Day In The Life Of @TheSartorialS (Andrew Tate's Right Hand Man) - Part 1 “House Tour”

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[Laughter] hello there welcome back to YouTube my brother thank you nice to meet you thank you nice to meet you and he's very much a guard dog so he's Halal beautiful I'm happy to hear it I appreciate you um along with you to your home of course we needed to talk more about the last time anyway right absolutely absolutely and I see your outfit is matching with the house as well you know I'll wait man I had these TaylorMade just the other day I'm going to make the switch soon I've been dressing like this for a long time so yeah it's it's all organic it's happening naturally beautiful thank you so I have a little surprise for you yeah I don't know yes I have some gifts for you when someone is massive as you said I think people really have how big you are man like I forget I feel like I'm six foot five and 230 pounds what is this I'm like six seven three hundred I love it I love it yeah welcome welcome man so this is the study okay slash office-ish okay wonderful so I I noticed that your favorite color is green so I ended up giving you a prayer map from the holy city of Mecca yesterday along with some other kids as well so this one is like a travel block right along with it is a prayer mat inside as well right it's all from the holy city of Mecca so inshallah whenever you get the opportunity and I have another one for you as well that I think you would appreciate this one is for the house okay you know oh so this is a traveling program that's awesome yes I didn't know that was a thing oh look at that man absolutely oh that's stunning thank you so much absolutely it's beautiful and I have another one for you as well yes this one is for home I guess fancy pyramid hey I want to make sure I want to make sure you enjoy it thank you very much only the best ingredients thank you what can we get you food drinks for you man um I don't think it's a sparkling water too yeah fantastic man yeah I mean I think is this a lot of fun today we've got a photo shoot organized from the beach my watch guys watched to deliver as well so a lot of fun stuff's happening let's capture it happens so actually I have something else for you as well you know since I do know your favorite color is green I ended up giving you a beautiful green belt from Morocco amazing man yes sir just for you wow bro and I got you a white one as well to match your outfit and to match your crib as well you know what I'm saying of course I should we should broke these when I go to the beach hey let's do it why not okay yeah let's do it let's do it amazing this is gorgeous I didn't know they didn't win this pillow yeah absolutely excellent thank you so much brother if there's a wall there's a way very Genesis thank you so much so I see you have some beautiful art here do you mind that sharing with us a little bit about my brother yeah let's do it man let's talk it through so part of my uh custom-made reality is I like custom art as well and for me it's it's not so much just the artist the artists so there's two examples here or three uh all this okay there's many but I'll talk about three first of all there's Jack of the Dust so you see that the skulls here it's an Aussie chat okay he's doing really well now because Joe Rogan started displaying his stuff on on the desk that Joe Rogan does his podcast and the idea of having a skulls is the concept of Memento Mori it's not that dissimilar to the idea of Judgment Day you're constantly reminded of the fact that we are mortal one that you're dying and with my experience and the way I've I've seen a lot of the world outside of the West I know that life is a very fleeting thing it can end very quickly before and so I find it quite useful to be surrounded by reminders of the fact that there's no guarantee that your life will continue tomorrow you need to get the most out of every day which ties up to My Philosophy which we can talk more about if you like so the skulls are there to remind us that life is a very delicate thing and there's no guarantee that it'll continue and you need to be conscious of getting a marsh out every day there's this one here which is really cool can we come close in on this so this is by an artistical Gabby out of I think she's out of the Netherlands and what she's done here is she's taken watch pieces because obviously I like watches and she's put them into a scorpion now I have a whole scorpion story I don't know how deep you want to go into that oh let's do it man let's do it okay we're gonna do the Scorpion stories hasn't been done before on camera I was 20 years old about that first trip overseas with the Army I was an infantryman in the Australian Army and we were on patrol in East Timor and basically looking to intercepts militia enemy militia coming across the border from Indonesia and and engage them and so to do that you you have what's called an op and observation point and you sit there for a long time on known you know areas that they'll cross this is a riverbed and and you watch them and you either engage or you know arrest them when they come through and so you've got a platoon area uh with with different um machine gun points and the weapons are staked facing a different direction and you have to take turns Manning them okay so I came up with with my guy for the next what's known as picket okay all right tap my guy on the shoulder to move so I came down to take the the gun and there was this big scorpion there a friend of mine went to kill her I was like no no I have gloves on because you know you have Cam everything any gloves I picked them up I threw on the good five meters I got down behind the gun and you know it's it's like a two-hour pickup so you're just sitting there talking watching and I see this little scorpion just running at me his claws up oh wow I'm like what I picked him up I said I'm trying to save your life friend and I threw him a good 20 meters so proper through him okay like these animals that they're crazy get back down half an hour later I feel this massive pain in my left arm the frontal attack didn't work so I did a flanker wow I looked at him I picked up a rock and said I'm going to kill you now he looked up at me and said I don't care I win okay and he was he was he was waiting for me to kill him because he made his point okay I disrespected him he tried the frontal attack didn't work he did the flanking attack and he got me and he won and he was prepared to die wow because he won so ever since then I mean and that was a nasty few days I could only imagine what kind of bite that was I mean it's not fat or just your whole arm just yeah and you feel you know you don't feel that good um but also worth an Evac or anything but from that I was like scorpions are about it man they're not playing the tenacity yeah yeah exactly absolutely so I've got scorpion cufflinks and yeah I have huge respect for these animals so as soon as I saw this piece of art they both combined watch pieces and a scorpion I had to get it straight away wow that's an absolutely beautiful that's the story there now have a look at this piece this is really special from an artist called Jonas the rich this is a custom piece that was built there's over five thousand Swarovski Crystals this is custom Croc lever this was built to match the car collection okay wonderful and the Ferrari has the you know the gold the leather inside um and the other cars have a similar spec and I'm redoing the Interiors to match basically this and there's custom duffel bags coming from the same artist so everything's kind of matching in a way I don't know what happens organically over time so that's good fun but there's this piece here man which is probably the uh the most impressive in terms of what viewers would like to see at home so this is a custom watch safe from Bourbon and Zurich I'm a big fan of watches because for me they are a symbol of success obviously we use we use our phone to check the time right yes so so this is more of a a status thing but status you get sick of for me it's a symbol it's a symbol of not being a poor kid anymore I like when I travel that I have a contingency plan on the wrist they say a Rolex gets you on the last plane out of anywhere and in my business you want to have that ability to get on that last plane that I've got many examples for my career where I've literally gotten on you know some of the last planes before the airspace shuts down okay and so having that continuously plan on the wrist is super useful uh and the idea behind the custom safe we've got my symbol the JS symbol I mean that's another story we can talk to if you want but it's all carbon as well and green so we have it matching the cars as well matching the skulls or the the same spec is is throughout the Green Jackets there's another thing I absolutely love it we're ties into this idea of custom-made reality right like it's I think when you get to a point where you've got the cars you've got status for whatever that's worth you've got everything material you realize the material gets boring quickly so for me personalizing things whether it's art or cars or a house that's that's where the magic is when it comes to sessions anyone can buy something making it truly an expression of who you are and tailoring it to your your likes the same way you tailor a jacket that that's that's what I find satisfying wonderful wonderful that's a bit of fun there's actually beautiful what I see that you know it turns by itself as well man exactly all the gold watches are gone except I couldn't sell this one because I love it too much okay but I won't wear it because that's how wrong it's good fun man so what would you say is your favorite art piece that you have you know on display oh tricky man um if you have to pick one if you had a big one yes to be honest I'd say it would have to be this okay because this was such a drawn out process this was like a four month build wow and the artist who does this is a world leader in his field like there's so much detail into this it's just incredible and the way he was able to match it you know with a gold base and the green and gold to the car collection that there's just Next Level I need to get a proper mount for a proper lighting like it's incredible so how did you choose green as your favorite color because I see everything is kind of resembled around the green color so what is it about the green tell us a little about that I'm not sure man it's just colorful slime perhaps it's like you're a Muslim before you're Muslim exactly gives gives credibility the idea of reverting I'm not sure it's always been the color brother it always has been um for me the one thing I'm missing Dubai is nature and nature is green so I like to have a lot of green around me and why does that make sense let me show you over here as well man so this is the uh an extension of the study I've never done this on camera before should we go a bit deeper it's up to you my brother I would actually love to hear it I'm pretty sure many people would love to hear about it as well all right but let me choose a suitable jacket uh let's go with this one here so when I grew up I grew up a single parent household and we're on we're on welfare and it wasn't a peaceful environment you know Dad wasn't there mum was stressed out being a single mum is stressful you can understand why and so from the earliest of like part of my identity growing up was I was a poor kid I got teased about being dressed in only second-hand clothing so clothing was always a bit of a mental thing for me and what I did as my first job was I'd get on my little crappy bike and I'd ride from the poor area of town where I was in Australia into the rich area and I'd collect money for the newspaper delivery and what I do is I'd sign js on the receipt give it to the person take the money and I look up at their big houses and I'd say to myself one day I'll be in a big house like that wow and and now that JS concept is on all of my jackets so if you come in here it's the same JS signed by that poor kid tens of thousands of times manifesting about a reality right that is amazing thank you so I've gone from only second-hand clothing to only tailor-made clothing but now that same JS is on a safe it's on the cars you know I haven't put on the house they must be coming soon though there must be a limit Ed in someone's narcissism right but that's the original story that's why I take dressing also seriously because for the longest of time I was angry at how I looked I was the second hand clothing smell was part of my upbringing whereas now the fact that it's all custom made is that that gives me energy to work harder and it gives me energy to try and lift up my brothers so that they can do the same because I've been there I've been that poor guy I've gone to bed hungry many times so I know what that's like but then to to be in this reality and understand it takes a lot of energy to get there I think it's very important to surround yourself with symbols that remind you of where you started from and that's what that whole JS symbol is about that's wonderful so you went from secondhand calls to now custom balls that's it brother and some some of them are I mean you want to talk about Nouveau Rich have a look at this I have literal uh money on the Linings I've got an incredible Taylor a shout out to stallion bespoke we do a lot of good work together and you've seen the war room I take a lot of Warren guys to the Tailors and simply because the time and energy invested into getting tailor-made clothing it pays incredible dividends you come across with more credibility professionally you're actually displaying a form of social intelligence if you really know how to dress so I think every young man who wants to level up in life would do well to get to the Tailors and put a bit of time and effort into dressing like they're putting their best foot forward all these Tech guys you know with their t-shirts we're adults it's dressed like adults if you're a serious professional why don't you dress like it so that's that's the whole sartorial thing there absolutely absolutely and that's so beautiful I'm so happy that you actually took out the opportunity to show that to show that I've done that on camera before so yeah absolutely [Music] hopefully what I'm hoping is every time you pray you pray for me as well indeed of course so okay A lot of people are coming to my house and they say oh you've got a a man cave what my house is my man cave I have motorbikes in my lounge room the idea that I I have you know this man cave a man just has permission to do what he wants in one room so the motorbike's there to show everybody that's not a man cave yeah but it's the man house yeah I love it I love it I love it thank you man so of all my vehicles actually this is the most terrifying one okay why do you say that this thing is just it's 208 horsepower but it's 198 kilos okay so it's a monster and there's I'm yet to even come close to pushing this because he's just running out of rope okay it's this tunnel of speed and then you run out of road so you can't even show doing properly it's that quick this thing is I will never be able to get to even close to to push the limits on this bike the bike's capacity because my capacity as a Rider's just not there Ducati is it's those who have driven to get Ducatis I know you like bikes I mean it's just the next level right absolutely just another the the way Ducati have mastered the art of making bikes to me is incredible but this thing's terrifying I get nervous every time I drive I see you took it out one day with your Tactical slippers you know I should probably dress better let me show you the other one so this was my first bike that I bought in Dubai uh so the DIY you might like the the racing match there that's wonderful so I'll show you some of my cars see this toxic masculinity that's why I'm having fun with it so if toxic masculinity means I take care of my family okay I work hard every day to make you know in my career to make the world a safer place I have quality Brothers around me who also have these Traditional Values and everyone in my circle is living well call me call me toxic that's what this is about hey I'm toxic to them it's a collective right they're Collective of toxic investment so come over this side and have a look at the open wheel on this side so this you see the big fat tire when it comes to zero to 100 this is about 2.5 seconds okay it's so talking it's always it's back breaking I've got the aftermarket exhaust I do exhaust on everything I really enjoy the the sound this thing is so quick off the line it's brutal if you can keep the front wheel down like it wants to Loop you oh it's a monster mate you can get up on the handlebars and fully engage and you'll still be picking up oh wow it's such a monster so yeah now that I'm I'm getting too old for this sort of thing it's basically Lounge room art it gets driven once a week but yeah so what did you first get into bikes uh well actually funny story I got divorced in 2018. okay I bought this bike it's a role model specifically to my son that his dad was about it and I mean look it's just a bike but everyone else in my circle they're all like oh I wish I had a bike but my wife won't let me part of my getting divorced and getting my life back and getting my energy back and living the way I wanted to live was all right I want to have fun again oh I've got money I've been working hard let's go and get some toys but I bought this because I think it's one thing to tell a kid especially a son in today's day and age live by your belief systems don't let Society put you into some sort of constrained you know whole which is what most most men they're not living fulfilled realities okay you know they're a slave to their wife they're a slave to their job you know they're slave to the kids routine this for me was son if you want to be that crazy guy who goes and buys a loud motorbike you do it and so I was Role modeling that and to be honest both my son and my daughter they enjoy this bike more than me because this was this was dad being fun again this was dad being the guy who was enjoying life again because for the longest of time again Slave at work slave to the woman always in your ear whinging this me uh what 2018 getting getting my life back and since then I mean everything's gone incredibly well alhamdulillah yeah indeed but this this bike I mean they're all symbols right like it's a bike's a bike but this this has a story uh so yeah I love it I hope I'm making that clear no absolutely actually I love it I love it I I love the story behind it and I hear so many men today say the same thing like hey I want to get a bike but my wife my phone my wife yeah what you're gonna do beat you up yeah yeah as a brother Tristan she ain't got no hands you know this is this is a monster but to be honest I've ever wanted that much because it puts a lot of strain on the back okay with my back's all kinds of messed up so yeah great well I'm showing this up be careful you want to see my my um my matches yeah let's do it it's a bit different to the traditional budget okay so I put this for my son who does his boxing so we can clear this away so we can train but also I'm not trying to be big and you know a fight I'm just trying to be pain-free I carry some pretty serious injuries from army days so this is where I do my daily rehab uh very boring exercises but it keeps my body in in one piece nice you know I remember take you know hitting this a few times you know there's a couple of videos of him doing that I think he broke it a few times [Applause] it's the same one huh get with it with the mustard behind oh wow yeah that's beautiful and there's a lot of footage spiraling things in this room so yeah this is a good room I try and put in as much time like anything that's amazing that's amazing do you encourage every man to have a workout room in their house as well I mean the White Tank does it's quite interesting he has one of these and a bench press and that's it and it's not even fancy like I mean recently they did buy a more fancy gin but for the longest time they had one of these machines in a bench has some and some you know basic dumbbells bottles that was it so the idea of needing a fancy gym taking himself when he walks in here he sort of scoffs a bit and so you know it fantasy gym you don't need a fantasy gym so I'd say to any any guy he should have a workout area in his house and part of the approach that I've adopted which Tate does is just get a certain amount of action every day just pick a pick away and pick a number and regardless of how you feel get direction I love that yeah and I do that with a stair machine that's the single most useful piece of you know exercise equipment I have if you've got a bust it up back it's very hard I can't put any load on my lower back that's a very low and Tech low strain but decent intensity workouts and if guys live in apartments just run up and down stairs yeah you don't need a gym you don't need access to a gym the idea that you need money to be fit you need time but it meant any any man can train nothing is essential I think it's a men's huge I mean this love even says it right yes it says it's a man's duty to be strong 100 I really believe it and also on Islam it says that this body is a gift given to us by our creator so it's only beneficial to us if we take care of that body that was given to us you know obviously you give it to us in a perfect form and then if we end up destroying our own bodies we're going to be questioned for that interesting so the fact that you are taking the time to maintain the body that was given to you you know you're going to be rewarded for that this actually active worship that's interesting it makes sense I mean if the body is a gift that most and I see a lot of people especially because I'm 40 now a lot of people who run businesses and have a lot of stuff they've worked themselves to the Bone and they're not taking care of the body so I think especially to the high output guys out there you have to prioritize this I've been in positions where my health has fallen over you're no good to anyone so if you want to be that provider that protector if you want to be successful as a man you must have I'd say at least at least 40 minutes a day devoted to keeping your body in shape and also you know I believe it just kind of shows how much you love yourself as well and I think it's important for men to love themselves the fact that you have the signature it reminds you of your beginning the fact that you take care of your body you take care of your mind you take care of your soul it just I think it's a great um you know it's a great thing to see you know it's a great thing to see I think more men should start caring more about themselves because obviously we're naturally givers and sometimes we neglect ourselves but that just shows like how things you know that that bike was a symbol of you doing what you want and how you want to take care of yourself and now it's upon look at that man it's so beautiful it's a good point I think throughout history men sacrificed themselves we've gone off to battle when we've died you know that that's that piece of our historical you know neural mapping men can do the same in the current day where they they forget about their brothers they forget about their Fitness they forget about living the life they want to live man when I got divorced I unpacked my and I had night for nine years I hadn't used my hiking kit I hadn't used my my snowboarding kit properly I hadn't used my shooting kit for nine years of a marriage I put aside all the stuff I wanted to do just to do the right thing I was deeply unhappy as a result so I think men yes we're givers but I think we need to be selfish givers I think that's an important concept if you want to give the most to your family to your brothers to your causes to your work to society you have to give to yourself first I think men have forgotten that of course I think Society wants men to forget that the society wants men to be this this concept of the plow horse you know those horses with their head down pulling the flowers in the field that sort of depressed animal who gets upgrades himself to work does the right thing I think if men don't consciously program their own minds they will end up in a very unfulfilled daily reality of being that Power Boss who exists to serve everyone else and neglects to serve themselves wonderful that's a wonderful example my mother a wonderful example thankfully we don't live like that in this house absolutely you're a happy horse you're a happy horse I'm very happy whoa so this tradition costs yeah absolutely cool there's more rocking out later okay listen to this one now so that bike is amazing I have to find a way to get that bike to the mountains of Colombia okay have you been to Colombia I haven't I haven't man it's the best motorbike in the world it's nice sealed roads but you've got amazing undulating terrain like really really good mountains wow so I'm gonna get that bike in Colombia or I'm gonna buy one over there okay because that's Heaven that's for me that's biking Heaven that's beautiful I've heard a lot of good things about Colombia so I'm glad to hear that yeah I also really want a motorbike in turkey and I want to explore Albania Macedonia on bike why turkey there's really good biking there apparently okay I'm gonna buy some land there as well that'll be one of the summer bases Romania was going to be the summer best but it's not going to be any more yeah not anymore so let's talk through this car man this is so fast it's terrifying um my mechanics rocking up shortly he's modified this so hard or we've modified it together it's about 800 horses 800 horses in a Porsche that's worth like a thousand horses of course just know how to put that power down and so you see there's a full carbon kit custom wheels I've even got my initials on the brake calipers hey we gotta get that in there we gotta get that in there look at that that is thanks to um my my mechanic he's a creative genius you read it but he's coming up and there's the JS over here as well um and if you look at the level of detail here check this out brother this is Dimitri kabanov he's a genius look at this gold trim right here the way he the level of detail he puts in is just extraordinary wow yeah he's he's a creative genius and you see top car their symbol is a shot now the animal that I resonate most with is the shark that that apex predator comfortable in the dark you know that sort of thing wonderful yeah so you'll see a lot of sharks around as well okay wonderful but at the back the fun thing about this thing so when top car do a carbon kit it usually says Stinger okay okay and that but they gave me the Boyd's Porsche I said can I can I change that out if it has the same letters because you see the base is restricted because of the the amount of letters of Porsche okay and so I'm like hang on s h o o oh it works we might have to replace it with Batman in the future Batman doesn't have the right amount of letters he's seven letters for it to work but this car's animal it's it's so fast it's just it's a lot of fun I would say to those looking to buy Porsche though don't don't go with a Turbo S it's just an animal with speed but it's not it doesn't handle as well go with one of the GT cars so the GT3 or the GT touring in retrospect would be a better car because you can track it like a kid at Christmas man that's that's the beautiful thing about personalizing cars it's like you get a new car every other week because there's always only changing on my car so I get that feeling of oh this is fun all the time all the time and these wheels they're custom-made Wheels my power wheels okay they're ridiculous wait till you see it man okay it's custom made and then there's this so I'm super excited look at her she's looking beautiful and a lot of people they say oh it's only equipment I love this car yeah I enjoy it so much I don't I don't think there's anyone should criticizes Corvette value for money and just your enjoyment incredible view incredible The Americans they took a 488 I believe it was a 48 and they basically said right we want to recreate it and so they made an American Ferrari and I think they succeeded this car is so over engineered so much fun brother how are you good to see you and that's it's something so beautiful living in a Muslim country that everyone you see is basically your brother yeah it's real it doesn't matter if they're a stranger you know just you sing salaam to them giving them that greeting of Peace it takes it to another level man that's good I think if you want to talk about a way to make Society respectful if everyone's following Islam then man we're good it's sorted yeah absolutely I look at Islam as a lot more than a religion it's a system with which to as an on an individual level get the most out of human experience but also on a society societal level to create the most cohesive Society I mean the only problem is humans are involved right of course if it was if it was uh if everyone was a pure-hearted strict Muslim I genuinely believe societies will be perfect I agree with you but of course shaytan's doing his thing right yeah that's the issue and that's the challenge of life as well the challenge of life as well yeah it's not supposed to be easy it's supposed to be a test yeah yeah and then along with the test comes a massive reward as well that's the game and I like I like that Islam conceptualizes these things every day you can make the right choices get rewards you can make the wrong choices those living in the west they don't even have that frame on reality they do whatever they want take whatever drugs you want have sex with whoever you want play video games like there's no idea of being held accountable to a higher force and that's why you see Western societies failing absolutely it's that simple it really is oh I got to see these wheels man so here we have the uh and this is all thanks to Deutsche Technica okay DT service center amazing the guy who runs it is an absolute artist with the js on the hubcaps and on the brake calipers fully custom-made Wheels uh yeah anyway I'll drive it out we can talk through it a bit more I'm so excited the only issue with us man is finding cars we can fit in right yeah you won't fit in a Lamborghini brother you say goodbye to the Lamborghini range [Music] [Music] [Music] so done let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's go big boy Kings over here it's a bit of fun man it's a bit of fun oh these wheels are ridiculous I love it like see now I need to lower it that's the problem like it's that is absolutely gorgeous look at that fully custom-made and they color matched from a distance the the way they've managed to match this to this and this to this it's all again thanks to my boy I'm at a DT service center best garage in Dubai by far and also have a look at the details on this car this is a this is thanks to Dimitri Kavanaugh so carbon off designs where he came in and we talked about this I said I wanted to use the lines and you see the way that's sort of flashing back and forth but then the little touches this is where carbonovic sells look at this little touch here this little the little bit of gold there I mean the man's just a creative genius I love it we've got the JS here keeping it classy yeah it's a lot of fun man I enjoy I really enjoy the personalization it's like congratulations you're creating art in in all of your surroundings right like actual art um the clothing that you wear is is pretty much an art form the cast I think that's how it should be you know 100 unable to afford this but I I think you should be up to if you're working hard create that custom-made reality I think every every young man or woman as well who's really hustling they should seek to create that custom-made reality because it's very fulfilling not just with stuff though with brothers or with meaningful work with the opportunity to give back to society your daily reality should be custom made that's that's one of my key sort of messages that I'm trying to get out of there I love that thank you guys we are in the Corvette tell us a little bit about the karma brother I mean look people say it's just a Corvette good it's just it's just a Corvette the Americans somehow they know how to make something that feels good it's gratifying it's not super fast but it feels good man I mean the fact that it costs less than a nice watch for me I like it man like if it gets written off okay get another one there is some relief in the car not costing four hundred thousand dollars that you're smashing around you know what I mean absolutely absolutely and look at the setup too man it's amazing it's a cockpit basically man yeah look at that dude honestly for people who want a good fun car it looks amazing and gives you a real enjoyment in driving seriously considered the Corvette and this isn't even the zero six this is a standard Corvette amazing car I absolutely love it and we're big guys I'm six seven he's six six like and we feel this comfortably man you won't fit at our size you won't fit in a Lamborghini the hurricane the events don't forget about it and also a lot of Ferraris you'll struggle with this one you will fit in it's built for big Americans right wow look at they're fantastic car man I love it I enjoy it so much let's get some more photos than the Ferrari people don't even know what this is I mean I've dressed it up a bit right it's not a normal event yeah but if you're the sort of guy who wants to create a bit of noise as well you can do that with this car there's a lot to love about this car there's very little downsides it's it
Channel: I Am “THE WARNER”
Views: 230,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Truth, Facts, Men, Women, Conversation, I am the warner, The Warner, Allah, Religion, God, giant muslim, Andrew Tate, The Sartorial Shooter, Rich, Famous, Mansion, Exotic Cars, Lifestyle, Luxury, Dubai
Id: 4838j16bxHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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