DCS: F-15C Eagles Vs 4 Flankers | The Greatest of Wingmen was he...

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[Music] hey guys I do it and today's video we're gonna be taking on for frankerz and the f-15 my number two will be formed by feisty who is possibly the greatest wingman of all time you're gonna see why the video we're gonna be doing some nice formation flying as we get into the AO and then we're gonna try and take out these flankers situational awareness will definitely be key in this fight we'll explore that a little bit in the tak view before we get started with the video guys consider checking out the wild weasel store for some cool aviation gear it's a nice way to support the channel and the dcs server has wild weasel sponsors both and you also get something kind of cool for yourself in the process they got everything from t-shirts to hoodies to mugs to mouse pads and keep in mind that all my viewers get 10% off with the code growling Ted so definitely consider checking them out and see if there's anything in there you like all right guys let's get started with the video too alright mafia flights below dip rearming complete a mafia flight taxi runway 3 sir dope I'm gonna be the most obnoxious wingman this fly just for you lovely dude on the 16 comes out you know I need the ridge pfm in the 1602 - sir run it up to on my command brakes release now we have my number two off to the left side here and I'm just gonna indicate for him to move over to the other side by just dipping my wing here I don't even have to say anything you see that little bit and he's got it there he goes it's a hell of a wingman right there ladies and gentlemen so you'll notice that number two years flying fingertip formation and fingertip is usually used for weather penetration airfield arrivals departures and show formations because it looks cool so very important part of fingertip is that lead should make all turns slow smooth and deliberate because you can tell the spacing is really tight notice not a lot of room for error [Applause] I wonder what's up with that a wax yeah that's weird to go tactical to two fans on two music huh - okay to you skin hi I'm gonna scan love to mafia check left two one nine zero two [Applause] she was contact to ship five degrees off our nose to the left 185 to punch bags to what angels do you see them at Stampler contacts made it check max for you do not know why I lost them a little paranoid now to stammer to see your angels I'm about fifty thousand feet mafia checks left one 8:02 okay do you see him okay okay now some weird shits going on yeah hey go ahead and change heading two two seven zero two seven zero ya know like this [Music] yeah they're doing some shifty shoot here I got a four-ship 12 o'clock okay you present copy it takes facing you owe me Shh all right I got the to shift locked there's another group behind the to ship these guys are at 40 miles won 8-0 they're liking I got copy word do you have my posit its then but I'm just luck in these guys up got me have it just the two ship I do not see the other I think they might be off to our left I'm gonna offset left just to see if I can pick them up copy skin glow they're probably trying to hide in the mountains there yep I got him okay those two guys are yours I'm taking these two copy resetting list yeah I got both they're at 28 miles I'm shooting Fox 3 Fox 3 spiked I'm offsetting left and I'm diving missile out and turn back in Senate to more that way turn off called I'm inside of 20 on my guys copy are you in the con yep copy on visual Fox 3 ones defendant copy I'm turning in on your group give me their altitude angels 39 copy turned into my group if you can be turning you all right I've got your group [Music] [ __ ] three I got one locked we've got to locked alright they're turning back in hot Fox 3 on your group see if you can pick mine up enter my jammer off and Fox 3 on your car buffs I'm offsetting right on your group [Music] I am at 16,000 got me there Preston me pretty hard there fixator taught me I'm going low into the mountains copy my turn back in go on low as well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] splash too [Music] posit altitude were you at Angel six I've engaged the other tip bearing copy is zero six zero in the mouth copy I am I'm in the mountains as well I'm low I don't see you I'll try to pop up pick you up yeah let me uh let me see if I get a rejoin on here oh I'm on your 3 o'clock copy do you see me yeah one flare up I got you I got you I got you [Music] [Applause] alright guys so here's the tag view we've got a lot to talk about in this one so I'm hoping that I don't forget anything as we go so we have two f-15s taking on four flankers and so one of the reasons that I did that is because the f-15 has the aim-120 see the charlie variant which is a very good missile it's the best in TCS and the Russians don't really have anything that matches it and for that reason it seemed a little unfair to make two Russians take on two f-15s especially because I didn't necessarily want to limit the weapons of the aircraft so what I decided to do was to number us and that seems a little bit more fair so that's what we did especially when you factor in the fact that the f-15s have tws and they can that's interesting when you switch to another one the other one starts stuttering in tag for you so the fact that the f-15s have tws with the aim-120 sees that means that the flankers are gonna be at a major disadvantage so it just didn't seem fair right the the flankers do have an advantage over the f-15 in the sense that they have a data link which is why I gave them an AWACS here we also had an AWACS but it didn't do anything for some mission for some reason in the mission it didn't didn't talk to us at all and we couldn't contact it so I'm not sure what's going on with that you see here feisty going to tactical spread here as we got into the combat zone so the the flankers had the advantage of a datalink and we didn't so what they should have done which is what they seem to be trying to do was to destroy the situational awareness of the f-15 that's one of the major weaknesses of the f-15 is the pilots inability to maintain situational awareness like there's no tools helping the the pilot do that for the most part and in the sense of a data link or something like that so that's definitely the weakest part of the 15 that we have in TCS however in order to bypass that problem what we did was climb up to 40,000 feet and the reason we do that here's one to get out of contrails because you don't want to mark it makes you a very easy target and the second reason was to if we get high enough we can see into all of these crevasses with our radar he can just push the radar down and look into everything so they theoretically wouldn't be able to hide from us unless they got very very lucky right so that's basically what's going on we're up at 40,000 feet with a tactical spread the reason for this is just so we're spread out far enough that like it's it's just it's outside of 2 nautical at this point and the idea is just so we can cover more of the sky together and I had feisty skinning low and I was trying to stay at the higher altitudes and you can see that the flankers have decided that they want to go for a pincer move so they've broken off into two separate groups and one is going high and one is staying low so it seems like the high group is trying to be bait and they're vectoring pretty much into us so if I was to take a guess what they're probably gonna do is try to bait us out and engage us this way and these guys are gonna try to sneak in through the mountains and hit us in a flank where we least expect it okay so as you noticed me and feisty kind of started to feel like some weird stuff was going on in the flight there and I started to push us to two-seven-zero I believe was the the bearing that I called out and the reason for that was because we weren't really getting anything like we got one we had them on radar for about a second feisty picked them up he got the first tally and then we lost them they faded and so it was my idea that I thought personally in my head had enough time to explain it at the time but it was that they may be entering a notch into this direction and the other group is notching this way and or they're already in the mountains which they were okay so this creates a situation where I thought maybe we were flying right into a pincer and so what I wanted to do was shift us over into this direction also because I didn't want to fight that in the mountains I wanted to push us into this direction where we would be able to fight them over smaller mountains flat terrain or even the water ideally that's what I was going for however as soon as we started to do that as soon as I started to make that turn fiesty gets them on on radar and you can see him aboard the turn right there and I come back around and I get them on radar feisty dust a little left offset and he picks these two up and so what happens is Feist he's gonna go after the first group and I'm gonna come after this group so at this point we've got our situation on the wareness down pretty good that is that we know that we have two groups and we have one low one high and we know their bearings so we're in a pretty good situation at this point we definitely have the advantage you can see feisty here firing on these two guys at 26 nautical miles we'll put the labels on so this is Victor and Fox and Mike Pence over here are our two low bandits and the high bandits are NV and oats kya okay so feisty is gonna come around and he's gonna fire off five twenty six nautical miles he's gonna give them to him 120 seas now it is my personal opinion that these am Rams were never gonna hit them they're too long okay they actually might have come off the rails at 27 nautical so it's too far because he's he's in a good position we're having the altitude advantage on these two guys however at the 26 nautical miles is just in my opinion too far and the missile has to fight into dense air to hit them because they're so low so the missiles gonna lose a lot of energy however what he is achieving with firing this missiles is that he's forcing these two bandits defensive he's pushing them off of our flank and you can see them defend here like this and just keep in mind that while he's doing this while he's protecting our flank if I'm over here engaging to two bandits that are really a higher priority target because they have an altitude advantage okay so they're actually pretty dangerous and I'm going after these guys and fiesty is protecting our flank he's gonna fire his to aim 120s and you can see that they fired on him that missile is also probably never gonna hit feisty unless he does something really stupid and so you can see this guy look at them defend all right like Mike Pence is no longer pushing and closing in that distance Victor's coming in a little bit he's getting a little aggressive also because he's got in that missile so he's just trying to stay a little knows hard he has offset to the left here this is a crank and he's doing a crank to believe this missile energy but also stay within the gimbal limits of his radar so he can guide his Fox one to hitting fiesty okay feisty gives two more off I think that he thought he had both of them locked up but he actually fired two on just one bandit and at this point Victor has had enough and he is also entering the najin defending missiles which means he also was no longer pushing us so feisty has effectively put the flanking bandits into a full defensive posture and they're no longer pushing us which is gonna buy us a lot of time he immediately is gonna recommit on to my guys okay so he's gonna help me solve my problem so let's just back up and look at what I'm doing meanwhile all that's happening so we got me right here and we got our two bandits often about eighteen nautical miles so I've pushed in really close and so I'm gonna fire off to aim 120 s and I'm gonna immediately defend by putting my nose down and dragging those missiles into dense air you can see these two guys are defending those Amram launches and they fired off et's which is a heat seeker Fox 2 and the other guy's done the same et Fox 2 and a third et Fox 2 okay so those three missiles on me I'm gonna defend it now notice that as I defend I'm not fully vertically nosed down I'm still keeping them within the gimble limits of my radar I still have them locked because I'm slightly doubting that these two am Rams will hit them and if I allow them to defeat those two missiles that I sent at them or remove the labels these two am Rams that I sent at them if they defeat these two they're essentially free to push us and they're gonna kill me assuming that feisty can't get a lock and push them off it's just kind of a risk factor so what I'm gonna do is keep them within the Kimbell limits at my radar and I'm gonna just point my nose kinda back at I'm not really and I'm just gonna fire off two more now this is within 10 nautical miles so yes I fired these am Rams at a very incorrect angle but they are going to turn into target and they should have more than enough energy even though they had to make a large turn to get to the target at this point I'm gonna start flaring just in case they fired off an e T which is exactly what they did you can see that those ETS don't have the energy to maneuver and hit me and those are my first two missiles Mach 1.2 on this one Mach 1.4 on this one but they're just not maneuverable enough and my speed is Mach 1.5 so I'm much faster than these missiles at this point and noticed my two other missiles that were supposed to keep them defensive now what I think happened is they didn't realize that two more missiles had been fired at them they thought that it was just these two so they started to push by the time they realize it's too late and who was this this is envy he's gonna take an Amram at Mach two point three so like I said those missiles have enough energy to hit the target and that's a hit and then we have boats Korea here who's gonna take a hammer and mach 1.8 1.7 however it doesn't knock him out of the fight he's hurt but he's not done he may be also combat ineffective but for whatever reason that Amram did not kill him you can tell at this point Feist he's already re-engaged in fire two more am rooms okay those two bandits that were defensive are now back pushing we have Victor and Mike Pence back on the offensive here and at this point I have pretty good situational awareness I know where they are I know they're low and I know that more than likely they're recommitting and notice how me and feisty switch targets here so I fired my first volley at my guys I didn't know if I was gonna hit him or not and I switched onto his guys and he came around and switched onto my guys so creating a little bit of situational awareness problems for the other bandits not entirely sure what's going on here and I'm going low just to defeat any missiles that were on my tail and at this point I am just trying to do a loop and come back around and try to engage the guys that are gonna come over this mountaintop here there they are now there is a certain amount of luck attributed to this because they came around at the perfect time and so what I did was I put the the f-15 into the bore sight and I just kind of scanned it across the top of this mountain just hoping that it would maybe pick something up and it did and I got my first lock on the victor now I knew that it Victor had come over the top and more than likely there was a second bandit that was coming over the top as well and I'd already scanned this area I was gonna push this way to see if I could pick somebody up if boresight wasn't looking to work I was gonna switch the vertical okay now vertical scan you have to be within I believe five nautical boresight you can get away with ten so Boris is the first one you want to use and so it looks like Victor hadn't seen me just yet as I come over the top there he starts to try to point his nose at me and all sudden he's got two M Rams off at him so he's gonna flare and it's just not gonna be enough and he's gonna eat that first am room and a second one the second one's gonna miss but he's dead and so with the Bohr side again I lock up the second bandit again this is a bit of luck a little bit of situational awareness kind of thing going on here and I fire off to at him I start to dip my altitude to drag this missile into the mountaintop which is exactly what happens but I didn't know that so just to be safe I also dropped some flares okay and that Amram that I fired on both of them are gonna hit him at mach 2.8 and that's a splash bandit and Feist he's dusted off that last guy this guy's just falling into the dirt anyway all right so basically what we can see here is that feisty was an amazing wingman in this situation he managed to offset these two guys and dust off the other guys which targets with me he also lets her remember he's the first one to tally the bandits he saw them before I did so absolutely critical this is what happens when you have a good wingman guys everything kind of just works out so we managed to splash for flankers full credit to feisty on this one great assistance great assistance and he's got a farm back up and we're gonna go all right so that's gonna be the tank view for today there was a lot to talk about there I'm not sure I'm pretty sure we covered everything I wanted to talk about so uh yeah guys that's gonna be the tag view okay thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed the video at least found it entertaining thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 339,118
Rating: 4.869596 out of 5
Keywords: DCS, Digital, combat, simulator, F-15 Eagle, F-22 raptor, f-35 lightning, F-35, American, america, US military, US army, air force, navy, Defence, defense, Flanker, J-11, HOTAS, Joystick, Computer, Mirage, F-14 Tomcat, F-18 Hornet, F-16 Viper, F-16, a-10, war thunder, ace combat, arma, squad, BVR, how to, guide, tutorial, tacview, BFM, art of the kill, x-plane, BMS, top gun, DCS world, hornet, dogfight, dcs world, F/A-18 Hornet, history channel, amazon, marines, squadron, 2 ship, us defence
Id: Zt2W6flz9go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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