Death of a Salesman 1985

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Death of a Salesman (1985) (TV)

Drama [USA:PG, 2 h 16 min]
Dustin Hoffman, Kate Reid, John Malkovich, Stephen Lang
Director: Volker Schlöndorff

IMDb rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 7.3/10 (8,489 votes)

Salesman Willy Loman is in a crisis. He's about to lose his job, he can't pay his bills, and his sons Biff and Happy don't respect him and can't seem to live up to their potential. He wonders what went wrong and how he can make things up to his family. (IMDb)

Critical reception:

The film received critical acclaim. On review aggregate website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an overall 100% approval rating based on 8 reviews, with a rating average of 8.4 out of 10. (Wikipedia)

More info at IMDb, Wikipedia, Rotten Tomatoes, Netflix, Wikidata.
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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MovieGuide 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] Willie it's alright I came back hey what happened something happened really oh I didn't smash the car did you I said nothing happened and you Hemi you feel well I'm tired to the death oh yeah I couldn't make it I just couldn't make it Linda where were you all day you look terrible oh I got as far as a little above the Yonkers I stopped for a cup of coffee maybe it was a coffee what I suddenly couldn't drive anymore the car kept going off onto the shoulder well maybe it's the steering again I go thick edge alone oh no it's me it's me suddenly I realize I'm going 60 miles and Howard and I I don't remember the last five minutes I can't seem to keep by you my mind to it maybe it's your glasses you never went for your new black oh I see everything I came back ten miles an hour took me only four hours from Yonkers well you just gotta take a rest okay and you like this I I just got back from Florida but you didn't rest your mind your mind is overactive and the mind is what counts dear I'll start out in the morning maybe I'll I'll feel better in the morning oh he's they see these arch supports are killing me I'll take an aspirin should I get you an aspirin little cilia I was driving along in the sand I was fine I was even observing the scenery you could imagine me looking at scenery on the road of a week of my life by so beautiful up there Linda the trees are so dipped in the the Sun is warm i just opened a windshield and let the warm air bait over me and then all of a sudden huh i'm going off the road i'm telling you i absolutely forgot I was driving if I'd have gone the other way over the white line I might so what we're on again in five minutes later I'm dreaming again and I nearly I have such the bots I have such strange thoughts talk to them again Willy there's no reason why you can't work in New York they don't need me in New York on the New England man I'm vital in knowing you sixty years old really they can't expect you to keep traveling every week I'll have to work send the wire to Portland I'm supposed to see Brown and Morrison tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock to show the line all I could widdle them no Willy you go down at that place again you talk too hard you tell him you just gotta work in New York you're too accommodated an old man wearing on was a line I've been in charge in New York now that man was a prince he was a masterful man but that that boy is that how he don't appreciate when I went north the first time the Wagner company didn't know where New England was why don't you tell these things to her oh well I definitely will oh they're a giant cheese I'll make you sad which more you wanted people thanks a mil be up line away cheese may be smashed up the car again he's gonna get his license taken away if it's your father I'm getting nervous about him you know his eyes ago no no no I've driven with a nice he's all right just uh doesn't keep his mind on it yeah I drove another city with him last week you stopped at a green light then it turns red and he goes maybe he's colorblind ha why he's got the finest life of color in the business you know that boys in there sleeping have you took before a date tonight that's so oh it's so thrilling thing than shaving the other one behind the other in the bathroom and going out together did you notice the whole house smells the shaving looks you'll figure it out work a lifetime to pay off our house you finally own it there's nobody living it well lights are casting off here it's always that way some people some people accomplished something didn't say anything answering with this woman you shouldn't have criticized him really especially after he just got off the train you must not lose your temper Adam whenever I lose my temper I simply asked him if he was making any money is that a criticism with dear how could he make any money such an undercurrent in him he became a moody man did he apologize when I left this morning he was crestfallen Willie now you know how he admires you I think when he finds himself you'll both be happier they will fight anymore how can he find himself on a farm is that a life a farm and in the beginning when he was young I thought well a young man is good for him to trap around take a lot of different jobs but it's more than ten years now and he's yet to make $35 a week he is finding himself Willie not finding yourself at the age of 34 is a disgrace the trouble is he's lazy pip is a lazy they are sleeping bum don't go down get yourself something either way and be quiet why did he come home I would like to know what brought him home well I I don't know I think he still lost Willie I think he's very lost Paul we need a Boston the greatest country in the world a young man with such personal attractiveness gets lost in such a hard worker there's one thing about if he's not lazy never I'll see him in the morning I'll have a nice talk will not get him a job selling boy could be picking no time my god remember the way they used to follow me around in high school yeah Oh when when he smiled at him the faces lit up when you walk down the street with a crowded kid behind him will you ever forget that you smokin whoa I can live asleep when I smell it right it's funny [ __ ] you know us sleeping in here again it they won't bet all the thought that went across those two beds our whole lives a lot of dreams and plans about 500 women would like to know what was said in this room you remember them big Betsy something what the hell was her name over on Bushwick Avenue with the collie dog yeah that's the one hey I got you in there man that was my first time I think boy there was a pig now you taught me everything I know about women don't forget that but you forgot our bashful used to be especially with the girl I still am bear Oh control it that's all I think I got let's bashful you got more so what happened to where the old humor no confidence what's the matter why does dad mock me almond eyes not mine yep everything I say there's a twist of mockery on his face I can't get in there I think the fact that you're not settled at you it's still kind of up in the air I think there's one or two other things depressing there huh oh you mean never mind just don't lay it all to me but I think if you just got started I mean there's any future for you out there I'll tell you how but I don't know it's a future it's I don't know what I'm supposed to learn what do you mean all right I spent six or seven years after high school trying to work myself up shipping clerk salesman business so one kind another it's a measly matter of existant to get on that subway and how morning says some to devote your whole life to keep in stock and making phone calls selling them buying to suffer fifty weeks the air for the sink for two week vacation when all you really desire is to be outdoors with your shirt off and always to have to get ahead of the next phone and still that's how you build a future I bought a new kind of American pipe cheese today it's whipped why do you get American when I like Swiss I thought you'd like a chance I don't want to change I want Swiss cheese why am I always being contradicted I wanted it to be a surprise oh you open a window and if I got oh wait I watched this in here bricks and windows windows and Freddie should have bought the land next door ladies line with corn there's not a breath of fresh air in the neighborhood the grass don't grow any more you can't raise a carrier in the backyard they should have had a law against apartment houses remember those two beautiful elm trees out there when I had Bev hung the year the swing between them huh not being a million miles are they should have arrested the pillar for cutting those down a massacre one more I think those days many this this time of year it was live acts and with theory and then the peonies will come out affability what fragrance this room well people have to move some no there's more people now no I don't think there's more there's more people that's much ruling this country population is getting out of control the competition is panting smell the stink from that apartment house and another on the other side how can they with cheese go down try it and be quiet you're not worried about me are you sweetheart oh you got too much on the ball to be worried about my job my foundation my self support 'ln i'll just try to relax she make mountains out of mole hills i won't fight with many man if he wants to go back to Texas let him go he'll find his way certain men just don't get started till later in life like uh Thomas Edison I think or uh BF Goodrich one of them was deaf I'll put my money on bed and Willie if it's warm Sunday we'll drive in the country will open the windshield we'll take lunch ha ha ha the windshields don't open on the new cars but you opened it today me I didn't now isn't that peculiar isn't that a room mom what dear that is the most remarkable thing what darling I was thinking of this Chevy 19:28 when I had that red Chevy fun sworn I was by my Chevy today that's nothing something must have reminded you markable remember those days huh the way you v used to Simonides that car dealer refused to believe there was 80 thousand miles on it close your eyes I'll get up you I'll be right up now you be careful on the stairs the cheese is on the middle shelf 80,000 months 82,000 now I've always made a point of not wasting my life and whenever I come back here I know that all I've done is to waste my life your poet bit below yeah you're um you're an idealist not mixed up very bad maybe I ought to get married right maybe not I get stuck into something maybe that's my trouble I'm like a boy I mean I'm not married I'm not in business I'm just like a boy are you content app you have a success on to you content hell no why not you making money on Chuck well I can do now is wait for the merchandise manager to die listen kid why don't you come out west with me and you're not me maybe we could buy ranch raise cattle use some muscles men built like we are to be working out in the open Lohmann brothers we'd be known all over the camp if that's what I dream of sometimes you know sometimes I want to just rip my clothes off in the middle it'll store a box to their merchandise minute I mean if I can help box out lifts outrun anybody in the store and I have to take orders from those come and tell you something [ __ ] the people with me I'd be happy if you see Biff everybody around me is so false that I'm constantly lowering my baby did you gather we'd stand up for one another we'd have somebody to truss closet around you the trouble is we weren't brought up to grep for money I don't know how to do it either come on then let's come the only thing is what can you make out it oh no I got to show some of those pompous self-important executives over there that have long can make the grade huh then I'll go with your buffet we'll be together yet I swear if it take those two it yet tonight hmm why don't they go it just creatures yeah mmm escorts aside Mountaineers get that anytime I want them whenever I feel disgusting the only trouble is it gets like bowling or something I just keep knocking them over doesn't mean anything you still run around a lot huh I'd like to find a girl steady somebody with substance we're all along for go on even never come home how would somebody with character with resistance like mud you know you're gonna call me a bastard when I tell you this that girl shawl and I was with the night engaged to be married in five weeks no kid sure guys in line for the vice presidency of the store I don't know what gets into me maybe I just have an overdeveloped sense of competition of something but that I wouldn't ruin that furthermore I can't get rid of her and he's the third executive I've done that it's not a crummy characteristic and the top at all I go to their weddings I'll get your sweater dirty yeah definitely no mom can hear that oh what a simonize you job huh look but don't leave again we will find a job here Biff you got a stag I don't know what to do about a minute oh it's getting embarrassed what uh look you go to sleep now I talk to him in the morning will you return the house like we should have a good talk with him that's selfish douche sleep no kidding bet you got a date this one be careful with those votes there girls if that's all don't know don't make any promises promises any guy is a girl then you always believe what you tell here Eric yeah Betsy too young they're talking that seriously girls you know you want to watch your schooling first and when you were you all set Oh girls for a real boy like you I saw girls - boy you must really be making a hit I've been wondering why you fall as I draw so careful there uh-uh-uh only the hubcaps will get the Shantanu the hug hairs using this paper on the windows it sees it like what it won't all right fifth [Music] first thing we got to do when we get done got a clip that big branch over the house there I'm afraid it's gonna form us don't tell you what we get it yeah we get a you a rope around to climb up there but a coupling sauce and take it down so did you finish the call boys I want to see you I got a surprise for you what do you got that no no no no no you finished first I believe a job to finish you remember the Hat if [Music] up in Albany I saw beautiful hammock you know I think I'll buy it extra bubble hanger right between those two dams there huh wouldn't happy huh would not be something just hanging just to swing in there under those those those those those branches all boy that would be sounds down pat profession terrific that's terrific job boys good good work Ben where's the surprise pop in the backseat of the car what is it pal tell me what you find I don't mind something I wanna tear what is it happen it's a bunch man it's got you Donny signature original we won in a pension what if I say for the timing rules and weight you know stop jumpin robbers go to hop see the no football again get a new ball what stopped me to practice my pass I actually gave you the ball I want you to return it see I told you you wouldn't like it sure he's got a practice where a regulation ball das nações your father congratulate you on your issues Papa keeps in grabs like - the ball this time that's because he likes you something up to get wallet be an uproar so what's the report why what's the report you know this time I want some box amount Epis me don't say now your secret boys don't bring it to us all someday I'll have my own business then I'll never have to leave woman more like uncle Charlie ah take it and uncle Charlie Pierce Charlie he's like but he's not well life where'd you go this time well I got on the road I went north to problems met male Maron come you said you know fell Rami what'd he say he said morning and I said all you got fine stay here man they had coffee with me and I went to water berry water burns and finds a clock city famous Waterbury Clock sold on ice broken and then forced Boston as the cradle of the revolution fine see a couple other towns man's now support with a banker straight off love to go into some toys on account your promise oh you would happen I'll show you all the time there's one thing points I have friends I can park my car in any Street New England or the cops protected like their own this summer who betcha pop will take a bathing suit it will carry you back oh happy sunny come to the bosses roles of you boys carrying my bags what a sensation nerves better find a year game not if you're gonna be there but er they say bye in school now they make a gap there's a crowd of girls around him every time the class is chained pop this Saturday just for you I'm gonna break through for a touchdown if you want supposed to tear some play forget pop you watch me when I take off my helmet that means I'm breaking out you watch me crested that oh we like till this new boss Biff where are you Kay look up and on what are you looking so anemic about Bernard study uncle Willie's got Regents next week good know it come on let's box listen babe I've heard mr. Birnbaum say that if you don't start studying math he's gonna flunk you and you won't graduate I heard you better study with the forehead I heard it up you didn't see my snake hey that's a beautiful job yeah well just because he prints University of Virginia on his sneakers doesn't mean they gotta graduate and what are you talkin about what scholarships the three universities are gonna flunk him yeah but I heard Mr Bronco be a bass Bernard what did anemic waiting for you in my house [ __ ] bananas not well-liked is he pop he's like but he's not well that's right Bobby Bernard can get the best marks in school you understand but when he gets out to the business will you understand give me five times ahead of him that's why I thank Almighty God you both felt like a Donna sense because a man who makes an appearance in the business world a man who creates personal interest is a man who gets ahead be liked and you will never want hmm you take me through I never have to wait mind see a fire Willy Loman is here that's all they have to know hey I go straight through to knock them dead past not them cold and Provident slaughter them in Boston blues am i popping honest no dear sweet ha howdy chevy chevrolet lend is the greatest car ever test-1 you let your mother carry water hold them with too much I'll just hang on the line bit you've got to go down to your friends gizelle is just filled with boys they don't know what to do and when set comes home they can wait better go down Kalamata don't Bev think I hadn't sweep out the furnace OOP way to Ark bet the way they obey him that's a training a training huh telling you I was seven thousands of thousands but I had to come home the whole block will be at that game did you sell anything oh I did uh 500 girls of Providence there's 700 grow soon right no wait wait wait I got a pencil that makes you commissioned 200 my god two hundred thousand twelve I didn't figure it yet but how much did you do about on any gross in probability although it comes to roughly 200 gross on the whole trip I see the whole the talk was the three the stores will have closer in Vitoria in Boston otherwise I would have pro practice well it makes deputy dollars in some pennies that's very good what do we all well first there's $16 on the refrigerator why 16 so the fan belt pumps it was a dollar it was brand new wellness doctor ben says it's gonna work itself in you know hope we can get stuck on that machine it's got the biggest answer video I know oh it's a time machine what else well there's 964 the washing machine and for the vacuum cleaner then we're gonna have two on the 1570 you got $21 for they don't leak does it oh no they did a wonderful job oh then you'll fight for the carburetor I'm not gonna pay that man that lousy rotten Chevrolet they oughta prohibit the manufacture that car well you're on three laughs and azam and Telstra's 120 dollars by the 59 in 20 hours oh my god a business don't pick up I don't know what I'm gonna do well next week you'll do better Oh knock them dead next week I'll go to Hartford I'm very well-liked in hop you know the trouble is when people don't seem to take to me oh don't be so foolish when I walk in I see to laugh at me why why would they laugh at you don't talk like that I don't know the reason for it they just pass you by oh we are making 70 to 100 dollars a week I got the attitude 12 hours a day other men I don't know why they do it easier I don't know why I can't stop myself I talk too much oh oh man oughta come in with a few words one thing about you ollie he's a man of few words they respect you don't talk too much you just lively well I figure what the hell life is sure a couple of jokes joke too much why you're short I'm very foolish to look at I didn't tell you but Christmas time I happen to be calling on a page stewards in sales and I know as I was going and see the buyer I heard him say something about shrinkage I cracked them I cracked them right across the face I won't I simply will not take that but they do laugh at me oh I know God I borrow I got overcome I know darling I'm not dressing to advantage Willy darling you're the handsomest man in the world you're the best there is no you're a pal on the road on the road I want to grab you sometimes and just kiss the life out of you okay so lonely especially when business is bad and nobody to talk to I get the feeling on them a little thing for you or business this is for the boys odd as this so much I want to make sure hey make me Willy I kicked you take me huh watching all the salesmen go by day in India you got such a sense a dream and we do have a good time together don't wait you're sure why do you have to go to my sister's they'll be scandalized two weeks back you come get it sure thing if you do make me laugh that's good for me I think you're a wonderful man you think yeah I did but I'm reading particular see you next put you right through the buyers right well kill me and thanks for the stocking I love the lot stuck good night good eye oh and keep your balls oh you are Willie the handsomest I'll make a walk - you know poultice nothing to make up Willie you're doing fine you're doing better what side well I'm mending my stockings the sword fit I won't have you mending stockings on this house throw my lysse he doesn't stop governances do but I can't under region such a state exam de liable to arrest me where is your berries I gotta get back that football Willie it's not nice that's where is he why is he taking us too rough with the girl if it doesn't buckle down you'll flunk man Willie you gotta do something about that boat nothing the matter with them you want to be a worm like Bernard oh he's got spirit personality he closed with load what is he stealing he's he's uh he's giving it back isn't he why is he stealing what did I tell him I never in my life told him anything but Dean come on a Papa let's go up man why does she have to wax applause herself every time she waxes the floors she keels over she knows that take it easy ma I brought you back then why I got it awful scared I never hear the kid in Yonkers Oh God why did I go to last with my brother Ben hi man that man was a genius at man was success incarnate what a mistake he begged me to go there is no oh you guys it was a man started with the clothes on his back ended up the timing oh boy someday I'd like to know how he's been what's the mystery the man who what he wanted went out and God he walks into a jungle it comes out the age of 21 and he's rich the world is an oyster but you don't crack it open on a mattress huh I told you I'm gonna retire you for life oh yeah you're gonna retire me for life on $70 a week and your women in your claw your palm you can retire me for life forgot I couldn't get past your Oscars today where are you guys where are you the ones a burning I can't drive a car nothing all right what's the matter everything is fine there's some noise I thought something happened no can we do something about the walls you're sneezing here my house hides blow up come on let's go opera are you go ahead I'm not tired at come on all right take it easy what are you doing up I couldn't sleep good Anna or quiet or not to eat are you with my mom huh you're ignorant you got to know about vitamins and things like that well let's shoot try out all right you got cards yeah someplace what is it with those vitamins don't look your bones chemistry yeah but there's no bones in a heartburn buddy talking about you know the first thing about it don't talk about something you don't know anything about what are you doing home Oh a little trouble with the car oh I like to take a trip to California hello say I want a job I got a job I told you that what the hell are you offering me a job we didn't some thought all insult me I don't see no sense you don't have to go on this I got a good job what do you keep coming in here for want me to go I can't understand it he's going back to Texas again what the hell is that let him go I got nothing to give him Charley I'm clean I'm clean he won't starve none of them starve forget about him what have I got to remember to take it too hard the hell with it right deposit bottle is broken you don't get your nickel back that's easy enough for you to say that ain't easy for me to say you see the ceiling I put up yeah hmm yeah sure that's piece of work what if a ceiling is a mystery to me are you doing what's the difference huh we'll talk about it what you gonna put up the ceiling how can I put it what hell are you bothering me for you're insulting against a man who can't handle tools it's not a man you're disgusting don't call me disgusting Willy oh I'm getting he was retired Ben you lied keep playing you'll sleep better you call me Ben it's funny for a second that you reminded me of my brother ban I only have a few minutes you haven't heard from again and since that time didn't window tell you a couple weeks ago we got word from his wife in the African he died oh that's oh so this is Brooklyn huh maybe your intercept his money nah he had seven sons are just one opportunity I had but that man must make a train William there are several properties I'm looking up in the world sure if either Gorn was into Alaska that time everything would have been totally different there on your frozen death what are you talking about paternity is from members in Alaska William surprised you're not a floor tremendous there's the only man I ever met who knew the answers hmm how are you Oh fine fine we shop tonight his mother living with you all she died long time ago oh that's too bad fine specimen of a lady mother huh I'd hope to see the old girl who died what anything from father have you what do you mean who died what are you talking about what are you talking about him it's half past eight that's my girl no no no I put the eight you don't know how to play the game on my age for God's sake start reading mother don't go since the beginning you never knew how to play call all right next time I'll bring it back with ivy I don't play that kind of game oh yeah yeah take the Ramos so you're William Oh I've been waiting for you so long what's the answer how did you do it oh there's a story in that is fun you do my dear well where have you been all these years Willie's perm funny where is that didn't you follow how did you get started I don't know much you remember well oh it's just a baby of course only three or four years old three years on eleven month what a memory I really enterprises really when I've never kept booked summer I was sitting under the wagon boys in the press no it was a South Dakota and I gave you a bunch of wild I remember you walking way down some open roads gonna find fourth in Alaska where is it well those days I had a very faulty view of John if you William I discovered after a few days that was heading due south so instead of Alaska I ended up in Africa the dog comes principally have entire time in mods that guess what if I'm afraid I only have a few minutes and this is your uncle ban click me in bet tell my boys my boys without 17 they walked into the jungle when I was 21 and walked out ah and by god I was rich you see what I've been talking about all the greatest things can happen I'm apartment catch can't you see weak well then please tell about that I want my boys to hear I want them to know the kind of stock they spring from you all I remember as a man but a fig beta I was sitting in Mama's lap around a fire you know some kind of uh high music whose flute he played the flute or the food that's right father was a very great very wild for it man we would start in Boston and he would toss the whole family into the wagon he drive the team went across the country through Iowa Michigan Gilliam and all the western states and we'd stop at the towns he would sell the flutes you made humble a great inventor father with one gadget he made more in one week remember you could make it a life to follow no man that's just the way I'm bringing them up Rajat well like all right hit me boy from the jamb very very good Oh shake ass boy Attaway never fight fair with a stranger boy you'll never gonna have the jungle that way it was an honor and a pleasure to meet you Linda have a nice trip oh and a good luck with your ah what do you do Oh Sally oh that's really I'll bet I don't want you to think it's Brooklyn I know but we hunt - really also that snakes a rabbit - that's why I moved out of what Pipkin fell anyone of these trees and no time boys go right over the weather building your Papa house and get some same we're gonna rebuild the entire front stoop right now watch this I lost oh let's just take any he should have seen the lumber they brought home last week at least a dozen six by tens work all kinds of money that's it well I can tell you on this day but I got a couple of fear of us characters there yeah the jails are full of peelers parent oh and the stock exchange room what's been sticking [ __ ] shut up he's not stealing anything Rizzi oh there's nothing wrong what is the matter nervy boy good oh there's my Annette bit don't know what it is my new england man comes back and he's bleeding they murdered him up there couldn't sell a nickel for five cent it's contact oh yeah I got port and car glad to hear it Willy come in lady we'll shoot a little casino I'll take some of your Portland money ball businesses that it's six players but they're not for me of course I'll stop by on my way back to a friend wait can't stay a few days huh I mean you just what I need then is you know I have a fine position here but bad weapon was such a baby I never had a chance to talk to him I still for contemporary about yourself I'll be late for my train band my boys can't we talk see they go into the jaws of hell for me sleep a night wait if you're being first break with your boys outstanding family traps all been it's good to hear because sometimes I'm afraid that I'm not teaching alumni then how should I teach them William my water the jungle or 17 when I walked out house 21 and by God haha I was rich was rich that's just the spirit I want to with you them where to walk into a jungle oh I was nice I was right I'll buzz up she's right I was right Willy here did you get some cheese it's awful late darling come to bed you got to break your neck to see a star in this yard are you coming up with it Oh what happens in that diamond what's up you remember when Ben came from Africa that time didn't he give me a wash Bob with a diamond in it well you pawned it dear 12 13 years ago for gifts radio correspondence course that was a beautiful thing I'll take a walk but in your slippers Willy what man it was a man but we're talking but in your slippers what is he doing out here Shh good old whitey mom how long has he been doing don't you'll hear you well what the hell is the matter with them it'll pass by morning well suddenly do anything my dear you should do a lot of things there's nothing to do go to bed why never heard him so loud MA run lawful real hero why didn't you ever write me about this how would I write to you for over three months we've had no address I was on the move but you know I thought of you all the time you know I know dear I know but he likes to have a letter just to know there's still the possibility of better things he's not like this all the time it's when you come home he's always the worst when I come home when you write you coming he's all smiles he talks about the future he's just wonderful then left closer you come the more shaky he gets him by the time you get here he's arguing he seems to be angry at you I think it's just because he can't bring himself to open up to you now why are you so hateful to mother oh you know sooner walk through that door than your fighting I don't know why I mean to change mom I'm trying listen are you home to stay no look around see what's done you can't look around all your life Kate I just can't take all of mom I can't take hold of some kind of life if a man is not a bird to come and go with the spring time your hair your hair's getting so great oh it's been great since you were in high school I just stopped dying it that's all we dye it again mm-hmm well I don't want my pal looking home you are such a boy you think you can go away for a year if you've got to get it into your head now one day you're gonna knock on this door they'll be strange people here mom what are you talking about you're not even 60 what about your father well I meant him too he admires pop if you don't have any feeling for him you can't have any feelings sure I know Biff you can't just come to see me because I love him he's the dearest man in the world to me and I won't have anyone making him feel unwanted and low and blue you have got to make up your mind now there's only way anymore either use your father and you pay him that respect or else I ought to come here what the hell is the matter oh I don't know about making excuses for him he always always wipe the floor with you never had an ounce respect he always had respect for her what the hell do you know about it just don't call him crazy he's got no character Charlie wouldn't do this not in his own house spewing up that vomit from his mind all he never had a cope with what he's got evil who were soft and willy loman believe me I've seen then make Charlie your father if you can't do that can you I am NOT saying he's a great man Willy Loman never earned a lot of money his name was never in the paper he's not the finest character that ever lived but he's a human being and a terrible thing is happening to him so attention must be paid he must not be allowed to fall into his grave like an old dog atencion atencion must finally be paid to such a person you called him crazy ma'am I didn't wait a minute a lot of people think he's lost his balance but you don't have to be very smart to know what his trouble is the man is exhausted sure a small man can be just as exhausted as a great man he works for a company 36 years this March he opens up unheard-of territories to their trademark and now in his old age they take his cell real baby I didn't know that mom you never asked my dear now that you get your spending money somewhere else you don't trouble your mind with him I gave you money Oh Christmas time fifty dollars to fix the hot water it cost 9750 for five weeks he's been on straight Commission like a beginner an unknown that's ungrateful basket are they any worse than his sons he drives 700 miles and when he gets there no one knows him anymore no one welcomes him and what goes through a man's mind driving 700 miles home without having earned a cent what should he talk to himself why not when he has to go to Charley every week and borrow $50 from him and pretend to me it's his Pater how long can that go on how and you tell me he has no character the man who never worked a day in his life but for your benefit and when does he get the medal for that is this his reward to turn around at the age of 63 and find its sons who we love better than his life one of philandering bum mom that is all you are my baby and you what happened to the love you had for him you were such pals I used to talk every night on the phone huh how lonely he was till he could come home to you all right man I'll live here in my room I'll get a job I'll just keep away from him that no Biff you can't stay here at fight old ah he threw me out of this house remember felt like why did he do that I never knew cause I know he's the fake and he doesn't like anybody right in what way what do you mean just don't lay it all at my feet mom it's between me and him that's all I have to say look I'll chip in from now on he'll settle for half my paycheck he'll be all right I'm going to bed he won't be all right I hate the city and I'll stay here no what do you want he's dying Biff what why is he dying he's been trying to kill himself Oh do you remember I wrote you that he smashed up the car again in February well the insurance inspector came he says there's evidence that all the accidents in the last year weren't accidents how can you tell me that's a lie it seems there's a woman and this woman what nothing god what did you say everything I'm so woman what about her well it seems she was walking down the road she said she saw his car she said he wasn't driving fast at all he didn't skid she said he came to that little bridge and he deliberately smashed into the railing and it was just the shallowness of water that saved him mom he probably just fell asleep again no I don't think he fell asleep why not last month oh boy is it so hard to say a thing like this I was looking for a fuse the lights blew on I went down the cellar and behind the fuse box it just happened to fall out was this length of rubber pipe just short no kidding there's an attachment on the end of it I knew right away and sure enough on the bottom of the hot-water heater there's a new little nipple on the gas pipe jerk what did you have it taken off I'm ashamed - how can I mention it to him every day I go down and I take away that little rubber pipe but when he comes home I put it back where it was how can i insult him that way it sounds so silly and old-fashioned but I tell you he's put his whole life into you and you've turned your backs on him Biff his life is in your hands you like the damned all right all right it's it's it's settle now I've been remiss I know that but but now I'll stay and I swear to you mama I'll apply myself as mrs. C I know I mean fit in business not that I will try I'll try and I'll make good on your way trouble you in business wise you're never trying to please people i Kenny we're fine listen Bob Harrison you said you were to us then you go and do some damn fool thing like whistling all songs in the elevator like a comedian so what I like to whistle sometimes you don't raise a god a responsible job whistles in the elevator oh don't argue about your go awful swim in the middle of the day instead of taking the woman you don't take off you run off sometime study on a nice summer day yeah sure but I cover myself right shut up yeah okay some that I hate to say in the business world some of them think you're crazy screw the business world like school and great but cover yourself don't care what they think they have lacked a dad for years and you know why because we don't belong in this nuthouse of a city we should be mixing cement somewhere on some open plain of carpenters a carpenter is allowed to listen even your grandfather was better than a carpenter you never grew up but not does not whistle in the elevator I assure you yeah but you did never in my life with something Elroy and who in the business will thinks I'm crazy dad I didn't mean it like that now don't make a whole thing up go back to the West be a carpenter a cowboy enjoying it so Willie he was just saying your heart what he's a cop come on now laugh at me huh go to file ain't go to the hop go to uh Slattery's boston and call out the name Willie Lomas you happens Big Shot all right Pam pick alright man why do you always insult me dad I didn't say a word did I say where he didn't say anything with him all right good night good night Willie he's justhe's out if you're tired hanging around tomorrow paint the ceiling I pull up I'm leaving our later mom pop he's gonna see Bill Oliver huh Oliver for what well he always said he'd stake me and I'd like to go into business so maybe I'll take him up on it isn't that wonderful holding her up what's wonderful about it there's 50 men in the city of New York that stake him Sporting Goods huh why I guess so I know something about it he knows something about it you know Sporting Goods better than Spalding for God's sake okay how much is he giving no pop haven't seen me what are you talking about that all's I said was I'm just gonna go see him oh you're grounding your chickens again g.soul curse on this house since when did you get so cleaned all yours that language wait wait I won't have it I don't even get feasible idea huh let's talk this over let's talk a little sense here and a bit bit when understand in Florida last time I thought of a great idea to sell Sporting Goods it just came back to meet you and I Vic see we have a line the Loman line are we trained a couple weeks put on a couple of exit passes wait we formed two basketball teams two water polo teams yeah we play each other it's a million dollars worth of publicity see two brothers see huh the Loman brothers baby we could sell Spartacus that is a 1 million dollar idea marvelous I'm in great shape as far as that's concerned and the beauty of it is if it wouldn't be like a business at all we'd be out playing ball again that that's what I was like and you wouldn't get fed up with a bit see to be the family again I beg the world you guys together could absolutely lick the civilized world uh I'll see Oliver tomorrow we could work that out oh I think everything is Gotham interrupting but don't wear sports jackets laughs when you smell a business suit talk as little as possible and don't crack any jokes hey he did like me always like me boy look will you stop walking very serious you're not applying for a boy's John when he is the patch be quiet fine and serious everybody likes a kidder but nobody wins the money try to get some myself if I sure I can't oh I see great things for you kids I think your troubles are over but remember start big and you'll end big ask for 15 I'm gonna ask for tea and don't say GDG is a boys were for $15,000 does not say and I think don't be so modest you always taught it to low walking with a big laugh don't look worried start off with a couple of your good stories to lighten things up it's not what you say but how to say it because personality always wins the day Oliver always thought the hi will you let me talk dad stop you know why oh I was talking wasn't I I know I just don't like you yelling at her all the time and I'm telling you that song what are you taking over this room Oh Willie he didn't mean take a side all the time damn it stop yelling at her my best you may remember thee why did you have to start that did you see how sweet he was as soon as you talked hopefully go up say goodnight to him don't let him go to bed that way come on let's [ __ ] him up please dear it takes so little to make him happy come your pajamas are hanging in the bathroom woody what a woman they broke the mold when they made her you know that they're happy so op salary my god working on Commission I will have spaced it he's no hotshot selling man except at some times you got him it he's a sweet person al let me Tim bucks William gonna buy some new ties take your place I know beautiful stuff wear one of my striped shirts tomorrow yeah mom got so gray she got off a little go in and I'm gonna see Oliver tomorrow I'm gonna knock him well come on up until that that dad let's give my world huh you know with 10,000 bucks you know but that's the first time I've heard the old confidence out of you you're gonna live with me kid and I'm telling you any babe you want you say to work can you do something about the showers drips oh sudden everything falls to pieces at them plumbing you know they all want to be suit those people I hardly finished what he did if Oliver will remember now do you think he might remember him what does the matter with you are you crazy levena stayed with Oliver be on top by now you wait Oliver gets a look at him see you don't know the average caliber anymore the average young man today has got a caliber of 0 greatest thing in the world for him was the plumber Swilly glad to hear it boy you wanted to take a night to your sport oh yeah you knock them dead boy what do you want to tell me let's take it easy pal good night and if anything falls off the desk while you're talking to him like a package or something don't you pick it up they have offers poison I'll make a big breakfast you let me finish hmm you tell them that you were in the business in the West not farm work all right daddy I think everything's gonna be and don't undersell yourself no less than $15,000 okay good night mom because you got a greatness in you Beth remember that you got all kinds of greatness sleep well darling I'm gonna get married mom I wanted to tell you go to sleep dear I just wanted to tell you keep up the good work [Music] do you remember that Ebbets Field gang that the the championship to the city hmm just rest dear should I sing to you yeah you think you know when that team came out he was the tallest you remember oh oh like a young god her kill he's something like that and the UH the Sun the Sun all around him remember how he waved to be Ryan from the field with the rope with the representatives of three colleges standing by and the the the buyers I brought in Oh Oh you [Music] God Almighty help a star like that magnificent can never really family [Music] Oh Willie dear what has he got against you I'm so tired important will you ask Howard to let you work in New York Oh first thing in the morning look at mo moving between the buildings [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] Oh Oh Oh wonderful coffee Neal in itself can I make you something Oh take a breath look so rested dear I slept like a dead one first time in months imagine sleeping till 10:00 on a Tuesday morning Oh boys left nice little they were out here by 8 o'clock good work really seeing them leaving together I cannot get over the smell of shaving lotion this house it was very change this morning his whole attitude seemed to be hopeful he couldn't wait to get downtown to see always heading for a change there's no question is simply are certain men that take longer to get that solidified boundary year dress his blue suit oh you look so handsome in that suit oh he could be anything in that oh there's no question no question all gee on the way home tonight I'd like to buy some seeds oh well that's wonderful dear but not now son gets back there nothing will grow back there oh you wait kid before it's all over we'll get a little place out in the country I'll raise some vegetables a couple a chicken well you'll do it yet Mary to come for a weekend you know I built a little guest house cuz I got so many fine tools all but he would be a little lumber and some peace of mind I sold the liner oh I could build two guest houses so they both come yes did he decide how much he's gonna ask all the before well he didn't mention it but I imagined 10 15,000 now you're gonna talk to Howard today oh yeah look I'll put it to him straighten simple just have to take me off the road for a little advance because we got the insurance premium it's a grace period yeah that's 100 108 68 because we're a little short this month why are we sure well you had the motor drop down in the car all that damn Studebaker one more payment all over frigerator it's just broke again well it's old I don't think we should have bought a well advertised machine Charlie bought a general electric and it's 20 years old and it's still good Willie please Oh ever heard of a Hastings refrigerator once in my life I'd like the vines buy something out right before it's broken I am always in a race with the junkyard I just finished paying for the car and it's not last legs the refrigerator consumes belts like a maniac hey I'm those things daytime them so when you finally paid for them they're used up all told about $200 would carry as dear but that includes the last payment on the mortgage when we've made that payment Willie the house belongs to us 25 years it was nine years old when we bought it well that's a great thing to weather a 25 year mortgage you see you it's an accomplishment Walla cement the lumber the reconstruction I put in this house they're in a crap to be found in anymore well it served its purpose what purpose some strange will come along move in and that's that when we Biff would take this house raise a family Bottomly oh I forgot to tell you you're supposed to meet them for dinner tonight me yeah price drop us 48 near 6th Avenue and so yeah ha ha ha how about you oh just the three of you they are gonna blow you to a big meal oh yeah who told that [ __ ] came to me this morning well he said tell Dad we're gonna blow into a big meal be there 6 o'clock you and your two boys are gonna have dinner ah gee whiz that's really something yeah oh I'm gonna knock hollered for a loop kid I'll get an advance round come on go to New York John damn and I'm gonna do it I will never get behind a wheel the rest of my life changing Willie I can feel a change Oh my set now you'll be careful of assembly there's you stop mending stockings at least fallen and I also get sri garbage I can't tell you please and don't forget Frankston chop out no maybe beats would grow up when you tried so many tuck yeah well don't work for now you'll be careful come on give you some [Music] hello Willie Mike a little talk how it's already keep you waiting I'll be with you in a minute what's that Howard you ever see one of these wire recorder oh can we talk a minute there cords things I just got the livery yesterday been driving me crazy the most terrific machine I ever saw in my life I was up all night with a do it in I want it for dictation you can do anything with it listen to this I had at home last night now listen to what I picked up the first one is my door get this listen to that kid whistle yeah it's lifelike isn't seven years old get that tone I'd like to ask a little favor she's crazy bunny that's me you're very good get this now this is my son Caleb a memory the Capitol California is five years old now he'll make an announcement sunday was alphabetical order oh wait a minute the maid kicked the plug at certainly is a we're gonna see wait a minute the next is my wife that was my wife that is a wonderful machine can we yeah oh yeah well II I'm gonna take my camera in my land soul and all my hobbies and out they go this is the most fascinating relaxation I ever found I think I'll get one myself sure they're only a hundred and a half you can't do without it supposing you want to hear a Jack Benny see but you can't be home at that hour so you tell the maid to turn the radio on Jack Benny comes on and this automatically comes on with the round when you come home you in come home at twelve o'clock one o'clock any time you'd like it you get yourself a coke set yourself down throw the switch and there is Jack Benny's program in the middle of the night oh I'm definitely gonna get one myself Howard there's lots of times I'm on the road and I think to myself what I must be missing on the radio I don't have a radio in the car well yeah but you know whoever thinks they're turning it yeah are you supposed to be in Boston that's what I want to talk about Howard you got a minute what happened what are you doing here well didn't crack up again did you oh no [ __ ] cheese can't be worried they're from Miller Oh what's the trouble well uh tell you the truth Howard I've come to the decision that I'd rather not travel anymore not travel what are you doing remember Christmastime we had the party you said you try to think of some spot for me here in town with us well sure oh yeah yeah remember will uh like I couldn't think of anything for you Willie I tell you how it kids are all growing up now you know yeah I don't need much anymore for you if I could take home well $65 a week I could swing yeah but Willie see and I'll tell you why Howard speaking frankly in there between the two of us you know I'm I'm just a little tired oh I can understand that Willie but you're a road man Willie well we do a road business we're gonna got a half dozen salesmen on the floor yeah I know it's how I uh I never asked the favor of any man but I was with the firm when your father used to carry you and here in his arms I know that well father came to me the day you were born and asked me what I thought of the name Howard may he rest in peace I appreciate that Willie but there just is no spot here for you if I had a spot I would slam you right in what but I just don't have a single solid palette all I need to set my tables $50 a week where am I gonna put you kid look it's not a question whether I can sell merchandise is it huh no but it's a business kid and everybody's got to pull his own weight let me tell you story but you have got to admit the businesses business is definitely business but just listen for a minute now you don't understand this now when I was a boy 18:19 huh I was already on a boat and there was a question my mind as to whether selling had a future for me because in those days I had a yearning to go to Alaska you see we're uh three gold strikes in one month Alaska and I feel like going out just for the ride you might say and you don't say oh sure my yeah my father that many years old a ski he was an adventurous man we got quite a little streak of self-reliance on our family out and I thought I'd go out my older brother try to locate him maybe even settle in knoweth with the old man and I was almost decided to go when I met a salesman in the park house his name was Dave single man he was 84 years old and he drum merchandise in 31 states an old Davey go up to his room we understand put on a green velvet slipper son never forget pick up the phone call advice without ever leaving his room at the age of 84 he made his living and when I saw that I realized that selling was the greatest career that a man could want because what could be more satisfying than to be able to go at the age of 84 into 20 or 30 different cities and pick up a phone and be remembered and loved and helped by so many different people you know when when he died by the way he died the death of a Salesman and his a green velvet slippers in the smoker of the New York and waving it hard for going into Boston when he died hundreds of salesmen and buyers rats funeral things were sad a lot trains for months after that you see in those days there was personality and Howard there was respect and comradeship and granted to me today it's all cut and dry and there's no chance for bringing friendship to payroll or personnel I mean you you see what I mean they don't know me that's just the thing Willie if I had $40 a week that's all I need hit $40 ciao I can't take blood from a stone your elspeth was nominated your father painted amazed I'm talking about your father there were promises made across this best you mustn't tell me that you got people to see I put 35 years at finish firm hard and now I can't pay my insurance you can't eat the Oh Jethro to peel away a man is not a piece of fruit duh no your foot your father Howard hi in 1928 I had a I had a big year my average $170 a week leave you never ever say yes said no never long now now I have reached the hundred and seventy dollars a week in the year 1928 and your father came to me Howard it was right across it that's key for cinema show we have to excuse me Willie yeah I've got a see see people you pull yourself together I'll be back in a little while I was yelling at Frank Frank don't you remember what you told me that time you put your hand on my shoulder [Music] shut it off I shut it off look Willie oh my god you know I gotta get myself some coffee I guess Willie look cover look Willie you can't go to Boston for us look why can't I go I don't want you to represent us I've been meaning to tell you for a long time now are you firing me I think that you need a good long rest we'll how and when you feel better come back and we'll see if we can work something out I got to earn money oh and I even know where are your sons what what intrest sons give you a hand all they're working on a very big deal this is no time for false pride Willie you go to your sons and tell them your time you got two great boys or how much for no question no question but that's that man in the me that's that all right I'll go to go to Boston tomorrow no no I can't throw myself on my kids I'm not a little kid I am busy this morning I've gotta let me go to go I have got a line of people to see this morning so now what sit boy take five minutes and pull yourself together and then go home oh yeah I need the office wait oh yeah whenever you can this week stop by and drop off the samples you'll feel better Willie and then come back we'll talk well yourself together kid there's people outside Oh bear how did you do it huh what's the answer did you wind up the Alaska already doesn't take much time if you know what you're doing just a short business reporting ship in an hour one of us say goodbye now I gotta talk to you about the time man nothing is working out I don't know what to do okay William I want Timberland Alaska and I need a man to look after things for me Oh God timber land near my boys a nose brand out when you pile it on your doorstep will you get out of these cities they're full of talking time hammers and ports of all join your fists you can fight for fortune on there what's up bring on your back I haven't much time no wait Linda he's got a proposition for me the last but you've got a beautiful job all but it Alaska kid I I are doing well enough Willy enough for what yeah don't say things like that to him enough to be happy right here right now why mr. B will conquer the world who well like the boys love you and just the other day old man white guy told him if he keeps it up he'll be a member of the firm that didn't eat look George or I am building something with this farm Ben and if a man is building something he must be on the right track listen just what are you building lay your hand on it where is it it's true Linda listen why there's a man 84 years old Willy bad right Ben that's right when I look at that man I say what is there to worry about oh it's true been all the essent doors going to Annie City pick up a phone and he's making his living and you know why gotta go with you look at this boy without a penny - and a drink my universities are begging for from this because it's not what you do man it's who you know huh and a smile on your faces Claude thanks Ben context the whole wealth of Alaska pass along with a lunch table before the Commodore down and that's the Wonder the wonder it is country to the man can end with diver chair on the basis of being Mike and that's why when you get out on that field today it's important because people will be rooting for you and then where he walks into a business office his name will sound out like a bell and all the doors were welcome to all I seen in Finn huh I'd seen it a thousand times you can't feel the airs like timber but it's there I would've been on my right don't you think I'm right I found your advice new continent at your doorstep William you could walk out rich rich all we're gonna do it here bang you hear me why got to do it okay you're afraid you left already why what time is it just one more come on everybody of the field next stop where's the pitch get you back fresh underwear I want to go I'm tearing your helmet I did well I'm carrying the helmet Oh Biff you promised me I'm carrying the helmet well how am I gonna get in the locker room well let him carry the shoulder guards okay and I because I told everybody was gonna be in the locker you have it filled it's the clubhouse I meant the clubhouse biddeford let him carry the Seliger all right but you stay close to us now everybody wait what comes out on the field is that now boy ready to go pass every muscle astray you realize what this is right time you're coming home this afternoon captain of the all scholastic championship team of the city of the clock so I popped me in and that meant for when I take off my helmet that touchdowns for you [Music] I got no room for you in the car [Music] baseball in this one come on radio image field just blow up don't go to hell over there now go home after over that was funny Charlie do hear me huh mr. graves faint his life well when you go grow yeah when this game is over you'll be left about the other side of your face I'll be calling from another Red Grange 25,000 yeah that's so Willie I'm sorry yeah but tell me some black who is Red Grange [Music] [Music] [Music] don't walk away you've got to say something to me you say to my face I know you left for me by my fat you laugh out there so do you think that's a shame hey all right Heights dad daddy daddy good to see you how are ya working lost a lot fine oh you've been feeling but not much anymore Joe hello Uncle Willie but not well see ya how are you what what are you doing to stop by to see pop get off my feet till my train leaves I'm going to Washington in a few minutes is he in yes he's in his office with the accountant sit him Oh what are you gonna do and why just in case I've got there will I so are you gonna play tennis a I'm staying with a friend it's got a cord I would say they're all antenna school clothes for five people I bet they are very nice dad tells me Biff Santa yeah listen he's working around very big deal but not oh what's been doing well he's been doing very big things in the West but he he decided to establish himself here very big grabbing dinner did I hear your wife had a boy ah that's right our second two boys but you still with the old fur one I'm overjoyed to see how you made the baby oh the joy it's an encouraging thing to see a young man really really thought looks very good for a bit nod what is it Willie what what what one what sick hearts a secret what secret how did you why why didn't he ever catch on Oh Willie I wouldn't know that oh you would his friend is boyhood friend is something I don't understand about his life ended after that of its field game for the age of 17 I think whatever happened to him really he never trained himself for anything after high school he took so many correspondence courses radio mechanics television goggles but he never made a slide small only do you want to talk candidly but uh I regard it was a very brilliant man but I value your advice how the hell would he advise Willie I couldn't advise you there's one thing that I have always wanted to ask you when he was supposed to graduate in the math teacher flunked or a son-of-a-bitch rule his life yeah but Willie all he had to do was go to summer school make up that son that's right that's right did you tell him not to go to summers me I date him to go I ordered him to go why wouldn't he go why why but not that question been trailing me like a goat fellow as 15 years he he flunked the subjection he made out he died like a hammer it easy all I mean talkative but not I got nobody just luck it wasn't my fault you see it keeps going around in my head maybe I did something to him I got nothing to give him but no ill II don't take it so hard why did he weigh down what is the story there Willie you're his friend Willie I remember it was June her grades came out he'd flunked me what that son of a [ __ ] rules wasn't right then Biff just got very angry I remember and he was ready to enroll in summer school he was he was he wasn't beaten by it at all but then Willie see what he disappeared from the block for almost a month no I got the idea that he'd gone up to New England to see you now did he have a talk with you then Willie yeah yeah he came to Boston what about well this is that when he came back I'll never forget this it it always mr. Potts me because I thought so wealthy I loved him willing you know he came back after that month and he took his sneakers remember those sneakers with a University of Virginia printed on them and he was so proud of them wore them every day well he took them down into the cellar burned them up in the furnace we had a fistfight lasted at least half an hour just the two of us punching each other down the cellar crying right through it and I've often thought of how strange it was that I know he'd given up his life what happened Boston Willie I'll just bring it up because you asked me what do you mean what happened to say about the one then Willie don't get so what are you trying to do blame it on me up a boy weighs down is that my fault Willie don't no no no don't you talk to me that way but not what does that mean huh what happened hey you're gonna miss that train yeah go by Willie worry about it I don't know if at first you know succeed oh yes I believe in that sometimes Willie it's better for a man just to walk away walk away that's right but if you can't walk away I guess that's when it's tough your bottle of hot boy how do you like this kid huh been on your case in front of the supreme class you know the Supreme Court I gotta run huh bye dad knock him dead Bernard the Supreme Court Eddie didn't even mention you don't have to he's gonna do it and you never told him what to do did you you you you never took any interest in him my salvation is that I never took any interest in anything okay here's some money $50 I got an accountant inside uh sorry look I got my insurance to pay if you can manage it die I need a hundred and ten dollars I know I dropped from my bank but then sit down look I want you on keeping an account of everything remember now listen I'll pay every penny back really I want you what's going on I appreciate Hill is going on inside your head why I'm simply yeah I offered you a job you can make $50 a week and I won't send you on the right got a job without pay what kind of a job is a job without pay now look kid enough is enough I'm no genius but I know when I'm being insulted so why don't you want to work for what is the matter with you I got a job but what do you walk in here every week for oh if if you don't want me to walk in hey I am offering you a job I don't want your job when the hell are you gonna grow up big hit the Ramos if you say that to me again I'll rack your one I don't care of it a bit you are how much [ __ ] evilly ha Liam substratum snapped I don't know what to do I was just fired Howard fired him that's not know imagine n I named him Howard I named my name of Howard really ah are you gonna realize that then things don't mean anything you named him Howard but you can't sell that the only thing you've got in this world is what you can sell and funny thing isn't that you're a Salesman then you don't know that well I always try to think otherwise I guess I always vote if a man was impressive and well life that nothing why must everybody like you who like JP Morgan was he impressive and it took his bad they look like a butcher but with his pockets on he was very well liked now listen Willie I know you don't like me and nobody can say I'm in love with you but I'll give you a job because just for the hell of it what do you say die I just know I just can't work for you job what are you jealous at all can't work for your debts or don't ask me why you've been telling me all your life you damn fool yeah hey your insurance I'm keeping a strict accounts I got some work to top take care yourself and pay your insurance it's funny after all the highways and the trains and the appointments and the years you end up with more dead than alive well II nobody's worth nothing dead when I said Molly oh uh apologize to the night for me we seem like a mean to argue with him he's a fine boy you know they're all fine boys you know and a big all in him someday they'll all play tennis together wish me luck charlie you saw Bill Oliver today for lucky Oh Charlie you're the only friend I got is that [Music] the front stay in the middle of all kinds of noise but have you got a party mr. Loman he just told me I'll put you back in you don't have enough French you look French that's all how's it coming Stan that's a dog's life Tony where's the door in a war it took me in the army I could have been dead by now just on a percent big bottom with the claws how are giving all mice how about some wine for the hell no you remember Stanley the recipe I brought you from overseas with the champagne sure I still got that academic achiever first your bucket place anyway that's all right Oh yet another sound I know it's a little celebration my brother is well I think he pulled off a big deal today I think we're going into business together right that's the best is a family business your army that's tough that's what I think cuz what's the difference somebody steals it's in the family man I'm expecting someone [Music] look at that Mouse Oh Kahana binoculars way out look uh man yo left why don't you bring her excuse me miss do you mind I saw champagne and I'd like you to try my brand bring her champagne Stanley that's awfully nice of you don't mention it it's all company money that's a charming product to be selling isn't it well it's like everything else selling is selling you know I suppose you don't happen to sell to you no I don't think would you object to a compliment from a stranger you ought to be on a magazine cover uh-huh Oh what did I say before you see Stanley she's a cover girl oh I could say I could say what magazine a lot of them thank you you know what they say in France don't you champagne is the drink of the complexion okay are you beautiful Sam wait no no no I just got you miss some poor side miss Forsyte this is my brother astadia his name is bit you might have heard of me a great football player really what team are you familiar with football no I'm afraid I'm not if it's quarterback with the New York Giants well it is nice isn't it good health I'm happy to meet you it's my name yeah well it's really Harold but at West Point they called me happy wanna see how you do isn't that coming [Music] wanna app I can never make them up if I remember the time that idea would never come into your head where's the old confidence listening just saw wait a minute please I got to see the old confidence not there you want she's not cold no I'm telling you watch this honey are you busy well I am but I'm gonna make up I'll do that honey and see if you can get a friend huh we'll be here for a while Biff one of the greatest football players in the country well I'm certainly happy to do it yeah we'll come back soon oh don't try try hot always another shame a beautiful girl like that that's why I can't get married happily hey I told you she was on call a lion I want to say something right so did you see Oliver yeah I saw him I know one I told Dad a couple things then want you to help me is he gonna back you are you crazy you're out of your head need nothing why what happened I did a terrible thing today has been the strangest day I haven't went through my mom I swear what do you mean he wouldn't see you I waited six hours for him see all day I kept son of my name and even tried to date his secretary so she got me to do it myself yeah that's because you're not showing the old confidence but now he remembered you didn't finally about five o'clock he comes out didn't remember who the hell I was earning Biff did you tell him my Florida idea happy walked away I saw him for one minute I got some manic hurt when the walls down in how the hell did I forget the idea that I was a salesman there I even believe myself that I've been a Salesman for him and then he gave me one look and I realized what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been we've been talking in a dream for 15 years I was a shipping clerk what did you do we he last seen as his secretary went out waiting room next thing I know I was in his office panel walls everything I mechanics explained it happy I took his fountain pen geez did he catch it I ran out I ran down all Ivan fight boy oh boy that was done before did you do that uh-huh I just wanted to take something you gotta help me happen when I tell Pat are you crazy what for Happy's gotta understand I'm not - and there's so many lens that kind of money - look at me think someone's fighting them all these years natete naman yeah that's just that you tell him something nice you say you've got a lunch date with Oliver tomorrow so what do I did to my eye look dad is never so happy as when he's looking forward to some day I have a better year I'm back you wanted to jaw oh my it's gonna load you look worried no uh Scott so I'll make it make a doubled up a couple of days okay what happened boiling all right I uh I had an experience today terrific I sure was but I want to tell you everything from first last but the strings there I had to wait quite a while for oh yeah all day as a manager Kolchak a lot of instances pop facts facts about my life came back to you who was a pop who was that episode it was a Salesman or thought boy you were now that I was a shipping clerk then I don't I don't know who said it first but I was never salesman for Bill hello what are you talking look just hold on to the facts tonight pop we're not gonna get anywhere bullying around I was a shipping quiet on this ad money - let me finish I'm not interested in stories about the past or any crap of that time because the woods burning boys you want to stand me there's a there's a big place going on all around I I was fired today how could to me I was fired and looking for the hood knows to tell your mother pick the woman is waiting and the woman is soft but dad gist of it is if I haven't got a story left in my head so don't give me a lecture about facts and aspects I am NOT interested now what have you got to say to me huh did you see all of them huh taster you mean you'd go up there sure he went up there pal dad I did I saw him how could they find what kind of a welcome did he give you he won't even let you work on Commission I'm out so dummy he gave you one well Bob sure I was wondering if you'd remember you imagine a man doesn't see him in 10 12 years and it gives him that kind of a you know why remember you don't you because you went press Tomatoes hey it's all talk quietly and get this Johnson well what happened it's great news Bev come we detecting absorbs that you talk in the waiting room well came on and say I bet he threw his arms around me always a fine man he's a he's a very hard man though I know is there we add the drinks little Rob not in the act enough reacted apart idea please give me a minute to excite awaited you to explain since I sat down and what happened he took you into his office or what well I taught he listened always famous for the way he listens what was his answers and uh-huh dad you not let me tell you what I want to talk you didn't say I'm David it's when you insulted me something you insulted him didn't ya let me out of it when you just let me a bit well now what happened Court will please tell him what it is shut up and leave me alone you have to go shot man dad what masala did it man you take it easy miss M'Lynn if you end up flunk you can set dad now I'm gonna tell you what happened you're gonna listen to me I waited six hour you say it's bigger I kept sending my name at that mean wouldn't see me so finally he won't graduate where it what what the grandson really went above his upper William Lawson see so I mean I'm washed up with Oliver pop you understand daddy listen to me - yo if you hadn't a functor - well I don't blame everything on me I didn't front Matthew did what pen yeah that was dumb but I'm like they took all of us pad dad I just excuse you this stall bill Oliver's mountain I can't exactly steal it pops that's just what I was right he had in his hand but just an olive oil thingy that nervously stuck in his behind god I never intended to do it that I'm not my room I'm not there now stop it I'm not there Joe you're no good and another Freddie the day dad I'll find something don't worry about anything talk to me I'll make good no no strike something pop please no no dad dad I'm telling something good Oliver Oliver talk to to his partner about the fluid idea you listening to ABBA dad yeah he talked to to his partner and he he came to me and I'm gonna I'm gonna be all right pop cuz he said it's just a question of the amount yeah yeah then you got oh he's gonna be terrific ha odd and yet got it have it ha ha ha you got it haven't it no he's got it I'm supposed to have lunch with him tomorrow that I'm just telling you this so that you'll know I can still make an impression pop and I'll make good some wares but I can't go tomorrow why not his simply the pan pot why are you giving the pan you tell him was an old if you have lunch time I can't say you were doing a crossword puzzle he accidentally used his pen no missing kid I took those balls years ago popping now I walk in with this fountain pen that clinches it don't you understand that I can't face him like that I'll try elsewhere don't you want to be anything but pop how can I go back you don't want to be anything that was fine dad don't take it that way do you think it was easy walking into that office after what I've done to him a team of horses couldn't drag me to below well why did you go why did I go why did I go dad look at you look at what's becoming if you're gonna go to that tomorrow I've got no appointment are you spying me don't take it that way damn lock that allows is fighting me dad I'm no good can't you see what I am you're in a restaurant now cut it out hello girl so now kiss me might as well it's a letter hi messy what do you do that I might not be able to stay long I gotta get up very early tomorrow I got jury duty hidden I'm so excited we fellas ever manager that's my father yep soon dad I must like a cinema what's the other one trinkets really are you coming with a wash on the door just lays a little disco straight down stop I think it's sweet you bring your daddy ho he isn't really your father miss Forsyte you've just seen a prince walk fine trouble Prince a hard-working unappreciative prince a path do you understand a good companion always for his boys that's so sweet yeah well girls were wasting time here I know what's the program fifty I gather round now why would you like to go huh why don't you do something me don't know you give a damn thing what are you talking about bit by sunson you don't give a good damn about him look what I finally saw him how can you bear let that go I am me huh who goes off who runs away it doesn't mean anything to you have you could help them I can't don't even stand what he's gonna do himself he's gonna kill himself don't you know it don't I know him perhaps help him help it help me help me huh I can't bear look at his face this deaf way well he's so mad about we're gonna catch up with his I know it's all the strum that's all I know that's not my father he's just a guy come on we're gonna catch up with business well honey was gonna paint this panic [Music] hey you gonna answer the door he's gonna wake up the whole hotel I'm not expecting anybody why don't you have another drink honey stop being too damn self-centered I'm so calm you know you ruined me Willie from now on you come to the office I'm gonna see you go right through the buyers now waiting at my desk anymore Willie you ruined me oh that's nice of you to say that came yourself centered I so sad you're the sanest self-centered ass all I ever did see for me to be dressing in the middle of the night hey aren't you gonna answer the door all they're knocking on the wrong door it's a mistake there's nobody there all right all right I'll stay in the bathroom here and don't come out I think there's a long message chooses the bottom so don't come out it it may be to do me quickiy see look Barry it's a mistake there's no fine Dan why didn't you aunt Beth what are you doing a Boston dad why didn't you answer us knock him for five minutes I called you on the phone I just heard yours I was in the bathroom door shut did anything happen home huh dad I like it down to me therefore what's this about come on down says to get you a ball but I I flunked math after the time the term I haven't got enough credits to gradually mean to say that Bernard wouldn't give you the answer he did he tried but I'd only got a 61 that wouldn't give you full point dad that Birnbaum refused absolutely pap I begged him to give me those points but he won't listen to me you gotta talk to him dad before they closed the school cuz if he saw the kind of man that you are and you talk to him in your way I'm sure he'd come through for me pom sida the class came right before practice so I didn't go enough would you talk to him dad I know he'd like he and all the way to Tonga Ronald right right back dad good work I'm Cyril chain three dogs the other delegates I'm checking out go right down Oh ce pas du recently hates me it's one day he was late for class so I got up at the blackboard Mehmet and crossed my I concocted the lip alright you did the kids like it they nearly died laughing ah yeah what did you do square root of 63 in the middle of where he waxes hey what somebody thought that was next somebody got in your back as a next room there's a party like me there's nothing in the bathtub Willy and it's moving [Music] uh you better go back to your room now they they must be finished painting by now see the painting a room so I let her take a shower go back go back I get dressed will you get out of here oh this is Miss Frances Biff she's a buyer that lives down the hall and they're painting trouble bastard go back back get out of here where's my talking you promised me talking with reiha where and how to box inside my share to me one sec now to get out oh I just hope there's nobody in the hall that's all I hope you uh football or baseball football that's me - good night you well uh better get going I want to get to the school first thing good morning huh to get my suits out of the closet now I'll get my fleece what's the matter ah she's a buyer bear she bites her that she lives down the hall first advice for JH Simmons and you know they're the painting oh no you don't imagine it I now look pal she's just a buyer she seems merchandise in a room only have to keep a booking just saw all right come on now get my suits now you stop crying and you do as I say if I gave you an order Beth if I gave you an order is that what you do when I give you an order is it then how dare you cry [Applause] oh I look there for you grow up you'll understand about these things oh no you mustn't he mustn't overemphasize a thing like this come on fuzzy burned by the first thing in the morning mine nevermind he's gonna give you those points I'll see to it you wouldn't listen here he certainly will listen to me you need those points for the you Oh Virginia I'm not going there why I'm not going there no if I can't get him to change that Park you'll make it huffing some the school call come on now you got all summited dead my my boy she's nothing to me if I was lonely office this terribly lonely dad you gave her mother Stuckey I gave you an order okay don't touch me you liar you apologize for them you fake I gave you an order I gave you an order now you come back here you funny little hey hey come back an are you saying I gave you an order come back to I'll beat you up I'll hey let go I gave you pick it up mister your boys just left with the chippies they they said they'd see you home but we were supposed to have dinner together can you make it oh yeah sure honey it's mom okay Oh make Nicole I look all right sure you look all right ah ah here here is the hazard ah oh your son hey that's all right you're a good boy huh no you don't have to some more I don't need it anymore tell me is this a seed store in a neighborhood seeds you mean like to plant yes you don't like carrots peas well it's a hardware store on Sixth Avenue or it may be too late oh I've got a hurry I gotta get some seeds oh yeah guy gets the seeds right away well what are you looking at I don't have a thing in the ground [Music] carrots water inch apart piece lettuce what oh what a proposition nope took a picture she's suburb and wanna suffer man can't go out to what he came in man has got to add up to something you can't get can't you can't you gotta consider now don't answer so quick remember it's a game 15 20 thousand proposition huh I love bed I want you to go through the in Celsius thing with me I got no baby talk and the woman has suffered he him what's the proposition it's $20,000 on the Barrelhead guaranteed kill - you understand you don't make a for yourself they might not honor the posters didn't I worked like a cahuita me every bring him on and hose him out they don't pay off impossible school a cowardly thing why does it take more guts to stand here the rest of my life bringing up to zero huh that's a point when you Bob and twenty thousand thousand in the feel I had oh that's the whole beauty of the band I see it like a diamond shining little dog then I can pick up the touch in my ear not like an appointment oh this will not be another painful and it changes all the aspects because he thinks I'm nothing is he so respites me but the funeral uh uh been let fit will be Messer Oh welcome from babe Massachusetts at the moment Hampshire haha all the old-timers with the strays license plate that boy will be found this drug Ben because he never realized I am knowing Rhode Island dork to Jersey I am going Ben I'll see it for his eyes wants a fool you'll see what I am he's in for a shock boy you call you a coward William oh yes and a damn fool oh he'll hate you William mom what are you doing up boys Papa be sleeping where were you I met two girls mom very fine types here throw you some flowers put them in your room will you do that for I want you to have some flowers don't you care whether he lives or dies let's go up go away from me what do you mean Lipset dies nobody's dying around here pal get out of here get out of my sight I want to talk to the boss me you're not going near him where is he you invite him for dinner he looks forward to it all day and then you desert him there dad there's no stranger you'll do that to my mom he had a swell time with us when I deserted him I hope I don't get out of here huh mom did you have to go to women tonight you and your rotten lousy [ __ ] mom all we did was follow Biff around trying to cheer him up boy what a night you gave me get out of here both of you and don't come back I don't want you tormenting him anymore go on get your things together you can sleep in his apartment and pick up this stuff I'm not your maid anymore go on pick it up you bum you you're a pair of animals there's not one not a living soul who would have the cruelty to walk out on that man in a restaurant is that what he said he didn't have to say anything he was so humiliated he nearly limped when he came in look mom he had a great time shut up you didn't even go to see if he was alright no ma'am I didn't I didn't do a damn thing how do you like that just left him babbling in a toilet you loves you yeah now you hit it on the nose the scum of the earth and you're looking at him get out of here I want to talk to the boss man where is it you're not going near him get out of this house no we're gonna have an abrupt conversation him and me you're not talking to him please leave him alone is he doing out there he's planting the garden oh my god nothing let me carry the police is in the house and and and son Isaac's that little red car why why can't I give him something and not have huh let me think about I still have a little time I'm remarkable proposition oh but you gotta be sure you're not making a fool of yourself dad well is that so you can't see nothing out it a boxed in the hole yeah yeah people all around here don't boss you don't bother I'm saying goodbye here putt it I'm not coming back anymore you're not gonna see often dad I've got no point what is all around you yeah every time I've left it's been a fight that's my dad now today I realized something about my son and I tried to explain it to me and I I think I'm just not smart enough to make sense out of it for you to hell with whose fault it is or anything like that was let's just wrap it up come on no come on no I don't want to see that come on no I don't want to see that don't bother me will you dad what do you mean you don't want to see pop you don't want him calling you you're gonna do it dad it's not your fault it's me I'm a bum now come on inside dad did you hear what I said to you all right we had it on him I'm going and I'm not writing anymore I think it's best Willy he's no use drawing it out you two just never get along no people ask where I am what I'm doing you know no you don't care that way it'll be off your mind then you can stop writing it up again all right that that clears that doesn't you gonna watch me likes gonna shake his head Willie what you said there's no necessity I mentioned that he put his armor up dad you're never gonna see what I am so what's use of arguing if I strike oil I'll send you a check meantime forget on the last bites a shake hands done not by hand I was hoping not to go this one while this is the way you're going octopi may you rot in hell if you leave this house exactly what is it that you want to me I want you to know on the train in the mountains and the valleys wherever you go that you cut down your life is fighting my spine is the word of your undoing and when you got it out you remember what data when you are rotting somewhere beside a railroad track remember and don't you dare blame it on me dad I'm not blaming because I think in readiness dad that it's just what I'm telling I try to put a knife and they don't think I don't know what you're doing all right Fred leave it there don't move it what is that you know damn well what I ever saw that yeah you saw it all right the mice didn't bring it into the cellar whatis I supposed to do is s+ Mickey here this gonna mean feel sorry for you cuz I will be no pity for you you hear back no peers bite no you got it the truth what you are and what are you I don't know their bill know who we are the man is gonna know we never told the truth at 10 minutes unless well we always told truth big blow you the assistant buyer you will do one of the two assistants to the assistant I didn't well attract you know that you are practically full of it we all are and I'm through it there now hear this Willie this is me I know you huh you know I had no address for three months huh I stole a suit in Kansas City and I was I suppose that's why not trying I'm doing I stole myself out of every good job since high school fathers that I could never get anywhere because you move me so full of hot air though I could never stand taking orders from anybody that's what I hear they're on top of it had to be boss big shot in two weeks and I'm true no no nobody is hanging himself fully I ran down 11 fights with a pen in my hand today and suddenly I stopped you hit me and in the middle of that office building jus hideth I stopped in the middle of the building and I saw the sky and III I saw the things that that I loved in this world the the work and the the food and uh time to sit and smoke and I looked at the pen in my hand and I said what the hell am i grabbing this for why am i trying to become one I don't want to be what am i doing in an in an office making a contemptuous begging fool of myself when all that I want is out there waiting for me the minute I say I Know Who I am now why can't I say that Willie adorn your life is wide open pop I am a dime a dozen and so you I admire a dime a dozen I am well I love my daddy awesome I am NOT leader men Willie and neither you you were never anything but a hard-working drummer who landed in the ashcan like all the rest of them I am $1 an hour Willie I am not bringing home any prizes anymore and you're gonna stop waiting for me to build vengeful spiteful mutt you ha ha I'm nothing I'm nothing pop can you understand that there's no spider than any boy I'm just what I am that's all are you doing Oh what are you doing like why is he crying then will you let me go for God's sake will you take that phony dream and burn it before something happens I'll go in the morning put him to bat isn't that remarkable Bethy he likes me he loves you Willie always did ah he cried or that boy that boy is going to be magnificent yes outstanding with twenty thousand behind him now come to bed Willie it's all settled down oh yes we'll sleep come on let's go sleep that's like a great killer man to crack the journal I'm gonna marry pop don't forget it I'm changing everything I'm gonna run that pop in for what yours you'll see junglers darn but for the diamonds Willie be good you're both good boys just act that way that's all don't you I must go in to fetch a diamond doll right I just want to get so down winner let me so long for I want you upstairs in a few minutes I couldn't sleep I look awful tired I'd like an appointment at all the diamond is roughing hard to the touch on I'll be right I think it's the only way oh sure it's the best thing best thing the only way everything has been piqued and Barco I kid get the bed you look so tired have you come right up to minutes absolutely always love me isn't it a remarkable thing been worship before it's dark they're full of diamonds willing oh can you imagine that magnificent for $20,000 in his pocket yes yes coming coming it's very smart you realize that don't you sweetheart even then season I gotta go baby [Music] bye-bye badger when the mail comes to be head of the not perfect preposition oral you see how he cried to me Bob I could kiss and then family time oh man I always that way another way to make oat meal a know when you kick off one seven a young bull and get right down on the field under the ball and when you hit it low and hit ha because it's what all is all quite what people understand first Willie's been one [Music] Willie Shh Willie really handsome me [Music] [Music] getting dark leader about it my mayor get some rest they'll be closing the gate soon he had no right to do that there was no necessity for it we would have helped him why didn't anybody come it was a very nice show oh we're all the people in you maybe they blame it it's a rough world and they were to blame I can't understand it first time in just about 35 years we were almost free and clear he only needs a little salary even finished with the dentist no man only needs a little salary I can't understand it there were a lot of nice days when he'd come home from a trip or on Sundays making the stoop finishing the cellar when he build the extra bathroom put up the garage you know Charlie I think there was more feminine from Stoops than in all the sales he ever made yep here's a happy man with a badge of cement it's wonderful with his hands he had the wrong dreams all all wrong don't say that men didn't know who he was nobody - blameless man you don't understand Willie was a Salesman and for a Salesman there's no rock bottom to the life you know put a boat to a not he don't tell you the law or give you medicine he's a man way out there in the blue riding on a smile in a shoeshine when they start not smiling back that's an earthquake you get yourself a couple of spots in your hat and you're finished nobody - bring this man salesman who's got a dream boy comes with the territory Charlie the man didn't know who was felt say why don't you come with me happy I'm not licked that easy I'm staying right in the city and I'm gonna beat this racket Roman brothers I know who I am kid all right boy I'm gonna show you and everybody else that Willy Loman did not die in vain he had a good dream it's the only dreaming can have to come out number one man he fought it out here and this is where I'm gonna win it for him oh I'll be with you in just a minute you you go on Charlie yep you're in just just a minute I never had a chance to say goodbye [Music] help me Lily I can't cry seems to me you're just away on another driven I keep expecting you why did you turn I searched and I searched research and I can't understand Willie I made the last payment on the house today today and there'll be nobody hope we're being clear [Music] free [Music] Oh you you you you
Channel: Michael Blachut
Views: 1,399,096
Rating: 4.8780127 out of 5
Id: RMqiCtq5VLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 37sec (7837 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2017
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