DCS Module Buyer Guide Review: FC3 (F-15C, Su-27, Su-33, J-11A, Mig-29, A-10A) | DCS WORLD

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hello everyone I hope you're all doing very well so today we're doing the bias guide or the review for the DCs module flaming cliffs three so within this module we get the su-27 flanker the su-33 naval flanker the f-15c eagle the mig-29 we actually had several variants of the mig-29 but we're just going to treat it as a single aircraft for simplicity of this video the a-10 a warthog and the j11 a the Chinese version of the flanker and we actually get another type of su-25 as well and today we're going to look at all of those aircraft in one rather large video I must admit except for the su-25 so first we have to understand what flaming cliffs three years it is a package of all of these aircraft that we've talked about and they are available to buy either as the full package for around 50 dollars or you can buy them separately for kind of 10 to 20 dollars for each aircraft it's just more efficient to buy them all in one and you can use them in the same Decius world as all of the other separate modules that i've been reviewing there is however a big difference between flaming cliffs three aircraft and the non flaming cliffs three aircraft in that roughly speaking the flaming cliffs three aircraft are what we call low fidelity models in DCs ie non clickable cockpit and everything else in DCs world is a high fidelity model an easy way to detect the difference between the two is a price a single low fidelity model is about twenty ten to twenty dollars a single high fidelity model is what for up to a kind of seventy dollars all of the high fidelity aircraft have carpets that are interactive actively and passively so passively because the gauges work and you can read the gauges and read the displays and actively because you can push the buttons with your mouse the low fidelity model cockpits are passive only so the gauges work you read the gauges you can read the displays the radar displays and whatnot but you can't go in and click the buttons that's the difference between a low fidelity and a high fidelity in terms of a cockpit as well as that the control systems are very simplified in the flaming cliffs free the low fidelity aircraft and that is because they are essentially a stepping stone a starter aircraft if you want to get you into DC as well which is a very complicated simulator so there's a damn good read and why they're here whereas the high fidelity aircraft or what we call study level sim aircraft so you have to learn to do everything that you would in the real aircraft essentially to be able to fly the high fidelity aircraft so the flaming cliffs 3 the low fidelity aircraft are a lot easier to fly and like I said I always recommend people starting with a low fidelity aircraft to begin with because there's so much to learn in dcs do not however think that these aircraft are uncapable just because they are a low fidelity model for instance the time of making this for August 2019 the two top medium-range fighters in DTS as it stands at the moment are both flaming cliffs three aircraft be f-15c and the su-27 flanker so they are perfectly capable aircraft especially in air-to-air operations so as ever I need to keep this review as uniform as possible and so for that I'm going to use my normal review structure and we're going to treat flaming cliffs three as one module so we're going to do an average score for all of these aircraft but we are going to look at all of the aircraft then for these scores I will put them in the main datasheet where you can compare it against other modules in TCS world I will link this in the video description please going to look at that where you will have not just my ratings but the ratings of the other gr members to make sure everything's fair we will be looking at one capability weapons sensors and now to kinetic performance the kinetic abilities of these aircraft compared to the others in DCs world 3 the visuals inside the cockpit and outside the cockpit rated one to five for sound effects inside the cockpit outside the cockpit radio one to five five interactivity in detail how interactive are the cockpits six flight models what are the flight models that like to fly how convincing are they seven difficulty how difficulty is this module overall to pick up learn and learn to use the aircraft well and eight a quick history so let's get stuck in okay first off in the f-15c so let's look at capability we're gonna go to weapons we've got a lot of pylons we can use there a lot of ordnance we can carry on the outer pylons we can have an air-to-air Amram a 120 Bravo and a 120 Charlie now I've done a thorough review and comparison of all of the medium-range radar-guided air-to-air missiles Decius world is pretty empirical was a big hour-long video you can go and watch on that to see me test it and the aim-120 see came out by far the best missile in dcs world so you see an aircraft that can carry this medium-range we're talking about it's a very good thing next we're going to us look at the Sidewinders with a lemur a mike a popper and a pepper pepper five different variants throughout the years the Mike is the superior version similar you'd find on a Harrier or an a-10 C or the the Tomcat same with pylon 11 next video and pylon two we can have a fuel tank of 610 gallons which is a lot and we can have a total of about 25,000 pounds of early and that's either the most or very near the most of the fighters that providers can carry in DCs pylon 3 at air and it's the same as we had before on polymer one one on for air-to-air and it's the two Amram variants or we can go to a fox one semi-active radar homing I should say these type of fox 3 yourselves these are fox 1 type missiles up to the mike hotel version which is the superior ranged version next is pollen 5 which is the same as pylon 4 and pollen 6 in the middle we can have another 610 gallon fuel tank as well as that we have an m60 120 20 mil six-barreled Gatling gun the Bolton gun in the wing root cowling with over 1,000 rounds of ammunition this is the only 4th gen pure air-to-air fighter in Decius world and a medium range which is where most of the combat stand it is regarded as the best still in DCs world because of its kinetic ability and the missiles that it can carry next as sensors don't they I can turn my radar on on the ground but we've got a good solid modern radar here it is over simplified as compared to the high fidelity modules like the Hornet and whatnot but the majority of the big functions that we need are still there we can still sleep up and down with a zoom in and out and change the PRF and so on this also has much simplified iff as compared to the hive Delhi tomorrow so for combat it far superior in terms of ease to use just not obviously as realistic we have a good modern range based or signal strength OWR here for excellent situational awareness it does not have a data link like the hornet or the flanker or the tomcat so that is one thing that lets it down they've a good modern heart not perfectly realistic but it tells you just about everything you need to know we have a digital storage management page here it is completely over simplified but it tells you roughly what you've got selected and gives you a bit of function there we have a good simplified ECM works and on testing it is among the most powerful in DCs for air-to-air and air-to-ground actually we have no autopilot in this we do have however semi and fully automatic trim or manual we do have a good solid but simplified I&S Waypoint system we have no ability to edit the waypoints here it's all done in the mission editor we have full ILS for landing on suitable runways we do also have air-to-air refueling ability from boom style tankers I find it really difficult but you know it's it's doable and it's there and it's more of modeled really well we do also have a bucket load of countermeasures in terms of flair and chap let's go to the next aircraft here we are in the flanker let's look at our stores all on one air-to-air r-73 a premier Soviet vectored thrust missile roughly on terms with the aim-9x not quite as good as the anal annex of the Hornet or pods at the ECM here we do not have an internal ECM like the jammer like the f-15 we have to take pods for that I've tested them and they are exactly the same effectiveness as an f15 or any of the fc3 air-to-air jammers pollen two and nine at air or 73 again and just spoke pods pollens three and eight air-to-air all 27e are considered the best fox one semi-active radar homing missile medium range in dcs the e is for extended range the r is for radar guided all 27 ET the only long range ir guided box to type missile in dcs incredibly effective R and T are the same as these guys but not extended range so slightly less range slightly more maneuverability and the r-73 which is an IR guided close-range miss or if I didn't say before I'm not the f-15 this is not a pure air-to-air fighter or a superiority fighter we also have limited ground attack bombs I said limited ground is that we do have a vast range of bombs the two Peter parents anti wrong-way bombs very effective general-purpose high explosive slick unguided fab 250 kilo fab 500 kilo KTM type of anti armor and MC personnel variants they are multiple munition dispensers ner racks we have six times five 100's of six times fab 250s which is an amazing amount of bombs has a huge load carrying capacity this aircraft does because a series of rbk - 50 s and 5 50 kilos these are various types of cluster bombs sab pop 100 is an illumination type on pods smoke rockets huge variety of rockets we have a pod of 5 x medium caliber s 13 missiles rockets re the B am one pod which has 20 relatively low caliber sa type Rockets of different warheads and the mighty single high caliber s 25 rocket credibly powerful and we've got extras here we can have two of each on that pod as you can see all on four and seven the artery's have an ER or the non extended range version bombs leave as the same as we saw before pods smoke on us five and six air-to-air 27 or 27 ER or our bombs I believe that's the same as before pods smoke and six I believe is the same so as you can see a massive load carrying ability or air-to-air and air-to-ground the only thing the flanker is missing is Fox 3 type missiles like all 77s which would be the equivalent of the American Amram and this is the one reason why this is not generally considered as good as the f-15 in medium-range bvr combat it is however no to be superior in close range combat generally accepted because of its missiles and its helmet-mounted display terms of weapons deployment we have a radar roughly comparable to the f-15 radar air-to-air which is shown on the HUD here we have a Russian style radar warning receiver in this guy here personally I don't find it as good for situational awareness but it does have other benefits that the NATO style displays do not have we have Eva for navigation or dating purposes we can use this here navigational data link depending in which base mode were in we have an ECM with detachable pods as we saw earlier we have a simplified I&S Waypoint based system and full ILS landing capability - waypoints to be set a mission editor only as well as the radar we also have an electro-optical irst is this knob on the top of the nose here so if we don't want to use our radar we can actually lock and track aircraft in a passive yo system and for our aircraft with foxy missiles so that they don't even know that we're firing at them this is the main major benefit of the flanker over the f-15 and makes them incredibly dangerous especially at low level shooting up ground to air ordnance dropping bombs we have a C's basic Satyarthi and CC RP ami system rockets we have a CC a good solid CCIP aiming system and ed ground guns we do not have air-to-air refueling ability we do not have external tanks that we can carry but the internal fuel of this aircraft is nearly as much as the f-15 with all of its tanks on let's go to the next plane this is the J 11 a the Chinese variant of the flanker it's not identical but it is very similar the only things I'm going to note are the differences that I'm aware of and that is we can carry fox 3 style missiles in the form of o77 fox 3 missiles they are not empirically as good as an aim-120 as you can see my video that I did on the medium-range missiles but they do narrow the gap between the flanker and the f-15 see in general medium-range bbr air-to-air combat there are some other small differences with the aircraft I go to bombs we take extra amount of bombs we have twin racks where some of the flanker only has single racks above the map other than small one of Earth's more graphical differences like the cockpit and the outside some small differences I know of no other real difference between this and the su-27 this is the su-33 the naval version of the flanker its capabilities are almost identical to that of the su-27 land flanker so we'll just go over the differences first of all we have an air-to-air refueling probe and we're gonna fuel air-to-air and the model is good with refueling air-to-air there's no problems with that we have an arrest hook and carry it landing capability and everything works for that the physics are all fine as compared to the high fidelity modules regard ordnance to be carried it does have more problems than the su-27 a slightly better load carrying capability now as far as I understand what the weapons can actually be carried on those pylons are basically the same as the su-27 we just have more pylons to use the internal graphics of the cockpit or the layout of the cockpit is slightly different but mainly the same the exterior model is of course different we have the four plain little winglets as you can see here there is a big general misconception that the su-33 is a superior fighter in terms of dogfighting ability in Decius world do not fall for that it is not a thoroughly tested it against the su-27 in almost every aspect we've got sustained turn rate media turn rate speeds accelerations and almost all of them the su-27 come out on top this at the end of the day is 2 tons heavier for the extra gear that had to be added for the carrier ability one thing to note is that this has a special afterburner mode a bit like in the mig-21 where we can get extra temporary power this is usually used to help carrier takeoffs because you don't have a steam catapult system and this can actually be used in combat to a certain degree and boost your performance in some cases above the land flanker next is the mig-29 and I've always kind of thought of it as a mini flanker it's an interceptor rather than a superiority fighter so it's designed to zoom up quick take out targets or light attack and then Ozzy be quickly it's not designed to loiter in the air we look at this bilities in terms of weapons air-to-air look at the are 60m which is an older type of IR close range missile or an hour seventy three o'clock the close range Russian premier IR guided missile or the r-77 the Fox three type missile that we looked at earlier the equivalent of the nato Amram pods smoke do have attack capability as well we've got the same air-to-air missiles that we can carry here bombs we've got pretty much the same bombs as the su-27 flanker but we're just missing a few compared to what the flanker had so I'm not gonna go through all of those again smoke pods rockets again similar to what we had in the flank of about the s24 be the large rocket instead of the s 25 I'm not sure what the difference is to be honest inner pylons we've got the addition of the our 2070 long-range Fox one semi-active radar homing er also the long-range Fox 2 IR carded long-range missile here as well as the non extended versions and the close range missiles we can carry bombs I believe the same as the previous pile or extra fuel tanks we can carry over a thousand litres smoke and the rockets again and in the center we can have an extra 1400 litre fuel tank and one thing is sorry I forgot to say with all of these Russian and Chinese players so far we don't have got the guns we have rotary guns there's a single barrel gun oh if I believe 30 millimeter it is generally considered a worst gun for air-to-air than the Mike 61 but it is still very effective generally speaking this aircraft has better connecting ability than the su-27 the flanker variants that we've looked up three previous planes however it has severely short range it does not carry much fuel and if you carry fuel tanks you severely limit your fighting ability so for the vast majority of missions the su-27 or the flanker baron is going to be favorable terms of sensors and navigation it's almost identical to the flanker we have the same radar or similar radar to the flanker it works in the hug we have the forward-looking irst gyro sensor here to use with our IR guided missiles one thing I apologize I forgot to say about the Russian plaintiff is that they have a helmet-mounted display so I could actually look around here with my head and this is another reason why these Russian aircraft in fc3 are superior to the NATO in close range I can actually look up here and wherever I don't have a cross I can lock a target up like that and fire an off boresight IR guided missile or I could fire a radar guided missile so in dogfights that has an exceptional ability the same lwr down as the flanker we did not have a data link or navigation capability here that is purely a HUD repeater do have an ECM I believe it is internal on this aircraft i stand to be corrected but I believe the ECM is an eternal ECM jammer on this aircraft it sadly has no air-to-air refueling capability it would be exceptional if it did because we would get over the main problem of this aircraft which is of course fuel consumption fuel conservation and regarding navigation the same as the previous flankers we've got a mission editor based by NS simplified our NS system with ILS landing capability next is the a-10 a is the original warthog does not the same version the high fidelity 8nc is a previous simpler older version terms of weaponry we've still got a hell of a lot 11 pylons here air-to-air we've got various Sidewinder types including twin pylons up to mike variant equivalent of the f-15 see and training missile bombs to terms training bombs cluster munitions here 87 with dumb bomblets 97 with clever bomblets mike 82 general-purpose 500 pounds slick bomb and a high drag variant pods through different two different types of jammers the a of the 1:8 for contemporary with such aircraft as the in performance of the a-10 sea and the Harrier dummy Sidewinder and the smoke 2 and 10 bombs training same as we saw before but with the addition of multiple illumination bombs rockets to different types of pods at 1:31 and a 68 each with 7 x 2.75 inch rockets or by explosive warhead will appear white phosphorus parachute illumination practice smoke practice by explosive mark fire and two other practice 3 and 9 bombs 3 tons training 3 x mark 83 variants israel the same as we've seen before or a 2,000 pound dump slick mark 84 missiles we have single variants of the agm-65 maverick we've got the Delta the Gulf a hotel and the kilo doing is purely by memory but I believe the Delta and go far I are the hotel and the kilo I think our opticals guided small warhead big warhead small warhead big warhead training training training training or multiple versions of the small warhead ir small warhead optical rockets same as we saw before four and eight bombs same as we've seen before fuel tanks rockets same as we've seen before fellas five and seven bombs same with us we've seen before remember that these canisters are not wind corrected as they are for the a 10 C 103 and 105 variants pylon 6 bombs as we've seen before fuel tanks and of course the amazing and veritable airs ground and air to air 30 mil multi-barreled gal a Gatling gun ammo of combat mix high-explosive incendiary and practice that as a massive quantity of weapons the variety of weapons is certainly no match for the a-10 see we've got sensors we are limited in the a-10 a we have a good modern signal strength based as opposed to threat based our WR here simplified you might as well just assume that everything is simplified in the FC 3 aircrafts make it easy to operate and use we just have the screen here for the current seeker head of whichever maverick we've got loaded good modern solid hard relatively realistic everything you'll need will be in there and if I haven't mentioned for the the previous Russian planes they've all got the equivalent Russian hard as well we can also have air-to-air refueling ability which is pretty awesome not that you ever going to run out of fuel in this thing but it's cool navigation system the same as all the others basically it's a mission editor specific is simplified by NS Waypoint system with full ILS landing capability also have an internal ECM jammer which is as effective as the a-10 C and we have a large quantity of chaff and flare and again the story if I have mentioned we have Chapman for there in the other Russian planes we have lots of them in this aircraft as in the 8nc you see a huge battery of them at air ordnance we have basic foresight ability blocking ability of the IR missiles the ground attack we have a nicely simplified CCIP or CC RP dropping abilities having a good accuracy with our various weapons we have no type of radar similar to the agency probably most importantly we have no targeting pod on this so the only way we've got of targeting is visual essentially and using the seeker heads on the agm-65 out of interest do we know if the real a-10 a gratata early port I have no idea I'll be interesting to know ok that's all I want to say about the capability so next we're looking at the graphics internal and external so we'll flick through each plane in the cockpit and then we'll go have a look outside now for graphics the best thing is I'll just pan around the cockpits and really let you decide for yourself because it's pretty subjective everything so far looks average I think flaming cliffs three generally speaking was released tonight in 2013 so you know six six odd years old so it's showing its age obviously the textures are all pretty simple comparable with something from that area like the 8nc similar color graphics to that shadows all look pretty cool lighting is actually pretty cool oops I mean to do that what are these gauges you can see everything works down here but passively only I'm glad this isn't high fertility look how complex is into the flanker I think this is the best looking cockpit in fc3 looks just about average for the age basically navel flanker similar but not identical to the land of Lanka J Levin very similar to the land flanker mig-29 and this is the s the Sierra version we've been looking at today didn't really considered the most capable version [Music] [Music] our symbol down here compared to the flanker [Music] 8na probably the worst looking one here item what imagine Courbet looks very similar to the 8nc okay look outside so we've got all of the air I've lined up I've also got out the absolute top of the range high fidelity f-18 there so as we go down the list you can see what they're like compared to the top brass so if we start with the MIG let's move on to the Jalen as she twenty-seven almost identical to the J 11 we'll just do a quick breeze over 33 much heavier landing gear for this aircraft than these guys at 15c 8na and for reference here is a high-fidelity fa-18 seed is top of the range in DCs world in 2019 just so you can see how it differs to the FC 3 paint so you can see so you can see that although they're not quite at the fidelity externally of the f18 they are still pretty damn good they've all got good quality exterior models so at the end of that and purely in terms of graphics bear in mind that we're missing some effects we don't have low-pressure condensation clouds when we pull we do have wingtip kind of board to seat rails I'll say the Copts it's there okay that kind of bad bridge here I'll take two point five the exterior models are all good and solid I'll say they're four out of five so that gives me four fc3 all of the models inside and outside a combined score of three point two five next is sound effects interior and exterior exterior all of these aircraft have really good sound effects I think comparable to the decent range of high fidelity models I do a lot of video making so I get to listen to the external sounds the FC 3s are the only ones that are completely solid they're there absolutely no bugs at all glitches mix every sound the volumes are all perfect an external sound so the external sounds are great interior sounds these are not the most realistic aircraft in terms of sales but they were actually very functional and and in many ways they were better than a lot of the high fidelity sound models because we actually get in a lot of cases more detail so let's just get straight on with it I'm just gonna rip up and show you that I can hear the whole range of sound in here exactly as I want to hear a lot of aircraft in hot the hyford fidelity bode don't even have that show you exterior let's go up and have some flight first of all when I hear ground which is to go through the uniform checks the logical checks I do for all of these aircraft to keep them fair and the similar you could do already here you've got good ground effects sorry good ground rumbled just at the right amount doesn't want to sound comedy but I do need to hear it so that's perfect I look at other planes are there that's funny give them a buzz shall we stereo just sounds it says top of the range to be honest it sounds better like I said a lot of the full budget or even most of the full fidelity models so sounds are really of them really good things with these things next we want to try some wind and always make sure we've got linear wind noise so just listen how long it how loud is here at low speed now we're gonna punch the speed up and you can hear massive increase in winds in wind noise that's exactly what I've worn is perfect couldn't ask for any more can ask for any more next we're going to look at high G and we're going to look at Phi Alpha sounds these are things that must be transmitted to me through the sound model that's just how a virtual pilot astha that's just what I need so already you can hear the G in the sound part in the palace voice is good much louder than is something then like a Hornet much superior in terms of the balance of the sounds then just that all of the high fidelity modules next we're gonna put some high out for them you can hear that you can hear the warning but you're getting a lot of pie potatoes but you also get the sound I mean how hard is it just to add that sounded a lot of the high fidelity guys just don't seem to bother can't be bothered to put in my Tomcat probably bothered to put it my vegan or whatever oh well you know wherever the reason is I mean be the fc3 panes I've got it perfect let's do it again watch the Alpha down at the bottom perfect just the right amount of shape it's not by the bloody Tomcat where you're trying to do you know got this crazy ridiculous a comedy shake all the time it's just fine again I don't want to moan but just how hard is it it's cost like ten dollars and it's better than the high fidelity in so many ways well anyway mm-hmm I think it myself in trouble if I go on any further but you know I'm saying what I'm trying to get at is the sound model is the bollocks it's all they're absolutely beautiful guns find all of the missiles and everything absolutely fine are they realistic probably not are they functional do they give me the information I need yes they all do okay safe fifteen a screen grab a flank Oh we'll just do one of the flankers because I think they will share the same engine they know anything about j11 is the sound is a little quiet in the cockpit that's the complaint I've got about it otherwise it's all pretty top notch so you just can't hear let me just open the ground sorry let me let's realize I didn't do any fly bys there 15 so we'll have to do some more of this yeah that's too quiet I just can't hear the engines doing well enough and I can't hear when the burners are on so this one's not as good as the f-15 I have to rely on the lights to come on maybe that's realistic but I need the real pilot can feel when the burners come on he threw as a punch in his back I need that as a virtual pilot to be transferred as a sound to me it's something I have to have has I got brown Rumble yes you just heard it has it got so linear wind noise you can already hear it ramping up so yes and it's great it's right everything is just right apart from the engine sound everything is running in the right quantities I have to strain to hear it like in some aircraft let's try yeah that easy near the breathing easy and it's you know I don't have to strain over the engine noise or the cockpit noise next let's do some alpha our alpha noise I was unexpected try again you can hear it there it smells prevalent as it is in the f-15 I prefer it to come on a lesser angle but at least we've got something there - try that again what's the Alpha down at the bottom I don't have to take the bloody fly by wire off so here a bit they're not as good as the f-15 but it's okay still warning their guns same as the f-15 everything's pretty good for the guns I actually haven't got this sets up so I can't actually use the gun it's kind of annoying but you take my word for it with the other weapons sounds of goods so it's not as good as the f-15 the engine I can't really hear with the engines do it alpha it's just not you've really got a reckoning out there just to hear anything so you never there but I'm doing like 22 degrees alpha fur if that was a little that came in a little earlier but you can just about hear it try mig-29 I should have a bit more control a less intrusive control system for this this better check sound as well I think it's a lot better from memory hey see now here the engines and it's all I want all I want to hear what the engines are doing off the modules you can't do near that it really drives me nuts well that's their kind of here the burners no that's annoying I know it's not realistic but I need a boner town I need to know in a dogfight and I'm looking like that I need to know when those burners are on like I said a real pilot can feel it I need to be able to hear it okay first words this was sound yeah you know where to hear the sound mounting up so that's good I'm gonna go through these guys here get some speed up and then we'll trust in G and we'll try some helper jeepers excuse me cheapest of all you can hear the guy it's perfectly loud I can hear it fine but when noises about hive it's okay I mean look up awesome guy he is a real talk about in the blood model actually next we will try some Alf I'm gonna try not to destroy myself you can hear the alphabet in there are more than the in here and more than the flanker at least try that again cumbersome alpha it's there again bit low the flanker I wish it was more you know if I really bunnyhop out of a second here but I'd love to hear a bit earlier again I'm not saying it's realistic to make you come in earlier but I'm saying as a virtual pilot who can't feel things that real Paulo can I need that input as something we need it's okay it's there but you have to push it a bit too far until the sound comes on a bit like a blank oh hi boys oh my god I just realized I forgot the sound of the blank I will go back for a minute there's a thing I didn't realize we had paper clouds in this well there was me saying that we don't have them and here's have changed right there's an interesting thing [Applause] sounds cool right if you've watched my 14 tutorial so how annoyed I am are there 14 sound engine how awful is when you know the plane gets away from you the sound doesn't get any less it stays just as loud how hard is that seriously look at these ifs $10 planes perfect just makes me so angry let's pretend that didn't happen so what I'm going to do is just quickly go back to the flanker and just have a little listen to the exterior sound and I've got a lot to fit in one video it's gonna be a long video but how it is burner - beautiful absolutely beautiful low-power fly by lovely that's all I wanted a sound engine perfect intake sound power again you can hear the dynamics a lot of modules are missing there's no quiet he goes when it's out there there's a mile away and it comes back in it'll be a lot more it'll be a lot louder if I can fly in Reverse we took our that's beautiful [Applause] sometimes I honestly just wish that they put the fc3 sound packs in the in the standard planes that are so so many complaints and problems this may 10a sounds fine to me in fact I prefer the sounding this to the 8nc so perfect in here what the engines are doing sounds lovely I was just the same as the agency actually but I find them a bit louder and it conveyed to people on balance so just throw it that way [Music] housewife inside see if we've got wind hi boys cow sounds amazing obviously the sound same same Sun factors the agency I believe speedups if we got some wind noise in here yeah that's where noise you can really hear that wind noise we're gonna do it's not obviously it's not really made for this but we're gonna see if we can get some airframe noises see if we got some G in there we often limit to telling me off obviously jeez sounds fine level sponsorship and gets a mouth for sounds in yeah that's pretty cool like the flanger it doesn't come on it comes on a bit late for me I'd like it more progressive so it can really help me but you could argue you've got the warning beacons there that's okay nice and loud can't miss that are the f18 where everything is hidden behind just a massive weird APU sound or whatever it is has been nuts draw a nice heart for Alice and Schiller so that's there I mean oh it's all there yeah the flanker needs a little bit of fine-tuning I think for the reasons I've said possibly the mig-29 but it's all there and it didn't worked really well better than the vast majority of the more bedlam yeah to be honest is better than better than that almost all of the the modules and I'm ideally placed to judge this because I I have to compare these this planes against each other in my videos and I've never had to fix an FC 3 plane I always have to fix the five dailies that makes really one terrible the Viggen way to quiet the f-14 just a mess and a whole bunch of other ones to own it massive pain in the arse to work with if you're gonna make videos interior players interior so just because these are cheap and simple don't think that they're not modeled well in terms of Odin in terms of sound and these individuals like we said they've got good visuals especially outside I know that as comprehensive as I usually do for the single modules but as comprehensive as I want to go if I was just doing exterior sound so for sound all of them everything together it's a good solid 4 out of 5 I mean for what's there obviously you could argue it's missing with a lot of interior sounds where you know clicking buttons and stuff none of that you know you can't do that so none of that makes sounds and you're missing a lot of warning sounds and funk and system sounds compared to the high fidelity planes but we're just judging what we've got and what we've got is just very good while we're in the air which I guess we should do the flight models and the bar models to be honest absolutely fine now the reality is these five models are not sure exactly how it works I'm not gonna really pretend to tell you but they have less detailed flight models than the high fidelity aircraft but in terms of what you can feel as the layman I can't really feel any difference and you know what a lot of these fc3 my fly models are I find better than a lot of a high fidelity models a lot the high fidelity of what has been ruined Oh to me like the air for team at this weird upwards pitch thing they toast for no reason just completely ruins the flight recorder for me and maybe series of complaints of various aircraft for having for having what I consider bad fight motors I'm not saying that unrealistic but for a player for immersion and just break your immersion completely it's just feels awful all of these athletes rebuy engines flight models just feel good they all feel right and don't think that they're simple either they have all the various track characteristics if I've just got a bomb on the left wing but on the right wing the thing will weigh down that way they all feel like they've gotten a necessary weight momentum and stuff of that just as good in my in my opinion as the five identity fly models they're probably not as complicated in terms of damage and stuff like that so I'll give it that they're probably not as complicated in terms of system Sibelius and stuff like that I can't say that for honest but that's probably how it is trim and everything about that feels just as good as any kind of piped early model ground physics pretty much just as good maybe not quite there it's like the Hornet maybe they're fired but the physics ground models will find there something weird there they will land perfectly fine and wheels interact with the ground fine regards hygiene maneuvers and this is a real stupid one to do it in and they're gonna get to me oh gosh yeg manoeuvres they'll feel absolutely fine to me they'll strike not power of that thing does it sound gorgeous where the buildings I want to challenge watch this down here it feels just as good to be honest and this is the flanker and a mig-29 as well pretty much I can't tell the difference between quality in terms of in our Hornet and an f15 here I'm gonna do just everything I can with a whole net I can do with this it was just as good feels just a rewarding and satisfying in return stalling everything to spill was fine reaction to weather conditions like by winds and stuff I find it just as good sometimes better than a lot of the high fidelity models for whatever reason again you know this is how it feels to me but you know I fly all of the plains are pretty well placed to judge this so summary know they're not as complex and in some ways I guess you'd say complete is the full flood models at the end of the day they feel perfectly good I can hardly tell the difference and they haven't got the weird a lot of the weird kind of crappy look bugs but you know just some things that piss you off like I thought about the f-14 and a bunch of other stuff but the high fidelity mode was happened because they're good simple but completely effective I'm gonna give them a good solid four out of five per flight model next is interactivity and detail and there is pretty much no interactivity there's nothing along here I can click with my mouse everything looks beautiful nothing does anything like I said it is passively accurate in that all of the dials and gauges work the displays work well I'd say the main absolute main symbolised functions of these displays work so it is super simplified compared to a real flanker on the f-15 super simplified prepared to a real f-15 and so on but that's just how it needs to be the way I controlled a lot of a lot not all of the functions are modern but a fair few of them are and the way I have to manipulate them is by hundreds and hundreds of keyboard commands or ho tests bindable command and again their function is very simple compared to the high fidelity module so it's something you have to prepare for if you're gonna do fc3 so obviously we have to rate detail and fidelity soar detail and interaction one out of five because that's the lowest we can go and that's just how they are in terms of difficulty it's really easy for me to give a number that's gonna be one out of five because they're all equally and really easy to fly terms of history they're six or seven years old now please correct me if I'm wrong that's just how I remember it but I don't really remember any problems does anyone remember bugs problems with the fc3 planes like missiles not working and and control was not working and damage model not working I just really can't remember any scratch it the su-33 was bugged for a while it couldn't use its Kerry landing capabilities as a thing about half a year maybe up to a year yeah in multiplayer the Kerry operations were bugged to the su-33 so that's a thing make 29 radar still got some problems in multiplayer still crashes servers well I have tested for about two months but I'm making making an assumption so I take it back they're not bug free but generally speaking most of those things have seen a specific to multiplayer were specific to you know something that you don't do very often so generally the systems and everything of what there is has been pretty pretty reliable I found please correct it correct me if I'm wrong you know it's anecdotal here I've not got a list of problems or anything now I did promise you some kinetic data so let's get on with it peak sustained rate with 50 percent gas is a deck the master be in the fa-18 see at 4:20 K to speak is 22 point 0 22 degrees per second sustained with the mig-29 G which is a moment of rapport than the s by the way as far as luck into 450k test 21 degrees per second so that is an F C 3 plane where's the next one J 11 with a range of 272 for ATK TAS at 19 degrees per second with 30 from 30% gas which we compared as being half combat gas f-15c 350 to 450 range que TAS and 19 degrees per second so we'll probably good flanker 402 this is actually 50% gas not 30 bearing in mind this one that's why it's slower than the eternal M 430 18 degrees per second su-33 a lot bigger a lot heavier 350 to 500 a good range but only down to 16 degrees per second and also that was without special afterburner mode and that's that instantaneous altitude the maximum of f-15c 108 mig-29 a 106 su-27 and 98 thousand and that's a lot max service ceiling highest is ignore that that was an old model the su-27 we're 72k a 50 see these are the big these are the two highest kinetic fighters in dcs and will probably stay even an f-16 won't be able to compete with them so these will probably always stay the biggest critic fighters f-15c 71,000 mig-29 a 60,000 smaller wings higher speed optimal altitude this is we think this is BS first of all because all of the FC 3 planes are at the top you see the mid-20 on a mac 2.83 optimal which we think is wrong yeah 15 seed Mac 2.6 which who thinks about right FSU 27 2 point 5 4 we think that's wrong we should be more to point to maybe as she's 33 2.49 we think that's wrong and the high fidelity models just go kind of downward from there so the top speeds of FC 3 we don't think is right correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that's that's just not correct and the FC 3 in general do tend to be a feel a little more powerful acceleration and all that stuff than the other planes how realistic about that that is a has move on low speed max altitude vegans the fastest the near 14 then the su-33 was special afterburner mode down here even at high speed it gives us a massive thrust akane Mach 1.25 2 then a mig-29 very powerful to compare to its weight 1.25 f-15c 1.2 for issue 27 1.18 and that's it though abotu acceleration 300 to 650 chaos on the deck is a f-15c is the best at acceleration mig-21 9a is basically the same s 233 with special afterburner mode nineteen point two eight su-27 19 point eight three that's my lot high altitude angels 15 300 to 650 chaos a 15 sees the best by miles AGS vegan which had no one can figure that out while that's how good up there but it is at the moment b-29 a 23 seconds su-27 27 seconds su-33 even with special afterburner mode just doesn't do a lot upper 29.1 for climb rate to 20,000 but from the curia stand still mig-29 just its power to weight and its weight lightness and everything about it in 57 seconds amazing scratch that that was just an old model in 1559 seconds su-27 woman in 9 not that good it's just a very heavy or a guy su-33 eat is so heavy even if afterburner mode and in 1.14 climb rate but from a 600 not star 24.6 for the f mig-29 25.0 for the f-15 special afterburner about the su-33 twenty seven twenty eight point nine with su-27 and that's it kinetic they're the best planes out there over the whole spectrum especially the f-15 to meet when you're on the land flanker so for summary good solid planes excellent performance the detail is very low obviously there are not system not very much so many systems to learn the manuals are very smooth they're all about 100 to 150 pages which for DCs manual is like a pamphlet so the pay if you just want to fly and you don't have to study the manuals no tutorials then here they are for you and they're just they're just good they're good around there's nothing bad to say about any fc3 models if you want your aircraft to be high fidelity then no problem go for your high fidelity modules in terms of who I would recommend these to Oh to recommend these well to anyone especially noobs noobs that come in there's such a steep learning curve for DCs about all Aeronautics and avionics you've got to learn all this stuff to be an effective fighter let alone the planes themselves stick with an F C 3 plane or F seat the whole fc3 packmaster all those airplanes ground attack an heir to attack and then move on to your high fidelity models so I hope that was useful to you guys out there and I'll see you later
Channel: Grim Reapers
Views: 134,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: milsim, fighter, aircraft, F-22, F-18C, Hornet, Raptor, DCS, DCS world, formation, flying, stunts, f-15, su-27, su-33, mig-29, harrier, f-5, mig-21, huey, ka-50, viggen, grim reapers, grim, jets, planes, dogfight, combat, pvp, arma 3, mission, bvr
Id: kadTi-bhK-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 3sec (4023 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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