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how to replenish your health everybody would sit up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is tram engineering think we figured it out Smith killed one listen forget about shooting him in the body you got to cut off the limbs grab a cutter anything like that cut him apart I finally convinced Jergens to show me the video feed from the company and what I thought was glorious breathtaking miners undergoing a transformation into something extraordinary I was not worried even as a believer within me wants to become one of them the scientist needs to uncover their secrets I need to study one of these Necromorphs as kind so clinically puts it I need to witness this infection person perhaps the patient from the colony you found something down there didn't you yes we found something so the texts were right all this time I wouldn't be certain of that there was nothing divined in what I saw we must embrace it we are the first witness of the thises inserting anyone down on the colony it's under warranty until we learn more to hell with Mathias he of all people should know that this is greater than him old operation or even the company this is our deliverance keep your voice down people are dying down there only the wardress and the believers but I believe to you please tell us do you can anybody hear me my name is Eileen [ __ ] I just woke up in here and everybody was gone I don't know what's happening why do they all leave I'm going to try and find someone if you can hear this please come for me I get any scratching of the wall hello who's there are you a doctor why is everyone wait I know you your hair is the prisoner from the colony you killed that nurse hope somebody help me science log chief science officer doctor kind reporting the colony's problems concerned me greatly I have no doubt they are somehow linked to the discovery of the marker but the exact nature of that connection is still unknown almost 40% of the colonists are experiencing form of dementia the obvious symptoms are acute depression insomnia and hallucinations incidents of violence and even murder also indicate extreme paranoia dr. Mercer has advised that I bring some of the affected on board for study doctor well on the planet side psychiatrist has reported that his own analysis has been elusive and hesitancy reliable at this point but I need his expertise we need solutions personal log acting chief engineer Jacob temple it's been two days since they pulled that planet open since my captain died the panic the riots they were nothing compared with what came after our friends our co-workers started coming back changed coming back to kill us drag us away Rutger disappeared this morning and I have to assume he's dead my crew they're starting to crack I'm trying to keep an eye on them but right now I have bigger problems we're hemorrhaging fuel and the primary engine is laboring Danvers and I are gonna try to reach the fuel depot to see if we can fix it he's crazy god sake oh god he's dead relax he's alive he hit that door pretty hard man why would he do something like that I don't get shut it gamers like to get engineering log temple reporting someone has shut off the fuel lines to the primary engine and damaged the valves in the process I need to be repaired before I can reopen them but we're running out of time with the engine offline orbit decay will begin in less than 10 hours I just can't understand who would do this if it's one of those crazy Unitologist bastards I'll break their neck help me with the tools temple apps this is temple now the centrifuge is offlined we've got four trillion tons of rock hanging off our ass and without that centrifuge to balance the ship the gravity tethers will pull straight down to the colony I'm heading in there now to see if I can fix it this is a temple screw the engine I can't restore it by myself with all the other [ __ ] going on it's obvious this is sabotage I'm heading for the bridge and then I need to find Elizabeth I've got to get out of this ship it's not safe Issac impact on the bridge right at your feet I'm reading heavy damage but containment looks solid the life support is stabilized we've got to get the ABS working they've already killed Nick death we need to hurry back up here immediately this is temple the bridge is [ __ ] I don't know what went on in there but I'm not sticking around in case whatever did it comes back I'm heading for hydroponics don't mind Elizabeth [Music] personal log dr. Chasseur I now have a life out there for my study I'm eager to value my tissue regeneration you initial restraint was promised because now the patient's resting comfortably he trusts he puts his life in my hands he knows his part in all of this understands what I'm doing the forehead has been swapped clearly to create a passage to Hey for so long dr. chalice was the specimen continues to respond well my experiments at 7:42 not to mention elasticity is redundant dr. chi I'm sure would disapprove but I do not anticipate that the issue has the good doctor is busying himself with the marker as if that matters now he has also succumbed to the same dimension that afflicted the colony only yesterday he told me has spoken to his wife but Amelia kind has been dead for some years my subject grows restless patients your time is soon there is hydroponics log dr. Elizabeth cross reporting I'm pleased to say that we're working close to maximum capacity at the present time all flora is healthy and thriving and food yield has created a surplus I was going to pass the surplus on to the colony but the captain has given a no-fly order I want to note my opposition to that order everyone knows they're in trouble down there and I don't see what denying them our surplus will achieve hello security thank God this is dr. Krauss hydroponics I'm trying to locate second engineer Jacob temple I can't get through to engineering course I know there's a shipwide medical alert that's what I'm trying to locate him no we're safe for now but the tram is down and we can't reach the escape pod hello hello hydroponic law dr. cross reporting something huge just slammed into the hole near food storage it wasn't a rogue asteroid I know what that sounds like but it was big and heavy I'll report again no more this is temple acting chief engineer I came down here to find dr. Elizabeth cross but she's not here in fact I can't find anyone just where this organic [ __ ] everywhere I'm going to check the mining deck it's about the only place I haven't looked yet hydroponics log this is dr. cross it's hard for me to believe what I'm seeing here this is crazy absolutely crazy I'm going to the mining deck I hear the survivors are gathering Jacob I'll wait for you there this is temple I found a wizz abyss but there isn't a single space where the vessel in the whole goddamn bay hurry up we need to find a beacon there's God if you want around here somewhere doctor kind what the hell are you come any closer and I'll shoot him give me the access codes to the cargo bay yes this is processing why the hell would I have coats the cargo don't lie to me I'm sick of everyone lying to me it is imperative that I get the marker give me those codes I don't have them is this what you did to the captain go on shoot relieve that's all idiot it's the only way of stopping the only way to ended he's completely lost it somebody call security yeah processing lucky supervisor second engineer Dallas reporting this will be my last report I have seen what they do to the bodies what they become and I can't let that happen to me at least if I don't have any limbs and the kids that I love them [Music] communications lock first comms operator Bailey reporting the ship is under attack but requests to issue a distress call have been repeatedly denied by captain Mathias he won't say it but everyone on the bridge knows why this is an illegal operation in a prohibited system we've all known for months and we kept our mouth shut not anymore Mayday Mayday Mayday this is USG Ishimura this is hell I don't believe this the whole calm system is offline now he's gone too far Bailey out this is commander category we have hostiles on board this is not a drill hostiles are aliens repeats alien and extremely dangerous all personnel have weapons ready and fire at will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no no no the shuttle is mine I control access to the shuttle if it could make the journey I could fix everything I'm sorry mr. Clarke unless you can prove to me you can get it space worthy again I'm afraid I can't let you through I need to know you're on my side Captain's Log personal I want to set the record straight but the time this log has heard my actions will have been vindicated I'm a Unitologist by now it's probably no secret that we shouldn't be in this star system just another illegal mining job for the company that is until the colony found the marker that was when the church took an interest and chose me to leave this pilgrimage they also ensured many of the mission crew were devout my primary instruction was to get the locker up from the colony and on board this ship dr. kind the CSO is an expert in the original marker and was passed with deciphering this new one he says he's making good progress my decision to quarantine the colony is sound they've got some kind of epidemic down there and I can't allow it to infect this ship not with such precious cargo not when we are so close planet crack takes place tomorrow we'll continue to decipher the marker and when we return home will pass all our findings and a marker to the church the government isn't going to cover this one out Almond be praised this is sergeant Neumann jisuk we walk all the shuttles one of them just took off it came straight back down and crashed into the bay took a couple of hundred people and all the remaining shuttles with it if anyone can hear this do not land do not land [Applause]
Channel: TickleMyFickle
Views: 82,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dead, Space, ds1, ds2, ds3, logs, audio, text, video, usg, ishimura, isaac, clarke, nicle, kendra, hammond, missable, collectable, collect, guide, walkthrough, achievement, necromorphs, death, montage, plasma, cutter, captain, all, compilation, marker, ending, miss, 100%, hivemind, planet, cracker, ps3, xbox, pc, EA, 2008, game, games, older, complete, location, content
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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