Death Road to Canada but I make it even more deadly

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hey the friends how's it going my name is Kevin and today we're playing dead road to Canada we're getting some great music here and to be honest I just love the name of the game it really gets me excited to play it so let's jump right in and start was this me I'm cool okay I'm gonna leave immediately you can't leave from this location this door just leads to the garbage room which is nearly full you know what for once let's [ __ ] go back to tutorial it's like the first time ever I'm sure you've seen a drinking game and one of the situations where you had to drink was if I skip the tutorial so yes you don't get to drink zombies have broken into my home this is probably your fault it certainly isn't mine oh I get to make choices in this game so he The Walking Dead all over again leave her be tell her to cool it call her a dink albert is shocked it was fun to finally tell her what I think she was Gayle's morale increases great I found another person pink hair you're in it's almost a requirement of being in YouTube videos oh yes trash progress what am i eating from the trash oh god you guys attacked come on pink hair dude come on he's thinking of his next vlog I'm just gonna skip past you guys if you don't mind I don't know how far you can reach but I'm just gonna walk around I want to get to the care I want to go to Canada why can't oh you found the ladder okay in the tutorial well I feel like I kind of wasted my chance to learn their custom characters sweet or mega buff is gonna be my perk possibly too small to control yeah I get that set a lot select trace berserk yeah why not wait dies in one bite no I don't want that actually go back it friending wine earth at sounds like me a bad attitude yeah that's me alright that's good well you said all youtuber hair colors I want normal hair colors and gray oh my god you can make him tiny make a little baby gym but he's still gray and bearded there we go he's done he looks great wait I can make a body too or we gotta make grognak now oh not Greg next its like Greg next gamertag all x wrestler is locked god damn it Greg that can be a big bruiser and Greg that can be berserk I think that'll fit perfect what a team alright let's get on to a road trip okay we got to decide on our first stop let's go to the house on the road we can overpower some old people that are hiding out there what is this why do we only have a flashlight oh wait no I have a metal pipe perfect his tongue a lot it's gotta be annoying on the trip all the way to Canada from Florida krockneck is a haircut that is so last season what are you talking about she's bald oh my god were right into the action grognak do something I want a team I feel like I'm pulling my weight a bit more than grognak as though but how is there so many in this little house krockneck what the [ __ ] there was no one near me he hit me am i bleeding no I think I'm just embarrassed I don't like being a camera in front of this many people grognak doesn't even have a weapon and she's destroying them our time to loot the fridge oh no don't break the fridge continously wrestling up in here just threw the chair at him oh my god Jesus Christ I didn't realize it was occupied you can unlock the door I love the music it's so cheery 2d pixelated characters are running around killing zombies get the [ __ ] out of here there's more coming in ah back on the road the group sets up camp for the night after be sure there's no danger here they discover edible berry bushes all around the campsite I don't like the sound of this the berries wouldn't be a big amount of food for the work in the sleepless night but every bit could help now go to sleep Beckett oh god we lost a lot of food for that they had four burgers I couldn't have bloody two burgers if I tried not a mine in an apocalypse you got a rash in these things none of these zombies is anything interesting to say said grognak that's actually something chronic would say the group drives into a city as it starts to get dark okay what do we find a bear a furniture store a bear I could use a drink oh my god Jesus Christ guys get out of the road is this the bear this isn't a bear this is someone's house where's the fake in back ah most pub here it is sorry I don't know how to play pool well is that a human what is I was about to attack him poke him for four hours or leave him alone poking for four hours we can wait it takes four consecutive hours and continuous poking okay I'm awake he says he'll follow you for a while also you should meet him outside of town if you both make it all right Jesus Christ why didn't we carry the door when we were poking him I'm getting out of here Jim immediately ditches where's my carrot Saul Derek got a heart I don't want enough any more people down oh come on I warned you I was honking a bloody horn I could recruit him or I could get training you know I did welcome to the team the more mouths to feed the better the group camps are and a pro shop near a golf course shoot golf balls at the Somme he said that'll show him this is our one opportunity come on oh dear they all got hurt probably should have seen that coming but look gyms Fitness went up or down actually that looks like a kind of an anguish face okay maybe I picked the wrong option trying to hit zombies we golf balls in hindsight probably kind of stupid the group is ambushed by a yelling man he's ranting and raving he doesn't look particularly dangerous but those rants are starting to sizzle grognak knock him out instead of being surprised by the ambush krockneck rushes at that man as he's Randy and knocks him out he does even EA totally hacked that is very true to character and we took all his stuff great a training camp oh how much is that doggie in the window I don't have enough food but at the same time I want a dog yay I spent all my food getting a doggie here come on the group sees a man standing near an SUV do you have any spare gas I'm running out he offers to give you two cans of food for every 25 units of gas grognak Rob's the man knocks the man over grabs the sack of food and then runs the other members are dragged into it the group is forced to flee the trailer Campbell we got ten food it's great I got a dog and I came out positive food the group comes across a house by the road it's locked while trying to smash the door down a voice calls out Levite door alone you dig back tells voice to cool it the voice refused to open the door and the group ends up leaving ok fair enough I probably would do the same oh my god siege alert there's no escape horde size large late afternoon oh god damn it try and survive we can do this folks what can I give the dog can I give the dog a golf club all right yeah I can't perfect hope you got a good golfers a mouth it let's just hold this corner men and grognak and and dog oh my god they're going nuts Jesus they're angry I don't know if they're good golfers but they definitely don't have a handicap when it comes to this I just threw Molotov at them wait ah no it's over you can now try and escape ok good because I thought I burned my care there choose a reward for the group after that okay medical I think that would be handy the dog's medical also increased but it doesn't look like the face actually changed imagine that the dog that could bandage you up after you've been shot look Erev is treating all of their wounds I'm so glad that I poked him for four continuous hours this wouldn't have happened if Obama and then the dog cuts in I know what the hell why does the dog hate Obama the group runs into a horde of zombies they're completely docile just waiting inside of a shop in a big single-file line every zombie is staring straight ahead I think it just might be the release of a new iPhone you can send someone to join the line to solve the mystery it looks like he could take a long way yes an eruv he's doing fuck-all anyway the shop is a trendy upscale grocery store most of the fancier items have rotted to mush but there's still some loot oh well he got some stuff medical supplies and food and he got some composure after waiting in line for hours while running they encounter a woman already swarmed into a corner it looks hopeless then she suddenly turns into him and I'm a magic girl the zombies didn't have a chance to recruit her the internet will love her Casey chance sparkles lifts her lovely one and him--it's heart beams a new team let's make a difference the group's too big to recruit replace someone by by arif gets booted out of the group to make room for this random anime girl he's just like okay I'd be upset too Arif while driving on the death road the group decides to make a stop for supplies bullet-ridden house or swarms gym you know what let's hit the weights swarm size is exactly like me very thick she's got a wand or something can I take that off you oh I can't I wanted to give it to Jim alright let's go folks come on oh my god she's great way better than era oh my god she's Opie I'm so glad I ditched that guy oh my god I just walked straight back out okay we're getting semi surrounded in fact it's probably good to just show my little tasty face in each of the rooms and then let them just come out to me right I can't believe senpai is a zombie this was the best decision I've made all day look at that she just clears out the [ __ ] room grognak just stay out of the way what's the point in risking it she's getting kind of tired though whoo whoo what's this more zombies oh my god they're all just working out there's a fully loaded Olympic weight set here the amount of weight on it can be adjusted down to a less hernia causing a mound Jim considers taking a break to get some strength training and as he's garroted lifts massive weight jim tends to lift the ridiculously overloaded barbell if the bar ain't bending you're just pretending wait Jim feels something in his body explode Jim as her Jim is killed why why do I do the things I do Jim strenght was revealed it's like nothing well who do I get to be now I'll be the wife ooh you're coming with me Jim I'll never leave you behind the Jim Pickens was old as the real wife wait was Jim weird I dropped Jim oh god I think they're eating him is that what they're doing in that massive crowd oh my god what have I done I just fed them Jim whoo not like this just run away run away this never happened run away let's go 42 zombies and we lost Jim from one burger not a bad day who should stay up on watch just leave the dog stay up you can trust him he understands oh my god where do I stop for supplies you know I thought stopping at the swarmed area would get me a lot of things but all it did was make me embarrassed in front of my wife ooh because I couldn't lift the weight so go to the hardware store oh my god there's loads of weapons but I don't really need weapons I need food oh I could use that I don't know if it's even turned on it doesn't seem to be doing anything she's still saying like hurt beam and sparkles as I hit them with a chainsaw oh my Jesus Christ no no not the wife ooh I can't handle two anime babes dying today we're getting out of here screw this the power to blow things apart was within you all along we bend it's catch us by surprise grognak tails Bennett's to cool it I'll cut or none of you spray this they open fire grognak is killed Jesus Christ my original characters are dead it's like on the plus side most of the bullets hit grognak come on Casey Chan it's up to you now and the dog of course the group finds an inn open for business the owner rings her hands give me ten food I'll watch over you while you sleep and yeah I assume that's what that last bit is maybe she's a Minecraft villager the dog will say say it don't spray it okay that didn't work it off they didn't leave a stay I'm not surprised Oh God the care is really gassing comes to a stop care abandoned look at her just running along the road now wait Casey Chan just went up to the river and caught a massive fish by hand god she can do everything now I see why people are obsessed with anime girls they're good at everything wait we found an SUV start that bad boy up it's got fuel in everything I think your luck is turning around oh my god where we go go to the convenience map maybe we can get some food we really need food Oh Casey Chan it's hurt I can't bear to look at her like that okay we got gas we got we are faking food we got food we got loads of food great a mop the dog has the mop we found some gas in the toilet I'm not sure oh no I don't want that what the [ __ ] was that I think he just killed my dog and my mom even more tragically should I take the dogs spine I guess like I want to remember him oh now they're eating my mom wait don't fight with the spine you have a second one get out of there Jesus Christ I can't believe simply a zombie she's saying I assume she's talking about Jim Pickens what just happened I just exploded then I overcharged the wand or something you have tied on the dead road to Canada well it sure was an adventure Jesus Christ I've been suggested to play that for so bloody long and I never got around to it but thank you for the suggestions I think I unlocked some things wait oh well Jim is back what a glorious day yes so you can buy a little traits and perks and stuff for your characters that's pretty cool oh my god what can this guy teach me I feel like you could teach me everything about life or the bodybuilder that's what I [ __ ] needed for the weights alright well I guess our little journey ends there for now I hope you enjoyed I really I'd be uh pre giving this another go I think I think we could do a bit better but then again that probably wouldn't be here but for now I will thank you for watching and I guess I will see you next time bye for now share its patrons retailer ship Roy Sarah Campbell Shawn Fitzgerald Siobhan Louise slow of Angels SPC outlet Spitfire sushi wall tarik Bilal Tay Michelle that Dan guy Timmy Jay 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Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 734,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, gameplay, game, death road to canada, death road to canada callmekevin, death road to canada funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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