Toxic BLACK MOLD Found? When Ceiling COLLAPSES In Our Home! Has This Been Making Me Sick?

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[Music] all right what's up guys it is how early is it i'm not gonna show you gina she's like [Music] hey y'all for real sorry about not posting last night we were pretty super excited about filming every freaking day in august so we have a problem as if 2020 couldn't get any worse for gina and i or for the rest of you guys don't want to minimize any of y'all's problems with the rest of the world's problems it just seems like it's extra sucked for us so gina noticed something growing out of the wall um when'd you notice that saturday in our bedroom let me show you all right so check this out all right so she saw this up here all right focus on the mushroom y'all look at that [Music] no that is a flipping mushroom growing out of the wall look at that okay so check that out okay so that's growing on the wall gina knows all right so that's right there we sleep right there hey look y'all there's that thing no we didn't make our bed that's that thing i made gina when i asked her to marry me i'll tell you that story again later or go watch the old videos so y'all check this out uh so right here is the youtube room okay a lot of you guys know so this is where we do the auction stuff right this house has how many bathrooms do we have for four we have four people here that's ridiculous that's like one per like one bathroom per person ratio y'all there's people that don't have drinking water that's crazy uh but hey check it out am i focused hey guys are you focused all right so check it out so this shelf's right here this is a bathroom that we have not used literally in months we haven't even opened this door in months y'all want to see y'all it's bad actually let me tell you all this before i show you all that the last year i've had like really bad and this could be nothing it could be nothing but if it's black mold y'all i've been in and out of the emergency room for the last year i've had neurological problems had enough like twitching and all kinds of stuff memory loss real bad right y'all seen it y'all seen my memory loss y'all know how to just be talking and i forget what i'm talking about like i saw that black mold is like that's a symptom of black mold and so now i'm wondering we've emailed the landlord over the weekend we didn't get to respond back and we said it was an emergency and especially because we think it might be tied to my medical some of my medical stuff now i've had anxiety i've battled with anxiety depression my whole stinking life so that's part of it but man this camera is heavy it's like in the marine corps it used to make you hold your toothbrush out in front of you that sucker gets heavy after a while y'all all right so what i was saying y'all look how clean my house is hey y'all check out the christmas tree don't y'all miss the christmas tree hey type one in the chit chat in the comments if you missed the christmas tree i missed it well i just couldn't get to it it's not like i hug it or something but y'all check it out so i'm wondering like is this been part of my issues because i used to use that bathroom right back before like gina was like hogging the bathroom so i was like you know what dear we need to share a bathroom we're married you know we like that's like just what we need to do we got the jack and the double sink then we should use it so i stopped using that bathroom especially when we started using that putting stuff in front of the door but y'all check it out so the maintenance is on the way over here i'm going to undo these maintenance is on their way over so we didn't get a response all weekend y'all like there's a u-haul in front of our house my neighbor's gonna get mad again uh so check it out um maintenance is on the way over they said they're gonna have to cut it all out today y'all i don't even think they know how bad this is i'm about to show you so man i gotta switch arms how am i focused y'all so check it out i'm about to take you in there and show you they're gonna be here all day do y'all want to just follow them follow the update today it's monday y'all y'all know august every day i got up and even when i was having bad anxiety i forced myself to make y'all video every day but i apologize that i didn't make it the whole month but hey 29 videos in one month is pretty dang good if i say so myself uh so hey they're on their way over let's just follow him through the journey and hopefully by the end of the day we're going to get an update if it's black mole he just told me black mold don't exist in texas like texas leases and laws like all have like a black mold addendum why would they do that if it didn't grow to texas it doesn't make sense his name's willy the maintenance guy he's interesting this should be an interesting video so hey should we show them the mold now yeah let's show you the mold now and we'll let you be the judge and then y'all help me y'all help me with willy throughout this video because i don't know much about black mold but they might be ripping our whole bathroom out y'all because the ceiling literally collapsed let's go look all right guys let's go look y'all ready y'all this is bad watch y'all look at this okay hold on hold on i can't go get my mask through hold on [Music] okay guys look because it's 20 20 if you don't have a nail rack for your freaking mask you're wrong right hey y'all check this out willy said uh willie came over or he called he didn't he called and said that we need to put our mask on in our own house while he's here working on it even though we're going to be six feet away so i think we have uh we have more to worry about willie than rona he didn't know i had rona but i'm not gonna lie i enjoy seeing people's faces when i had the ronin because y'all know i had the ronis and i'll be in people's places to be like oh yeah you know we've been pretty safe i was cool i already had it and they were like oh my god get away from me leper y'all check this out all right guys so y'all let me know i'm serious this scares me though this really scared me y'all have no idea how bad my neurological problems have [Music] been like my my eyes my legs my arms have just been shaking look this is we have not been in here look the ceiling collapsed this is not me after a bath this is all rust look in here yeah hey dude we got a flashlight we gotta show them in the ceiling hole they never they've seen box holes but they've never seen a ceiling hole y'all look at that is that black mold or is that just mildew i got plumbers on here yeah all right let me go get it oh hey guys look it's queeful queenful hold on we got to focus on poison look y'all in my wick my favorite weave all right i'm looking for my old light all right guys i can't find my old light so i'm just gonna use a flashlight but hey real quick wanted to say thank you to crafty granny crafty granny crafty granny y'all look this is kind of what i would look like without a beard hey i thought if we gotta push to a hundred thousand if we could hit a hundred thousand we could hit a hundred thousand by the end of november i'll fly one of y'all out here to shave my beard off i'm serious we'll do it we'll do a contest i'll fly one of y'all out here to shave my beard off but we gotta get to a hundred thousand by november y'all figure it out i'm done figuring it out but hey check it out crafty granny just want to say thank you uh me and gina just got a brand new truck so we were actually talking about that i needed a tumbler no joke last week crafty granny made me this uh tumbler i mean it says butt crack semper fi always faithful for the marine corps uh what's it say a wiener wienerhead no judging homies omg dang yo dingus what's that say oh hi guys hey guys uh y'all it's been disappearing i feel like the voice is dying you're sad i know some of y'all might actually come back hey but look at that they made look it out how are you looking out guys hey they made gina crafty granny made gina one two uh where's her card at let's give her a shout out hey crafty granny let's make sure you didn't have her address on it hey is her dangle girl oh dia girl i thought it said dangle girl that would have been cooler crafty granny hey look uh can you see that hey there's her information hey she makes cool tumblr so hey guess what crafty granny this isn't just going in the trash or on my shelf this is going to be used every freaking day so i don't spill on gina's new truck thank you we love you i was going to show you jaina but she's still like all like she didn't care about herself these days oh stop guys so gina's got a flashlight yeah i'm gonna step into the dirty hole dirty hole y'all let that go hey come on turn on flashlight i can't stay in this dirty hole long i'll die yeah let's look up in here hold on hey what is that hey look they ain't gonna be able to cut oh wait i see up in the wait what is that oh yeah you see right there oh that is the toilet is it i think i see her i was trying oh my god if you could only see me in gina right now i'm like in a torque position okay y'all so yeah i think that might be the toilet or the i think that's the toilet upstairs leaking booth i think it is too yeah but look what do y'all think do i have any need to be worried y'all think this is just mildew hopefully it's just mildew i hope it's just all right they'll be here and we'll start the uh they're gonna bust all this out see you later dirty hope [Applause] [Music] they want you to wear a mask because i've been real sick the last year i didn't know if that maybe do y'all have a way to test for black mold [Music] you gotta get a company to do it right because if it's going to make us sick i want to find out so if we have to stay in a hotel or something wow uh are y'all they didn't like me recording them even though i asked them i said hey do you all mind if i record a little bit they shut the door y'all there's two grown men in that little bitty thing because they don't want me filming it you know what i think they're doing though yo here's what i think i think they're in there just trying to patch that up like that's not right you're supposed to clean all that out get it tested right am i right i've never dealt with black mold but it seems as if they already have a cut hole like a cut thing they brought in a pre-cut patch so it looks like they're just cutting and i hope they don't just open that door and there's a patch back up there because that means that they don't care about if it's really black mold and if they do that and we're sick and that's what's been called my like all the neurological stuff the twitching and crap and the memory loss i've been having if that's the case then man that wouldn't be good would it so let's just give them the benefit of the doubt for right now and see um if they're not just going to try to put lipstick on it all right guys uh actually hey give me the real camera real quick hurry they went outside let's go see what they were doing y'all actually i just got it hurry hurry turn that on listen you're gonna stand right here okay and let me know if they're coming just say hey but be careful because they can hear you i'm gonna go check out their work here you hold the phone over there all right well i can't hear you walking dork [Music] yo here's my here's my fear they're not gonna fix what caused the problem and they're just spray painting over okay so i'm hoping that's not what they're gonna do [Music] seriously plumbers let me know like they're just spray painting kilts of this it looks like and i can clearly see water leaking from the pot so hopefully they fix that because if not [Music] all right we spot on them now i know why they shut the door though yeah they didn't want all that kilts to get out here yeah but i don't i just hope they're not putting lipstick on a pig you know what i mean i don't know you might want to tell them that you think it's leaking from the toilet no no no no they know that that's what they get paid to do right well i know but maybe we should say hey aren't you going to fix the toilet where the leak is well i'm going to wait first and let's give them the benefit of the doubt and not tell them how to do their job right because i might not know the order right they might be going to do that they're like hey well but i figured you fixed the leak first don't you i would think so and then hey y'all let me know in the chit chat and in the comments don't you fix the leak first don't you want to fix the problem before you fix the cosmetics because ain't the cosmetics gonna get messed up i mean i'm just guessing i'm not a plumber or a sheetrock specialist i'm just saying it makes sense common sense is like one of the most unused tools in america all right hey so you want to tell them what we're doing yeah what are we doing we are taking pictures and setting up the auction we're taking an easy day aren't we yeah this just one stress after another end it has been all right guys so we're going to turn on a movie look i'm sitting over here typing descriptions look this is like over 150 lots of gold and silver so i went and got it from the bank uh deposit box thingy jiggy we got so we're gonna do descriptions she's gonna do pictures and we're gonna make a lot of money right yep and pay off what debt pay off debt debt is bad kids like i just i don't get what they're looking for he's looking around the bushes outside you know like i don't think the problem's over there [Music] now he's looking in the street maybe they're just waiting i don't know thinking life can be okay i mean oh the leak it was the bathroom right there the toilet okay the pony on there yeah beautiful and that kilts covers the mold yeah i mean [Music] all right guys so that's good news so all that's going to be taken care of looks like they did a really good job so anyway uh look me and jean are still working on the auction hey dear hi uh y'all it's gonna be so great like we're like how many lots we're a lot like 200 and it's stupid y'all we only done the jewelry but um the gold the watches it's all crazy so hey anyway everything starts at a dollar right you want to show them some stuff in this video yeah y'all want to see some stuff you've never seen before i mean you've seen it before but you can't see it here y'all want to see it let me show you oh crap all right guys me and gina are going so here's what we decided we're only giving you all the best 200 lots out of those two great units here's why is if you put too many lots in man i'm glad i got my windsock because it is windy in texas today uh if you put too many lots you're thinning your money out does that make sense you're thinning your lot average out right because there's only so much money per uh bitter that you're gonna have so anyway oh my gosh should we leave this outside y'all we can't be looking like no white drizzy you know what i'm talking about drizzy i just made that up y'all look there's a new truck there's patriot the patriot uh there's the patriots so hey look uh our garage is so full i'm ashamed you all saw how pretty it was i can't even get out from the outside i have to like crawl over lock it unlock it come back out here to get what i want so me and gina are coming out here to pick some stuff out for this auction i was going to show you a few of them it's kind of going to be a surprise right because for real like it's just too good yeah we've been sitting there putting the auction together and we're like man we need to just like do 200 of the best lots and then what we're going to do is start prepping the next 200 slots for like the following week so hey let's pop in here and let's see what what's going to go in this hybrid cell all right y'all this is shameful isn't it wasn't this just so clean it was yeah one day oh look harmonicas did you forget about these babe there's so much good stuff in here i know like now i'm looking out here oh look i gotta walk away let's go y'all for real look we still got all these pictures we hadn't undone oh here's the sign penny hardaway thing is this more jewelry oh yes y'all i forgot about all this what is this what's in here oh that's all the uh sterling silver uh stuff so look a lot of the sports stuff we do want to put in right we want to put sports stuff in and where's my jerseys oh wait where is that rack i have no idea i thought that rack was right here yo i'm sure got moved around where did it go i have a rack in here with all like the high-end jerseys and things like that uh so that is what i'm actually looking for because we got to add the us the penny hardaway jerseys definitely adding that if you look up here look there's the autograph yeah the negro league balls we're going to add those for sure so i'm going to crawl up there get those the autograph helmet is over there oh we got um oh you know what dang what we have so much good stuff like it's just we gotta separate it y'all so hey give me a minute let me pull some of this stuff out i'm really getting concerned that i don't see that rack with all those clothes on it where did i oh no i had it over there when it was clean yeah i think he did it i did yeah boy that's going to be fun can you crawl up there and get that oh what about all these babe i just forget remember that's crazy all the the uh all this is all like uh man look at this all these autographs so we'll take this in this is all those i don't even think y'all have seen all of these i think we'll do some uh kind of collectible stuff you know like the hats oh the oj simpson autograph i mean we have all kinds of autographs uh look i mean stuff we still haven't even been through y'all i haven't even been through this whole unit just because like it was just too much to do there so we did weed out a lot of the trash like there's really not there's really not trash in here believe it or not this is just going to be like great sellable stuff so anyway let me just pick out 200 of the better lots actually we've already got about a hundred we already have a hundred and of gold and silver and like man pre-columbian relics and like autographs like this is gonna be crazy all it's just it's ridiculous hi guys don't look in my butt oh yo this is sad do y'all have to do this in your own garage okay look how far away he is from the ground check it out i found the jerseys oh they are over there yeah they are they're back here some are hot back here and then i'm gonna hand you this baseball thing oh the sign oj's down there yo we have so many good boxes we haven't been through like i don't have a problem finding good lots right now all right y'all they just left check it out well it's not the same color but look there's no more i just don't know y'all i mean that looks nice i guess i don't know i'm not an expert uh but hopefully they fix everything they said the toilet upstairs was freaking leaking so boom bam there it is it's fixed now i know you care hopefully it wasn't bite mold all right guys so hey check it out me and gina have to finish up this auction guys i'm telling you you don't want to miss this auction i'm not just saying y'all seen it i mean it's going to be a mixture of the nfl unit and the 510 dollar unit y'all that had all the silver and gold all right guys so look we're working like i said we work we're working from in here today because they was they had our auction room they was fixing the the supposed supposed supposed uh black mold hopefully it wasn't so anyway if any of you are plumbers or any of that or mold experts let me know is that the proper procedure but so look hey y'all look there look this is that uh thank you for one of y'all who let me know uh this is a antique torah cover that's where the uh the handles of the scrolls hang out so that's kind of cool and we have other stuff too that's very ancient that you have not seen that will be in the auction but you're not going to see it today you'll see it tomorrow hey guys we love you make sure to be back here at 7 p.m central we've got something big coming and i know i say that all the time but y'all see we got big big units big surprises something big is coming to the channel a big big change a big collaboration and something else see you tomorrow [Music] you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 9,332
Rating: 4.9214287 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds, Storage Wars, Extreme Unboxing, unboxing, what's in the box, Storage Wars episodes, family vlog, vlog, best vloggers, lunkers tv, Googan squad, Googan baits, auctions, abandoned storage units, I bought an abandoned storage unit, I found this, estate sales, garage sales, sourcing, eBay seller, amazon seller, funny videos, duck dynasty, black mold found, toxic mold, black mold, home and away justin collapses, hoover boys, how to make comic books at home
Id: pA9oYJv3hvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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