Death By Clutch! Ford Tractor Hard Start

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all right we have a 1910 Ford little tractor and it needs a clutch so took the loader off if you need help taking a quick attach loader off then you might not want to do a clutch it's pretty straightforward so we'll skip that part of the video get right to the point [Music] first thing you want to do is make sure it's not out of adjustment so the linkage is usually have some sort of threaded rod you can see this one's all the way back and when took the linkage off there's no FreePlay and looks like there should be a this linkage should be able to move back and forth about an inch and that is your release for pushing on your release bearing it needs to have a gap in between that bearing and the fingers on the clutch and if there's no gap there the release bearing will be spending all the time and your your clutch will release right at the very top of the pedal soon as you put your foot on the clutch it's gonna stop the tractor and then it'll start slipping because what's happening as your clutch plate where's your clutch disc your fingers come out and they come closer and closer to that release bearing when they start hitting all the time it's time to replace the clutch make sure that if you have a hydraulic clutch like Zegers we got caught with that before is that it could just be a master slave cylinder now push something clutch you feel like you have no pedal whatsoever and you don't split the whole tractor when it's just a hydraulic failure this one the tank is loose so we'll probably just take the tank off disconnect the fuel line probably just take off the tie rod end and then split it right down the middle support your [Music] support your back somehow you can either roll the front forward or the back back doesn't really matter whatever you like but before you do anything that's why you watch the video right to the end is you take a block and you stick it in between the front axle and the frame because otherwise as soon as you roll this thing forward so don't forget that first thing you stick put on out of anything after a clutch adjustment check and then we'll start splitting up so here we go that's the biggest little there are taking the cuts apart just make sure you pull it off even and then this is your PTO clutch here then this is your Drive clutch which is right up against the flywheel that was the drive clutch I'm supposed to be some lining on that side but yeah there's that because the lining is on this side was on this this is probably okay so the pressure plate in the PTO clutz are probably fine there's lots of lining on the PTO and because it's a lower track so and even this isn't too thick the finish isn't that bad I'll resurface it I'll take some of the cross lining there whatever you machine off here you have the Machine off here and then I didn't have a nut big enough to knock maybe I did but anyway chisel works fine it's been done before I had to heap the flywheel up though cuz it's keyed on I just had to heat up the center and I just kind of heated this little area a little extra by the key that does is open it up and then put a pry bar behind one of the bolts at the back there and a pop right off so we'll turn it down a little bit and pop it right back on again so I will machine mr. that inlays we got a video on how to do that if you're gonna watch set so I'm not going to we'll put the link great you and you can see how we do that I'm going into high-power stuff you might want to use the surface grinder but on a mill but we are just doing all of three cylinders and a little 50-year old Ford so sure it'll be all ready here's a trick to forget that stupid pilot bearing out just fill it with grease and find something that fits the hole all I could find was a drill bit that actually fit don't don't use a drill bit because they shatter try to find a punch or a bolt or something but it kind of popped out there let go some more grease in there smoosh it in there put it in grease in there grease all over your nicely new machine file come on oh oh it's coming right through the Bering Sea this is why YouTube sucks cuz you set up the camera and they think it's gonna work and it never works and then you turn the camera off and it works great deceiving cuz the grease makes it look like the banks coming out but it's not okay nevermind jamming the drill bit in there just I got it the cheap ass bang the grease was coming around the seal on the outside there see that when you stick that in there the grease has nowhere to go and pushes on such a shitty bang that the grease was going right on the inside there and which means that the dirt was going in there too which is why this bearing feels like but pop the new one and hopefully it's better quality ok another issue we got Hughes this shot that pushes on the bearing I should be able to move this nice and free and I'm trying I'm not just grunting hey there go see jumped yeah it needs to be more free than that so these are the forks that push on the bearings here and because the shaft is so tight there's a tiny little spring here that pulls back on the probably not original but this little spring pulls back on the release bearing so that the release bearing doesn't ride up against the fingers all the time so he's probably so much clutch dust jammed up in there will I was the kind of scoop the majority of it out and dispose of that in a environmentally proper manner they'll get too carried away because it just gets dusty again but we'll move that all up and make that turn nice and free and I don't think that spring is enough actually just pull it back probably put a heavier spring on the pedal that makes more sense to me so much better so I knocked it off because I got too excited a little tighter spring now it's gonna snap back and jam my finger in there and I'm gonna swear it's not bad usually we work on forwards ends up me swearing so much better I'm gonna put the clutch on I don't have a pilot for it so line it up by eye and then roll it back together hear you guys sing out of here one thing I forgot when the fingers on the clutch they have an adjustment on it let's take like Vernie or make sure that each one is even because otherwise when you step on the pedal you feel it vibrate because it's only hitting one at a time and you'll you'll release your clutch on even so camera died battery dies but pretty straightforward yeah and so that's what a good clutch looks like so quiet it's not like this old one we can give this one to Gary he can play the tambourine in the band do is just put enough tension on it that you can kind of tap the clutch over until it's centered and but the pressure plate will hold it in place [Music] okay so she's all back together again basically there's when you're rolling back together to make sure that your gaps are even that you're not wider at the top or on the sides and you are on the other side and eventually that input shaft will pop into the pilot Bay your button everything back up the way that it was a little bit of free play there's a spring mission missing on the pedal so I'm gonna get one of those in town let's were loaded back on a little tractor and you clean that rattle forum so it doesn't overheat they just check the fluids real quick go to Greece and back she goes to the customer [Music] all right is pretty frigging cold out here I changed a gold plug because this one was burned out you can see you can see the gap there anyway when you turn it on it would start smoking anyway customer had a key switch for it so threw that in real quick for it to we'll see it's like minus 7 degrees Celsius we'll see if it's good enough I think the battery is the determining factor we'll see if it starts good with the 3 glow plugs this tractor actually glows it while you're cranking it too which is odd if fuel hits a red hot glow plug it'll it'll put little spots in and burn it out but I think this engine has a pre combustion chamber so that doesn't really matter [Applause] actually that's starting better than I thought it would nice little knock there and shakes it crazy oh my wretches are going there is winter now so I'm gonna lose all these tools because they're gonna disappear under the snow guys needs boost I almost started [Music] you're watching you're watching you're watching you're watching you're watching but the boss cried subscribe
Views: 248,522
Rating: 4.9346018 out of 5
Keywords: clutch replacement, fix clutch, tractor repair, ford tractor, ford 1910 tractor, ford, tractor clutch, clutch job, tractor split, crank shaft, 3 cylinder engine, 4 stroke, glow plug
Id: z6iM2WwIhCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2017
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