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[Music] welcome everyone to another episode of the adep dis ridiculous podcast my name is DK damanes his name is bricky and why hello KIRO but before we get into all that if you enjoyed today's episode head on over to the patreon and consider supporting us adeptus ridiculous where you can access to the Discord bloopers if they happen the $15 tier gets you access to all of our posters in just the crispiest HD format you can find this current poster is the kti and valley girl poster you should get it and yeah SL adeptus ridiculous bricky has things to say hey everybody if you'd like to check out some great merchandise head on over to Orchid and check out all of our posters that you can get as well as your hoodies shirts and so on uh in fact we are actually going to be running a quick Sunset soon uh We've accumulated quite a few random designs all over the place and So eventually we're going to be be dropping off quite a few of them and doing some last chance stuff but uh I'll teach you a bit more about that next week um so for for now just like you know get grab your stuff but uh eventually we'll have a brand new new doad thing for that so uh yeah check it out and and read Horus Rising we're finally getting to that Horus Rising I haven't even started it yet we always start like at the near the end of the when it's time to record so we have it fresh in the brain anyway that's well that okay that's true also you're not sunsetting anything that is vital to the lore of a Dept is ridiculous are you and then bringing it back five six years later or anything are you I don't know if is that is that a destiny joke I would never make fun of no I was genuinely unsure I would never I would NE we must protect these large multi-billion doll game corpse and their AAA titles okay so um so okay one shut up two uh the little guy designs are staying so that makes you feel better than yes okay yes so much better anyway um Mr graduated from the walls and has where are you now krio no he's still in the walls dude he just gets like a like a port hole out of them I think yeah I think I'm still in there maybe I've got like a there's like a what they called where there's like a bigger Gap like a cavity wall so there's a bit more space hang some artwork in there maybe bought from the uh if maybe going to the patreon and getting artwork from there that was a terrible plug let's edit that out let's not do that no noit wait hold on what did we talk about this last time he was here what's that Meme of like the spot above the doorway that is used for nothing yes we do did yeah we from people to what to put in there as well okay okay good I I okay all right good I was like I assumed I was being new but I wasn't as long as his spot isn't that like wall cat is watching you blah blah blah blah meme that's that's fine that's fine he can have the little nothing spot above above the door no no wallcat is watching you do your thing do your thing do your thing Luke so uh speaking of doing our thing also yeah that's an old meme DK that that one dated you pretty badly what no way it's not that old is it like it's not like I was like oh really yah and like you know owl ceiling cat is absolutely that old come on oh it's seiling cat I called it wall cat but whatever so I mean it's it's one of those ones that's like it will it is dating you a bit but like Shai said 20 year is it really from 2006 it com ow no oh no God so what were you guys thoughts on um what were you guys thoughts on the Retro uh video game consoles in the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 oh stop it came out in 2006 came out in 2006 dude last year I bought a Dreamcast for Nostalgia are you kidding me with this like how do you feel about PS3 and Xbox 360 as retro consoles concept stop move on Kel what's the topic before I wither into dust I've already started I've lost a leg by this point just going have to get through it before everything follows so I want you to imagine something to get the get the get the mental images going imagine going to work no but I'm doing it now already a stretch what are we doing now I'm doing it now uh uh horribly re tired blue collar worker on his like final shift hearing me say that is like he like I'm I'm I'm going to kill him yeah he he just finishing his like midnight graveyard shift toiling away his back is sore his mind is numb 16 Tons what do you get listening YouTuber man I'm going to work now it's like I'm actually going to stab him anyway go continue your Spiel yeah that's actually that's actually not a bad way to do it imagine you are that blue color worker you are going off to let's say go down the mines except there's a problem for you to get to the mines you must travel a not insignificant distance except instead of instead of say a nice train journey maybe getting in the car getting in your pickup truck driving down the freeway Motorway wherever you happen to be from instead you have to go through mile upon mile of for instance dense jungle filled with plants and animals that have been essentially evolved to absolutely murder literally everything they come into contact with and you get to do this every single day day in day out and you get to watch a not Inon like in considerable number of your workmates die to being strangled by vines or maybe blown off cliffs or killed by irradiated sandstorms where do you think you would be for that to happen on a regular basis kin that sounds like kch yeah much that sounds like kachin okay okay so so that's why I was like this sounds like katchin but we've done katcha before so many times like many times so I was like this can't be it but that's what it sounds like it it absolutely sounded like that as soon as you said oh yeah the wildlife is overgrowing and everything is going to kill you and to get to your house or your workplace like that sounds exact all you need to do is like oh yeah by the way there's a train siiz centipede that's going to eat you too oh yeah with yeah technically technically it is technically it is it is a failure on the guess but to be fair kachan is an example of what we're going to talk about because today we're going to talk about death worlds oh just in general just death worlds in general just death worlds okay well we're half right cuz C is a death world is a death world were you specifically talking about uh like katchin in that like opening example or it was a little bit of a red in going on cuz son of a [ __ ] it is it is Tech it's like the when you think death world I think most people think kachan because it is the most well-known the most like famous example the C home world all the C home world but there's also there's also places like ball there's Fenris there's a whole ton of death Worlds nocturn the home world of the salamanders the lamented head space that too um yeah we're just going to we're going to talk about death World in general and some specific examples of them katchan being being like the like the main one I think it's fair to say okay which by the way this is just before we get into it there is something about katchan that I didn't know until uh not kachan sorry yes no it is this sorry I'm getting confused because there's like a bajillion examples of horrendous creatures going around in my brain I hav't realized that The Barking toads The katchan Barking toads which are like one of the one of the creatures that exists on that planet I knew that they were deadly I didn't realize they were as insane as they actually are because I they like like a thermonuclear Warhead they're like I was going to say those are the ones that like those are the ones that blow up when you throw them right and it's a big they blow up if you like like sniff too loudly like a half a mile away from them oh whenever they feel threatened they explode in a cloud of toxins and it kills anything within a 1 kilm radius I had no idea it was that wide a range I thought it was a oh we lost a guy because he scared of toad not a oh we lost a town because a guy scared a toad I had no idea they were that bad yeah they're really bad did did we talk did like I I feel like I remember having this conversation when we did an episode that someone actually like managed to throw one of these things like they didn't spook it and they picked it up and they just they just e that thing as as Shai's put in there's the there's the Lesser kachan barking Toad and there's the greater barking Toad and the Lesser one only kills stuff within the immediate area so okay so you won't you won't destroy the city just you know a couple hundred people in the city I guess if you could you know sneak up on one maybe tranquilize it something and then Chu it as it wakes up but I I wouldn't risk it personally no no no no no yeah sh said Shai said that's another false memory all right all right apparently I I I am remembering incorrectly all right I see it happen though to be fair I mean the the The Barking toad is a particular joke involving uh Emperor text to speech it's a common meme of of Vulcan being like I want to pet this funny toad thing and he blows up and dies you know and then he comes back on his respawn and then he comes back cuz Vulcan dies like 900 times in the series because it's Vulcan so yep yep yep so death worlds as a whole since we've gone Straight Into The Barking toad area of like death worlds death worlds as a whole are absolute hellscapes essentially where technically the Imperium doesn't think that you know widespread settlement is possible because of the environment or because of like flora and FAA so Katan being the example of that where everything on the planet just wants to kill you but there are also death worlds that have come about due to vast Wars like C where most of the planet is just an irradiated Wasteland where like radiation storms sweep across and murder everything there's planets like nocturn where there is just constant like volcanic activity and again almost impossible to actually have any sort of like longlived human presence just down to how hostile the planet is but in pretty much every case for death worlds there's at least a reason for there to be some human presence either for mining stuff or for some sort of resource that the planet's got like maybe there's some sort of like biological thing going on within the plant life that needs to be harvested and death worlds tend to breed some of the most Hardy borderline insane humans that the Imperium has access to once again example being kachan where everyone who comes out of that planet is abely hard as Nails because if you're not yeah you have to do that just to survive dayto day what's the uh I I feel like we've probably talked about this and this is just me forgetting what what's the major export from katchin that they feel like oh yeah we got to have humans here I mean at this point is the people surely let me just double check it's just like yeah we just want to make Harden soldiers believe it's mainly G I think it is just the Gman it's like the the whole reason for Katan still being settled at this point is purely to make badass soldiers okay I wasn't sure if like there was some sort of like magic uh weed or drug that they made from like the plants there because everything is so toxic like magic weed right I wasn't sure if they like had a special boo pack that came specifically from like katchin poison drugs or something but yeah I'm I'm smoking that catchin pack right now send this [ __ ] sleo sanguinius sent me to the eye of Terror yes sir that catachan boo pack baby AB abidon is scared of this [ __ ] man that catchin pack got me moving like a claymation figure mortarion a ain't got [ __ ] this strong anyway save it before this from the Drac flow save it yeah as as sh said katan's only valuable resource is its people so like there a Planet kind of worthless but the people who come out of that planet absolutely absolutely like top tier some of the best which You' got to be I'd love the artwork for all katchan stuff by the way just just anything involving that planet and and anyone living on it it's always it's always perfect every got to find like everything that comes from katchin with the art is just like oh yeah here's sort of uh here's Rambo there we go there there's a particular image that they they did in the U ninth Edition guard codex that I saw and it's it's one of my favorite katchan images of all time because I think it's done by the same artist that does those like really kind of kind of gross hyper detailed codex Arts is this guy and I love it to death because the cat doing the top left has like an arm the size of like a tank tread um but he's holding a Bolter which is so comically oversiz for even this like 69 dude that's like a Space Marines Bolter you got but then you got like the lady down at the bottom who's dual wielding rifles but she's got this like giant tube coming out of her stomach and it's just it's so and he's like actually fighting a blood Letter like a demon of corn he's just like oh sick and he's blasting away with a B it's so cool and he already has a prosthetic leg as well like it he he know he knows what's going on like he's this is not his first time facing something that awful down it's probably like another Tuesday it's like oh yeah yeah it's day of the week it's time to if we're going to do the predor thing we're going to like we're going to make him he's got the bleach skull on his back on his like lower hip it's it's so fun the day you fought a blood Letter was the most important day of your life but for me it was Tuesday did they whenever whenever no that's the that's theis meme from Street Fighter I know I just did the I don't you think the Catan Soldier speaks like that that's what I want toen say cin speaks in grunts right speaks either Australian or Texan that's the only two I've ever heard the cat speak like Australian for sure they're either Australian or they're like Texas Military you know it's one of the two fair fair and valid there's Middle Ground none of them so I mean what we're saying is none of them sound like the the voice that DK just did cuz honestly no I want at least one of them to be like that just one C Soldier that's just like pip pip gentleman going up to the to the F why you more Paran British why knife and that's a morian Iron Guard well Morty and Iron Guard are very much like the Marine dress blues so I don't think that necessarily counts but I can imagine the the the pip the no the pip pip is one of those like random guard regiments made for like a gun ghost book that are at odds with the ghosts MH noes I don't think you know what you're talking about I know better than you Mr ghost yeah is something like Imperial Guard general wait what was them the first the because the first gon ghost book you had the vit and drons but they had a bit more of like a wasn't like like a Jamaican thing kind of going on with them did it was they had like a certain accent I I don't quite remember but they had the other group the um I don't remember the name it was the other like the bad guy [ __ ] group and like I it's imagining more like that yeah yeah anyway we're we're off topic again steer it back here up happens so easily now I've fully corrupted you so it's the death World thing it's not just the fact that the planets are all horrendous it's also the fact that they produce such incredible like I don't know what the phrase would be specimens of humanity like generally speaking humans from Death worlds end up being so useful and so hardy so capable of making like quick decisions and sticking to them that they just become invaluable in terms of in terms of things like Imperial Guard in terms of like uh the adap to sbes and stuff um so there's Games Workshop has gone into it a fair bit the fact that that a big part of what makes the humans who live on death worlds so effective is that every single person has to be able to pull their weight so no matter how big or small the population if everyone there isn't doing 100% 100% of the time one little bit of you know like lackluster effort or one failure or one refusal to do what needs to be done could lead to just the absolute dest C of whatever settlement they have and because there's a massive range of threats the different death worlds will produce like still very similar like hardiness but a different type of hardiness in different humans so with with katchan as the example it's it's the animals and it's the vegetation are just absolutely horrific nightmare things yeah but there's also worlds where you know if you step outside of your shelter you might end up getting absolutely blasted by Hurricane winds carrying like sand that is as sharp as razes and it requires a different skill set to be able to plan around and survive that so every single death world and every settlement on it has just got the absolute perfect way of dealing with that particular environment and every single person there has to be able to do their bit to support it and then if they're not able to or if something happens where someone can't actually fully you know do their their their job or their role that they had they will then be supported by other people to try and Shore up where that bit would be lacking so you end up with these people who are incredibly Hardy usually very very strong they also are capable of making like quick decisions they're quick thinkers and they also have a kind of impulse to act on it very very quickly which kind of might seem Reckless especially compared to a lot of more cautious like especially with the Imperial Guard you might see some regiments as being really quite rash compared to others but it's because they've grown up in a place where if you hesitate you will probably die instantly so you got to pick a course and then follow through straight away that's what I was going to say is like you kind of have to be Reckless cuz if like you said if you wait a split second whoops your buddy and his platoon died so like you kind of have to just like boom act like you don't even think you just move right Y and if you make the wrong decision then you will also die so it's a case of decisions that they do make for the ones who survive long enough to maybe end up being you know like moved into the Imperial Guard or taken off world or conscripted or recruited somewhere those are like the best of the best because only they will actually survive long enough to be able to be picked up for other roles yeah you don't want to mess around with old soldiers in 40K cuz wow if you've managed to get old in this universe chances are what a I mean it's well you know the old phrase the the um beware the olden profession men D young you know the usual but uh especially I trying to remember that quote because you've said it so many times to me yeah well it it really it really encapsulates the Imperial Guard of all factions you know um but that is true a lot of death world people are a lot less disciplined they they don't much like Authority as much which is which is pretty a rough point when it comes to um the Imperial Guard cuz the the chain of command is like the most rigid hierarchy um but it's it's because like you know katchin we talked about yeah they uh a lot of times commissar just kind of go missing then you get like gon ghost which is it's like a you know the tenith are they have a very like what else do we have to lose kind of things they're they're a little bit sneaky [ __ ] at times it's it's neat yeah I do love the like commel go missing in stuff it it really just speaks to we don't we don't have time to deal with this we're not putting up with this we know what we can do we know what we should do and we're going to do that immediately whether or not the people above us think it's a good idea it's just just an instinct thing there there is something where um when I was going through some of this stuff there is a a quote of for most of for most of those who grow up on death worlds someone near and dear to them has perished in front of them in their arms or in extreme cases by their own hands as a result they tend to be fiercely loyal to the group yeah fair enough is there any sort of like so if the Imperium is like okay we are getting a bunch of guard from katchin right and we know that these katchin freaks not terribly big on Authority they're also really tough and they're probably going to kill the commissar did they like specifically vet them and be like okay you're going with this commissar who is not going to piss you off and he'll probably listen to you and like is there any of that going on when you like get death world soldiers that are like super hardcore and you're just like um let's put them in a troop that will just let them run free if I had to guess it's more of a uh this commissar or like above Commander is a lot more of a I don't really want to just like I'm I'm above the next 200 soldiers for example but 200 soldiers is more ammo than my bolt pistol can carry so I I def I definitely like there is a level of self-preservation that you do kind of got to have right has a commissar like even though you've got the big hat you've still got to have a brain under the Hat yeah you got you've got to realize like you know what maybe I shouldn't just like the catchin or or God maybe like a cre person but um I don't know the Indian draon for example is like talked back to me but they're like the one of the most loved members maybe I shouldn't shoot them and have like all of everyone else hate me for it yeah and then and then murder me in my sleep I I kind of like the idea that where the where like death worlders are the most hardcore and kind of feared SL respected troops to how resilient and quick acting they are and just how difficult to kill they are commissars that serve with those regiments that came from Death worlds and survive and actually end up getting their loyalty they must be hands down the best commissars they have to be to be able to navigate that and not be murdered I mean you say it in your sleep I feel like with some of them like especially like uh like chem dogs for instance broad daylight in front of everybody yeah it's their their world is just a horrific toxic mess and they are just a bunch of gangers so I feel like it wouldn't be a case of oh the kar went missing it would be the kesar shot one of them and then well we just lost that Kar straight away we're not really sure which of them actually killed him because they all fired at the same time so we're not sure which you know please send a more tolerant commissar please also chem dogs is such a cool [ __ ] name oh my God God I love that they look great as well hang on let me get a they have one of the best like just one of the best looks it's so good yep should I type this in the chat savlar is said to be a world of Sinners Heretics murderous thieves and it is claimed that only one in four born on savlar knows their father ouch uh the world is blighted by gang Warfare and crime only kept in control wait wait wait I I I I lost it only kept in control by the threat of violence from Imperial authorities yeah I really want to be a commas in that group yeah no I'm good you send me literally anywhere else also wow the chem dogs do look really hardcore yeah they're great they're awesome hell yeah brother hell yeah so yeah the as as like as just Baseline humans go they are they are kind of the peak into terms of resilience and aggression and you know fast action but also some of the more difficult to to kind of work with at least in like the Imperial Guard setting um it has it also said that like things like arbitrators and stuff so like the the Adept obes they are quite good in those roles as well because they have the kind of mindset required to just survive being in that position when you're kind of at risk of of death no matter what decision you make having someone who has faced that down pretty much every single day since the day they were born it it makes him pretty good at it you know yeah fair enough yeah like like if um I mean kir are we going to be talking about the the indan um uh indigan pref prefectus I'm trying to remember which which where they come from which one they are the ones who had a governor U over breed some um uh some some animals are you familiar that was it yes yes yes there we go sorry I do I do have this and like the direction this is going in I don't like that this like oh you spend less time on the internet DK just cuz you hear the word breed doesn't mean it's anything no no no not not it's not the breed it's the over breeding part that worries me oh don't worry don't worry it's I tell you over breeding animals and it's like oh yeah are we going to talk about this death World thing and it's like oh no I don't so we talked about it before but like um yeah okay so like that was one of the things I was thinking about is uh the indigan prefects uh prefect that they would be you know very like oh God we're fighting the nids and these guys are like oh big bugs please please really so curi they don't care so this is this is probably a good like a good sort of segue into talking about some of the like specific um death worlds and sort of how some of them came back some of them are just like that they you know the Imperium just arrived and went wow this is a hell hole it's a real shame that there's stuff we need on it cuz otherwise we would not even bother touching this place but some of them are also like man-made so indigo is a death world but it used to be what's referred to as a menagerie World which by the way one of my favorite one of my favorite little like tidbits here is the fact that there there is a tourist board on Indigo which I don't know why that makes me laugh for but I think just in the context of 40K there being a tourist board for any Planet just seems warmer tourism yeah I I guess it makes sense for like like pleasure worlds and stuff right yes yeah um so it was it was a minaty world so just a whole world full of interesting fascinating creatures except except there was an issue because there is a guy who IU was in charge Imperial Commander Constantine principa Argy say that quickly um he he used a lot of indigo's like wealth which came from mining so it was a mining world for a bit um and he used a lot of the wealth from The Mining and the mineral wealth of the planet to just buy pairs of every dangerous animal and creature that he could find across like pretty much just the entire Ultima segmentum so if he heard of a horrific creature that was prone to ripping people's heads off he'd go yes get me a breeding pair of those and he would have he was the the main villain of a modern-day Jurassic Park movie got you Prett okay and and I'm assuming what happened was exactly what you think happened and all of the beasts went crazy and it became a death world because well now the planet is teeming with these absolutely horrendous beasts that are now breeding on mass making even more crazily evolved killing machines and you just it's it's awful wouldn't you know it you are exactly right no way 100% who could have seen this coming who could have seen it coming it's almost like it was destined to happen so yeah there was a massive earthquake and the the zoos where the animals were being kept like crumbled and fell apart the animals all then escaped into the wild they started breeding together and they just became gigantic horrendous death monsters that turned indiga into a man-made death World um and so indiga is scratched off of the Michelin tourism guide now don't visit here it's not work anymore you say that but there's two there's two things I really I really like about this firstly they went full um oh what's it called mortal engines did you see that fil I was I was about to say they they had to put all their cities on Wheels yep oh oh really did they did they just have like big walking cities they have to constantly move their cities around to avoid the creatures that escaped from the zoo and then ended up into breeding and becoming you know horrific monstrosities so they they went full mortal engines and put their cities on either wheels or like walking around so they don't stay in one place oh no I mean that's that sucks about the animals but like that's I love like the walking City Motif like the howls Moving Castle uh type stick oh I love that it's really cool it's just a shame how they had to do it yeah it's a shame about the monsters but you know how's Moving Castle is is hilarious concept because that's like a moving home we're talking like a city like London on Treads you know yeah well I wasn't sure what else to like reference to properly get my point across because like hows Moving Castle is the only like moving structure aside from like you know the walking Citadel like kns and stuff um but yeah I I I I love that motif of like the walking City I love that [ __ ] so they've they got they got to move everything around they do also have the um indigan prefa I think it is prefx isn't it I'm always I always stumble on that word um and they have to hunt down the monsters because you know they have to do that to make the planet in any way habitable even with the city's constantly moving location but there is a silver lining to all of this because with all of this going on the indigan Xeno Safari tourist board no way still ades no way and it they promote safaris on the death world to the rest of the way you no I'm even for 40K you cannot be telling me they have Safari tourism trips to go see the bloodthirsty xenos that make the cities move AB abelard book me one ticket to the I mean well you got to think about like like you know there every stereotype of 40K is out there so if you have an incredibly Rich planetary governor who just wants to visit like can see like a mountain that eats other mountains like why not I mean I I I guess it just that just seems so well I guess hey it's 40K right I I guess it's not that out of bounds really there is there is a caveat to this though there is there is a caveat so apparently the uh the last astropath message that the board sent was filled with garbled screaming and visions of broken cages so they are advertising but how well it's going I don't know well I mean you know what you're getting that is an advertisement it's like hey understand what you're buying yourself into right so yes no false advertising there you know what you're in for um yeah Shai's taking the C it was it was on the on the the Warhammer 4 like the uh the Warhammer community site um which is that we had the indigan Xeno Safari tourist board lined up as sponsor for today and they've totally ghosted us all we've received is an astropath communication filled with garble screaming and visions of broken cages clearly a prank call Jesus all right all right okay cool cool cool I absolutely love that it's great so something out like we we've mentioned we've mentioned C we won't go through all of those because like you guys have talked about a katchan plenty before everybody knows about kchan right everyone knows about katchan something that I hadn't realized until looking into this was I already knew fenis was a death world but I didn't realize that they got into quite so much like detail of like how much weird stuff there is on fenis so is the spacewolves place yes Space Wolves home World very icy very cold like lots of lots ofers and stuff and yeah yeah yeah there's loads of monsters on fenis and I didn't realize they' had quite like they've obviously had fun doing quite a exhaustive list of the ones that are most likely to mess you up but there's a couple of things that stand out firstly we know we know what fenis is like we know the kind of overall climate we know that you know there's a sort of there's a wolf SL viiking Motif going on a bit more wolf than anything else these days but yeah they absolutely love putting the words Frost and ice in front of everything what a shocker looking at the Planet I would have never guessed that they really leaned into the frost stuff can you guess what else the Space Wolves put in front of a lot of their stuff Spears lot of lot of lot of Viking stuffs no I I was curi you know what I'm talking about right you you know the joke I was getting at right oh I probably do it's wolf or it's ice or it's ice wolf or there is occasional to be fair there is Fang they do like fangs as well they do like Fang is isn't yeah the name of the of the main Center there is called the Fang isn't it yes they live in the yeah it is I got to be honest this is a a random tangent aside but the battle Fleet Gothic 2 video game has a fall of Cadia opening cutscene and there's a a space Wolf like battle commander and he just he just really sells the the role he really sells like the the the um we sing for the all father of song and then stuff and it's like oh damn he's really doing it it's good uh this is completely unrelated but I need to be constantly reminded of things like this what Legion number is the Space Wolves oh [ __ ] um six I think is it is it I don't I don't know I that's why I'm asking yeah okay it is six okay yeah it's six okay cool cool cool cool right right okay I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm trying to commit these things to memory okay I'm I'm trying I got I got Legion one is the Dark Angels 2 and 11 gone and then at 3 I'm just like I don't remember I I mean to be honest uh I tend to need to like look it up before before like if it's going to come up I need to know in advance to like recommit it to memory because it constantly gets like shoved out of my brain by other things and then I have to go okay now let me look at the list again and then once I've looked at it I'm generally okay but yeah I mean it's anyway sorry sorry I didn't mean I didn't mean to side this it's just you know no it's fine obviously I don't remember these things very well you'll learn one day DK I know the eighth Legion now right it's the eth and the 14th I know pretty pretty well hammered into whether you like it or not so there's there's a there's a few like frankly you know it's 40K so there's obviously some insane creatures and stuff on on fenis but a couple of a couple of highlights there's a lot of frost things there's Frost Mastadon there's a frost wolf and a frost lion um you got to get Frost in there as much as possible there's also ice whales and Ice worms two things that really stand out firstly ice trolls there's just fully like fantasy-esque trolls on Fenris which is which is really fun there's also Kraken you got to have Krakens on Fenris oh nice Kraken okay you also get sea dragons which are basically just you've guessed it dragons but under the sea and my absolute favorite thing that you can find on Fenris and this is this is legitimately a thing that they've said lives there wrath badges R did you say wrath Badgers like badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger here comes the snake yep pretty much what they've done is they just decided to put honey badges on fenis but make them more angry and More's go yeah I was going to say how does nobody talk about that ancient meme like I pulled the badger song out from like I don't I don't yeah anyway go ahead I I I I find this so humorous because everyone's like Brookie is in his 20s but he has the brain of an old man but then you like say things like this and it just like throws me well I'm actually old though yeah I am actually old why do you act the way that you do be it's copium that's fair all right continue I don't want to be old I want to be as Zoomer man I want to be a hip I want RZ am I not amusing to you young people am I do I not amuse you are you not entertained me me throwing peanuts into the into the DK cage look at him he's coping keep going I'm just a dancing monkey throw money at me please all right let's it's well known that memes keep you young that's what they're for um I don't think they do but go ahead no they don't if anything they age you premature I think so we do also I mean we do also need to talk about there is a death world that was made I was going to say made famous but it was in the Horus heresy series now we won't go fully into like the plot side of things but it is one of the more like brutal worlds which is a world called Murder which was named by sorry what yeah there's there's a world called Murder I'm guessing this is not on theen tourist Bo I'm guessing this isn't on the Michelin tourist guide oh come visit our wonderful lush green world of murder I'm guessing that's not on the list no no it's it's not on it it's uh it was given that it was given that name because the Space Marines who landed on it and I'm keeping this vague for when you get to the book so it's not like you know spoiling anything but effectively the Space Marines that landed on this planet um sent a transmission back to the fleet and the transmission ended with this world is murder and if you getting that from Space Marines you know it's bad you know it's not great so the planet itself like suffers from massive atmospheric turbulence so trying to land on said Planet means that shuttles just get scattered and separated then when you do land there are like insane structures that look like trees but are made of rock and frequently uh well I say frequently pretty much as soon as a second Force arrives uh there's bodies all over those trees impaled on them and the the main issue it's not just the trees and the turbulence the main issue is that the planet is full of a species that was named the mega rachid oh nice like are we talking it looks from the picture sh I posted it looks like giant spiders but immediately I was like is that a nid planet like what the I I wasn't sure if it was like a nid seated Planet but the nids just like didn't we just didn't know what nids were yet you know there there's a few there's a few things that kind of reference the idea that like the Adept mechanicus reckon that quite a few death worlds are effectively places that the tyrany deeded but then never actually went back to so the stuff that's there either evolved or devolved or became separated from the hi mind and ended up becoming own species something else yeah um the mega arachnids definitely have a bit of a tyranid Vibe but they have like they have legs that can just Pierce through Power Armor they can sever Space Marines in half they have flying variants that come in and grab you and Chuck you onto these trees and just let you lie there all impaled and stuff it's easily one of the like most horrific worlds that I think Games Workshop has put like a load of time into it's a really good part of that book and it's a really really good example of a death world just because of the immediate landing and then just straight away finding out that everything about this planet is 100% there to kill you dead I I very okay so I one I appreciate Shai understanding me well enough to say it's like the rakai because I get that I get that instantly I understand um I appreciate kill their brood mother did you did you do course I of course I didn't good okay I was going to say if you did you're a real son of a [ __ ] I I mean I did like a renegade play through it one well sure yeah eventually you want to see all the options but when you first come across it right like Renegade in like Mass Effect one is just like a terrible terrible Shepherd and Renegade Mass Effect 3 is like a war criminal like like only Mass Effect has a good Renegade where you're like genuinely just kind of a sticking cus and the man yeah yeah it's different anyway um okay okay cuz it really did look like nids like that looks like a version of like a like a ravener or something right yeah it it it does um so way they SP they sent this what what Space Marine chap it's just unnamed Space Marine chapter I'm assuming so there there's two chapters that went but I'm I was being very vague about it um but yeah there's there's one of them appropriated severed Mega's claw as a second sword but its Edge was so Keen that he cut his hand just by holding it in his ceramite gaunlet whoa so not even like barehanded his it cut through his armor in his hand by holding it just by holding it holy sh that's that's a that's a sharp that's a sharp knife absolutely horrendous it's great I love them they're so good they're really really nasty um so it's not all just it's not you know all like that simple though there are also other ones that have a bit of like a bit of kind of mystery to them so there is a death world called malma which is just on the edge of the eye of Terror and this one is one of the weirder ones so this shows up in the I believe it's the seventh six seventh edition of the Dark Angels codex um and on malmar there are these like PS black poles that the Dark Angels interrogator chaplains use to show that they've caused a fallen angel to repent so they have this specific thing oh I forget of the black talking about these yeah yeah yeah yeah yes I I know Asad has a bunch on his little stick yeah well but that's like Asad has like eight which which is like insane or something cuz you know you don't find that many Fallen yeah well you used to not find that many and then the son of the forest happen and look they're everywhere Z zabel my beloved greatest goddamn character hell yeah brother go ahead oh God that art works so good sorry I got distracted by it so that's okay the the world itself is is insanely dangerous because the poles that they use they're only from that one world you can only find them in the oceans the PS are on a razor Reef which you know the name kind of suggests don't go anywhere near that and the planet itself and the oceans on that planet are just absolutely hammered by storms constantly and in the oceans themselves there are super Predators the size of strike Cruisers wow just like so like just these giant like whale Predator things they're like all through hard ones so they're like it's gross I I'm trying I'm trying to think of the best you got like warship sized arthropod yes you got like kind of segmented Ino like it's it's my is ruined oh God okay keep going so you get to dodge all of that trying to trying to get yourself a nice Pearl to show that you know you've done the thing yeah yeah strike Cruiser is 3 miles long so I don't remember if we talked about this in the Dark Angel episode but let's say you find a fallen and you're just like yep got him do you have to go farm the Pearl yourself or is there like a stockpile of these things where they just kind of hand you one after you've done it so you have to go and get them yourself basically so a newly promoted interrogated chaplain goes to collect some and then it's stored in uh in their like reclus in the hope that one day they'll take it back right right but like after you get like one of the Fallen they're like oh congratulations on getting the Fallen here's your token they actually have like a store room that's kind of like full of them yes that oh yeah and they constantly torture them for information that they may or may not have because the Dark Angels are weird yeah but it's not like uh it's not part of your ritual that you specifically have to go and get it after you do the thing yes yeah and yes so I'd forgotten this but actually shy it's said that those who travel to malmas face their own darkest Temptations a test of will that makes all other threats on the death World pale in comparison so that's a lofty statement like it's it's pretty high up there they have three mile long arthropods that want to eat you yeah yeah but there is something worse somehow yeah it's you you're worse you're the worst thing your temptation are worse than all right cool cool yep death world for sure checks out there's a proper like and then it gets worse which you know 4 is really good at but it really takes a left turn cuz it's like here's all the normal horror and then you have your own existential ones as well great I really enjoy the the the fact that there is uh death worlds and Demon worlds and the only difference is whether or not chaos is involved but generally life on it is like roughly the same I mean it's not actually roughly the same like it's it's really bad the danger level is the same it's just one has Chaos on it I I like the like the Demon World is obviously meant to torture and do all these kind of obviously there is a difference but I was thinking about that one world that you mentioned um was it the slanesh world where like you go there and like you're tortured by your own mind or something I'm trying to remember how that one went oh that oh I do vaguely remember hearing something about that yeah yeah yeah what was the name of it but yes there is there is one there is one like that way like chased by your own nightmares and they crawl it's like yeah they crawl out of yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like a NeverEnding yeah the planet is a big lad and then the stuff crawls out of its paes and chases you oh yeah until it gets you and then it happens again and again the next like just and you're like reborn out of its like nose or something yeah like you craw out I can't remember exactly it's that sort of thing all right sh Shai's comment here is hilarious to me he like designation is quote this place is unfit for human life but the imperium's case is quote this place is unfit for human life however which which is pretty like correct when you're thinking about it yeah however we need something here so however that adamantium Rock there is real special yeah we could really use the resources in the case of one of them the people coming off the therea just top tier we need more of those so we'll just let him carry on they definitely wouldn't would they they'd be like do you want to live somewhere nicer no we're not leaving why would we leave here this is great that is basically katchan isn't it it's just we don't want to gowhere we want to stay here because have you seen what we look like when we leave we are the best of the best get out of here we'll shoot you yeah they're they're kind of like Orcs on cin where they're actually having a grand old time hunt and everything right yeah the closest to Orcs so mentioning uh mentioning the a planet that's actually a big lad has reminded me there is there is one that has got very little in the way of any sort of full information that I could find um but it was the name of it like just stood out to me so there is a planet called Crow TOA which there a planet called cow TOA yeah it's a bit on the nose it was in the fifth and sixth edition Rule books um is there is there A Lost Civilization there by any there the thing is all I could find is that the planet there a colony of ran o that L there by any chance it just all I could find is that the planet seems to be its own living organism so the name has seemingly got very little to do with what direction they went for it but I just I was just like looking through all the all the different death worlds and I went croar croar really is that okay sure but they they didn't go the way I thought they'd go I was kind of hoping that they would just fully copy that but no oh well it it is what it is there is also like we we mentioned c as well so uh C was to death yeah it was I was going to say it was previously quite a nice Hive world but I think that's I think that's an oxymoron I don't think you can have a nice high World nice World a very like successful Hive world I think he's probably like very prosperous so maybe that's the best way to put it um but you know slight issue in that at one point the rulers decided to go against the Imperium and it led to a massive Civil War and a huge chunk of the planet ended up being an radiated hell hole and it has become a man-made death world but on the upside even though the planet is borderline self annihilated we do have the death core of C so swings and roundabouts Silver Linings the planet is a we do the planet iser just full ofx awful that means that you just can't go to most of it it's just completely uninhabitable there's just so much toxicity in the air and there's radiation storms but you know we do now have the death core of Creek so it's not all bad oh my God Shai look at that oh I can't wait I'm I'm finally getting a vacation for my deployment I get to finally visit gray I was going to say welcome to Planet Brown so I can't wait to go to the lovely irradiated wastes of gray and then check out the spires of orange gray yeah look at all that dirt I wonder if they love to shovel things on C shovel shovel C shovel did you know that CS have shovels and they like to dig trenches shovel shovel trench C sorry I feel like that's like you know you you have to see you see you've gone too far with a now you see I I agree that the shovel meme is dumb but now now you put it too far in the other direction now I'm now I'm angry with you regardless yes let's go mission accomplished only took me like what four years let's go I feel like that's happened before Mission I mean you know it's unfortunate though too because like C did come out with a new kill Team box and like their models are actually just just lovely they look just great that's true they do they do they're really fun plus you know I mean if you're a cman you're you're you're so D you're you've got such like a grim demeanor um because you know what what they call that they call like the cult of sacrifice in a way um they're very much you know it's like oh we need to send a regiment to this horrible death World covered in like God knows what uh and it's going to really ruin the troops morale from anyone else but the Cs men never complain about anything because they have such a uh a guilt trip that they just kind of like will operate incredibly well in any horrible horrible environment I want to I want to read this cax population approximately 360,000 a planet Riven with psychic storms any psychers on the planet's surface act as a literal lightning rod the psycher will need to wield his talents to bend the storm around himself or die an adeptus astr telepathica training facility has been installed on this planet take advantage of the extreme environment wow what a lovely day it is today get like shot with psychic like light and explodes oh my God yeah wow unfit for human life however it would make a great training facility for psychers yeah but to be fair if you come off that planet you are a crazy psycher though right cuz you are literally bending lightning to go around you just on Instinct I just love how pretty pogers as the kids say I love how completely like Bal it starts out because of it just saying adeptus astr telepathica training Planet it's like oh okay well how exciting could that possibly be any psychers act as a lightning rod it starts out it's like oh it's just going to be a bunch of people sat there learning how to how to use like boring psychic powers it's just going to be really dull no no no if you don't get real good at controlling that you will be burnt alive by lightning straight away let's go it's so hardcore so good that's that's obviously the export of that planet is psychers that's great okay let's do let's do one one last death Planet because this was completely completely news to me because I haven't really kept up that much for like um like the RPG stuff so there's like a full-on ttrpg I think there's a couple of different ones now you've got wrath and Glory there's also dark heresy as well uh like 40K Source books for for playing tabletop games I'm going to be honest since we were talking warh him I haven't been keeping up with the RPGs I'm like there's a planet for rocket propelled grades what what the [ __ ] DK what the hell it's a planet where they just what they just fall out of the sky with the what do you and I'm like so jrpg coded too like I don't know why my brain immediately went to the thing like the ultimate man-made death World it constantly range grenades hey the alpha all r snakes then we can do that too hell yeah Grenade rain Jes go go ahead sorry sorry unfortunately this isn't from the rocky Propel Gren grenade book uh dark heresy but it is from the role playing game um there is a world called fedd where it's I guess in a way it could be seen as maybe like catachan light sort of but there is just so many it's just a jungle it's it's still got awful things in it just of a slightly different flavor so it's a forest world as opposed to a jungle world um but they have got they have got flesh boring rot worms ow so you could get one of those um there's also there's also like these little like lurking creatures called pit biles that hide sort of under the soil with snapping Jaws that will just grab onto you they they also have thornback reptiles which can grow to be the size of Imperial Guard tanks oh which great cool which is great uh there are some predators that would actually be capable of eating a land Raider hole not even in Pieces Just a whole land Raider just snake that thing and just yeah just fully fully down it uh there's tree jumpers which are SI limbed sort of insectoid creatures the size of an adult man but they live in like the canopy of the trees and will just drop on you and and just take you out immediately oh man alien drop koalas let's go it this one really is Australia um then the uh the the worst one is is the uh svac or the black death which is a massive animal that can get 10 of meters in length which is capable of just being completely still and totally camouflaged as a dead or petrified tree until their prey gets close at which point their carapace opens up and they have a bunch of like sore toothed tentacles and tendrils poisoned barbs and like beaked Jaws like you find on like an octopus and it would just snatch grab a and then close you up and Munch you down oh great that's cool that's uh okay that yep mhm lovely oh they also have blood wolves so yeah great lovely Planet fantastic blood wolves I'm assuming what makes it a blood wolf exactly just cuz it like drinks your blood so so you see DK when when a blood angel and a space Wolf love each other very much there's the next poster I was going to say posterize that sh posterize do it he he put that idea out in The Ether shy we have to monetize it immediately why am I the one saying no to the money why am I the one telling you not to yeah do it ship it not like that I mean like ship the poster don't ship the blood angel in the space Wolf just ship the poster how dare you shy that's not something I've chosen it's something that just happened anyway uh actual rules for death rules GW came up with that's kind of fun I'm curious about that all right let's see what we got here oh yeah okay this is oh this is some sixth edition looking stuff yeah yeah yeah this is older this is indigenous hazards self-detonating fauna carnivorous Flora the Swarm deadly spores indigenous Beast Lasher nests environmental hazards FL Fay storm the razor hail pelts down with such a fuy Flay skin from the bone all non vehicle units are treated as being in difficult terrain for this term that's fun oh play storm is crazy Suffocation rain vitrio which is just acid rain mhm hellscape hazards we've got Haven of s oh that's safety meteor strike gravitic anomaly Gastly hallucinations you're going to skip Burning Skies the skies themselves burst into flame what all units that enter play as deep strike this turn okay so it's old d dangerous terrain AKA I rolled my land Raider over a crater for half an inch and I rolled a one and now my land Raider doesn't work anymore AKA you think you want to go back to seventh edition because you're upset about like some lar being too good in 10th but you don't know what you're asking for yeah you actually don't want that you gen you actually have no idea what you're asking for be careful what you wish for you just might get it yeah so the uh that's actually hilarious though I love that those are great names desp yeah it's a lot of fun I wonder that's that's got to be like easily adapted to to the current edition that's yeah I mean for the most part but it's the current edition is so much more um uh how you say like streamlined that I I feel like I feel like it would create people didn't care as much if you roll bad in like seventh and stuff because it was so much more random now I feel like you know oh oh the Lasher tendrils have forced my unit to half move is like actually crippling and maybe cost you the game you yeah maybe it might be a bit harsher now but things things are things are different now it's play differently but it is it is a fun concept okay I Reon we'll do we'll do an honorable we'll do an honorable mention to uh to because we didn't fully like go through them Bal and caliban and nocturn all all three of those death worlds also pythos which you will get to if you uh if you're reading through the Horus heresy um blood angels are stored in balls blood angs are stored in the balls let's go just like the microplastics it's stored in the ball just like the microplastics that all people have in their balls I feel like that's a good place to a good place to leave it and if you're you're going to leave it at microplastics are in the balls no blood angels are stored in the ball oh okay okay that's fine yeah yeah okay okay okay and we've you know we've been recording this on our own personal death world so it's it's all thematic and it all comes around in the end I can't wait for the Jeff Bezos Elon Musk future where uh the pollution has taken over the entirety of the world and we're all cized me me me sending sending a zip bomb to DK's neurolink because he was mean to me in an episode of an episode of adrick wow man I don't think there's like man this podcast wouldn't have lasted very long if you could do that though so I'm glad that that future hasn't come to be me send sending a pentab bite zip bom directly to DK's brain wait a minute I'd have to have a brain before you can ship a virus to my brain so Checkmate loser that's why I'm sending a pentab byte instead of a terabyte I'm filling in all the extra space oh man that's yeah man that's [ __ ] up yeah it is that's the whole point man anyway I like death worlds a lot I feel like could just do a really good job I think one of the fun things about death worlds and one of the reasons they're so enjoyable is that they're very easy to incorporate into your own fan-made kind of Imperial Guard regimen or theories oh yeah you know you just like defitely what's wrong with this world it's like well it rains acid and then the acid comes alive and and shoes off your shoes so I'm so I'm playing as the the uh the Fantastic Imperial Guard regiment known as the iron boots because they don't want their their shoes to be chewed off anymore I don't know just something that Bri was right to the feet for his uh for his custom [ __ ] you man [ __ ] you it's unrelated you [ __ ] Lord immediately goes to ooh the assd chewed off their shoes and left their fees all alone better better wear the iron boots to protect my little toast die shy kill him mods said mods send him to to the indiga tourism board and have him learn about the creatures please just end the episode there somewhere [Music]
Channel: Adeptus Ridiculous
Views: 105,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, wh40k, warhammer 40000, grimdark, tabletop, comedy, games workshop, lore, 40k lore, adeptus ridiculous
Id: hdOkgagO3HE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 46sec (4126 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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