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I just received the call until he drew is dead but a quiet end to an extraordinary life last I heard he was staying in some cramped apartment downtown you could practically hear the rats through the telephone when he called me last April in spite of that old Joey sounded quite happy when last we spoke more like the excited hopeful young man I knew once upon a time ah well Farewell My friend what will become of your Creations now I'm ready for something different in my career I've built steel companies from the ground up dabbled in petroleum even tried political office once that Nathan Arch they used to say He's Got The Magic Touch but I'm hungry for a bit of fun I think something both the masses and I can enjoy my son suggested movies open a studio now I love a good film as much as anyone but the magic of animation now there's something special my old friend Joey knew the Thrills of bringing characters to life rest his soul maybe with a bit of elbow grease and a small cash investment I resurrect the past the papers are signed the animation staff is hired Arts gate pictures is open for business as of nine o'clock this morning bendy and all his little cartoon friends now belong to me I'll admit it's strange owning a dear friend's Legacy I think Joy would be content knowing it safely in my hands you just gotta believe he used to say it was such a Showman well I believe Joey I wholeheartedly believe I haven't had much sleep the past few nights I've been feeling something pulling at my mind my thoughts fall to the Joey do exhibit we opened last week outside one or two of the artists I don't think I've ever seen a single soul go inside uh it's a shame how so many of us refuse to learn from the past past can give us our greatest lessons but still ever since we moved enjoys old things there's been a strange feeling around Art's gate like the ghosts of long ago or wandering about calling out to me I decided to go for a walk this morning took a little stroll down to the park enjoyed the warm sun for a while found a quiet bench he even grabbed a hot dog it's been ages since I've done that Tessa would kill me if she knew I've been off my diet when I got back to the office I stopped by the animation department and said hello to the Troops my gosh they're getting younger every day neither that or I'm just getting older it all made me realize time is moving on the hard struggles don't seem as dire as they used to life has other value I think I'll go home early today maybe I'll even pick up a hot dog for Tessa it seems that oddsgate studios in all its misplaced admiration was so eager to absorb the life's work of that crooked Charlotte and Joey Drew they didn't fully realize what they had acquired call it fate that I just happened to be there on the loading dock that morning when the delivery boys dropped one of the crates it smashed open and inside there was something truly special a mass of yellow steel and beautiful rivets some kind of machine no one knew what it was so the fools put it on display for all to see but I could tell that this crude device held secrets secrets that could be mine when I first entered this world it was an untamed Wilderness a wretched crawling slum ruled by that grinning demon from chaos I brought order from order I brought peace once you cut the head from the snake the snake bleeds out quietly onto the ground foreign no the only question that remains is what if the head grows back the machine speaks to me revealing its mini possibilities what I can accomplish using its power is beyond any measure life and death can become a thing of the past poverty and hunger a distant memory I can remake the world oh no but it does the world deserve such a gift for now I have bigger matches at hand a man in a black coat came asking at the front desk about the machine said he was from the Gent Corporation fortunately the receptionist knew nothing and he left quietly later I found his name on the sign in form Mr Alan Gray gray it's been years and my face is still a mystery to my co-workers they don't know me they avoid me as if I carried some infectious disease at first this was an insult but now it is a gift with the right costume I can play the part of anyone I can go completely unnoticed hidden amongst the shadowed walls as a clerk an artist a producer or even a lowly janitor looks [Applause] demon is successful left the receiving be advised the presentation [Applause] [Music] to terminate keepers administer physical tortures and surgical invasions to where ultimately unsuccessful all right that must be used experiment 44. we have problems [Applause] he is smaller in size and harmless in this more timid state oh so greatly reduced using links [Applause] he now de AR [Music] it was see speak demon will remain in this in the snow well Sean you finally did it you went and told the boss exactly what's up it's time to move on I said to him this toy man's ready for a new adventure I have to admit he took it far better than I expected probably because a lot of other people be ditching this month as well but I don't pay no mind to Mr Drew I ain't leaving because of that old win bag no I've seen far worse in my day that's for sure I'm in the rock is the same for Sean Flynn to see some Open Sky find yourself a little cabin up Steve somewhere the family and I can start on you but before I go I've made one last toy a little pertin present for the factory lights let's see how long it takes them to find it well oh we hit rock bottom no doubt about it and by all accounts I don't even know how this studio is still going at all like if you follow the money you just hit a big old brick wall well let me tell you blank ledgers spare cash you know weird amounts the plane just don't add up there's still income finding its way into the books but I can only tell you for the life of me I can't figure out where it's all coming from though the obvious answer here is a gents privately pouring in some funds then truth be told they really quick me out especially that Mr Gray uh he doesn't seem to be motivated by money many sure as heck ain't telling us what he's really after just can't trust someone like that you gotta follow your Inspirations when you're a musician stick to what you know works but when they built the new studio buildings they all been filled in my office down in the old sewers turns out I'm not so accustomed to working in those disgusting conditions that now if my office doesn't stink the lyrics aren't right do so and Jed started digging their massive utility shaft between their place and ours I knew it'd be just the right spot for me to move in now I've got a song in my heart and a creative stench of my nose at this point I don't get what Joey's plan is for this company the animation sure I've been finished on time anymore and I certainly don't see why we need this machine it's noisy it's messy and who needs that much ink anyway also get this Joey had each one of us donate something from our workstation we put them on these little pedestals in the break room to help appease the gods Joey says keep things going I think he's lost his mind but hey he writes the checks but I tell you what if one more of these pipes bursts I'm out of here it's my first week in the job with the Gen workshop and I can tell already that this is going to be interesting do you think you can lift the steel Gunther they asked me with a smoke smell I didn't even bother the eyes so I just picked the whole thing up with one hand you should have seen the women dropped our Jaws oh hi oh no I've noticed this building this doesn't built for someone my size every time I walk by the workshop shells are the tools fall to the floor that and I gotta bend down for every Dory in the place so there are some positives to work in here I mean take that new circuitry the shiny one with the blonde locks the one who follows her in Mr Gray I'm pretty sure she's been given me and my muscles AI fine this has been the best week of my life for once we don't have Mr Drew hanging over our shoulders he ain't even stop by at all I'm turning out so many frames of Animation I can't even keep up with myself now the only thing bothering me is that break two desks over peace and higher real weirdo he keeps trying to show me some pictures he's been drawing tell you this place has a curse it's not one thing stopping you from getting things done it's another double quota that Mr friend says double I haven't even pulled a full day's work in that old toy assembly line it's of four years nine on and ten I'm starting now yeah I got my corner my little sipping Canty and I do get fine double quote I ain't even done half in months oh but they won't fire me no sir place is big no no for everyone else to do it John turn up my radio and you put up my feet cut the hole in my socks five o'clock comes easy around here hey buddy yeah so those gent Corporation boys are kind of strange every time I come back to work they put in even more their pointless gadgets last week they uh they built some kind of I don't know electrical Towers over in the animation alley this week they added security codes for opening doors what kind of work do they think we do here anyways last night check we make toys and silly cartoons Season Fort Knox you know what I mean now it's my job to look over these shipping invoices and remember about your random numbers it's got no freaking thank you I'm just gonna I'm just gonna record the dog code here he is all right the code is four five four five one for Mr Drew or Mr Gray asks you didn't hear it from me okay when you animate it's so much more it's a way of life a passion it's your tiny movement is an emotional trigger to the audience is it wrong and you will lose them you must live the characters and to draw them you must feel the Motions in your mind act them out around your room today [Laughter] watch my movements see my frames of animation I have so many characters to animate yet thousands of frames ago but for now I'm just a clock tick tock tick tock [Laughter] [Applause] something funny is going on around here call me suspicious if you wanna but I know the signs of weirdness when I see them don't get me wrong we've always had visitors around the studio at least in one kind of visitor in particular Corporation employees tons of them they're working in the hallways ripping off the floors taking the best toilets and even get near the little Devil Lounge these days feel less like Studio around here and more and more like some crazy science laboratory it's just plain weirdness Joey happened to notice last week just how long it takes for us employees to get home every night when you add in the traffic and the waiting for the elevators you practically only have a few hours before you have to wake up and come back so Joey had them built our distressed for us now you never have to leave work again Joey says well I'll admit become quite the hangout spot down here almost like it's a whole little District but there's definitely some unsavory stuff going on too smoking yambling loud parties you name it at all hours of the night sometimes for a place that's all about getting some shut eye there sure is a lot of noise around here I don't like to ask questions I believe everyone's got their own business you hear something you leave it alone but when you spent as much time in and out of a jug as I have you learn to keep your mouth shut about things you know so when I saw this here Adam a newspaper that reads gent Corporation looking for research subjects pays 350 a week I figured it'd be good for me easy money right with my record you can't afford to be picky but turns out something really wrong is going on in this place I mean I've seen dead people before but here death is like a way of life A Clockwork March they wheel out the bodies and they disappear down the Chute forgotten men from the street paid to die 350 a week at the end of every crumbling Empire you gotta hide the treasures Mr Cohen brought me into catalog and secure some of Joey Drew's more special assets in places no one will ever find them sure that sounds completely legal right anyway I'll be leaving some Clues around so we can find them later just remember this nonsense wasn't my idea so here's my first little hint I finally found a use for those silly motivational posters here in the atrium offices they're sure to make quite an impact oh God I can't believe I just said that good things always come in threes they say bendy Alice and Boris it just works so when I showed my co-workers my design for a new fourth member of the butcher gang you can almost hear the disgust at the lunch table a ghost group No One's Gonna Get It they just laughed at my drawings crumpled them up like trash but I'll get Mr Drew on my side he'll understand he's got to Carly will join the butcher gang and she'll be beloved by all one way or another I'll bring Carly to life I'm a fan of Darkness it just appeals to me as though Norman would often say people who really become themselves when they're hidden in Shadow that creepy guy always had a story to tell about this place but I think I Arrow Passage even he can watch I'm still and no one ever I'm just a ghost living in the wall [Laughter] this Old Town really has changed ever since that big gent building went up yesterday I took a trip over the farmer's market and they had the Holdings tree ripped up it was like a large hole that just plain swallowed the sidewalk men were going in and out with strange iron tools kind of looked like they were installing some kind of tunnel under the road perhaps just everywhere Pete behind the produce counter was just shaking his head they're up to no good he kept saying you'll see this is how it always starts I think old Pete might be rad but I don't allowed to dismiss people just on rumors only time will tell I suppose
Channel: Crooked Art
Views: 12,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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