Daz Watches Relatable School TikToks

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how's it going tuzzlers welcome back to Dad's games we're back with another Daz watches School love it or hate it whatever there's even two options there is it you just hate it it's unnecessary part of life and we all like to make fun of it I think we've all got our own relatable stories when it comes to schooling my schools were terrible and I'm not I'm not just saying that like my schools were awful I think one of them got knocked down in the end because it was so bad today we're going to be watching some relatable School tick tocks as asked for by you the dazzlers let's watch the video oh you need help what's up which question you need help with what oh well man let me come and sit next to you which question is it what are you doing on the floor get off come on no you can share the challenge in the room you don't have to stand no there's enough so you're right you can see okay all right so what we need to do is you subtract the five away from the six are you sure you're all right okay and then what you're gonna do hold on they've always got like loads of keys it's the lanyard that made me laugh and leaning over do you need help oh that was funny that was funny I think maybe you don't find that funny but that's funny to me yeah that's it is this is so true hey I'm sorry I didn't hear guys get back to work oh man that's so true they would just stay there for too long like we're doing a test go away another one that was really popular when we used to sit our exams and tests in the main Assembly Hall if you like lifted your head up and you were done say you were done you were finished before everyone else you just lift your head up and just be looking around and then all of a sudden you just hear from the front of the Assembly Hall face the front right and you're like oh like if you looked in any other direction stop fading please Jason look oh for Jason you're better than this okay don't listen to what stinky Drew has to say he's trying to get you mad but I know you're better than the okay so take some deep breaths with me [Laughter] oh my God that that feels that feels too real there's always the girl just trying to get involved but not actually involved you know what I mean the girlfriend of the guy in the fight is so true why can't stand right is when you're you I I'm not a fighter I don't want to fight I don't like it I'd rather just walk away go get a Subway and go home that's my evening have you ever been on a date where you where your partner is talking and you're in a club or you got like a friend like most of my friends are like girls and uh there's there's one in particular where she'll talk she'll talk smack but then when it comes to fisticuffs it's got It's gotta be me or whoever's with her and now I just learned to walk away I said you know what you're getting yourself into this you can get slapped are you eating yes on my stomach [Music] um when did my rum become your class oh you know what you're right you want some you seem a little hungry psych too late the office what they gonna do send me home I'm listening throw right ahead color who is this hey girl I bet you're still hungry [Laughter] I take it that's a sketch about homeschooling through covid [Laughter] I would have done the same honestly if I grew up in this generation and I had months of a year of school I don't I don't know if I would have got anything done I would have been too distracted especially now with what you have distracting you the internet PlayStation 5 God yo watch this pinch my arm do it right here as hard as you can I promise you I don't feel pain all right that one got me I used to have a kid who did that exact same thing man when you think about it like what kids actually find bad um what actually is bad is is crazy in it like it's just so it's just such innocent River what's the longest river in the world it's asking what year the Louisiana Purchase was what year what's the largest and deepest ocean what's an ocean now which one is the largest and deepest sometimes when you just don't know the answer and you're looking at yourself I need help with this one and they don't help they just read it back to you like you haven't read it a thousand times like I get they can't just tell us the answer we have to learn it but come on at some point you have to tell us think about that which one do you think it is try it out it can't help that's true as well but these ones are actually good these ones are quite clever like they are actually relatable I had a teacher who used to do that he used to like hand you paper or work you know it got to the point where I wouldn't ask him I would just go to the front and just take it because I didn't want his DNA all over my work and he would just do this thing where he holding some paper looking at it and then he'd rub his thumb like that I don't know what that did and then he would go this whole family deep throat his thumb what that's so true so can anyone tell me what the author might have meant in this paragraph Alyssa okay well not quite okay not quite you're on the right track all right this is the right track and this is you you're on the right track but not quite all right maybe we should look at it from another perspective Jason I don't think that's really it I don't you're getting warmer tell us teach us and all this is for sure anyway because when you do get to the test it's not what you've been learning that's the one thing that I hear people my daughter complains about it as well in her exams get to your exams to test you on everything that you've been learning and there's something on there you ain't learned I I don't know how that's fair it's so sweet Miss Smith is waiting on us she is waiting for you guys to be quiet and you keep talking over her you guys are being so disrespected disrespectful just just ship oh my gosh go ahead miss me Joshua Joshua I made the mistake of dating a girl like that um so pretty and nice outside of class but she was such a grade grubber she actually hated getting in trouble she if you she got in trouble she got her name written up on the board or anything oh my God you think that she was like shot in the leg Greg rubbers man hate them we all hate them it's like they're asking to be bullied it must go both ways as well like you've got like bad kids that are like oh Jesus Christ and then you've got the kids that are just brown nosing Charlie that's punishable is this from 206 okay okay just checking boys and girls I'm gonna be your sub for today my name is Mrs Goldberg your teacher she is sick I apologize I was late I was actually on the third floor I didn't know you guys have like five floors here um [Laughter] I don't know why it's Acura the luggage as well Jesus Christ all right boys are also from 8 to 12 from the agenda I'm gonna do silent reading and then from what just sit down may I continue you know may I continue what's your name honey where's your sign seat that's not your assignment CD because the way they just saw oh my God that brings me back like almost Nostalgia you got one there's two types of teachers in it the ones that are like silence out you know the dominating one and the sarcastic one they see you like talking and then they just take a seat and wait for you to finish what you're doing as if to say no carry on the sauce oh God okay everybody you'll probably tell by my voice I'm feeling a little under the weather this morning so um for that reason I'm gonna ask you guys to please be patient with me today and I'll be patient with you take your sick ass home Jesus what I hate is when they're so strict about if the rules are set at my daughter's school that if you if your child has like a fever or a temperature in that keep them off for at least 48 hours until the symptoms have gone you do that and then they have a go at you like the same for the teachers like keep your sick ass home don't come in and cough all over me guys uh I can't really find any more of these that don't have wads of copyrighted music Jesus Christ I've been away filming I've just done two ghost hunts in two different locations in the UK I'm excited to get those out to you so sorry if I've been a bit busy like I've pressed my channel and I'll see you in the next one stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 2,740,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz black, HORROR, SCARY, LAUGH, COMEDY, DAZ GAMES, humor, daz watches, amazing, DAZ WATCHES RELATABLE SCHOOL TIKTOKS, DAZ WATCHES, comedy, TikTok, Tik Tok, compilation, funny videos, react, reacts, reacting
Id: GIqi5_9k-jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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