The Glass Menagerie - Full Movie

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] I have tricks in my pocket I have things up my sleeve but I am the opposite of a stage magician he gives you illusion which was the appearance of truth and I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion to begin with I turn back time I reverse it to that quaint period late 30s when the huge middle class of America was matriculating in a school for the blind their eyes had failed them more they had failed their eyes and so were having their fingers pressed forcibly down on the fiery Braille alphabet of a dissolving economy in Spain there was revolution here there was only shouting and confusion in Spain there was Guernica here there were disturbances of labor sometimes pretty violent and otherwise peaceful cities such as Chicago Cleveland and st. Louis this is the social background of the play the play is memory being a memory play it is dimly lighted it is sentimental it is not realistic in memory everything seems to happen to music that explains the I am the narrator of the play and also character in it the other characters are my mother Amanda my sister Lara and a gentleman caller who appears in the final scenes he is the most realistic character in the play being an emissary from a world of reality that we were somehow set apart from but since I have a poet's weakness for symbols I use this character also as a cymbal he is the long-delayed but always expected something that we live for there is a fifth character in the play but he only appears in this larger than life-size photograph this my father who left us a long time ago it was a telephone man who fell in love with long distances he gave up his job telephone company and skipped the light fantastic downtown the last we heard of him was a picture postcard from mazatlán on the Pacific coast of Mexico containing a message of two words hello goodbye and no address [Music] the church was full except for one few wait out front and in that was just one little lady so I smiled at it very sweetly and I said excuse me would you mind if I show you this pew I'll certainly would she said this space is rented it's the first time I've even you the Lord rented space no the Episcopalians I can understand sudden fiscal face but no other ones no must push a food with something to use as a crust of bread oh you must chew your food honey animals have secretions to lay our stomachs that allow them to digest their food without mastication but human beings must chew their food before they swallow down feed initially hmm a well-cooked meal has many delicate flavors it must be held in the mouth for appreciation not just got there hmm so chew hmm don't you want to give you a salivary gland to change the function mother I have not enjoyed one bite of this dinner because of your constant directions on how to eat it it's it's you that makes me rush to meals with your your hot light attention to everybody I take it's sickening spoils my appetite all this discussion of animal secretions salivary glands mastication temperament like a metropolitan stall uh-uh you've not excused from the table I'm getting a cigarette smoke too much I'm gonna be the colored bar tonight and you gonna be the like what no I don't worry I will presume you see resume you see to keep yourself fresh and pretty for the gentleman cos I'm not expecting any gentleman callers well sometimes when they are least expected why I remember one son actin a blue man when your mother was a girl your mother was a girl she received 17 sometimes the word enough to accommodate mom and we have to send the colored boy over to the parish house to fetch the folding chairs and how did you entertain those gentleman cones I bet you could talk girls in mind it could yes yes we knew how to entertain our gentleman cars it's not enough for a girl to be possessed of a pretty face and a graceful figure oh well I wasn't slighted in either respect and have a nimble wit tongue all occasions what did you talk about things of importance going on in the world well never anything course or common or vulgar because my call is what gentlemen Oh something finest men on the Mississippi Delta platter sons of planners there was young champ Lachlan he later became vice-president of a delta plaintiff back in the country of Rhodes Wesley and face now Bates was one of my own bright particular brothers he got into a fight but that Wow wait they shot it out on the flow of the Moon legacy Bates was shot right through the snow died in the ambulance on the way to Memphis [Music] he left his litter well provided for two eight or 10,000 anchors nonetheless and he never loved that woman she just called him on the rebound I found my picture on him a night he died and that boy follow that every girl in the Dell the headset Ocampo a beautiful brilliant young bitsy boy from growing cannabis what did he leave his widow he never married some Ali sent as if all my old admirers had turned up their toes to the daisies it wasn't it's a first one you mentioned that still survives well he made an awful lot of money he went north the Wall Street and he made a fortune and I could have been mrs. J Duncan fits you much and what did I do I just went out of my way and picked your father mother let me clear the dishes typewriter charge you practice your short hair look keep your separation for it because it's almost time five Chaplin commas just turn around how many you don't think I'll entertain today no I don't believe that will be receiving any mother once think of gentlemen let's make this they've made a fluoride for later it's not a flood it's not a tornado mother I'm just not popular like you were and blue mountain mothers afraid I'm gonna be an old maid [Music] just to send your type in I suppose how was the DAR me my dear Yami didn't you go to the DAR meet mother no I didn't go to any dar meeting and help with strength I didn't have the courage I just wanted to find a hole in the ground and crawl there for the rest of my entire life why did you do that mother why why how old are you no mother you know my age I was under the impression you one adult it seems I was entirely mistaken please don't stare at me mother what is gonna become of us future mother has something happened something happened mother oh I'm just bewildered my life I wish that you would tell me what has happened I went to the DAR boys you know I was to be inducted as an officer and I stopped by Rupa camps Business College on the way so tell them about your cold and ask how you were doing time I oh yes Oh oh I went straight to your tie from the struct I introduced myself as your mother she didn't know who you were waiting field she said well we don't have any such scholar enrolled in this school I should as she did I said why my daughter laughs has been coming here since early January I don't know she said unless you mean that terrible shadow girl they dropped out after only a few days attend no I said I don't mean that what I mean my daughter who's been coming here every single day for the past six weeks what excuse me she said and she got down the attendance record man was your name unmistakable printed and every time you had been absent and I still told her she was wrong I said oh no there must be some mistake there must be some mix-up in the records oh no she said I remember her perfectly now she was so shy and a hand shook so that her fingers wouldn't strike the right keys and then when we gave a speed test she just fell apart completely and was sick in a stomach it had to be carried to the washroom after that she never came back anymore we called my house every day but we never got any ends that's when I was working all day long I suppose down at that department store demonstrating those I couldn't stand up I just sit gaming place of over $50 tuition it's not even the money so much but it's all my hopes but any kind of a future for you just don't have the spell just don't don't you play that Victrola now what have you been doing every day when you have gone out of this house telling me you were going to business card I just went out walking that's not true yes it is mother I just went walking walking walking in winter deliberately coating ammonia that light coat no way were you all can do all sorts of places mostly in the even after you started catching that cold mother it was the lesser of two evils I couldn't go back I threw up on the floor so from half past seven till after Bob afternoon you mean to tell me you went walking around in the park in order to make me believe you were still going to business car well it wasn't as bad as it sounds I went inside places to get warmed up inside while I went to the Art Museum and and the birdhouse at the zoo I visited the Penguins every day some days I did without lunch and I went to the movies but lately in the afternoons I've been going to that place called the jewel box that that big glass house where the Rays of tropical flowers learning you did all this to deceive me but deception now why why sorrow why mother when you are disappointed you get that awful suffering look on your face like the picture of Jesus's mother in the museum I couldn't face it I couldn't so what are we gonna do now we just go sit down in this house watch the parade's go back use ourselves with a little Glass Menagerie u-turn we play those walnut phonograph records you'll follow the left as a painful formality okay have a business career you can't do that it just gives us indigestion so what is there left for but dependency all our lives so they I know so well what happens to unmarried women who are not prepared to occupy a position in life seems such pitiful examples of it in the South barely tolerated spinsters living on some brother's wife or sister's husband tucked away in some little mouse trap of arena coverage by one in-law to go visit another love bird like the cost of humility all their lives who is that the future we have mapped out for sex Oh some girls do Mary my goodness love him you have like some boy yes yes mother I liked one once you did I came across his picture while ago he gave you his picture - oh I would know is it's in the yearbook oh it was a high school yes his name was Jim here he is in the Pirates of Penzance word the upright of the senior class but on he had a wonderful voice I used to sit across the aisle from him Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays in the auditorium here he is with a silver cup for debate you see his grand so he had a grin - he used to call me blue roses now why did he call you such a silly name is that when I had that a attack of chlorosis and I was at a school for a while when when I came back he asked me what the matter was and and I said fluorosis only he thought that I said blue roses that's what he always got me after that hmm whenever you would see me he'd holla hello blue roses well I never cared very much for the girl a he went out with Emily mizen back that she was the best-dressed girl it's Alden but she never struck me as being sincere I read once in the newspaper that they were engaged that was a long time ago they're probably married by now it's all right honey it's all right you know sometimes when little girls are not cut out from business careers they end up married a very nice young man and I'm just gonna see that you do that too mother what I'm creepy lunch don't use that word how many times have I told you never to use that word you are not crippled you just have a little defect if you lived in the days when I was a girl and we went out to dances every night and we had those long graceful skirts we honey when you have a little disadvantage like that you just have to cultivate something else to take its place you have to cultivate charm more I've asked the tea yoke John that's the one thing you follow the head plenty after the fiasco at the rubycles Business College the idea of getting a gentleman caller Flora began to play a more and more important part in mother's calculations it became an obsession late that winter and in the early spring realizing that extra money would be needed to properly feather the nest and plume the bird she began conducting a vigorous campaign on the telephone roping in subscribers to one of those magazines for matrons called the homemakers companion the type of journal which features the serialized sublimation of ladies of letters who who think in terms of delicate cup like breasts slim tapering waists rich creamy thighs eyes like woodsmoke in autumn fingers that soothe and caress like strains of music body is as powerful as Etruscan sculpture well now I have just been looking at my already booking and I see where your subscription to the companion it's just about what up it's just wonderful new serie by this me office top hmm it's the first thing she's written since honeymoon for three and that was unusual you know well and this one is even lovely it's all about the horse he said on Long Island and this debutante is thrown from a horse while she's taking him over the jumps in the regatta well her spine is injured and that's that's what the the whole city stepped on her and the only surgeon in the whole wide world who can keep her from being permanently paralyzed is the man she's engaged to be married to and he's tall and he's blond babies what oh no honey don't don't let him burn you just go and you take a look not not just City hold on you know what that woman did she hung up on me [Music] [Music] what hey when you look so pretty when your hair is combed there's a little respect in which I would like for you to emulate your fault well-respected zing okay he took of his person mother please go busy yourself with something else sometime top straight you know I have seen a medical chart and I know what that posture does to you internally if you sit up I'll show you you see your your stomach presses in on your lungs and then your lungs pressing on your heart then you pull on my heart gets discouraged doesn't have any room let's go upbeat oh yeah diet talked to me like there is the matter with you have you gone out of your senses yes I have that's true you've driven me out of them is the matter with you lately look mother I have got no thing no single thing in this house that I can call my own what were you following yesterday you confiscated my books you have been I certainly did I took that opal novel back to the library that horrible book by that insane mr. Lawrence well I can't control the output of a disease not all the people that cater to it but I won't have that filth in my house no no no no who pays the rent on the house who makes a slave of them no that's my money I mustn't say things when you all go here I will not another thing I have just at the end of my patience and what do you think I meant aren't I supposed to have any patience to reach the end of I know it seems unimportant to you wonder what I'm doing what I want to do having a little difference between them you don't think that you know something you chained up and that's why you acting like this well I don't believe that you go every night to the movies no nobody in their right mind goes to the movies as often as you pretend to and people do not go to voters at almost midnight and movies do not let out at 2:00 a.m. you've come in here stumbling and muttering to yourself like a maniac and you get three hours sleep and then you go to work now I can imagine what you're doing down there Moses and dopey because you are in no condition oh that is true mother I am in no condition your job and jeopardize our security now how do you think we would manage if anything mother do you think I'm crazy about the warehouse do you think that I am in love with the the continental shoemakers do you think I want to spend 55 years down in that cellar Tech's interior with fluorescent tubes look mother I would just rather somebody pick up a crowbar and batter out my brains then go back mornings but I go every morning that you come in yelling that goddamned rise and shine rise and shine I think to myself how lucky dead people are but I get up I go $65 a month I give up all that I ever dreamed of doing and yet you say this self self is all I think of listening other self was what I thought of I would be where he is gone as far as a system of transfer don't grab you I just want to know where you going I am going to the movies I don't believe that lot no will you're right Nana I'm going to opium dens yes Mona opium dens dens of Vice and criminals hangouts mother I am a hired assassin I joined the Hogan gang I carry a tommy gun in a violin case and I run a stream of cat houses in the valley they call me killer killer Wingfield see him leading a double life really is simple honest warehouse worker by day but by night a dynamics are of the underworld mother I'd go to gambling casinos I just spin away fortune on the roulette table I wear a patch over one eye and the false mustache and sometimes I put on green whiskers on those occasions they call me el Diablo I could tell you many things to make you sleepless monitor my enemies plan to dynamite this place tonight they are going to blow us all sky and will I be glad I'll be very happy and so you stick with 17 gentleman callers you ugly babbling oh wait I will never speak to you again as long as I know let you apologize to me where you been all this time I've been to movies all this time lovelies this was a very long program there was a Garbo picture and the newsreel and the Mickey meadows and the travelogue and a preview of coming attractions it was an organ solo and a collection for the milk fund simultaneously which ended up in a terrible fight between the fat lady and the not sure god it was a stage show no the headliner on this stage show was Malvolio the magician he performed wonderful trick cement many of them such as pouring water back and forth between two pitchers first it turned into wine then it turned into beer then it turned into whiskey now I know that it was whiskey that it finally turned into because he he needed someone to come up out of the audience to help him so I came up both shows it was Kentucky straight bourbon a very generous fellow he he gave souvenirs this is this magic scarf you can have a lord and wave it over a canary cage they turn into a ball a goldfish and you wave that over a goldfish bowl and they fly away Canaries [Music] but the wonderfulest strict ball was the coffin trick no we nailed him into a coffin when he got himself out without removing one nail now there is a trick that would come in handy for me get me out of this 2x4 situation what are you stressing me for Getti goody pay her back for all those who hasn't shot stress and shot you know I don't take much intelligence to get yourself into a nailed up confident never gotten so far moving a nice one nail [Music] all right you want to me so that started not speaking if you would say that you're sorry she'd start speaking not speaking is that such a tragedy are you gonna do what I have to do I have to get dressed myself going go and I just have to get over cold butter it was just butter tell them to charge it such faces when I do that sticks and stones may break our bones but the expression on mr. Garfinkle Spence more hummus tell your brothers coffee C's got well who are you mother I apologize my lambda sorry for what I said for everything that I said I didn't mean that my devotion is maybe a witch so I make myself hateful to my children no you don't well I worry so much I I can't sleep so it just makes me nervous Tom now you know I have had to fight a solitary battle all these years but you are my right hand now now don't you fail me don't you fall down I try home if you try you will succeed you are just full of natural endowments honey both of my children oh they're just very precious children and I have so much to be thankful for now would you just promise me one thing will you promise me that you won't ever become a drunkard I promise I'll never become a drunken moment if Sabrina [Music] you got ten minutes Tom don't go drinking too hot let you take scans of the stomach that it puts the milk in oh thanks what just to cool it off oh thank you mother Wow I know it's not good for you though but you know oh we have to depend on each other and that's why it's so important to don't you sit down come sit down honey move you come Tom no I sent out your system because I wanted to discuss something with you yeah you hadn't spoken to me I was gonna speak to you Laura Tom now you know how low it is she's so quiet but still waters run deep and she notices things and and I think she broods about now I came in here the other day and and she was fine what about you now she has this idea that you are not happy here well I gave her that idea what gives any idea but honey you have been acting kind of strangely Tom I am no witness doesn't match yeah I know the joy ambitions do not live at the White House and like everybody else in the whole wide world you two have had to make sacrifice but Tom life is not easy it calls for Spartan endurance Tom I there's just so many things in my heart that I cannot describe to you now I never told you but I did love your father but when I see you and you you were taken after his waist and you would staying out all night and you had been drinking the other night when you in that terrifying condition and now Laura tells me that you hate this apartment and you go out nights to get away from it now is that true no oh you you say there's so much in your heart that you can't describe to me well that's that's told me to mother there's so much in my heart that I I can't describe to you so let's just respect each other's why are you so Restless why don't you go to nights I go to the movies why do you go to the movies so much I go to the movies because I like adventure and adventures something I don't get much of a work so I go to the movies honey you go to the movies entirely too much I like a lot of adventure well most young men find adventure in their warehouses full of young men who are employed at white house is an offices and to all of them find adventure in their careers well they do what they do without not everybody in the whole wide world has a craze for adventure mother man is by instinct a lover a hunter and a fighter and and none of those instincts get much play at a whale is by Antony yes don't you quote instinct to me the instinct is something people have gotten away from it belongs to animals Christian adults don't want me well what a Christian adults want then moment Oh animals have to satisfy the instincts that surely your aims are somewhat higher than theirs then monkeys a [ __ ] well I reckon they're not you've got you want me to punch in red at the web I must bow to you about Laura all right what what about louder we have got to be making some plans and privations for well she's older than you nothing is happening for her she just she just trips alone doing nothing well I reckon say so types of people call home girls I'm if there's no such time and if there is it's a pity unless the home is hers with a husband in it what Tom I can see the hand right now the wall as plain as I can see the nose on my face more and more you remind me of your father well well he was gone out all night long without any explanation and then one day he was just gone goodbye and leaving me with the bag to home now I saw that letter you got from the Merchant Marines when I saw it and I know what you're dreaming of I'm not standing here blindfolded all right do it but not until you have somebody to take your place what do you mean when dora has somebody to take care of her when she's married with the home of her own independent then you can go wherever you like a land on sea wherever the wind blows you but until that time you have got to take care of your sister now Don I don't see me because I'm old and overcome selfishness down at the White House all this nice young men know just fine one who's clean live and who doesn't drink ask him what y'all about run oh but this is Amanda Wingfield when I first Ella how is your kidney problem it's come back uh-huh you are Christian martyr no no that is what you are you are Christian more well Noel I have been looking through my little red book here and I see where your subscription to the companion has run out and it's just when that wonderful new serial by Bessie Mae harpist on it is the one that's all about the the horse they said on Long Island and you have you've already read it well how do you think it turns out no basic me hope will never let you down what our you have back alley you have to have complications okay have a story without complications but finis LeMay heart but always leave she was such an uplift hello what's the matter what do you sound so mad you mean because it's only seven o'clock in the morning now I'm sorry I forgot you never got up before 9:00 well I forgot anybody in the whole wide world was allowed to sleep as ladies laughs well I can't say anything but I'm sorry Canada you will you will take that subscription from me anyhow well buzz buzz bless you let's do this across the alley from us was the Paradise dance hall on evenings and sprained our windows and doors be open and the music would come outside sometimes they would turn out all the lights except for a large glass sphere which only from the ceiling slowly filtered the dusk with delicate rainbow colors and then the orchestra would strike up a waltz or a tango was something that had a slow and sensuous rhythm couples would come outside to the relative privacy of the alley you could see them kissing behind a schvitz and telephone poles this was compensation for lives that passed like mine without any change an adventure adventure and change were eminent and this year they were waiting around the corner for all these kids suspended in the midst of the birches gotten caught in the folds of Chamberlain's umbrella in Spain there was civil war yeah there was only hot swing music and like a dance halls movies and sex which hung in the gloom like a chandelier and fluttered the world with brief deceptive rainbows all the world was waiting for bombardments I came out to smoke 15:30 well wouldn't be too much but would be enough to go towards a night school course and a camp at the Washington youth and it wouldn't that be love it I'd rather smooth no that's the tragedy this fire escape landing is a poor excuse for that voyage when used I just a little silver slip over did you make a wish on it mm-hmm what'd you wish for that's a secret oh okay what I wish we just as this do this is okay but I can guess what you ain't Wow now it's my hair transparent bein honest things no I'll tell you I will follow success and Happiness for my precious jingle that's what I wish for every time there's a moon and when they didn't know we spoke to I thought perhaps you wish for a gentleman calling you say that oh you don't remember asking me to fetch one I remember from jesting that it would be nice for your sister if you brought home some nice young man I think I made that suggestion but yes you made it repeatedly we are going to have one what gentlemen calm do you mean that you have added some nice young man and come on one yep I have asked him to dinner you really did I don't did except he did he did he did Oh in that lovely yes I thought that she would be playing well now this is dead pretty a definite Wow soon pretty soon mahasin quite s'en how soon very soon Oh every time I won't know something you go on like that mother what do you want to know look it's just old on casts you want to know when the gentleman callers coming to dinner he's coming tomorrow yes no I can't do anything by tomorrow I can't do anything about tomorrow phrases you should have called me the minute you invited him the military accepted mother you don't have to make any funds coming into a place it's all sloppy it has to be thrown together properly I don't see why you have to think at all no you just don't know that I cannot have a gentleman caller coming into a big old lace tablecloth that's holding up all of these here oh we can't wait anything we haven't done it we haven't got anything why are waiting on it mother this is no boy to make a fuss over I don't know how you can say that when this is the first gentleman cobbler your little sister has ever had ask you a few things mother if you are gonna make a fuss I will call the whole thing off mother I will tell him not to come you can't do that people hate broken engagements they think I've no place to go that's it any particular place they'd like me to sit sit anyway on the floor later let's all have that sent out wish I had time to paper the walls no what is his name his name is O'Connor O'Connor he's Irish Morris Friday that means fish make that salmon loop with the mayonnaise dressing now where did you meet him at the warehouse of course where else what I mean does he drink why do you ask me that father don't get started on that he drinks not that I know of the one thing I do not want for my daughter is a man who drinks you're not being the tiniest bit premature mr. O'Connor has not yet arrived on the scene you will tomorrow night to meet your sisters what do I know about his character what do you do stay back bites Oh you know what is his position down at the White House his position is that of a shipping clerk shipping clerk well that sounds pretty important to me well that's what you'd be if you hadn't get up now how much does your I would judge his salary to be approximately $85 per month $85 a month where's not 2021 I mean oh I will I know that family man can't get bound $85 a month um mr. O'Connor is not a family man well he might be one day Mike me I see plans and provisions you know Tom you are the only young man I know that ignores the fact that the future becomes the present the present the past and the past turns into everlasting regret unless you plan forward I'll think that over and see what I can make miss Donna miss Donna we've got to have another name it says mr. James D O'Connor the D is for Delaney Delaney he's Irish on both sides and he doesn't drink shall I call him up and ask your man was drinking and some girl some girl was receiving his attentions then she if some girl was receiving his attention she would go to the minister of his church and ask about his good Oh Oh father if her father were living it was his duty to go to the minister on his church and ask about his character now that is how young girls from Blue Mountain would camp from making tragic mistakes then how did it happen that you made such a tragic mistake mother that face fool buddy all he had to do was grin the world was bewitched I think there's nothing more tragic than a young girl just putting herself at the mercy of a handsome my parents and I hope that mr. O'Connor is not too good-looking as a matter of fact isn't he has rather a large nose which he compensates for by not having much of a chin he's not right down homely is it not right down homely medium homely I'd say no girl had any sense she would look for character in a man anyway that's what I've always said you always said you have always said it yes when I how could you always say that if you never even thought about it don't be so suspicious I am I am suspicious of every word that comes out of your mouth when you talk with me tell me some more bad they stole me now is he up and coming yes I think he really goes in for self-improvement what makes you say that he goes tonight no night school what does he do it though it's good he studies radio engineering and public speaking now that shows he intends to be an executive and radio engineering well that's coming hmm I'm afraid it's here it was a very illuminated back fax that any mother should know about any young man who's coming a collar on her dog series or not one little warning mother I didn't tell him about her I didn't that we have dark ulterior motives I simply said why don't you come over for dinner he said okay and that was the whole conversation but it was too sometimes you can be eloquent as an oyster however he seems pretty obvious she's gonna be so glad he was invited I have some dude you won't expect two months of long will you I don't know what you mean mother Lara seems all those things to us because she's on us and we love her we don't even notice she's crippled animals crippled she is face facts and that's not all you mean there's not harm is very different from the girls didn't know that and I think the difference is all and hope they didn't know not quite all mother in the eyes of others strangers she is terribly shy and she lives in a world of wrong and that can make her seem peculiar she is like you Jimmy yep well I don't know in what way she's picky when she lives in a world of little glass woman's she sits him where are you going [Music] Lara Lara Yes Mother honey be better on and then come on out here come on come on out make a wish on the moon just a little silver slip over moon now honey look over your left shoulder and make a wish no honey wish what y'all always for mother happiness just a little bit of good fortune the following evening I brought Jim home to dinner I had known Jim slightly in high school and Jim was the only person at the warehouse with whom I was on friendly terms I was valuable to him as someone who could remember his former glory who had seen him win basketball games and the silver comp and debating he knew of my secret practice of retiring to a cabinet of the washroom to work on poems when business was slack at the warehouse he called me Shakespeare and while the other boys in the warehouse regarded me with a suspicious hostility Jim took a humorous attitude towards me gradually his attitude affected the others and their hostility wore off and they also began to smile me as people smile at her gnarly fashioned dog who trots crossed their path at some distance I knew that Jim and Laura had known each other in high school and I had heard Laura speak admiringly of Jim's voice I didn't know whether Jim remembered her or not for in high school Laura had been as unobtrusive as Jim had been astonishing if he did remember her at all it was not as my sister for when I asked him to dinner he grinned and said you know Shakespeare I never thought he was having Forks he was about to discover that I did why are you trembling so whether you've made me so nervous how about all this fuss you make it seem so important I don't understand you every time I try to do anything that is the least bit different for you you just seem to say just that's the game stick now look at yourself in the mirror we are setting a trap all pretty girls are a trap and all men expect them to be just safe in the mirror in that lovely you look just like an angel oh the postcode you run oh now I'm gonna dress myself on you don't be astonished at your mother's parents now take a look at your mother Oh mother how lovely have a lot of flowers all over but they got kind of tired so I had to take them all off I led the cotillion in this dress oh you don't know me go I want the champ walk twice it's unsafe yep an award to the girl miss Bobby Jack's just session around the room I handed down tonight a midship father I had malaria fee but due to change in climate release Tennessee to the Delta had weakened our systems not enough to be dangerous but just enough to make me Restless oh it was lovely invitations just poured in from oh my mother said honey you can't go anyplace you got a fever you gotta stay in bed and I said I would and I just took one on and I can't dance I say every evening and then the afternoons long that conscience so lovely in May oh they see what Obama's that I mean you can't bring him up John kept on bringing it every time I saw my teeth stop I see John I'll make my gentle time with good I'm gonna carry to help to get out got a bit kind of joke dangle down here comes that girl we're gonna have to spend the rest afternoon picking John cause my brother said are you kidding really well John what's in the house we don't have another basis to hold them all I said that's all right I hope so [Music] why are we a feve father I hope they get here before it starts to rain a little extra change so kids mr. Connor could take the service car home what did you say his name is what is his first thing you see the one that I'm used to go to high school Jim O'Connor in high school well then if the one that time is bringing home to dinner you will have to excuse me I won't come to the team you asked me once if I have liked a boy remember I showed you his picture when you in love with that ball I don't know mother I just know that if it was him I couldn't sit at the table don't baby him it's not the least bit like little bit even if it were you will come to the table you will not be excused I would have to humor you syphilis now I've got enough from you and your brother that you just come on over here and sit yourself down and compose yourself until they get II now your brother has forgotten his key so you don't have to let him in when there are no mother please you answer the door what happening boots the mayonnaise dressing for the Sam oh please you answer it don't make me do it honey please be reasonable what is out these faucet but he's just one gentleman caller died that's all just more Lara hurry in the door over you you answer the matter with you you silly thing please you answer please if you've taken this moment to lose your mind over the door okay and why can't you I'm sick you're sick sick you and your brother had me puzzle to get you could never act like normal children good reason why you should be afraid to go to a door yeah doctor the door wing theory March straight to that door yes this is Jim Jim this is my sister LA I didn't know Shakespeare had his sister how are you Laura how do you how do you do well I'm okay your hand is cold laura is well I've been playing the Victrola oh you must learn playing classical music on it you ought to put a little hot swing on to warm you up what's the matter Shia you know it is unusual to meet a shy girl nowadays I don't believe you ever told me you have no you know no hostess bad she want a piece of it yeah when he's coming comic sports oh well I see the Dizzy Dean is on his bad behavior where you going out on the terrace too small Shakespeare I want to sell you a bill of goods or goods of course I'm taking Corson public speaking you know you owe me we're not the warehouse type thanks but what is public speaking on to do I fit you for executive positions I tell you it's done a hell of a lot for me in what respect not respects ask yourself what's the difference between you and me and the guys in the office down front brains no ability no then what well primarily Shakespeare's a monster just one single thing what is that single thing social poise the ability to be able to square up to somebody and hold your own in any social evidence Yes Mother yes mother yes mother Oh No thank you ma'am took care of that already down in the warehouse Tom hmm mr. Mendoza has been speaking to me about you favourably what do you think yeah Tom you're gonna be out of a job if you don't wake up I am waking up you show no signs those signs our interior I'm planning a change I am right at the point of committing myself to a future which doesn't include mr. Mendoza or the warehouse or even a night school course in public speaking what are you gassing about I'm tired in the movies the movies yes movies look at all those glamorous people out there having adventures hogging at all gobbling the whole thing up and you know what happens people go to the movies instead of moving Hollywood characters are supposed to have the adventure for everyone in America well everyone in America just sits in a dark room and watches them have them until there's a war that's when adventure becomes available to the masses everyone's dish not only Gables then the people in the darkroom can come out of the darkroom and have a little adventure for themselves goodie goodie it's it's our turn now to be exotic from far off but I am not patient and I'm not going to wait I am tired of the movies and I am about to move yes when so where where I'm starting to boil inside I know that I seem dreamy but whenever I pick up a shoe I just shudder a little thinking how short life is and man what am I don't you know whatever that means I know it does not mean shoes except as something to wear on the travellers feet the union of merchant seamen yes I have paid my dues last month and instead of the light bill you're gonna regret it when they turned the lights off me what about your mother like my father the bastard son of a bastard did you notice how he's grinning in his picture noon he's been absent going on 16 years you just talked him you drip what is your mother gonna say about that Oh mother is not acquainted with my plans Yes Mother where are you we're on the terrace man well why don't y'all come on inside you look so pretty you know that is the first compliment you have ever paid me I wish you'd look Pleasant when you're about to say something pleasant so I know to expect it mr. Khanna how do you do ma'am well so this is miss dokgo well introductions are entirely unnecessary cause I've heard so much about you from my boy I finally said to myself top why don't you bring this Paragon home to I wanna meet this nice young man from the White House better just hearing you sing his praises all the time I don't know why my son is so stay in office has not southern behavior that's it damn no Tom I think we could you slow I am here you won't need the dough ball but I felt a nice fresh breeze while ago no way it's gone too so home already and it's not even summer yet we gonna burn up when someone finally gets here however we are having a light supper this evening I think light things are better for this time of year like clothes off food like clothes warm weather calls for because you see our blood gets so thick in the window it takes a little while foster we adjust our sails when summer comes but it's come so quickly yeah I just wasn't prepared for it doesn't go to Heaven's all of a sudden it was summertime so I just ran to the truck and I pulled out this light dress it's terribly old it's practically a stalker but it feels so good and cool no mother mm-hmm how about supper well you have to eyes first about supper when you know sister same phone charger server will you just telling you hungry boys oh wait and father did you mean loud well she came to the door oh she let you in yes ma'am she is pretty antsy oh yes ma'am you know it is so right for a young girl here's a sweet and it's pretty is Laurie don't also be the best pic but Laura here's think helps not only sweet they're pretty but also very very domestic because I am not at all I could never make a thing for angel food cake but it goes in the south you know we had so many service o o vestiges of gracious leaving just go completely see I wasn't from paying for what life had in store for me cuz all my my gentlemen callers were planners and Sons a plaintiff so naturally I thought I would marry one and I was just gonna raise my family on a large plot of land with lots and lots of servants but man proposes and woman accepts the proposal the very that I'll say a little bit well I married no Plateau I married a man who worked for the telephone company that gallantly Skyler gentleman over those telephone man who fell in love with long distance and now be tribals and I don't even know why why am I going on about my tribulation now you tell me about yours [ __ ] all of you all have any appears to me that Supper's on the table what yeah well not feeling too well and she says she thinks she'd better not come to the table Lara Oh mr. Carlin now we can't say Grayson do you come to the table standing over that hot stove has just made a hill I've told it was just too old Oh mr. Carling yeah you please come sit down we'll all right man thank you Tom CRI yes would you say grace no thanks let me give you a toast here is to the Old South hey mr. Lampe oh now where was Moses when the lights went out you know that what is the answer now very nice so I thought my view by Donna little veil my dog decorations but his nightmare proves useful to ya if you one of you gentlemen could provide me with amazement when I believe I can't do that man well I guess it must be a burned-out fuse you know when you're thinking about burnout fuses mr. Fowler no as a matter of fact I do man where's the fuse box oh yeah go back to South Bay in the kitchen but now don't stumble over anything cause it's dark out fire wouldn't be awful if we long statement mister you all right yes ma'am I did em fuses looked okay to me oh yes you remember that light bill I gave you a few days ago the one I got the notice about you mean last month's bill you didn't neglect it picture you did I'm mine and oh well now maybe Shakespeare wrote a poem on a light bill maybe however it was nice of them to let us finish our dinner before they plunged us into everlasting darkness now tom is a pelt if you help me with the dishes [Music] used to stand on the oh the church to the hem the red okay and it melted a little out of shape from the church breakdown you see the church was struck by lightning one spring and gypsy Jones who was having a revival meeting in the village said that the church was struck by lightning that caused the Episcopalians by having card parties right they in the church is that so man I never say anything that Enzo beg your pardon well now I like my Laura to have a look dad landmine you think you could manage both of those well I'm sure try man Oh Tom you get into your head well are you feeling any better yes thank you good oh here this is for you it's a little dead lying wine thank you you drink it but don't get drunk see where am I gonna put these candles oh well how about right here on the floor you got any objections I'll just spread some newspaper out here to catch the drippings say yeah I like to sit on the floor you mind if I do no would you have me a pillow Thanks how about you don't you like to sit on the floor yes well why don't you then hmm take a pillow well no I can't even see if he said way over there I can see you yeah that's no fair I'm right here in the limelight yeah that's better now I can see you comfortable yes thank you so much I'm as comfortable as a cow say Laura would you care for a stick of chewing-gum thank you well I believe I will indulge say just imagine the fortune made by the guy that invented the first piece of chewing yeah amazing huh you know that the Wrigley building is one of the sights of Chicago I saw it summer before last at the Century of Progress you taking the century progress I know I didn't well it was a wonderful exposition believe me you know what impressed me the motional a Hall of Science gives an idea of what the future will be like in America oh it's a lot more wonderful in the present time yes hmm say Laura your brother tells me you're shy is that right you know I judge you to be an old-fashioned type of girl I want to think that's a wonderful time to be I hope you don't think I'm being too personal do you Mr O'Connor I believe that I will have a piece of chewing gum if you don't run mr. Khanna I've have you kept up with your singing second me is that I remember what a beautiful voice you had you heard me saying oh yes very often well I don't suppose that you remember me at all you know as a matter of fact I did think I'd seen you somewhere before you know it was almost like I was about to remember your name but the name I was about to remember wasn't a name so I stopped myself before I said it wasn't it blue roses oh my gosh yes blue roses I didn't connect you with high school somehow or other but that's what it was it was high school huh I didn't know you were Shakespeare's sister gee um I'm sorry Oh oh no that's all right uh I didn't expect you to we barely knew each other yeah we did never speak in a Queen's yes we spoke to each other do we have a class on something rather together yes we did what class was that it was singing course i sat across the aisle from you in the auditorium Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays oh I remember you now I'm sure you're the girl always used to come in late yes well I had that brace on my leg back then it was so hard for me getting up the stairs it it can't so loud I never heard any Clubman tell me it sounded like thunder I never even noticed everybody was seated when I came in the room when I do walk in front of all those people man she was in the back row I had to go clumping up the aisle with everybody watching home you shouldn't have been self-conscious I know but I was yeah I remember you now I used to call you blue roses I hope you didn't mind oh I know I liked it you see I wasn't acquainted with many people yeah I remember you kind of always stuck by yourself what I never had very much luck making friends well I don't know why you wouldn't well I started out badly oh you mean being there yes well it always stood between me and other people now you shouldn't have let it I know but I did so you were shy with people well I tried not to be but I never could overcoming no I never could yeah I guess being shy is one of those things you kind of have to work out of gradually I guess that it takes see you know something Laura people aren't so dreadful when you get to know them that's what you have to remember and everybody has problems not just you practically everybody has problems see you think of yourself as being the only one who's disappointed but you look around you a little bit what do you see a lot of people just a disappoint as you are you take me for instance boy when I graduated high school I sure thought I'd be a lot further along than I am now hey you remember that wonderful right up ahead in the torch yes I do members said that I was bound to succeed in anything that I want to do what's that here you are saying leading that up red so beautiful oh oh yes beautifully beautiful you heard me that huh I heard you all three times no yes you means all three performances yes before well I wanted to ask you to autograph my program so why did you ask me well you were always so much surrounded by your own friends and you just come right up said hey here's my program well I thought that you might think that I was what am I thinking what oh yeah yeah I was beleaguered by females in those days you you were terribly popular you had such a for a friendly way our spoilers everybody loves you didn't you yes yes I added added to name of that program Laura there you are better late than never oh well my signatures not worth very much right now but maybe someday I'll increase in value no being disappointed is one thing being discouraged is something else well I may be disappointed but I'm not discouraged you finished high school well I got bad grades on their final examinations have you dropped out I didn't go back how's Emily Madison back getting along that crowded why do you call her there that's what she was you mean you're not still going together oh I never even see her I read in the personal section that you were engaged yeah well I was not impressed by that propaganda it wasn't the truth it was only true in Emily's optimistic opinion so what'd he been doing since high school nothing much what's been doing something yes real then such as what well I took a business course in Business College you did how'd that go I'm not very well I had to drop out it gave me indigestion so what are you doing now well I don't do anything much oh please don't think that I just sit around doing nothing my glass collection takes a good deal of time glass is something that you have to take very good care of I'm sorry would you say about glass collection I said that I have one Laura you know what I judge to be the trouble with you inferiority complex you know what that is that's what they call it when I fell in low rates himself oh I understand it because I had to uh-huh the only my case was not as aggravated as your seems to be you I had it until it too I had it until I took a course in public speaking I developed my voice and I learned that I have an aptitude for science you know until that time I never thought my son was being outstanding in any way whatsoever you know I've never made a regular study of this mind you but I have a friend who says I can analyze people better than doctors who make a profession of it what I don't play much necessarily true but I can sure gets a person psychology mm-hmm excuse me Laura I always take it out when the flavors gone I just wrap it up here in a piece of newspaper yeah I know what it's like when you get it stuck on your shoe yeah that is what I judge to be your principal trouble lack of confidence in yourself as a person no I'm basing that fact on a number of your remarks and uncertain observations of me for instance you know that clumping you say was so awful in high school you say you dreaded going upstairs you see what you did hmm you dropped out of school you gave up an education all over a little clump which as far as I can see is practically non-existent Oh little physical defect is all you have hardly noticeable even magnified a thousand times by your imagination my strong advice to you you gotta start thinking of yourself as superior in some way in what way would I think Oh Laura look around you a little huh what do you see huh whole world full of common people all of them born all I'm gonna die now which of them has one tenth of your strong points am I or anybody else's for that matter you see everybody excels and one thing summin many take me for instance now my interest happens to lie in electrodynamics I'm taking a course in radio engineering on top of a fairly responsible job in the warehouse I'm taking that course and I'm studying public speaking yeah because I believe in the future of television I want to be ready to go right on up with it see I'm planning on getting in on the ground floor I've already made all the right connections the only thing that remains now is for the industry itself to get underway full steam you know knowledge sip money power oh well it's a cycle that democracy's built on you must think I think an awful lot of myself oh no I don't okay okay how about you there must be some one thing you take more interest in than anything else in the world yes well such as what well I do is I said have my glass collection you do you know what kind of glass is that little articles of it ornaments mostly most of them are little animals made out of glass tiniest little animals in the world my mother calls them my glass menagerie here's an example of one if you'd like to see this is one of the oldest he's nearly 1300 but be careful if you breathe it it breaks oh that I better not taking that right I'm gonna kind of close you two things oh oh no I trust you with you're holding him gently hold him up in the light [Music] [Music] he just loves life you see how the light just shines through him he sure does sure I shouldn't be partial but he's my favorite supposed to be I haven't you noticed the single horn on his forehead unicorn huh are they supposed to be extinct in the modern world I know I feel kind of lonesome well if he does he doesn't complain about it but he stays on the shelf with all the other horses that don't have horns and they seem to get along nicely together hey well I haven't heard any arguments well that's good sign well I put oh you can put him anywhere they all like it a changes seen you do hmm hey look how big my shadow is when I stretch oh yes it stretches clear across the sea where does the music come from it comes from the paradise dancehall of course that down see how about cutting the rug a little miss Wingfield or is your program all filled up let me have a look at it there Oh every dance is taken well just have to scratch some of them a waltz I can't dance there you go with that inferiority stuff no I never danced in my life come on try I'm afraid that I would step on you well I'm not made out of Blanche I had a worse start you hold your arms out a little [Music] but yes the liar all right Laura now don't tighten up that's a principle thing about it just relax I'm afraid that that you can't merge me what are you bet I can't [Music] yes okay let yourself go just let yourself go not so stiff now easy does it there you go Oh [Music] oh my goodness [Music] now we're doing it broken [Music] just like on the other horses he lost his heart it doesn't matter maybe it's a blessing in disguise I bet you'll never forgive me now is your favorite piece of glass I don't have favorites much it's no tragedy glass breaks so easily no matter how careful you are with the traffic jars of shells and things fall off still I'm awful sorry that I was the cause of it I'll just imagine that he had an operation and the horn was removed to make him feel less freakish and now he'll feel more at home with the other horses the ones that don't have horns well I'm glad to see that you have a sense of humor you know you're different than anybody I know do you mind me saying that I mean it you make me feel just sort of I don't know how to say this I'm usually pretty good at expressing things as something I don't know how to say did anybody ever tell you that you were pretty you are and in a different way than anybody else and all a nicer because of the difference oh oh I wish you and my sister I'd teach you to have confidence in yourself because being different is nothing to be ashamed of because other people aren't such wonderful people are them there are a hundred times 1000 you you know 1 times 1 they wander all over the earth you just stay right here by there's common as weeds but you you your blue roses blue is wrong for roses but it's right for you you're pretty in what respect am I pretty Wow you know respects your eyes your hair your hands are pretty do you think I'm saying this just because I was invited to suffer and I have to be nice oh look I could do that I could tell you all kinds of things about being sincere but I'm talking to you sincerely I happen to notice you have this inferiority complex that keeps you from being comfortable with people somebody ought to build your confidence up way up somebody ought to make you proud instead of shy turning away and blushing somebody on it somebody ought to kiss you Laura I shouldn't have done that that's way off the beam would you care for a cigarette you don't smoke dude how about a mint peppermint lifesaver look my pockets are regular drugs the door here Laura if I had a sister like you I'd do the same as Tom I didn't fight fellas home here to meet you well maybe I shouldn't be saying Adam that might not have been ID and having me over well what if it was now there's nothing wrong with that it's it's just it well in my case I'm not in position to do the right thing I can't ask you for your number and say that our phone I can't call you and ask you for a date well I just thought I'd better explain the situation in case you misunderstood and I hurt your feelings you won't call again No I can't Laura I got strings on me you see I've been going steady I go out all the time with a girl named Betty oh and she's a nice quiet home girl just like you and she's Catholic and she's Irish so we get along fine I met her last summer on a moonlight boat trip up the river Dalton on the majestic and right away from the start it was loved oh boy and being in love it hasn't made a new man out of me well the power of love is tremendous it's the kind of thing just changes the whole world well Betty's aunt took sick and she got a wire and had to go to Centralia so naturally when Tom invited me for dinner when I accepted the invitation not knowing well I mean not knowing I wish you would say something what are you doing you want me to have what for souvenir I thought y'all might like a little liquid refreshment mister paw have you heard that sound made in the shade and stirred with the spank and then it's good enough neo made no ma'am I never heard that one honey why are you looking so serious well we were just having a serious conversation I don't understand you modern young people when I was a girl I was just game about everything you haven't changed a bit miss one gaiety of the occasion that has rejuvenated me so i baptize myself oh I found some cherries back there in the kitchen and I put at the bottom of each glass well you shouldn't have gone to all that trouble man wasn't any trouble no didn't you hear us cutting up out there in the kitchen I was so out done with just once in a while but all the time oh no no ma'am look as a matter of fact we'll love I have to be going it's only thought shank of the evening well you know how it is man oh you mean because you are young working man and you have to keep working the inside yes ma'am we'll let you off early this time only on condition that you stay later next time now much much later now what's the best even whew is it Saturday well as a matter of fact miss Winfield oh I have a couple of time clock I have to punch one in the morning at another one at night oh you are so bad fishes you work nights too no ma'am no no no not work but Betty Ben who's Benny well she's just a girl girl I go steady with is it serious yes ma'am it is oh well we're gonna be married the second Sunday in June Tom didn't say anything at all about you being engaged to be married well the cat's not out of the bag down at the warehouse yet mammy you know how it is the fellas call you Romeo and stuff like that miss Wingfield there's been a wonderful evening this must be what they mean by southern hospitality nothing wrong nothing at all but I hope you ladies don't think that I'm rushing off but I well I promised Betty that I'd pick her up down at the Wabash Depot by the time I get my jalopy down her trainings gonna be in you know how do some women get pretty upset when you keep him waiting I know how about the tyranny of women goodbye mr. Khan and I want to wish you happiness and good fortune and you wish him that too don't you know his mother I do well I'd always treasure the souvenir Boston by Shakespeare well thank you again ladies Laura don't you forget that good advice I gave you well well well things have a way of turning out so badly I wouldn't play that Victrola anymore so our gentleman caller was engaged to be there come on out here I want to tell you something very funny so gentleman caller gotten away already yes you made a very early departure and that was a funny joke you played on us too uh uh how do you mean you didn't tell us he was engaged to be married June engaged well that's what he just didn't found us well I'll be jiggered I didn't know about that well that seems very peculiar to me what's peculiar about it didn't you tell me he was your best friend down at the White House mother he is but how did I know well he seems very peculiar to me that you didn't know that your best friend was engaged to be married mother the warehouse is where I worked not where I know things about people you don't know things anywhere you live in a dream world you just manufacture illusions where are you going where are you going I'm going to the movies oh that's right now that you have had us make such fools of ourselves oh all the effort and all the preparation and all the expense the new rug and the floor lamp and the clothes for Lauren but what to entertain some other girls fiance oh go on and go to the movies don't think about us a mother who is deserted an unmarried sister who is crippled and has no job no bone let anything interfere with your selfish pleasures just go on it wait all right I will the more you shout about my selfishness to me the quicker I will go and I won't go to the movie cider I didn't go to the moon I went much further for a time is the longest distance between two places not long after that I love sandals I descended the steps of our fire escape for last time and from then on I followed in my father's footsteps attempting to find in motion what was lost in space I traveled around a great deal in the city swept about me and like dead leaves leaves that were brightly coloured but torn away from the branches I would have stopped but I was pursued by something and always came upon me unaware as taking me altogether by surprise perhaps it was a familiar bit of music perhaps it was only a piece of transparent glass perhaps I'm walking along the street of mine and some strange City before I have found companions I pass a lighted window of a shop where perfume is soul when I was filled with pieces of colored glass tiny transparent bottles and delicate colors like bits of a shattered rainbow then all that once my sister touches my shoulder now you turn around and look into her eyes I tried so hard to leave you behind me but I I am more faithful than I intended to be I reach for a cigarette I cross the street I run till the movies or a bar I buy drink I speak to the nearest ranger anything that will blow your candles out from nowadays the world is is led by lightning Torchic animals mine [Music] [Music] you
Channel: FilmRise Movies
Views: 73,594
Rating: 4.77244 out of 5
Keywords: Drama, John Malkovich, Joanne Woodward, Karen Allen, Free Movies, Full Movies, Movies, Dysfunctional family, Shyness, Cripple, Domineering mother, Classic, Tennessee Wiliams, Paul Newman, Southern belle, FilmRise
Id: dh_vmhtibmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 43sec (8083 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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