Should you play Star Wars Legion in 2024?

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hey what's up everybody in today's video we're going to answer the question should you play Star Wars Legion in 2024 the answer might I'm just kidding yes I think you [Music] should this is my Rebel Force it's made up of two starter sets which I split with my buddy Rick in a addition it has cashian Andor as my commander with k2so as his loyal companion I have a tournament coming up so I have been painting these guys on my Monday and Wednesday streams but back to the question should you play Star Wars Legion in 20124 I'll break this video down in different categories which can be found as timestamps in the video introduction Star Wars Legion is a tabletop Miniatures game published by atomic mass games formerly fantasy flight games in which two players each controlling a small army of characters Fighters and vehicles compete to a stablish scorable objectives and bring together characters from the Star Wars movies TV series shows books and even some from the video games Miniatures overall I love the Miniatures that this game offers especially now in 20124 there is a lot to choose from from Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker from Wookies droids clones Mandalorian even Ewoks are in the game now I do have to mention the early starter box minis though I had some problems assembling them uh leaving little gaps between the arms and the and the body all the expansions I got are made from a harder plastic which really helps out uh when assembling overall I really don't want to be a hardass on their early Miniatures and especially in 2024 I think they're redoing a lot of their old uh soft plastic model so uh yeah it's only getting better from here setting I mean it's Star Wars uh one of the coolest sci-fi settings around apart from maybe Mass Effect by the way Mass Effect why is there no Miniatures game in your Universe yet like a skirmish game salarian versus Krogan tyrian come on let's make it happen within the Star Wars Universe though there is so much to go with since there's so many different timelines and locations to choose from from the rebel base of H from The Empire Strikes Back to the tropical beaches of Scarff from Rogue one The Forest of Andor to the deserts of Tatooine and the game reflects this there are specific Battle Force boxes for locations and settings uh to choose what you like personally I don't really like to mix timelines or settings so I'm I'm I'm building my Rebels with a lore friendly configuration in mind this works because since the rebel Troopers are the little core of my Army any commanders around that dictate the timeline for me for example I can just swap out my cian Endor with uh looke Skywalker the only thing you might have to think about is how to base your Miniatures I base my Rebels with Tatooine in mind which I kind of regret by now because I want to see cashian and K2 on the beaches of scariff and when I inevitably get some Wookies or Ewoks they would kind of feel out of place on Tatooine I mean tontons in the desert I don't know my solution for this is to have slight variations on the bases but keep the paint recipe mostly the same adding a little TFT goes a long way for a change of scenery and another option uh Rick actually based his Star Wars Legion models on clear acrylic bases uh these are available from different kinds of Brands uh specifically made for Star Wars Legion speaking of Rick last week we got together to play a couple of games in preparation of the tournament that's coming up very very soon which coincidentally leads me right into the new subject gameplay Star Wars Legion plays out with alternate activations which means you can actually react to your opponent sections in Warhammer 4K you can see half of your army get wiped round one or two without you being able to do anything about it in Legion if that group of Stormtroopers is getting a bit too close to killing my cashion I can do something about it and get his buddy k2so in the mix I feel that it's much more reactive and therefore a lot more fun and that is not the only thing I like about Legion the movement rules for example there's little to no discussion possible about how far a model can go since it perfectly lines up from the starting location to the end location using these measurement tools are you moving an entire Squad measure from your unit's leader and place the guys around him in unit coherency this makes movement quick simple and easy same goes for your firing Arc of your vehicles positioning of your vehicles matters often times you can only fire your main gun from the front Arc of your vehicle indicated by the lines on your base your vehicle might have a weak spot on the rear or sides so there's actually real flank opportunities there Star Wars Legion uses specialty dies which are included in the core box eight-sided dies for attack six-sided dice for defense your chances of rolling hits and crits are separated in three colors white dice bad black dice good red dice very good to give some units a bit more chances of success they might convert the search results into successful results my Rebel Troopers can roll surges for their defend dice while Stormtroopers can roll surges for their attack dice my Rebel atrt even searches to crits which has proven to be very powerful then the unit cards I love that these are part of the table and not hidden in a book and these unit cards are included in the boxes you buy take notes GW you can see your unit stats at a glance and the little upgrade cards are the perfect way to know what it is things your unit can do you want to equip your rebel trooper Squad with some grenades or a heavy upgrade sure if there's slots available go ahead one of the coolest examples for these cards are with the rebel land speeder you can actually change who is behind the wheel uh and this changes up the entire mechanics of of the vehicle I have yet to talk about the command deck which can drastically change up your game and make for epic moments let's talk about those in the next subject this really seems to be the buzz word for Star Wars Legion and not without reason we've already talked about the setting but the setting means very little if the battles that are fought in them aren't epic and epic they are the command cards is what can drastically change up the game and make for cinematic moments for example Rick played fader and uses a command card that made him choke two of his own models to buff the entire unit k2s O's command card sacrifice will have him take damage and keep cashian from getting hurt sacrificing himself in the progress Lando kisian he has a bunch of different card plays up his sleeves and it all fits with the heroic Star Wars action you know from the movies when I first heard about Legion and I saw the Miniatures I was like but I no Darth fader doesn't you know Jump Around the battlefield and stuff no well he doesn't he he he slowly marches up to you he has a movement of one making sure his own units don't even think about panicking the reprogrammed Imperial Droid k2so moves around the battlefield unnoticed until he's been detected within range one he attacks or grabs an objective there's so much more epic moments to be had in this game uh but let's find out how accessible it is for you to get into it and I think the best part about Star Wars Legion is that it is pretty accessible to get into everything you need to play your first games with uh comes in this box which is around €90 split this with a friend learn the game and decide if you like to continue in this box you'll find everything I just told you about like specialty dice measurement tools upgrade cards unit cards command cards objective cards barricade for some terrain and enough Miniatures including a hero and a villain to play a small game against a friend if you have a little bit more to spend get two of those you and your friend will both have all the measurement tools token and dice and you'll have enough points to play a skirmish game which is a great starting point after this get any specific expansions you like and specialize in what works with them or go for a specific timeline that you like I almost forgot to mention that the rules uh are and probably always will be available for free on the atomic mess website and like I mentioned before unit cards come with the models you buy along with some upgrade cards command cards and some tokens so when buying a unit you actually get their rules wow as a quick tip jump into tabletop this is the main list building tool that many players use it is free and always updated consider donating to this platform they really do amazing stuff conclusion Star Wars Legion is going to be my big model count war game of this year there's lots of good news coming from the intermissions atomic mass games is providing to us every few months so there's a lot to look forward to if you love Star Wars and like to get into war gaming or you want to make the switch from Another War game game this is the game for you this video has been a long one uh I'd really like to know what you think do you want to see more Star Wars Legion content or do you want to see something else just use the comment section below uh maybe subscribe and I will see you guys later I don't like shance
Channel: TheWynnest
Views: 24,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, star wars legion, star wars shatterpoint, starwars miniatures, atomic mass games, miniature games, tabletop games, miniature painting
Id: dAC0ZossPvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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