Sweet Deception | Full Drama Thriller Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Music] are you sure you don't want to open an interest-bearing account mr. Gallagher no thank you we offer very attractive rates especially on larger deposits that won't be necessary you know dollar bills they like rabbits what do you mean I love to multiply as long as you let them do that thing well when I'm ready left line run wild you'll be the first do you have the key right here don't lose it it's the only coffee don't worry I won't do you mind if I use your office for a minute of course not [Music] what are you wearing my old stinky gardening clothes another when you talk dude how's the weather in Denver snow is finally stopped the airport's reopened and say my plan will get off the ground in about an hour so you might actually make the dance after all I've heard by crook wouldn't miss it for the world I need do you want a doctor I don't miss my flight just tell her daddy's on his way go on without me though I'll meet you at the country club as soon as I can I better get going okay you have a safe flight love you I love you too let's see tonight [Music] risa oh hi it was your daddy on the phone he's no longer snowed in he's coming yep he'd be a little late but he's coming awesome don't forget you promised to help me with my hair I know but Lenny's picking me up at 7:00 I'll be right there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't forget it'll be the mail drop in this one [Music] [Music] no no no I don't have any spare change hello are you wearing no cat Barry are you alone mrs. Gallagher not exactly mr. Gallagher another man happens to be looking down my dress as we speak we're the kids away what can I say do I know him I mean describe him to you he's got bad teeth and I can smell him with my window up all right somewhere on industry Avenue getting my racial communities tonight with the traffic on the freeway was a nightmare so I thought I'd try a little shortcut so much for bright ideas SFO I'm in my car inching out of airport parking you should see the traffic here it's bumper-to-bumper when it looks like we're both going to be late for heaters being late worried about you give you gun in the glove box [Music] like always I don't worry in all the right places and I never wrote darling okay I see it the dance [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening good evening miss Gallagher nice to see you again hello Gail bee tell me about it how are you this evening ma'am [Music] yeah yeah anybody look beautiful what about me darling how do I look you're always the winner darling oh you're too kind greasy you sit right here let me get that chair for you there you go Oh have you spoken to fan he's coming straight from the airport that's good we get to work on that McMann case getting ready for Monday morning right you promised no work tonight I don't want to hear another word all I'm saying is I'm just happy Finn's back that's all gone me too do your good health and you are through this Cheers bread before thin guys who can I ask you something you heard Eva mean no more business tonight this new lawsuit of kids huh she can't win can she of course not she already got half the money out of the department well let me tell you ladies something this here is a state of California and anyone can win anything at any time and don't you ever forget that we got something get your arm around baby well aren't you accessorize dad how are you it's fine Eva hello kid how are you hello kid hello Risa beautiful dress it's too bad they get in your side please let's be soon isn't kidding kidding like what is she breath of fresh air you know I liked it much better when she drank burger oh it's the truth isn't it good evening mr. Gallagher hey Cody my wife brought yes sir both of them make things interesting your partner in crime she's right excuse me well look who's here I've got the best-looking date tonight yeah who the man I love and the man I've missed for two days oh I missed you too let's get out of here the last time not sure she noticed well well well well would you look at the newlyweds aren't you two just the perfect little couple okay Finn why didn't you buy our daughter a new dress it's my alimony check got you to strap this month I like her dress really that old thrift shop rag please it's an antique that belonged to my grandmother and you don't try that on and loved it my daughter's never looked more beautiful man good taste has never been your strong suit kid why don't you go hang out at the bar flies better watch out darling he's got a habit of promoting his chip secretaries Devon Pettersen was before you and I don't think another when I asked for you just ignored so I enjoy yourself hi Brett welcome back partner later good evening miss Patterson could you give this note to mr. Gallagher for me sure discreetly of course a note for you but nobody has to be in by midnight come on I don't think so okay let's cross that okay have it your way merch is he oh no daddy everyone's going to the all-night diner later can I go she wants to stay out - 1 o'clock - - yeah fine hmm tell you all about it later ok so I've been working on something new a lot to both of us but this weekend we'll go together why don't just to us okay and even he's leaving already he just got here sometimes I don't know if he's married to me or to his work well join the club [Music] so where have you been my daughter's dance don't be like where were you last night that's some place nice and one doing what exactly feeding my rabbits it's not the battery mrs. Gallagher the jumper cables didn't work either Oh can I use your phone are you there damn it Finn where are you it's nothing either had to put up with your ex-wife's insults all night and now I'm here all alone and my car is dead I could kill you for walking out to me tonight shall I call a tow truck mrs. Gallagher no I'm too tired for this I leave it here koulikov would you girl be [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] then [Music] [Music] [Music] don't overturn floor lamp suitcase half packed when someone didn't want him going wherever he was gonna go what do you think Malloy a lover's quarrel what the wife say the usual she claims they're happy as clams come on talk to me eventually you don't I'm wearing just didn't what the daughter has to say she's downstairs in the living room [Music] neither I know this is a tough time for you I have to know what happened [Music] you know the SUNY to tell me what you know the better chance we had to find him the guy that did this to you leave her alone she's in no condition so I'm just trying to do my job this isn't show can't you see that I take it your Risa Gallagher good can I ask you some more yes but not here what time did he come back in the country though he got a message around 9:30 anything wrong I don't know he said he was an emergency so why was he packing why was it going he wasn't packing to go anywhere he was unpacking from his trip to Denver he took Hawaiian shirts and suntan lotion to Denver this time of year you keep a gun in the house no I keep putting my car he's at your Carlson no that's famous Finn's mind still at the Country Club it wouldn't start maybe if I got back sooner i fain would have been actually one more question do you know if your husband had any enemies no that I know huh she only married in four months I worked for Athena for a year before we married never run to anyone who didn't like you okay it's my car you think of anything or anyone know where you get in touch with me you go back your step down now we'll finish up upstairs maybe there is one person what was that you couldn't exactly say he was on the best of terms with the former mrs. Gallagher kid was very drunk she loved the country club before me no that's ridiculous you couldn't possibly have done something like this well check [Music] risa what exactly did you tell the police that you and Finn were not on the best of terms because of the divorce oh and did you tell them you saw me shoot Finn in cold blood I never said such a thing funny that's what they heard you didn't really say that did you of course not honey I was taken to the police station and treated like a criminal because you think that I would kill the father of my only child is that some kind of a sick joke Lisa how could you I never meant to accuse you they asked me a question I answer as honestly as I could you'll be hearing from my attorney in the meantime you stay away from me and you stay away from my child don't you worry about that I'll take care hon I just wish you to talk to me before she answered a few basic questions if the police would have asked me I would have said exactly the same thing she did him in in a drunken rage Eva you saw her in action that night seen Finn so happy with me I made her blood boil Eva that's enough fine Risa Brett and I would love you to come and stay with us oh we're not gonna take no for an answer your family [Music] Eva which long you gonna be what do you people think you're doing this is a crime scene telly relax we know not to touch anything my husband's a lawyer darlin he knows who I am now we're just here to pick up a couple of Reese's things you'd be staying with us for a couple of days that's all we're doing here detective did these upstairs yes this is Gallagher yes what's going on placing you under arrest for what trespassing in her own house for the murder of Finley Gallagher what Risa whatever it is I'll take care you stay calm down you all right [Music] the house the real-estate the business investments asset stocks bonds everything he left you darlin he never told you about it I didn't know he changed his well what about cash you keep gesture on a house whatever he had in his wallet maybe a couple of hundred bucks no I mean big money hidden somewhere no why are you asking me this Ben and I have a couple of clients that deal with us on a cash-only basis and I'm just hoping that he didn't uh try to keep some of that off the books that's all it's nothing like that Bret I would have known that's good cause it to be bad if the police would find a cache of money hidden somewhere in the house before we had a chance of telling Risa say nothing of the RS did lock your state up for you why are we talking about money I'm sorry I know I sound insensitive but the prosecution is gonna be looking at anything and everything and trying to build this case against you they're not gonna be wearing kid gloves they they're gonna say stupid things like he was packing because he was planning on leaving you it was unpacking from his trip to Denver Oh suntan lotion and flip-flops he wasn't leaving me okay the negative move on to the murder weapon found the weapon lying right by his side and just so happens that gun turns out to be yours how do I explain that it's obvious whoever killed Finn screwed up my car to make me late getting home they took the gun from my car so you're gonna say that the person who intended on killing your husband knew about the gun ahead of time took it out of your car and put it in your bedroom how am I supposed to sell the jury on that huh whose side are you on our hearts I'm just getting the sinking feeling I'm gonna walk into that Court now hold hands tied behind my back all I can tell you is the truth I didn't kill my husband isn't that good enough this Court is now in session he was shot directly in the chest at point-blank range the bullet entered his heart he died instantly the only fingerprints found on the gun belonged to Risa Gallagher and when I came upstairs she was leaning over my father [Music] McKenna's right beside her on the flo conducted a very thorough investigation of crime scene and found no evidence of forced entry no evidence was struggled it did find was a very interesting message young mr. Gallagher's voice me damn it Taylor are you snotty never had to put up with your ex-wife's insults all night you know I'm here all alone and my car is dead I could kill you for working out too me too right mrs. Gallagher did you kill your husband I didn't kill my husband I loved him how long do you think the jury would be out never can tell Risa could you read anything in their faces Brett Missy you said I've done everything in my power to get this jury to let you off now the truth is you never know what [Music] have you reached a verdict we have your honor on the charge of first-degree murder we find the defendant Risa Gallagher guilty [Applause] it's okay hon go file an appeal [Music] Natalie Johnson 20 dealer cut a coke with baking soda she iced him split his head open with a tire iron says it was a case of self-defense Gillette aboard oh the Dro shot a guy in ATM for 20 bucks says it's a case of mistaken I didn't Rize Gallagher the Nob Hill killer knocked off a rich husband for the insurance money says she's innocent hey oh come on come on step on it that staff st. Gabriel's Correctional Institute for women beautiful ladies are gonna love it [Laughter] [Music] [Music] things dipped dress no Mia doesn't better son something I yeah you sure how much yeah safety deposit box central western day 10 tomorrow see they're sorry I kept you so late you must have somebody waiting for you no no boyfriend I can't believe that actually my mother went to church last Sunday specifically d'lita candle for the saint of new boyfriend's st. Anthony as a matter of fact so I'm expecting a new boyfriend any day now [Music] or money you a merrily press play what did I do kids family agreed to give me a divorce st. Anthony and I have been having serious discussion about you what kind of this guy sent the subject of marriage how much insurance money you killed for hon didn't you hear me I said how much insurance money you killed him for I didn't kill him yeah sure honey damn a sheep fun that I give her two days in st. Gabriel before somebody beats the crap out of her and if she don't wipe that hi I'm mighty look up a mug it might be me come on Bosco big time st. Gabriel's it's almost up to Mill Valley and I got a late date when I get back yes you got a late date miss dumb face full of buckshot [Applause] hey where's the toilet in this but it's right next to the catering kitchen it's got gold faucets hey if you want to pack the ballgown we can have it past for now I could use a red star she's got a classic ways to I can use a red stop hey this thing back here we could use a rest stop come on give me a break nothing out here but bushes he'll go says we get a rest stop yeah hey we use your toilet you're planning on buying gas no we're planning on using your toilet what you like it or not official police business yeah it's around the back try not to mess it up okay Natalie alone what is bugging you you give me a lot I'm a gentleman I need to go to okay whatever let's just go well we don't have all day I mean you gotta shut the door what for [Music] [Music] such a fake you know it's good for you so you weigh right now old man [Music] miss Nob Hill you've got it now give me the gun of your next you shoot me I should have the tire you're not going anywhere [Music] help me with him 9-1-1 you've heard me have a wounded man here called 9-1-1 you're gonna shoot me I will shoot you if you don't do it this is Telecom pants cause allowed out on Mill Road ambulance now man's been shot too soon as a look at you Oh lady don't do this [Music] hey cat once the story doesn't make us look like idiots you don't pay ask in your glory too soon haven't you heard what convicts hijacked a prison bus precinct Alec is on the lam [Music] [Music] we help you how you doing tonight hey Dylan are you a little out of your jurisdiction detective well yeah a little you know the Nob Hill killer and the guy that put her behind bars Oh what do you know temporarily anyway so what happened here three female prisoners hijacked the prison bus right over there one of them shot the driver in the lake we got him over to County Hospital looks like he's gonna be okay female guards handcuffed with the sinking back there where's she now sure with the driver in the ambulance and prisoners are you gonna love this what two of them took the bus down the i-5 well that was brave yeah we got them about an hour ago no kidding and Risa Gallagher where is she she's still at large and nothing yet any witnesses anyone I can talk to yeah the owner they're gonna bang that gun and then she comes in here and she's waving to get rid of my face man I was just scared you know wet my pants and then what happened she got the clothes she got my clothes and it was shirt and boots and stuffing and my deer rifle I was kind of making a try for it you know but she got the drop on me and then then she made me call 9-1-1 what number your call when there's an emergency and stuff I know what it is why did she make you call it okay she was worried about the guy with the hole in his leg so instead of tying you up and yanking the cord at the phone now so you couldn't fall in a place she actually made you phone you got it [Music] now a regional news story a bus transporting three female convicts to say Gabriel's Correctional Institute was hijacked late yesterday three convicts overpowered the guards during a rest stop at Billy Bob's Gas guzzle on Mill Road in Sonoma County one of the convicts was recent Gallagher the Nob Hill killer two prisoners have been captured but Risa Gallagher is still at large and was last seen heading south police caution she is armed and extremely dangerous yeah I was watching it on TV what do you mean follow her how am I supposed to know where she is are you crazy there's no telling what she'll do I'm taking my share and getting out of here while I can stop yelling at me if you hadn't been so greedy in the first place we wouldn't be in this mess no there's no point in us getting together there's nothing to discuss I'm leaving hello I'm looking for Arianna Stanton yeah that's me come on in been nine years since I was mugged well it lodged in my spine I still have those dreams about being a convent school and skipping rope potato two potato silly isn't it I don't get much call for men's manicures especially cops who said I was a cop you lie down with cops you get up with instincts I married two of them every woman I ever knew one cop is enough yeah well I've always had a weakness for men and navy-blue I'm not the first one when I got off the boat Risa was just 12 it was shot two years later and then the second one was Jimmy stamped as you know Jimmy I knew of him yeah well he adopted Risa no he just adored her used to let him ride with him in his patrol car that's him with her over there he sure was good-looking yeah we had Jimmy with us for 15 years until that incident in the post office I remember he was a brave man yeah and then a couple of years later Risa decided to go to cop school I almost went crazy I lit so many candles that father said I was gonna burn the church down and then just before she was gonna get her badge she quit it was my press that did it to be heard from dominant she won't be running loose for long when I find her I'll try to make it easy on her well Saint Anthony is going to protect her my daughter is a good girl she works hard she helps people she paid off the mortgage on his house free and clear does that sound like a killer to you the jury convicted her the jury a Malloy you know as well as I do that once you're in the system you don't stand a chance it's like hospital going in you're healthy as a horse and coming out you're in a hearse and ask for justice we can all forget about that I can tell you one thing Lisa did not kill Finn she was nuts about him I don't know for sure you've never had a manicure before am i right I am usually right but most things [Music] by the way that photo album that you have stashed under your coat I don't mind you borrowing it but I am quite fond of it so if you don't mind bringing it back someday [Applause] [Music] [Music] so give me that report okay hey Malloy hey how about search yeah she shipped that dogs smart woman huh I got something here that might interest you positive ID on the woman found murdered the hometown in name's Devin Patterson occupation secretary she checked in may the 14th registered under the name of Gloria Johnston she had two passports in her purse one in each name and a plane ticket to Barcelona so you're telling me all this for a reason captain direct connection to the Gallagher case how so she used to be finding out his secretary strangle with a bathrobe tie approximate time of death several hours after Risa Gallagher skate so you're saying the Risa Gallagher killed fin Gallagher and now Devin Patterson it's a theory it's a stretch okay you remember the valley captain who testify at the recent Gallagher's car wouldn't start the night of the murder yeah and was named to be guppy del V go apparently didn't volunteer everything you knew about that night like what like the lillian significant fact that Devin Patterson gave him a note to deliver a Finn Gallagher and a big tip to keep us know sure maybe alright maybe Risa Gallagher didn't both [Music] club Risa I've been worried sick about you okay I'm still alive so far I gotta tell you I had nothing to do with wounding that guard I know he wouldn't do that where are you I'm gonna need your help your boy what Risa Gallagher just made a credit card call raising it for you [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll be right back with a change Hey leaving so soon what's the big hurry better get home where's home maybe I could give you a ride that's alright I'm nearby look like you could use some company got a boyfriend he's home it's very jealous let's do that thanks anyway just likes to eat coffee yes you got go bad timing look I'll come in tomorrow and I'll make sure they put me in your section and we can talk some more okay yeah okay [Music] Yoga [Music] oh this is looking really good you know that detective Malloy that was here looking for you do you know that he reminded me of Jimmy every cop reminds you of Jimmy when he was certainly good-looking mm-hmm nice to arrested me and derogated me was a witness against me can't wait to put me back behind bars real nice life take a look mmm you think even your own mother wouldn't recognize you in fact I don't thanks mom you're a lifesaver [Music] I'll take no I need another do you remember how your father died guns are nothing but trouble Risa I didn't kill Finn I need to prove I didn't do it I know you didn't darling but you don't need a gun to prove that you need brains it's big difference between being a fugitive from justice and an armed fugitive from justice well again you captured the other okay you killed [Music] [Music] do you need any money no Missy Landy had her annual parents morning yeah $56 take it man yes yes if that cop comes around again anything you want me to say to him of this tell him to stop chasing me and find the real killer Risa Gallagher found you and you decide not to contact us why I didn't know I should didn't know you should your husband is a criminal lawyer now we have to get him to explain to you what the law says about aiding a fugitive that dog wouldn't hunt in any court of law detective and you know it I'll have it thrown out second what did she want she wanted to let me know that she had nothing to do with wounding that guard just like she had nothing to do with killing her husband understandably my wife is upset I don't appreciate you doing that in my house detective so you don't have anything else no y'all worn out your wealth actually there is something else did you know a woman named Devin Patterson she was Finn's secretary before Risa she's dead found murdered yesterday I'm sorry to hear that I hope you don't mind seeing yourself to the door detective not at all thank you Eva [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] recognize you dog good you didn't get hurt anything like that you okay I'm fine why'd you go running off like that especially I'm trying to work on your appeal I can't prove I'm innocent if I'm sitting in jail Devin Peterson was murdered yesterday what they're gonna think that both of these murders are connected of course I connect it I'd like to check him a law he's been sniffing around I hate to be the one to tell you this Risa but he thinks that Finn and Devon were having an affair what are you saying were they maybe Finn was well you know he was Finn I guess I didn't know today can you use this somehow I don't see how especially from a loss thinking that Finn was having an affair on you with Devon that'll make you suspect one for both murders I gotta find the killer no darlin what we gotta do is find your way out of this country leave the country yes anywhere anywhere is better than you spending the rest of your life behind some prison bars and a penitentiary now ain't it do you really think it's come to this Oh Risa wake up darling oh come on you're convicted murderer you're an escaping your fugitive from the law considered armed and dangerous for crying out loud no yes I do think it's time for a desperate course of action now welcome to the real world what's up sorry look you know if we find some new evidence later on that a clear your name well I think that's just great you can come back to this country to be a free woman you write a book you on taupe you do whatever the heck you want to do right now it's a reality check how would I get across the border I know somebody who has a plane we could uh you can fly below the radar get you into Mexico once you're there you can go anywhere what would I do for money everything I inherited from finish tied up in probate you know well didn't you or Finn have a safety deposit box you know for jewelry and documents important things like that maybe there's something in there not that I know of no my jewelry still at home you know what that's not the important thing right now I'll pull together some cash but probably take me a day to make the arrangements for the plane the important thing right now is to get you out of the open like this oh won't you be careful recently how do I get in touch with you I'll leave her a message for you on the office voicemail if I need something to write a good access cool down don't forget to call me now I'm here for you know so how's life with your mom terrible we fight all the time about what risa mostly moms always putting her down and you defend her I used to hate her cuz I was sure she killed my dad but now I think I'm wrong I mean recent love dad so much I know I was living there too she'd never kill him mom hates Risa she UPS the police shoot her well maybe you should spend some more time over here honey this why don't you come for dinner on Friday you would love to see you okay [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a light blue Crown Victoria oh wait go tracing your card oh never mind we got it [Applause] [Music] must gone upstairs come on [Music] hey hey hey hey what up a second now oh you've been a key to room 23 16 well I just gave that key to one of your people I mean one my favorite yeah some lady cop with dark hair good-looking when did she go up about 15 minutes ago is there any other way to get out of here without going through the lobby oh yeah what'd you guys lose go down a service elevator back there that bring you down to the loading dock help my friend out show where it is [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm not services what's here when you read me yeah your eyes open anyway [Music] [Music] give me crane hey captain its Malloy Sullivan Finn Gallagher's office looks like she was here no no I think she got out the back from the service elevator you know knowing her she's probably on the other side of town right now you know you better put the word out and tell them that she's dressed like a cop yeah I'm serious that's very funny I will [Music] [Music] hello hides me are you all right I can't talk for long can you meet me I need money when I put my white dress 1:8 thank you what's going on here well we got two dates numbers whole thing it looks like somebody embezzled ten million dollars that's a lot of money what if Devin Patterson weren't just the other woman from Gallagher's life what if they were running some kind of white-collar scam together you know phony Billings to various corporations represented by Finn's law firm how would that explain the murders well somebody finds out what they're into and kills them both for the money like Risa Ganga it all comes back to her oh boy what don't lose her I'll be right there jackpot what you know that phone tap you put on Newcomb's lang good morning hey it just paid off reset phone even though come once a meeting where I don't know what tailing Eva so she's gonna go to it [Music] [Music] anything happening no still nothing here I don't come down [Music] there's our guy in the door never seen him before maybe you should go up remember what she looks like right [Music] help you man oh no I I made for a friend she's late she's always late I have a friend like that we have a sale on that suits today have you seen me no no over here oh yes that is lovely you know excuse me I'll be right back [Music] [Music] sorry yeah I think the cops know I'm here how do they know oh this is wonderful beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she's just good nice job [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] someone's inside the gala graphs oh don't get too excited it's probably just a mellow Falls arms all right I'm on my way [Music] [Music] [Music] voicemail for Gallagher and Newcombe please enter your access code [Music] you have two new messages first message hi it's pretty eva's worried sick over what happened at the department store so I hope you all right now I don't want you to try and call us here at the house I think the home phone is tapped now everything is arranged just like we discussed be there tomorrow night at eight o'clock you'll soon be a free one second message as Wallis telly in accounting over here at D H and L industries I know I'm only supposed to talk to Devon but she's dead emergency here I think mr. leiker's should know [Music] [Music] [Music] this is green sorry you know captain I am starting to thank you sir Gallagher is innocent now think about this for just half a second you know she is running circles around us she's as smart as they come you really think someone that's smart he's gonna leave an incriminating message like that even smart people do stupid things so you really believe that she's gonna use her own gun leave her prints all over it you know what I believe the jury now give it a rest boy all right I'm heading home I got some thinking to do [Music] hello hoping you'd come out of hiding do you have a nice shower all right and what happened someone to follow with me in a car when I left the shop took a few shots at me somebody shot you now let me take a look at that if you knew I was here why did you lie to your boss nice I thought it was time for you and I to have a heart-to-heart off the record do you find anything that bullet grace you're pretty good [Music] it's gonna be tight you sure you know what you're doing so why are you from anyway Jersey I've been here for a while why is it that you never can meet anybody who was born here this is San Francisco the city no one's from thank you for not turning me here I know you could lose your badge for this I'm right about you did you look at the Devin Patterson file computer disk yeah I took the bait I'm up to speed so you know there's ten million dollars of embezzled money somewhere yes and Devin appeared to be partners in the whole scheme they were probably also partners off the playing field did you know he had a secret life he was cheating on his wife with Devlin when I was working there but you married him anyway love makes you stupid it is stupid enough to pull the trigger is that what you'd like to believe I don't know what I should believe but I do know there's a third partner in all this why do you think that according to the records there was 10 million right what a week before your husband was murdered three cash withdrawals were made to close out the account each cash withdrawal was exactly the same amount three million three hundred and thirty three thousand why would the money be divided into thirds there's only two partners that's what I'm saying I see my hunch is if the three partners got scared they decided to split the money and hide we already know that Devin pettersen was planning to leave the country and her purse we found a one-way ticket to Barcelona and a passport in the name of Gloria Johnson I saw an invoice for a safety deposit box in Devon Peterson's computer file it's in the central and western bank under the name of Gloria Johnson Devin Patterson is murdered from what's in that box three million three hundred thirty three thousand dollars I'm gonna get a court order I have that drill you won't runway I'm counting on you everything looks kosher I guess I had no choice not all right last time Gloria Johnson visited her safety deposit box was May 14 she was found dead the very next morning okay open it up wait a sec make you a little bet five bucks says that box is in go ahead that lock is gonna cost me $200 if they knew the box was empty why did you draw it I have to make sure only five bucks you hold now me my everything hey boy so who's gonna pay the $200 safety deposit box is empty any ideas there is something that's bugging me when I chug Bret's voicemail there was a second message was from Sam accountant says he knows he was supposed to deal with Devin but she's dead sounded scared I figured was a client maybe not maybe that's the source of all the cash what is who was close enough to Finn and Devin to be part of their game who was close enough to you to know that you had a gun in your car who was close enough to frame you for both murders Brad Newcomb he defended me not too well he lost the case he's been helping me helping you Risa helping you how he's making arrangement for me to leave the country tonight brilliant what better way to protect himself he gets you right out of the picture he asked me if I had any valuables in the safety deposit box you know what that means he never got his hands on Finn's share perhaps the only reason that he hasn't killed you yet he's hoping that you'll lead him to the missing third of the money it must have been him that shot at you if he thinks that I know where the money is why is he trying to kill me it's not trying to kill he was trying to scare you into finding Finn's money and showing up the airport money in hand so if I show up without it then what it's just gonna put me on the plane and wave bye-bye he has no intention of letting you on that plane he's arranged this whole thing to get himself out of the country with an extra third grade he's got 10 million bring it with you I catch him with the money in trouble zero crane will have my head in a platter I may be come on well I'd surprise you with a little trip down to Mexico town lucky second honeymoon if there's a certain stowaway in baggage well we don't know anything about that do we where's my visa other country no why would I can suffice to like that now come on hop in I don't be late get that bag in it all right hi I'm Eva I need up hi what are you doing here uncle Brett asked me to come sure I thought it'd be nice if it needed said goodbye to reason don't you you sure you want to go through with this I have to see any way to get the evidence from you let me turn you in anytime all right say something nice you're a good man my mom always says grubs are the only way to go this guy's a killer be careful I'm gonna be listening but I may not be able to see everything so if you spot any danger I need you to cue me so I can get in there fast I say it's getting late you'd better get going for one second don't feel safe anymore [Music] [Music] [Music] Reesa Reesa me here Brett don't worry she better look I want you stockpiling that phony flat slang just be ready to move the minute she shows up alright uncle Brett can I please come with you guys can't do that and what about your mother my mom won't even notice a few time she's gone kid from Mexico that's so cool can I go check out the planes I don't know about that Brett well where is she huh we're taking a big risk doing this for her the least she can do is show up and be on time why didn't we bring her with us well I wanted to but she wouldn't tell me why she's calling from luggage some things that guy you went shopping when did you have time well I didn't pick them up I had my secretary go do it just a couple things to get us started that's all why didn't you ask me I would have done no go there she is hold on oh no we gotta get ourselves going you sure you want to do this bad could you get disbarred for smuggling a fugitive out of the country we're done money come on you know what I'm talking about no I don't why don't you tell me all right the three million dollars that Finn took from the corporate account I want now where did you then get three million dollars you stay out of this Eva I said you stay out of this I don't think so Bret you're killed him didn't you hey Risa we filed the dumpee flight plans let's go what's Anita doing here come on over Don stay I need to stay there we coming that's right you've got a gravity of the country fast that's good first I want my money it's getting ready to be better get going nobody steals from me [Music] we're not pooping that's what I can see you get it off all right don't shoot you got me [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Reesa Reesa [Music] [Music] hello ah just doing some gardening how are you good I'm good I just I just called to make sure you're okay good so uh listen how'd you like to get together for dinner tonight maybe dessert by myself sir they will be nice milord yeah great I'll pick you up any perfect see you later okay those flowers are really beautiful Anita I owe you an apology mother wouldn't let me contact you all through the childhood I should have written you a letter or something I never really believed you coulda killed dad I should have never mentioned to another to propose no the way she treated daddy she deserved to be a suspect actually I kind of enjoyed watching her freak out this kid know you here I'd probably take her a couple weeks to notice I'm gone I wondered if you'd let me stay here for a day or two Thanks oh if you wouldn't want to help me with my hair would you I've got a really important date tonight go on chef wood I'll be right there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 263,916
Rating: 4.6192536 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube
Id: -b2slU_bPR8
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Length: 88min 15sec (5295 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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