What's your dealbreaker in a relationship? | Keep it 100 | Cut

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you have a deal-breaker in a relationship one of my exes didn't know how to spell my last name that was really upsetting what's your deal breaker in the relationship I hate this question deal-breaker in a relationship oh I mean I think I probably would have quite a few I just talked about this with someone not being reliable they have to have friends they have to like to dance my deal-breaker is someone who didn't graduate college not having a good sense of humor you don't think I'm funny if they didn't like kids because I have kids love respect my kids as much you love respect me if someone didn't like my dog you have to like my dog I wouldn't date anybody with a ferret again ferrets are [ __ ] disgusting what's your deal breaker in a relationship deal breaker probably dishonesty lack of integrity to be like morally callous unkindness arrogance ignorance liars don't lie to me someone who lies that is why I do not date libras you know I'll take brutal honesty over dishonesty any day what's your deal breaker in a relationship I would say rude to weights down to bossy fights law eats my food doesn't like boba when someone decides not to eat something just because it looks a little weird if you do that meal planning thing we have a same lunch like three weeks straight there's something wrong people who chew with her mouth open for sure just nope what's one of your deal-breakers if you smoke cigarette cigarette cigarette I don't like cigarettes tobacco vaping drinking drinks too much I can't stand when people jiggle their foot like all the time especially if I'm sitting next to them on the couch you're bouncing the whole couch what's your deal breaker in a relationship annoying laughs gun owners baby talk having political opinions that are unethical if they're bad in bed you have to be good at sex somebody who won't spend more than 30 seconds away from their phone men who play video games straight men I wouldn't date you if you were me when you're younger I think there is some physical characteristics but as you get older it's like you know you might be alright what's your deal breaker in a relationship first thing that comes to mind is polyamory monogamy talking to other girls jealousy is the deal-breaker I really don't like it when I'm seeing is insecure about their sexuality what are some reasons you've broken up with folks in the past honestly people have broken up with me but may have some attachment issues when people broken up with me for oh [ __ ] okay exactly what she told me is that I was in there enough and that she didn't love me yeah I wasn't comfortable what's your deal breaker in a relationship someone who doesn't have ambition if you are someone who kind of settles in life I don't like that any physical quirks I don't think I have a particular one I'm a sweaty person so I don't know what's itself you know people with really oily skin being a she ashy hands I'm not a huge fan experience when my partner has less body hair than me I wouldn't date someone with like facial hair be a bad hair I just can't do it long hair on guys I don't like people that have hair longer than mine I'm aware ton of muscle mass like those crazy bodybuilders that's nasty what's your deal breaker in a relationship I'm an equal-opportunity whoever so to speak I can find beauty in almost anybody I wouldn't want to date someone that was taller than me I suppose yeah should are they me I hate to say it cuz I know it's really nice guys out there shorten ice I want to feel dainty I'm gonna be like jumping your arms I'm lady anything 5'4 and above is fine with me but no shorter than 510 I don't like short guys I'm not into that I was the deal breaker on most things I was 4 foot 11 all the way up to 10th grade so I thought it was if the guy was shorter than me but my current boyfriend is shorter than me so I guess not a deal breaker what's your deal breaker in a relationship poor self-care someone who's messy bad hygiene dirty fingernails body odor I cannot you just can't be like funky you don't smell good that's I could do it stinky breath bad teeth just brush your teeth pretty basic no foot fetishes for me you can't have long toenails weird roasts at the same time you got ugly feet I'm probably I'm gone I'm sorry it's a deal breaker some people skip defeat that's why you know they watch the body get to the ankle I'm done last couple times I skip defeat you ah Samantha for the camera funky smell it's like bitter if you drink too much kombucha
Channel: Cut
Views: 1,181,129
Rating: 4.9636111 out of 5
Keywords: Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, party games, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, college, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty, deaf, music, sign language, asl, cut, keep it 100, lineup, truth or drink, dating, dealbreakers
Id: lbgbeSjVicw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 41sec (281 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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