Daz3d Mirror a Pose Quickly and Easily!

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hello everyone and welcome to another daz tutorial um this one's going to be a quick one but this is a super useful hack for your uh for your dazz poses uh that is going to save you a load of time and trouble at least it has me so i uh hope it does the same thing for you be sure you hit the like button and subscribe to my channel if you haven't already so you never miss one of my new videos and also if you like any of the assets that i use my figure the dress hair any of that i've got links to them all of my products in the description below so feel free to check that out um if you buy any of them using my affiliate link i get a small commission off of whatever you purchase it's a great way to support my channel and it doesn't cost you anything extra so feel free to check that out again if you like the assets that i'm using all right so i've already got a very very basic scene set up i've got my figure uh i've got her dress she's wearing a dress and hair and i'm going to kind of show you the very basics of what we're going to do so um i've got the figure selected and i'm gonna go ahead and put her in a pose but a lot of pose packs come with mirrored poses they're literally just mirror image of of every single pose in the pack uh for instance i'll show you one of these in action let me try this one right here so when i do that this is the pose and then the one next to it you'll see it has the same file name but it has an m after it which means that it's a mirror pose so if i double click that then it does the mirror image of that pose it just reverses everything but unfortunately not all post packs come with mirror image poses or what if you do your own pose from scratch and then want to do a mirror image for that one i'm going to show you how to do that it's actually really really simple so i'm going to go up and select a different pose this is from a pack that does not have mirror image versions available so i'm going to show you how to do one yourself so let me go ahead and choose the pose that i want there we go and all we have to do first of all make sure that your figure is still selected uh come over here to the right and you'll notice this menu up on the up on the top left of that right hand pane some people call that a hamburger menu because the lines kind of look like a hamburger but i'm going to click that and we're going to go down to symmetry we can also do a shortcut for this by hitting shift and y and that'll bring up the symmetry menu and we're just going to change a couple of a couple of these options so under nodes we're going to change that from selected to root propagation is none we're going to select recursive direction left to right we're going to change that to swap left and right and then finally under trunk node that says leave alone and we're going to set that to mirror across y-axis that is literally all you have to do so once you do that we're going to hit the accept button and boom after about a second it flips our pose to the mirror image version again that is all it takes super super simple but that has saved me a lot of time and effort lately and getting mirror image poses um so again don't forget to hit the like button while you're here subscribe to my channel check out my affiliate links in the description below and that will do us for this one thanks for watching goodbye
Channel: Steven David
Views: 10,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daz3d, daz, daz studio, daz tutorial, tutorial, quick tip, trick, hack, mirror, pose, mirror pose, intermediate, beginner, time saving, save time, easy, fast, lesson, learn, learning, cg, graphics, create graphics, visual novel graphics
Id: TiiEMeHNy0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 22sec (202 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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