Angels transport Believers to Heaven? Dr. David Jeremiah teaching on Death

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unfortunately nobody wants to talk about it it's like the unspoken word even among christians we have all of these phrases that we've come up with we can't just say my father died today we have to say he went to be with the lord or he passed on or he's gone to another place or we have all of these i looked in a there's a website that has all of these listed there's hundreds of ways to say death without saying death cover-ups yes because it's a word that no one wants to deal with i've preached hundreds of funerals and i've watched the discomfort of people who come to funerals who don't know the lord death is the one thing they can't get past because they know that it's going to get them sooner or later now some people are going to have trouble with this but it's important to point out that death even the word does not mean cessation it's not annihilation no separation yeah let's do a little word study on that real quickly the word death means to be separated so there's three kinds of separation there's physical death which is the separation of the soul from the body the bible says absent from the body present with the lord when rachel died her spirit went to heaven you know the bible's got lots of illustrations of this physical death is simply my soul my spirit leaves my body and my body goes in the grave but i'm still alive uh spiritual death is the separation of the soul from god that and we were all born spiritually dead because of adam in the garden that's right that's right we are we are all born spiritually dead we have a we have a part of us that even though we're alive physically we're dead spiritually until jesus christ comes to make us alive and most of us sense that something missing that's right if you don't if you're dead spiritually you know it and then there's what the bible calls the second death and of all these you want to avoid this one with at all costs because the second death is the final banishment from god for those who have refused to receive jesus christ as their savior the second death is unrecoverable when you experience the second death you've exhausted all hope there's never again going to be a chance for you to know god that means to be assigned forever and ever to a place of punishment that god has reserved for those who reject him so and let's be clear that once again that is not a cessation of existence it's eternally separated yeah we should just settle this once and for all everyone listening to us today is going to be alive somewhere forever you're going to live forever yeah no matter who you are what you've done you're either going to be in the presence of god forever or you're going to be in his absence in a place called hell forever and that's not a good place i think that for people who have had their sins forgiven they know they have a home in heaven their fear is not death but dying what will be the cause of my death when will it come how much will i suffer what will it mean in my real life in that journey well and that's very natural and normal i think we should you know death is the one thing we've never experienced before we have no precedent for death we only have experienced it through others that we've watched in many people who who have that fear have that fear because they've watched people they love suffer greatly and they're dying did you feel you stared it in the face with two bouts of lymphoma you know to some degree i did i looked i looked death pretty close in the eye and and realized that you know it could be a reality i remember one time in the mayo clinic hearing my doctor dictate the results of a surgery he did on me he didn't know i was there i didn't understand all of it but i remember going back in my room and sitting down and thinking you know i'm i'm not going to make it i'm not going to make this this is really a lot more serious than i thought and so i know something of that fear of dying but the bible tells us a couple of things about that that i'm so excited about one of my favorite passages that deals with this is psalm 23 4 where the psalmist writes these words yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me and here the psalmist teaches us that for a believer death is not a reality it's a shadow and shadows can't hurt you you know a shadow is made up of darkness and light wherever there's a shadow there's got to be a little bit of light but shadows and there's a wonderful story in there about donald gray barnhouse and he'd come back from a funeral of his first wife and he was with his kids and they were on their way home and they were standing in a corner and a big big truck came by and the shadow of that truck went right across them and he turned to his kids and he said kids would you rather have been hit by the shadow or by the truck and they said oh good night we'd rather be hit by the shadow and he said the shadow of that truck the reality of that truck hit our savior on the cross when he died so that only the shadow would be able to touch us jesus took the fullness he took the full impact we only get the shadow and then the psalm says also yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death and i like to remind people death is not a staying place it's a place you go through and when you go through from one side you go through to the other side death is our commencement exercise it is when we graduate from this life to what life really is which is the full uh uninterrupted presence with god his right hand pleasures that's right we go to be with him and so all i can say is that yeah every you know it's a little this little story about a little boy was in the classroom one time and the teacher asked how many of you would want to go to heaven and everybody raised their hand but this little boy and she went back and she said don't you want to go to heaven when you die oh he said yes ma'am when i die but i thought you were getting up a load for tonight and he was saying what we all feel wasn't he we don't want to die none of us i mean nobody in their right mind says oh i'd like to die tonight unless you're suffering from some terrible disease where your life is completely minimal i want to live every day to the fullest as long as i can and when the time is right the lord will take me home i don't have any desire to die but i don't have to fear death because the bible tells me that god almighty has conquered it through his son the lord jesus christ he put his foot on death in victory and he said because i live you two shall live you make a very clear statement there are only two ways to face the future with fear or with faith that's right what would be your best counsel for that person who really would like to make the shift they've been a prisoner of fear and they really want to walk free well that person has got to make the decision to put their trust in christ he's the one who's promised to give them victory over death he himself has conquered death and he offers that victory to anyone who will trust him but trust is a choice and you know one of the things i've discovered in talking to people about that there are some people who enjoy their illness some people who enjoy holding on to their fear i i would just say to you if you if you fear dying you need to let go of that here's something that most people don't realize when the time comes for you to go to heaven almighty god is going to dispatch an angel to take you there i used to think that was a an old wives fable but it's not that or a television series oh yeah in in the in the in the story of the rich man and lazarus the bible says that when the rich man died he just died when lazarus died an angel came and took him to the bosom of abraham i remember when i saw that for the first time it is true when a believer dies he doesn't go through that journey of death by himself almighty god sends an angel to convey him to heaven on the authority of the word of god i can say to you when it's time for you to die if you're a christian and go to heaven you won't have to go alone the angel will come and carry you there to be with the lord would you lead that person who gets it now in a prayer absolutely that would result in that second birthday here's here's what i would say you pray this prayer dear lord i don't want to die twice i'm not really even excited about dying once but i know that i'm going to have to die once if you don't come back soon i want to make sure that when i die i go into the presence of heaven so i want to accept jesus christ as my savior right now because he has promised that he will give me the gift of eternal life when i accept him so lord jesus as i sit here in front of this television right now i accept you as my savior i ask you to come and live within my heart and take away my sin and give me eternal life thank you for hearing my prayer if you prayed that prayer please call our prayer lines let us just rejoice with you you want to tell somebody you are going to live forever with jesus
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 777,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100Huntley, Christian, Christians, Christianity, Bible, Faith, Scripture, Jesus, dr. david jeremiah, david jeremiah, david jeremiah sermons 2020, turning point david jeremiah, dr david jeremiah, david jeremiah sermons, end times, christian encouragement, christian testimonies, coronavirus, fear of death, fearing death, fear of death anxiety, the denial of death, dealing with death, death anxiety, death, spiritual growth, coping with death, life after death, bible study, fear of dying
Id: TS3VqP3J0Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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