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I think Marcus rashford will be proud of us so far Marcus rashford after buying his Rolls-Royce wfe which he crashed we got it driving in the last video yeah look at this but today things are going to get a whole lot harder this roll still has tons of faults I've got no breaks every warning light on the dashboard is a joke we've managed to put on a front subframe a rear subframe suspension differential radiators and so much more it's killing me it's absolutely killing me but we're forgetting the parts which matter the most this wfe has a lot of structural damage in the boot floor on the rear quarter and we already know how much that costs 8,959 91 and the only way we're going to make this cost effective is if I do this myself [Music] now this is where things are going to get a little tricky it's not just bolt on bolt off parts anymore this time it's structural work and we need to make sure this is spot on well because it's a Rolls-Royce I think I'm going to work from the front backwards but the first part of structural damage is this sort of little frame here and you can see it's been pushed I think by the wheel and uh well it's bent all of this in and the bracket which holds the wing as well I assume if I put the wing on it it would wouldn't line upright now the issue is with this it come in three sections you've got like a bottom section um a middle section and a top section there and all of that was £850 which it's it is expensive but I feel like it's probably worth it to buy those parts then cut them off so so for now I've got to try and get this off without causing any more damage and this is the first time I've kind of tackled structural parts alone so wish me luck so you're probably wondering why by a parts car if we're not going to take these type of parts off it to use on the mansori rolls well the procedure for taking these type of parts off is pretty critical and the risk of damaging them whilst doing it is pretty high and we think we've got a better chance of selling Sue our parts car if it is a complete chassis rather than cut up into pieces so for the sake of the extra 800 o pound we think it was worth just buying these structural parts from rolls to use on it now I've got everything away from the structural panel that we will be changing we can see how this thing is put together all these little circles you can see are spot welds and that's what's joining each panel to one another so we're going to have to drill these out this piece on top is in the right position so I'm going to try and keep this here and not actually move this anywhere and all of these spot worlds here I'm going to try and uh well I don't want to ruin this top piece I want to get this bottom piece off without causing any damage to this which I think is going to be difficult this part is steel this bit here is aluminium this is all cast aluminium it's really strong and you can see how the spot worlds go from spot welds to when they get here into uh rivets because you can't weld steel to aluminum so instead they use rivets and bonding so I'm hoping I don't have to re- rivet it or I'm hoping it's just literally I get away with just taking out the spot world and replacing underneath but I guess we'll see how it goes first off let's try and uh remove this whilst keeping this in place I'm going to be using the belt sander to do this because this panel is effectively scra we're not too worried about damaging it and a quicker way rather than drilling the spot worlds out is to use the belt sander but on top because we want to keep this panel I'm going to be drilling out the spot worlds instead by doing this it means I can reuse that top panel as I mentioned once I've drilled and sanded the spot worlds I can use the spot World chisel just to wedge in between the joining panels to try and separate them the lower panel also connects to the chassis leg as well so the spot well chisel is getting wedged in between those two there and slowly but surely we should be able to pull it away from [Music] it I then thought it was going to be a little easier if we just get the saw out and cut the panel into two pieces then it could break away the bottom part but the top part was still a struggle to get away out came the wire brush to get away some of the seam sealer which revealed rivets all of these bigger circles here are rivets where it's riveting an aluminum panel to a steel one so it looks like I'm going to have to drill some of these out which is pretty easy because the rivets a really soft aluminium and then going to use some heat which should soften the panel bond connecting the steel panel to the aluminium panel and then go at it and try and wiggle the steel panel away and it's off okay I've been body shopping good news and bad news good news is that I've managed to keep this all intact and we can reuse it and it's still got the N so we and paint and all the original fitments bad news is uh I need rivets now you see this part here is steel and when that slots in behind here all of this is aluminum can't want W steel to aluminium so instead they use panel Bond and then they use rivets in there so I need one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine or 10 rivets I think I think I need 10 rivets um and the rivets are exactly the same as the BMW ones if we order them from Rolls-Royce one they're more expensive and two they take longer to come so I've ordered them from BMW and they should be here today which means we can start refitting the new one into there and that should be a pretty fast job we just need to get this paint I think that's where we're going to struggle ribit they've come already hey how much are they how much £ 13 for 10 what £ 13 for 10 that's good now we can continue booing that front up body shop so I'm hoping to leave this panel in place and now that the rivets have arrived from BMW I've started to clean away the parts where we're going to be welding and drilling holes in the new parts we got from rolls these are holes for the rivets these are holes which we're going to use to plug weld one of the panels to the other panel hopefully that makes sense anywhere where we're welding we're going to make sure it's nice and clean from paint weld through primer so it doesn't rust from the inside out guys of course the world through primer comes out and then Freddy flew over to make sure I was using the right PPE that's what good friends are for don't we need p no no the W through primer doesn't stop there we've got to make sure that we put it on the chassis leg as well okay okay this part is going onto the aluminium or as Freddy's here aluminum we're going to because it's going on to that we're going to have to put panel Bond on it as well so at that boom do you know what this is the point of no return once this is on it's on now so on goes the panel bond in a kind of messy fashion but we got the all clear from Freda once we got that on we made sure it covered most of the panel where it's going to be joining to the aluminum part using the brush and then we can slide it into place clamping it down with the mold grips and making sure all the holes line up with the ones that we've drilled I'm now knocking the aluminum part so it's snug against the Steel part then it's time for the rivet gun to come out going powerful [Music] enough oh yeah that's well good there's plenty of rivets to put [Music] in that's so easy I could do it go on then what you want me to do go on then go on go on then cameraman reckons he can do it yeah right maybe it's not that easy and that should be all the rivets in place they're not the same rivets used in the factor but these are the exact rivets rolls or BMW used to repair panels which I think actually are stronger come here come here come here sounded good oh oh kind I just FaceTime Jack right now dude that's good that's good right that's it mic drop and I'm out so now I'm going to be plug W in the new panel onto the old panel and as we did a lot of this on the BMW M3 I'm starting to get a lot better at it it's good that we've kept this top panel in place because I could be pretty confident that everything stayed in the right place when we're welding the new one on I then just got to spend the rest of my day welding up all of these panels and it's looking pretty good once I've done all the plug welds we've then got to start cleaning them up just sanding down the top of the world to make sure it's nice and smooth and flat almost like OEM well as OEM as it can make it look after that we're going to mask up the areas because we don't want to get any paint on the engine or anything around the the engine get out the hge primer which is used for the bare metal this should prevent the worlds from rusting in the future and once they primered the area I can start using the seam sealer this is applied between two panels to seal the Gap to stop any water or dirt getting in between the two and I'm trying to make it look as OEM as possible but the key here is just to make it do its job yeah it looks all right to be fair looks good decent yeah I think that once that's got a bit of paint on OEM there's also some seiling to do at the bottom I'm just putting this ceiling anywhere it was before I took the panels off and once the sealant is dry I'm going to run round it with the paint that I got mixed at The Body Shop which is a pretty good match and finally wax oil this is going to be sprayed inside the panels to stop it from rusting from the inside out I'm buzzing I'm buzzing that like that is the first thing I've done with like not anything any of a help I think you done a good job to be honest thanks thanks Matt that looks so yeah that's not just don't look too close that's just like like it's close but the thing is it's covered up by a wing but the job's done it's sealed up it's painted um I'm well happy with that and the only thing is well it's only up from here imagine in 5 years time my repairs if that is Year One okay now we need to pay our attention to the rear quarter originally I was looking at replacing this and we know some parts will need to be replaced like this structural part of the back here but we think the rear quarter may be savable and we're about to find out if we're going to have to replace it it's one ridiculously expensive we know it's around £10,000 if these guys can get this quarter looking flat it's going to save a lot of money a lot of time as well and then we're just got to do the structural stuff in there let's do it so the guys have come down from Allied Automotive where I get my cars painted and they're going to see if they can work their magic on the rear quarter but before they get to it they've got to put on a boot which lines up straight with the panels and at the minute the original one doesn't so off comes this boot then they've got the boot off Sue to install next going to tighten this up and see if it all lines up but it didn't okay as we suspected really um what we got this and it's quite OD actually because it doesn't look bent to look at it does it it seems that one of the hinges is bent as well which is not surprising it's took a pretty big hit so we're going to remove that hinge and then install one of the hinges off Sue or parts car and hopefully now once we install this we should get it all aligned and this is really going to help when they're trying to repair that rear quarter back on goes the boot and there's actually shims between the boot and the hinge which I was shocked to see on a Rolls Roy but once they've got them in place and the bolts in we can lower it down and see now if it lines up instantly fits so much better than the bent hinge bit of alignment to do I think we'll be good so this thing is a what did you call this tool again a profile tool and what the lads did they put it on there and they get like the exact profile of the car well he said not exact didn't it he said is and then they go on the other side and try and get it close to as possible see how far out it is is that way I want that should be like that it's not red this is it no this is what the good side looks like and the bad side well it's far from it but the guys are going to see if they can do any bending pushing and pulling now to see if we can get it somewhere near and then we can make a decision on whether we think this rear quarter is repairable this rear quarter is made out of steel so it's a little bit easier to manipulate than something like an aluminium rear quarter they're putting the tool in the boot now and started to push out all the damage in there and you can see how much it's moving here slowly starting to get somewhere verdict is rear quarters fixable this part underneath not fixable but we can get that from Rolls-Royce I can't remember the price on that specific part but we buy that structural part underneath drill it all off replace that and with that off this should be able to get this rear quarter back into shape and match it up this is supposed to have one line in it it's got like three that's be crazy it looks better like that think it looks better Armstrong Edition oh yeah yeah you can't look at both sides at once knowing that the rear quarter is now savable I've moved back onto the front and I can start putting back together all the parts I took off before fitting that structural part look at this look come over here come over here bolts line up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah look at this look at this look at this bols lineer good work thanks thank you professional right let's bolt it all together let's carry on maybe I should stick to fixing not driving yeah 100% you ran out of talent there didn't so it's good news that the strut braces lined up to the original positions the plan is to start building up everything on the front of the car now so we can start to add the front grill the bumper and all of the other stuff on there and so far so good thanks to rashford's team we've got the grill and we've noticed something inside the grill as well well look at that LED strip which lights this up I don't know what that's going to look like the one thing that is different off suit to this is that got some kind of like sensor I think it's for the adaptive cruise control or something that's got to go in the back of the grill up here this sensor is for the adaptive cruise control and I kind of like the way Rolls-Royce sort of hide it away in the grill once I've bolted it in it is just sits in the top right hand corner of it unlike BMW views where they're just plastered right in the center of the grill and look pretty ugly all I've got to do now is Bolt it to the car this is on looks like it's really far in front doesn't it yeah guess it has that surround on it doesn't it and it's to make room for oh and the spirit actually goes in there but I want to see if these lights work it looks like there's more lock I reckon there's more I reck oh it's going to be in the lower part of the grill as well L can we see if these work I'm going to press the button big reveal ready yeah yeah W that looks sick are they on yeah let me see yeah that's five W that's actually sick yeah with that I think I was going to like it but look when you see the blue you can see the blue tint as you go around no that is actually we K well rashford how much you think that was from Manor we've seen didn't we I swear it was like five grand it was worth it to be fair look at that it's the little extra things manori do to make their cars stand out and it is pretty cool even though it is a little expensive okay here's a spirit of easy and also rashford's team gave us this as well which is the cap which goes look at that Forge carbon fiber to cover up when it's at the top so okay not only I've got to fit this Spirit of ecstasy I've also got to make sure it's in the right position and lined up with the grill around otherwise when she comes out she could hit it next up the manor Forge carbon fiber Fung which does have a very very small Nick in it here that'll polish up the odest thing about this is that we've got to get the grill on and then line up the spirit of easy so she don't e her on the way out oh there we are that is in but this like carbon is really rigid and as soon as you push that and it's Clips it starts trying to come out but what we notic there's a bit of taret seal on the back of the clip so I think to permanently fit it what they've done is put taret seal on the back of the little trim bits here which you can see these little bits here put targ seal on there when it wet push it in hold it down like that and then it will set in and hold it in place a bit better than what it is now but it's roughly in line the force carbon fiber bits there you go hey that's not too bad actually I think the bonnet's loose the Bonnet is loose look at that it's looking better already made a mistake this actually Clips in to the bumper so this has got to go on afterwards so I'm going to but before we put the bumper on the headlights got to go in rashford's team sorted us out with the headlight which was good I think we forgot to show this on the day that we got there but we've had to well D repaired some of the tabs look at that one so oh my God yeah it was either that or another £3 and half th000 for a headlight so I think uh we don't even know if this works hope it does but as we started fitting the headlight we noticed something was wrong wrong oh no so they did change something oh that's good of them I'm glad they did that so it looks like something is different it's just that bottom bracket that that bracket there is is is fixed on this it's welded on it's they screw it on on this it looks like there was a difference between the headlight bracket on Sue and the headlight bracket on the mansori rolls we measured the length of the one which come off Sue and the one which come off the mansori one was a lot shorter to obviously fit the facelifted headlights this is the part of Sue and this is the part of Margaret you can see it is PR it is well it's it's pretty much identical so it must just be this bit coming off it which is which is a Bolton bit on Margaret whereas the this is all welded on on Sue so that must be like look that's all welded on there but this one can bolt off so I'm going to put this one on and then my dad's doing a bit of bending over there and uh we can go back and see how we can get on so back on goes the original piece which was on the car in the first place and then we're going to have to try and bend back the headlight bracket which was bent in the accident round two we've got this back into place a little bit of bending twisting and manipulating back in we've left it quite loose so we can move it around and now we're going to go for attempt two to put the headlight in here we go second time look here oh we don't have that bracket on yet attempt three big moment headlights on we want to see if rashford scammed us with a bad headlight oh okay that's the S side yeah side light's on gra have headlight it didn't scammers now we've got to put on this bumper but on the bumper this is absolutely crazy like you know there stuff which there's all lighting and stuff and like we're trying to work out what's aftermarket and what is actual Rolls-Royce but I think we are missing a few bits of it see all these little boxes here these boxes I'm pretty sure these are like manori stuff and there's going to be extra lighting and LEDs all over this but look at the amount of plug look 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 plugs for a front bumper and all it's gotten in it is two indicators and two daytime running lines first step is to find out where all those plugs went and plug them in second step line up the bumper now that is a little bit of damage to this front bumper but it seems to have got away pretty lightly being that the accident was so bad but all of this damage will be repaired once we get the car paint painted it does look good it looks like way more like it looks a lot better than the stop bumper as well actually you can see why I feel like Margaret ain't an appropriate name for her with that bumper on magy no feel like it needs to be what's like a gladiator name beginning with m Mary more electrical plugs to plug in and then it's back on with the fge carbon fiber Grill surround this front end would have cost rashford over 30,000 pound big moment that looks good don't it looks Wicked doesn't it what a car look at that can't we see if Margaret comes out the front should we see if it comes out yeah we're about to see if Margaret uh comes out right here we go I'm going to come out or break the grill here we go y oh yeah sort of it's out it's like what's up with that just need there we go that's perfect the wipers have come on as well yeah look at Margaret chilling there oh look yeah saying lights on the bottom yeah I don't know why the wipers have come on she goes back down okay oh what oh oh no no stop stop where's that coming from oh that was good was it yeah that works on there yeah it's not perfect it just needs go in back a bit back into the she's got character though cuz you get out side here is one for the grill lights and inside here's one for the daytime running lights so if I click both of then this is just like an extra Flex if you've got a mansori Rolls boom boom boom look at look at that how can you not see you coming now all of these lights are on at the bottom there's like daytime running lights here daytime running lights here and then there's just every light imaginable underneath Oh my days it's Manor isn't it it's just meant to be absolutely Wild next step let's get this door on so then the guys can sort the rear quarter out and also we'll do the airbags but to get the door on we got to move it off the ramp to get it off the ramp we want brakes Now Matt went to rollsroyce and got a bit of an Insight on how we can do the brakes without using the diagnostic tool now even though in the last video we got the car running we couldn't get a brake pedal we bled the brakes multiple times to try and get all air out of the brake system but no matter how many times we did it we still had a soft spongy pedal H now when you push a brake pedal in a car it pushes a piston inside the master cylinder which then pushes hydraulic fluid along the brake lines down into the brake caliper which then pushes a piston which pushes the brake pads onto the brake disc problem is if there's any air in that system then the brakes become spongy best way to picture it is that you can squish a football with air in it but if you try and squish a cylinder full of hydraulic fluid it won't squish it is Rock Solid and that's how we want our brakes to feel now because the rolls RS braking system is so complex it has an ABS system stored underneath the car which we think is collecting the air and usually to bleed the brakes on a Rolls Ro you'd have to have a special computer which will self bleed the brakes but when Matt went to rolls Roy to pick up parts they told us a secret way to get past it you want a break leader will generate a minimum of two bar pressure right okay so Mr push isn't good enough is that yeah Mr push might be might be a bit weak on um and then if you can a diagnostic machine that will run um a bleed sequence so it buzzes the vals inside the AC unit so it might have to come here is what you're telling us possibly but if You' got a pressure blade that do two bar then if you do it enough times you should be able to get it through okay so now we need at least two bar of pressure on Mr push my dad's put three and a half bar of pressure in this in this tire here it is rock hard that tire is rock hard so could we just blow all the pipes off the so now so now I think we're going to use Mr push off this tire with three and a half bar pressure and push all through the brake system what could possibly go wrong bre fluid all over the car so we got to remove the reservoir cap and then we're going to fit Mr push to that cap which is full of brake fluid then attached Mr push to a tire with three and 1 half bar it yeah this is going to be a lot of pressure now a lot of pressure from this pushed into Mr push which is pushing it into the brake system okayy that's all now we've got to hope we have enough pressure to bypass doing it electronically right any air going to come out there's a bit of a bubble I think we did me me and Matt did this multiple times and it didn't work yeah and it didn't work so why we doing it again this car's still under warranty so worst case if we fix it take it back to rolls Royers and say the brake pedal's gone they might fix it under warrant yeah that's a good Fe always dream they would never actually know that it's been an accident either because like even if they did well if they did check it out on car vertical they' actually see the photos of the damage which kind of self snitch but hopefully they don't use car vertical but you can see on the report it's a completely clean title car no outstanding Finance no marage fraud and it's never been involved in an accident because the insurance did a full Madness on it and you can see one of that in the previous episodes how it's not got an insurance category on so even after that history the car should hold a lot of value because it's still low mileage and still under warranty nowhere coming out of that still no success another thing that's cool about car vertical is that you can see a full timeline of your car every time an ownership's been changed or a private Reg has been put on it and you can also see whether it recorded as stolen as well and all you've got to do is click the link in the description and use code Matt for 20% off that check as well it's well worth it if you're thinking about buying a new car or checking your own car out let's get these brakes bled hopefully fingers crossed it's absolutely nothing look it's perfect we're failing there it comes oh yeah there's a little bit see it coming out there yeah but you think it' be like a massive big bubble oh wa wao it's all coming out it's all coming out what look at it it looks like we're actually started to push out the air that was in the brake system so my dad's gone around to bleed up Each corner just to make sure and then we're going to test the pedal one more time [Music] okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that one yeah look at that come on solid look solid yeah yeah solid yeah Mr boy it works who would have thought rolls Roy would have been right look at that solid break pedal so we just everyone knows that you don't need a diagnostic tool to do it you just need three and a half bar of pressure go straight through it yeah got decent pedal there great news you seen your tub it's all swollen at the bottom it don't stand up anymore okay wheels on let's get this forward and we'll do the airbags inside now we can pay our attentions to the curtain airbag which is deployed and the airbag in the sea to take out the curtain airbag first we've got to remove the a pillar trim this is held in with clips and also two tethers as well to stop it from flying in your face when the airbag blows once that's out the curtain airbag is connected to the car with loads of T30 bolts and there's a lot of them this airbag deploys with a lot of pressure and the last thing you want when it deploys is it completely detaching from the car then it wouldn't do its job yes yes out one airbag out luckily we've got the one from Sue our parts car to put in place of it and it is exactly the same this has definitely saved us a lot of money and some manufacturers won't even sell airbags to the public you have to be a registered repairer to buy them so it's was definitely a good idea getting [Music] soon and that's one curtain airbag installed okay seat airbag now we think unlike some airbags where they damage the actual fabric of the seat I think you can still just unbolt this put a new airbag in and then save this part of the trim we're hoping so anyway cuz it's man sores so I think just the backing comes off of the seat oh oh that was a good yank lovely [Music] yanking C that here's the back oh that's pretty cool look you can see the manori belt just just chilling chilling around the back and all the other gobbins which are uh BMW BMW first I've got to remove the lever which covers over the airbag which is held in with two t30s and it then uses like a series of Clips to hold it in place which I'm using my flat to get out question is is this broken we don't know yet after that the airbags just held in by two 10 mil bolts and it comes out as easy as that one airbag ow and in goes the secondhand airbag that we got from Susi okay I think this is it and that I think we just put it straight back in then we go that in do you think it's glued or do you think it just Clips in it not just clip in like before yeah I think it might just clip around the back you know we've checked Sue and nothing is actually damaged on this so it must literally clip in right behind the back we've just got a get this in so more hours of trying I think let's uh let's keep going once I've got it clipped in at the front I've got to slide it back into the clips at the back of the seat this was a really fiddly job but you want to make sure you do it right a let's get the back on airbag in I can now connect up the electrical connections to the switch on the back of the seat and then push the clips all back in so the seat becomes one again there we go hopefully we don't have any faults in the seat belts but they haven't locked out okay next up it's the door this is the one that we've took off Sue and it's extremely heavy we've got to line it up with the hinges and then there's one big bolt at the top hinge and then another bolt on the bottom hinge we got to slide in good all tightened up then the electrical connector goes in place perfect toet oh look at that look at the color that's not the in between his car yeah it does and this fits Chrome as [Music] well now we're going to pull the rolls outside so we can get a nice inspection on its new look and maybe take it for a little spin now that we have [Music] breaks my oh my god I've got no breakes I thought we were going to go I don't think the brakes are done prop I lost all brakes I've completely lost it so they're not fixed I reckon once the ABS kicked in it must have pumped a load of air out well it's good job we didn't go on the road allm yeah that's a that's a word you can use yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I can see that can't believe Tony crashed your car like I justy giv me the best time
Channel: Mat Armstrong
Views: 4,195,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mat armstrong, rolls royce, matt armstrong, marcus rashford, rashford crash, rashford car crash, marcus rashford rolls royce, marcus rashford crash, rashford rolls royce accident, marcus rashfords car crash, rolls royce wraith, manchester united, man utd news, rebuilding a rolls royce, marcus rashford crashes rolls royce, rashford rolls royce, crashed car, rebuilding a wrecked car, rebuilding a car, marcus rashford crashes car
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 59sec (2159 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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