his name but they certainly didn't borrow his character if they had used that muhammad that would be a muhammad that people could be praising today not the muhammad we see that's in the traditions we can't find any of the fourth rightly guided cadets in the seventh century all which is odd and the rock inscriptions prior to 690 say nothing about islam say nothing about muhammad say nothing about mecca say nothing about the koran or even about muslims they these only begin to appear in 690 and then finally are introduced as we know today between 7 20 and 7 30 which is leading up into the abbasids who take over in 749 the hijra of 622 was simply a later redaction by the abbasids on to an earlier battle won by heracles for the arabs you are recognized as the year of the arabs finally created to create their own identity that's why they put muhammad there because they have to have a story for him when you need to have a story you better put the hijra as a place where he lived in mecca medina there was no mecca to begin with so how could they be inherited that far south nor that early the 741 inscription which is the first reference to mecca anywhere in the world and patricia crone said that she didn't read the whole inscription because the inscription places it way up in odessa way up in southern turkey too far north yet places it in the wrong place and at the wrong time petra was the initial sanctuary for the arabs which was later replaced by the current mecca a much more important one because petra fits all the what the traditions say petra should have been conclusion the historical record suggests that most everything we now know of islam in the 7th century is either too far north or too far away or much too late to be the islam of the 9th century islamic tradition our final conclusion islam as you and i know it islam that you were practicing islam that we're seeing that is practiced by 1.8 billion people around the world is an abbasid creation it is a fraud well brother so what's the final verdict i want nothing to do with it and that's why i say if you want to if you have a problem with the traditions let's go back to the last slide by casting doubt on muhammad as we have done in these episodes these 17 episodes our muslim friends can consider a much better man our lord savior jesus christ because our lord savior jesus christ has had the same test that we have just applied to muhammad in these last 17 episodes everything that we know about jesus we know where he was born in bethlehem we know where he lived we know where he died we know how that he where he grew up we know what he said we we know it from the eyewitnesses uh to the eyewitnesses who actually were with him the last three years of his life when he was doing his ministry when those who got it from the eyewitnesses as well we know that everything he said and did especially the crucifixion in his name and his place where he was killed that was all supported by hostile accounts like well flagon and uh you have tacitus and you have josephus you you have phallus also so greek historians roman historians jewish historians not christian historians they all agree we've got the right man at the right place doing the right thing at the right time from what we're seeing from the islamic traditions the 9th and 10th century traditions they got the wrong man at the wrong place doing the wrong thing at the wrong time thank god we don't have this problem muslims really believe that they want to follow that man he's nothing more than a fiction he's nothing more than an ambassador creation he is not the man i would want to follow that look at david wood and what the sam shamoon are coming and what they are correct those are embarrassing stories because the man i would like to follow is jesus christ he has no embarrassing stories about him muslims come up to me all the time and they say al-fatih we love jesus why don't you love muhammad well now you can answer them of course they love jesus everybody loves jesus who what's not to love about jesus madonna loves jesus as i always say no one no one has a problem with jesus and yet he was living two thousand years ago if he is two thousand years distant why is there nothing embarrassing about him two thousand years later we still can't find anything wrong with him now neither can the muslims find things wrong with him what about the muhammad of the ninth and tenth century look at david wood's ministry look at what hatune's finding look at what samsung moon is finding you hold litany of problems with that muhammad i want nothing to do with that muhammad come on back to jesus christ if god were to come to earth as a man who and what do you think he would look like and what do you think he would do i would suggest if god were to come to earth he would look just like jesus he would do just what jesus did he would say just what jesus said and what he did and what he did said in that first century are just as relevant in the 21st century as what he was doing in the first century which means and suggests to me that jesus is the man for today he's the man for every day jesus is the man for you and me he's the man for everyone jesus is god who became man and if he is god who became man and died on the cross and rose again then why aren't we going back to him and why are we wasting time with this muhammad i want nothing to do with this muhammad come on home come on back to the real jesus the real man of god the real god who became man amen brother amen you heard the man it's all about the real savior our lord jesus christ and really it's all about the real book the word of god oh by the way incidentally jesus is also the ward that became flesh and that's what even the quran could not deny with that i want to invite all of you my muslim viewers to consider praying to our lord jesus christ to accept him as your lord and savior for the forgiveness of your sin by the amazing work that he has done for all of us including you on the cross by shedding his precious blood will cleanse us away from sin and to give us righteousness and eternal life that's my invitation to all of you and i hope if you are a practitioner a missionary among my muslim people that this series is yet another powerful tool in your toolbox that you can use to reason with my muslim people we're not giving you tools to fight them with rather we're giving you tools to reason with them to bring them home to the savior until we meet again in another video series may the lord bless you richly this is al-fadi over and out thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video we can't make these quality videos without the help of partners like you so please consider becoming a patreon supporter today at forward slash sierra international i want to make sure you always get notified when we release a new video so please click the bell to be notified and 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Channel: CIRA International
Views: 223,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: al fadi, quran, mohammad, scripture, david wood, sam shamoun, shamounian, holy quaran, islamic theology, arabic, Qira'at Quran Conundrum, Quran, Qira'at, Al Fadi, Dr Jay Smith, CIRA International, more than one Quran, versions of the Quran, Muslims, holy quran, muhammad, the search for muhammad, did muhammad even exist, how can we trust the quran, muhammad is a fraud
Id: gj6M9pzgA7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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