DCS Module Buyer Guide Review: AJS37 Viggen

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hello everyone and I hope you're all doing very well today we're doing the review the / / the buyer's guide for the a GS 37 Viggen module in DS TS world so very briefly before we get to looking at the beginning we're gonna show you how we're going to actually assess the Vig in toe 1 we're going to look at capabilities we're going to look roughly out the weapons the sensors and the navigation in the Viggen 2 we're going to look at a look at its kinetic performance you may or may not be interested in this but I've spent the time comparing all these aircraft in Decius world in terms of their kinetic abilities so I figured we may as well put it in there 3 we'll go to look at the visual effects the graphics of the aircraft inside the cockpit and outside and this is something we can kind of rate between 1 and 5 so that we can then go and compare it against other aircraft other reviews but I've done number 4 is the sound effects again in the cockpit and outside the cockpit the sound effects are often not given enough attention in Decius world I think and so we'll go through this in some detail again we'll rate this between 1 and 5 5 interactivity / detail and a rating between 1 & 5 this is mainly about the interactivity between us the human and the machine in the cockpit what buttons we pressed or switches can we move and what screens can we look at how much of that is modeled and what effect does it have on the aircraft 6 the flight model how does it fly and we're going to rate that 1 to 5 now we're not interested per se in how accurate this is to the flying the real-life again because no one who flies DCs will ever have the phone a vegan was very unlikely but we're really interested in how immersive is the flight model how much does it make us feel like we're flying a real vegan are there any things that make us think oh this now is feeling a bit like a game and not like a real airplane so that's the kind of scope we're looking out there difficulty we're gonna break that between 1 and 5 1 being easy sensible for a newb and 5 being very difficult since sensible only for a seasoned simmer and these ratings I've got here between 105 are liable to change as a review different aircraft then I'll be get better at the reviewing system so what I'll have is a database that are linked to in the video description for this video and it'll show my ratings there and like I said they may change through the the weeks that I'm doing this and I'll also show the ratings that the current gr members give this aircraft so you can have a look at what they think as well those are also will also at liable to change as I give them more aircraft to review and then finally we'll look at the history so some aircraft for DCs have had a lot harder time than others from the early release to present some have lots of bugs lots of glitches whereas others programmed a lot better and they don't have lots of bugs and lots of [ __ ] simple as that so we'll talk about that and that will wrap us up so the first thing is we'll look at capability as we're going to jump in DCs now okay welcome to the cockpit of the Viggen that the first thing to say it is a very old plane the Swedish have a way of not following anymore anyone else and just doing their own thing and hence it is very different from anything so via and from anything NATO in DCs world so four star if you want something that's different to anything else and you want to stand out from a crowd the Viggen is definitely the plane for you so let's look at the capabilities of the Viggen this will be the biggest kateri we're going to look at we're going to spend a good ten minutes looking at various things so if we open up the armament menu first of all we have seven usable pylons number four partners for a fuel tank only a disposable fuel tank to add some kilometers to arrange Polo's two three five and six are primarily air-to-ground ordnance this is a ground attack plane at the end of the day and pylons one here can have air-to-air missiles at one and seven sorry so if we start we bombs now the amount of weapons that we can actually have compared with other planes like the Harrier the Tomcat the f-18 the FAA through the a-10 is actually very low but what we do have is a good range of weapons we have all sorts we have anti-ship we have cruise missile we have bomb rocket we have gun so although the quantity available is low the spectrum covered is fairly high and the bombs we can take off Mike seventy well they're relatively small bombs we take them in racks or for their high explosive warhead only and we can have either [ __ ] a with a shoot or slick now the beginners primarily set up for low-level kind of strict bombing I do off the bombing say a runway like this you come down a couple of hundred feet drop bombs with these [ __ ] chutes and bombs would just pepper along the runway but fairly good control for doing that but we can also drop from low to medium altitude in a dive in that case we would use the slick bombs so it does have different bombing methods available we also got an illumination bomb and so we've got up to 16 bombs we can carry so that's all we've got the bones rockets we've just got one pods it comes in two different warheads of armor-piercing or quite explosive we can carry four pods in total and we do have some control controlling for instance how many missiles we are how many rockets we fire at a time and whatnot next we've got missiles we've got the beep whoops we've got the beak a 90 they are b05 a there are be 75 so the beak a 90 is a short to medium-range cruise missile it's non-powered it is similar to the J cell in the f-18 see invert is a kinetic weapon you drop it and it glides to the target it's AI NS driven so it will basically glide to a waypoint that you've set and explode it's a cluster munition you can have empty personnel or anti armor or both configurations and as a fair amount of options that you set in how it ingress is and how it explodes above the target etc we can have I think it's four of them and the range is a long time since I fired one I think it's about eight miles or a little bit less maybe so very low compared to a more modern sage a cell that can do about 77 zero miles and we've got the RB 0 5 a this is a really old missile it's a reincarnation of the American ball pop so it doesn't have a guidance system Perseids said it's radio controlled from the cockpit we have a little joystick and we can move that joystick which controls whoops controls the weapon up down left or right not that effective to be honest but extremely good from and to be honest that is kind of this plane all over I mean compare it to the effectiveness of an f-18 see it's pretty low but as bloody it's a bloody lot more fun we can carry only two of those next week I'll be 75 this is reincarnation of the Maverick the American maverick missile so it's one of the first all guided missiles and this is an early version of it it's an optical I forget whether it is a doubt version it may even be early I've forgotten now but it's a very early version it's okay it has limited capability but if you know what you're doing in the Viggen it can still be pretty effective certainly not as good as for instance a golf model and I are seeking model in an a-10 C or the version in the Hornet or the version in the Harrier but it can still get the job done okay as long as you know what you do need if you've had some practice with it next we go to this pylon I've got the anti-ship we've got whoops we've got the come on we've got the RB 0 for e and we've got the RB 1 5/8 RB 1 5 F I think they're both air-breathing engines anti-ship cruise missiles F here has about 60 mile range maybe small at 50 45 50 thinking about it a long range and Egypt cruise missile intelligent missile you have plenty of control of with various ways of firing it a RB o 4 you have less control of and less range but still pretty effective and the whole idea of these was to defend Sweden from the Soviets in the Baltic seas the good missiles good fun to play around with ok what else have we got we've got pods we've have an I can gun pod this allows us gun pod on either wing high caliber low velocity for ground attack and you can use it for air-to-air as well I wouldn't recommend it again fighters fighters but against other attack planes or helicopters they can be effective in air-to-air as well and we do have pretty decent guidance for air-to-ground use with that one of the problems with the Viggen is that it does not have onboard countermeasures it does not have an onboard ECM it does not not have onboard chaff flare dispensers so you have to say this guy here of chaff flare dispenser if you want to dispense this is one of the weaknesses of the Bigham the other side here we can have a another dispenser or we can have an ECM and the ECM I've thoroughly tested against the other ATMs empirically and it has moderate effectiveness that's the u-22 a is the best version then we have the air-to-air missiles that these are Swedish reincarnations of the American Sidewinders navigator I don't know which versions these are equivalent to these to a early equivalents maybe the sod1 daddy may be slightly more modern the rb7 four must be equivalent to imagine probably the Pappa five maybe the lemur so not top-of-the-range by any means but a relatively useful all-aspect missile is the RB 74 we can carry up to four RB seven falls or up to six 24 it is and there okay it's certainly not it's not fighter by any means but it has the ability to defend itself reasonably at close range okay so that is the weapons next we'll look at the sensors it does not have an heir to a radar it is not a fighter as no intention of being a fighter it does have an air-to-ground radar and it's actually really really good is really well modelled allows us to scan the terrain in front of us and look for well object if we look out to sea we can use this to find sea targets find ships our fleets of ships really easily and allows us to manipulate this here the radar scope to allow our anti-ship missiles that we looked at earlier to be effective against Seabourn targets as well as that it can the radar can be used on ground as well it can be used to look for even things like tanks as long as it's the trains not too messy you can actually look for vehicles in the desert and stuff like that I've done that successfully before it's really good fun and it can also be used for ground mapping ground evasion so that you can run through hills in near zero visibility which is pretty cool and the graphics look really good everyone's really happy with the way the ground radar in the bigan works in terms of other senses we have got a basic rwr radar warning receivers presented to us in this ring here with a light and sound it's primitive and limited in its effectiveness but at least it's there it does give us some warning of when we'd be locked and when we shutter but certainly not as good as the American systems in the a-10 the FI the fifteen and whatnot this is a relatively early plane so we've got no multifunction displays everything is going to be push buttons and steam gauges just the way I like it we've got very basic autopilot spark is a basic was not fly-by-wire a basic stability system or an attitude hold and a altitude hold we've got our view eh I forgot what this is called but this is our optical viewer of what are our b75 our Mavericks can see and it is cool like this whole plane it's cool it's quirky it's awkward to use again a bit like the whole plane to be honest and when you're looking for a targets with the sensor the optical sensor on the front of one of your rb7 5s you'll actually be leading over like this and looking in this funny little scope which is this is fun it's fun quirky not massively effective but fun we've got our reverse thruster so we can actually go backwards which is always good fun and allows us to do to practice short takeoffs and landings which is as part of the doctrine of the Swedish aircraft offer time and contemporary actually as for navigation I always thought that this aircraft was I&S guided exactly not it is another method but you know what it's very close in its effectiveness to I&S which is the standard for most aircraft or most modern aircraft in dcs inertial navigation system and that generally means that it can navigate to pretty much anywhere in the world with the main use of navigation being waypoints so you'd set waypoints and you set them with coordinates like northing and easting x' that long and then information would be conveyed to you about that in various ways by the aircraft you've got two basic navigation here you've got some navigation here you've got some navigation in the HUD as well we have a very unorthodox way of editing weapons and navigation information it's through this guy here I think it's good for CK 37 but it's time to be corrected and this is how we talk to the big'n basically how we set various stuff up well different options here and we've got different numbers that we can type in and our master display here so very unconventional compared to what you'll find in any of the other aircraft and to be honest awkward bitly and quirky but again great fun so don't let me put you off we have a basic boss boat system with app standby navigation attack common ball that is and various types of landing of a radio here that is anything but simple a quirky awkward but it works and that's really as far as I want to look in terms of ability capability I know we're scratching the surface but you know we just wanna is just very quick overview so next we're going to look at the visual effects so we're starting the cockpit here and the best thing is really I just let you judge for yourself for me it's it's pretty top brass it's about as good as it gets in dzs they've taken a lot of time to get the textures right the buttons right the sounds when the buttons click and you know you I don't have messed my plane up here but yeah you see I mean it's solid big clunky sound exactly like you want stick here you can't actually move in the cockpit not that you'd want to but it is controllable per se with their key bindings just poking around here let you see all the textures and make your own mind up that to me is absolutely pretty much pinnacle oh this isn't a particularly modern aircraft in terms of you know its release state but it's still this will last a good many years before they need to update it I'm only 1080p I don't know what it looks like in the you know the bigger in the bigger resolutions so I can't inform you of that all this great stuff lighting I'll show you the lighting quickly I always fly with lights on even in the daytime because you know they spent the time doing all this cool lighting I'm gonna I paid my money for this and I want a bloody well make sure I use it saying that I didn't actually buy this a lovely follower AJ and helper AJ bought this for me thank you very much but I will happily paid the money for this module as we'll talk about later beautiful lighting absolutely beautiful absolutely top stuff okay looking back you can't really see much just due to the nature of the aircraft lovely see in all this gubbins back here let's go and have a look outside everything is more than beautifully no stretch textures or anything like you get in some of the plains [Applause] pop a beautiful model from external landing gear highly realistic some summary of the graphics is oh these mirrors do work by the way I've just got them turned off because it helps my frame rate but there they work fine yeah I can't find anything to fold it on I didn't really want to rate it by it because I wanted to make five out of five to be absolute perfection but I mean what can we really rate it down for so I'm gonna have to rate it five out of five for graphics in fact no no I'm gonna read it four out of five the reason I'm sorry I'm gonna make it four and a half out of five the reason I'm not going five is the slightly more modern planes the f-18 I think the Tomcat you get kind of not winglet for to see kind of vapor trails but you get vapor trails over the body of the aircraft when it's putting G and stuff like that and this I don't think you do and we want to encourage the developers to put the paint all of the aircraft so if we're going fast through low altitude where there's kind of high water vapor then we want to see even when we're flying kind of straight level we want to see that kind of you know there's big vapor clouds that you see it air shows and stuff like that I think that's anything we're missing so to encourage them to do that we'll put that down at four point five for visuals sounds I'm very key well I'm very keen on the interior sound of the bigger not so keen on the exterior or saying that actually with we'll talk about this later in the history but there's been a lot of bugs with the interior sound of this and I'm allowed to say that you know this is this is my job at the end of the day so what you'd use to do it may have been fixed now for the last few months or so if you go out external like that and come back in the sounds would bug peers have fixed it and you wouldn't get the sounds back until you're taken off and done a few miles it looks like a fix it it's just me something's being annoying me for about a year now it's been driving me nuts trying to make videos when the sounds didn't work inside it looks like that's okay now so fingers crossed that's fixed I've on that interior sounds must be one of the best now sounds are extremely important in dcs and I'll briefly explain why the real pilots flying these aeroplanes have much more input than we have they have peripheral vision they can feel vibrations they can feel lateral forces vertical forces g-forces all sorts of forces the we can't feel all we is a screen a kind of a piddly little rectangular screen and the sound and with those two things everything has to be told to conveyed to us so it's a really important they give us engine sounds that we can hear and there's a some a lot of aircraft and DCs they've caught this up luckily the Viggen hasn't and I can hear if I rev up exactly what the engines doing if the sounds work and I pistol I guess that appears to be fixed so you can hear it's a replica can hear that increase in rpm hear that once you've driven in a while you used to wait you know exactly what where the throttle is at before the engines doing stage 1 of burner stage 2 of burners so Shriya burner you see it's not the best out there there are a couple of better ones in terms of communicating what the engine is doing but it does sound very good is it realistic no idea it doesn't really matter or any of us gonna fly in the real big and know what I'm more interested in is that a sounds of mersive B it gives us feedback because that's what we need to fly I will take up a minute I have a look at doing some maneuvers but outside it's okay outside it sounds good good chunky afterburner the problem is and I don't think the fix is yet obviously I make videos these videos pretty much for a living so I know when an aircraft sound isn't quite right and every time I do an external in a vegan on my videos I have to pump the sound up by about 27 percent in terms of gain and that's because the sound compared to all the other planes in DC as well is too low a couple of planes are like this I don't know why on earth they've done it but well most of you won't notice it because you don't have to make these videos and compare plane sounds to each other but it is too low for some reason regards the actual sound outside it's it's not the best but it's good it's as strong for I think regards the outside but what I'll do is just pump the sound up the afterburner doesn't sound punching up for me compared to other planes much frontier and in f-18 or something that's afterburner you hear that sound coming nearer to at school burn and here the how quiet it is outside even compared to the carpet that's outside inside is so much louder so I don't think the boy got the outside right there I think they need some little bit manipulation really big crunchy inside it's good makes it immersive where there's realist it's highly unlikely that in reality applying a big and you'd actually hear that crunch inside low this is more likely would sound a bit more like the f-18 but in those great it's great passing gamers want to feel like they're in there pickin good shimmer NAB on some reduce some how high maneuvers and say it's very important sorry to pause it is very important that when we're turning that we get feedback in terms of the sounds again for the reasons I explained earlier it's important we hear the stresses on the aircraft because we can't feel them so they have to put sound effects in there that tell you the aircraft is being stressed and that the wings are about to break off tell us that the air that the pilot is being fatigued and whatnot I've never heard any stress sounds from the bigger so that's something that's missing we get maybe a little bit part of freedom I think when you speed up a bit here so I'm putting seven I'm putting eight G there and I can't hear any you know kind of sound of the of the I don't know what the physics are but you know what I mean when you watch a YouTube footage of a modern plane pulling high G's you can hear that kind of grumpy sound as the airframe is really being stressed and I can't hear that here and it makes it hard for me to judge what stresses I'm putting the airframe I come cheap I having this bar down here at the moment busy only waved me to tell see what I mean and though that gets me a bit and that's what I want to see some I would like personally not to see improvement in some of these sound engines to give us the feedback we need to be able to fly these vehicles other than that sound how many weapons on but the sound of firing weapons and stuff like that is good it's it's it's you need to be in real life you can't really you know here when you've dropped a bomb or something but it's important in Decius that there are those sounds because again we can't feel the release of the weight of the bomb like a rope Pollock can we we need a thump to tell us that that weapon has dropped very important and you'll piss people off if you don't have that but we had yeah we have it we've got kind of unrealistic our b75 firing sounds I think from memory so it's good it's it's what we need in there so I'm relatively happy with that so we're all a bit of a mixed bag that's just look it fly by [Applause] pretty good crunchiness they're happy with that flyby it's just too quiet it's just quite much quieter than inside so like I said it's worth to pump the sounds up so a real mixed bag there you go on the whole it's a good decent sound Ernest ascends and Jeanie like I said now appears to be fixed missing a few bits I've just reviewed the Harrier and rate it basically the same as the Harrier I've rated the Harrier what 3.5 and I think it's the same sound as this I think I'm gonna rate it 3.5 out of 5 yes it sounds good great in a cop it's chunky they've put all that great but I still think we're missing the external sounds are too quiet and I still want to hear those airframe sounds like you get on some of the ever aircraft other than that completely baller no now just realize one thing we missed in the capability section is the hub HUD in this it works it's okay it's just very odd just like I said the beginning everything is very odd turn the sounds back down you can see you've got this weird it's like nothing else in the world this hard it has rather than the typical kind of NATO or even to be extended the Soviet time had it they've really done their own thing they have their own symbols that mean their own things why have they done this either really understand it's much I find it counterintuitive compared to just a basic NATO hard you know it's just got you know if you look at that could you tell me what any of that means before looking at the manual almost none of you could but if you go and put me in an f-16 or an f-18 copy I can read out pretty much everything without ever having any or studying it what almost every bit does so it's just a thing again it's quirky it's different to everything else that's not right it's not wrong but it's just something to be advised about okay next we go to interactivity and detail we better land for this so standby so interactivity in detail that means how do I interact with the aeroplane through the cockpit and he blurr absolutely got this nailed the buttons just the the knobs everything looks right and everything that really I'll describe as can be modelled Odysseus I mean the dzs world simply isn't as complicated as the well there are things that don't exist in Decius world that do exist in the real world in terms of iff radio communications stuff like that environmental stuff and so some of these knobs won't be press'll but every knob that they've made could be made principle is pressable everything down here has its purpose it's all set all the sounds are great they feel good it feels like I'm turning these knobs back up radio here I don't think I've ever got that working you guys say it works but almost certainly doesn't hey listen stuff up here you see that's not water wherever that is there's a few bits up here on this panel that that don't work ventilation things like that but obviously we can't use in fact especially one minor criticism I a lot of other aircraft that have knobs and stuff they even aren't used in dcs still can have them turned and the big in here doesn't have these things turnable clickable so that doesn't bother me but some of you might bother so there are a few bits saying that that there can't be turned and whatnot oh my god didn't actually mean that but everything around here the radio night represent this radios model will can be modeled gauges everything worked flight instruments everything all the knobs that can be turned will be turned qfe over here no your pressure oh that can't be turned that's unusual this would we can't cater on page or whatever this knobs supposed to do I must admit I didn't expect to find anything that wasn't muddled in this but I found a couple of things already sent a roll I doesn't do anything that doesn't do anything but disappointed there actually to be honest oh no sorry so I could break is don't do anything one of these does something humped nobody was talking break yeah doesn't do anything everything here works or does something I specified great interaction around this unit here good interaction around here with the waypoints good interaction with the tills another thing I forgot to mention in the capabilities it does have tactical ILS till the system so you can land and might on at least most of the bases and the corpuses a good functionality with the DC with the ECM and the jammer obviously only has a fraction of the functionality of the real chair but you know this is what was said about earlier with the Decius world the countermeasures everything works modeled remember this guy is lights I think this stuff here is not modeled and it would be nice necessary it's just that one there iff can't actually do anything on it obviously it'd be nice if we could turn the gauges to stuff up here that we can change so this is way this ventilation just you can change the others you can't put of a mixed bag in here isn't it am I gonna eat declination everything down here works and does something this won't this is a sorry if I forgotten this is maybe the iff I've forgotten oh yes this I've EV so no this is relevant anyway to easiest just doesn't wobble back level because the circuit breakers there with and pull that's not modeled all in old pretty good about 90 I don't know 7 98% of the things a model so it's not a full house but it's pretty damn good and what's there is as good as it gets reminds me the Tomcat the buttons in the Tommy are solid clickable buttons it makes you feel like a man actually we mustn't be sexist another one that's not clickable details that we can look at we got the radar beautiful functionality I can remember how to do this sorry yeah I could get the radar on there and I would normally be able to see stuff out there I just don't know how to set up right I'll need to go and read the manual again have to do that but you can take my word for it that the ground radar is very good in detailed this unit here the input computer is very detailed the warning systems very detailed Waypoint systems everything is as it is in detail all this kind of stuff around here or different weapons details we've got very good and detailed instruments themselves go to high detail so I can't give it 5 out of 5 for interactive in detail because we are missing a few just a few little bits that will trigger the more OCD I want to be people but it's as near as five as we can get I think and that there's lots of stuff modeled that you I've had this for years now and I've still finding new stuff about it every time I Drive it there's so much stuff here more than any pilot ever going to really need to need to use in DCs so oh I can't give it five I'm gonna give it 4.5 for interactivity and detail next we're going to look at flight model so I'll get the surf a new jet with the canopy and get that with airborne standby okay as we said in the pre pre f---ing I can't tell you how realistic it is how close it is to a real big and but I can tell you with plenty experience of flight Sims what feels right and what doesn't feel right and that's very important for aircraft to really immerse you make you think you're flying a vegan it has to feel why it has to be able to feel the weight and the momentum and the inertia of the things and these are not particularly easy things to program so they can go wrong and a lot of them have gone wrong in some of the DCs backups don't concentrate now I'm scared now the white bottle in the big and I feel in this lots and it is excellent lots of things a model map tuck can various sonic features are modeled as well as that it's got a real really good sense of weight you can really fear feel this thing it feels like I've got a big lorry below me a really big heavy truck and now you're just gonna have to trust me when I say that you can't feel it watching this video but that's kind of why you wanted me to do this so I can kind of put my experience forward and what I'm swinging this thing about it feels like a big hunk of metal which is exactly how it should feel because it is a big heavy hunk of metal turns it doesn't turn well as in it doesn't turn like a fighter but it turns what I would consider realistically into it so there's nothing strange about the turn I think what I've considered to be unrealistic for the specs of the aeroplane you see we've got shape there now I was speaking earlier then this aircraft has to warn us has to communicate with us in different ways because we can't feel the g-force so watch the cockpit when I really got that high alpha it's gonna shake and tell me our high alpha see the cop is shaking whole thing is shaking and that's telling me my alpha is too high and you can see sorry I stopped it to date but you can see I was up about 25 degrees alpha which is much higher obviously than this aircraft can handle that's one way in which this fight model tells you some some of us don't help us tell you your alpha in reality you know you've got no way of looking in a dogfight you can't go look down at your alpha meter if we even have one we probably even got one I'm sorry but it is right there but in reality you just never get to look at it in a fight so it's very important that he blurr communicates to us by a sound and vibration about things like that accelerates and decelerates very again I use the word realistically but I hope you'll explain what I mean by that now feels right roll very much varies on the speeds I really like the row you've got spark even turn spark stability on/off and you get the relevant effects order pilots excellent as in its simplicity do some quirky things and by no means is this a maneuverable aircraft engine stalling is modeled I probably won't be able to do it now as soon as I don't want it to store the engines always store I'll try it in a minute just trying to do our little trick let me do a tail slide or you know rudder over or something we three stages would burn for the afterburner to the sound that sounds just too quiet oh it's powerful isn't it look at that your supper went down to must gone down to about 50 knots let's see if we can get the engine to stall now you just have to get the Alpha high enough to install an engine did you hear that stress sound I think it was that stress sound when I was turning that high G it's just trying to hear that again that's exactly what I was asking for in the sound engine you hear that rattling so that is what I wanted of the sound engine I couldn't get it before 7g but I appeared to be able to get it at the moment try that one more time yeah there it is you hear it yeah that's what I wanted in the sound engine so what I'm going to do is oh good they're actually gonna upgrade my sound figure from 3.5 to 4 because I didn't realize that was there I was just gonna see if I could wreck the engines wasn't over so how high I'm get the upper that's one of those things when you want to do it you can't oh they hear it one of those things where you wanted to but you can't but it has a models the engine effect of where you know the alphas too high and you the inlet flow all goes wrong and the engine starts to splatter and stall and that's all very cool it all adds to the immersion and stuff and that's really good they've put that in there so all you know I can't really think of one thing I want to add in fact one little complaint one little tin C complaint and that is that when you're going at high speed it's too easy to black out and the too easy to rip your wings off or they've done this with a dodgy Tomcat as well so I go back to my kind of earlier complaint is that they have to give us some concessions as we can't feel what the real aircraft pilot can feel the real air path pilot can avoid blacking out because he can feel that g-force loading into his face we can't feel about the real pilot can avoid ripping the wings off the plane because he can feel when he's pulling too hard and he can feel that stress on the aircraft we can't feel that and so they have to really do is to make these have to give us a little more concession a great example for them to go and akka is the f-86 saber and you thought you six sabre when you pull the G really loads up slowly and you start blacking out slowly even at relatively high speeds at least in the color positive G and I'd love it if an aircraft like this and the Tomcat were more like that where you could progressively load the genius slowly black out from kind of six to nine G rather than just suddenly nothing nothing nothing black out and if you fire the Viggen your you will black out and guarantee it maybe the Tomcat as well Tomcats not quite as bad so maybe they've done plenty of maths and whatever has said yes this is realistic I've no doubt they'll say that but again it is game you do have to give us those concessions for the reasons I've outlined and you have to be fair to your fans if they're going to go into a fly big 3-hour mission and they just pull slightly do hard and again you know there no way of judging that they've pulled too hard because they don't have these inputs that the real pilot has and suddenly the wings rip off or whatever it's just hmm I like I'm all for realism and whatnot but it's a little bit too much you have to give the pilot a little more concession there and give him more warning if you're gonna make him blackout fine give him some more warnings that you're gonna black out that's that's on you you've got a bet and that's why I can't give it a 5 out of 10 because those bits there I just don't agree with them so I'll give the flight model so I rent the noise in the background I'll give the flight mode of 4.5 and we'll go and hit the deck again so next we've got to cover difficulty and this is pretty where i trigger the purists there it's not even that they're the fans of the vegan are a very interesting bunch of guys are very upset about and they would defend the vegan to their graves as you Decius griffin dcs bigan to their graves after you'll see in the youtube comments no doubt but i have to be unbiased and realistic about this and say that it's not an easy plane yes it was designed so the conscripts could fly it to everything big pressable buttons everything's clearly laid out and stuff like that yes but but the guy I'm speaking to is a guy who wants to come and buy the plane and I have to rate this is difficult to be 1:1 on five one being super easy like the a ten a five being very hard plot the a ten see where is the vegan I'm going to go towards hard because if I want to go and drop just just use a weapon I want to go and drop some bombs on a target and I want the aiming reticle to work okay I can't just go up like in pretty much any of the other aircraft any of the other aircraft I can go up and I can just aim the pivot on the target press the bomb at the bomb drops and that's it Harrier f-14 f15 you know all that all those planes and this we've got to work out the qfe of the target to tell the WCS weapon at row system the altitude of the target well how do I do that well okay the talk is over there I can somehow gauge that it's 500 feet high but I've got to go into a converter then in in Google and try and figure out you do I mean it's not an easy play to drive now don't let that put you off if you want a whole plane to drive the bigan is definitely for you if you want to go do all the stuff if I want to just go fire my beak a 90 or my RB 1 5 there is no way in the million years you could do it without thoroughly reading the manual watching tutorials and then practising you've got to learn the various codes of how to input it here on the input compute evil to learn how to relate the waypoints to the missiles and whatnot it is not a pick-up-and-play thing and therefore I justify it is a hard weapon to use the Mavericks in any of the other aircraft easy to use Harrier I can work out without using the manual agency I worked out with using the manual horn it's probably not even under in the manual but I can work it out super easy this no bloody chance have to read the manual have to ask my guys how do i fire this bloody thing you have to look in here you have to press all kinds of weird buttons that aren't in other aircraft and an aim and like that and look dissing it I'm just saying that is not easy you've got to do research and practice and even still it's quirky it's difficult compared to the other aircraft and the same theme while that runs through not order the aircraft there are some simple things autopilots super simple AFK super simple radar me in the middle somewhere warning system pretty easy waypoint system again it's not something you really pick up you gotta go through the manual and read watch tutorials had to do all this stuff say all of this how are you gonna work all this stuff out on the Harry you just turn ECM on in this you have to do get a bright code and then the right sub pretty sure I'm justified insane but this is not an easy plane to fly you will have to do research and study no I don't think it's the hardest plane to fly either is simply not as complicated as an agency and a Hornet in some ways so we're going to rate this for for difficulty a lot of guys and my group have already rated it one and the difficulty sorry but it's just complete bollocks and I don't know what they're talking about it is a difficult plane to flight for the reasons that I've specified no it promised would have look at some connected details again probably no interest to you but it is generally quite interesting I find so Peaks the same turn rate at 50% gas you can see we've got the top there with an f-18 see it for 20 tasks centred around there 22 degrees per second achieves its sustain and the vegan is down here at for 20 tests as well as 16 degrees per second it's not actually that bad I mean these two fighters and it's better than those two fighters that's pretty cool I guess is to do with the power I don't really know but it is better than a Harrier as well instant out achievable altitude very low compared to the others and with a full engine flameout simply is not configured to go high altitude as we know max ceilings sustain altitude is the lowest 47,000 simply it's not designed to go high and it just can't do it everything about this plane just doesn't go high at high altitude sustained an instant speed where's the big innit right the bottom is the slowest at high altitude in sustained and in incident at just over 1,000 chaos at 40,000 feet Matt 1.77 students didn't press it that's a bomber that goes Mac 1.77 you know that is interesting look what is up against you know proper fast fighters so it's all good low speed altitude it's the fastest he'd like I said it's configured for low speeds what he does and it is amazing at low speed if it's clean it doesn't have weapons on it'll outrun anything and that's the vegans best defense I've been flying these for many years now in our serious campaign missions and the best defense you know it's not electronic countermeasures not flares it's not chaff it's putting stage 3 burner on being clean and go Mack point 1 point 3 nothing can keep up with you including missiles down there on the deck you almost become invincible as long as you don't run straight into a hostile so really impressive though altitude acceleration is near moderate best but it's actually not a very high power-to-weight ratio in this aircraft there's quite a heavy old chunk high speed sorry high altitude acceleration probably be even worse where it's a vegan Wow hi sorry high altitude acceleration it's actually the second best question Mach number 2 right question mark doesn't sound right to me but I do I've done a video about it go and watch it if you want proof of it I don't know I'll leave that one to you guys the climb rate from of QR F a launch is near moderate a best better than mig-21 and an f5 by lots but it doesn't compete to these guys the climb rate from 600 knots is again strangely really high for whatever reason is just really from the fast climb to 20,000 it's really good and I say it's a real mixed bag from its kinetic performance real mix but the most important thing is how fast it is on the ground that's what it's designed for and what it does well so next is the history of the aircraft it was released about early 2017 so that's space just yes literally two two and a half years it's been out now Wow come quick and its history has beat okay certainly not perfect we've had bugs with the bombs who had bugs or the missiles or had bugs with the sounds and now the good thing about them is they have all been reported relatively quickly now bear in mind as well that I paint open beta so I can expect a little more few more bugs than the stable version and generally apart from the sound bug everything was fixed pretty quickly bombs were fixed in about a month we've had a few minor glitches with the the the C weapons you know I don't keep up with it's just kind of feel I've got for driving it over the last couple of years so not as bad as the Harrier which has had a really tough time but there have been a few things compared to some of the fitness that you were dynamics models some of them had not a single problem almost in their history and certainly not enough to put you off buying this it's just something you know it's a little moan that we've had but I certainly wouldn't ever put anyone off trying to buy the Bigham so it's nokay history not exemplary but acceptable right so that's it summary really good module I didn't pay money for it I got it bought for me but I'll happily pay the 50 $60 for that it's really worth the investment if you go into it don't think you can just pick up and play it's simply not that kind of aircraft you've got to read the manuals you've got to watch the tutorials and memorize the procedures if you can do that and if you don't have lots of planes like me I have 36 planes it is now so it's impossible very hard for me to remember how to fly something like a Bigham but for most of you that have three or four modules that can concentrate on those planes really good to do really rewarding and the ski thing about DCs here over performance is the reward that you get how it makes you feel once you've bombed a target in the Viggen is one of the best for that because of the work that you've done beforehand and setting all the systems up setting the computer up setting the waypoints up and stuff like that feels good down in the valleys as big engine sounds in the Kop it feels good gets really exciting so all in all I'm happy with that I'm happy my rating it's got the best rating so far that we've done and probably may stay one at the top in terms of rating it doesn't have that many errors and problems so that's it I hope you enjoyed the guide and - see you later
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 44,283
Rating: 4.8305464 out of 5
Keywords: milsim, fighter, aircraft, F-22, F-18C, Hornet, Raptor, DCS, DCS world, formation, flying, stunts, f-15, su-27, su-33, mig-29, harrier, f-5, mig-21, huey, ka-50, viggen, grim reapers, grim, jets, planes, dogfight, combat, pvp, arma 3, mission, bvr
Id: GDuJFiE6qWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 4sec (2944 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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