Hyperion & Thor vs The Beyonders: Avengers/New Avengers Conclusion When Gods Fall | Comics Explained

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make sure you guys hit the subscribe button if you guys are enjoying the content that we're throwing up and uh make sure you guys hit the like button if you enjoy the video and yeah let's begin this is it ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen of the rob core this is it we are done now after after weeks and what's probably actually been a couple years in reality after you know postponements and delays and so on and so forth we are now finished remastering our run of hickman's avengers and new adventures and this is probably one of the best endings to a comic book run ever so we initially pick up here in the remains of a alternate reality right this is designated earth one one two zero zero zero six right just arbitrary numerical designation and this is basically the ruins of a of a shattered map maker world right this is a universe where you used to have map makers here the world for the most part been totally destroyed and it looks like it was destroyed by the combined forces of hyperion thor the ex-nihili abyss star brand and night mask but regardless of the situation they're basically nearing the death of this universe right the stars are blinking out the whole nine yards this whole universe is coming to an end and they basically found another map maker but the issue is they're trying to figure out where exactly they need to go to locate the ivory kings the beyonders right now this does take place before the whole scenario with like doctor doom versus the beyonders in the previous video that we did and so i guess we can kind of throw this in there but nonetheless it's it's cool it's amazing right just bear with me here and so what they're trying to basically figure out is where exactly they have to go right now they can still essentially crack the uh the the maps basically of the map makers right crack their kind of frequency and locate where they have to get to and night mask is basically the one that says that like we can get there right like i can get us there the downside to this is that once he finally figures out where they have to go and he basically teleports them to a new reality is that with the nature of night mask the the problem that he has is that he can teleport them to anywhere they need to go but as he does this he basically ends up experiencing temporal regression meaning the further he jumps the more power he uses the younger he gets and this is just kind of a way for hickman to kind of write his character out because with them basically teleporting with him teleporting them to the location they need to go to what it does is it reverts him all the way back to a point where he's literally just cells right so he essentially ceases to exist he just ages down to effective nothingness and that gets rid of night mask right but what it does is it leaves them in what looks like this massive empty void right on this chunk of rock from this alternate reality they teleport to this this giant empty void but they see a sliver of light and they're met by the beyonders right they literally say we are beyond dreamers destroyers all of reality our whim who dares stand before us and unlike the response of doctor doom the response of thor is one of a warrior right he says gods legends the very best of heroes you face avengers this day who dares stand before us and the beyonders respond two will stand and when these beyonders show up they see them as interlopers right they're like you're you don't belong here right this experiment that we're doing this work that we have the power we possess what we are is way beyond you like go back home enjoy what little happiness you have left in your existence because soon everything you know will come to an end right everything you know will be destroyed here and the response of thor is not a chance right i don't run but even if i did there's no safe place for us to run to but this experiment needs to end right has had unforeseen and terrible consequences and they're like it's not consequences we intended this we intended it to be this way and then in turn like when thor tells them to stop they say no thor launches his attack he throws his hammer right it does nothing to these guys i mean these are beyonders right it does nothing to these guys and they in turn literally split the rock that they're on where they they fire a thorst and them crashing back down you know and basically says like the the like just let this happen right the sooner you walk away from this the sooner this experiment ends the sooner it'll all be over everything will be easier right hyperion goes into the attack hyperion doesn't do anything against them either right that's when abyss starts to realize the nature of these beyonders right she says like these form that you see this structure that you see is like an outward shell right it harnesses it contains the energy that they have but if you can break past it you can access their true forms we're x in the healing we modify life if we can access their actual forms we can re we can basically like modify them we can re-materialize the very essence of what they are and turn them into something else and that's exactly what happens these all these ex nihili with the exception of x mihilo himself and abyss all the other ex nahili literally just kind of surround this this uh beyond her and then in turn starts to like to access its core energy and when they do that they start to restructure him alongside abyss and alongside ex nihilo they start to restructure and reform the very nature of this guy and literally just turn him into a giant tree but what it basically does is it essentially neutralizes this beyond it right it's kind of death in the traditional sense instead of like killing it they kind of move it to a different state of existence but it's basically just kind of in a null state now it can't go back and restructure itself it's been completely and totally modified and reconfigured right and so that just leaves one beyonder there thor in turn goes on his attack and then literally has his has his arm ripped off right so like thor is basically neutralized and then where star brand is still there remember starbrand has a huge amount of power he's got enough power to wipe out an entire world if he needs to he's got enough power to face off against whatever threat he's facing off against right to like defeat that threat and so ultimately he ends up getting impaled by this beyonder and what it does is it kind of creates this fracture within himself right he has all this star brain energy that he can't quite contain at that point hyperion jumps in and hyperion literally tells this guy like you know like yes they can move fast but fast is light not a chance like i'm the sun right and just like fires all of his all of his energy you know from his eyes directly at this beyond the beyond grabs him and says foolish creature i create stars i destroy them what makes you any different and gouges out the eyes of hyperion but then you suddenly have star bran who comes in when this bianna goes into the final attack to kill thor you have star brand who comes in and star brand's like i didn't want any of this right like like here i am universes away from the place that i call home i should be back with the people that i know holding on to them in these final days instead i'm stuck universes away fighting off against you i never wanted to be here i never wanted this life this sucks right and like all this energy lets loose and then he basically just annihilates to be on it right he totally destroys him and this is when you get to the single best part of this comic right you have thor and you have hyperion they're the only ones left right all the x and the helia are gone x nihilo abyss star brand night mask they're all gone these are the only two left and hyperion's initial response was like star brand did it he destroyed that beyonder we won right like like we basically want you know and thor's kind of like i mean our business isn't finished here yet like we still have this rift we have to kind of find a way to close it my periods like dude that's the least of our concerns man like like we close this thing we can go home and it'll all be done and they're kind of celebrating for a minute right they're like man like we finally came out on top of this and then and then hyperion looks off in the distance and says thor we've got a problem and that and looking back at that rift that's when they suddenly see more beyonders coming there's even like there's there's hundreds of beyonders pouring out of this thing and looking at the fate that befalls them the response of hyperion is we're gonna die here today and the response of thor is yes but if we do let it be on our terms right one more time and then he goes to try to pick up his hammer and he can't lift it right now remember this is the hammer of a thor who's unworthy what this means is that odin's son has regained his worthiness right he's regained his worthiness to wield his own hammer but his hammer is not here and he finds it hilarious it's only in the face of his impending death does he does he become worthy again and he says the hell with it right like i don't need that hammer like all i need is this battle axe i need yarn board that's it if i'm gonna meet this threat then let me meet it as my father's son right i don't want to meet it as some unworthy thor able to wield a hammer that doesn't really belong to me that's fine like let me meet it as a warrior let me meet it as the son of odin right the king of asgard and so he tells hyperion like you know this occasion demands that i offer you a drink but we don't really have any and hyperion's like yeah man that's because we drank it all and thor's like yeah man we did there's nothing left now but the other thing and hyperion's like you know for some time when i survived the the destruction of my world i fell into a dark place but i fell into a place where i didn't know who i was i didn't know where i was going i didn't know what the value or the meaning of my life was but you thor have shown me the warrior's way you show me what it meant to be a great warrior a great man to be a great king to be a great leader you show me what it truly means to be a hero and so i ask when we die will you wait for me and valhalla and thor says brother this day i will race you there right these beyonders come pouring out of this portal right thor and hyperion race into that they're just like dude okay you know if we're gonna die we're gonna die in like the great dude these guys go out like heroes man hickman has like the best best description ever he says against the bleak nothing of dead space two gods fell against many the sun shone one last time there was lightning and thunder and then silence so false thor and hyperion probably the best ending to like two heroes ever it's like the most warrior ending ever right they're like like we're hopelessly outmatched there's no possible way that we can win who cares man if we're gonna die we're gonna die in the most warrior way ever right it's absolutely amazing so at this point we jump into the conclusion of all of this right the ending of the whole thing right the whole whole thing like the stephen king story and into the whole damn thing like that's that's what this is and so what we end up doing here is we basically pick up with captain america and iron man now i think initially i'd skipped over this when we first covered when we did our original run uh hickman's avengers new avengers but in hindsight it's extremely important right because in in some of the previous videos that we did we mentioned that there was some point along the line when captain america and tony stark met and and it was it was kind of you know after the events of of like superior iron man and so on but whatever it was that happened in this meeting transpired in such a way to where captain america totally lost faith in tony stark right he saw him as public enemy number one and this is really kind of you know following the revelation of like the incursions and all that kind of stuff right so this was this this right here kind of reveals to us the worst thing that tony stark did right because what you have here is you have the two of them meeting in a restaurant now they're also met by tamara who's there as a waitress now a lot of you guys probably know her as captain universe and you're probably kind of asking yourself in the early videos what happened to captain universe right like where did her character go this is where she went to right that ultimately tony stark ended up finding the daughter of tamara and then basically bringing her daughter to her which is kind of one of these these things that originally captain america found admirable about tony stark right he's a billionaire like he can have the party life and all that kind of stuff but instead he still finds time to worry about the small guys and it's one of these things where you know with everything that's happened name with a submariner joining the cabal the fact that like the the world's governments had turned wakanda over to the cabal so that the cabal could have a base of operations it's what the cabal demanded right like we'll do what we can to save your universe but give us wakanda in turn basically the world's nations turn their back on on black panther's uh kingdom right like a place that they should have kept protected uh and and ultimately because of the good that like black panther had done for the world right like vibranium and all that kind of stuff they turned their back on him and betrayed him right like despite everything that's happened that at the end of the day captain america kind of asked the question like you plan for everything like have you planned for what happens if you fail and the response of iron man is i mean if we fail then like everything dies how can you not understand that that's why we can't fail that's why we have to keep on fighting the good fight that kind of a thing and it's kind of nuts because he makes a comment about neymar joining the cabal and the response of captain america is like you know you guys were off doing the same thing when you were part of the illuminati what's happened to you and that's when tony stark picks up on where captain america is coming from he's like you really see me as is like the bad guy like you don't see who i really am like i'm the hero i'm trying to do the good thing i'm trying to keep the world protected i'm doing what i always have been doing that's why we have the avengers machine and that's why we have all these things going on it's to be the hero to be the good guy the guy who does good things and is tony stark trying to convince captain america that he's not a lost cause here and that's when he asked the question like do you recognize our waitress and that's when captain america realizes that it's tamara and that's when he realizes that like tony stark had gone and found the daughter of tamara and brought the two together and that's when he when he kind of tells captain america like you know like there's hope here right like there's hope for us to win and that's when captain universe manifests right and it's just like don't lie like do not do that tony stark do not cede hope where there is none you promised us a great machine of salvation yet you built no such thing do you know what lasting thing you've built anthony stark you've built nothing you built a house on lies the universe is dying everything is dying tony stark we're all dying humanity the whole nine yards the multiverse is going to end and what's worse you have known it all along and that is true that's the worst sin of tony stark tony stark knew there was no way to stop the incursions when he found out during the events original sin that the living tribunal had died when when the watcher grabbed tony stark and brought him to the moon and showed him the corpse of the living tribunal that's when tony stark realized there was no saving anything right now tony stark found the body of a living tribunal before the events of the incursions even happened and then like once black panther called together the illuminati you know because of the incursions that's when it all kind of came together for tony stark because up to that point it was kind of like okay there's some threat out there that killed the living tribunal that's a big deal what could this threat possibly be and then once reid richards and had talked to black swan and black swan said the multi-version of universes colliding into each other then iron man immediately realized whatever it was that caused these incursions led to the death of a living tribunal and if the living tribunal died there's nothing that can save us and so everything that's happened right his participation in the illuminati the formation of the avengers machine all of that has all been a distraction despite every suggestion he's ever made to anybody anything he's ever said to anyone involving the possibility of success the possibility of hope the idea that they could possibly win it's all been a lie he knew they could never win he knew there was nothing they could do to ever stop the incursions he knew that there was no way for the day to be saved and that everything was inevitably going to die that's just the way that it was and yet despite knowing all that he didn't tell a soul he didn't say a thing he never said anything to anybody he didn't tell reed richards he didn't tell captain america he didn't tell anybody that he kept it to himself that's the center he let them all believe that they could possibly have a chance to win instead of preparing for their own demise he let them believe they could succeed and that's the worst thing because had he actually told them what was going on there may have been a chance for success now switch over to what's going on right now right because that meeting took place a month before switch over to what's going on right now right with so much of the fleet you know of the the the armada having been destroyed through the combination of advanced idea mechanics using their weapon you know basically channeling the power of the earth as well as the uh planet destroyer of captain america before both those devices went down or were destroyed or what have you that you end up having uh tony stark basically running up to the dyson sphere by flying up to the dyson sphere and powering it up right charging this up as it begins to charge up you've got mentor from the shiar empire who hits a gladiator says hey man like we're detecting a massive spike from the local star now their assumption is the stars going supernova remember that's what's been happening across the universe that the star is beginning to go supernova and there's no possible way they can get out there in time but then suddenly tony stark charges it up takes the power of the star which basically channels it towards the dyson sphere and then when that happens it literally just gets fired on the entirety of the armada and wipes out pretty much all of them right fires a giant chunk out of the sun but he literally i'm sorry out of the moon but he shoots the sun at the armada and incinerates them pretty much all of them it also hits what would be the earth but remember the earth is currently out of phase with the rogue planet in phase and so all it does is annihilate the rogue planet that's that's all it does right it keeps the earth intact it keeps the earth safe but basically iron man saved everybody and so from here we switch back over to the ultimate universe again we kind of covered that in a previous video the ultimate universe has been around since the year 2000 and so on i think at this point most of you guys know what was going on with that but you've got the ultimate universe version of reed richards who calls together hawkeye of the ultimates which is basically the ultimate universe version of the avengers so like the avengers from the mcu more or less and then you know general nick fury and when he calls them together of course he brings them here in order to meet with thanos and maximus the mad of the cabal who of course arrived here from the main marvel universe right during one of the incursions and so it's one of these things where he basically tells them hey look uh i haven't told you guys what's been going on right like nick fury you brought me here to be a part of shield in order to prepare for all the worst case scenarios and we're at the worst of the worst case scenarios and when nick fury asks what it is they're talking about the responsive read is okay like we need to take you like i need to show you what's going on right like i can't necessarily uh you know i can't really tell you i mean i guess i could but it's better if you see it and so like essentially an incursion's happening now right the final incursion between the main marvel universe and the ultimate universe and what reed ends up doing is taking them to that place within the incursion point right where you basically end up seeing both earths and he takes him there and says that within a matter of hours that earth is potentially going to crash into ours and if it does it's going to lay waste to the entirety of our earth like it's literally going to destroy our entire universe when he has thanos kind of explain thanos basically says like what was an infinite number of universes is now down to only you know basically two final universes there's only two universes left and the entirety of the multiverse us and them and what awaits you on that world are horrors that you couldn't imagine the greatest of possible heroes the greatest heroes that you could have ever possibly met in your entire life right that was the big difference between the ultimate universe and the maine marvel universe the main marvel universe was the traditional heroes right the way that stanley and jack kirby built them heroes that pretty much you know more often than not do great things the ultimate universe was really really contained heroes who were more morally ambiguous they were willing to do bad things in order to achieve good goals right it was a universe of anti-heroes more or less in a lot of different ways and so thanos is like if you want to if you want your world to survive if you want your universe to survive you have to annihilate that earth and everybody on it it's the only possible way for you to win and so in response to that nick fury calls together basically all shield personnel to the triskelion and and that's kind of the cool thing remember just assume this is the marvel cinematic universe it's technically not but it makes it easier to relate to and he tells everybody here like this is a volunteer only mission but if you stayed here then i assume you're willing to be part of it you know we have final hours we have final hours here until this incursion takes place the only thing that we can really do to survive this whole thing is to annihilate that world over there right it's to basically wipe out everybody on that world and everyone on it and so from there you switch over to the main marvel universe you've got captain america you've got reed richard susan storm captain marvel beast you got james rhodes and it's them kind of having this discussion and really sort of filling them in on who it is that we saved and what they end up doing here is is kind of having this discussion on who it is that gets to go aboard the the life raft right who gets to survive on this life raft and who doesn't now this is the big difference between these two universes because the ultimate universe was filled with heroes whose morality was a lot more ambiguous like it's not really okay let's evacuate and save as many people as we can it's let's kill those guys over there right let's just destroy them save our universe and everything will be okay the main marvel universe for the most part traditional heroes was really kind of about let's save our world right um let's save as many people as we can and so that's when they kind of reveal we're basically bringing scientists right we're bringing the most capable people normal humans those who don't really have the kind of uh the ability to like rebuild worlds they're not really going to be coming with us right like we're gonna we gotta leave them behind but the big conversation the big talking point here is do we bring tony stark do we bring iron man here we don't know whether we should or not because there are two tony starks there's iron man as we used to know him and there's the superior iron man now right the one who was inverted during the events of axis basically became a massive and we don't really know what to do with him anymore right he's not the tony stark that we knew and at the end of the day everybody kind of agrees no like we're not going to bring tony stark like tony stark he's lost that privilege he's the best builder that we have but he's not the only builder that we have right there are people who could do something similar to what he could do not on the same level that he could but at the end of the day second best is better than first place if the person in first place could potentially be the ruin of us all right so they end up leaving tony stark behind and it's one of these things where like captain america tells he asked james rose how do i find like how do i find tony stark right if this is really the last days and this is going to be the end of all things then like then we settle all family business right all debts get taken care of here tell me tony stark like tell me where he is i want to track him down i want to find him and i want to bring like i want to settle up that's exactly what i want to do from there we switch over to the white house and this is probably one of the coolest moments of the whole story we switch over to the white house black panther is basically meeting with barack obama that president right i mean this is this is i think completed like 2014 right so at the end of obama's term but he meets with obama and he says okay so like everything's basically ending like everything's coming to an end like the universe like the earth is going to die like the the universe is going to end there's nothing you can do to stop this right he says i'm telling you because people need to know when their time is up right people need to know when their times run out and they need to hear this from someone they can trust they will trust you more than they will trust us as superheroes i mean look at things like secret invasion house of m a civil war we've routinely betrayed the trust of people across the world and obama asked you know there's something that we can do there has to be something that can be done there has to be someone somewhere capable of doing something like isn't there anyone willing to help us and black panther says there was like i was the person that could have helped you but instead you took my nation and you handed it over to the cabal because it was what they what they told you they wanted in order to try to protect you you fell for their roots right you handed my country over to a pack of wolves and they destroyed it so i could have helped you but you screwed me over so bye like i'm leaving you to the walls i'm leading you to your fate you know you screw me over i screw you over that's just the way that it is and it's one of the it's like this perfect revenge moment right it's like oh my god we're the government man i had no idea there were consequences for the things we do well welcome to the world of consequences president you know the last stop is you right this is it's like it's just it's this amazing this is amazing thing right and so like you end up having like like like a member of the military where i remember the cabinet who's like we can scramble our military we scramble our jets and it's like no you can't there's it's over there's nothing you can do like why would you come back with such an asinine to the suggestion of like scrambling fighter jets like what are fighter jets gonna do like i am i'm like the the third or fourth smartest person in the world and i'm telling you there's nothing you can do and you you goofball general is are suggesting that you scramble jets like are you serious man like come on you know like there's a reason why superheroes are up here and you're down there because while we've been working on ways to save the universe you want to scramble jets like that's it's this amazing response it's just it's this amazing thing and that's where black panther says like like that's it and like a member of the secret service tells them like you people were supposed to save us and the response to black panther gives is like you know what i've learned through all this there was never any saving any of you guys right there's nothing that we could do to save the world but this is a two-fold explanation on the surface it's there's nothing that we could have done to save the world below the surface is there's nothing we could have done to have saved humanity anyway right you guys showed your darker side when you handed my nation over the cabal what i've learned about you guys as humanity over the years that i've been a superhero since i first stepped foot in the rest of the world and left wakanda behind as i learned you as humans are irredeemable you guys there's there's nothing good about you there's nothing great about you that have left to your own devices you will do whatever you need to do to save your own skin you people humanity is inherently bad because unlike those of us who try to go on and do great things you serve your baser needs you serve your base your desires and you don't think about anybody but yourself so if the world is ending and the universe is going to end i say good riddance because all of creation is better off without baseline humans who think about themselves and nothing else it's amazing right it's literally black panther just letting everybody have it right just just like letting humanity have it because the reality is he's always felt that way when black panther first joined the avengers i mean you go when you read the like marvel comics you read those stories black panther admitted on one occasion he joined the avengers to spy on them to make sure they weren't going to be a credible threat to wakanda but in all the time that he spent like the wakandan people were always focused on bettering themselves right that was the idea that was the drive of the wakandan people to just improve themselves sure they were loyal to their king but the purpose of their king was to keep them protected and to try to move them into the future you step outside of wakanda which is in a lot of ways almost kind of like this idyllic paradise place right this utopia you step one foot outside of wakanda and you have the rest of the world which is kind of like just this this trashy place where everything's falling apart right it's just like the crappiest things the world have to offer is anything that's not wakanda right people who are looking to just satisfy their own base needs who are only looking for themselves who are only looking to see how they can make themselves better how they can get themselves to a higher place right who don't really care about anybody but themselves like an inherently selfish race of people that inhabit a world he felt that way over and over and over again right it's one of the reasons why he just had such a huge disconnect with the human race because he only ever really saw them as selfish organisms who like what is it agent smith said from from the matrix like they just move to one location and they multiply and they consume every natural resource until every natural resource is consumed and then they move to the next place right humanity is a virus and so it's kind of cool to you know kind of interesting to see it that way and so from there we end up switching over to captain america finally tracking down iron man right he manages to uh to access uh basically you know the the stark underground building right you know kind of uh starks you know base of operations where he stays off the grid and of course there's all these war machine armors coming in and they're kind of a distraction because what it does is it allows captain america to access the base of tony stark by kind of you know copying the signature of james rhodes and when he finally gets finally catches up to him this is when all bets are off and all debts get settled it's a straight up knock down drag out brawl between iron man and captain america and this fight has been a long time coming ever since the events of civil war this has been a long time coming ever since civil war the trust between iron man and captain america has been virtually non-existent right it's it's just been a tenuous alliance at best and over time captain america has more and more and more lost faith in tony stark that tony stark sided with superhuman registration he cited against the superhero community now tony stark's argument during the original civil war was if we don't if we don't you know regulate ourselves the government will do it to do it for us and so it's better to be on the devil's right hand than in his path captain america didn't see it that way he saw it like an encroachment on freedom that's what he saw the right of superheroes to function according to their own wimp total dichotomies on on this on this notion but for captain america it goes much bigger than that because he basically he tells he tells iron man right pummeling him beating the crap out of him like literally defecting deflecting every single blast that iron man has using a shield and just just crushing tony stark he says like i want to hear it i want to hear you tell me that you lied i want to hear you tell me that you knew ever since the beginning of all this since the the reformation of the illuminati the formation of the avengers machine ever since you saw the death of the living tribunal on the moon i want to hear you say it that you knew there was no way we could survive this that you knew there was no way we could get past this that you knew that we were all going to die that everything was going to come to an end i want to hear you say it and i want to hear you tell me that you lied to the whole superhero community but you knew there was no way that we could come out on top i want to hear it i want to hear you tell me that and finally after after just getting crushed and decimated iron man finally admits and he says i lied i knew i knew the whole time and i never told anybody i didn't tell you i didn't tell anyone that i knew there was no way for us to stop this that the multiverse was going to end and we were powerless that all i did was give you guys a false sense of hope that all i did was tell you guys you could win when i knew you couldn't like uh yes yes that's my that's my sin that's the worst thing that i ever did but do you know what i would what i would change if i could do it all over again do you know what i would have done differently and he says nothing i would have i would have done the exact same thing that i did last time because of what use are you like what what what could you have done captain america like in the face of the living tribunal's death and the collapse of the multiverse what could any of us have done what could any of us have done here what could we have saved how could we have stopped all of this like you're talking about forces that killed the living tribunal what would we have done all you would have done is you would have said we could find a way to do it and you would have hoped against hope and you would have done everything you could and it would have led to this anyway at least you had something right at least there was some sliver of hope if i tricked all of you if i lied to all of you then like we would have had some sliver of hope some possibility of success because all of you guys were too dumb to realize there was nothing you could do and so with these two guys fighting against each other duking it out ultimately both iron man and captain america die when a helicarrier comes crashing down and smashes both of them and the reason why that helicarrier is here is because the ultimate universe has launched this invasion of the maine marvel universe general nick fury reed richards from the ultimate universe ultimate hawkeye they're all here and they're raining down hellfire and brimstone with that being said guys this concludes jonathan hickman's avengers and new avengers run one of the greatest stories ever told i absolutely adore it following this it goes into secret wars so i'm gonna leave it up to you guys do we remaster secret wars do we just stop do we do like the last days right do we do we cover what like black widow and punisher and all these characters we're doing as all this is happening right now right as this invasion is going on do we cover the last day's story lines what was loki doing during this time what what all was happening i leave it to you guys let me know down in the comment section but if you guys are new here the comments explain make sure you guys hit the sub button to become part of the rob core if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and i will catch you all later peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 193,207
Rating: 4.9453816 out of 5
Keywords: comics explained, comicsexplained, marvel explained, fluidic beats, comics, comic books, marvel, dc, infinity gauntlet, world breaker hulk, crisis on infinite earths, comic explained, infinity war, the batman who laughs, doomsday clock, Avengers, New Avengers, Captain America, Starbrand, Thor, Hyperion, Beyonders, Incursions, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Iron Man, The Living Tribunal, Blank Panther, Wakanda, Odinson, Captain Universe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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