BLACK HAND 2019 Full Movie

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Detective Collins I'll be right there what's the situation? Trace on the plates came back Cyrus Maroni The rich guy? Yah Is it safe? Yah, no gas leak detected Yeah it's him all right Let's bag this for evidence Also, we need to get a blood sample I need to know if he was drinking What do you think happened? Well those are sleeping pills It's a pretty full bottle so I don't think it was a suicide Could have just been an accident And why wasn't he wearing a seatbelt He could have survived this People need to wear their seatbelts Evening Officer Sorry for the inconvenience sir, but you have to wait for us to clear the scene Is there another way back into town? Yeah but the detour takes you back 20 minutes, we have a lane clear up in ten Okay thanks Excuse me officer, I'm a reporter and I was wondering if there is any information that you can share with me about what happened here Which paper are you with? Whichever one that pays, I'm a freelancer I don't have any information They usually do these kind of thing down at the station Okay, thanks anyway Excuse me Officer, one more question, who's that? Lead Detective Collins May I have a word with him I'm afraid not Why don't you wait in your car Mrs. Maroni Mrs. Maroni, a question please Mrs. Maroni Mrs. Maroni, was the death an accident What happened in there? Mrs. Maroni, did they rule it an accident? Mrs. Maroni, just one comment One comment please... Was your husband's death an accident? Mrs. Maroni Mrs. Maroni, the truth is out there People want to know the truth Mrs. Maroni Mrs. Maroni - Commissioner, a question please - Commissioner, over hear please -- Can I have your moment please? - Commissioner Please, Sir.. I'll issue a statement We have concluded the investigation and autopsy of Cyrus Maroni We need to put to rest the ridiculous conjectures around the Maroni death It was discovered that Mr. Maroni had consumed a small amount of alcohol prior to the crash But contrary to rumours that have been circulating There has been nothing to indicate foul play It is concluded That this was an accident, the cause of death was brain trauma Our sincere condolences go out to all of those affected by Mr. Maroni's passing Yes. Commissioner what's going to happen to Ortis? We do not have that information Final Question! Commissioner, was Cyrus Maroni known to be taking medications at the time of his crash? Detective Collins concluded that he was taking medication but nothing serious That's it, no more questions - One more question please? - One more question please Sir? - Detective Collins This is Mrs. Maroni - Mrs. Maroni, pleasure to meet you, I'm so sorry for your loss Thank you for coming Detective Collins. Sean, would you please bring us some drinks Of Course. I have to be honest with you, not everything we said at the press Conference Was the entire truth Well outwardly it looks like a simple accident, we have reason to believe that your husband committed suicide what? Why would you think that? We mentioned that he had alcohol in this system What we didn't say, is he'd also been taking sleeping pills The autopsy revealed he was dead just before the impact That's impossible Cyrus wasn't taking any sleeping medication - Detective Thank you - Anything else? No, that's okay Are you sure you don't want to be alone for this? It's alright Detective His like a brother to me Okay, the accident happened at around 11:30 last night out on the old country road Going down into the valley Yes That's where he would drive on the weekends It was the only time he got to go out and think And your positive that he wasn't taking any sleeping medication? We've spoken to his doctor he was on a couple other prescriptions Not sleeping medication He always slept very well And you didn't have sleeping pills around the house No..not that I can recall I just can't see him doing such a thing He seemed so happy There... there must be something more Please Detective Isn't there anything else you can do? We'll do everything we can Mrs. Maroni And it is possible that there is something else going on here We this situation all the time I'm so sorry Thank you Thank you That's all I have for you right now I'll be on my way We'll walk you out Vince speaking Hey, thank you for getting back to me on this I know it's a little troublesome for you Okay Yah I'll be there soon Thanks Audrey has been expecting you Right this way Audrey, this is Vince the reporter It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Maroni Again, my sincere condolences for your loss Thank you Please, have a seat Would you like something to drink A coffee would be nice Alright Sean would you bring some coffee Yes, anything for you? Bring two cups, I'll have some coffee as well Of Course So... I've been thinking since our conversation on the phone Why now? You could have written about this story at any time With his passing, everyone is going be after the story of Cyrus Maroni But I got approached by entrepreneur monthly to write a feature article on his behalf I just want to include a piece of his personal life in the article so everyone can see the man behind the corporation in every aspect of life I see So far, all they want is the story of his death I'm sick of it Do you mind if I record this conversation for my reference Will anyone else hear it? No just me but I might quote you though if that's alright? Of course So can you start off by telling me how you guys met? Yes... well it goes back many year I had just graduated at the time and his company was already quite large Ortis had acquired several smaller companies and they were reaching for dominance in the IT market, I had applied to work at a smaller office Cyrus was always very involved with his company, he insisted on meeting every new hire in Person no matter how busy he was I remember I was very nervous when he came in He said it was a normal response to when people first meet him We chatted for a while and then before he left he looked back and he said I'll be back With a big smile on his face Coffee Would there be anything else? No thank you, not at this time How do you take your coffee? Two sugars please Here you go Thank you So he had an eye on you right from the start What would you say this work ethic was like as you got to know him Well.. we didn't see much of each other during the week Because he worked such long hours. I'd say 16 to 18 a day He was always going to different departments and having meetings with clients And going over reports. However if he didn't have to travel he kept his weekends free for us So he kept his personal life separate from his work life Yes Until we got married and then we moved here and he created the office So he could spend more time at home. Shortly after that is when he decided he'd take drives on the weekends to relax himself Why did you stop? Im sorry Mrs. Maroni. I know this is not really easy for you to talk about Least of all with a journalist But I just can't help my curiosity I like to play detective sometime and something just doesn't add up What do you mean? I was watching the press release and just before coming here I visited the scene of the accident If it truly was an accident, it seems like he just drove straight into the wall There where no skid marks, there where no signs to show him avoiding hitting the wall Doesn't that seem a bit strange for you What are you getting at? I just don't think the police are giving us all the information. I think there is more to the story So do I Detective Collins said that they suspect suicide. I'm sorry I just cannot see my husband wanting to take his own life But why would the police hide something like that Did Detective Collins ever give you any other information that wasn't in the press release? How do I know you're not gonna publish these details? Mrs. Maroni, you have my word, this is strictly confidential I'm not interested in putting the details of his death in this article Well the same, I'm not comfortable talking about this anymore Fair enough. I'm sorry I brought it up May I use your bathroom Of course down the hall to the right second door on the left What are you doing in here? Jesus! You scared the shit outta me I got a little lost, I saw the door open so I thought I'd come check out some of the pictures Well I'll take you back to Mrs. Maroni Detective Collins do you have a minute? - I'm in a hurry kid Weren't you the Detective on the scene of the Maroni accident? I'm writing a report on Cyrus Maroni and I just had a few questions I can't comment on that case But doesn't the accident seem a bit strange, there were no skid marks I still can't comment on that case But Detective! If it was an accident, wouldn't there be some signs to show that he was trying to avoid hitting the wall Hey... What's this? My number is on the back Hi it's detective Sam Collins, I need access to the Wachowski files Thanks, I'll be right over It's Vince right? Detective Collins! You gave me that photo yesterday at the police station Wasn't sure you were gonna follow up Now I am We need to go for a ride Yeah, sure So where did you get this photo? You know, I like to play Detective sometime and I'm always reading the paper and searching the web for some news A man like Cyrus Maroni, his everywhere Do you know where this photo was taken? At a charity banquet six months ago, hosted by Moroni So you know who this is with him right? So here's the million dollar question why'd you give it to me? I had a friend I'm not a big city boy when I came here I wanted to start building my career so I met someone who helped me out big-time Before long he started coming to me with some troubling stories about a crime Syndicate he was involved with, he wanted out he wanted to get clean I tried to dig up some info but I couldn't find any proof...didn't matter much anyway Why is that? A few weeks later he ended up dead I hadn't hear from him a while so I thought he had left town, paper said it was an accident A lot of accidents happen around these guys I suppose you can call it unfinished business Where I come from there's only some petty theft, small crime I suppose I owe it to him you know, after all he did for me. Where are you from? A small city down in Iowa, mostly farms out there, it's one of those places where everybody kind Of knows each other, nothing much happening out there Careful you don't bite off more than you can chew here kid But that's why I think you the man for this detective, you also have unfinished business If I could be of any help just let me know you have my number I'll keep that in mind. If you come across anything else interesting... let me know Mrs Maroni, what a surprise Vince I wasn't expecting to bump into you here Yah, me neither it's funny actually I was just with detective Collins earlier and We're having a little bit of a chat Oh that's quite a coincidence Yah we were discussing the case a bit, if you have some time I can fill you in Okay, but let's go somewhere a little more quiet...please get in the car What's that? This? It's part of my research. I tend to spend a lot of time in the library researching for me articles Oh...So you like to be thorough? Yes, even as a child when I got obsessed with something I would consume Everything I could about that subject, I guess I became a journalist because I Like digging to the facts, researching, getting to the dirt that lies under the surface you know So, what did you want to tell me? It's about Cyrus's death Some information has come to light suggesting that he may have involved in some illegal activity There may be more to his death than we initially thought Just as you suspected In what way? Can't say for sure until i connect more dots But you should be careful, if you feel like you're being followed or in danger, call the police Thanks for your concern, does Detective Collins know all about this? Yah, he knows And is there any new developments? No nothing concrete yet But I was wondering where you're from? That's not a local accent No, I'm from a small town outside Seattle Really? Me too, well the small town part that is I'm from Idaho If you don't mind my asking what brought you to the city? Well my father had a job and then the company was sold and he lost his job but by that time I already had my career and I was madly in love How about yourself? I wanted to come to a place with lots of action, lots of stories and truths Uncover and one day I hope to open up a dive shop A dive shop? That's original Yah, the ocean fascinates me The life underneath the surface is just incredible 'LAUGHTER' I can't believe he really did it He ran stark naked during the graduation ceremony right across the stage For the life of me I still can't remember why he did it 'LAUGHTER' Audrey I'm sorry, I didn't realize how late it was, I better get going It was nice talking to you it It was really nice talking to you too Bye. Shit! I'm sorry I'm late, I got caught up in something Shouldn't keep a girl waiting, especially when she's doing you a favor This is for you Thanks, I owe you one I don't know about you but I'm starving By the way you look really beautiful tonight You messaged me, what've you got? I was doing some digging on the company's owned by Maroni and Armstrong At first it didn't make sense, ones in logistics and information systems and the other is a major importer Yeah, I get that but I've never really seen a connection there Yeah, until I dug a bit deeper and found a subsidiary company under Ortis How'd you find that? I was going through some local newspapers and came across an interesting article Did't seem much until I saw Cyrus Maroni in the photo The name of the company is Trans-Atlantic Which made me thin, this might be the connection that we were looking for Yah, that rings a bell So I went to check it out last night, to see what I can find Are you stupid? Why didn't you call me? Yeah I know But I honestly didn't think there was much to worry about since it was supposed to be a legit business So anyways after checking out the dockyard I came across the office of Trans-Atlantic Overhearing some people talking about something going on tonight Didn't get much more though We raided a warehouse owned by Trans-Atlantic What if...Maroni was using that as a front to move shipments for Armstrong Making sure all those shipments got through Which raises...two questions One was their relationship more than just business And if it was Is that ultimately what got Maroni killed? What if they were doing dirty business Maroni wanted out, and Armstrong didn't like it and couldn't convince him to Stay in the game, so she took him out of the picture Yeah, maybe I'm gonna go back to that warehouse tonight, see what I can find Alright. Where's your boss? So...are we going to do this here? My guys got to Pat you down first, go ahead boys She's good Frankie Alright Gentleman, follow me Hey Chief, What's up? Have a seat I saw that you dug up the old case again, what's going on Sam? I don't know who was in charge here before me but you got to let it go Yah, but I got new information, we may finally be able to close that case Okay, so what do you got for me? It starts with Maroni's death Something is not right He was not on any kind of sleep medication I've confirmed this with his wife Something doesn't add up there That's it Sam? I need a little more than that Acting on a tip last night I was down at the docks, at the Trans-Atlantic warehouse where we came up empty ten years ago There was activity there Some of the same guys who we thought were part of the Syndicate back then I saw them there last night Also, I've seen a photograph of Maroni and Armstrong together, I believe that they were in some kind of business shipping deal, I think they were trying to import drugs into the country It may be what got Maroni killed. I'm running the plates from last night, we may finally have a connection here. This all seems pretty thin Sam, you see this file right here? I don't want to add to it, so stay out of trouble Thanks Chief Hey! Who were those guys? I have no idea, but thanks that's two I owe you We can't have you showing up dead I have no intention of doing that I aim to keep my promise you know Anyway how'd you know I'd be there? Luck I guess, I was coming to say hi and saw those guys chasing you Vince, what's going on? I was following a lead and I must have poked my head in the wrong door You know, for such a smart guy, your pretty stupid sometimes You know whatever gets the job done So You Hungry? What do you have in your drink? I'll have an Espresso Two Espresso's please So what's the news?'s not good I didn't ask for good news, I asked for the news, out with it The kid got away from the two guys we had on him A girl with black hair driving a... You are sure it was her? Pretty Sure Keep a close eye on her We broke into his apartment And found all kinds of evidence against you and Maroni You can't trust anyone I'll give him another day to deliver and then he's finished, give her some more And then bring her to me Yes Boss Shit. Hey it's Vince my apartment got broken into, no you're the first one I called Could you come by? Thanks, see you soon Wow, someone did a number on this place Yeah, don't really know what they were after Nothing seems to be missing Any idea who would do something like this? Maybe somebody was following me earlier? Because there was two guys waiting outside my building this morning Maybe it was the guys at the docks Did you see their faces? Could you ID them? No The moment they yelled out to me, I ran You know, I saw Armstrong earlier today She was meeting with one of her top lieutenants What were they talking about? I only got bits and pieces of the conversation But they were talking about a kid Based on this, I'm thinking the kid was you Me? What the hell do they want with me? Well, they saw you down at the docks. Better question though would be how did they find you? The other thing they were talking about was kind of hard to get They were talking about a woman. I think her name was Kelly Fuck! She's probably in danger Who is Kelly? - I gotta go Who is Kelly to you? Look I'll tell you, but we gotta go get her now Wait a second If she's in trouble, she's been taken, that's what they want you to do You're playing their game, You're not safe, let's get you out of here, will contact her on the way Come on in Nice place you got here Thanks, Make yourself at home You know the reporter I told you about The guy who helped me out It wasn't a guy, it was Kelly So you lied to me I didn't know if you were gonna help if you knew the truth, me and her we go way back She came in to the city to make it big Then I got some weird messages from her and I got worried so I came to the city to find her and when I did, she was in way too deep I tried to help her get out but... I can only do so much as a journalist you know I saw you at the scene, the Maroni accident and hoped that you could help So now your saying you used me? You know I'm a cop right? Look I was desperate I didn't know what to do I'm sorry I didn't clear this up right away I knew Armstrong and Maroni were connected And you're a smart guy, I know you would see it past that accident So she is your source of your information? Yeah, we've been trying to gather enough evidence to bring them down When Kelly first came into the city, it wasn't as easy as she dreamed And the job wasn't going so well, so to keep busy she volunteered at the goodnights shelter across town Yeah I heard of them Turns out the shelter was just a front for pushing drugs That's how Kelly got involved with Armstrong, they came to her with the job and she was desperate You're saying that Armstrong is involved with the good night shelters? Yeah! Armstrong is a big supporter of the shelters, donates to them every year These shelters are putting drugs in the streets Okay that kind of makes sense, no government money there it's all private Weren't those initially founded by Maroni's foundation? You're a sharp guy These guys are somehow deeply connected Is that her? No but I should message her again to see if she's all right When you do, give her my number, tell her I'd like to set up a meet Also she is a hundred percent being watched, stay away from her I'm gonna head to bed, feel free to crash here tonight How are you holding up? I'm doing alright, thanks how are you doing? I've seen better days but I'm okay I've been thinking a lot about reading my diaries and Cyrus It's occurred to me that he was acting rather unusual, I just didn't think anything of it at the time When did you first notice he was acting differently? A couple weeks before the accident or so Did he mention anything that led you to believe that something was up? He did mention a dream of his an awful lot actually it's something that he talked about before our marriage And he just hadn't brought it up in a really long time maybe Hm. Maybe he knew something was up So what was his dream about? It's not so different from yours really He wanted to buy some land on a small island in the South Pacific Place where we could just go and get away from everything I hadn't heard of it before, Rarotonga Interesting, that's a pretty isolated island I wonder why there? Well he was really fascinated with the whole archipelago It was rumoured that that Island was a safe haven for pirates for many years And he loved pirate lore, buried treasure, the swashbuckling All that stuff How much did you know about his business? Not that much really I left the company shortly before we were married and he didn't talk about it and I didn't ask Do you know about the good night's homeless shelters around the city? Of course yes, it's set up by the Ortis Foundation. Cyrus was very involved in the community Well I found some evidence to suggest they were a front for distributing drugs throughout the city What are you saying? That Cyrus was a drug dealer? Not personally but he may have been helping out a friend to put the drugs in the city Offering the homeless shelters as a distribution point That just does not like him at all Cyrus was involved in the community to do good Sometimes people are not what they seem, but he may have also been persuaded I'll try to find some more information Thank you So how are things here? Sean has been acting rather strange these days How so? He's just been spending a lot of time in Cyrus's office Any reason you figure? He says that it's because he wants to make sure his things are in order Well the estate is yours now, maybe you should go through his belongings It might give us a clue as to what's going on Would you help me? I'm sorry? Well I'm sure you'd recognize something of importance before I could and To be honest, I don't even know where to begin Of course, I'd be happy to help Thank you Vince has told me a lot about you Should I be flattered? He obviously cares for you a lot, to go to all this trouble for you Yeah, He's pretty amazing So we don't have a lot of time Tell me what you know about the shelters I mean I can't say much more than I'm sure Vince has already told you Do you have any hard evidence? Well you can check them out for yourself, basically they have a daily menu, simple soups rolls You know it's not gourmet. you go up to the front counter and get a ticket And then you ask for the gazpacho soup from yesterday, they never serve gazpacho You hand them the ticket and the 20 dollars and they put something extra on your plate Okay... so they are acting as a point-of-sale system Exactly! Mostly for the users...they have something different for the dealers Okay, I saw you down at the warehouse a couple of nights ago you were carrying a briefcase Tell me about that That was a new customer, kind of a show of faith, basically the distributor's They pay up front and then the supply location that's sent later And how do they get the product in? It's shipped, how it gets to the docks I have no idea How did you get involved in this? The big guy did you see him? Yeah I saw him Yeah, he's pretty much in charge of the whole thing I mean Armstrong still pulls the strings and makes all the big decisions but Everything goes through him So he's Armstrong's right hand? Yeah exactly, anyway he volunteers down at the shelter sometimes that's where he met me He must have taken a liking or something, because he offered to get me off the streets So I said yes, and once I was in I just couldn't get out How come you've never come forwards with this information before And expose the shelters? It wouldn't do much Anyway, all you need to remember is the gazpacho soup you'll get what you need I'll see what I can do, I'm gonna drop you off just up ahead Can you walk back to the car from here? yeah that's fine What's up Vince? They must have taken her But why now? Did they see you? Or were you followed? Not likely, I was checking for a tail the whole time Have you checked the car out? Yeah, I have Vince I need you to do something for me, I need you to lay low for a few hours, let me take care of this Be in touch tomorrow Hey chief, we got a situation my informant has been compromised. I need a unit, an undercover officer The Good night shelters, they're being used as a front to distribute drugs...I know how to prove it Yeah, yeah I know, but this is our chance, you've got to get narcotics involved We can really put a dent in these guys Operations. I'm coming in and I gotta file a missing persons report, I'm about an half hour away from the station I'll rendezvous with the team there Okay when you get into the shelter, they're gonna hand you a ticket Take the ticket up to the counter hand it over with a 20...ask them if they have any gazpacho soup, they won't have it but when they bring you your meal It should come with the drugs Copy that What the hell is taking him so long? He's right, it's taking way too long Don't worry guys, it'll be okay, he's a professional, these things take time How'd it go? Just as u said And hey... the soup wasn't that bad either Let's get that back to lab, get it analyzed Hi Kelly good to see you, I trust everything is going according to the plan? It's under control, by now they probably think that I'm kidnapped and they're in a panic Excellent It's your turn Hello Kelly, where are you? Vince so good to talk to you we have Kelly If you wanna see her again you need to locate the evidence that connects with Maroni And fast! You have until tomorrow evening, we know you can deliver Call us on this phone by tomorrow evening or you can say goodbye to Kelly That's all Vince, good day Did he say anything? He doesn't have to, I could hear it in his breathing He should have all the motivation he needs Let's hope so Hey, it's Vince Do you have it? I don't have it on me but I know where it is, it's at the Maroni's Where? Look... Here's how it's gonna go down Once you get me Kelly, I'll give you your evidence Audrey is out all evening, you meet me at the Maroni's at nine o clock tonight Don't forget to bring Kelly Who made you the boss? Remember we have your girl And I have your evidence It looks like we are going to Maroni's Mansion tonight...Where is Kelly? I don't know, I haven't seen her since this morning Since this morning, does anybody know what the fuck is going on here tonight? Are you sure you weren't followed? Yes Good Were to close now The last thing we need is heat So... Did you get it? Vince said he can get everything for us tonight at nine at Maroni's place, we should meet there Kelly is gone Sean? Sean are you okay? Vince! Oh my god...Sean! What are you doing? Why don't we go sit down and have a chat It all started a few weeks ago before your husband died, we were meeting at our Usual spot on a Saturday afternoon, I was giving Cyrus the manifest and the cash for the European shipment of the drugs to clear the docks, that's when he asked me to send Armstrong a message, that he wanted out, he wanted nothing more to do With the dirty business You see, Armstrong knew that Cyrus had evidence that directly linked her to the Drug circulation in the city and that was my job to find that evidence So I followed Cyrus to the estate and waited, finally Sean came out to leave for the night I followed him to a bar downtown I waited until he had a few drinks before I joined him at the bar, then I went up to him and sparked a conversation And bought a few more rounds, that's when he started giving me information talking nonsense about you and Cyrus, at that moment I figured out that he had a thing for you and that's when my work started. Surprisingly he was going to help me to take Cyrus out of the picture so I told him how and when to do it to make it look like an accident It's a funny thing you know mixing alcohol with a certain type of sleeping pills It makes people pass out All he had to do is stash the pills and make it look believable After that I made my move to get to know you While Sean was looking for the evidence and looking to see where the money was at It was when you told me about Cyrus's dream, about the Cook Islands and seeing the globe in the library That sparked my curiosity That gave me every information that I needed And the rest Was putting all the pieces together for this night So what about me? Look... That money is dirty money, you were never supposed to know about it You have your inheritance and the estate If I were you, I'd get out of here Go on a long trip It's time for me to go 'SOUNDS OF SIRENS IN THE BACKGROUND' Armstrong's man and the cops are going to show up any minute I'm sorry Audrey 'SOUNDS OF SIRENS INCREASE' A week has passed since the events that took place at the Maroni estate, Vince Madani the mastermind who was responsible for bringing down the crime Syndicate connected to the Good Night Shelter and the murder of Ortis CEO Cyrus Maroni still remains at large, many questions still remain unclear but a source close to the investigation revealed the motive for the crimes to be a heist worth 4.2 million dollars you you you
Channel: Hamed Niki
Views: 1,470,834
Rating: 4.4030962 out of 5
Keywords: new film, new release, crime drama, teaser, teaser trailer, hamed niki, black hand, independent film, crime film, coming soon, movie trailer, christopher nolan, true detective, se7en, heat, full movie, free movie, short film, canon, new, action, drama, upcoming, upcoming film, marvel, batman, anamorphic lens, festival, festival film, dan vaida, molly mackay-smith, amy king, josh panagiotou, tracy hallam, david fincher, black hand movie, black hand hamed niki, tenet
Id: 3beGpmW-hRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 7sec (6007 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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