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guys just forgive beardler cmon bruh i know whenever i encounter some small real life trouble I ruin hundreds of hours of other people’s work

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 45 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DupeStash πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well this changed my perception of Offtopia. I had no idea the dark birth the 2b2t Museum had, and would never have been involved with it had I known. I am sad Offopia did this sort of trash with Beard. I was at "temp base" when it was griefed and I had no idea Beard griefed the bases he did, he lied to us and doesnt seem to care about the damage he did to the server. Oh well I am moving on and doing what I can do to make the server better.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/timetraveler__ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have to agree with Fit about these types of servers... The initial idea had good intentions as we set to preserve 2b2t greatest bases, but... Who really benefits from this?

Aside from serving as a place to make video shots, I don't think these museum types of servers have really done any good.

I was part of Vault and it was hard work to repair some of the bases there. But it was also fun because we had our own place to hang out and build stuff in creative in The End.

With a library, you have books that have knowledge, stories and history stored in them. Museums have objects, paintings. Physical memories of the past.

The problem is that the memories of these bases cannot be shared. It can't be learned. Its a personal experience. If you weren't there. If you didn't build it, it will just be a couple random buildings. They might be impressive perhaps, but they won't touch people in a personal level. They are seeing the finished work, but not all the things that had to happen and the work that was put into making it happen. Nor get to meet the different personalities that lived in that place at the time.

Its the reason why these servers are always empty. People on 2b2t don't care enough about the past to the point of visiting the museums. They want to become part of that history instead. They want to build bases.

The idea behind Project Vault was preserving the greatest bases and landmarks of 2b. But the Museum tried to expand that idea and made some mistakes along the way. Too many bases. Just too many fucking bases. Most of them have no history to tell.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sato-of-2b2t πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

oh no a man has my ip adress i truly am scared whatever is he going to do get my location with like 80miles of accuracy am scared!Β‘

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/swoopae πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

What was the 'book' at Mecca?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The_Forgotten_King πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Purgatory was the creation of beard, but he did not own it. He lied to its members just as he lied to everyone else, and in the end he refused to do what was best for the group and wanted to do what was best for himself, and now he truly is alone. The bullshit about purgatory being groomed for museum guild is so innacurate, we were just a group of builders who happened to be brought together by a most troubled personality. Beard deserves all of the shit he's getting.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rumpleforcekin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

The fact of the matter is that the Museum is the only server of its kind. Noone else has bothered to do something like it, and we all know that Vault isn't coming. The last thing I want is for the bases of this server to be forgotten

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 19 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I honestly think the web site is/was loaded up with a session cookie grabber. I was literally checking the server and site out 2 days ago, and ended up having 2 of my social media accounts hacked.

could be a big coincidence, but I think not...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/the_blob_inc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 20 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
fit em see what's going on everybody this is fit MC and today I have an urgent message for the to be 2t community a fan run server that has housed to be to T world downloads has been stealing IP addresses and has been directly involved with griefing large community basis on to be 2t I'm getting right into all of this but I just want to let you know remember never join a server run by to be TT players using your real IP address this one should be a no-brainer but just remember only bad things are gonna happen so let's get this started [Music] you are currently looking at what is perhaps the largest base by land volume ever built on to be to TiVo our key block game Mecca the base is so massive that if I were to give you a full on tour I wouldn't even know where to begin dr. zombie toward it and it took him well over an hour this place is in sane but at the start of June the base was compromised Bowdoin and block game Mecca were both briefed around the same time and the truth has come out about who grief both of those bases grab your popcorn because this is gonna be some good block game drama the chain of events that led to these two bases being griefed is a long one and there are some things that you need to know about before we move any further let's rewind a bit longtime fans will probably remember around two years ago I spoke about something called project fault a player server that housed world downloads of some of the most famous to be 2t bases a world download is an exact copy of chunks and region data taken from a multiplayer server in this case it was a collection of legendary to be 2t bases my video on the topic gained over a hundred thousand views and my other videos and streams on it had plenty of views as well this project was started by the vault curator and at the time many of us to be 2t regulars were brought on to help out with the project such as Kane's law James Russell's Henry and many others and I just happen to be one of them this was around 2015 as when this project started project vault allowed me to release base tours at a very fast rate during the rushar war and as time went by and the war on to be 2t came to an end people started wondering if project vault would ever go public even I was starting to wonder if the vault owner would ever make it public but there were no updates and there were no release date ever released but outs you have some background knowledge on project vault it's time to tell you how this entire chain of events was started now during the Russia war to be to T player Autopia had applied to be part of project vault but was turned down due to being not trustworthy enough around this time another to v2 t player toma also known by jay dinger had asked to a project vault as well but the vault curator actually allowed toma to tour it but made toma promise that he would not take any world downloads while the tour was taking place Toma assured the curator that he wouldn't but of course this is to be 2t we're talking about where there are no rules Toma not only disobeyed and world downloaded all the basis but he also world downloaded all of project vaults infrastructure including the hub and all wharfs he did all this secretly so the truth did not actually come out right away but a bit later instead Toma and off topia began their own world download server using the stolen project vault called the to be to team museum when the server was open to the public many bases contained remnants of project vault infrastructure proving that they had been ripped directly from project vault the curator of project vault informed everyone of what had happened many of us were mad and upset but project vault went on permanent hiatus after hearing the news essentially project vault was dead every single player involved with vault was mad and upset with Toma for essentially stealing an entire server many of us refused to even join out of just principal we had nothing to do with this new museum server and wanted nothing to do with it but forward to the summer of 2017 one year ago I invited Toma to my TV to tea sky base rocket town because I was trying to let bygones be bygones but during one of my rocket town live streams a viewer asked me fit is this museum server safe to join now knowing that Toma was working with a player that had allegedly backdoored other to be to tea players with his client in the past I gave a cautious answer I said the museum server could be an IP grabber rocket town it was a mean base so I didn't really mind throwing some shade at my basement for what he had done the project vault but then tama leaked the coordinates a rocket town to his museum staff including off topia and after we'd been compromised we attacked summer melon a base that had housed museum staff and supporters now some innocent people got caught in the crossfire I will admit but hey that's to be too tea for you and I must say blowing up summer melon was just too much fun but this is where my involvement in all of this story ends from here on out I'm just reporting on things that are happening from the sidelines as 2017 continues the museum group continues to pile up world downloads so many that the authenticity the basis is brought into question just to test out the process of adding a base to the server to v2t player alpha computer creates a fake base made entirely out of gold blocks he carefully places a sign at bedrock level containing several commands that would allow him to override museum plugins he submits the world download and despite it not being an actual to b2t base the base gets accepted added and given a warp the sign at bedrock allows alpha to gain creative mode on several accounts as well as a few other commands that would give him access to hidden coordinates and bases on the server alpha uncovers a spreadsheet made by Autopia that lists the to b2t coordinates of every base on the server including ones that were hidden and still active once word of alphas infiltration spreads others attempt to do the same and by June of 2018 there were at least five fake bases on the to be to team museum bases that never actually existed on to builders to tools and had secret signs hidden in bedrock to give secret access to commands for the users the museum was so desperate to accumulate world downloads but they were not even checking to see if they were real bases anymore they just wanted to send that number higher and higher and they didn't even care about quality now let's fast forward one of the museum members beard ler gets promoted to one of the head admins of the museum alongside Toma and Autopia despite being a new player having joined well after the rusher wore off topia gives complete trust to beard ler giving him access to all world downloads on the museum all admin privileges and operator status on the museum itself this newfound status allows him to receive invites to many of the active bases still undiscovered onto tootie including bow deccan and block game Mecca little did anyone know that inviting a museum admin would mean the death of the bassist June 2018 buh Tekken and block game Mecca are both grief and compromised at first people suspect the player Jared 2013 to be behind the griefs do to him griefing one bass a day for the entire month of May but little by little the truth starts to leak out due to some more curious players and just some basic investigation in the bow deccan grief beard ler was the first to notice that the base had been grieved the section of the base that had been hit the hardest was the section where Kane's law had kept most of his written books and to b2t artifacts the items in question had been stolen during the grief a few days later when Mecca was grief the section that was hit hardest was the section with to b2t artifacts when both of the world downloads were given to the museum a shocking discovery was made a book that was at the bow Deccan library was somehow also at block game Mecca implying that the item had been stolen and transported when fingers began pointing at beard ler for intentionally gripping the bases in order to get them on the museum server beard ler denied it and despite the fact that it was true Autopia and Toma actively tried to protect beard ler and cover up the fact that the basis had been grouped by Museum staff they went into full damage control mode in order to salvage the museum's reputation it was during this time that beard ler leaked jared 2013's IP address confirming what I had said from the very start the to be to tea museum server was storing Clair IPS that any admin could access and use maliciously against someone else as soon as I heard news of the IP week I warned antvenom immediately after which he took down all references to the 2v2 tea museum on his April video his endorsement was gone some of the players that had lost homes at Bowdoin and block game Mecca came together to attack one of beardless group bases purgatory a place where builders were being groomed to eventually join the museum guild he said all the basement members are near slaughter and now there's a lot of people on but they're probably because I know this is a members [Music] don't worry [Music] almost as it is a bet here as a baby it'll blow the bxk scaffold will jump boost sure [Applause] [Music] [Applause] in the process of leaking multiple bases beard ler had also inadvertedly revealed the location of one of octo Pia's most secret vases after which it was destroyed eventually with the overwhelming evidence beard ler came clean he had greet the bases on purpose so that one they could be added to the museum server but two he could steal the famous artifacts from each of the bases him and another player Lane have been acquiring artifacts for quite some time working together to build their own Museum of history on to b2t these players have quote-unquote quit multiple times fleeing on to alt accounts to continue playing and that brings us to today who I'm tired to sum everything up to be to tea museum directly stole content from Project vault without consent and then covered it up claiming it had never happened to be two T museums stored player IP addresses for later use also attempting to cover this up beard ler used his museum admin status to grief multiple bases and oft ophea and Toma covered it up Autopia and Toma refused to properly secure the museum server allowing it to be back doored an innocent basis to be discovered and destroyed the museum is finished their reputation is forever tarnished nobody is going to trust them ever again if you are a member of the to be to tea museum how could you possibly support these known liars in fact think about what it's like to be Kane's law right now an old member of project vault who bent the knee and decided okay I'm gonna join to be to tea museum only to have his base briefed because of the museum I just feel so bad for the guy my opinion on these vault servers has changed over the past two years I used to think that preserving these builds was a way to keep to be 2t alive but I've come to realize that these vault servers have no soul in fact they do the opposite they take the life out of to be 2t they take what makes this server special and they just rip it away and paste it somewhere else where it's gonna steal your personal information what's the point of looking at a base that's been touched up when you can see the actual ruins on to B instead and wonder what could have been sometimes things on to be 2t should stay a mystery it's more fun pondering what could have existed and what could still possibly be out there on this wasteland of a serv say no to world download servers I'm glad that project vault and the 2v2 team museum are effectively dead at this point now there won't be any streams until next Tuesday because I'm on a trip getting some footage for the next vlog but look for a 2 B 2 T video dropping this Friday I already have it set to go thank you so much for watching everyone and remember on the oldest Anarchy server and minecraft surviving his winning in stole vault and he didn't think he'd expose you
Channel: FitMC
Views: 1,658,450
Rating: 4.9145899 out of 5
Keywords: 2b2t, minecraft, anarchy, server, fitmc, fit, antvenom, popularmmos, phoenix sc, oldest, history, builds, tour, battle, war, museum, wall, spawn, grief, hack, client, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, queue, thecampingrusher, veteran, rusher, teamveteran, incursion, tutorial, lucky, amazing, great, alpha, beta, herobrine, elrichmc, agentgb, face, hacked, exploit, glitch, cheat, project, mojang, conduit, combat, exposed, death, fall, hacking, ip, Youthoughtwewouldforgetwhatyoudidtovaultdidntyou?
Id: wGKyvZlTfZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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