DCS World Tutorials - A-10C Warthog - Intro to JTAC operations and the "9-line"

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what is going on guys welcome back to DCs world and welcome back aboard the 8nc warthog for another tutorial and today is video we're going to learn how to work with a JTAG jtech JT AC stands for joint terminal attack controller now what these guys are the JTACs are these are folks that are down on the ground are in contact with the enemy and they are going to relay information to us the guys in the air about where these bad guys are and how to attack them this is a pretty common thing for the a-10 to do because JTACs are most commonly employed in in conjunction with guys in the air for close air support or casts this is what the a-10 was made for was made for close air support so we're gonna learn how to do that in a somewhat functional way today now we're gonna first we're gonna split this into two parts first we're gonna learn how to use the built-in jtac system that's just built into DCs in the mission editor what it basically means is you designate a friendly target on the ground that's going to function as the JTAC and it's going to relay information to us about targets that are within its vicinity and we're going to drop some weapons on those targets based on the information that jtech relays to us in in a future video we're going to jump on to one of the Hoggett training servers and learn how to use the CTL DJ tech but more on that later so for now we're gonna focus on the built-in jtech which it's a little bit clunky but it gets the point across and it gets the job done so we're in the air here we're at about 15,000 feet a little less we've got a jtech setup in contact with some enemy forces about ten or so miles ish to our east so kind of out in front of us over there what we need to do is we need to get in contact with the JTAG and he's going to read us what's called a nine line now a nine line is a series of instructions given to us line by line and as the name implies there are actually nine lines to this briefing but he may or may not read us all of those lines so let's see an example of that the way we contact the JTAC is we have to tune his frequency on the radio his frequency would normally be given in the mission briefing if there was a situation where you would be in a situation where you would have a known JTAG frequency and you would tune him up on the radio and call him up so I know for this mission that we're on here I've already got him tuned he's on frequency one three three decimal zero a.m. so we tuned him up on the VHF AM radio and we then key up our VHF AM radio over here but we see we have an option here for J tock his callsign is ax man 1-1 so we're gonna call him up we can check in and basically we've got a couple options here we check in and basically say how long we have on station anywhere from 15 minutes to 60 minutes so since we are a a ten we can basically play forever but you know in this case we'll say we have you know thirty minutes of play time so actually we'll say forty five really doesn't matter but there may be mission scenarios where this does come into play based on how much fuel you have but for now we'll just check in 45 minutes and let's see what he has to say for himself and during these communications I'm gonna pause and briefly explain a little bit as to what's being said just to see if I can make it make a little bit more sense because some of this sounds like gibberish I guarantee it definitely sounded like gibberish to me until I sort of broke it down so let's take a look here we'll check in 45 minutes and go alright quick pause there let's just talk about what our pilot just said to the JTAC so he identified the jtech Axman one one identified ourselves we're currently callsign Hogg two one we are one times a 10 if we were in a flight of two or a flight of four or whatever we would say two times a ten or four times a ten depending on how many aircraft were in our formation we gave them our current location in grid format so Charlie Mike zero nine nine seven that's just UTM grid coordinates we gave him our current altitude fifteen thousand we told them what we have on board so we have gbu-12 laser-guided bombs and of course we have our gun and we of course told him our play times zero plus forty five zero that would be if we were able to play for more than an hour so if we were here for one hour we would say one plus zero but in this case we're only forty five minutes so it's zero hours plus forty five minutes zero plus forty five and we say we're available for tasking and ask him what he has so let's listen to what he has for us makes a little bit all right quick pause again he responded identified himself as axe man one one called us hog to one type to in effect just specifies the type of close air support that we're gonna have the different types really don't matter that much but it it does sort of affect what different markings the jtech will be able to use and also the type of close air support needed there will be a different type if there were troops in close contact and we had to be careful of accidentally dropping bombs on friendlies but in this case we don't so I believe generally type two means that there are no troops in close contact and he's asking us when we are ready for the nine line so let's unpause and we're gonna say we're ready to copy the nine line okay quick quick pause there before we continue let's just go over what he said to us so one two three na that means lines one two and three of the nine line are not applicable lines 1 2 & 3 would be the IP so the ingress point initial point a heading from the initial point we don't have an initial point or a heading from the initial point we're kind of just winging it a little bit so not to worry there and line 3 would be the distance from that initial point so we don't need that right now so those lines would be not applicable line for elevation saying that this target is 450 feet above sea level MSL targets type as a tank pretty self-explanatory coordinates in grid format Charlie November 2 Niner five zero seven seven telling us where it is marked by laser one six eight eight he's telling us the laser code friendlies would be troops in contact north 120 meters that would be himself he's the only Chinese the only friendly there and he is telling us to egress to the south after we drop our ordnance so let us continue there's gonna be a little bit more talk on if it'll let me unpause and we are ready to copy remarks okay so remarks can have a couple of different things they can give us a final attack heading if applicable they can give us a sort of a corridor if applicable generally anything else that doesn't fit into the nine line specifically he can say in the remarks section in this case his only remark as he's requesting a gbu-12 specifically so we have six of them on board so we can do just that he wants laser-guided bomb we will give him laser-guided bomb and now we just need to read back the nine line after the remarks and we only read back I believe its lines four and six so here we go all right so we read back the nine line the lines that we needed to which is only lines four and six so the targets elevation and its location now he's telling us to report IP in balance since there is no IP we're just gonna report IP inbound when we are inbound towards the target and there'll be a couple more communications that are going to happen however before we do that we want to get ourselves set up to actually find out where these targets are so we're gonna unpause we I've written down the information that he gave us so I believe that was Charlie November so we're gonna key into our scuse me we're gonna key into our CDU here let's see Charlie November I've just I'm just creating a new Waypoint here called TGT so Charlie November and then that was two nine five two nine five zero seven seven there and we're not going to touch the elevation because the CDU automatically will pick the elevation at ground level there so it's actually four seven six but they round they tend to round a route round up or down with the briefed elevation so not too much to worry about there and we should be good to move in the target is 13 miles to our roughly to our three o'clock so we're going to get turned towards him what we can now also do is since that Waypoint is now our steer point we'll bring up our tgp make it soy and snap it and start zooming in so we can actually see the target area there it's occluded by my aircraft a little bit we can see the target area there is a couple of tanks in that area and that is all well and good we're not actually going to lays our own bombs in this case so what we want to do is get lined up for an ingress point we're just gonna use the targeting pod to keep an eye on the area actually see the targets out in front of me there all right now we can report IP inbound okay real quick we reported IP inbound and he says continue so that just means we can continue our approach next thing we want to do is we want to say laser on as you can see here later on okay he is lazing the target so now we just need to get set up for a CE CRP drop standard C CRP drop on the target let me just get lined up a little better here alright twenty seconds to drop and then as soon as we drop we're going to turn south there comes holding weapon release and that's a bomb away turning south - one target destroyed all right quick pause so we got our nine line we got our target coordinates punched in we dropped a bomb and it hit his laser mark he reported target destroyed and then he's moved on to the next target for every target he has he will give you a nine line so let's do another example here and there were a couple more calm items that I didn't actually do but aren't necessarily needed so we'll just demonstrate these so let's get this next nine line all right we'll copy remarks marked they'll probably request another gbu-12 there it is and we'll read back the nine line alright let's plug in our coordinates so that was Charlie November two nine four zero seven eight there I can report our IP inbound he says continue we can go ahead and tell him to get laser on he is lazing and we're gonna say we spot and we're gonna say we're in all right that's a little bit more complete comms there he'll say we're cleared hot which means we are officially cleared to drop ordnance technically we weren't on that first drop but that's okay ten seconds to drop and there's a bomb away and just like before we'll turn to the right here not even looking at it at the tgp we'll wait for him to tell us if the targets destroyed target destroyed and there it is alright so he has a few more targets but let's say we were out of ordinance and we wanted to check out so we'll say instead of ready to copy we'll go check out all right and that's it basically done with the JTACs so that's the basics of how close air support would work in conjunction with a jtac on the ground he's gonna give you target target coordinates and if it's marked by anything now there could be a couple of a couple of considerations there could be there might not be a laser in some insuk instances he might mark it with smoke in which case we would need to acquire the target visually and drop bombs but this is a good example of the talk on and some of the information that gets relayed during the nine line so that's a good amount to digest the nine line can actually get pretty complex but this is a good starter example so get out there set up a jtech get some practice in and we'll see you next video take care
Channel: ravagetalon
Views: 6,915
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: DCS World, JTAC, 9 line, 9-line, nine-line, A-10C, Warthog, CAS, Close Air Support
Id: TE2pekac1UI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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