Deadpool & Wolverine is going to save the MCU

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thank God it's good because I mean we just saw the trailer for Deadpool 3 or as we're apparently calling it Deadpool and Wolverine and it's good it's not you know the greatest trailer ever made I don't like have any problems with it but I'm sure there's people that weren't super psyched by it but just in general seems like it's got a lot of people on board which is good I just want to talk about a little bit this is not going to be breaking down all the shots and looking in the background trying to figure out which characters are rated in Easter eggs and stuff like that I'll talk a little bit about like one or two characters that we saw that are kind of important but more or less I just want to talk about like the feeling of this what this means cuz this is Deadpool 3 is the only Marvel Cinematic Universe movie that is going to come out this year as far as we know we have a couple of shows you have the Agatha House parness show I think that's expected to come out this year the X-Man anime show my boy Wolverines and that too that's expected to come out this year although again I think we less sure about that I think I think we were expecting that honestly like sometime in April uh well you know we'll see but the only movie that will be released in theaters is Deadpool and Wolverine and it needs to hit mostly I would say because of the narrative right I don't think necessarily Marvel is in such a terrible spot I do think finally getting R of Jonathan major is good and I think I understand why they waited and you know it seems like now more allegations have come out that are just as serious maybe even more serious so it's good that they can move on from that move forward cast a new Kang whatever I do think it was big Albatross hanging over the franchise where it was just like this one thing we were supposed to be able to look forward to we couldn't be excited about but now maybe we can besides that obviously Marvel had some flops last year Ant-Man Quantum Mania wasn't that good secret invasion was quite bad the marveles I think was okay but it didn't make very much money and I think there's lots of circumstances that had to do with that but besides that I do think the year wasn't really that bad I think a lot of the stuff last year was pretty good Guardians 3 Loki season 2 what if season 2 which was great I thought what if season 2 was excellent but the narrative especially because of all the news stories that came out about the Marvel machine kind of breaking down is that Marvel needs to reboot because things aren't working and it does seem like there were a lot of problems on the inside the CGI artists were being overworked the TV shows were being made in a really strange way for making TV shows but overall it was this big meta Narrative of like Marvel's done Marvel's cooked I'm glad after I saw this trailer for Deadpool and Wolverine I saw a lot of people commenting things like finally Marvel's back I think we have to maybe as a fandom whatever we're calling whatever this Marvel thing is just like give them give some time you know I think I think it's fun to say I'm done with Marvel I quit Marvel but like reality you don't have to quit and just it's not you're not subscribed to Marvel this isn't a you know you don't this isn't like going to church where you have to reup every time and pray tomorrow you just have to go to the movies when you go to the movies and if they're not good you know you don't see them and if they're not good they probably won't matter for the whole story because they're not going to want to reference that constantly in the movies that come past that anyway that's not the point of this the point of this is the Deadpool trailer looked good and I was excited about it first of all the action looked good it looks thoroughly R-rated and it just generally looks very slick that shot where he reloads the guns mid error is great like stuff like that is always cool and like the first scene of the first Deadpool movie is that counting the bullets scene which is equally cool I think overall story-wise this is somewhat what we were expecting there were a lot of different leaks that all went in a lot of different directions about what this movie was going to be about they weren't even leaks in the sense that like they told you what happened at the end of the movie they were just leaks like here's what the plot is here's what the you know where it takes place here's some of the characters and uh one of them definitely dealt with the TVA a couple of them probably had TVA in it because it was so important because it was like clear that they were doing that and Matthew mcfadin was playing character named Paradox who's more or less the Mobius to Deadpool's Loki and beyond that it just really wasn't incredibly clear what this movie was about and I don't think we have that big of a picture but more or less what I'm getting is Deadpool is at home just be in Deadpool he's kind of happy but maybe not super happy and then the TVA gets mad at him for time travel stuff he goes to time travel jail and they're like actually if you want to work your they Suicide Squad him actually that's what I'm realizing now they're like oh if you want to be a real hero here's what you got to do put on your suit and go save people so they go do that Deadpool has to go I guess recruit Wolverine or fight Wolverine or something like that it seems like the bulk of this movie is going to take place in I think what we're calling the void or that you know Sandy dust Planet thing where the smoke monster lives in Loki and that is interesting because right now a couple of characters are there raona Rens Slayer Andi season 2 in the void kid Loki and alligator Loki are still in the void as far as we know so I'm always trying to figure out how to put the Young Avengers in stuff like kid Loki if he wants to steal a temp pad from someone or something like that sneak into the Marvel universe that could be arranged it seems like that could happen here and also talking about the setting I say it's interesting it seems like they're going for like a Mad Max post-apocalypse thing the void was never really that it was I guess you know what it wasn't quite that as much as like every everybody was building costumes out of stuff they found right the guy had a bicycle helmet for his Loki hat but I wouldn't say it was what it seems like it is here which is like this post-apocalyptic grungy thing you got pyro played by Allan Stanford who is in X2 and X-Men the Last Stand he's back and he's wearing a different outfit like we've never seen him in like an actual pyro suit and I didn't really know this I'm not super up on what every Ultimate Marvel character looks like but while the suit he's wearing has some similarities to the usual pyro outfit it seems like he's dressed more like the Ultimate Universe pyro which maybe is something we're going to do with some of these characters where we see your original X-Men in their ultimate uniforms right like Scott and the X-Men if they show up can be in the uniforms they wear in the Ultimate Universe so it won't look exactly like the '90s Jim Lee X-Men which maybe they'll want to save for when they reboot the X-Men in the MCU but if they want to give them looks that are iconic X-Men costumes and probably won't be used in anything but still do resemble the characters we know this is a great transition way to do that like the ultimate X-Men have a very specific team aesthetic like a specific costume that they all wear that we have not seen in the Fox X-Men movies out so I would not be surprised I feel like we've heard like rumors that if Scott shows up he's going to look like the cartoon but if he doesn't if he's wearing something closer to what Scott wears in the ultimate universe that would make a lot of sense I do like seeing him again like seeing pyro is cool Pyro's always been a character everybody's like where is this guy it's funny that they didn't make him Australian which almost makes me think maybe he is the one from X2 like that universe is pyro got plucked out of wherever he was and put here only because like I think if they were doing Pyro from Another Universe you just have that actor do an Australian accent and if I was that actor over the last 20 years I would have figured out an Australian accent like it's not incredibly difficult and you know it it's what that character usually sounds like so I don't see why not and we didn't see a whole lot of other characters you got to look at Wolverine from behind his patch although I've seen people point out that doesn't look a lot like Wolverine like the hair does but that build does not look like H Jackman so maybe that's somebody else the really important one Comic character that a lot of people are recognizing is Cassandra Nova so Cassandra Nova is Professor X's this one's tricky she's a professor X's evil twin who he strangled and killed in the womb so she was never actually born that she's kind of like a psychic parasite that was able to form herself later this happened in the grant Morrison X-Men run and she is bad like she's evil Professor X basically and I wouldn't say she's like the most dangerous X-Men villain she I mean she she's quite dangerous and she did some things that are very bad but just power level like I think you know apocalypse could probably kill her if you wanted to but she is without a doubt one of the most evil X-Men villains where certain villains like Magneto or even apocalypse apocalypse doesn't want to just kill people for fun he's all about survival an evolution and taking mutant kind and making them stronger or whatever Cassandra NOA just wants to kill people because she's evil like it's very simple I think she is a character that I expected to see in that you know what I never expected to see her in the movies because she comes up in the comics but because she's part of the grant Morrison team she's pretty new compared to the X-Men who've been around since the 60s and her existence is tied pretty specifically to Charles Xavier now I have a feeling Charles Xavier will be in this I don't know if he's going to be a main character but like it seems like Patrick Stewart is down and it seems like James makoy would also be down so I'm curious to see what they end up doing with that but Cassandra Nova I understand why they picked her for this again I think Mojo would be better although I mean I don't think Mojo would be better I think there's a case to be made for someone like Mojo being the villain here because he's so like perfect for Deadpool but I can see Cassandra being a character who like they decided we're probably not going to use her in the next couple years right we we want to do a Mr Sinister story we want to do a Magneto story we want to do an apocalypse story we want to do sentinel stuff right I bet they have a list of X-Men villains that they want to put in the movies in the future and maybe an X-Men movie an xfactor movie like a storm Solo movie whatever and I imagine Cassandra Nova just didn't make that list and here she is it seems like I'm going to take a humongous wild guess at what's going on in this plot seems like maybe she's taken over the void like maybe she's mind controlling elath because she does have you know the same kind of telepathy and telekinesis that you would expect from a character like Professor not that Professor X has telekinesis but she has all that stuff so she could maybe take over aith and use it to rule the void and maybe she's collecting all these heroes and villains that exist in the void that have been pruned especially because it seems like the fox movies specifically are getting pruned and she's turning them into some Army that she's going to used to take over the TVA or something I'm that is not coming from anywhere not not reading anything that's just looking at the trailer knowing how Cassandra Nova usually works and then thinking about like well if we have guys like pyro in this what would you want them to do and then why would the TVA send Deadpool down there and have him get Wolverine but that just I don't know that works for me I'm probably way off although I don't know I when I've done these before I've been okay Doctor Strange too I was pretty I was pretty good with I was like oh yeah they're American kavez is the mffa I was pretty happy with that before when we saw the trailer but other times I'm like so far off and you go back and you watch the trailer and you're like of course that's what's happening in that scene why did I think this was something else it's it's clever how they put that together there's two things I'm excited by one they didn't show us that much Wolverine which I actually think is great like the amount of restraint that Marvel's had with trailers is something they do very well that DC does very poorly frequently and a lot of it's not like their fault but like DC Fox X-Men Sony specifically shows way too much in the trailers like I don't think there's a Sony movie that has not I might be wrong about this and into the spiderverse obviously doesn't count but spunk the spunk specifically that's a fun tongue twister try that a bunch of times they always show the last scene in the movie in the trailer frequently the last shot of the movies in the trailer and you can like see it and go oh yeah this is how it's going to end I I do think I mean saying it right here Craven I think that scene where that guy turns into the Rhino and says you know why they call me the Rhino I bet that's the last shot of the movie and he turns into the Rhino and you see Craven like grin or something and then boom credits that's just a guess but that's how these tend to go but Marvel's good they they have a lot of restraint so I like that we didn't see Wolverine I also like that it wasn't Marvel Cameo paloa saw a couple of shots of the Avengers on that TV he saluted Captain America like I'm assuming he's inspired by Jiminy Cricket from the bad Pinocchio movie from two years ago saluting at the end of that now you've all seen it I'm sorry but I would say that one of the things I'm most excited about and I think we kind of knew this based on film locations is it takes place in a forest seems like there's a lot of forest stuff I'm man if I could pick one joke that I'm like I want that in the Deadpool movie that I've said before that I think would be fun it's some sort of thing where he's like oh we're in that Forest it's really cheap to film in or or have say like oh is this that one forest from New York Massachusetts and San Francisco and Canada something like that maybe like someone like Wolverine him have gone from one Forest to another Forest cuz it does seem like this takes place in multiple forests he's like why do we keep going forests in Deadpools like lizen man that soon ain't cheap I don't know either way I'm glad we're keeping the forest tradition alive but yeah I mean I kind of I had a feeling this would be big and this would resonate with people I'm I'm glad it has I think it's great that there will be a full trailer coming up in you know the next couple months it will have the Wolverine reveal in it and people will lose their minds I'll tell you this I was late to the Super Bowl party I was going to so I did not see this on TV however I heard that they put a little bit of it up and then said like watch the full trailer online that's dumb just put the trailer up cuz it's cool to see it with people and I'll go oh my God look at that I remember when they did the thing in the Civil War trailer where Bucky shoots at Tony and Tony catches the gun in the Iron Man suit like I remember people were like whoa that was a moment that people at the Super Bowl party I was at like that's cool and we all kind of saw that it was cool together I do think that communally is uh is interesting and is important so you I would have liked it if they did a little bit more than that but otherwise you know there's not really much I can complain about back I think overall this looked really good I love the X-Men I've always loved the X-Men they've always been my favorite comic books characters like Magneto is my favorite comic book character if you want to know my favorite X-Men characters is I mean I love Wolverine as a kid because he's short and he was exciting on the show but like then where I've read the comics some of my favorites are Kitty is probably the best X-Men I really enjoy n crawler storm as far as like deeper cut characters go strong guy is my favorite weird X-Men but I love everybody on the xfactor team I also love I don't want to say Megan's like an X-Men but she is an X-Men adjacent character but I really do like Excalibur Rachel I guess would be like the Excalibur representative there and like the villains oh my God Mr Sinister Magneto apocalypse some of the best villains in all of comics here's what I recommend if you want to learn something about Deadpool if you just want to read a Deadpool comic there's like a lot of actually pretty good Deadpool comics the Run by Brian pain so it's Deadpool Volume 5 it came out in 2013 and the first like Story collection is called Dead presidents you'll see it and you'll understand why it's by Brian pain uh Jerry Dugen and Tony Moore it's very fun it's a good Deadpool comic I mean I really you know what I love if you want a nice short one uh There's a comic called Deadpool killustrated where it was kind of after these Deadpool kills the X Universe books where he just goes and kills all the characters from literature and I think it's very silly and also is a fan of you know literature I I enjoyed it and then Cassandra Nova who's going to be played by amorn and I watched the murder at the end of the world show uh that they're in so you know good I enjoyed that performance I can see Emma Cordon playing that cackling like evil character who's just evil for Pure Evil sake so I think that could be fun if you want to read a good Cassandra NOA story her origin is part of the grant Morrison new X-Men run this was called ease for extinction there were it was broken up into a couple of like chapters I guess is what you would call it uh it's number 14 to 116 of new X-Men is by Grant Morrison Frank Qui Tim Townson it's complicated I would say it's not it's not inaccessible it's very good it's one of the best X-Men Comics that's existed and you just have to go with it for a little bit you know where the gavier school is who's on this team they'll explain who these characters are but this should sell on Cassandra NOA and her whole deal overall yeah I'm I'm excited we're back it's the only Marvel thing of this year I don't think here's what I'll say too but like just looking at the trailer if there are enough really fun creative action scenes like that bit where he loads up the gun and midair this could be great and like if even if this story isn't The Greatest Story any Marvel movie has ever had if the action is good in the jokes are pretty funny I think this will succeed so I think this is will be exactly what Marvel needs I'm happy it looks good other trailers the plan of the trailer looks cool super weird and uh I'm down for that Wicked looks weird I don't know never think mest fan of that musical oh Twisters looks I don't know I mean TW you know what maybe Twisters would be cool tornadoes are scary how many tornadoes have to happen in a row for the movie to be interesting like four and then like that's a lot of tornadoes but I don't know how many tornadoes happen and I know they're chasing them but still it's like do we have four tornadoes a year maybe either way thank you so much for watching this Deadpool 3 looks cool can't wait to see it that's all I got stay safe I'll see you guys next time
Channel: The Nando Cut
Views: 69,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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