Isaac Clarke - All Voice Lines and Scenes - Dead Space Remake 2023

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I think it's me I wish I could talk to you I'm sorry about everything I just wish I could talk to someone it's all falling apart here believe what's happening strange such a little thing that's her Nicole yeah first I've heard from her in weeks we're five minutes out you still got that thing on repeat guess you really miss her the instrument is not a job you turn down but six months apart with only vid calls it's rough easy to say the wrong thing I don't blame you I'd listen to my girlfriend over him in reciting security protocols forewarned is forearm Miss Daniels so you keep saying here we go nice clean re-entry welcome to ages seven imagine six months staring at that Chuck of Rock to an independent Miner that's Paradise Aegis seven is one of the richest fines in CEC history some prospecting team set up for life and where is she there confirming visual contact with USG ishimura what a beauty biggest planet cracker in her class you know and it looks like they already popped the cork why is it so dark we should be able to see your running lights yeah I'll get us into hailing range someone's got to be waiting up for us just be careful on the approach I'm not taking any chances with the cec's pride and joy no chances huh is that why you were digging into my Personnel files before we left you track your file access I'm a computer analyst comes with a job I ran standard CEC background checks miss Daniels if you want to work in the big leagues you have to play ball sir we're inhaling range USG ishimura this is the emergency maintenance team of the USU Kelly and responding to your distress call Kamen Ishima ishimura do you copy come in this is USG Kelly it's blackout on one of these things never come on someone pick up the damn phone the hell is that sounds like their communication array is busted maybe a broken encoder Daniels and I can handle it in 48 hours max okay that gives you plenty of time to catch up with Nicole yeah I hope so Jen Johnson take us in gravity each other's engaged automated docking is go I'm losing control function [ __ ] we're of course Daniels guidance system override isn't responding [ __ ] [ __ ] we're coming to do what he's gonna smash us into the hole Chad any of that emergency stabilizer there the blue light it might slow us down got it drop the glass Shields everyone breaks yourself everyone okay I'm good I'll live hey Johnston you all right it's my ankle might be broken [ __ ] but better than a broken neck or worse good column that stabilizer Isaac that I always read the manual what the [ __ ] going on with flight control that guidance system's a death trap better add it to your repair list Jen what's our damage calms are down we lost support booster we've got a fire in one of the stabilizers and Singularity core is a mess could be worse but not by much and let's get some help Johnston stay with the Killian we'll send a medic everyone else with me forget something how's your ankle hurts like hell what have I worse you go on I'll get it strapped up staying clear crap we came down hard not a great start to our repair Mission I can't reach security same for the chief engineer what is wrong with their cons something on the floor here is that Isaac I need that damage report what have you got Isaac [ __ ] it's not just coms with a guidance system atheistramurra's in the red engines Hull the tramps I could do that kind of damage to a planet cracker okay I got us some power ventilation's up power to the elevator should be next I was such a normally detected quarantine activated another malfunction no the quarantine systems are all fine oh wait do you hear that yeah yeah I hear it hey man take it easy Daniels get those elevators running there's something in here with us Daniel get the doors open almost get out of there on the door I got it I got it go go Jesus die [ __ ] you Isaac oh my God Isaac you made it just they're everywhere Shen is he uh he's gone nothing I could do what the [ __ ] are these things the ones I saw some of them were wearing a shimmer uniforms they're the crew how the hell can they be the crew look at them we need to get to the bridge there's a thousand people on board someone will be there we can't the tram system's wrecked everything's locked down because of the quarantine and you're both repair techs so how do we do this there's a broken tram car blocking the tunnel it's gridlocked the system and the data boards burned out I can't live the lockdown or call the tram until we get a spare from the maintenance Bay but it's all an Isaac side of a quarantine I'll handle it just make sure there's power to the repair systems and Isaac yeah I'm sure Nicole's okay she's a doctor right she'll do the smart thing yeah yeah she always does find somewhere safe I'll be back soon reading the door malfunction between you and the maintenance Bay no but I found a stasis module if I'm faster than I got it Isaac don't do all the shooting those [ __ ] [ __ ] the only way is hacking them apart those arms their legs did that even kill them or did they just stop moving disengaged got a loaders busted what stasis should do the trick great but hurry okay Sal care is down here you got it the tram was jamming the whole system that's one down you said a data board was fried too inventory says there's a spare board in a maintenance Bay we can't run the trams without it Isaac we can't stay here much longer hearing a lot of movement hold on I got the data board I'm coming back to tram control now Daniel get ready to go it's clear now arriving at Flight Deck trap control we're on board something hit the roof but it seems operational quarantine lockdowns lifted so you can get to the hangar columns are still down though so be ready for anything what's the plan you and Johnson fix up the Killian we report to the bridge standard emergency protocol what protocol Hammond people are dying here and I'm not losing anyone else we stick to procedure we'll get through this we'll see did my best but the singularity is an expert foreign I need you to listen ER is overrun with [ __ ] monsters you didn't hear anything what no the comms are still out Isaac we need to kill him fixed now got a damage report uh yeah it's there I should have been with you what the [ __ ] oh God the single word Court Singularity core overload evacuate immediately to minimum safe distance go all right foreign Singularity core overloaded no Killian was our only way home we're trapped no I'm not losing two good people for nothing what about the command computer it's a brick all the primary systems are locked down with the captain's coats so we find Captain Mathias track his rig okay here Captain Benjamin Matthias location Medical status deceased he was a captain God Isaac you're closer to Medical you can double back and cut through maintenance find the captain's body and get his rig with his codes we what was that foreign Isaac have you heard from Daniels we were attacked she ran the other way no nothing Medical's a slaughterhouse they barricaded access to the morgue the morgue yeah but the barricade was put together in a hurry a hydrazine tank might blow it open just need a Detonator like maybe a shock pad the cold could be through there if Isaac the one who attacked us I swear to God it was Chen but I saw him die if they barricaded the morgue maybe it was to keep something in what's happening there you find Nicole no sign of her yet but I found some hydrazine that should work on the barricade I just need to find a shock pad okay work fast Isaac got it took one step out of the captain's that's enchant that thing he almost got me you okay I trapped him in a damaged Escape pod he's snarling like this is [ __ ] up hurry Isaac oh [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] Daniels isn't answering her rig link what's your status I found a shark pad I could use on the barricade I'm heading back there now watch the voltage on that pad I'm not losing anyone else foreign what's your status do you have the captain's rig [ __ ] me yeah transmitting coats now I saw it Hammond a flying wood turned the captain's body into another one of those things the same must have happened to Chen God maybe the command computer has something where's Daniel's when you need her Isaac I'm here what the hell's happening the computer says the issue Moore's engines are offline we're on a decaying orbit toward each of seven oh God I have to get to engineering there's no time that tram station's offline unless here head back to the flight deck I'll guide you from there if this damage reports right there's a shortcut to engineering dude [ __ ] seeing you in the control room any news on the engines yeah but it makes no sense they're out of fuel the centrifuge is offline we're Tethered to a 4 trillion ton payload without the engines it's dragging us down to the planet can you handle it alone sure fix the centrifuge get the fuel running then do a full restart but you'll need to stabilize their orbit from there standing by fast as you can Isaac are you [ __ ] kidding me [Applause] damn it you [ __ ] CDC piece of [ __ ] [Applause] come on [ __ ] [Applause] [ __ ] Isaac Daniels you made it thank God after the bridge we thought glad to disappoint I barricaded myself in the computer core I can hear them but I don't think they know I'm here Isaac I've tracked down your rig you're an engineering right I'll get myself admin privileges maybe I can help okay I've got a fuel reading only a quarter full but it should be enough I still need to get the centrifuge working before we start someone really screwed with these fuel lines move fast Isaac Egypt Seven's looking damn close out there God [ __ ] [ __ ] damn it [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] centrifuge activated pre-establishing balance with tectonic load yes hey Hammond I cracked the secure files CC was here for more than just a mining clam huh what do you mean this outbreak started on the Colony after the miners dug up some artifacts alien High NY Aegis 7 is meant to be off limits right Earth does orders when the miners found the artifact they reported hallucinations paranoia suicides but the issue more brought this marker on board anyway like that was a plan wait a marker okay back up where's this marker now in cargo all packaged up for delivery Isaac you did it the issue more is moving again no thanks to ever sabotage the [ __ ] out of these engines you bought us time to figure it out autopilot is taking us in the geostationary orbit wait you're flying us through the planet crack debris that's what the Asteroid Defense System is for but the idiot is offline I've got the system readouts here Hammond the ishma is a rough shape a couple of bad strikes could finish her off [ __ ] Daniels give me all the data you have I'll try to adjust course Isaac you disabled the tram Lockdown from engineering I'll open up the bridge station meet me there we need to work on this together Nicole I'm here Nicole damn it damn it [ __ ] damn it you [ __ ] pile of [ __ ] Isaac I'm looking at the ads cannons they're a mess I'm gonna need your help I am not losing the ishimura not now the shimora Hammond or the marker that artifact they found don't [ __ ] CEC no all along about the marker Didn't They isn't that why you're really here corporate wouldn't send the ishimura for some off the books mining but alien technology yeah that bits and how does losing my team fit into this Theory hey knock this [ __ ] off we're into the debris field we get the ads back together or it's over and meet me at the Captain's nest Daniels fine but I'm going through the ship reports Hammond I'm getting some answers hi sorry [ __ ] you scared me no no keep that rifle close set the one that attacked me I managed to trap him in here his face I'm not seeing things right that's Chen he can't help him Hammond he's you're right I should the hell with it 47 launched I worked with him for years Johnston too at least she was fair becoming a monster we're gonna fix this hammock for them yeah come on the ads cannons I can hold this position for a while if no more asteroids come through the roof here all I can tell is the ads power routing is shot well the administration systems aren't doing much we could redirect power from there I'd need to rewire the junction boxes but we get the ads cannons back good Isaac about what Daniel said I don't know about any illegal mining or the marker I swear I'm just here for a repair Mission look Hammond I don't know you or Daniel's well enough to judge but CEC had to know about the marker the company maybe but [ __ ] like that's above my pay grade look we can get into it later you'll need a way down to those junction boxes you can turn the atrium elevators back on from security you'll have full access I found a CEC executive key card I'll upgrade your clearance and you upgraded yours already yeah just in case and Isaac I heard something up there something big watch your back Isaac you going just getting prepped can you prep on the way those asteroids aren't waiting power from water purification has been rerouted must have tripped something all the access doors just sealed works for me God knows was floating around down there that's one we still need more power a couple more systems should do it Isaac I'm reading electrical hazards on the floor ahead of you 60 years back plating doesn't play well with power surges watch your step what's that a recording huh must be the marker they took up so it is the same that marker that's the symbol of the Church of unitology it didn't take you for a Believer Isaac my mother was but if they found this on some alien planet what does that mean that unitology is on to something unitology is full of [ __ ] forget it take a power reroute from the electric watch the album it's unstable that's two one more system and we'll have power for the ads [ __ ] damn it you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] me come on oh [ __ ] me Isaac I cracked the issue more as I'm outside reports they're a [ __ ] horror show these things mold to any dead tissue into a new form one kind in sex corpses and the rest I think more corpses to infect that organic [ __ ] on the walls that's dead tissue too the crews thought it was a habitat changer Isaac I'm gonna run some Diagnostics I think that's the spreading we got it the ads cannons are back online we wait Auto targeting offline calibration data not found [ __ ] no Auto targeting the Cannons are useless what about manual targeting you want to go out there with all that [ __ ] raining down and Target the ads cannons manually if I give the Cannons enough targeting data it'll recalibrate the system you got a better idea a little bit exterior access I hope you know what you're doing what's the plan I'll seek a few of the ads cannons to one of my tools I Target an asteroid the Cannons take it out and I recalibrate the system we're out of options do it Hammond I just intercepted a transmission for medical someone's down there see what you make of this is senior medical officer Nicole Brennan medical is a sanctuary all survivors please join us I'm going back to Medical makes sense I'll head to the crew deck and look for survivors from the bridge I'll be in touch wonder if you know something we don't now arriving it's magical lab what you said the chemical lab I can I can barely hear you thank you Daniels the door to Medical just locked behind me hello another Survivor at last you'll be safe here I'm a doctor Nicole Brenner with you you're not here for Sanctuary then well Dr Penn is currently engaged shall I send you to her how about you unlock these doors and I'll find her myself are you that selfish you might let something in or out [ __ ] so you've decided to be difficult take a seat I'll be pretty momentarily kindly avoid disturbing my other patients what is this research of course I'm so close to finding that missing Factor a unitologist would understand shipwise transmission override Isaac Clarke just a trick Isaac Isaac make us all again Isaac Clark all right Dr Brennan's nearest and Dearest who are colleagues you know Dr chalice Mercer are you the reason the marker won't begin that's uh convergence is installed she's meddling how is the question but even if I was to ask I suspect you're not the talkative type and I haven't fully explored the cause of death as that missing Factor dismemberment now I think you're on the right track there try and relax Mr Clark convergence is so close Maybe your death or took the ballot ballot [Music] Dennis over the chemical lab what just do it on it it was a trick by a [ __ ] unitologist sir he's locked down medical to experiment on the crew oh God every way out is locked down to one of the authors to list the lockdown manually who's there oh God hold on I can help you not me Steve Hydroponics we're all dying there's poison but there's still time her enzyme will work if she just needs liquid nitrogen if us she was right air quality is dropping ship wide something's poisoning the oxygen and hydroponics if we lose our Air Supply you said we could fix it he came looking for liquid nitrogen and there has to be some in the cryogenic slab okay better option crail detected shameful Mr Clark forcing me to liquidate my research subjects there's gotta be here there's emergency back control that the security checkpoint go I'll try to lock him out okay it's clearing Mercer pumped that gas in from Hydroponics if the air is already that bad I'm gonna need a faster way to cryogenics I'll open the other door from the chemical app it'll take you straight there seeing my hunter Unleashed is almost worth losing my other patients but you and Dr Brennan have delayed me enough if you've heard Nicole I have never show you anything but courtesy to Dr Brennan can you say the same thing I can say I'm not a [ __ ] murderer speaking of courtesy do I have you to thank fixing the ishimura's engines our homecoming routine truly divine and I doubt even you can starve a convergence event fueled by the entire population of Earth you take these things to Earth it's all over only for the faithless Humanity will be made all Mr Clark With or Without You I'd say you've chosen your side bastard locked me out again Isaac you okay I stopped that hunt the Mercer's gone he wants to take these things to Earth Kendra you have to seal the captain's nest and warn Hammond okay I can feel the nest but I haven't been able to reach Hammond since he went to the crew deck I think our air quality is falling fast if you've got liquid nitrogen we gotta fix hydroponics on it Mercer I don't think he's done yet got something Isaac it's let's call it a tissue sample from Mercer's pet hunter careful who knows what that science went into that thing maybe I could find out figure out what Mercer's up to if I'm fast there has to be a DNA skater close by good morning severe DNA abnormalities found ring tracking is available to trace possible Contagion authorize Paris what did Mercer do to you authorizing sinking logs and points of interest to read locator thank you for your commitment to Public Health check your helmet filters that's right I'm reading a huge mass in food storage too big to be anything that grew it looks like the source of the poison gas that patient in medical he said something about creating an enzyme right maybe the science has left the workstation open [ __ ] me piece of [ __ ] leave it to [ __ ] CEC you piece of [ __ ] cheap CEC piece of [ __ ] no no you're Elizabeth cross right this Leviathan is that much poisoning in the air the air my team has destroyed everything I designed a special enzyme to kill it just needed liquid nitrogen to Medical never came back your people didn't make it but I've got the liquid nitrogen here and at least we can finish this use my workstation it's all set up to create the enzyme yes that's the enzyme how do I use it then altered they're all connected to the Leviathan breathing out its toxins but the connection goes both ways okay so if I get to your team and inject them the enzyme will be carried right into the leviathan's heart find the weezers and they're suffering and when the leviathan's weak enough we bent that bastard into space any luck yeah I finished the enzyme it's been modified to digest something big they must have been trying to kill whatever is in food storage let's hope it works [Music] go back there's no way into food storage even if it wasn't Leviathan would devour you you're Elizabeth cross right this Leviathan is that what's poisoning the air the air the team it's destroyed everything I designed a special enzyme to kill it just needed liquid nitrogen to complete the people I sent to Medical never came back I've got some of that enzyme here listen we need to inject it into the Leviathan you can't get into food storage but there's another way riskier than running out of air altered they're all connected to the Leviathan breathing out its toxins the connection goes both ways okay so if I get to your team and inject them the enzyme will be carried right into the leviathan's heart find the wheezers and their suffering and when the Leviathan is weak enough we bent the bastard bastard live cross again I never asked your name Isaac Clark systems engineer engineer you seen Jacob Temple I haven't but I'm looking for someone too Dr Nicole Brennan Mr Brennan doesn't she help people leave unitology like my mother that's how we met I hope she's okay the unitologist here didn't like anyone questioning them and since the captain died they've all snapped I looked across his notes on the oh God oh my God Kendra this is him two-thirds behind you wait he's he waved at me and sorry Isaac keep going just a glitch on the cameras my little brother stupid right that's just that's not possible just the repair Mission they said I've Seen My Dead Brother on the [ __ ] cameras all this stuff imagine what the marker could do in the Raw in the wrong this is about CEC again preferred [ __ ] try to take marker or something about it you're leaning pretty hard on that if oh come on where's Hammond what's he doing I don't know if I don't Focus or run out of air before it matters they're at peace thank you the leviathan's metabolism is slowing cross something's up it must have worked you gave it enough enzyme to dissolve a Fraser okay I'm unlocking food storage quickly get back there and space the bastard while we have the chance contamination detected in food storage cycling airlock damn it the airlock's open but the leviathan's too strong it's clinging to the interior of food storage we need more enzyme there's no time of going in maybe I can cut loose the Leviathan has a 10 kiloton Mass to really need me to tell you this is a bad idea well I'm not a lot of good ideas so guess what's left exiting Zero Gravity show pockets of gas Gather in there here and there I can handle listen Jacob my Jacob last I heard he was on the mining Deck with some other survivors he said they were building an SOS Beacon do they finish it he said it was nearly done but I haven't heard from them in a while I can't leave yet I need to make sure the air is safe to breathe but if you can find that SOS Beacon call for rescue I will mining deck okay got it and if I meet Jacob tell him I'll find him he's all I want to see the mining deck systems are running Haywire great let me work on the elevators any idea where Temple's SOS Beacon might be I'll check the mining control room the longest tube's there could send out a beacon easy anyone there Hammond where are you in defense hoping they don't hear me yeah those things are everywhere units have lost it one of them stabbed her friend in the head he just stood there he [ __ ] smiled smile they're going somewhere Hammond lost his signal again we gotta find that Beacon Isaac fast whoa there's something near you sealed's room some kind of home brewed security lockdown the miners locked up some nice gear too bad I could have put it to work you still could if we find the right bread coats and Captain's rig won't get me in no that lockdown's a custom job but I can use the captain's codes to create an override ful we're in business okay framework's done find the rigs download their codes into a bridge console and it'll build you a master security override finally getting somewhere with the mining duck systems got the SOS Beacon no and the launch tubes are sealed I need a deck administrator's trick to get them open the deck admin supervisor Dallas he's on the processing subject I've got rig activity for a Jacob temple 2 maintenance subject maybe he left the SOS Beacon there just hope he could reach it through these malfunctions not malfunctions traps the miner's way of holding the line [ __ ] okay I'll unlock the subjects just make sure that Beacon's not wired to anything the administrator's rig should be in the processing control room but saw a trip to sail face the control room door can't open until gravity is restored but the system won't reset the gravity while there's loose debris at least the processing beef still running stand by the administrator's right change location you've got it I got it I'll check the maintenance subject for temple speaking uh lemon to bring something in [Music] make it stop it stop what that was the marker did you no I didn't see anything I love him and signal again just get the restaurant speaking I want off this [ __ ] ship Nicole okay I'm so sorry Isaac look at the time difference I'll call you back later it's okay how you doing good you were right Isaac the ishimra is a great ship I'm so lucky to be serving aboard her we'll enjoy it well less you know they're going to decommission her next year Isaac thank you for what sir it's just pushing me to do this I mean if it weren't for you I never would have made it this far because you may be stuck with it well just remember I'm giving you up for six months so you can do this you know what we must be getting in the range [Music] thank you hello Nikki great unitology was all I had after I lost Amelia look what it's come to Terence listen I mean it'll work for you I never would have made it this far because you may be stuck with it I'm giving you up for six months so you can do this you loved Amelia as much as I love Isaac but if I came through this outbreak I'll never see him again please help me Isaac oh my God I can't believe you're here I thought I'd never see you again I want to get us home was Vanessa West Beacon nearby we can call for help the beacon right they locked it in the workshop but my clearance can get us in this way I can unlock the workshop from here Nicole there's so much I need to tell you I know we'll have time I promise let's get you that Beacon everyone's counting on us oh [ __ ] they're here keep working I'll hold them off it's done the workshop's open I've never seen you at work you're a surgeon with that thing I got your back okay how do I reach you no focus on launching that SOS Beacon there's maintenance stocks everywhere I'll catch up more you hide okay cross my heart I love you Isaac you can do this you'll put things back the way they were and make us whole again I wish I lost your ribs for now like Hammonds I'm good I got the SOS speakers Nicole helped me out Nicole's there we got separated she'll find her way back she's a trooper huh I'm heading back to the minding control room I'll launch the beacon you watch out for Nicole assuming the system doesn't fizzle out again security recording retrieved Isaac it's live cross I heard gunfire it had to be you or Jacob hi I thought I'd never see you again I'm gonna get us home speaker nearby we can call for help this place has really got to you Isaac I have Jacob's codes I can get you into the workshop come on what was that the miners must have booby trapped the launch tubes too they're scrap well that's great we can't just toss the beacon out a window yeah there's got to be something the asteroid the one in the mining Bay for smelting what about it if I attach the SOS Beacon to that asteroid and then launch it away from the ship we'd get a clean broadcast and you'd get yourself killed the Machinery in there is still running Isaac then it probably kept those things out too this is our best shot Kendra I'm taking it entering zero gravity you will figure out a plan the asteroids held by a few gravity tethers there's no emergency shutdown I'll have to disable them the hard way Plant the SOS beacon on the surface okay it's working the beacons online broadcasting White Band I'll align the receiver this will take a minute head on back to the tram station I [Music] single door release I'll try I think it's gone but I can't be sure the system's bugged out again I'm getting those camera glitches the ones that look like my brother waving at me at least the beacons away I'm aligning the wait a rave receiver not responding oh [ __ ] The Columns Ray we never fixed it guess it wasn't a broken encoder then let's hope that 48 Hours estimate was wrong too no calms no rescue take the tram to the bridge I'll hack open the door to Communications you see what's happening with the array and don't worry about Nicole like Kevin said she'll do the smart thing we did it have Isaac a ship just shocked in the USM Valor they must have heard our SOS that fast what's a military ship doing way out here out on patrol whatever right now I take a rescue from a [ __ ] magpie head for communications once we fix the comms array we can get all the answers we need another one I'm getting weird feedback spikes on local comms if whatever's wrong with the comms array is spreading no that's not it communication should be open you can head down to the comps control station Isaac watch what you say I think someone's listening in House of comms are right someone hotwired the dishes together and blew out the system so we're screwed no it was sloppy work some of the dishes are intact if I replace them and create a new circuit with no gaps we could broadcast a signal short range only but it should work okay do it do it keep an eye on things here skatepot oh [ __ ] the Pod Hammond jettison that creature was inside no no no no no no USM Valor come in come in Valor oh her signal isn't strong enough can we deploy the long range antenna no something's blocking the blast doors over the comms array the hell he'll be a manual release over maintenance I'll go keep trying to reach them I still can't reach the Valor what's happening with the antenna it's blocked by it's Leviathan it must have snaggled the comms away after we spaced it it's not coming off without a fight Isaac there's no time there is if I use the ads cannons manual targeting like before I can shoot it right off the hole I got this you focus on the Valor will do is it death Dead and Gone I'll try the antenna's manual release again do it I've got a transmission loaded and ready to go yes finally USM Valor this is Kendra Daniels on the USG ishimura do not open the Escape pod repeat do not open that escape pod do you read [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're too late the Valor is heading right forward boost yourself Daniels what happened something tripped the whole crew deck what hit us an asteroid those things got onto the Valor a rescue ship they found your Escape pod and the one that used to be Ken God damn it the Valor scrap by the time another ship hears SOS Beacon well they'll be dead no that's what I was telling you I found an executive shuttle on the crew deck intact and the log says that shuttle's missing at Singularity core it can't get us home wait maybe it can't if the Valor Singularity core is okay I could Salvage it install it on that shuttle we're [ __ ] out of here where's the Valor now it's near cons keep us stable Isaac I'll grab a suit and Eva onto the Valor meet me there we'll find that core together let's see you see clean up their own mess I'm saving what I can Isaac we have a problem The Valor is carrying a 12 Megaton Warhead the crash hit the torpedo Bay hard I need you to handle that nuke right away before something sets it off handle 12 megatons you know I'm not a nuclear engineer right I don't need you to be just stabilize the Warhead and eject it away from the ishimura Christ dammit no one trained you to carve up monsters with a plasma cutter either you haven't let us down yet Mr Clark hello I must speak with you who is this Dr Terence kind the issue more is Chief science officer I studied the marker for the church I'm done talking to unitologists but the planet won't rest until the marker is returned you you can't leave watch me okay damn it this doesn't add up if the Valor was just on patrol why bring a nuke and if they had a Target what's out here except us yeah I know I'm downloading a Munitions report right now I'll clear your route to the engine room grab that Singularity core and let's get out of here Isaac you hearing this it's Jen Shane's dead you know that I know my own [ __ ] Corporal Chen come in unknown biohazard detected lockdown initiated another malfunction atheism wars in the red someone get the door open chin Christ what did that thing do to you help me get him to the Kelly and sure it's hot [ __ ] [Music] oh God [Applause] quarantine lockdown disengaged Flatline he oh my God Isaac come in I'm here [ __ ] that was close ten Johnston now Hammond and I'm tracking movement from The Valor I think some of those mutated Soldiers made it on board what about the Valor Singularity core covered in blood but I got it good I hope Hannah was right about that shuttle he said it was on the crew deck along with every unitologist on the ship and their marker you need to wait someone opened the door near the bridge atrium it'll get you to the crew deck but who's left with that kind of clearance Isaac something's up but we have to get that shuttle for God's sake be careful we're all that's left Isaac I'm losing you something on the crew deck must be interfering with the signal I can guess what that something is if the markers active [ __ ] the crew deck is locked down but the deck supervisor might have an override key the last location I have for her is the gym how long will it take to install the singularity core on that shuttle not long if no one tries to stop me hurry you can't leave the marker in their hands gonna hurt anyone else let's see Mercer still alive Mr clock I'm still denied convergence thanks for this in great Mercer wait tell me I want to understand what is Convergence but you already know dead or living we all feel Marcus purpose don't you want to be reunited but the people you lost hi yes yes and why not just me Mr Temple fused but we are so close everything that has happened on this tomorrow is just the beginning when you put it that way you and your marker can go to hell no God damn it at a slow death and stasis I think your death will come faster no no no not now [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah ah God Isaac sorry late shift how are you I am my mother she's some Octavia how's she doing she's dead Nicole they both are she killed my dad then herself yeah the church there you go took the bodies before I get up oh my oh my oh Isaac I'm so sorry stop it just stop talking you said she was herself again you said she would be better at home I trusted you you might as well have killed him yourself she was better told me to leave for the ishimura you you pushed me to you know what go to hell Isaac Nicole Nicole I didn't oh God no not her too Isaac it's me I wish I could talk too she wanted to talk sorry I can make it right I'm sorry I can save us both about everything hi I'm Dr Terence kind remember we spoke on the valley is your real let me in I need to destroy that cluster behind you not yet no escape on that shuttle and you'll kill us off when they took the mark it looked at being in the poor of the planet the hell is that Mercer calls it the hive mind Nexus organism which Necromorphs telepathropy if we leave while the hive mind is active you saw the Valor if even a single Necromorph escapes humanity is finished but the marker Emilia she knew she told me it would return the Beast to its Lumber okay so if we return the marker to ages seven it'll stop the outbreak exactly but we need the shuttle to return it to the planet you have a similarity core and I can let you through so what are you saying if it'll end this for good deal excellent I could distract Mercer but not for long get the marker to the shuttle Bay quickly thank you Mr Parker helping me fix my mind test fire in progress stand clear Don Harris foreign [Music] conversions make us whole um no I was promised perfect perfect do you read me Mr Clark Mr Clark come in [ __ ] this ship you're alive help me be [ __ ] open too Kendra yeah whatever you learned on the ishimura screaming critical damage to internal systems the market just ripped right through the ship something pulled it down to the cargo bay kind pilot the shovel the hangar I'm going after the marker of course Amelia quickly wait Dr kyne that guy's lost it he killed the captain we can't trust him near the marker he says returning it to the planet is the only way to end this we've got to try I'm ready to Cargo you paint Nicole's rig and tell her where to go leave it to me thanks when I get the marker we're all getting out of here Mr Clark we're approaching the hangar Bay we'll meet you there with the marker now we're riding it like deck trap control yes Amelia assume we'll send that I have mine back into the darkness so glad you gave that guy our only Escape shuttle [ __ ] Isaac those things you've killed their biomass has pulled down in the cargo bay it's recombined itself into well it's something huge and the markers embedded right in the middle how the how do we do this I've got the instruments cargo cranes they can move half a day of mining here no problem if whatever's down there wants to wrestle for the marker amen override the safeties and yes it might work but hurry we're losing critical systems fast [ __ ] pile of [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm reading a cargo transfer to the hangar Bay the marker good work Mr Clark on our way sign your flight path goes by air loss 19. I can get there from the computer core the pickup yes we'll be there can you make it to the airlock alone no movement on the cameras I'm just gonna run for it wish me luck okay [ __ ] it's my brother on the monitor he's right by the airlock don't let this place get to you Kendra we're out of time I keep it out there I can make it if I run Isaac we can't run the automated loading controls must be the damage to the ship we're losing time the hive mind is down there kind relax I'll turn off the gravity in the hangar then I can load the marker by hand all right no don't worry Amelia they understand oh Jesus there it is a marker the safeties are still on I need to restore gravity before we can load it hurry please go is she here humiliating he said I'm good sorry Isaac I couldn't trust him with the marker Kendra what are you doing when my department sent me here to do even if the Valor couldn't help me out like I wanted apartment are you I work for earthgov cleaning up a very very old mess I told you and him in the age of seven was off limits the planet was one big government experiment the marker this Divine artifact it was built by human hands that's awesome it's an alien world the miners dug up the [ __ ] the [ __ ] here a few hundred years ago even kind didn't pick up on that they found the first marker in some crater on Earth that one that was real alien enough to inspire unitology our people studied it and reverse engineered this red marker but they needed somewhere to test it ages seven you've seen the result stuff of nightmares I thought the old reports were just Hysteria until I saw what I saw they sealed off the whole system buried the records nice and clean until CEC got greedy those idiots tore each of seven apart and woke up with the old research team left behind sorry all under the rug damn it we have to return the marker if anyone else stumbles across ages seven it was disappeared once we can do it again seen how the marker [ __ ] with your head it must be contained for what it's worth we made a great team you'll find another way of the ishimura I mean you and hell of an engineer your experience gonna kill us off Daniels she doesn't understand Isaac come in it's Nicole where are you in the flight control room please you have to come up here now this still a way out for us but we don't have much time you made it time to find you atheism is coming apart and the other half swarming with those things how'd you get here you cleared the way I can always count on you not this time you couldn't have known she would take the marker she left us to die there's still hope couldn't recall the shuttle and remote pilot from here bring back the marker and we can return it to each of seven you can make us home again I just don't know what to do okay Isaac there you are God you're here it's coming apart I saw what you've been through your investigation Mercer what happened with us we don't have to talk about it I need you to know I'm sorry about everything it's okay Isaac you know I forgive you I love you well good but still hope you can recall the shuttle and remote pilot from here bring back the marker and we can return it to each of seven you can make us fall again I just want to make things right then let's do it together recalling shuttle usg09 crimping remote docking procedures damn it Isaac you don't know what you're doing I know I'm finally doing the smart thing you [ __ ] kidding me [ __ ] warning Escape pod lunch detected from shuttle usg09 I know [ __ ] kidding me [ __ ] warning Escape board launch detected from shuttle usg09 Escape pod damn lost her it doesn't matter she can't escape her fate but who can come Isaac I know because she was finished if we get on that show we're still going back leave no regrets go I'll reprogram the shuttle with our flight path to each of seven and join you on board Cross My Heart leave no regrets go I'll reprogram the shuttle with our flight path to each of seven and join you on board never again I never doubted you Isaac I knew you'd come back are you ready yes we're together again nothing can stop us now this isn't how I imagine saying goodbye to the ocean I'm good are you afraid Isaac no There's No Going Back it's easier when there's nowhere to go but forward study I'm good are you afraid Isaac no with you I can handle anything one more ride together then this is pretty nice no there's nothing to fear you've come so far this all began in the core of the planet Daniel said earthguff built the marker some experiment they abandoned hundreds of years ago if you're not ready hungry that'll try to eat us alive but we have the marker we'll put things back the way they were we will be whole again [Music] Isaac now's our chance Nicole you can upload the marker from the console come on look a light in the sky and grab each other's on the issue for our feeling the tectonic load we don't have long before All That Rock Falls how do we do this we've returned the market to its pedestal the loading track leads directly to the excavation site it'll work the hive mind will obey will behold again and you and I can be together just us recombines us but there's a dead space in that signal around the marker itself the eye of the storm they can't stay in it for long I've seen him what's this pedestal weather it amplifies Demarcus pulse will be felt across the planet and the living will see what can't be forgotten do you miss them Isaac Italian team medical empty day by day my friends left came back in body bags then came back you wonder is it insanity if everyone else sees what you see I never have left you in that place you know that it was my one bright shining star in that Darkness Isaac will sign me do you miss them Isaac Italian team yeah and your parents your mother was unitologist she believed she she believes so much it killed her is this what you would have wanted is she dead would that make this easier maybe it's a good thing I'll never know do you miss them Isaac Italian team yeah they think they're dead what do you think the Microsoft who they really were I don't remember them Isaac there's no power in this section the marker won't move we're losing time it's okay hit test connection what's it say power failure detected tether generator gravity control one of the ground side gravity tethers maybe a busted power line I'm on it please hurry oh [Music] thank you Isaac I always believed in you cool we're home again we are all emergency geo-orbital gravity tethers offline tectonic mode released impact evidence all Personnel evacuate immediately payload I'll restart the tether by its time now rerouting gravity tether controls come on come on all right forget it Isaac there's no fixing this let her go Daniels let who go can't you see how delusional you are we've got to go the payload from the planet crack is about to fall I gave you a chance to come around Isaac but if you still won't see it I'll help you one last time Wrigley override this time watch to the end she's Elizabeth phonics people itself what the market wanted you to see Jacob Temple for her and Nicole for you the cause been dead this whole time and you knew didn't you can't do something wasn't right but she's she's been through so much and at least now it'll be in safe hands the marker won't turn anyone else into its puppy I don't know she can't be what the hell did you do you did this to yourself Nicole's been dead this whole time you just couldn't handle it could you because if she's gone at least now it'll be in safe hands the marker won't turn anyone else into its puppet give me the load of remote no it's over we're whole again I'm not going to ask again cross no I'm not people will die then just do it I've got nothing left to lose [Applause] it's better this way Isaac you'll never recover from what the markers done to you and when the tectonic wheel drops all this will be buried just like earth goes wanted the shuttle I can still make it before she leaves [Music] last warning Isaac's I mean it Daniels ah damn [Music] my hands I know London because this is all I got left what I have to do you can't stop me thank you foreign I wish I could talk to you I'm sorry foreign [Music] really was a great ship yeah we were lucky to see your inner Prime are we going home Isaac there's so much work to do soon I promise gotta build a little something first for me [Music] what is it it's a surprise sweetie but I think you're gonna like it thank you foreign
Channel: Help Me Leon
Views: 23,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: isaac clarke voice lines, isaac clarke dialouge, isaac clarke dead space remake, isaac clarke, isaac clarke stomp, isaac clarke breathing, isaac clarke swearing, isaac clarke voice actor, dead space remake, nicole brennan dead space, nicole brennan dead space remake, nicole brennan dead space death, nicole brennan voice actor, isaac clarke dead space 1, isaac clarke dead space remake face, isaac clarke dead space remake voice, isaac clarke dead space remake voice actor
Id: BoHdVSyCRts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 5sec (5345 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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