Meet Andrew Tates Secret Agent !!!

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so I played a Million Dreams for this I paid 1.3 million Dirhams for this one you Rolex boxes are there gun safe engage for anti-ambush Jewels this is a 45 000 piece of art it's about quarter of a million dollars this is right hand man that's by the name of Jewel Sullivan a tutorial shooter and today we're going to be checking out his insanely huge house along with his exotic car collection and his millions of dollars worth of watches and other luxury accessories so let's get started so today we have one of the craziest videos I've ever recorded now a few months ago when Andrew Tate was at my house he came with a guy called satorio shooter is this a new car now this guy is very private and he did not speak to me at all but I came to find out he is a security professional that does security for governments entities and pretty much around the world this video was really hard to organize so hit the like button subscribe and let's go find out who he is alright guys so right now we just made it here to the house we're about to see one of the most private people you've ever met no one actually has seen his life so let's go check it out guys we have some really nice cars here the collection you're about to see inside is even crazier [Music] when you're a military professional you can just leave your door open like that bruh no one is gonna mess with you so let's go see Mr motor Vlogs welcome brother how are you my brother good to see you man good to finally see you so guys today we have a crazy day we're here with Joel he's Andrew Tate's right hand man but also the most private person I've ever met I was Private until I hang out with Andrew now everyone knows me I still kind of prefer being private but I need to speak up with the take brothers so I've gone a bit loud you're into International Security yeah something like that we can't talk about it we're guys today it's the first time we're gonna go into this life and check out everything welcome welcome man [Music] foreign [Music] welcome Rob so this is a spot uh naturally I'm a private person even though I've gone a bit loud lately but yeah not many people come in here don't do parties or any of that so happy to show you moo a bike I know you're a biker mode we can talk about the bikes we've got some cars as well I know you like cars wow so guys this is the house right here I mean first things first we have a Ducati in the living room actually I have been known to drive it around on occasion you can do that just in the lounge room really don't ask me to do it now what's possible so guys we've got a bike this is Art now you can't have art sitting outside so it sits in the lounge room seems logical to me bro how much are these bikes by the way uh I think they're about 45 50 us this is a 50 000 art installation uh please don't ask me if I play piano that's also just art at this point I should learn but you know time is always the challenge okay this is the lounge room when the tape Brothers stay with me I mean before they got too big and they need to be you know hidden uh this is where we'd sit we'd work with talk I mean this the idea of this house is it's place to train to work for the brothers to spend time together so yeah this is the spot where the work gets done so wait where was the Bugatti yeah I can't answer that question no not now back then I mean I wouldn't know where it is now right oh no the Bugatti was in the in the uh in the garage we're gonna go check out the garage because you have tons of cars yourself all in green indeed by the way why why why'd you like the color green um it sort of happened accidentally to be honest brother it's I was in the Army for a long time in the in jungle warfare was where I started as a soldier so I sort of got used to the green there I like that it's the color of Islam as well it sort of ties into my faith and also I view it as a bit of a color for Success green is kind of The Color of Money I like symbols around me that make me want to work harder and green is that color for me I'm down all right let's go check out the gym all right [Music] my kids are in town excuse the mess so do you still train here yeah all the time man all the time this is every morning I've got a pretty strict uh daily routine I do cardio here in the morning and then I've got an ice bath and a sauna at the back and then I'll lift uh waits in the evening yeah this is crazy so this is the gym area I mean we have some boxing stuff Kate loves boxing Jew box by the way I used to I got some back injuries from the Army unfortunately how long were you in the Army by the way I was in the Army for six years I started as a soldier then went into intelligence learned a few languages and saw the world met lots of interesting people this is a very famous bag right yeah indeed so this is a video that went like hyper viral of Andrew hitting this one with the mustard behind actually probably the best feature of this entire house is that I can walk to the Masjid best feature of the house by far all right let's go let me show you the old school games room foreign [Music] how's everything all right good to see you so this is the the old school games room I'll give you a bit of a tour if you want so all right bro so for the watch lovers out there this is a custom watch safe from Bob and zorwick wow this is this is the Bugatti logo I took that logo off and put mine on this is the daily part of the collection uh the rest of the collection is in a bigger safe and you see the Arabic dolls here my big believer in Arabic dolls this is my favorite piece of the moment uh the platona Arabic doll yeah absolute work of art man wait what is that the the most expensive watch that I use daily yeah it's about quarter of a million dollars I think it's settled a bit price wise but yeah it's not it's not a cheap piece wow damn guys look at this we got there's there's more as well awesome watches here oh wow there's more Rolexes guys oh my God so there's compartments with more Rolexes it's from Australia so can I can I see this Kangaroos and things wow guys look at that foreign just like that actually let me show you one other thing over here what do we have uh racing Sim which is fun I mean this man knows how to race don't you brother it's been many years you know is there a professional racer yeah I mean I I do very well yeah for many many years I've been racing real cars as well as Sim racing you're not a good racer until you've crashed an 800 000 car on track because you're trying to go too fast you did that okay you know your business is right when you can laugh about crashing a 600k car right you're doing something wrong custom art here man you see uh I'm I've got the Tates here uh all custom art by Warren brothers I love to support the artist in the war room we have some more custom art here pretty much everything's customized that's how I like to do it I like to support artists in building exciting unique pieces all right my brother so most of this is gifts from people that I've worked with you know military security guys would like to give each other like whether it's a knife or a lighter you know to say thank you for a successful job I'm a big believer in Memento Mori the idea of being reminded of your mortality this is a 45 000 piece of art without being too crude and the bags over here actually match the skull come check this out brother so this is custom Croc this is custom python they both match the car collection how much are these bags um it's about 50 yeah about 50 000 worth of bags there brother look at these bags these are crazy there's another one on order actually I enjoy the quality so much I've ordered another one wait there's a gold AK right up there yeah indeed a gift from Lux art I mean in Lux art beautiful place how many Rolex boxes are there when I think I've got about 20 in total 20 Rolexes yeah look at this we got all the Rolex boxes right here that's crazy I like the boxes more than to watch now they look cool right next to each other damn it's crazy guys like the amount of pieces here I mean you got Ferrari logos can I see the knife is actually a knife or yeah man actually here look this is a nice new piece I've got the weederman knives custom work or special order it's a lot of fun guys look at these knives oh my goodness all right let's go by the way guys we have a massage chair over here if that's ever handy do you use that yeah I mean I need massage to keep the body going right this is take reignited my love for chess so Tate and I play chess here uh this is handmade from Uzbekistan here's a a custom helmet there's more on the way all right man I know you love your cars this is the collection of keys that I have for my cars obviously it's all custom leather we have snake crocodile how would you spend on these I'm not sure I think there's about 500 each all right now it's time for the best part we're gonna go check out the cars okay welcome to the car collection I never thought it'd be the sort of guy who has a lot of cars but again you hang out with the tape Brothers guys who are working so hard you see what's possible you work that hard yourself and then boof all of a sudden the cars keep growing I got two more Ferraris on order and this is the current Fleet plus the AMG in the front as well wow guys you got a Corvette we got a Ferrari got a Porsche this is the same Corvette that UNT came to my house in true it was red back then yeah good good pick so we'll start with the the Corvette the most recent one I like different types of green these custom wheels we've got the JS there as well uh Dimitri carbonoff he puts these beautiful details in there these wheels actually Power Wheels which I love and if you come and have a look at the back we've got shooter written on the back there which is fun uh js on the exhaust it's all custom the exhaust from front to back is all custom it's a lot louder and faster than stock so wait how much was the Corvette the Corvette was 450 000 Germans from the dealership uh from there the wheels were 50 000 Dirhams all of the engine and the custom exhaustion all the work I've done probably another 100 thousand Dirhams total spend on this car will be about seven hundred thousand Germans when I'm done with it but I love it man people say it's just a Corvette I absolutely love this car let's do the Ferrari last because that's the Masterpiece so now the Porsche I mean Turbo S right a lot of fun that's over 800 horses now so that thing is a monster full carbon kit from top car custom Vossen Wheels obviously again the the wrap is all per the spec and have a look at the back wait where you see Porsche written in the back I said can we change the letters and they said only if it has the same amount of letters as Porsche and I'm like Porsche all right shooter oh it works shooter yeah it's fun so I played a Million dorms for this a million for a Porsche yeah I mean it's Turbo S right I got it when it was new uh and so the carbon kit was about 150 000 rooms or maybe 200 000 Dirhams the wheels again 50 000 custom from Boston even the calipers have been customized and they've got my initials on them so total spend on this including all the engine work uh maybe 1.3 million Dirhams I'd say wow now this monster here if you're gonna have one car out of all the cars in the world even 10 degrees this is the car like the a12 on track it's a lot of fun you can drive for hours in it comfortably across Europe it's got the novatech so it's super loud as well this is a masterpiece this car is it's an experience it's an emotional experience driving every time I love it wow look at this spec custom wheels again even the brake calipers are custom uh my logo there inside is all crocodile and custom leather we have crocodile gold crocodile on the roof the full interior everything's done wait this has got crocodile on the inside yeah on the roof even gold crocodile I'll show you in a second so we've got the um the logo here as well I'm not putting shooter on this one I don't want to it's a Ferrari I don't want to go too hard let me let me open her up and I'll show you the interior it's a lot of fun okay so I paid 1.3 million Dirhams for this one Wheels again about 50 000 interior 50 000 maybe a bit more the wrap about 20 000 exhaust man the novatech exhaust it cost me 120 000 Dirhams for all the different parts just with the exhaust for the exhaust but as I understood it novotec is like the Patek of exhaust and it's worth it this car it rumbles down low it screams up high it's operatic total spend I'd say about 1.5 1.6 million durhams but it's worth it man I want to hear what the Ferrari sounds like oh yeah happy to show you man let's do it wow oh my God God near you I can't hear you my door is sold out wow it's a conversation killer mate it really is my ears come and check out the interior it's a lot of fun oh my God this is definitely the loudest Ferrari I've heard in my life like there's nothing even close so you think the uh the novitec exhaust was worth it huh so this is all custom interior man custom crocodile even on the roof there's crocodile if you can get that in the shop Uh custom sound system which actually absolutely thumps I'll show you that this is even a custom gun safe so that I mean not that I do these sorts of things in Dubai but engage for anti-amble stools whatever you want kind of Ambush Jewels it's a lot of fun you got a gun safe in the Ferrari next time I take you to Europe I'll get some footage with it as well uh show that it actually does have some purpose other than just decorations even on the on the fire extinguisher you've got crocodile liver if you have a look in the in the doors there you'll see the skull logos they light up at night if you want them to all right so this is the custom sound system it absolutely thumps not often you get proper sound in a Supercar right so I really enjoy this I do like good sound all of this is custom as well in stock you won't have any of this this entire box is aftermarket obviously the amps everything a lot of fun and it still fits my luggage perfectly as well I measured out the Ramallah bags that I used before I went to Europe you pick this up you can slide the removal bag in lock it down and so the bag is set and the subwoofer isn't damaged but you can still listen to the music as you're driving wow this is like a proper Ferrari full custom-made reality brother and so here we have in the key the same gold crocodile that you see on the roof so everything sort of ties into each other wow this is a gold crocodile Ferrari key look at that this is something I've never seen before it's a bit of fun man exotic trim keys they do really good work it's beautiful so you've seen the cars this is crazy but now let's check out the other Beast let me show you guys that's a good bit of fun yeah so this is uh the family car you know when I'm driving around the kids there's over 800 horses in this thing it absolutely ruins those cars we've got the Lamborghini the G wagon but this bad boy is faster than all of them this is an intense car to drive it's a lot of fun and of course a bit of personalization full customer the carbon at the front as well come check this out from top car custom wheels you see the green color I still need to change the brake calipers they'll get there I'm in love with top car carbon it's really good quality a lot of fun so you're talking about the a12 being loud this is actually louder man everything's customer custom intercooler we've got the air intakes here uh all of all of the intakes are all custom obviously custom intercooler we've got the air intakes here uh all of all of the intakes are all custom obviously globally unfog with a little bit of a logo I like to go with can we hear it yeah I don't want to be rude to the neighbors but okay you know if you want to hear it crackle we need to drive for about two minutes here is the uh the crackle it sounds like an absolute ambush [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Mo Vlogs
Views: 727,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andrew Tate, Andrew, tate, tate vlogs, Andrew Tate vlog, Andrew Tate vlogs, Andrew Tate in dubai, Andrew Tate mo vlogs, mo vlogs, mo vlogs Andrew Tate, tate in Dubai, dubai vlogs
Id: wLlPr_jdevU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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