Dead Space (2023) Remake - The USG Ishimura Crew Audio Logs Only Version

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thank you [Music] I didn't die we shot that [ __ ] right between the eyes and it didn't die Smith had to shoot his [ __ ] arms and legs off for God's sake sent help defense into engineering you got a state this module handy we need one in tram maintenance stat the autoloader's fried I got a damaged tram car on the tracks and if the whole system's gridlocked guess who they're calling Temple here sending a stasis module now what happened to the auto loader I have no idea a lot of shit's been breaking down and I keep hearing things in the gears where no one could be you know I know I hear the tests on patient hairs were inconclusive given the reports from the colony he's to have his faculties at all well if I an experience would leave an impression on anyone's mind perhaps I saw nothing defined in all that blood besides the Revelation Terence we just need more insight to translate it in sight can be found in psyche and with Captain Matthias barring any visits to ages seven this fellow may be our best chance Harris is Dr Brennan's patient and your message things are complicated enough already I can't sign off on this you'll do what's best of course but how long can we afford to wait personal log Dr Nicole Brennan with medication and zero g therapy patient Harris is showing improvements if this continues there might be hope for the others on age of seven however Dr Mercer continues to interfere he claims Harris's delusions are religiously significant I have to make a complaint I will I'm not losing my patient over unitology [ __ ] as soon as you can log the charisma my secure terminal I convinced Jurgens to show me the video feed from the colony what I've sought on miners this transformation death self kind is hearing on the side of caution faith has been shaken by these Necromorphs as he calls them how strange when my own faith has been so richly rewarded with or without kind I must study one of these creatures or the next best thing Brennan's patient for example [Music] Mercer it's Terence kind you were in surgery so I left this with work he'll be discreet the latest report from ages seven the Situation's worse than Captain Matthias will admit of the colony's population is now showing symptoms depression hallucinations more violence dying down there I know it's linked to the marker somehow but I just don't have enough data or sir maybe I was wrong we need answers by any means possible a patient Brent Harris might be our last hope you left me I work in the dark with them scratching in the walls scratching my breath since you will help me in with them [ __ ] it I'll cut him out I'll cut them out I'll cut them out [Music] engineering log acting chief engineer Jacob Temple reporting Christ I still can't believe the chief is gone it's all Fallen apart since the captain died everyone down here is on their last nerve we thought the rioting was the worst of it until those things came through the vents faces I mean [ __ ] those were my Lunch Buddies with his friends old boyfriends and out of nowhere the engines are screwed primaries laboring were hemorrhaging fuel [ __ ] if I know why I'm taking Danvers to the few people to fix it gotta keep the team focused crack we need help with that engineering shut up no I don't want to I don't want to Christ Henderson get your teeth he's pulling his teeth out security oh God he's dead no he's alive but he hit that sink pretty hard his own teeth it's cheap what the hell is happening I don't know cancel security requests Anderson needs the medical thing and a shrink last valve done chief progress report filed by Jacob Temple the engine problems aren't a malfunction someone shut off the fuel lines the primary engine and damage the valves to hell and back we just waited an hour fixing them now we need to restart the self-refueling station with some jackass turned off the power and locked up a circuit breaker no engines we're gonna hit Planet fall soon what now there's got to be someone around here how to spare access card ghost wait you hear that never go engineering log my last log Temple reporting I can't raise anyone on riglink I think my team is gone I found the Kinesis module that someone used to bust the centrifuge burned out who would sabotage the ishimura at a time like this on reports of the bridge if anyone's left and then I'm finding Elizabeth and getting us the hell off this show security come in we've been boarded I repeat the ship as imported we are under attack it killed most of the tech stuff where the hell is since we need we need money back up back up now guns are useless in God's name is sad [Music] what's that a recording [Music] Elizabeth it's Jacob I came to the bridge looking for you but it is completely [ __ ] I'm not sticking around in case whatever did it comes back and neither should you it looks like the admin staff went to the mining deck to meet up with the other survivors I'll head there too if you aren't with them I'll find a way to contact you I promise oh we were wrong [Music] there I have to record these days the old memory you know as I was saying the new treatment I'm developing should be just the ticket the trial is very promising to trial uh you'll be back at your post in the Jiffy with CC none the wiser unless you don't trust me no uh course I trust you let's uh give it a shot [Music] volunteer nine as a Young Man testing my new tissue regeneration forms I expect deaths within the hour but it changes to their vascular system are very promising one moment for the cleanup for the last time get a trauma team in here yes I called three times my patient is crashing get off your smoke break and help me surgical lock Dr Charles Mercer it's a shame when I began my research Karen's kind insights into the marker were invaluable now has been refused to sending little missives like this one yeah you butcher I saw your Hunter I know who it used to be that cellular regeneration God don't you see what you've done I agree with Amelia if this is unitology I want no part of it my diagnosis poor Terrence is suffering from the same dementia reported on the ages 7 economy Emilia for example the only Amelia is ever mentioned was his wife Emilia kind died seven years ago surgical Lord Dr Charles Mercer tissue regeneration experiment 5. please Children of the markers kinds Necromorphs have provided all the material I could ask for and the sector variant has provided a key Insight implanting the material directly into the brain blender is optimal results requires puncturing the frontal bone please please no don't worry it's been sterilized doctor regeneration experiment 5. please Children of the markers kinds Necromorphs have provided all the material I could ask for and variant has proven added a key Insight implanting the material directly into the brain blender is optimal results that requires puncturing the frontal bone please no don't worry it's been stabilized Hydroponics look Dr Elizabeth cross now the sprinklers are fixed we're working close to maximum capacity all Flora is thriving and food yield has created a surplus I had a surplus packed up so we could send it to the Colony the captain Matthias is strictly enforcing his no-fly order it's ridiculous a lodging a complaint everyone knows Aegis 7 needs help what harm could some fresh fruit do hello security this is Dr cross in Hydroponics something just hit the whole near food storage we think it's a rogue asteroid I have people injured from decompression we need Medics and crowd control right away oh my God what the hell is this everyone out of food storage it's alive how can that be alive [Music] this is Hydroponics I need to record their names hidaka Holly and the nose hard [Music] so many I don't know how much gas they took in I just saw them change the crack when it's been too long are you still like flowers [Music] Jacob Jacob I love you and I'm so scared because I know how to kill the Leviathan so I have to stay paid for every single one of them [Music] this is weird [Music] Donald's here security to the mining Tech now Dr times lost it get back I know how to use this you'll live for the rest of his life if you give me codes to the cargo pay this is processing why the hell would we have codes for cargo I must get to the marker we're running out of time give me those toads crisis this is what you did to the captain no no Ben was an accident don't you dare compare me to someone like Mercer I'm trying to save you the markers are only harmful no let him go he's armed where the [ __ ] is security supervisor Dallas monologue I've made sure they can't leave this subject that neither can I seeing what they do the bodies what they become and I cannot let that happen to me at least if I don't have any limbs and I can't kill anyone when I'm infected please tell Dawn and the kids that I love them thank you oh God oh God one more oh come on man just one more foreign [Music] [Music] operator Bailey reporting I want this on record the ship is under attack but Captain Matthias has refused to issue a distressed call and we all know why this whole operation is illegal ages 7 was sealed off they knew it we knew it and we all kept our mouths shut ends now may day may day may day this is USG shimura calling C wait oh Jesus it's over [Music] this is Commander padigan to All Hands we have been boarded by hostile forces hostiles are aliens repeat alien and extremely dangerous all Personnel two arms fire and wheels [Music] my friends is this what you hope for when you signed your lives away to the church does this ostrich Carnage look like Transcendence I don't know what lies Beyond Death not anymore but I do know our lives are more than just fuel for convergence if we work together we can fight this evil it's not too late please foreign this is Jacob Temple I'm being held prisoner by Dr Mercer that line [ __ ] lured me off the mining deck to build something to make his markers start converging I don't know as soon as if you find this don't touch that marker and if you see Mercer run I love you [ __ ] he's coming back time to go Mr Temple you can just leave your Force Gun here if you want me to build your [ __ ] I'll need it but you won't need these modifications will you they look like they could hurt someone I'll hold on to them there now the marker you can go ahead of me Mr Temple Safety First [Music] [Music] waste [Music] [Music] this is Sergeant brand Newman he'sek evacuation report the shuttle's gone took off and then crashed right back down into the bay took a whole crowd with it must be a hunt lost the rest of the shuttle God help us there's no way out anyone hearing this do not land I repeat do not land on Egypt seven [ __ ] the yishimura they left us to die [Music] [Music] I still can't [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] medical log Dr Nicole Brennan so much for being paranoid I repurposed this room to run counseling sessions without unitologists interfering now it's the only place I feel safe I recovered a limb after yesterday's attack genetically it's human tissue with bizarre mutations but it's just a sample it's not enough to figure out a cure the recipe report from engineering here the engineers pulled something out of machinery limbs missing torso intact okay time for real autopsy record dining now Terence I know the marker is responsible break I need to understand how a signal the pulses that signal can trigger alterations in genetic code neural structure even you felt it haven't you but how do I stop it person must know he's taking all his marker research up to his room on the crew deck and feel no no feel that do you know how please I need Mercer's data no he'll kill you I won't have more deaths on my conscience unitology was all I had after I lost Amelia look what it's come to Terence listen I mean the word for you I never would have made it this far because you made me stick with it well just remember you loved Amelia as much as I love Isaac but if I can't cure this outbreak I'll never see him again please help me 39277 he must get into Mercer's room that coach is still working thank you here these are safer with you Dr Brennan Nicole the only thing Mercer ever feared was death now I doubt he's afraid of anything [Applause] [Music] is that cool okay so sorry Isaac look at the time difference I'll I'll call you back later it's okay how you doing good you were right Isaac the ishma is a great ship I am so lucky to be serving aboard her we'll enjoy a little less you know they're going to decommissioner next year Isaac thank you for what sorry just pushing me to do this I mean if it weren't for you I never would have made it this far because you made me stick with it well just remember I'm giving you up for six months so you can do this you know what we must begin Isaacs [Music] hello Dicky great God is the Second Officer Sheikh I need security here right now it wasn't coming what for Christ's sake step away from the controls we need our first officer Captain Matthias is dead the captain's dead Vincent's security team is dead who's left step away from airlock that's an order who left she seek a crew full of uni fanatics Eckhart screwed us good didn't he if a CEC director could go back to that but just like ages seven you think CEC won't send a rescue team for their precious Planet cracker think what we just need to hold on yes you probably should rewards now engineering log chief engineer Ariel Rousseau reporting centrifuge maintenance is what was I saying I haven't slept right since they brought that marker on board that's a little uh the only thing I remember clearly is that engine inspection I went into the chamber and instead of the primary engine there was it was a heart a heart the size of the room just something and pumping and Anderson said something and when I looked back it was a machine again but I can still hear that pumping in the distance it's almost peaceful it doesn't help me sleep if I can get close enough go right inside maybe where it's warm and dark oh yeah that makes sense there's got to be a working DNA scanner [Music] security we got some freak called Harris stealing from ore storage after Mercer sent me for Osman lead his work yeah yeah I don't care if God Almighty sent you you skim from cec's profit margin we get screwed God so you can put that osmium down or I can break your arms first I worked with people like you on ages seven they'd steal my power notes leave me to dick with no light but when they abandoned you in the dark it's not empty the marker whispered its Revelations there I understand them do you want to hear morning I'll change personality not used no way no stop it please I said please when they shut me in screamed it too I promise I won't laugh like they did [Music] [Applause] you don't mind me recording to you lose language soon it's so green here the worst places to work discreetly they keep poisons here that would never be allowed near medical and now invulnerable to offer of the cellular regeneration will I kill you if you try Mr Harris I have options the containment module for example remember your last brain surgery Consciousness quite useful if only I hadn't wasted so much osmium on my last module design and how do you feel now [Music] wait hold and perhaps it's time for your first real heart
Channel: Boxxsie
Views: 8,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dead Space 2023, Dead Space Remake, Audio Logs Only, Crew Audio Logs, Jacob Temple, Supervisor Dallas, Dr., Mercer, Doctor, Kyne, Audio Logs, Audio Log, Harris, Hunter, Side Missions, Nicole Brennan, Side Mission Log, Hydroponics, Bridge Attack, The USG Ishimura, Crew Logs, Patients, All Chapters, No Video Logs, No Text Logs, No Transmissions, Mayday, The USM Valor Audio Log, Attacked, Attack, Alien Hostiles, Log
Id: DBuMnLcADb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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