Death Stranding - Part 10 | Higgs Boss Fight

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top of the morning to you laddies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to Norman Reedus and his amazing baby feeders we have our baby back ribs and I'm very excited about it we also got a little drink a little smoothie you know trying to get that health cake I've taken after my boy Norman who's trekking across America ok so are you ready for your exam again are you ready for your death training history lesson we did this few episodes back and I went off on I read a bunch of the new interviews that I had gotten and I I took down some notes again these are these are all my debts Friday don't suffer this is the first one I did and this was yesterday so I have a lot to go over to explain what is still going on in the game but this one is interesting I have 2 written down anything about this because I didn't know I had it yet I did serve as standard orders in the meantime just to try and build out the lower a small bit it didn't do anything to the story so you didn't miss anything but it says this is a report number one with Lucy who is Sam's ex-wife or dead wife do you still call them ex-wives if they're dead or is it his wife or is it just his cover whatever the lady who was pregnant with his child I've just concluded my first therapy session with Sam strand it was not held at the patients request wait are we talking about Lucy or I don't know Sam's adoptive mother president strand approached me in the hope I might help her son overcome his his often possum phobia Sam is an intriguing case his reluctance notwithstanding he recognizes that his condition has and will continue to cause him much distress I suspect it is rooted in a childhood trauma but unfortunately we have only just scratched the surface and I cannot even begin to speculate what it might be like many of the bridges core team members Sam is a doom sufferer unlike them however he is also a repatriate whether or not this is related to his a from possum phobia I cannot say at this time but he would hardly be the first to manifest phobias as a result of his abilities as an infant Sam lost both parents and was adopted by President strand to her stressful and time-consuming responsibilities I can only presume that she was unable to afford him sufficient attention which is to say that a distant relationship and his with his adoptive mother may be a contributing factor as previously mentioned though asam is very reluctant to talk about himself he is an intensely private individual and will take time to build trust and convince him to open himself up to me okay we have another one after this but what if I didn't think about it until now Sam was on the beach with Emily so does that mean that Sam died in the death surrounding when he was younger we couldn't math out this stuff with Hartman from the last episode I didn't take the time to actually do the math on it because they immediately forgot how many numbers he was saying but you could math out he said he does X amount of trips to the beach a day under X amount of minutes blah blah blah and then he said he did X amount of trips so you can do out the math of that I'm sure somebody's done it in the comments already and I can't see it yet but you can do the math on that to figure out how many times he's done it which can lead to how long it's been since the deaths trending cuz I still don't think we know that and if it has said it it's gone over my head or missing in some of the interviews but that's interesting so I wonder if Sam's he was on the beach as a kid meeting Amelie so what if he died in the death stranding as a kid and like Hartman his family went into the water but him being a rope a treat and a doom suffer meant that he stayed behind what if dooms people are just those who have died but didn't go on to the afterlife they've gone to the beach they've seen the beach but they've come back and that's afforded them abilities to be able to detect be teased because they've had a run-in with them basically they've had a run-in with death so they're able to see them now it's kind of like Harry Potter with Dementors that you can see two Mentors if you've gotten close to death or you can see what's those horses but now are the narrow goals I can't remember progress has been slow but Sam has finally started to open up to me however his recollection of early childhood is confusing and contradictory he has difficulty distinguishing between genuine memories and reoccurring dreams Sam even claims to have met his stepsister Amelie on the beach several times while quite young and a possible claim to say the least okay I'm only a little older than Sam but I was born before the death stranding a fact that tends to affect the way we think about the beach and my professional opinion the beach is a figment of our collective imagination a shared delusion but people born later or more are more likely to take its existence as a given wait so Lucy is his therapist I wonder if they find comfort in the belief because it helps to explain phenomena like BTS and repertory it's like Sam similarly my theory is that sounds manufactured childhood memories of the beach are his way of coping with the fact that neither Emily nor Bridget spent much time with him okay so that puts my thing out of whack already I believe this is also the reason he still clings to the dreamcatcher Emily gave him even now as an adult you could call it his security blanket it may also be the key to overcoming his after possum phobia if Sam were too emotionally distance himself from Emily it might reduce his resistance to physical intimacy or approach this approach to him in our next session if Sam were too emotionally distance himself from Emily it might reduce his resistance to physical intimacy and if that is Lucy be the one talking to him to try and get him to open up then he just impregnated her so yeah it worked sorry I've like a bubble in my throat and I can hear it when I talk yeah these ones were really interesting these were reports from the void out in Manhattan and it talks about a doctor it says who the hell the doctors final words it talks about a doctor who was delivering a baby and as he was delivering to baby he was doing a c-section the plan apparently to remove the fetus from the room and immediately place it in the NICU where it receives unnecessary care prior to this the surgeon would of course have to cut the umbilical cord this is the moment that changed everything the moment the surgeon's hand touched the cord in that instant instance he uttered his famous last words who the hell so this is part of him seeing BT's yeah so also this one basically spells out exactly what the BT or what the bb's are so I wrote down a bunch of notes let's see some of the stuff that Hartman was talking about was evolution he talks about evolution being the advancement of consciousness that while we're physically evolving we're also mentally evolving and maybe time and our perception of time and our passage through it is actually an evolution of our consciousness to be able to understand our world so we've developed the concept of time that other creatures do not experience time oh they're not so much in our existence but maybe stuff like BTS and chiral dimensional beings don't experience time because it's a human concept that we thought up of to try and get in touch with our surroundings to try and figure out why we age and why we die we've developed this concept of time and maybe it also talks about the deaths running changing that concept that maybe the death stranding is our next step in evolution that not only is it destroying some of humanity by killing some of us but maybe it's also advancing our consciousness to that next stage because having the beach having the death threatening figuring out that there's another dimension that we're interacting with all this stuff because if you've one dimension out there that you're able to exist to interact with the can opens up the can of worms that okay that's not the only one that's just the only one we've come in contact with though we've actually had a physical manifestation of it now and that other dimensions probably exists all around us all the time and we just can't see them and that is a legitimate scientific theory in real-world science yeah he said that maybe dooms is the next step in human evolution when you go to the beach and you interact with that maybe dooms is that like awakening of the consciousness if you've ever seen the movie arrival and if you haven't seen the movie arrival I highly recommend going watching watching it it's one of my favorite alien invasion movies and it's just really cool a really high concept if you haven't see wait about a minute to come back here because I'm gonna spoil the ending to it okay good um at the end of that she wakes up and figures out that all the language that you learned from the aliens means that you understand the passage of time better meaning that forward backward it's all the same it's all a loop you're all experiencing it all at the same time all at once so what okay you can come back now what if dooms is that sort of thing where once you go to the beach you have a different understanding of time and having that different understanding of time is that next stage and evolution that helps us advance beyond what we are now that maybe there's a lot of theories that maybe the next advancement in human evolution isn't physical its mental and I've often been off the theory that what if we talk about creating AI and robots and AI becoming self-aware and destroying humanity but what if AI became self-aware to the point where it first tried to live alongside humanity because think about this okay we're going to get into some deep stuff probably gonna be here for like a half hour in this episode but what if we created AI and the AI instead of destroying us because the AI is going to be so smart it's able to think a million things in an instant figure out solution so quickly like a Google a search engine but way [ __ ] faster because it's able to teach itself to get better and all of that stuff happens instantaneously because it's so good at what it does it's so efficient what if it's so smart that it realizes hey we don't need to kill the humans because we can just I've done this calculation in an instant where I figured out how to assimilate human consciousness into a machine and doing that it strips out all of the flaws that humanity has and baled brings us into the next stage of our evolution so what if us creating an AI to become sentient to assimilate us into it where we still retain that part of us but the physical aspect is gone what if that's our evolution what if us creating that AI to be sentient is actually us advancing our own human evolution I mean that's there could be a million different problems with it I just kind of liked that idea because it's a lot less morbid it's a lot more optimistic than like yeah we're gonna create AI and it's obviously gonna destroy us cuz movies have taught us that and we're destroying the earth but what if the AI is so smart it's like no I can figure out how to save the earth because I'm just so good at it I'm able to build all these other machines I'm able to assimilate you in and now we all live in harmony it's on in the endings of Mass Effect actually okay so that's the stuff about dooms and everything and then we talk they talked about the beach and how the beach is technically a point in time that you can access that they talked about taking the the foot of like a dinosaur or their bone of a dinosaur and the beach is not only able to you they're talking about technically being able to use the beach to go back far enough to time travel to be able to not only it's so confusing you're not only using the beach to go between areas to travel dimensions and distance which is technically time travel but because you're doing that to time travel they talked about basically being able to reconstruct things with the beach because you're able to travel they talked about the light in the stars being points of like imagine all the stars being points on a beach I mean you have to bounce between them if you're able to bounce from star to star there's so much distance between them if you're able to do that instantaneously that's time travel you're traveling so fast that you're going beyond speeds of light because if from earth to the Sun it takes eight minutes for the light to actually reach earth and that's at the speed of light that'll tell you how [ __ ] far away Earth is from the Sun and how crazy that distance is but if you're able to use the beach to go to the Sun and to the earth that's time travel because you're cutting out the speed of light it's [ __ ] wacky but they also talked about being able to use the beach to reconstruct things so they're all there they literally say not only are you going back to be able to see the things before the death stranding but the beach is reconstructing them as well so they this is in mama and lockness stuff that they're talking about using the beach to reconstruct things that and before the death stranding that if our human evolution advances with our dooms beyond and uses the beach to use their technology in that information you'll be able to reconstruct everybody that's died before the death stranding at least that's what they hinted at so maybe that could be the ending of the game that we end up going back in time and using the beach to reconstruct everything that's happened before the death stranding even began it's so [ __ ] bizarre um yeah and the oh I also read the thing about Krypto by Oates the Krypto buyouts are a thing that happened because of the death stranding and there are a specific type of organism like tardigrades they also mentioned higher grades in this I've talked about them before are they connect they can live in extreme conditions but the crypto by Oates can halt their metabolic rates almost basically to the point of death where they've appeared dead to us but because they experience time differently it doesn't matter to them so that's why eating them helps you it bill brings back your blood because it prolongs it prolongs your life or prolongs death whichever way you want to see it and it can give you resistance to the effects of time so eating them creates a somewhat immunity to time fall and I think that that's why fragile keeps eating them because she's been covered neck to toe and time fall and maybe it might be like oh I don't want that to happen again so I keep even crypto buyouts or maybe it's something to keep her alive and keep her going and that's why she's able to use the beach so often because her resistance is so high now from eating so many crypto buyouts yes okay so last thing let's get to the really interesting stuff this is talking about bee bees so this literally spells out exactly what the bee bees are and it's kind of what I had suspected following a number of tests and experiments the conclusion was reached that this incident was an annihilation event brought about by the doctors contact with whatever or whomever he had seen upon touching the umbilical cord though it eventually became apparent that the doctor had been referring to BTS at the time no one could explain the underlying cause of the incident so when he delivered a baby in a c-section he delivered a baby from a brain dad mom the mom had gone brain-dead but he had to save the child to save the child he did an emergency c-section when he was pulling the child out he grabbed the umbilical cord and he saw a BT and doing that created a void out because the particles interacted with each other and no two particles can exist in the exact same space across dimensions as each other are so scientifically theorized so it creates a void out it annihilates the particles and that's an actual scientific thing if you were to suddenly teleport to a dimension where your exact figure is or the particles of your being exist those particles will annihilate each other because they can't exist in two spaces at once or so our understanding of science goes but the MA the mom was brain dead remember that some later theorized that if the same conditions brain dead mother fetus umbilical cord could be recreated then B T's could be detected and the mystery of the death stranding would be solved indeed this was the theoretical basis upon which the government's own experiments and investigations could be conducted they called the fetuses they use bridge babies and the experiments became known as the Beebe experiments soon after the government's program got underway the tragedy of Manhattan occurred there you have it bee bees are created by making mother's brain dead so the still mother's are brain dead which is completely [ __ ] up because that means they're either using brain dead 3 if they're impregnating the way I think it's gonna happen is that they're impregnating women and turning off their brains basically forcing them to be brain dead and then doing an emergency c-section taking the baby out just so they have a connection to the beach and that's what I said in the last episode I actually I actually got it right because with Mama she almost died but the baby died in her and that created a bridge and the whole game is about building bridges of course so they could be killing mothers well killing their brains I guess but the body stays alive long enough to deliver the baby and in that the mother dies becomes brain dead connects to the beach baby comes out it they keep that connection across dimensions across the beach and our world and that's why the B the B B's are able to sense BTS because their moms are dead that is [ __ ] but again I'm happy that I predicted and got it right because that makes me feel good and then the last one it talks about two BB experiments were conducted based in government facility in such an extreme secrecy that little is known and then the failure were directly responsible to Total Annihilation of the island of Manhattan so the BB experiments the doctor couldn't it out all that stuff void outs are not Manhattan gone he was succeeded the present light is all we knew all this is already um but it says vice president Brigitte strand who shortly after her inauguration put an end to all further BB experiments and had all data destroyed but we know that she kept it going in secret is not what they said there's no John or Die Hardman said she vowed to rebuild America and devoted herself wholeheartedly to this end in response separatists who opposed reconstruction emerged and suddenly grew more aggressive in their activities they got data on the BB experiments and they started using B B's themselves and that's how they figured out how to create void outs so that's the first inclination on how to create void outs and how to do anything oh yeah say yeah that's about twenty two hundred likes so there you have it that was a long session but I feel like it's it's good because if you don't wanna listen to it you can just scrub along in the timeline you can figure out where the gameplay comes back and we can move on with the next part but if you are interested in this stuff like I am I am so into it this I wouldn't be writing this [ __ ] down if I wasn't really interested in it that I take on the order already I think so it's fascinating it's so cool it's such a neat concept and I love interdimensional stuff I love time-travel stuff I love all of that crap so that's awesome yeah so we need to go to the ever devil biologist I hope some of my yeah I I spent no since I did some of the standard orders as well I spent some time building bridges I built some zip lines around the place so this is a level 2 zip line it can go pretty far we're going over this way I went down it like that direction somewhere and did a mission to grab like a book or something I can't remember what I grabbed I don't think I have another one over here no that's right no that's good progress still so now we're heading to the biologist and we're bringing her the fossils and ammonites and stuff so it feels like that their interviews that you get are kind of ahead of the story to kind of preface what the cutscenes are gonna be so I imagine when we get to this lady earth man I actually don't know we're gonna find out we're going to find out more stuff about that reconstructing of things using chiral stuff so they posited that you could rebuild actual whole matter using chiral energy and chiral printers and biology biological stuff so that opens up a whole kind of worms cuz then that's a weird thing to think about as well if someone dies let's say somebody dies and you wait a week the body's not fully decomposed some stuff has set in but if somebody dies and you were technically able to reanimate them I don't think that will ever be possible because we still don't know what consciousness is and if that's a soul or all that kind of stuff but if you were up to reanimate them and bring them back to life a reconstitute decomposed tissue that in and of itself is kind of time travel as well I I think cuz you're bringing material that had disappeared back whoa look at this area holy [ __ ] alright that's not where I'm supposed to go is it oh it is um collect all four containers for terror extraction of tire extraction devices oh okay there's not any mules around here is there cuz those mules in the other area I went to wait this looks like a desert it's like a weird hot spring area it's right next to all the snowy mountains it's so weird also I never even thought about it if you build while time fall moves around if you build a structure in the time fall obviously it's a corner degrade but the time floor moves around so much that I didn't think about it but building the zip lines in the snowy area they're gonna get destroyed eventually it told me that they're not gonna stay there because the snow is time fall snow rain they're basically the same thing just at different states so if you if you build something in the still oh god if you build something in this snowy area that's the wrong button why do I keep doing that oh [ __ ] we're [ __ ] you build something in the snow area it's eventually going to get destroyed because the time fall and the snow falling all over it all the time is going to end up damaging it so that's an interesting way of showing that you can't keep your freakin zip lines there forever to make the game way too easy you're going to have to keep building to them and putting stuff into them again that off me effectors I don't want to join your weird party you want me to do it yeah I'm a peon you I'm gonna do it all these crabs around is it cuz I unzipped my pants ha ha ha PPE baby time it's so funny I love it um oh you have hematocrit level two let's try it one of those hello you want to see my cool new [ __ ] read oh right nice alrighty wait so if they try and grab me and then I get away from it does that mean that that bt goes away I think it does because there was two of them and I the one that tried to grab me is gone um okay I'm still going to use my bola because they think that that's better because then we can run in and do this God remember what beetee's were a threat and scary there's such a piece of cake now okay I'm gonna pick up some crypto buyout so I have them hi this doesn't really know why the BTS are just inner dimension running around though I guess they're on the beach and the chiral clouds are basically wormholes into it okay I didn't want to go in through the tire to fire in case it did something oh this place is wild the La Brea Tar Pits you haven't been to yet I've driven past them a couple of times and I've been in LA but I haven't actually been to the Tar Pits are they not as cool as they think they're going to be holy [ __ ] oh go go go go go go go no I'm caught no I'm not that was a big [ __ ] over there god there's so many of them okay let's use the grenade on this cuz maybe the Splash Damage will be big does it work like that I got two of them I don't think I need to get you yet damn the B team that was over there was huge [Music] we do get to see the big ones then I knew I saw a bigger one like two episodes ago that doesn't kill you in one hit does it are you dead okay whoa it's getting deceptive it's like are they really bigger they just closer no they're really big they dropped three chiral [ __ ] everywhere I mean I don't need to kill them all or even interact with them but I like the fact that I can kind of clear out the area it gives me a peace of mind man those big guys are [ __ ] scary that was definitely a bigger one oh this is me there's a moving blood bag does that mean there's a mule over there this bow Lagaan is the best thing in the game Sam you're so brave I think Norman Reedus is that brave in real life I'd like to think so I did not realize that Norman Reedus is 50 years old that's crazy I'm really glad that Norman Reedus his career is poppin off he seems like a cool dude and I also like that his Instagram name I don't know if his Twitter name is the same his big bald head got a respected so many crystals where did the other one go [Music] in here thorry guys I didn't forget about you oh god I think there's one behind me chasing me wordage where was that what the [ __ ] is happening they're links flying along the ground they're not actually grabbing me what is going on oh-oh-oh-oh I need I need some X grades or hematocrit neighs I should say nope get off me get off me this is weird this is the weird one I'm uncomfortable you go there you go keep going you go in there Norman okay you [ __ ] can die I get him okay yeah it did go away Jesus they were like flying along the ground like slugs slugs on flying around slugs are actually real slow I wouldn't think it was wearing a cape there are so many [ __ ] beauties in this area it would make sense because there's so much terror around okay please stay connected please stay trapped it's just yes yes yes yes I am the BT killer oh sweet mother of God okay well I run out of ammo if I keep trying to kill all these let's just get the stuff that they need and get the [ __ ] out of here this place sucks you know what you should do take enough blood out of Sam I'm building a nuclear bomb out of it and then you'll have a nuclear romantic warhead let me cool is it just that last one I have to collect over there what is this building okay keep it tight keep it safe atta boy Norman [ __ ] legend he is the legend he's the leg end this is like a Colosseum pantheon okay drink some drink some G fuel and now let's get the F out of Dodge how fast are you able to run with that car go fast enough hell yeah please these [ __ ] I [ __ ] out of here okay BTS got scary again the devoid out happen here what's it look like in the map hmm oh that weird that is a lot of BT's in one area I wonder what's bringing them all to this specific zone well all I know is I do not want to be there for any longer so you hundred meters away not that bad good job Norman that's a thick ass smoothie I can't drink that don't you know when you have to eat your drinks it's a good smoothie though okay everything is nice and calm again sweet Jesus that was really tense haha I miss these areas I mean don't get me wrong Snorri area really cool but I like the the grassy rainy rocky areas better since it legitimately just looks like Ireland if you look up connemara Ireland I mean obviously it's based on Iceland but it looks like a lot like Ireland as well and I think that that's why I like it so much and have such a strong connection to it visually looks like the West of Ireland ok our containers are gonna start getting damaged real fast I don't think I have my power gloves on anymore actually no I don't I my power gloves got destroyed because of the snow that's not snowing ok cool we're fine then for now god it's so cool this is a big open world especially since it's an open worlds basically just for exploring it reminds me a lot of Shadow of the Colossus world because that game has nothing in it to see their open world is basically just a way for you to get from point A to point B but that's the point because it's based on like an area where no one's supposed to go and it's supposed to be destroyed and ruined by old magic yeah there it is Road in structure erosion exposure time follow gradually erode structures and roads also I'm sorry if I keep missing a lot of the hints down in the bottom right sometimes hints come up on what to do and like how to pee and things like that from early on in the game and I'm missing because they get so tunnel vision on what I'm doing and then the information shows up here that I just can't do everything at once so it's kind of it's information overload there's a lot of information to take in on this game so apologies where oh wait I can skip this we don't need to see him pack away stuff every single time thanks I try really [ __ ] hard actually is awesome I don't have my Cupid on are we still gonna get to go on the chiral Network hey my robots delivered or up to level 207 oh yeah chunky monkey sweet weight there's three little areas over there that aren't joined yet a grenade launcher in my death stranding I'm assuming hematocrit you're not gonna fire grenades across the zone and blow people up um never forget I was gonna say whatever I must have been a lie oh I was gonna say that the engineer from way earlier in the games the guy with the glasses is apparently Jun Jie Ito I didn't know that I didn't know what Jun Jie Ito looked like you know I feel bad because I missed him and I love Jun Jie Ito both it and time are the defining features of the post stranding ecosystem sudden environmental changes such as these invariably lead to the extinction of organisms that fail to adapt yeah those that do adapt do so by virtue of enhancers the regions of DNA that grant successful organisms their advantage okay I'm gonna stop her there because all right that was some of the other stuff that I read was talking about their the extinction events that happened as well and they talked about how each extinction event there's always the creatures that die off and those who adapt and overcome and after the dinosaurs there was a lot of different creatures that did and the dinosaurs being the last one they also talked about how as I probably explained but basically again talking about evolution our dooms and our understanding of the beach and because I've always thought that everyone's always like humans evolved from monkeys and apes and chips whatever I don't know the technicalities of which one is which but we have we have all from those and everyone's like well why don't we evolve something else why don't we keep evolving but the thing about humans is that maybe our physical evolution has will never increase I mean we we evolved in a very different way we evolved mentally because our mortality rate and our mortality age keeps increasing we keep being able to prolong people's lives go back 50 years and how what was the mean average of when people died and now you keep going like middle-age used to be like 30 years old and now middle age it's like 40 years old calling somebody 30 years old middle-aged doesn't sound right I'm almost 30 and I am not middle-aged it's like 35 to 40 is middle-aged now because our advances in science from our brains is what's continuing our evolution so maybe our evolution is to go beyond the physical maybe our evolution is to go somewhere else like maybe the physical aspect of our evolution is ending and that's what the desperate the des training is an extinction event to try and get rid of humans the humans that adapt and overcome are those that go beyond their physical limitations through Doom's repatriation and advantage organisms extinction factors as they have been called these are the seeds of advancement and obsolescence such factors may lie dormant within us all a choice waiting to be made for every being since the Advent of life itself if so then ancient proof may hide deep within the tar evidence of these genetic decisions that may aid us in navigating our current crossroads in any event thanks to you I can now study the composition of the tar in greater detail I'll make sure to share any interesting results with you later thank you please do research into the death stranding in ways you cannot imagine thank you again for bringing me Mama's body as well as that ammonite speaking of which my analysis of its umbilical cord is proceeding apace I've been comparing the data against some of our restored our clothes anyway would you mind returning to my lab preparations are finally complete for the Cairo relay integration oh yeah if you could collect the necessary materials for the restoration work and bring them here I would be most grateful can do yeah cuz Sam talked about the extinction factor that he has was fragile at the very very very beginning of the game at the first 20 minutes where he is like doom devil whatever I have the extinction factor dooms level too well he said I can't see be teased just sense him she says level 2 then and then she says that Higgs is like level 7 so I wonder if that's something that you can change can I advance to level 7 dooms or do you just have what you have or is it something that gradually progresses cuz in the beginning I thought it was something that would gradually progress like I'm level 2 now and eventually my body's going to give up on me because it's an extinction factor but they know I want to see this they she just mentioned that extinction factors are waiting for it oh there you go the extinction factor is just the method at which you advanced beyond the extinction or regress so you either die off or you adapt and overcome but that's your extinction factor ooh I could fabricate new cut oh yeah the grenade launcher a revolver so grenade launcher first grenades whose effects are triggered on impact can be loaded with four types of our nation hematocrit lethal rounds and slip rounds and non-lethal tranquilizer rounds you have a tranquilizer grenade does it just have a puff of chloroform but everything gets knocked out hell yeah I'm gonna make one of these it's a [ __ ] grenade launcher in death stranding I didn't know that that was a thing you want to can I just recycle it from here or I don't have to go through all the menus here you go the menu system is my least favorite aspect of the game it's just I like the the lock of it America I almost forgot I like the visual style of it I just think it's kind of bogged down in weird information like this visual look of it is lovely it's very futuristic you looking at it's very core jima but sometimes it's just like like all of this stuff could be in different tabs in the one menu this'n really detract all that much from the game but feel like stuff could probably be a little more streamlined that and vehicle controls are my second least favorite thing does that even make sense where's Hartman's lab nope nope okay that's my that's my best way getting there I do not have any zip lines out this way oh god it's really far away [ __ ] what does the zip line there yeah doesn't connect anything though so what's the point damn it okay we'll figure it out we don't get there in the end stamina restored hell yeah also the the bridge baby really likes zip lights so if your baby has like half a bar of happiness you can just go on zip lines back and forth without having to shake the baby and the happiness will go up coz loo this bridge baby is an adrenaline junkie this is a plan here as well um did I get the stuff for heard Minh I'm so confused did he say I needed to bring something to him let's go through the paleontologists that's that's the jiu-ge toegye nice and that's going to oh wait I can deliver that to her what are we doing whoopsies I had a thing that I could deliver to her and I didn't oh wait there's the zip line down there I think just showing up maybe I'm just blind scan Porter bridges I will keep on keeping on you also keep on there on hi I'm back I didn't get very far cuz I'm an idiot um do I have anything that I can bring to Hartman like bring a light fish time limit is 30 minutes you know what I might as well if I'm going that way anyway um I also feel like I should get some ladders the claiming anchors that don't use too much cuz I'm I like the ladders cuz you can build them up and down they're not as long as a climbing anchor but climbing I just feel like they get you down off things only and then on I don't know I don't use them as much need to get more power gloves we're good and everything else yes please okay let's Rica digger all of this it's a lot of stuff on me where's my power gloves cuz you can equip those cool also I have a container repair spray and I didn't even know okay let's see if this zip line actually connects to something back in the direction that I want to go it has likes on it it should can it be connected to something nope you're not close enough Sam no connecting zip plates why does it have likes okay yeah destination Hartman's lab got it let's go that way on road again thank you we'd get on a road again should I claim this I don't know straight is the crow flies I made it Laurie you can cam down now it's it's it's done we've made it we're at Hartman's okay there you go thank you to the requestor cargo I'm delivering his fish he loves it he's trying to get some sushi on displaying performance evaluation is awesome of course it is that would have been embarrassing if it wasn't lightning blue and I gave him some rare text as well that I found along the way I think my robot finished the thing he's never going to get as awesome cuz he's not as awesome he's not a leg end like Sam is Oh a little crypto by out one that's kind of cute gross but cute don't eat it Sam thank you for your continued hospitality up there back all that all right deliver lost cargo yeah I want to get rid of all the stuff that's on my back that somebody else can take on and they can entrust to somebody else there you go thank you because I have a feeling I am progressing beyond this area soon and a robot can do a delivery what I want to do delivery experimental nanotube materials distinction there may be this one maybe that will actually give me a cool upgrade all right now we actually have to go into her phone's lab how many back you remember me my name is Sam Oh God thank you Sam in reclaiming our past we've uncovered a number of vital clues don't worry I just got back hmm we have time when you met with mama you experienced a strong antigen-antibody reaction correct there was a BT in the room there was but something else may have been causing it I've discovered large quantities of chiral matter in Mama as well not just the usual kind that collects on our skin or on our suits it's in all her cells cells that are no longer active the BT you encountered there was special it was her child but also her own soul somehow her car and her failed to separate they must have remained connected through the umbilical cord it's the only explanation and so I didn't get a bruise where she touched me yes and there's more you said you just got back I modified their lock times headquarters will have no record of what we say ah look a message from dead man it came with the umbilical cord clever Sam I'm sorry you deserve to know what you were carrying but I couldn't risk die hard man finding out about the case so I had no choice but to keep it off the books you've got to keep this between us we still don't know if the director can be trusted the umbilical cord was taken from bridgett strand I removed it in secret the cord wasn't attached to her fetus it was outside her body she asked me to take care of it said it was the key to unlocking the death stranding but she insisted that I never tell the director the gore shows no sign of the conversation or necrolyzation almost as if it's frozen in time I thought Hartman might be able to make sense of it so I had it hidden with your cargo at mountain not City dead man's observations were accurate it's just like Mama's corpse what do you mean I mean they share a very unique property both contain large amounts of Karelian in their cells in other words the president's cord was somehow connected to the beach and that allowed it to escape the flow of time I've put together the bones of a theory it's patchy but worth sharing I think life on Earth has been rocked by many extinctions great and small including the big five and if you examine the earth strata its history if you will you'll find kur LEM deposits that can be dated to each what if the manifestation of our of beaches and other associated phenomena correspond to extinction-level events you mean yes our death stranding could just be the latest of many the records and research you helped us to recover strongly suggest that we are in the middle of the sixth extinction sixth extinction come on you know what this is yes a frozen mammoths from ten thousand years ago correct and this the ice my dad uh fifty three hundred years ago they both had the same umbilical cords [ __ ] humor me what if the mammoths and the ice man weren't frozen you saying time stopped for them just like it did for Mama unfortunately all these specimens were lost in the death stranding so there's no way to examine the genuine articles but some fragments of data did survive with the aid of the chiral Network we may be able to piece together something more concrete using ever dev attack alright causes a dinosaur from 65 and a half million years ago umbilical cord not decomposed only mammals have umbilical cords no only mammals have umbilical cords used for childbirth this is something else call it a strand from the other side I propose that mammalian and villus eye are a sort of the mises of the strand that then evolved over time we shouldn't assume that everything about a death stranding is detrimental to life trilobites ammonites dinosaurs the mammoths iseman all preserved as if frozen in time all without exception found with strands which is to say that all may have been connected to the beach and this when viewed in the context of the extinction entity elite theory leads me to surmise that organisms with strands are in fact extinction entities you see Sam these are connected to the beach via their strands and it is through this connection that they somehow bring about a death stranding so you're saying Brigette was an extinction initi it's far too soon to say anything for certain and since you burned her body we may never know Hicks said Emily's in EE and she doesn't have domes like the rest of us Sam think assume that president strand was in EE isn't it possible that her daughter is too at the very least Higgs may hope as much now that the president is unavailable so he kidnaps her for he powers or whatever to cause a mass extinction hmm perhaps perhaps not I doubt a single E's powerful enough to cause a death stranding assuming rmally is an e well heard sure thinks she's got what it takes indeed and we need to get her back as soon as possible ah this one is real Sam go west how do you want me to handled iron man with your customary reserve nothing good will come of him learning of our suspicions whatever else is going on we still need the Carroll Network all right weird hang on my legs back you get it cuz his name is Hart man so gives you hurts okay sleep well hmm interesting so don't fully know what that means but it's definitely opening up a boy it's time when you're ready proceed to the shore of the tar belt and begin work on the Cairo relay once it's ready use the Cupit to bring it online the necessary materials are prepped for you suppliers are limited so handle them with care you'll be carrying a lot too all things considered this might be one of your hardest runs today Hartman knows more about the site than I do so you'll take it from here he's dead it's about time for his wake-up call anyway right something I was saying homestead was an original candidate for the weigh station we lost to the tongue Belt ironically we suspended construction because we deemed it a little too unstable and not worth the risk but this time it's our best shot so let's hope we weren't right to change horses in midstream fortunately for us the foundation we made down is still intact all you have to do is transport the necessary materials to the site and finish the job sweet I'm afraid it's only way we can expand the network by the west and rescue farming we're counting on you Sam cool wait I'm a-comin up towards the end of the game surely you jest oh yeah that is far um what's a ring cuz i I'm assuming I'm leavin the snow area now so it's an all type of stuff to bring like what type of exoskeleton or anything I still need to get through a lot of snow area though we'll get a floating carrier at least because I think we're gonna have a lot of gear okay loads on to carrier that wasn't that bad are you gonna brought that on my back get out hey come along dozen carrier well the carrier's a problem though because I can't use the zip lines if I use the carrier all the way over there and I can use zip lines use the planes a long way okay carrier come here oops okay let's go into my gear let's Auto arrange my cargo can I put the floating carrier on my back no well I guess you're just gonna have to stay there or not come with me I guess no I don't Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam he's falling all over the place all on his own I'm literally not pressing any buttons okay okay maybe yeah maybe a power skeleton would do better the old train skeleton is great for getting up the snow but the altering or the other one is gonna be better at letting me carry more I think [Music] how our skeleton level to remove cargo and equip yes yeah that allows me 285 kilos it's so much stronger and then all terrains got not carried play some private Locker why can't I touch you anywhere okay go and private Locker as well how will we fare now better not perfect but much better I'm not falling over constantly now I'm hoping that I can just take my zip lines pretty far anyway at this point you have so much gear and items and stuff on you ater that's not really gonna matter see the baby loves it Lu's happy so we're going over that way somewhere but I think my zip lines can wrap around that I could have brought the floating carrier on my back and then had it for the arrest of the drink you know what brain no matter Bigley I can do whatever want me to these zip lines are the [ __ ] best when you get to the snow area spend time setting up your zip line you really appreciate it later on oh my god yes yes yeah Oh sad this might be your hardest thing today well it well it really [ __ ] okay well that's is that now let's fall down about in Jesus oh oh oh skinny O's wait wait wait wait let's let's think about this where am I going if I could put down another one somewhere and then connected that one wait remove all markers there's no way of like filtering this is there well this one oh no this one is the farthest I can get so that's my that's my plan is to get to that you're fine you're fine you're fine why worry about it Sam I got you Norman calm down you just worry about that amazing fetus of yours oh oh oh we're in for a shock stress I've been creasing I know baby I know I'm sorry okay you want to go in the zipi soon we're going to zippy soon food okay that'll help I know your stress level is increasing but you usually stop pretty soon afterwards so right now I can't stop I'm on a mission may boats are getting ruined as well maybe I'm sorry okay here we go here we go baby here we go here we go yeah there you go ego Lulu there you go Lulu there you go oh there you go care girl ruined oxygen mask I didn't even know I still had one on me um get rid of it then oh it's an oxygen mask I dropped somewhere it's not even on me happened okay Lulu are you ready to go on an adventure sorry if your stress levels increasing I totally get it mine would be too if I were you I'm a terrible driver that one's red Hey bread is cooler oh she's this lady bite she's ash lady 1 oh yes we're leaving the snowy area are we gonna come across that desert soon that's the only like type of environment that's missing all games do the same environments you have the grass the area you have the wooded area you have the snowy area and you have the desert area and then you have the sneezy area that's apparently this one Mike going the right way silent poets ha ha you can get out of it oh yeah buddy oh god this thing slides all over the place she's a wobbly one there Bieber whoop really should have called the kid Justin Justin BB alright where are we going am I going up and over or down and around I don't think it matters because I'm coming down to the the tower belt down here oh oh oh this place is [ __ ] scary Oh God ego oh okay okay oh good you got it you got it Sam you're fine that can happen I didn't know I could fall out of the truck [Music] it was awesome baby you like that is that cool that's just a [ __ ] go-getter Oh God he's flying down this mountain on his own I am NOT doing any of this okay the music is kind of annoying me okay stop Sam Jesus yeah the geometry sometimes it's like I don't know what's happening and neither should you do lulu lululu it's okay okay Lulu's fine okay we're down at the tower belt but let's let's not fall in shall we it skipped me but just got [ __ ] heated out of the truck I think you're supposed to bring one this far okay can you drive called damage though whoa Tower belt Higgs did you do this is this your terror belt oh this is so volcanic look and it's cool okay truck how much power have you left in you can you go the distance oh this is spooky there's nothing down here it looks like where Opie one killed Anakin he didn't kill him but [ __ ] him up real good this basically I'm on the high ground [Music] this area is cool it kind of wanted to go it on foot what are you doing Dehlia until you played this game for yourself you have no idea how the vehicles controlled because they just tend to they hit like a rock and it's like it builds up momentum in the vehicle and then when you hit the rock and you bounce a certain way it builds up the momentum and lets it loose it's like so much kinetic energy let loose at once hey soon um yeah ad ever check there was just like yeah this is the right direction yeah it's turning on its left on the left on its own right now [Music] I'm here yeah you should be nearing the old building site yeah look for the turbo and submit your materials for processing yeah that's why I am one gonna do [Music] oh whoa it's not actually a place it's just a tiny broken bridge trucks battery has been run out oh I thought I thought a cutscene was about to happen God's these types of environments the snowy area didn't look photo-real cuz it's it's hard do that and snow and everything is hard to make look realistic but this looks very realistic I know I'm doing it Salem poets are yelling in my ear what do you want me to do about it I'm here about put my stuff in huh there we go okay what's going to happen with this is it gonna make a big bridge [Music] don't even ask me about it okay I don't want to talk about it the robot almost as good as me a robot I thought I was supposed to be the leg end good job [ __ ] oh oh we're doing it I wasn't even ready well goddamn I was looking he was holding on [Music] my batteries are in bad shape hell yeah that's awesome where am i okay we're heading up towards California let's go through San Diego first though nice this close to America's second chance edge not City awaits the staff we're sending we'll start by building a safehouse over time they'll expand their operations and establish a new facility in doing so they'll carry on the legacy of the brave souls lost to the Thar all thanks to you Sam what have you once meet what if he's like working with the terrorists and he he wants me to do this the only way west is through that to make matters worse I don't believe your PCC is capable of building anything that will get you across no there must be a way have you heard of zip lines you can't give up not with what's at stake we'll see if we can't think of something here but considering everything you've been through I wouldn't be surprised if you've already got a few ideas of your own No not not really no I got male male with yellow on them that's usually important I've been an amazing tutor samples you collected for me and I've got to say its properties are wholly unlike those of the more common tire we've been observed in the planet in the past say you be saying okay building swallowed whole by the time I'm reading the yellow solar hallway the tower only to miraculously rise from its depths at a later date looking exactly as they did when they were lost if the tower is a gateway to the past it has consumed then maybe it could be manipulated to regurgitating it's old meals yeah when you get when you go into a boss fights the tower spreads everywhere and then the buildings and stuff start rising up and down this Porter who got snagged by a PT all this tower started bubbling up from the ground along with the rocks and buildings all sorts of debris give the BT the slip stuff in the past people said and the Porter use it do I have to go into it and get a BT to grab me but that's crazy dog I want to sit in a shelter first though Thank You person for your shelter oh and there's generators and everything around here I use it planes those live planes people over here are cowards they're afraid of the power of the zip [Applause] just get the PCC and like throw it into the tire as you click like builds it plane and then you can get across and just keep doing that until you get across the whole thing alright good night monkey man call you monkey man cuz you climb a lot and you look like a monkey mornin okay we don't need to watch that I want to take a poop feel like you should take a poop it's been weeks see if the constipation has finally participated god it's [ __ ] advertisement lest you actually think I want to be involved in the story in the world and now you're literally just saying that he's Norman Reedus it pulls you out of this moment that should suffice glad to see everything is in good working order the latest in our line of e^x grenades I give you the number two as you may have surmised this model was produced with various extracts refined from your fecal matter we suspect that your regular consumption of cryptobiosis has led you to excrete certain compounds that may prove especially effective against beauties huh if you would like us to produce more you need only furnish us with the requisite Roman I look forward to so I should have been I should have been peeing and pooing all the time I've been missing out maybe time water intake beer intake degree of fatigue you need to drink more water Sam Christ Pete looks like you could burn a hole in a submarine because it contains vaporizing compared to our first iteration this VX grenade contains a higher concentration of your fluids which should make it more effective against BTS whenever you avail yourself of your private rooms facilities so you needn't work cool what's up Norman how you doing um I think else I can do right here no I just needed him to rest up and pacify BB and fix certain things Oh memory time in the rain right waiting it out but when I check the time I'm sorry should have come sooner raining my eyes got rain in my eyes good one Batman are you crying no it's just raining you've seen that clip it's so good alright now my backpack and everything is all fine as well they're all fixed okay so let's I should make no new boots in forever I can't fabricate stuff from here Kenny no turn Sam Jesus Christ animations why can't I want to fabricate new boots I can't fabricate new boots cuz they ain't got nothing in here lost carry go ladder PCC metals nope I can't make anything because it doesn't share materials wait what about this one just you know share materials either right I don't even think oh I can't even do that ok ok ok ok ok ok I get it cool we good alright let's just walk into the tower and see what happens I don't like this is it all this shallow she chants to Sam at this rate you could just walk across but do I have any okay grenade launcher hell yeah do I have I don't have hematocrit needs just borrow into the middle of it wait for beat okay just keep going eventually you come acrossed off let the beat tease grab you and drag you a small bit and then they'll bring you to the dolphin thing and then the dolphin thing should produce buildings right unless you're just gonna fall in and lose gear and I'm just gonna end up floating there oh I think this is working that's the edge of the terribles what ego no I just dropped that wasn't that wasn't the solution looking repatriate though any other players around here that's weird it scans from my own audre deck Wow here's people hey Boyd touch your little foot touch your little head oh no I just your ass as well nice another player up here throw to us what are you doing getting lost in the tower like I am like an idiot I was wondering if that one would actually be in the game I was wondering if we'd actually see it yeah yeah yeah that was my bad Sam sorry there's got another grenade launcher for that dude sick all right I'm kind of confused as to what to do then let's go over this way or we use the watchtower to see some stuff maybe I can actually just get caught by a some BT's here get that ready put it on your tool rack oh now it's going to get damaged let's see if we can trigger some BTS to show up here [Applause] wait every time you can just show the odds of that coming up yeah everything's kinda just back up this way which makes perfect sense no this looks awesome okay let's get caught by some BTS and let's see what happens with that get caught by a big one cause void Oh take me down to the Paradise City where the grass is green and the girls are pretty oh won't you please take me home yeah yeah there you go what the [ __ ] straight up whales Jesus Christ does that make sense then I kept seeing like white Arthur big buildings then if this is supposed to be America whoa oh god oh god no no no no no no no get up what is the yellow what does the yellow mean oh the Allah mean that Oh baby so that means that the buildings had all gotten sucked up by the tower well done Sam yeah what are you out there doing that and my also being here you can do anything Sam Jesus that's cool holy [ __ ] so you can see the entire city over there okay go Sam go Sam use those power legs Wow speed legs are probably have been better but we're here now so what am I gonna do about it jump jump again keep jumping oh god oh god oh god bewail time there you go there you go grab that full we're almost ruined but why I don't have Spears do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do music's awesome okay okay you can make it Sam Jesus he looks like sin from Final Fantasy 10 oh Jesus oh Jesus fine well you're not claiming how much further do I have to go quite a distance still god he just gets caught and [ __ ] all the time a moving environment is not conducive to the control scheme of this game the ego there you go go Sam go Sam please for the little [ __ ] God go it's already to get to the orange hope my shoes hold out yeah there's Emily I see you baby doll I would covet something a [ __ ] whale doesn't get me Hey see me Oh my human instincts don't like that wait wait was she there how could she be there am I gonna wake up on the beach again that I died you said yours what loaded 100% the you ain't loaded 100% you's a liar if she's able to be on my beach though doesn't that mean she's dead oh don't go in Sam Oh God what if she's been dead the whole time and she's just been bait to get Sam to do what they wanted him to do I think we made it Higgs scare the poor girl away do you she's in there smell her of course I wouldn't know for sure if it wasn't for you and your wonderful Network that's awesome Sam bridges careful contents are fragile like a world and everything in it let me know no exception Troy stop the blinkin people I'm not the only one wearing masks I there there's your boss man that woman and oh let's not forget you I know what ain't easy wearing a mask all the time now the mask can come on mmm poor sweet Amelie she's holed up in the beach nearby hey what what say we make it a race whoever wins gets to usher in the end of days doesn't like the eve of extinction bring focus to the mine these folks honest there'll be no need for masks soon drama queen you I hope Troy doesn't licked my face the next time I see him episode 9 eggs goddamn it's so weird to see Troy's actual face finding easy to get to Emily she should be safe so take your time and do it right okay ahead inside the big boat yeah I'm starting to wonder if I believe is even real or alive or she's just a ploy if diehard man is working with pigs I just got here I can't even enjoy this one yeah I can still just as good all right away remote detonation grants regardless the nationwide network will serve as your ticket home just bear in mind that by bringing edge not online you'll likely be revealing Natalie's location to eggs you'll need to get to her before he does head to your private room and get your gear sorted when you're ready to go we'll give you what you need make sure not to leave the distro Center without taking the order Santa he just said not to know oh yeah go rest first we're coming up close towards the end it's weird spending so long wondering what des training was all about and now we're at the end of it and I'm like I think I get it are you there me Sam over here homily the networks nearly complete just one more knot to go and then America will be whole again did I ever tell you my real name I wanted to its Amerigo after Amerigo Vespucci the man who discovered the continent I thought it was Columbus except America was full of it he lied America is a lie Emily I'm on the beach Sam our Beach the one where I was born pigs will never find me here he can't so don't worry get the last cupid to edge not City and finish what we started I'll meet you in your room at the distros Center when it's all over there's something you need to know Sam I've kept things from you worn a mask for the longest time everything he said about me is true I could end it all and kind distinction that's what I am how does that even mean but it's not what I want to be all I want is for you and me and everyone in this world to be whole [Music] promise you'll stop me don't let me end it all I'll be waiting for you on the beach only what homily so [ __ ] bizarre all right Sam you you need to drink you need to pee after that maybe take a shower everybody take a shower that's diehard man's voice also kind of sounded like Emily's voice or Amerigo I guess you still with me Sam check the terminal and pick up that order before you leave maybe that's why he's so insistent on everything it's part of the gameplay mechanics to be like hey go here and do this thing but maybe he like really wants me to do it so that's why he's constantly like hey easy luckily for us the automated systems at the distro centre there still seem to be operational so what's the key is entered a word of caution Sam the activation key has a unique identifier if anything happens to it you can't just print a new one it's one of a kind irreplaceable for the love of all that's holy don't lose it and don't go breaking it either I I get it no pressure is what you're saying got it don't [ __ ] it up idiot yes I know that is exactly what I thought it was boots let's say you have to or maybe he's counting the one that I have on me I don't know what I should be making right now if I like if I need something at the end of this area the network activation key was a BB did you see that it's like a BB pod a device required to connect edged not cities at the Chiron network each Key has its own unique ID meaning they can't be replaced if lost interesting bridges boots you can not go in there because we're going to recycle you okay psycho [ __ ] boo they go thank you I thought I'll also maybe save the game here thank you no no no no no no no no let's save the game here just in case cuz I I don't want to get to that area and realize oh crap I should have brought like grenades and boomy booms and oh maybe we should make her mattock grenades private Locker cool anybody got any stuff and shared locker no hardly no one's here that's fine I don't need friends they disappoint me I have a feeling we might have to go through some some bTW some bad territory all right now we should be geared up and ready to head out oh good nervous coming off towards the end of the game and I don't know if it's because this is the thing now that were a certain length into the episode where I'm like should we end this one here or what should we keep going and figure out what we're doing I don't know mister could be there could be 45 minutes left or there could be two hours Oh lots of people are we're here already lots of people finish the game already at least this place actually does look like a city loo is happy that doesn't sound like happy that sounds like God God stop jostling me around at the front of you here comes the rain here it comes down okay it's time for baby bTW bad time [Music] already know we can handle this by now I said let me pull the gun good okay there's nothing near me cuz we still have a lot to figure out we still have to find out who masks Mickelson's character is we've to maybe fight Higgs if he's gonna be like the final boss oh my god this places the [ __ ] this is something weird [ __ ] blood-borne blobbies oh no stinky yeah gross just sit there is it so disgusting going the [ __ ] are they besides nightmare fuel there's something to get the [ __ ] away from that's what the air oh ok ok oh God we're still fighting we're good I see a shadow looming over my head this one right there oh sweet Jesus oh god I should have brought an assault rifle okay drop I'm assuming I can't use my [ __ ] bowler going on them nope maybe this one I have explosive grenades so I can keep my slip grenades a revolver circling impacts upper enemies ass-licking agent on impact to stop enemies in their tracks effective against humans but ineffective against BTS will have no effect on BTS well having no effect on Petey's you sure about that okay we're fine we're good I'm saying that god are you kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me my stress levels increasing - Lou I press jump but he just fell off he jumped at the edge of the platform and then just fell off the platform instead of jumping over it whatever it's cuz I was crouched in the game doesn't like when you jump on your crouch at the same time no how the hell do we get back can they just go under it we can pill yet you know what I'm gonna go back and like this person sign wait I'm gonna like this sign and then put up my own sign to point down okay I want a sign that does thought there's no sign to point in other words come this way and then put it down a sign here for that that didn't really work but then you put a sign down to go this way oh is that gonna explode okay Jesus this place is weird so what should destroyed stuff everywhere up up a heads not on the chiral Network though I have to go this way into the death stranding letsplay spooky I don't like it ow that was my B that was my bye-bye same I did not see him I try not to waste my ammo either I'm just trying to get away from them whoa oh whoa those are still be teased blobby tease those that are laying on the ground are hard to see no I like that sound oh hey bud you guys are fighting you guys I can deal with stay still nice Kobe awesome downtown get your crystal and go or don't oh my god oh [ __ ] right there okay got him [Applause] you know you can grab that from there good I'm glad I got some grenades with me [ __ ] [ __ ] and the know where he is I don't know he is just run just run just run laughs [ __ ] oh he was gold why is he gold whoa [Applause] because the Klem here is super dense I'll just go I worked wonders [Applause] let me get away [Applause] this alright nice it was easy oh oh it's gonna hurt yeah I know I know that was my BBB sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm a bad dad I'm a terrible father I bring you into war zones and I subject' you to horrible [ __ ] it's bad enough that I have to see it but you seeing it as well yeah we're gonna have to pacify you a lot because you are stressed no no no Sam stop I'm doing this and Sam is just like is this good is that good you want your BB shaken not stirred we're soothing a baby we're not making a smoothie there you go yes penis movie relaxing after the intensity of the big things the beef things the bad Tings the big titties you got to take some rest bite can I go across this I want to go down in there then there is the death God this place is [ __ ] I did not realize oh okay okay okay all right you want to tussle with the muscle [ __ ] how [ __ ] fire that I throw that I ran out of grenades just use your bola it works just as good if not better because they get a big wide amount of rope to use got him there's another one down there we'll get to you in a second serve everybody line up Sam's well-equipped to take you all out take you down kill you all yep there was another okay they just [ __ ] myself yep I [ __ ] myself goodly today night okay Bernie I can't equip while I'm doing this get off me I know my ass is hot y'all want to say sir that Norman read ass well you're not allowed you know what you get you know what she get for that now y'all getting peed on it's pee pee time yes peepee time you didn't like that did you the power of P cannot be underestimated now drink up some more monster energy because we need all the pee we can get that's only 11 million there's a piece am you're gonna need to try harder than that these are empty do I need blood yes I do I needed blood badly okay okay cut em down oh [ __ ] howdy and howdy I probably could just sprint through this place and be fine but I don't want a chanson oh [ __ ] which one grabbed me Lu approaching oxen toxemia oh god okay we're just running after this I can't I can't spend time shaking you guys off forever god you're fast what's that hey we gotta wait I want my Audra dick to just be like thank God hey Lu is happy again I think running also suits him a little bit is this shaking him around Jesus I really feel like I'm just doing all of this for somebody else like I'm playing into the bad guys and that's what it feels like okay here's your Network activation key it's a bridge baby or at least the pod to hold them in interfacing so this is the furthest it's ever gone no one has ever gotten this far with stuff before is awesome [Music] 211 oh they can go up put me on that chiral daddy oh yeah okay I let this one play out cuz I am afraid of missing anything now so late in the game we're doing it Lou Wow that's a big win I did it United cities of America it's all together group and rocket launcher I def [ __ ] human sacrifices under London Bridge bridge midnight in the Earth's mantle Richmond night we've done it Sam nakai rule Network now spans the entire continent our nation is whole again reborn as the united cities of america they did it you still have one more job to do Sam a new nation needs a new leader and only one woman has what it takes to succeed Bridget strand a woman destined from birth to inherit this legacy Emily she's out there damn right she does didn't she see that she's being held captive by them I thought they already had her and I was coming over to like get her back from them yeah you deserve a good rest Sam you just ran across all of America so you can Philly or New York Sam it's me homily what the [ __ ] that's so creepy the [ __ ] is happening [Music] what is happening what is going on everything's starting to deteriorate everything [Music] hmm last end contact with what imminent I'm so [ __ ] scared okay yeah let's make the quadruple rocket launcher I feel like I'm gonna need it let's get is this the one that can use hematocrit it's not capable of firing emoticons yeah let's get level 3 of that let's get a bunch of hematocrit AIDS I have my grenade launcher I am getting everything I can for whatever the [ __ ] is about to happen god what do I have to fight Oh No [Music] holy but how exactly everything is a complete chiral network I spray all across America and they can all nuts in the poem I have that's awesome [Music] Oh five even five mass extinctions each caused by an extinction entity and now it's time every six what a [ __ ] get back I'm not talking about the death of a few dozen species now this misses the granddaddy of them all bt antimatter voiding out all life as we know it and it wouldn't be possible not a Boy Scout like you willing to make us all what do you say come on time to meet your inner homily it's moving with her the great work is nearly complete every knot is joined soon I will merge them and all mankind's beaches into a single Shore anthem welcome an extinction like no other more massive than any before it the last this is my purpose what the hell they do you the last stranded my reason for being the first was nothing more than a kraler [Music] surely you figured it out do people like us nightmares haunt us visions of an inescapable future sound familiar doomsday Sam [ __ ] you don't you get it you can speed this up or slow it down cannot stop what they started even if you beat me you can't save her that's all this this is a done deal so God will fight this what the for okay quadruple rocket launch yeah it's just this bad boy out yes this works very well that sounds so creepy can I shoot her am ia still doing damage [Music] I heard it this is [ __ ] nuts okay didn't get any blood bags to go that's good right hahaha what's got louder little man no sheesh rise that's so cool really that's where you want to be I would not choose there okay thanks for letting me know oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there we go [ __ ] I think we're good doing good though I don't want to the view oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] ow ow ow I need blood bags I didn't bring any blood bags that's me [ __ ] it up so any other players that can help me oh [ __ ] I can't cuz I have no ammo for it this isn't do anything what Mike yes thank you gamer pick it up I don't need the rocket launcher the hope thank you II quit can you give me more blood banks [ __ ] get up yes yes these are an invisible wall the music so [ __ ] cool [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh No okay okay equip the rocket launcher again wait do it oh do I have to pick up a new one what where does it become a new one whatever okay a [ __ ] chick copy yeah go Sam I don't know what's one I don't know where anything is Jesus the camera okay where is it [ __ ] hell this is stressful enough already there we go so I'm down oh [ __ ] oh there's so many oh there's so many I really should take out my assault rifle for this [ __ ] [ __ ] walls closing in around me god leave me alone [ __ ] see the assault rifles but it's the blood bags that I need yes pick it up pick up Christ okay keep shoot keeps you keeps you and keeps you okay rocket launcher time God haven't discussed Viennese menus is so obnoxious yes yes I'm gonna do you to the reset thing again I'm a shooter straight the face I own the [ __ ] yes that's good right that feels like good that feels like I did a good thing [Music] alright doesn't have things on the sweet there we go have you [ __ ] him up [ __ ] stop moving yeah reset do your thing again I see a [ __ ] okay drop that oh and keep running Sam look at that oh there's another one there's a speed scouting over there actually yeah why go down this way sweet maybe a speed skeleton would help a lot more this is so [ __ ] insane you're a [ __ ] head but sound is awesome Oh weird gotcha okay starting to get a rhythm for it now still do damage yep keep shooting all you want there Sammy boy no we're back we're back you're gonna go back and you go oh god pick it up please no Jesus what are you doing why are you so extra and make sure I'm getting clean shots I don't know if oh he's always dead blow up the head whooping I got a happy [ __ ] [ __ ] this is bad this is bad this is bad run run run run run run run run run run run run hood do not you calling this Jesus [ __ ] I didn't see you okay okay okay [ __ ] was that it I don't think that was it it was not it I could use another one of those rocket launchers if you have one lying around anybody okay put away the going you're faster without it what are these but River Rock lush yeah buddy I would like both of these please what's up Handley you did good you were supposed to we're so close we're so close well these five do it and don't know what are you doing [ __ ] ah böck oh he just [ __ ] shut be teased at me get off me you sons of [ __ ] no no no no no not now no are you serious I was so close [ __ ] that sucks I get you all this is gonna start me off at the start of it again please please no please no is it is it right back at the beginning no it's not hell yeah cuz I'm a riparian [ __ ] oh I I'm out of ammo [ __ ] okay pick up that's all right yes did you pick it up no you picked up the sink [ __ ] rocket-launching you just put there that has no ammo in you ain't got [ __ ] dude it look happy in the end can't move oh my god that was awesome jaysus that no one's ever done that before in this universe Oh their hands on them I want to simple food hell yes eat [ __ ] you pirate [ __ ] [Music] damn that was so intense how do I do I'm ain't yeah because I died in the middle of it yeah whatever Emily Oh God she's fine extinctions on hold for now let it go oh all that for a patriot well we'll pick this up when you're done dying Oh they on the beach for the grand finale smacking her ass no no no no baby no what the [ __ ] man hates you as an [ __ ] oh you can grab the cargo as well I did not know that I don't die often in the game so that would make sense maybe he's okay oh whoa everything's all fining it Jesus man that was [ __ ] nuts okay well I'm gonna leave this episode here that was I honestly thought that that was gonna be the last battle I'm glad it's not because there's still so much that we need to figure out and what's going on and in typical kijima fashion I'm assuming the ending is going to be like an hour's worth of cutscenes so we'll get to all of that in the next episode but this one was really interesting we finally got to see the last city and what it's all about now we kind of know why that big giant guy showed up that one time cuz Higgs was there at the very beginning of the game as well he just summons them to create huge void outs so the bigger the BT the bigger the void out maybe I don't know I don't really know how that works yet but we seem to know a lot more about what's going on where babies come from what they are how are their maids we know who Amelie is and what she's capable of it's still a little fuzzy but I'll read up on it and get into it again next time and hopefully by the end of the next episode next episodes last episode so don't forget to subscribe if you want to keep an eye out for that and turn on bells and all that so you're very up to date you know exactly when it comes out because it's got to be a big one and we're going to figure out what all of this is all about but until then I'm gonna love you and leave you wait Sam has to do his send-off Sam what's her send-off oh wait I know yeah I know okay unto all Bibi can i okay apparently I have to rest Oh baby no can i you're okay oh that was close that was a close one BB that's my our deck okay wait my our deck is fine now it was ruined in the fight okay maybe not okay Sam Sam you have to give us our send-off it's the longest outro for a video I've done yeah that's that's good enough [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,785,587
Rating: 4.9183941 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, death stranding, death stranding gameplay, death stranding walkthrough, death stranding gameplay part 1, death stranding ps4, death stranding walkthrough part 1, death stranding playthrough, hideo kojima, death stranding jacksepticeye, death stranding full game, death stranding reaction, Death stranding explained, death stranding ost, death stranding soundtrack, gameplay, death stranding review, death stranding ending, higgs boss fight, higgs final boss
Id: 9CyTaZhwWx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 27sec (9147 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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