Giant Anaconda in Resin | Riverboat Epoxy Diorama

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how's it going everyone welcome back to borly hobby time we're back in the wild imaginary West this week with another monstrous animal encounter after unboxing this Riverboat model kit I laid out all of the pieces to see what I had to work with the kit is well made the construction is pretty straightforward and the crew that came with the boat are as follows we have a man with a bugle who I'm assuming is the captain a mime and a bodybuilder zombie when I opened up the instruction manual I just found that I couldn't put it down it was a real page Turner I began removing parts from their sprws and assembled as I went this river boat model is far easier to put together than the smaller version of the same boat that I used in my Mississippi river monster diarama this kit was made to work with a motor that you can buy separately to run the Machinery at the back of the boat causing the Paddle Wheel to spin I'm going to be permanently sealing this boat in resin so unfortunately we won't be able to include that rotation feature but here's a quick shot of his spinning for your enjoyment after getting the wheel in place I began assembling the rest of the ship starting with the main deck and the two boilers in the wild imaginary West people still use steam power but you'll often see it in tandem with electricity and four stalls to prevent monster attacks not everyone in this universe uses those Technologies however there is a distinct difference between the East and the West in this universe the physical boundary of which being the mighty Mississippi River the sides are not at War but in the developed eastern states where no monsters are the US government strictly enforces bans on the use of Edison's ideas and inventions while out west enforcing the law is nearly impossible due to the dangers that exist because of this Outlaws Trappers Cowboys Miners and the like have developed the tech to suit their own needs and many inventors and tinkerers not being satisfied with the capabilities of steam have traveled out west to be free to further develop the technology themselves all that being said this steam powered boat usually spends its time in the river systems of the southeast far away from Monsters I'll explain how they got into the Dangerous Waters in a [Music] minute after the boat was done it was time to figure out the monster portion of this diarama I found this nice long wooden frame at the hobby store and I thought it would be a perfect base the right size and shape for a giant snake to be slow Ling through the murky water underneath the boat I traced out the shape of the boat unnecessarily then I broke out a pasta roller to begin conditioning the clay to sculpt the [Music] snake after rolling out the clay to make it easier to work with I grabbed a sheet of parchment paper so I could transfer it without the fear of messing it up and also limit the chance of it sticking to the surface that I was working with it on luckily for me I remembered learning how to sculpt a snake with Play-Doh when I was four and I used that same technique to get the perfect snake shape with this clay after dividing the snake in half I followed that up by slicing it long ways to create two snake pieces that were round on one side and flat on the other I then formed those pieces into the curves that I was looking for and I refined the shape using some sculpting tools and additional layers of snake skin at first I considered making this more of a sea serpent rather than a snake and I gave it a protruding spine which I eventually went back and I flattened out I added some ribs and other textures to the side using some ball styluses and then for some realistic looking scale texture I used this mesh material that I picked up from the fabric section after pressing that into the surface of the whole snake it was time to make the head I decided it would be fitting to make this snake an anaconda cuz anacondas tend to be nearly this big anyways I used some smaller ball styluses to add some details to the face including the nostrils the mouth some tiny eyes which I added eyeballs to off camera I textured it with that same mesh material and then when it was done I added it to the body I dry fit the snake into position next to the boat to make sure that the whole thing fit right which it did so I took the snake to the oven to bake after 20 minutes at 275° F the snake was nice and firm so I took it and the boat out side to Prime after that it was time to start painting I started by painting the snake and I used a photo of an anaconda as my reference for this Anaconda I used an airbrush to do most of the painting which helps create the nice soft transitions from color to color when I was done the overspray that was left on the paper made kind of a nice piece of [Music] artwork I switched to a brush to finish off the detail work including the eyes and the unique coloration of the scale patterns on the head and down the side of the snake and once it was done it was time to paint up the boat I masked off a section at the bottom that I wanted to stay that nice dark gray base color and then I added a pre- shade using black while I paint this boat it's a good time to thank all of my patrons and continue the story of this diarama like I was explaining earlier this river boat should never have found itself close enough to the Mississippi to Warrant the use of a fourar this particular trip however called for a delivery of goods to mobile which is close but still outside the border of monster country recently the captain of this ship has made some unwise beverage decisions and because of that he got off course missing the entrance to Mobile Bay sailing straight on toward New Orleans the incredibly well fortified city at the mouth of the Mississippi it was nighttime at this point and he realized he may have gone too far so the captain decided to pull into a small side Channel not knowing where he was and put down anchor till the morning once the base colors were all on I broke out an oil wash made from burnt umber oil paint and mineral spirits I covered the whole ship thoroughly and I left it overnight to dry after the wash had fully dried it was time to remove some of it using more of those mineral spirits and some cotton buds this stuff does say 100% pure and odorless but I don't think it's potable so probably don't drink it after soaking the cotton buds in the 100% pure odorless mineral spirits I removed the brown tint from all of the areas that I wanted to return to their lighter color mainly focusing on the white areas I followed that up with some sbled on chipped white paint and then after that the painting was done with the boat and the snake done the next big step was to add the lighting but first I needed to add the acrylic windows that came with the set that I left off until this point I carefully added those using some plastic cement to get the windows to have a nice soft diffused glow I used this light diffusing window film from Woodland scenix after gluing a piece of film behind each of the windows I began prepping everything for the install of the lights I drilled a few holes and then I soldered my filaments into a funny shape which will help get light to everywhere that it needs to be earlier off camera I added a piece of styrene to the front half of this section to keep light leak from pouring onto the lower deck I used whatever method this is to make sure that just the smallest amount of this filament was up inside the bridge after soldering all of the lights to a switch and then to the battery housing I put the ship together and I was sure to test my circuit all along the way to make sure that it worked after hiding the switch under a barrel it was time to move on to the base first thing to do was to take the base outside and prime it and I brought it back in and I added a layer of dark greenish blue the purpose of this step was to add a nice BAS base color underneath the water that would hopefully give us some depth when that was dry the time had come to glue the boat and the snake down to the base to make sure that none of the paint comes off of the base the snake or the boat while they sit in the curing resin I took the whole thing outside and I gave it a protective layer of matte varnish once that was dry I sealed the interior edges of the wooden frame with UV resin to keep it from leaking and it was time for the big resin pour and in case of any leaks or other similar disasters I decided to put my old hobby man underneath I broke out my two-part shallow por epoxy resin I measured out part one and I added and mixed my pigments I then poured in part two and I mixed it all together pouring back and forth between mixing vessels to make sure that everything was Blended thoroughly after that I filled up the wooden [Music] base I popped all the Bubbles as they formed with the butane Creme Brule torch and in case you're wondering what I did with all of the leftover resin I poured it into some molds which I will use in future projects after 72 hours my resin had cured and it was time for the finishing touches the first one being the duckweed all along the shore of the still Channel but the captain foolishly decided to Anchor in I use the same technique for the duckweed that I used in my alligator attack diarama from earlier this year cuz I really wanted an excuse to use this technique again with all of the little green dots dotted it was time time to prep our foolish riverbow Captain like I mentioned he got into this situation because of some unwise beverage decisions so I replaced his bugle with a bottle and after a quick zenithal prime it was time to paint after anchoring his boat the captain stepped outside to get some fresh air and step away from his crew and he got a little too close to the edge he knew he hadn't gone far enough to be in giant alligator territory and the water here was far too shallow for giant catfish he didn't realize how close he was to the mouth of the Mississippi however and forgot about the other dangers that lurked in the swamps in his current state he failed to notice the large dark eyes peering up at him from the water below the last thing to do was to paint the sides of the diarama with black 4.0 and after that I called it good I'm rolling stone B Ro come the morning or I'll be [Music] gone pouring rain want to hear that train there she come get home that is it for this video thank you all so much for watching hope you enjoyed huge shout out out as always to my patrons you guys are the best have an awesome week everyone I'll see you next time
Channel: Boylei Hobby Time
Views: 578,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scratch Build, Do it yourself, How to make, Make it yourself, Diorama, Miniatures, Minis, Painting, Wargames, Warhammer, Scale Model, Realistic Terrain, Terrain tip, Tips, Tips and Tricks, Build, Custom, Customized, Customization, Star Wars, Wild West, Wild Imaginary West, Colorado, Rockies, Hobby Time, Hobbies, DIY crafts
Id: -wmb3LFtw38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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