Five things Marvel can do to save the MCU

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the Marvel Cinematic Universe is in trouble and I know I'm usually the first person to say it's not a disaster and I do think that's true many articles and videos tend to really sensationalize things when in reality I think Marvel isn't doing great but the fact that they finally had one genuine flop doesn't mean the whole studio is done for however Kevin feige I got your letter that was just a bunch of exclamation points and I want to help so I'm going to give you advice yes this is going to be one of those five things Marvel can do to save the MCU videos but unlike some of the others this is not going to be one of those videos with vague obvious advice like write the movies better or spend more time making them or don't overwork the CG artist this is not the end of Falcon and the Winter Soldier I have specific issues that can be addressed directly and measured within a few years I'm also not going to say stuff like give the director's work control because we tried that and it didn't work phase 4 was pretty much the giving the directors the most control they've ever gotten phase and it led to Multiverse of Madness which I like it eternals which I think is better than people give it credit for and Thor love and thunder now that doesn't mean that we need to Russo up phase six but the solutions I'm offering are more tangible these are simple achievable goals starting with number one make more small connections okay so this one seems pretty straightforward but it gets trickier the further we go people often get on Marvel's case with the criticism that the movies only exist to set up the next movie and while I see what they mean I think a it's wildly overstated and B it's something they do for a reason first like sure Doctor Strange ends with the Ragnarok teas but who cares that's not why the movie is made it's just a little thing tacked on to the end of the movie they're usually made in such a way that if you miss them you don't miss any of the story in the next one like in Thor raknarok you still get plenty of setup for the doctor strange Cameo it's just that if you saw the doctor strange post-edit scene you know that Doctor Strange's Cameo is coming and sure sometimes a character like Riri or Ekko is clearly being introduced with the expectation that they're getting a spin-off later on but if they work in the introduction who cares like if you did not know they were getting a spin-off would this matter but then second this is something Marvel does for a reason phase one felt connected because Coulson showed up in three movies leading up to the Avengers Tony was in three Fury was in three the shared universe is part of the fun I understand why it can feel overwhelming but when done well it only adds to the experience and I understand why you may have been hesitant to include these recently covid forced schedules to move around so guaranteeing that a certain character was going to appear at a certain time was difficult famously Val was expected to appear in Black Widow before Falcon and the Winter Soldier Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was supposed to take place before Spider-Man no way home but schedules needed to be changed and you guys made it work but now that the machine is rolling again we need to pick these back up like secret Invasion and Loki both did not feature post-credit scenes Guardians 3 had some but they focused exclusively on the Guardians wakanda forever had one that was only about baby tala and I don't know what you're thinking that's the point the Guardians are better separate from the rest of them wakanda forever couldn't Follow The Chadwick tribute Loki was a finale secret invasion was bad sure but these don't always need to be post-credit scenes so here's recommendation number one tell people by the end of each show or movie where they can see at least one guy or thing again within the next 2 years so this can be a post-edit scene but it can also be something within the movie or show either way A Moment Like This can give the universe a sense of cohesion and set the expectation that there is a plan now you're going to need to deliver on that plan but it's worth doing and to be fair this has been done well Ant-Man 3 the tease of Loki season 2 worked pretty well W division having Monica meet the Scrolls worked pretty well the Hawkeye te's in Black Widow worked really well the problem is it seems like the recent Marvel post credit scene seem to exist to introduce a character that there is no clear plan on when we will ever see them again the big three are AOS Clea and Hercules I genuinely cannot see a clear entrance point for any of those characters in any movie or show that's coming out in the next two years he'd be very generous and say maybe Hercules shows up in Thunderbolts or maybe Clea shows up in House of harness but it really doesn't seem like either of those are happening what it seems like is Marvel wanted to use this post credit scene to introduce a far future project and that's not what the post-credit scenes are for here are some examples of connections I think we could have done in past MCU stuff Thor love and thunder a scene with Valkyrie in it can start with her ending a phone call with Carol just little thing because those two apparently talk She-Hulk can meet hope vany the new CEO of Pim technology since they both live on the west coast they could be at some sort of event or something like that wakanda forever should be one of the easier ones just to have Everett Ross do a scroll thing in a post credit scene or something or even just have him call Nick Fury and be like Nick Fury I have that information you're looking for just so we're like oh right Nick Fury's in one of these coming up quantam Mania is one of the ones that does this pretty well with the victor timely Loki teas Guardians 3 have one of the characters just reviewing distress calls and stuff like that and one of them is that the jump points are acting weird that's all we need and that will tie us to the Marvels secret Invasion have Fury meet Monica on saber Loki season 2 has that line where they talk about the Kang from Ant-Man and the WASP Quantum Mania while I don't hate that I think that could be replaced with something related to Deadpool because apparently Deadpool 3 has a lot to do with the TVA you don't even have to say Deadpool just say hey what about that prisoner that won't shut up I'll go deal with him later and then we don't have to check on him but it's like oh right Deadpool and these guys know each other connections are what made the early MCU so popular and there's something that while it doesn't need to completely pole focus it can't fully Fade Into the background either number two make more Avengers movies this is not what you think because obviously yes making more movies in The Avengers line the most successful title in film history is a good idea but what I'm talking about is a little more complicated basically you taught us how to watch these movies you invented the Cinematic Universe and when you did you structured them like this Solo movie Solo movie sequel Solo movie Solo movie Avengers there's some variation there sometimes there are more sequels than solo movies and sometimes a movie follows the Avengers movie sometimes there were even two Avengers movies but the formula stayed the same always at least one Avengers movie movie near the end and you may be saying well that's all great but we already have the Slate lined up Kang Dynasty is phase six I can't push it up a yes you could but not the point but B I'm not talking about making new movies or changing the order I'm talking about branding Kevin do you have any movies in Phase 5 that maybe could be called Avengers it's especially easy now because nobody knows who the Avengers are like Sam's definitely involved and I assume Hulk and Hawkeye are grandfathered in but that's it so Captain America New World Order why are we not calling this movie Avengers New World Order and slapping it at the end of Phase 5 it'll probably have a bunch of Avengers in it and for that reason it should be a big event movie so why not treat it like one or let's get creative Thunderbolts cool name if you've already read the comics and know the team but if you don't it's a movie about Zeus's weapon from Love and thunder I guess but really it's about a team much like the Avengers assembled by Val to do bad guys stuff probably why are we not calling this movie Dark Avengers it even apparently has the century who is never on the Thunderbolts but was on the dark Avengers why are we over complicating this and if we're thinking about names more generally some of the names of Phase 5 and six might need to work if this Thunderbolts team is going to consist largely of characters from the Black Widow movie why are we not calling this movie Black Widow to col and Thunderbolts Elena wears black now let's say that she is the New Black Widow and now immediately people have a sense for what this is what they need to watch to understand it and if Black Widow was positively received which it more or less was the this is something audiences will look forward to Why was Captain Marvel 2 called the Marvels Captain Marvel 1 made a lot of money why not use that to your advantage call it Captain Marvel 2 Galactic bugaloo or something why is armor Wars not called War Machine nobody knows what armor Wars is use your most recognizable brand to sell these movies like Nick Fury was a big player in Spider-Man far from home but we didn't call it Fury and spider branding matters and it helps set expectations number three make at least one movie for less than $150 million like look at the next few years of Marvel it is difficult to find a movie I would not expect to cost over $150 million and that's before re-shoot and obviously before marketing but look at Deadpool 3 these film star Ryan Reynolds and this one is bringing in Hugh Jackman there's tons of expensive cameos Multiverse stuff this movie costs money then we've got cap 4 it's a Captain America movie Captain America flies around we've got a red Hulk lots of other weird superpowers probably Harrison Ford is in this one also probably tons of cameos this is also going to be expensive after that Fantastic Four rumors point to it taking place in space this is probably going to be Marvel's most expensive movie of 2025 because of how much it needs to hit after that Thunderbolts and again expensive this team consists of Florence Pew David Harbor Wyatt Russell Sebastian Stan Julia Lou dfus and eventually some actor playing the century and maybe Harrison Ford it is structured like an Avengers movie and I don't think century is going to be cheap this movie is also going to be expensive after that you have blade you got mersel Ali and he can walk and jump and wears a leather duster 150 wait a second this movie does not need to cost $100 million it barely needs to cost 50 sure Mersa is expensive and there'll probably be another a-lister attached but most of this action can be practical in camera that doesn't mean it's free but you don't need to fully create characters and backgrounds and basically animate half of the movie if this movie costs more than $125 million to make Disney is out of their damn Minds John Wick 4 cost $1 million to produce BL blade should not be more expensive than that listen I know making movies is expensive and these days studios are expected to spend at least $150 million on a big tent pole movie but they don't have to just make one movie in the next phase that costs less than $150 million why because succcess is not just based off how much money a movie makes it's how much profit it makes 2023 saw so many 150 million plus movies make hundreds of millions of dollars and they were still failures a movie making $70 million in its opening weekend is only a failure if it cost 250 million to make number four cancel armor Wars listen no one wants to see this movie more than me because it is most likely that armor Wars is where we see the live AC action return of everyone's favorite sassy arms manufacturer Justin Hammer however I don't want to see Justin bomb it became clear recently based on reporting in MCU the reign of Marvel Studios by Joanna Robinson Dave Gonzalez and Gavin Edwards that in 20120 you Kevin feige were pressured by Disney CEO Bob chapek to announce a bunch of projects you weren't anywhere near ready to announce who can say why maybe to inflate Disney's portfolio and convince investors that things were going great I don't know maybe that but the two projects the report sites are Fantastic 4 and armor Wars now I think Fantastic 4 while probably not ready at the time was worth announcing since there's no doubt this gets made it's when not if but armor Wars doubts abound after all it was originally envisioned as a Disney plus series and eventually retooled into a feature film uncertainty is in this thing's DNA and listen could it be cool of course here's a possible pitch for how this movie could go James rhod's war machine is freed from the Scrolls and cleans up the mess that is Stark Industries which fell into disarray while roie was captured Justin Hammer bought it up and because of mismanagement it was pilfered and the tech is going to cause an arms race that will destroy the world so roie former CEO pepper pots current CEO Justin hammer and Hot Shot new Stark intern Riri Williams need to work together to stop the various factions from acquiring this Ultimate Weapon easy cell but this Market just does not exist outside of my apartment we have so many characters with stories people are itching to see more Peter Parker Miles Morales midnight Suns all the X teams if we're limiting the amount of movies and shows we can make per year which I think is a good idea armor Wars just doesn't feel like it's worth being one of three movies released in 2026 here's the future of Marvel and let's work with the idea that you can make three movies a year which seems possible homecoming Ragnarok Guardians 2 all in one year it can be done 2025 we're already breaking the three movie rule but I'll allow it because 2024 only has Deadpool 3 we we've got cap 4 Thunderbolts Fantastic Four and Blade no room for armor Wars there then let's look at 2026 Kang Dynasty that's happening shangi 2 probably where this goes then we can do Spider-Man 4 sometimes the Spider-Man movies don't count for the three but if we want to do armor Wars in 2026 that means no Thor five no Guardians 4 no Silver Surfer no Young Avengers no black panther 3 No Doctor Strange 3 no Hulk Solo movie no eternals too none of that and 2027 is Secret Wars and you know we got X-Men right around the corner after that so one other movie and again none of those other ones I mentioned instead we're doing armor Wars so cancel it or shift it into a TV show or special presentation or Marvel signature whatever we're calling these now but let's not use one of our three theatrical releases on Armor Wars number five make one very specific crossover Okay so Disney owns Marvel right and that's led to a fine amount of cross promotion Peter Parker loves Star Wars Ultron sings the Pinocchio song Sometimes It's cool sometimes it's weird but do you know which group of characters the MCU has done nothing with and in fact Disney has done next to nothing with the Muppets I love the Muppets they always work on me they're silly Charming classic comedy characters that Disney bought for $75 million and in my opinion underused every so often there's a new show or special that they barely advertise and then it comes and goes and Disney says well I guess people aren't into the Muppets and listen that recent musical show was fine I think Muppets now was pretty funny and Earth to Ned while not technically a Muppets thing but a Jim Hensen company thing was great however I think their most successful project since the Disney buyout should be the blueprint for how to do Muppet stuff a few years ago Disney created the Muppet Haunted Mansion which is the best hton mansion thing Disney has produced in the last few years and a big part of its success has to do with how the Muppets fit into existing stories we know who the Muppets are even kids who've never seen them before hear one sentence out of Kermit's mouth and they get him he's the leader he's sort of timid and friendly this works for pretty much everybody in the group piggy is loud violent and loves the camera fodi is eager according and takes every opportunity to make a joke Gonzo is strange Brave and frequently injured so it is easy to take an existing story and muppet ify it I mean this video Hit nebula right around Chris and one of the most beloved Christmas movies of all time is The Muppets Christmas Carol it works because a The Muppets are somehow able to exist simultaneously in a state of pure sincerity and absurd comedy they can play a sad scene completely straight and punctuate it with a silly joke and B it is very fun to watch The Muppets make fun of a thing you already know a familiar story or genre or theme park ride taking something like the Christmas carol that's been done to death and throwing the Muppets in can remind every everyone why we love the original thing that the Muppets are Muppet ifying also the Muppets have a story tradition of hanging out with pop culture icons stars like Roger Moore would show up to the Muppet Show and make jokes about being James Bond or Christopher Reed popped in to protect Kermit from Miss Piggy Mark Hill's Muppet Show appearance was the first time audiences saw Luke's costume from Empire Strikes Back putting the Muppets in the same room as an Avenger could just make people excited about that character by association and we have a really simple in here here's a very quick pitch after the events of drct strange 2 strange is helping America Explore her Multiverse hopping abilities they star jump through a bunch of different dimensions cartoon Dimension paint Dimension and after America has had enough strange tells America to send them home and she makes a star portal but when they get to the sanum sanctorum they are greeted by Gonzo dressed as Doctor Strange and we learn that America accidentally traveled to the Muppet Marvel Universe and they're in the middle of an Avengers crisis let's say Ultron is back and he's destroying everyone so Gonzo Str strange asks for regular strange in America's help strange says it's too dangerous but America doesn't care The Muppets need their help and they're not going home until ultron's defeated so basically this story is just them going around and hanging out with the Avengers dror strange and America Chavez or your Michael Kane or Tim Curry now I've thought just hypothetically about which Muppets could play which Avengers and here are my picks Kermit is Spider-Man he's small jumps he's the heart of the team Sam the Eagle is Captain America for the record I'm not a hug fan of this one because it's a little on the nose but that's where he landed fzy is Thor with a meon rubber chicken Miss Piggy is Captain Marvel bunson is Iron Man Beaker is Hulk yes I realized that bunson is the green one but Hulk Beaker is funnier Pepe is Hawkeye scooter is Black Widow there are like four Muppet women and we need the other ones for other stuff Dr teeth and the Electric Mayhem are the Guardians of the Galaxy Rizzo is Ant-Man Yolanda is wasp uncle deadle is Vision Camila is Wanda the Swedish Chef Che is Ultron I know they have 80s robot but sweetest Chef is funnier and Statler and Waldorf are Stanley cameos they pop up every so often and make fun of them we call it Factor strange in the Muppet verse of Madness release it in theaters release it on Disney plus but making weird stuff like that is exactly what Disney needs to be doing with both the Muppets and the Avengers to make people remember why they love both so Kevin that's the advice make the movies feel connected by deliberately adding natural worldbuilding moments make at least one movie per phase in Avengers movie make at least one sub $150 million movie per phase cancel armor Wars and do a Muppets MCU crossover you're welcome but I want to change gears instead of looking at the future of Marvel I want to look at the past of DC because I've said a lot of things over the last 10 years oh my God yeah 10 years since the DCU started with Man of Steel and just ended with Aquaman the Lost Kingdom and I wanted to say something nice so I'm going to do my in defense of the dceu video it is two parts the first part covers everything for Man of Steel the Shazam and you watch that first part right now on this video sponsor nebula the pitch for nebula is incredibly simple it is a Creator owned subscription streaming service that I helped to create I was there at the beginning all of my videos go on nebula early and adree and that includes the nebula cut videos only because people asked people said hey I watched the Nando movies videos on nebula why aren't the Nando cut videos on nebula and I was like yeah good question so I put them on there all my Nando VI movies videos go up one video early so right now the next video it's going to go on YouTube in a couple of weeks is on nebula and that's my in defense of the DCU part one video there's also all kinds of cool nebula exclusive content Patrick Williams holiday special about Star Wars jet lag the new movie about Dracula's ex-girlfriends that Abby is working on a bunch of other cool stuff that we can't really talk about but I think you guys are going to really like all that stuff is on nebula along with a bunch of other videos that I made exclusively for nebula like if you like our videos and by hour I have a feeling there are so many creators on nebula that you already watch like you got bro D Chanel got Lola Sebastian lady Knight The Brave Jesse gender Captain Midnight hello future me talking about Avatar there's going to be a lot of that in the next couple months Thomas flight talking about the curse one of my favorite shows of the last year princess weeks big Joel I love big Joel Patrick Willams Georgia da therapist reacts talking about blue-eyed Samurai a show I really enjoyed and then there are a bunch of other channels that I love that are not exclusively film and television so like Leo Vader I think his videos are super funny he is on nebula legal eagle very helpful every time there's some new legal related story that is on nebula extra credits I've been watching them for years they are on nebula I'm telling you go on nebula check it out there's so much cool stuff we're always adding new creators to nebula which is great and also on the homepage we and by we I mean someone at nebula curates these rails so like right now there's one that's a look back at 2023 so you got like film Joys best films of 2023 video Thomas flights top 10 movies of 2023 like stories of old best movies of 2023 why didn't I make a best movies of 2023 I haven't finished all the movies of 2023 that's probably why maybe I'll make one once I've seen the three ones that everyone loves that I haven't seen yet so listen nebula's great and I know a lot of you guys a lot of people that watch my videos people tell me on Twitter on the Discord channel that they watch the videos early on nebula and they give me some feedback sometimes I'm able to incorporate that that is very cool and nebula is $50 a year which is already a steal but if you use the code Nando at checkout n Ando go to go. with me on them nobody else sees them and then they go right to nebulus you're like the first people to take a look at it besides that thank you to everybody that continues to support the channel on patreon everybody that listens to my podcast mostly nitpicking everybody on the Nando movies Discord server everybody that watches the Nando cut videos and everybody that follows me on Twitter that's all I got stay safe I'll see you next time
Channel: Nando v Movies
Views: 123,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i4EoTMGKeus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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