Deal Breaker: Her Boyfriend Doesn't Last Long

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I went back helping some women decide if issues in their relationship should be deal-breakers next let's hear from Denise I'm currently in this great relationship um he takes me out you know buys me things makes time for me but there's just one issue when it comes to going into you know some of them time in the bedroom his Swedish Fish I like to call it he's what they're like huh his third leg his third leg yeah it tends to lose his shoe cinches two seconds huh it loses its juice in two seconds Oh what happens in chess has happened to two seconds and it doesn't give us any time in my previous relationship lasted way longer now my ex recently has come back into the picture and I'm very confused right now is this a deal breaker that he doesn't last long do I think he's a deal break day he doesn't last long yeah just like that just like that my ex lasted way longer well I always say this to people you have to remember your ex was your ex for a reason yeah you have to focus on the reason that caused it to not work out anymore before you go diving back in now your problem is complicated cause a quick draw is just in him he just hit him pow yeah Wow Wow now he can't last word for damn now that could be a compliment to how he feels about you you're just the most stunning gorgeous woman and he can't help himself or he gonna have to get to the doctor I don't even know if they got appeal for that I haven't heard that I only know what to tell you oh I don't even know what to tell him I don't even know I ain't never really had that problem before you know me and bf we always had understanding you know by two names for miles be off in Russell Russell Russell the Wonder muscle here means I got old i calling BL BL like you know your best friend than what you probably thinking my best friend but it was just short for big fella all right you ready Denise yeah you want to find somebody else matter of fact don't date - dude that'd be poppin that sign no cuz he jumping - fastest damn I don't I don't know I think that's a tough situation for a woman because women want to be satisfied just like a man wants to be satisfied and you just over here just fine all cheering Wow just something here anybody got no time for the how old is it 25 25 yeah you got long time to cure this probably never photos get out of hand let me just let me just go on and go to commercial break cuz I think I I really think I've said enough already I really don't know how much it is gonna get on TV no damn way better she just holding up the sign go to the break show the audience that sign she's so sick of me go to break go to break while we still have a show the love of God don't upgrade we'll be right back folks Oh
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 3,430,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steve, Harvey, funny, humor, comedy, tv, steve harvey, steve harvey daytime, steve harvey show, relationships, Love (Quotation Subject), Advice Column (Media Genre), Talk Show (TV Genre), deal breaker, issues, love, romance, Sexual Intercourse (Literature Subject), Romance (Media Genre)
Id: TJevZsdqSgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2015
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