Death Caves and Gold Nuggets - Finding Gold in Unexpected Places

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here goes jc into the most death cave i've ever seen him enter the most deafiest okay let's start calling this one the life game okay yeah the life game bro wow okay can i get my pan please on this episode i'm back out in the hills with the mine in hawaiian and we're at one of our favorite locations in the motherlode it's a beautiful day in late october and we're here to try to find some more gold nuggets we've been coming here all season and finding great gold if you haven't seen my previous videos you might want to check it out we're back again and this time we're hoping to find some even chunkier gold hello and welcome folks prospector jerry we're on another adventure today look who i have he's back from hawaii mine and hawaiian bus stop guys in the motherland back in the mother lode got his metal detector and we're finding gold already back to thicker alley quicker alley is coughing up some pickers we're already finding gold i'm doing the intro a little bit later because it was so dark this morning but i'm going to skip back to that here in a minute but yeah we've been finding gold this is an awesome location it just keeps on giving before we get started i wanted to send a shout out to one of my patreon members john jacobs i appreciate the support buddy just like i appreciate all my patreon members you guys rock well i got a target down here not this guy but down in there it sounds great here let's let's listen to it really quick here there's a target in there let's see what it is oh a little picker little picker a little picker nice little piece i don't know maybe it's not a picker yeah that's a picker i'm gonna hear it too awesome i have a feeling it's gonna be a good day today got the mining hawaiian back good times oh yeah there's something there it's my best friend that's for sure so far and look you guys missed the target there's a little target in there too but some color my first color of the day all right i'm still back in the mother lode sons of the motherlode the motherlode is saying welcome welcome jc aloha welcome back here's some shiny this stuff is old it's been here stacked like this for quite some time but check this out i haven't come down here all summer this is late october almost november this stuff is all exposed now and it wasn't exposed last time and so i came down here and this is bedrock this place is beautiful and like it is just perfect for prospecting because we got all these outcroppings of bedrock they're almost like ripples and they're sticking out and running across the river that one here you got one kind of going this way here lots of bedrock to play with and lots of large boulders which is a good sign and down in here right down there i got a really good sounding target let's hear it and this looks phenomenal we're gonna say now i was super excited from the sound of this target sometimes you just get those targets that really sound like gold or they'll actually be lead lead and gold sound just about identical so finding either of them is a pretty good indication that you're doing something right i found to be the case with my setup that the feigner targets are the ones that usually are gold for whatever reason it's the ones that sound good but are a little bit fainter that end up being gold one little piece of poker one little chunky poker and another little piece all the gold here is three-dimensional it's not beating all flat yet which is awesome plus i was just showing my pan to you guys there's a little poker oh be careful don't step on it oh through my feet yeah i'll show you where it is so basically i did that pan and i got those pieces and i was like there wasn't any target in it so i came back and swung the detector over it again i had moved the target it's down here pretty sure it's a piece of gold oh wow dude that's beautiful that's a nugget bro yeah oh yeah yeah oh that's that just looks so like this goat that comes from here you know oh man keep going that's a sniping crack right there um i might have some i have some first aid stuff you know like a band-aid yeah it's a scratch don't worry about it beautiful barely even goes off too it sounded great to me when i heard it i was like that sounds like gold yeah i'm hoping to find more of these guys it's a nice little guy let's say it's a nugget that's a nice little nugget it's bigger than a picker to me going to say my rule of thumb everybody's different my rule of thumb if it's over at no not a quarter of is over a half gram i'm going to start calling it a nugget a lot of people say over a gram heck yeah hopefully there's more still have a lot of bedrock to play with check it out and there's some over here too beautiful beautiful morning you know one of my favorite parts about gold prospecting is you could come to the same area the same river same creek whatever and depending on what time of year it is it's like a whole different ball game the most ideal time to be on the river the creek obviously is when the water's the lowest that's usually late fall and that's what it is now but you know we've been coming here and getting decent gold for almost a whole season now and we've got to see this area change and it's pretty pretty neat to see all the different changes and all the different ground that gets all of a sudden opened up for you to prospect on just by mother nature it's almost like she's allowing you to prospect in different areas it kind of feels like so that's kind of neat this is my new favorite shovel this thing gets oh that's cool in every crack and crevice and that's like yeah it's very efficient compared to this round flat fat thing that i have a hard time even messing with i got nothing out of it i can't believe that that's bro remember how many times i've had days like this or just nothing nothing nothing well then you find something right and then we're looking for bigger goals so it's kind of kind of like that yeah i just wanted to follow this line dude i still think about look at this thing real quick okay we found gold in there we found gold all through there and look how big this rock is and if you watch underneath the bedrock slides up and goes down like a huge v point if we blasted this thing out and got to the bottom of this right here i mean there's gold in that everything right here all goes to the underneath of this and all v points down at a point down here holy there's there's gotta be something great in there i think but it could be it's gotta be something great in there man i mean when we're finding gold all over here in chunky going through that nugget over there or like right right here and then if you look underneath here look at how the bedrock goes like this and it comes up you know that that goes back down again in the back of that yeah and the only thing that's covering is that really massive giant rock it's a project for mountain mic mike we need you we need mike and his feathers and his drill so we're on our way to go see this rock i found a target down here and i wanted to show him it's pretty interesting it looks like this truck size boulder has been here forever and to me it looks like it just recently i don't know how recent but fairly recently decided to split apart into a bunch of different pieces so it kind of created almost like a death cave for this guy to play with for one and i think it exposed some bedrock that it was you know the rock was covering bedrock but when it shattered see right here so this looks not super new but not super old either look this is how you can kind of tell how old it is see this there's material in here from when it was still together yeah this was this is fresh man i mean this thing just came because this material's gonna be not gonna climb into that no okay so let me show you here where my target is in this see up in there see that little thing that's what's hard screaming target in there oh that's going to be good dude right into it so good screaming let's hear it let me try mine let me see well that could be gold it's not saying uh well that's the thing is sometimes it does though do that weird we're gonna find out what it is stop screaming all right well guess i'm going in the hole right be careful man this thing might be like not secure really i'll be all right are you opening it up yeah i'm opening it up so i can get in here here goes jc into the most death cave i've ever seen him enter the most deafiest okay let's start calling this one the life cave okay yeah the life game bro wow more room now all right there's a safe zone in there yeah i thought i think this would be what would be considered the shape zone now to expose this here bedrock oh my god jc could you get out that way if you had to what she's not taking for a second i can get up you could get out the back way no oh yeah okay because this thing when you when you were just unearthing it it was really moving i could feel it under my feet well maybe you want to get off of it well if you if you keep doing it it might lock you in there is what i'm trying to say yeah i can squeeze my way out of there it's kind of compressed that's what's going to happen bro if this drops this one's going to drop and just and turn like this this one's going to drop and this one's going to like this and fall right on here yeah just don't dig under this this boulder at all well i'm thinking under it but i ain't undermining it i'm taking under as i'm under it in the death cave you want to bring that detector down here yeah yeah i don't think i'm haunting up that rock to matter oh there's something in there okay can i get my pan please you know why this is a little cobble throw right there all right let me grab a pan i'm sorry no it's okay i should have thought about this before it's in your bag yeah it's in my bag that was a target for sure something to dig shovel yeah get the hell out of here this guy defcade i need to go to death caves anonymous i can't stop crawling into things that hold gold and might kill me it's a life cave oh yeah the life came stay positive now it's like a cave all right you know what hang on not only is it a life game tell me there's a target in there would you tell me there's a target the hawaiian mine oh it's in there i'm coming out here let me grab this stuff and i'll help you see folks the key to coming out of a death cave is you come out the same way you went in very carefully yeah head first just reversed that's a jagged entrance wow yeah right on man thank you sir for the that target huh that was a special target yeah let's get our first bullet of the day some powder a couple of specks wonder where that target went wow that was probably one really hot rock but now i get to dig my target there's the target a piece of like copper or brass or something it's not steel or iron and then it also was carrying a couple of pokers and pickers chunky bits all right bro tell me if you can see this i got to wash with water bro look look at this crack i beat the out of it okay it's right there let me get a flashlight i see it i see it you're right i see it this camera's not going to see it let me get my other one okay you can see a glint of gold wait wait wait i'm shaking you can you can see a clint of gold and it's in the bedrock and and i need my flashlight i'm going to wash it off there's there's what you can see hold on you really got to get right on it oh yeah here let me get let me kind of get over here sorry hey you want to use the leg where'd it go it's right in here oh yeah you can just see the corner of it yeah i see it just and then i'm going to rinse it off on camera wait a minute wait a minute i want to catch this it's like the light's almost too much hold on okay okay go for it that's a nice piece let's get her out of there oh dude i got your ultra sharp two toes tool no i just sharpened it i just unsharpened it oh you do yeah i got one it's on the side of my bag bro it's on the side one of the sides oh it's right here oh you just de-sharpen it okay gotcha yeah it's never been used yet i've been saving it thank you bro oh dude i got to kind of get in at this there we angle oh it's a nice one oh buddy oh dude nice piece jc wow i picked that up with my detector and i just look what i thought it was this whole time i thought it was here oh man i can't believe i did that that's a that's a relief of success knowing that those are there my detector found that and feels so good still shaking bro i'm still oh there's another piece of gold right there look there's oh there's one up there and there's one right here that came out from sorry that came out from whatever i was just digging where's my light yeah i see it little tiny one yeah this is a little piece though but it's there yeah oh it looks like the last one hahaha it's a smaller piece of the last one dude back to the mother lode heck yeah man you're you're back you're back how's it feel it tastes good the mother lode tastes chunky it's probably the taste of fish poop too but it's okay i'll take it just got salmonella wow it's incredible what it was in was incredible absolutely incredible that is pretty impressive look at this crack i mean there's really not anything here this is just i chiseled all this away thinking it was in here but it was really right there until i washed it away and saw it unbelievable unbelievable and thank you for the very sharp two-toes tool you um couldn't have done it without gary's tool he virginized it bro that was a good piece though that was a good way to de-virginize exactly wow yes all right let's keep going such a beautiful day it's amazing out here this is turning into one of my favorite if not my favorite spots to prospect at it's just one of the prettiest spots i've ever seen so jc is back that way that's where we started off i decided to come up this way i didn't have my metal detector last time and i haven't really detected this area since the water's dropped so i wanted to make my way up here i came to a spot that i wanted to check where i knew there was a crack it's not really a crack running in the right direction but i decided to go over it with the detector and sure enough there was a target in there i don't know if i got it out yet let's see seven inches check it out some more nice chunky stuff i love the gold here it has so much character such a beautiful place produces such beautiful gold not too shabby as we made our way up river we stumbled upon a couple of different swimming holes with a bunch of different wildlife as well swimming around right here little trout all the targets i was fighting on this side were on this ledge right here not this one but one down so i dug this out i had a target i don't even know what the target was it wasn't in the pan but here's the gold that was in the pan a couple little bits and i'll tell you what man i'm almost thinking we'll have to look at the gold as we go it almost to me is starting to look a little more hammer and flat well we had an awesome day found some gold nice going he had one of his most memorable experiences yeah that was so cool how it just was on bedrock like that and a tiny little crack still sick yeah it's a good day this spot this spot provides those experiences i like that about this spot definitely it's beautiful you always have fun when we come here it might not give us a lot of gold every time but it always gives us some gold and always gives us a cool experience beautiful gold course and largest lots of character just finding it the experience has lots of character it's just a fun spot so definitely coming back and doing some sniping soon we have some plans in action i don't know actually about soon we might have to wait till next year on the sniper a little bit late let it flood let it flood all right we have our gold all dried up we're gonna weigh it out here let's see let's see about this biggest piece right here okay and then the rest so i had a gram day i will take that if you're interested in doing your own panning at home i now have pay dirt bags available at a limited supply check out my store in the links below i'd like to say thank you to all my patreon members it's because of you that all of these adventures are possible and i can't thank you enough for all the support if you're considering becoming a patreon member check out the link in the description below there's also a link in the top right corner of the next screen patreon members have many benefits including giveaways group outings and chances at winning guided tours if you enjoyed this episode please hit that thumbs up button and drop a comment below also consider subscribing for future gold related content thank you for watching and as always i wish you heavy pans
Channel: California Mother Lode Prospectors
Views: 858,071
Rating: 4.6230402 out of 5
Keywords: gold rush, pioneer pauly, california mother lode, gold, california, motherload, prospectors, prospecting, two toes, jeff williams, nugget, sluicing, river, mining, adventure, fishing, utv, sniping, hiking, outdoors, backpacking, prospector, sluice, bushcraft, panning, gopro, dji, mavic, goldpan, dan hurd, vo-gus, whitewater, yukon, 911 mining, auquachigger, cody'slab, kleshguitars, joe robinet, ta outdoors, back country, oak island, treasure, hunting, side by side, overnight, tassie boys, van life, camping
Id: d9IbWP42NUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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