Inside The Hoods of Hobart (I got arrested 😳) - Into The Hood

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so this is what Tasmanian public housing looks like H get raided by the what's that Glen Mafia it was just a street game that we started with [Music] more spion I was raised in a housing areas of Sydney City spent most of my youth and adult life in prison and after a total of 13 years I'm free and I'm outting about flying around susing out the hoods all over the world it's o [Music] Tasmanian police are alarmed about the rise in gun violence in the state six people have been charged over a brawl in ganoi last night in which police alleged guns were fired into the air a man hunt is underway in Tasmania after a 32-year-old man was shot dead in Hobart North overnight Tasmanian police closed a major road after a shooting in hobart's Northern suburbs this afternoon all right everyone welcome back to another episode into the hood I'm in Tasmania hobar specifically hey come mate straight away lad I'm going to the three most infamous suburbs in Hobart it's gleni gagebrook and Bridgewater apparently people running mucks around here lad so this is what we're doing we're meeting a rapper from here old school rapper old school battle rapper his name is gy he's a very knowledgeable person not only about hobar not only about the hoods but the the history of this place in general mean another rapper from Glen his name is wach one of the most famous rappers Australia has and we're meeting a lad from prison he runs a gym called slaughterous gym his name's Wayne he used to run back in the days a game called the glenor mafia so I'm looking forward to talk to him catching the 50:3 we're getting off at gleni and we're meeting gy there by the way reference time it's 11: in the morning Saturday we're meeting gy just before gleni so like a stop or two before and then we're walking into it he said he's going to be at a KFC along this along the main [Music] road all right here we are ra massive mountains the whole way it's like all of these suburbs are built in between all mountain ranges I used to do a podcast the search a couple years ago and I had him on the podcast and also one bat that we're going to meet I had him on the podcast too D good to see you again what a blessing bro GL you down here you just checking out the mountain eh yeah I was just saying that this whole place is all built between mountains yeah so that Mountain's name the traditional name is kyani original name yeah that's the actual name they've changed it back it was called Mount Wellington this whole area was colonized about 200 years ago the tribe that inhabited this area were called the wi up people but the colonization down here was so hectic around 1820 is when people started building Farms out here in Nory oh he mad graph here we got a pretty good graph scene down here we don't have any passenger trains like there's train tracks for Coles and also there's no passenger trains inart no there's no passenger trains in tazzy oh in the whole tazzy yeah wow yeah and I think they they don't actually like push forward for the train line cuz they like to keep people segregated in their areas you know what I mean like the people in power down here all live in one area and they don't really want people from out here getting into the city or from out Bridgewater or from even nor Tasmania coming down you know what I mean Dead Set yeah like Taz is such a small place that's so interesting bro yeah Taz is such a small place and the people in power down here all live in certain areas and there's a lot of it's all nepotistic you know what I mean everyone's related so the that have the money they keep it that way and they keep everyone that doesn't have the money out of their way you know what I mean why are we going to gleni and Bridgewater and gagebrook I was on the street when I was pretty young and most of the fellas that I was on the street with were from out Lori so I first came out to Gori when I was like 134 with you know Fellas on the street there's always hectic parties out here House Parties you know what I mean there was only one Pub out here in gleni called the mustard pot and that was pretty hectic so growing up gleni was the runner mck area have fun run a m is there public housing in Tasmania oh yeah oh there is and these areas we're going to a public housing areas yeah there's a lot of public housing out here a lot of Tasmania is being gentrified at the moment especially since coron tazy always had this and I think it's because of how hectic the colonial history was down here but we had a lot of Shame and a lot of like when I was growing up it was like oh it was [ __ ] to live in tassy we were trapped in the mentality of being stuck it was like a reallying negative mind state that we were in and now I come back down and I can look at the mountains and realize how beautiful it was the whole time you know what I mean so they sent about 100,000 convicts down to Tasmania between like 1820 and 1860 a lot of the convicts they got 7 years that was their deal they got 7 years for transportation and then they get out and a lot of people that they get out they went to the rest of the Mainland and colonized Australia wait so the convicts they had to do 7 years here yeah so this is like a jailia is a prison it's a penal settlement the war that happened between the the settlers and the Aboriginal people down here went for 30 years straight really it was the worst in Australia because of all the trauma that came from the war and then as well like all these people getting out here they were like done for like stealing a handkerchief or a chicken or some [ __ ] chucked on a ship sent to the other side of the world to this island where they didn't understand the country they didn't understand the environment you know it's cold the the roar that the Tasmanian Devil Makes it's this real demonic scary sort of scream yeah so you can imagine all these English settlers sitting sitting down here hearing these WS from the bush and you know it just terrorized them actually this place was called van demons land for 50 years yeah but but the reason why they changed it is cuz they wanted to hide the shame of all that trauma the name van demon land you know aligned with all that trauma so that's when they changed it to Tasmania I think having you down here is really good because it's going to empower a lot of people I love that so uh we're walking into glori we're coming into the central here next to North Gate so we're entering it now this is the the shops the main main area yeah this is the main area sort of yeah I K on on it I've been watching you forever how long you had the book for a while since it come out BR Legend pretty much M Legend all good brother all good times have changed in different ways from when I was hanging out here you know like gleni was considered bogans like everyone wore flannes where you start to come into gleni they used to call it the flannel curtain because once you were past a certain part of the the suburb everyone wore flanes and you know what I mean but now it's changed and you know Bogan are now asays you know what I mean and it's interesting watch your journey watching Sydney really Trend set the rest of the country you know like out this way this is where this flanelette curtain existed and it was actually Bogan yeah yeah this is the the Bogan Central you know so now all the kids of the bogans and now what people refer to as a which isn't a term I ever use I call them ADLs but that's a whole another conversation the SS have theoretically won the war against the Bogan culture mate has changed and and you know told you mate remember I told you years ago brother hey I'm here to take overly now I'm going to show you the fruits of my labor a lot of these kids they don't have a culture to hold on to they don't have an identity to hold on to you know so what people see is this trend is actually a lot of these kids finding their identity and it's empowering them this is what you're doing bro by coming out to these places and uplifting people you know it's it's a good thing bro you're doing God's work thank you brother this is the bus Mall here in gari this is the bus this dog just running a mlad go want lot of punch on over the years a lot of drama in this park and the bus mall and what you doing Lads is this the spot you always kick back here yeah a lot of Dramas go down here or Lads running a mark you running a mark you get that look in your eye brother yeah mad mad what what the cops like you they harassers when you kick back here yeah when I'm cruising through the streets and I've noticed with a lot of these young fellas tourism Tas tells the cops we don't want these kids hanging out in the streets so the cops will roll through go o you guys are filling up the space we give you a direct order to leave and within a minute the cops are get arrested him for failure to comply and most of the time these you're going to leave straight away yeah yeah and then if they don't within 5 minutes they'll arrest him and say I'll fail you to comply and I've watched cops arrest for any reason or they just just because you kick them back they like just in the middle just standing there they come up and until you just go so right now they they'll come here if they is they'll come here and they'll say you got to go and if you don't leave they arrest you they find you give 24 hours 12 hours and if you come back on the period of time rest even though you live here it's not like you're from somewhere else yeah so what's the park for yeah hey ex hey Glen ory police what is the park for what are those seats for if you get move on orders from sitting on them come on mate true or not true yeah so yeah there's a lot of mental health issues here in or and in Tasmania in general the mental health system down here is very behind there's a lot of lack of services you know where we're walking to now was the youth center but it was also the health center this is where I first recorded RS for the first time you know it was a pretty positive environment oh you first wrapped here yeah this is the spot where I first recorded my R check out the mural here bro big syringe in the mural does it oh it does too way a lot of successful artists in Tasmania now recorded here when they were a for me this was a mass massive positive part of hanging around even when it was chaotic at least we had some opportunities here at this Center to you know what you doing we're talking about the old Community Center pulse yeah one how are you bro is he still open or not um I don't think it is open so this your hood we in one B Hood mate he's come on the podcast with me many years ago and now I'm all the way in his territory lad yeah no it's mad that you come down bro it's awesome mad BR you've always lived around here gleni yeah basically my whole life I lived in Goodwood which is a suburb can just not far from me I've lived here for like 25 years bro yeah lot of drugs around here oh bro R ramp it ramp it everyone comes with the to buy the ass and [ __ ] they got fuckloads of dealers out this way you know what I mean gr up it wasn't too bad like cuz I'm not a criminal but like like I don't get twisted like I'm still from the streets and [ __ ] instead I've had some experiences bro like I've been like rolled with a baseball bat been rushed down with knives and [ __ ] like that so is one of the the drug spots of Hobart then one of the central spots 100% bro there would be obious deers in all the C there's a lot in from bridg G from out come they come here to pick up their I and that I'm 6 months clean off the pipe now bro like I'm not oh you've been clean for 6 months good stuff bro good stuff so you've been on it around here since you were young that's when you jumped on yeah yeah that's the normal thing kids around here getting on the ice down they had a skate park and a McDonald's and they cancel got rid of the skate park and the McDonald's would all congregate and just smoke Ares and [ __ ] they got rid of it yeah so like now there's less [ __ ] to do for the Youth to do like so all you can do now is just kick back at each other's houses and get on the pipe and smoke cones yeah it's [ __ ] like that's why Hip Hop's like one of the only Outlets yeah like off sport like footy and [ __ ] you know to get out of the the right and [ __ ] been like heaps of stabbings and [ __ ] like that like knives are getting more rampid and stuff like back in my day it was just full punch h on and that crack but like yeah so all the young Lads punching onstop in each other yeah yeah yeah never carried a knife out here and because I never did I never need it you know what I mean like but I feel that a lot of the kids are kind of moving with this fear they they see what happens on the internet and they think I better get ready for this [ __ ] all strapped you know I've been in every neighborhood from here to paliston from birth to Brisbane never needed a knife you know shit's changing man I brought you book and all yeah so this fell does a lot of uh burn and off still for the Aboriginal Community down here it's cool fire man we're putting the cool fire back on the country to make it heal properly yeah slow little five oh burning off sorry yeah didn't hear what you said yeah yeah M SP you kind yeah me brother that's Jason he's one of the people in the Tasmanian abigal community that are bringing back proper culture and process and so not only is he doing burning off in the bush to prevent bush fires which is what the mob did here for thousands of years you know yeah but uh it also comes with a lot of healing on the country down here what's this we're going up into now these the these are the the housing area when I was a teenager here I'd always end up here in these Flats there's a couple of Bandos up here we'll cruise up yeah he lives around here yeah does he yeah true you know my memories have been a teenager here there was just a lot of drugs a lot of domestic violence what are these little one one bedg sitters yeah just little one B sort of Vibes this is like a classic sort of this is what Tasmanian public housing looks like huh yeah yeah in this section this is kind of more the complex I'd say the more common Tasmanian public housing used to be the kind of houses that we'll see out in Bridgewater and gagebrook claravale but it's these Bess brick sort of um always these weird off colors you know what I mean it's like you'll see like a weird dark green sort of faded house yeah this is the classic sort of like apartment blocks one bedrooms you know oh someone just straight out bought it up yeah you end up with a lot of dodging in these sort of places like my memories have always hanging around here as youth there was always a couple pedos living here and that's a lot of my memories is like hang around these areas terrorizing you know what I mean you had nothing to do so you'd find out where the local P ped was and you just Terr you know how they like test the like the piss water and [ __ ] like and that it turned out Tasmania one of the high was like the highest in the country for like methamphetamine per capita was that yeah and it's getting worse yeah when I was like 18 there was no math down here there was a little bit hiding in the corners but not much it was all G it was biking speed you know yeah I first like kind of learned about meth over in Perth and then I came back here and then I watched it wash through tazzy you know what I mean also down in Tasmania they grow the poppies for like a third of the world's opiates so every like method like all the medical Farms medical Farms all the methine all the morane oxycotton from here to Oklahoma in America comes from poppies that were grown in Tasmania yeah like kids will and break into the poppy fields try to make their own teas and die you know what I mean oh that's it so what they did they actually found a way to modify the poppies to put a poison in it cuz what people used to do they used to go run up to the fields raid them scratch the the yeah make their own milk you know do all that [ __ ] so then the scientists figure out a way how to put poison in it so if you did it you'd die so I think it was about 10 years ago come on they what they figured out a way to kill you quicker yeah Y no so it was like I thought you're going to say the opposite like they figured out a way to make it safe yeah no the opposite bro so that anyone like I think it was about 10 years ago a couple tried doing it and they died in the poppy fields make their own tea out of it and [ __ ] yeah so it's just like fully toxic yeah full toxic and that you know so I think that's like them just valuing their their money more than human life like if you steal my poppy plant you die from now on that's Savage yeah what I remember watching the news one day from in risdon and the state of okah Oklahoma in America were suing the poppy farmers in Tasmania for all the overdoses in America no way and dead set they were incore in America going these tasmanians are ruining the streets in America dead SE I didn't fell out of my bed I was just like what like Pablo Escobar flooding the streets of Florida flooding the streets of um the United States there's 8 degrees of separation between a [ __ ] a poppy plant in Tasmania and adopted given oxycotton of people in America you know what I mean [Music] true how are we man going bro I'm good I'm good how are you brother to meet you bro pleasure man absolute pleasure nice hey brother how are you manen so you always been from gleni oh born and bread we are yeah y was it a poor area yeah look it wasn't it's not wasn't a very poor here so but it was the it's the second biggest city so you have and then GL was the next big city oh really yeah and so we used used to find ourselves on the street started off you know Petty C we lived under North Gate we used to climb under the fans and had our own giant big industrial fans climb under and under the doors and there's uh Alleyways and rooms and we we had it Decked Out couches beds GI murals of gloi Mafia we used to get raided by the what's that Glen Mafia it was just a street game that we started with more kids and sort of talking early '90s early 90s it sort of evolved into you know as we grew into more serious crime it got a little bit more attention and really become a recognized Street gang you know the prison system and in the community and oh so the gloi mafia was even a thing in prison yeah yeah yeah so all these boys years off in prison back then there was one prison it was a Maximum Security Prison uh a minimum the minimum security part of the prison system was ha Prison Farm which was like couple hour drive up north oh Drive and that's like a prison farm thing yeah but now they buil a new prison it's just all [ __ ] now it's like uh a Detention Center SL Bo home now it's just it's just not a real J it's just all [ __ ] you've got pedophils mixing with like mainstream inmates that's it's just no way yeah yeah man it's [ __ ] yeah they do that a in the new prisons trying to set people up yeah normalizing at a but a lot of our time was done when the prison was real when it was proper proper prison yeah so you in that in that crew gleni Mafia you were one of the first Lads yeah so I was published that I was the founder of it I just sort of grown out of that now but we were all still together and we all do other things together and you started a gym what happened you broke the records in in prison so in prison I was introduced to the gym and uh I'd never lifted away it was very athletic anyway I was naturally just athletic and I found that I was uh just so naturally strong did a few in-house health events in the prison and and one there was a prison officer who was involved in how officially on the outside so he'd keep us up to date with all the records and who was winning around the country anded guide yourselves on that and I just yeah and I just vowed to get out and become a world champion and that's what I wanted to do I was a junkie at the time um we literally just uh focused on that and then oh so that focusing on that got you off drugs absolutely yeah oh was F so you got out started going in competitions yeah so I was wandering around the yards with a [ __ ] book uh looking cuz I knew where the world championships was in 2011 yeah and I was getting out in that ear showing the voice where I was going everybody said n you you'll never get a passport you'll never get there I just you always going to that competition I was getting there one way or another I was do was it laia l Europe yeah got out did a did a regional comping long sstem one uh Dave and the boys every we all went as a team over to Melbourne I another a big one there and then yeah qualified for worlds and [ __ ] I was in lvia that year that's cracker yeah imagine that imagine thinking him then knowing I'm going to get out and to be in lvia and then walking there achieving it know silver medal worlds in the power lifting and a bronze in the world B comp the next day no way what was your strongest left bench uh well I was the first aie in history to Total th000 kilos mental brother and and training all that in prison to achieve that yeah well I was everything I was lifting in prison all was always the strongest and St no one knew no one knew when I was coming yeah and um ultimately within 3 years I was world champion that's B and so this how your gym come can we s out your gym yeah so first of all you know so all of these warehouses here we this used to be our gym that used to be your gym was a giant big Warehouse hardcore housing gym we known worldwide at the elite level of power that's so we've moved out of the big Warehouse hardore and we've sort of moved across here moved there a small little more Studio y yep mad yeah so it's a lot smaller and welcoming than what we previously had yeah this is m still got an old filthy room back here that we bu of air train in here oh this is the serious room it's that's that's where it goes down the normal people out there yeah y yeah man mad yeah yeah these are mad machines right with these hooks yeah what about Glen Ori these days you see how do you see it's changed from when you were about how the young nads around here we were kids in full on Pub rocks like with grown men we were serious serious crimes serious you know home invasions you name and every serious crime serious crimes yeah what's down here I says slaughterhouse Clubhouse yeah so we have our own private bar so it's a lot safer for us to have our own space as opposed to heading the city to go to a nightclub or so you've built this just as your own space stops the headaches yeah just gives us a space to do what we told yeah so we have like after parties for the Ping events that we have barbecues we have uh well we had kids birthday parties here really so well this is sick I love this I love this aspect of it then the Po's just for like stretching before lifting yeah so I have a really heavy connection to R Russ spent a lot of time there powerlifting a big thing in Russia they're huge them Lads over there right so that was from the early '90s that was drawn by a going in prison yeah y yep yep yep all right M thank you boys see later boys thank you brother no worries man he's a fan of mine and next minute I'm in his car we're in Bridgewater now we're in Bridge yeah we're coming through so when they built these suburbs they used the exact same blueprint that used for the same like ghettos and compter because they were strategically designed to keep people in so back in the day there was no center link out here and people used to have to go into the Nori to you know hand in their form yeah and um but it always caus heaps of drama having people from bridge waterer coming into gari you know yeah so yeah they built the center link out here and they triy to keep them out here you know and that's what I saying there's no trains the bus systems are pretty [ __ ] I think they just shut down one of the buses coming out here cuz kids keep throwing rocks at it you know and I'm going to honest we're pretty far from where I started like where my hotel is in hobar central yeah yeah that's it and for there be no trains and even like minimum buses yeah yeah stay in your place isn't down here you know and it comes with the tall poppy syndrome the small town syndrome and it all mixes up and you know that's why you know really proud of putting on community events out here when we can and we actually get the support from the council [Music] all right we're in gauge book now I thought it was going to be a bit of a secret here but yeah there we are what you doing can't keep a secret in I thought I was sneaking that be a to [Music] know this is mey me is a local rapper he's been dropping a few videos on HC y tzy hip hop Collective this what we do we uh support these communities by empowering them through hip-hop it's a platform that we're run you got talk to the coppers the coppers want to have a [Applause] y how are you yeah how are you what's up M mad mad are you see mate see you what's going on I don't know mate I don't know we just popped up here it's just like suon [ __ ] like it's going on and they know like you know [ __ ] spion in town they're like yeah we just let it happen so all of this here BR this is all like housing this is the Style eh what type of [ __ ] the boys getting up to around here breaking in the cars breaking in the cars set fire to people's houses setting fire to people's houses while people are in them gunshots you know people have been shot and died also not so much over here but bridgew yeah which is just the next suburb right yeah just over that way over that way there's just nothing out here bro for you know all these young kids that are growing up you know they're getting locked up they're going to Ashley they're getting out to actually the juv yeah the ju getting out to being you know put back in that same cycle this is gay lad full suburb of housing full suburb of housing look the views by a cuz oh yeah that's hectic Brook started back back when I was younger um it was all CFL so it was a big big gang amongst all us oh that was a gang yeah what does that stand for CFL uh criminals for Life criminals for Life yep so was all was all you know stealing cars and breaking into people's homes like getting now getting money yeah yeah getting that money bro selling drugs and [ __ ] like that time rate's pretty high around here yeah so it's always been like young Lads running on Mark always bro so what so gang punch on and stuff ice getting bad on yeah it's really bad a I've lost a lot of my mates due to due to I like just just from their loyalties and like all that kind of [ __ ] bit of a turf war going on you know yeah yeah yeah yeah even now nowadays you're talking about far like everyone's trying to make a dollar but they're trying to get up on on top yeah and um same old story yeah same old story bro when I was I was a kid nearly every second house like sold sold ice you know like like cocaine or old school gear or Chu like I was I was 10 years old and I was going to buy Chu from from a blood you know y y I don't care who you are they'll just sell it to you yeah which is which is p cuz all these young kids that are getting on on the ice you know their brains haven't developed properly and and it's Reckoning oh you can see it's he it's he's he's more dumpy than other parts he look yeah yeah so this the whole suburbs like this it's not just these suburbs there's a lot of suburbs down here like this is there pretty ghetto down yeah yeah well at this point in the video someone come up to me and told me this is where I heard about someone smashing a cop car throwing a a rock at a cop window having a fight with a cop or whatever they said this is about 40 minutes or an hour in real time from the bunch of people when I got out the car so about 40 minutes an hour later some had happened back where we were and I'd learn about it here yeah but the house is ugly as these off color color with them what is the color this weird yellow dark green so the same card as the color as the grass camouflage L I got to admit it's the most unique type of housing look at it smash windows but lad look at the view lad we've got them got of the game that's that's another suon nights again so this the pathway eh yeah through the bridge here little Alleyway where we can walk looking the houses lad look at it BR in the in the windows all the all the walls are smashed in place is hammered the doors rotten off this where everyone brings the hotties yeah burnout burnout P evidence is clear and for people that like want to run down these sort of areas and [ __ ] on the people out here there really needs to be more for people out here you know if people want to complain about what they're doing culturally out here they need to invest more into these sort of areas to give more options for the Youth out here for the adults as well 100% right all right so we're in the full mix of it day right on the border of Bridgewater and Gage but you know what mate you know I'm going to say something like what happened with Logan and Melton how the people came out the idiots use idiots out there you watch shows about the hood For Your Entertainment but when the people from the hood appear oh look at these scumbags look at these bloody idiots but you watch the show anyway if you don't like the people from here and you don't like that they're representing their area then off to another Channel you scumbag because we're not here to impress you right you don't just get entertainment from watching the hood but sit there judging and carrying on about the people from it wake up to yourself true or not true they can sit here and watch the hood but when the hood comes out oh this is rubbish look at these scumbags your life so boring that you watch the hood for entertainment don't you you idiot and if you want to have a winge about your community Instead try and contribute in a positive way rather than running people down they more people that are investing good energy into uplifting people like spion is you know that's this is what needs to happen across Australia we've got such a cultural cringe the fact is all youing do good is cringe at this side of society because you can't accept that this is a part of the culture in this country but this is what it is the culture this is the culture look at it there's no fear in this culture half you just working your job cuz you're scared I told you ADL culture will take over and it did and look we come to Hobart Northern suburbs ADLs everywhere what are you going to do about that mate have a cry write a blog call Channel 9 that's it look at him say I hope this up go boys go ahead get ahead do one do do lad do let's go let that's it that's it lad somebody these house is a Hamm around here but look at this this is what it is uplifting the neighborhood yeah you might see a lot of this as negative but negative [ __ ] happens every day positive [ __ ] like this doesn't happen very often you know what I mean negative [ __ ] happens all the time we need to put you know uplift more than we need to shut down we in bridgew now we're in Bridge Water now yeah yeah so we'll go off a back street so we can walk through a street with his like houses and night hey don't mate how are youie bring upie bring upie where is he in the ashy systemy how you doing D brother hey how you doing good to finally meet you he's a rapper he's an Australian rapper D I'll put it up I'll put put his hands Yeah man so just keep busy with work my BR yeah and that's my new album today June 14th is dropping yeah mad mad mad mad yeah hectic hectic want to everyone loves you Dan they been Wai for you to come down here yeah they love you yeah that's smart bro on Facebook he these Towes tell one back there EAS po back up where did you come from mate where did you come from that's when punch coup of Co back there back engag sh to spion thanks for coming down to Tasia because look look at all the love all the youth in that bro you inspire them brother you're making a mark someone jumped on after you left after you left that's not because of me right let's see boys ni thank you bro that's it that's Gori that's gagebrook and that's B Waterland that's H's most notorious sub on our M [Applause] Boys Hey Ladies later boys so on our way back to the hotel who's that in the in the middle of hob in a lane brother look at that you done this he done it lad he just come walk past and he goes fun he goes bro done that mural of y That's hectic bro what's your name what are you WR rce Williams I'm so out Legend yeah thank you a yeah no worries bro Legend let's go look what he done lad what a way to end it brother I'm in a lane I see a mural of me 10 minutes later cuz I'm sitting here spinning out ringing people there's a mural of me he walks down he goes brother I done that mural bro this and that anyway Legend bro he [Music] later what are they doing up there maning Rock and rolls biky obviously tattoos what kind of biky am I how did you know father was D was py one Triumph n Royal all right long story short after all was shot I went back to the city went back to the hotel that night police C raided the hotel I was in arrested me full dramatic took me to the Cop Shop threw me in the jail what they were trying to say is that I somehow incited people or asked people to go crazy and smash the cop car or throw rocks at the cop car or whatever they done I was in The Cop Shop overnight I gave them access to my phone so they could hear the ation between me and gy and me and wbat pretty much every conversation they listen to is me telling gy or me telling wbat do your best to make sure no one knows I don't want no one to know I don't really want anyone to be there please don't let anyone know all along those lines so after and night in the Cop Shop they end up deciding to charge me with disturbing the piece something like that anyway so I got charge with disturbing the piece because of other people's actions I said listen I didn't ask him to be there I didn't host an event what do you want me to do I'm I'm allowed to walk the streets if I go to a shopping center people gather up and bunch around me if I stand in the in the wrong spot for too long people gather up and bunch around me if they have a fight it's got nothing to do with me you know what I'm saying I said this straight out to him I said that's like going to the state of origin having a fight and arresting Brad fitler or arresting the referee doesn't work like that anyway I got charged with like I said disturbing the peace and here we are bro spaniels got arrested L he ch t
Channel: Spanian
Views: 814,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spanian, Hood Logic, hood talk, ex-con, ex-criminal, jail rappers, podcast, hoods, hip hop, travel, dangerous, ghetto, slums, vlog, spanian vlog
Id: WIGF4BiB8ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 28sec (2188 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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