My Pitch for Deadpool & Wolverine

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hey Ryan just want to let you know I know this works when you do it like when you leak the Deadpool test footage the movie gets greenlit but when I do it they almost always release some news that contradicts what I am saying immediately so just warning you Hey Kevin feige now the 2022 is over I wanted to check back with you on that pitch that you asked me about you wrote dear Nando Ryan Reynolds went rogue and announced that Hugh Jackman is playing Wolverine in Deadpool 3. please pitch me a Deadpool 3 signed K5 so yeah I'm super excited about this as you know I am a humongous X-Men fan I love those movies with all my heart so think of what I've got here for you as not only a Deadpool sequel but one last tribute to the fox X-Men movies before Kang disintegrates them or whatever my plan for the pitch is simple it is a sequel to Deadpool 2. it features Hugh Jackman Wolverine in a major role and it clears the way for Deadpool to cross over into the MCU I'm gonna run through a rough summary of my movie and explain some of my choices along the way you ready let's make the chimichangas okay so we're back with Deadpool a couple of years have passed Wade and Vanessa have a daughter named Cher why is Vanessa alive because the post-credits scene counts this is not the fox Universe where they tease a bunch of movies that will never get made or when they do will be nothing like that this is the MCU sometimes the post-credits scene is the most important part of the movie we get certain action scene Wade is still working with X-Force they are now the Black Ops wing of the X-Men and that handles jobs the X-Men cannot deal with publicly like in the Craig Kyle Christopher Yost version that was perfected by Rick remander in The Uncanny X-Force Comics great read highly recommend and that was my Nando comic recommendation of the video a new thing I'm going to try to remember to do but probably forget every so often the X-Force consists of Deadpool cable Domino Colossus negasonic and Yukio we can see that fire fists are hot ends or whatever we're calling Russell is not part of these missions because he is deemed too young and any more members would make the team unwieldy Defender is piloting the plane the team is flying to this Mission it's his job now Blind Owl is there for moral support so they go fight The Nasty Boys led by Mr Sinister big fun opening action set piece and Deadpool opens the door to get Sinister but right before he does he sees a bright light and Sinister is gone but Sinister can't teleport none of the nasty boys know what happened X4 saves some mutants nasty boys have trapped and then everybody goes home a little confused Wade goes home to Vanessa share he tells Vanessa about the mission she could tell something's wrong and he tells her that he's just worried he's a bad guy he kills goons says bad language words he needs to start setting a better example for Cher otherwise she's going to turn out all messed up like him Vanessa assures way that his dead pooliness is what made her fall in love with him and no matter what kind of guy people think he is he's going to be a good dad Vanessa says also Wade got a letter the letter reads Dear Mr Wilson you have cordially been invited to join the most exclusive Club in all of the Multiverse please reply to this email if you want to attend signed MD Deadpool says MD oh my God is this Matt Damon again I told them I'm crazy but I'm not crypto crazy Deadpool crumples up the note throws it in the trash Vanessa turns on the news thanks Phil in other news police are still baffled by the recent string of mysterious disappearances onlookers say during a fight with the Sentinels X-Men magic Quicksilver and Nightcrawler vanished Without a Trace when reached for comment the X-Men leader Cyclops had this to say we're doing everything we can to find these X-Men but for now we do not have any new information thank you read Richard's Mr Fantastic commented we think this disappearance has something to do with an incursion a multiversal anomaly where two universes Collide and one or both are destroyed we are urging people not to panic we have the planet's top Minds working on a solution and here we can have Kelsey Grammar Beast Eric Bana Hulk whoever we can get Deadpool looks out the window and sees chaos horns are honking windows are breaking fires are starting mobs are forming says this seems bad like Van Wilder too bad uh Wade another letter slides under the door Wade opens the door but no one's there he opens the letter same as before Wade crumples it up throws it into the trash and gets a call from Cable cable is everything okay it's a disaster here X-Men are disappearing people are rioting the president called us into the piece I'll be right there no stay with your family we can sort this out plus we don't know how much longer we've got left keep me posted and be careful another letter flies in this one through the window Deadpool crumples it up then another and another screams I swear to God Joe I'm not going to your weird little Turf School more and more and more come through until they stop and there is a knock on the door Wade tells Vanessa to take share into the bedroom he grabs a sword and Pistol and opens the door to find A well-dressed man the Deadpool Wade Wilson wow finally someone gets it and you are my name is Major Domo and I'm the right hand of his spinelessness Mojo you've seen our letters no I must have gotten mixed up what address do you have for me this one right well anyway what did I miss as long as it's not another MLM I am all ears as I'm sure you heard this universe is in the middle of an event yes this is that thing they were talking about on the news an Inception incursion but we like to refer to it as the merger and my master Mojo has been given the honor of executing this merger deciding what stays here and what goes to the new universe and because of your immense popularity you are one of the very few that have been selected for the merger does it come with a check I mean we can make one if that's what it'll take but I do get to choose normally you would not but Mr Wilson because you are self-aware we need your permission to transfer you to the new universe and can my family come well in this circumstance it has been deemed by Mojo that you must come alone your attachment to them is unpopular what superhero gets a kid is a great plot Point Mr Wilson superheroes cannot have kids and they could never have a living life but you managed to find a loophole the post-credits scene Mr Wilson's superheroes need to suffer that's the only way they can grow so this losing your family will help you develop as a character okay Dan Harmon well permission denied I'm afraid we must insist Mojo needs you for this merger to be complete well I don't know what to tell you major answers no I was afraid you would say that spiral so in Dance's spiral the six-armed samurai hat wearing fur booted multi-dimensional assassin she and Wade fight and a fight with spiral should be absolutely nuts she's got two swords six arms she can teleport I've been dying to see her in live action so here we go Wade holds his own and spiral is forced to teleport away Wade goes into the bedroom to check on Vanessa and Cher looks like hot Goro is gone I mean she's not hotter than you it's just Deadpool sees Vanessa crying he took share Deadpool confronts Vanessa and finds in sharer's crib another envelope he opens it finds a note note that reads if you want to see your daughter again come to Mojo world and accept my terms you can even bring a plus one Mojo and Domo left them with two wrist vans that they can use to travel to Mojo world I'm gonna kill him and bring her back let's go wait if you want to make sure you don't lose you should think about bringing someone else you're right Mojo didn't say who my plus one needs to be exactly he'll be expecting us but if you show up with someone as dangerous as you maybe you can surprise him Deadpool sees on the past that he has 24 hours to make his decision and that's your call to Adventure Deadpool needs to go to Mojo world to rescue his daughter everyone meets in the X mansion Wade tells them his problem Cable says he's heard of Mojo before Mojo is the ruler of the Mojo verse an entire universe that Mojo runs like a TV network he's powered by attention the more people are watching his shows the stronger he gets so Deadpool needs a partner who is tough deadly and also so popular now we can do one of three things here the first and the one that I think plays the best is the time traveling and getting one of those Wolverines Cable says I'll go with you you can't go what if Thanos is there for the last time I don't know who that is plus you need to protect this universe without you all they have is the rest of the X-Men the New Mutants Fantastic Four Silver Surfer uh Hulk one of the Spider-Man I think blade is blade in these no I need someone else someone who is the best at what he does but what he does best isn't very nice sounds pretty specific way do you have someone in mind I do he's got six claws two mutton chops and one of those cover or Men's Health six packs I need Wolverine impossible no one knows where Logan is he's been missing for years probably backpacking through Canada again that lucky dog although we can time travel now you say he dies in the future right why don't we go and save him from the future before he dies now he's too weak Plus plus you saw James mangold's tweets I'm not messing with that what about the past there might be one there now if Deadpool takes a wolverine from the past and he gets captured to destroy the future share might never be born no future no past we need something else wait say that again no future no past not that the other thing we need something else something else like another timeline what okay so you guys know how I can break the fourth wall yes so one of the movies we're all in well you're not actually you are but you look different anyway it's called Days of Future Past in that timeline everything went bad because Mystique shot the guy from Game of Thrones I don't know it's been a while since I saw it not that it's bad I'm just so busy wait Focus right right so the X-Men from a messed up future sent Wolverine back in time to the 70s and for a brief time Wolverine was in both timelines but there are a few minutes during the end where Past Wolverine is drowning in a river so they win whether Future Wolverine is there or not what if we go to the Future and steal him during those few minutes then it won't break the timeline a TVA door opens and Mobius steps out he stands for a second and thinks and says eh you know what I don't think you're breaking any rules knock yourself out thanks Hansel and then Mobius walks back through the portal and disappears who is that it's not important what is important is we have a mission a destiny nation and a big second act set piece we can't lose so I like this for a bunch of reasons one of which is this Deadpool is actively using his self-awareness to solve the problem I just think that's a fun idea plus this Logan happens to be the oldest looking Wolverine besides the one from Logan so that makes things a bit easier for Jackman so X-Force needs to go to that timeline with Cable's time machine which Yukio fixed fight some Sentinels and save that Wolverine that's your first half of the second act planning and executing the Wolverine Heist while ago Deadpool leaves the Mojo verse wristbands with Yukio to see if she can learn anything about them while X-Force is gone so that's option one option two is fun but for reasons it will make sense later is not quite as emotionally interesting but this is another way to do it same problem Wolverine's gone they can't go to the past and in this situation they can't go to the future either but Deadpool has an idea Mojo versus one big show right what if they don't need a wolverine they just need someone who looks like him and you know who looks a lot like Wolverine Hugh Jackman the actor from Caitlin Leopold and Les Maze and greatest showman and nothing else he could pass for Wolverine so they go to Australia and kidnap him there's also a third option same Wolverine problem he can't get him except cable knows something he never told Wade Vanessa is a mutate like him and Vanessa is a metamorph meaning she can change her shape and even more than that change her genetic structure so she will be able to become a perfect duplicate of Wolverine now sometimes this power only works if she is near the person she is copying but for the purposes of this she's just kind of like Mystique that's not super important for right now but like hold on to that information so they need to go to the lab where they originally did the experiments on Wade and recreate the experiment on Vanessa reason I don't love those last two is our Wolverine would not be the one who has history with Wade and the X-Men so he'd lose all those interactions that's what we really need for this to work Logan and Wade are very different and that's what makes this fun so options two and three don't really work for me and trust me the further into the pitch we get the less they would work but the first option is actually working with Wolverine one who knows him because this one went through Weapon X with Wade and they haven't met again since so their relationship to build for the course of this movie is a genuine Wolverine and Deadpool friendship which seems to be what the movie is being sold as so this is our second big action set piece first half of Act 2 fighting the Sentinels and saving Wolverine from the Days of Future Past timeline it would be fun to see how a sentinel deals with mutants like cable and Domino but they managed to snag Wolverine in the nick of time and bring him back to their timeline and explain the plan but this is our first problem this Wolverine is done tired he is too old for this and after that last mission he doesn't think he's got any more in him but Deadpool sells Wolverine on the importance of this mission of family didn't you ever have a family Logan Wolverine doesn't want to talk about it so he just agrees but there's clearly something there so Deadpool Wolverine get ready for the trip they come up with a plan Deadpool gets a fresh suit Wolverine is ready to go in his Days of Future Past outfit and Deadpool stops him absolutely not we've got one more of these and you're wearing and other muted black onesie where's that briefcase from the deleted scene in Japan oh that one it's actually at the Institute somewhere so they find it and finally Logan gets to wear the yellow and black costume with the mask Deadpool says you're welcome nerds everyone wishes them luck and they put on the wristbands and traveled to Mojo World Mojo world has a pretty distinct aesthetic in the comics metal cyberpunk but also everyone except Mojo is a slave so the vibe is very bad they go to Mojo's castle and execute the plan a super violent Smash and grab lots of R-rated stabbing and right as they're about to get share Wolverine smells something and stabs Into Thin Air but he hits something it's invisible but when it gets skewered its cloaking malfunctions and we see what it is a floating camera Deadpool swings his katanas around and hits a few others they've been watching this whole time it's a trap and for the first time Mojo shows up on a TV screen and applauds their effort says that whole scene is gonna look great in the trailer and then he reveals that Cher is not here and they're actually on a set in Mojo's prison but that's not all they've got company Wolverine sniffs the air no it can't be an out comes spiral again with another one of Mojo's enforcers Laura Logan's clone but grown up still played by Daphne obviously and she's 18 now which is right around the age of Laura in the comics she's under some sort of Mind Control Wolverine is gutted he can't fight Laura but she has to fight him so Deadpool tries to knock out Laura but Wolverine won't let him this fight is a mess Wolverine and Deadpool lose big and they get knocked out and put in a jail cell and that is your midpoint okay I want to answer a couple questions here first one why Mojo well Deadpool has fought two main antagonists in his previous movies Ajax and cable they're both tough strong a physical match for Deadpool but what if for his third movie we get a villain who's on Deadpool's level in the other way he understands the jokes has that same awareness and is going to exploit Deadpool for her his own popularity plus Mojo does exist in his own area described by Marvel as an extra dimensional and extra temporal realm so Mojo can act as a bridge between the fox X-Men movies and Marvel and I just love the idea of the evil TV producer being in charge of the X-Men Universe because their continuity has always been such a mess why did Trask go from black to white Mojo recast him why does the Cyclops timeline make no sense Mojo recast him he's been fiddling with everything behind the scenes and the only two characters he seems to really like are Wolverine and Deadpool second question what's going on with Laura so when the guys wake up in their jail cell they will find Laura in a Cell nearby and she will explain that she's the Laura from Logan who is taken by Mojo and forced to fight in Mojo world because Mojo loves Wolverine she grew up in Mojo world so we can do the whole her childhood was taken from her thing from the comics we will also learn later from Logan that he had Alora in his timeline who he was trying to find but by the time he found her she was killed by Sentinels Days of Future Past Logan always felt a strong sense of regret for not being there for Laura all those years and that's why he agreed to help Wade Logan does not want Wade to make the same mistake he did and that's his Arc for the movie Logan gets to meet Laura and forgive himself when she tells him that her Logan died protecting her and he's a good dad and then we get a bunch of Mojo worlding Logan and Wade are fitted with little mind control chips that Mojo can use to force them to fight for the amusement of Mojo world and these fights are broadcasted in these broadcasts give Mojo ratings that make him stronger Logan gets the first fight it's a fight to the death against a citizen of Mojo World Logan obviously doesn't want to but he has no choice everyone's really dreading watching Logan kill a poor innocent person until it's revealed that Logan is going to fight a clone of shatterstar then Deadpool is okay with that Logan's still upset but he ends up killing shatterstar I'd like to make it a running gag the chatterstar dies in every Deadpool movie I have nothing against shatterstar I loved him in X Factor investigations but I just love gags like that and after this fight tedpool and Logan are both brought to Mojo first big villain meeting and Mojo explains the situation and gives both men a choice you see Mojo knew Deadpool would pick Logan he implanted that knowledge into Cable's system and Mojo knows there's nothing his fans want more than a movie starring original Wolverine and Deadpool ending in a big tragic fight and when they do the ratings will be through the roof and it'll give Mojo enough power to take over the Multiverse but he will be generous Wolverine and Deadpool are going to fight to the death whoever wins their daughter gets sent home to their original World the loser's daughter will stay on Mojo world as Mojo's slave and the winner immediately goes to the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wade says they can't kill each other they're both practically Immortal and Mojo says cut off his head see if that works it's a callback Mojo knows what a callback is because he's seen the movies also so I say this in my nebula exclusive casting video which you should definitely watch because it is fun I cast all the Mojo vs characters my ideal Mojo and I know what you're gonna say but like stick with it is Mike Myers he could play it under makeup if he wanted to but he could also just CG it I'm fine with that because Mojo's supposed to look kind of disgusting and as much as I think you could do that with practical effects I also think you could get a lot of that done in the computer but I do think Mike Myers has this wonderful ability to play very extreme characters that are all over the map from Cat in the Hat levels annoying to Gold Member level sleazy I mean Shrek was just a big monster guy what I'm saying is if we want to create a larger than life character specifically with a larger than life voice I don't think there's much better we can do right now than Mike Myers who just kind of got back into the business in a big way with Amsterdam and the pentavaret this would be a perfect big comeback movie for him so this is Deadpool's low point he needs to fight the unkillable soldier for his daughter's Freedom a fight he will certainly lose and even if he wins Deadpool sentences Laura to a life of Mojo World slavery he just can't do that he's an anti-hero but he's not a bad guy but it's a no-win situation even if Deadpool refuses Mojo could take control of him with the obedience chip and this fight is the end of act two and you may be thinking wait a second this is the end of act two what about the second half of act two that's a lot of talking and stuff and there would be a couple more undercard fights if you want to set up some other characters but most of this is about Wolverine and Deadpool talking about their daughters and their issues Wolverine reconciling with Laura all that stuff but the fight at the end of Act 2 is Deadpool vs Wolverine Mojo can also turn the arena into whatever he wants so he chooses a setting that would be familiar to them the end of X-Men Origins Wolverine but Mojo flips the fight now Wolverine is mind controlled and chasing after Deadpool so we get a bunch of straight up horror movie Deadpool being stalked by Wolverine moments kind of like that one Wolverine scene in X-Men apocalypse and eventually they do fight but Deadpool refuses he cannot kill Wolverine he just won't do it so Mojo takes control and then we get an insane fight between the two of them and we go into Deadpool's head and see he is stuck in his own brain like sitting in a chair watching through his eyes still conscious during the fight but cannot do anything about it and the crowd is chanting Deadpool's name he is going to win and Deadpool laments that this is all his fault guys like Deadpool can't have kids they can't be dads they don't get Happy Endings everything he cares about is about to die and Cher is going to be Mojo's slave and it is all Deadpool's fault he ruined everything but then Wade remembers what Vanessa told him being himself got him this far it's what saved Vanessa and brought Cher into the world and what's going to keep them safe and that's who Deadpool is it's not just that he's an anti-hero he's a different kind of hero he solves problems diff differently yes sometimes that means he curses and kills people but sometimes that means he repairs the time travel device and saves everybody from the other movies they don't know they're in that's something only Deadpool can do it makes him special and Deadpool gets an idea and Deadpool goes into his brain which like that episode of SpongeBob is just a room with levers and stuff like that and he starts messing around with everything and we see underneath the mask Deadpool's mouth starts moving still closed but sort of writhing around struggling and eventually it opens and Deadpool screams something he says Deadpool is overrated a shocked Mojo says what and Deadpool says it just felt like we get it Ryan Reynolds you saw a lie or a liar 20 years ago and thought you could do it but way less funny saying you have lazy writing does not make up for the fact that your writing is lazy and those fights wow the bare minimum is apparently enough to make people lose their minds what a bunch of idiots oh just says how talking how are you talking I guess you aren't really a fan there's only one way to shut me up you gotta glue my mouth closed otherwise I find a way just like the writers find a way to make the most obvious jokes how many times can I describe something as being like my balls what is he doing but the real problem is the fans they think they're so edgy and cool but they're just a bunch of man children with a basement full of Rick and Morty Funko Pops who think a couple of f-bombs makes a movie adult grow up Domo says uh boss and he shows Mojo that the ratings are going down people are turning off the fight Mojo says crank up that obedience chip before he gets us canceled Domo says the chip can't take it Deadpool says but you know who's the worst part of these movies Stan Lee Mojo says just do it and The Obedience chip overheats and explodes there's an explosion under Deadpool's mask and his head is cut clean off its body it flies over to Logan it killed him no turn Logan's off now Logan regains his Consciousness picks up Wade's head I'm so sorry Wade I couldn't help it I'm so sorry Domo asks wait why isn't Logan going to the MCU he won Mojo's eyes widened Deadpool wakes up clearly this guy didn't see both Wolverine Origins post-credits scenes that's right they did two different post-credit scenes for some reason if Mojo was a true fan he'd know that cutting my head off doesn't kill me and my body stays alive too so I can do this Deadpool's headless body picks up a blade and cuts the chip out of Logan's neck Logan bleeds a little bit but comes too Wade's body puts his head back where it belongs and helps Logan up he says go get Laura I can take him Mojo is furious he presses some buttons on his chair and portals open up Mojo says drask had the right idea and Sentinels flood the stadium you want something done right get a robot spiral and Domo in battle armor jump onto the battlefield Mojo hangs back in the control Booth Deadpool is now standing against a humongous Army he is absolutely going to die he stands up picks up his katanas tightens one of his gloves and then he hears Wade Wade can you hear me and a portal behind Wade opens X-Force walks out cable Domino Colossus negasonic and Yukio Wade says how Yukio explains that while they were gone she studied the pass and reverse engineered it he's glad they came but even they can't win this fight there are too many sentences even for the six of them and Colossus says they what was that thing you said oh yes threw us a bone and then a bunch of portals opening that's right we're doing end game like I said this is not just the farewell to Hugh Jackman Wolverine it is the proper send-off these movies always deserved but never got and obviously Deadpool will point out the similarities between this and end game but still it's fun these are movies that are supposed to be fun and also all these care characters come together to back up Wolverine and Deadpool it means something sure Wolverine and Deadpool were the two most popular individual characters in the entire X-Men universe but the X-Men has always been about being a team so this the last X-Men movie in the fox Universe before they probably go there for Secret Wars or something is a tribute to those teams the New Mutants come through the other X-Force members even the dead ones some of the new generation of X-Men definitely Jubilee and Quicksilver first class Havoc Banshee Angel and Darwin Steven Merchant caliban Olivia Munn psylocke blink Warpath and then all of The Originals Kelsey Grammer Ashmore Foster Angel Elliott page a flying pack when Rogue coming Nightcrawler barrystorm Famke Gene Marsden Cyclops and Stuart Xavier now I don't know if this is too complicated but all the X-Men line up in the camera flies past them kind of like an end game with Deadpool and Wolverine in the middle and once the camera passes Deadpool when you look at the group again except all the people from the original movie swap with their new movie counterparts so we see both versions represented and editing throughout the upcoming fight would make it clear that there is one guy there just in some shots he's James Marsden and in some shots he's Ty Sheridan but it's just one Cyclops like yes this universe is a messy disaster but you still want to give both actors credit Vanessa can come in looking like she does in the comics Wade can say ah you did the thing from the comics off screen just like Gwyneth and then turns to camera and say such a copycat and then just like Winks at us Russell blind Al and Defender Drive-In in his taxi he opens the trunk to reveal the weapons that Deadpool forgot there at the end of Deadpool 1. Cyclops says is that everyone and then you gotta do fast Bender room for one more than McKellen old friend with just the magnetos and the mystiqs coming through the last portal because they're usually good and last ones Logan and Laura burst through a window and land with the team they all line up close up on Wade who says X-Men a sem and then he's cut off by Logan he says huh that's not oh what is it Logan whisper something to Deadpool Deadpool says that's dumb he can say it and then split screen half Stuart half McAvoy to me my X-Men and then they do a big fight listen is this cheesy of course but I guarantee you if Avengers endgame had not come out and I just described what happens at the end of end game it would sound equally cheesy all this stuff happening on screen it would be cool and the fox X-Men movies deserve it they started this whole thing yes obviously you have Superman and Batman and a lesser extent blade but the fox X-Men movies were the first big superhero movie hit they paved the way for all of this no actor has been playing their character longer and more consistently than Hugh Jackman Wolverine I'm sure they'll do something kind of like this in secret Wars but the X men deserve a big moment and I think this mostly works this is where you can work in all the cool fighting moves people teleporting each other that never got to work together before maybe some of the team's Colossus working with magic psylocke and Angel Nightcrawler gets a sword havoc in cyclops fight side by side and I crawler in Beast to fight side by side and these guys all just destroy the sentence but the big actual ending to this movie has to be Deadpool vs Mojo So and I think this is crucial one in each hand Colossus picks up Wolverine and Deadpool and fastball specials them into Mojo's control room and we're doing this with the big Colossus who can one hand each guy because he's just so big none of that like fastball special toss from X-Men the Last Stand we're doing the big one Hugh Jackman deserves to get a proper fast fall special and of course Deadpool would want one too Deadpool and Wolverine crash through the window in Mojo's control room he's standing at the center next to a crib with Cher Mojo says I don't think you want to test me I don't know if they told you but my touch can kill anyone except you of course but I don't think you want to find out whether that's a dominant or recessive trait and pull Wolverine stop what do you want isn't it obvious Vanessa I want your husband what do you give me a break I'm pretty good at anticipating twists you can come out Wade Deadpool drops down from a ceiling vent and joins Wolverine and Vanessa who turns back into her usual Miranda Baccarin look she says it was a good plan I'm gonna need a better one so then you understand me Wade you go to the new universe you can even take your family I wasn't planning to but hell you can even take his daughter with you Wolverine says Wade you are aren't planning to wait because you knew I would win you knew I would kill him because I can't die but he can we know spoiler alert you die and as much as I tried in my movie outside of some pretty extenuating circumstances I can't because because you don't need him you just need me Wolverine's confused that's not quite it I did need him for one last fight before he goes away forever too but yes Wade you are going to be the only Survivor of this universe no one else is as popular as you and as Irreplaceable so stop fighting save your daughter your family it's the best deal you are going to get why does our universe have to die because your Universe has no future it is a relic no one thinks about trust me I know and the powers that be understand that maintaining it is costly not a good investment so it will end and either it drags you down with it or you can escape on this Lifeboat I'm offering either way it goes you're risking all this because of me indeed and they will not stop until they have you they will destroy everything believe it or not I'm the good cop Deadpool thinks little well okay I'll do it on one condition which is my family comes with me and everyone lives impossible they won't allow it they have to because if you want me alive that's the deal I don't think you know how empty of a threat that is nothing can kill you nothing yeah but I've never been this desperate and maybe I can't I think one of them can Deadpool motions to the X-Men fighting below and if they've gotten the message they should be appearing right about now nothing now still nothing right about wait this is getting embarrassing no for the bit to work we need at least three the Nightcrawler teleports in holding someone knocks Deadpool down great timing say hello to do the Smoke Clears revealing this guy Deadpool is confused I'm Darwin you didn't know figured they'd send someone helpful like the sun kid or portal girl not I'm sorry one more time Darwin incredible you were bluffing there's just so many of them the girl with the glowy sword the other girl with the glowy sword a guy who's dreadlocks or whips remember him that was weird looks like a dud care to reconsider my offer before I kill her trusted you guys stupid men can't make three good movies in a row to literally save your lives hey Wade you want to know what my power is what is it I adapt to survive oh first class right I thought you were dead no I just teleported away until all this mess sorted itself out I don't control how my Powers work they just do Deadpool thinks and gets an idea wait so what can't you do nothing let's test that Mojo I am not going unless you save our universe that's final mine's made up well that's not possible I think it is because if you don't everyone in that universe is going to die including him and I'm not changing my mind and you can't make me you need to make a deal so here's the new one you let me and my family go to this new universe and you save the old one or Darwin kills me that work for you yeah I think it does you cannot kill him but if Darwin doesn't kill me he will die AI that is unless you say yes fool it doesn't work like that yeah it kinda does Risk Everything everyone not even you are crazy enough to go through with this buddy I'm just the right kind of crazy you've got till the count of ten one of Darwin's hands turns into a gun ten nine hold on a wait seven if you just six you're not five okay hold on four three two fine let me let me call them Mojo calls his boss yes I'm sure you heard I understand thank you you win everything you said your pathetic universe will survive and your family can go with you but you need to go deal the Sentinels shut down and then Deadpool and everyone drops down to the rest of the X-Men these are your goodbyes everyone is very sad Deadpool says goodbye to his team and then Deadpool Vanessa and Cher walk through one of the DVA portals into the MCU so that's the movie couple things one real quick right off the bat the Wade canceling himself bit is not dissimilar to something written by another YouTuber not too long ago if you know what I mean you know either way it feels like the right last beat for a story about a Deadpool who needs to embrace his dead pooliness second where did Darwin come from well one of the telepaths was reading Deadpool's mind during the confrontation and someone like Professor X came up with the idea Deadpool relying on the X-Men for help and getting a c Lister feels like a good way to end his relationship with that team third why not have Logan or Laura come with them they could but I just don't see it I don't think that's the direction they'll go either the recast or they show up in the MCU but as new versions of those characters fourth what about the characters who were teleported away in the beginning of the pitch so those are characters I would like to see stick around in the MCU so that's the mcu's way of copying those actors I don't really like it as a way to set up that people are disappearing I also like it as another way to tease Mr Sinister without actually showing him for the last time in this universe fifth who is in charge who is Mojo working for I don't know maybe Kevin the computer maybe Kang maybe the beyonder maybe the one above all or maybe just literal Kevin feige like this is how those characters perceive the fox Disney merger it doesn't really matter since after this we don't need to see them again they'll probably show up in secret Wars but as far as that universe is concerned it's more or less done the rest of those characters are going to be rebooted so yeah Kevin that's the pitch and we can do whatever we want with Deadpool in the future he can have some memory loss so that he doesn't know everything about the X-Men already or maybe he doesn't even know he's not from the MCU or he can just remember everything it is all up to you also I'm sure you saw Kevin my action figure shelf behind me has grown significantly in the past few videos found a bunch of MCU figures that I absolutely love and I also managed to pick up the Marvel Legends Deluxe Modoc figure in memory of that Ant-Man 3 pitch that I sent you over whatever happened to that I haven't checked and I'm sure you know Kevin collecting action figures and Comics is an expensive hobby which is why I have been using this video sponsor upside upside is basically free money it offsets inflated prices by giving you cash back on purchases you are already making it's an incredible app for anybody who buys gas or buys groceries or dines out so like say you need to fill up your car just open the app find a station near you select it in the app and upside does the rest or there's restaurants great sushi place by me that I go to all the time is on upside so I get cash back every time I go which is like once a week you can withdraw through PayPal or get a gift card there are no strings they don't share your information with anybody it really is that easy so give it a look check out the app on the app store and find out which places by you are on upside right now download the free upside app and use the code Nando to get an extra 25 cents back for every gallon on your first tank of gas thank you to everybody who continues to support the channel on patreon thank you to everybody who listens to my podcast mostly nitpicking everybody who watches these videos on nebula and everybody who follows me on Twitter twitch Instagram all that stuff I'm nanto view movies on all of those platforms that's it stay safe see you next time
Channel: Nando v Movies
Views: 238,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Jsilf04kN5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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