Day In The Life Of GoodTimesWithScar - A Disabled Twitch Streamer And YouTuber

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Neat, he did an updated video. I'll have to check it out later.

He did one a few years ago, which I discovered a few months ago when I decided to google him up to see about his condition/disease (which had landed him in the hospital for about a month).

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/cuteintern 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

Great video. I'd recommend that everyone watches it.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Schmedricks_27 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2018 🗫︎ replies

u/GoodTimesWithScar - Watched your stream today and your discussion on theme park rides. Have you seen this Youtube Channel? - Defunctland:

He did a video on Alien Encounter:

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ManateeGag 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] skaars welcome to the day in the life of good times with scar and I am really really excited to take you along with me today as we do streams meetings editing videos and maybe a little bit of fun out on the street with my little robotic wheel that makes the wheelchair go automatically and of course don't don't work I know the most important thing the thing did you really hear for and that's to seat my cap we're gonna get plenty of jelly time on camera today and yeah so guys I'm really excited to have you along with me today so let's just get right into it so we've got to set up the street that is our first task today so getting all of your programs getting all of the announcements setting up OBS and everything along those lines it takes about an hour to get everything set up I'm not the fastest so it takes me a little bit of time so one of the things we need to do is we need to come up with what we're going to do for the stream now I've got a bunch of projects that need doing but I think I'm gonna let the viewers at the time to decide today because I think I have like five different things we need to do yeah we're going to let the viewers decide on that because that's way too many decisions for me so yeah so we got to get the announcements ready we got a set of all the programs you know get the music that always breaks it up and yeah man I'm really excited so come along with the process as I set up the Twitter stream so we're starting with a blank slate here both windows are clear of any applications or programs so what we're going to do now is entirely cover them up with everything we need for a stream all right I've got all the web pages I need for it so we've got YouTube we've got Facebook we've got the twitch dashboard up we've got streamlines we got an iPod we've got the music all set up over here on this side over here let me turn the camera for you we've got our chat so this is the twitch chat so that will run on my second monitor and then of course on this monitor right here this is where the game is gonna be played I need more monitors you know it's just the thing so over here like I said we got the twitch chat on this side over here and of course you know you can jump down here and spam some jellies and there we go let's expand a little bit of jelly hair we look at that awesome so and then right up here as you guys could see I have a tweet ready to go they'll let everyone know that I'll be streaming in an hour so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to send that off and goodbye there we go so the starship good times is taken off soon on twitch then to see you in an hour perfect okay so the next thing we need to do is set up our stream deck so coming on down here there's those sunglasses so what we're gonna do is we're gonna select stream let's make sure I click the right one there we go so these are kind of my settings over here so in an event of any kind of medical emergency I haven't like this big red stop button that's for me or someone else to turn it off in case of something were to happen me on stream down here these are just little settings for twitch you know this is the Q&A button this can turn the chat slow this is a viewer number this runs ads but you never run ads during an actual string and then over here these change the actual scenes we'll talk about those later and then of course these are the little cards that come up when I'm away or I'm getting ready to stream or you know signing off so and of course up here we have the microphone I used to have a webcam it disappeared so I have no idea what happened to it so yeah let's uh let's pull back a little bit unfortunately that OBS over there does not actually work I need to fix that button so I will bring up OBS and that's now on to this monitor over here making sure this is in focus for you so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go up to scenes and I'm gonna move it to live strings and so that pulls up all of my different cards for this thing so as you can see it is currently showing thank you for watching this window is what the viewer sees so that is what the viewer sees this over here this is kind of how you start the stream so start the stream start a single recording settings the different things along those lines the last thing we're going to do is we're gonna go over to live stream we're gonna click live stream that didn't do anything visually but that's what changed it all the settings all the magic does happen in the background now if I were to go back over to my stream deck as you can see I have you know starting stream thank you for watching be right back so if I were to click let's see let me turn off thanks for watching so as you oh there we go there we go so you could see the big scar screen right there so that looks pretty cool so what I can do now is I can switch it towards the game so this would be the game and I can switch it back and then I can click what we need to do today is starting soon so there we go so OBS is now set up everything is you know been pre-loaded I've pretty much refined everything that I do in this process pretty darn well so yeah that is the last thing we need to do for a little bit so next I'm going to do is I'm just gonna kind of get onto hermit craft I'm going to kind of fly around and see what I need to do get any resources together but yeah there's more we need to do but that happens closer to the actual string all right we are ready to go I've got a bunch more done in the meantime so all the announcements are ready to go I've gotten the kind of a few other back-end things in terms of settings fixed on OBS and we're ready to roll so what we need to do is we need to send out all the announcements we need to go live and that's where we do there we go so let's do this so what I'm gonna do is I am going to go over to OBS like us so if we just zoom in ever so slightly and I'm going to hit the stream button and what that's gonna do is that is going to start to record my computer and that's going to send it to the twitch servers and then you connected to twitch servers and enjoy the stream hopefully so pulling on back out of the monitor what we're going to do now is we are going to head on over here and we're going to activate the music and that gives me about eight minutes to get ready for the stream it should start you know me and music these days okay we've got it so if we shoot over again to OBS look at this you can start to see the sound waves for the music going so that would be under desktop audio mic is currently hot but muted and so is the webcam so the webcam is live but it's hidden behind the will be live soon so moving over to this screen now over here oh look at this we're getting people file it on in that's beautiful so we're going to send out our I've announcement there and then I am going to pull back here once a kid there's a lot of steps there's a lot of steps so what I'm gonna do because I can't see anything I'm gonna go over to here I'm gonna push out a notification onto YouTube I'm gonna send out a notification onto the face of of the books there we go and I think we should be ready to roll I think we're good so next thing we need to do is of course pin hot hermitcraft and welcome everybody so ha I think it's all set it takes a lot of steps it's once it's all set and ready then it's perfect then it just rolls right off so yeah all right I will meet you guys once we go actually live by turning on the webcam we are ready to go I had a whole bunch of technical difficulties I dropped my oxygen cannula on the floor and I'm not gonna put something on my face that's on the floor side to switch that out oh man here's huge disaster but we're ready to go guys let's open up her bread craft let's go down to the section or right over here and we're gonna hit the right one and this is going to show us live to the viewers and here we go welcome guys not only are we live on Twitch but we're also we're also filming a day in the life that's why I took me so long to get into this dream everything's falling apart I tried to do a time-lapse I tried to do a time-lapse I really did and in film so welcome guys to the stream and of course everyone say hi say hi to the day-in-the-life waving the chat waving the chat to the day and the life okay Dana live viewers it's time to stream I'll catch you at the end welcome back we're in the middle of the stream we just had a visitor jelly I don't know if you can see her over there look at that face look at that face but yeah we're in the middle of the stream right now so say hi to the twitch chat look at the twitch dead over there looking super fancy and of course we're working here in Minecraft jelly is just doing terrible terrible things but but yeah the chat is saying hi to you guys so that is super awesome so like I said we're about halfway through and I'll catch you at the end welcome back we have officially ended the stream at this point I thought I was recording when I was pushing all the buttons to end the stream and all that stuff but I don't think I hit the and record because I'm exhausted two hours of streaming takes its toll I love the streaming absolutely love it to the court but it does take a toll and I need to take a few minutes to kind of breathe and then we've got a mod meeting that we got to edit a video and I call sorts of fun things planned for you guys we have finished the mod meeting came up with some great stuff for the future I am so so thankful and blessed to have such amazing mods and admins taking care of the discord and twitch and future things that are coming very soon I am just very very lucky and look at some of the shenanigans that gets up into the chat I mean there's there's there's RushCard more so scruffs car more there's Gabe's amazing dog king charles cocker spaniel I do believe one of the greatest dog names King Charles cocoa spender quote I like that name also I'm doing with a lot of ants in the stream if you were at the stream you know that I had ants crawling on me all day got to do something about that they're smashed ants all over my monitor but yeah also I did a time-lapse of the eye to the talus of me streaming and jelly did knock over the iPad so the stream is about half so that's the thing so I'm gonna rest for a little bit after the meeting and after the stream and then I got some fun stuff to do we got to play with jelly we got to play with the magic wheel which is the thing that pushes the wheelchair and I got some other things to do so this day is not over so come on I've had some time now to relax a little bit no jelly no I'm under go no I got I got jelly right here say how did camera jelly say I'm look at how cute shoes a little bit of your cheese yeah I got jelly here and I've taken some time you know to relax kind of catch my breath after our meeting and of course the twitch stream twitch stream went really well who is a little bit difficult to juggle a video stream and then the meeting but you know we're professionals around here we're professionals so I thought well jellies here we'll just say hi to Joey a little bit she's really anxious to get going yep yeah hmm no she goes so why don't we take a little tour of the of the studio a little bit it's had some changes since our last day in the life so yeah let's do it so one of the big changes to the actual studio of course is the microphone and the mixer down below or whatever that's called audio interface so that is definitely new so moving on down the way here we've got our lights I've got my easel set back up but unfortunately there's nothing there yet just a Disney attractions poster my twitch hat and of course the boring hat you've got to have a bored hat in your life you know you just got to have something like that I've had to take my youtube plaque off the wall because uh people slam doors I'm not a big slam or door kind of person and people slam it and that thing almost fell off and if you watch the stream there's another one of those ants I don't know if you guys can see it but there's another one of those ants they're Disney memorabilia of course we've got the Tiki God we got the hatbox ghost which is crazy if the hatbox ghost is now in the Haunted Mansion the last stream the last day and like we did that was not actually in the Haunted Mansion and it is now so that's definitely really cool I'm trying to think of other things that are different in here we've got the traction posters up on the wall that's an original production cell from a winning the booze short right there and then that's new right there so that of course is one of my grandfather's model airplanes that of course is a Thunderbird from the Air Force so think of like the Blue Angels and their Air Force they have Thunderbirds there I'm going into my bathroom I've got to show you my ultimate and all-time favorite piece of Disney memorabilia that's the Haunted Mansion sign right there looking all so fancy and any other things you guys think we're cool there's a nuketown so there's a Lego of new town so that's one of my favorite things and of course back here my hat collection have a lot of a lot of cool hats that like if you want a more detailed tour of the room I suggest the last day in the life and then the last day in life I showed a little bit more of the medical stuff I'm kind of taking some of that out of this particular day in the life but yeah there's a brief overview of the room of the changes so far this area is probably one of the more areas that have changed so looking at my my backdrop for twitch you can see we got a lot of new things up here so this is a Space Pen so this was developed to be a ballpoint pen in space and this thing is this thing is super cool I wish I had Omega Speedmaster to go with that but those are a little bit expensive but yeah that's my little space collection there this right here this was what I had as a little marker for one of the twitchcon panels so it says hello my name is good times with scar Bob Ross pop figure newest addition to the backdrop very very awesome yeah so lots of cool little details up here and if we swing on to the other side up at the top there we got the Ghostbusters vehicle and then of course the whole crew a USA Swimming patch and I really like this a John Mayer patch from the John Mayer house of course you guys know the story of this this is actually the last thing that we know of that my grandpa had made before he passed away so that's really really special to me this of course is like my original avatar he took the picture and then he created it is that a wood and painted it and it means a lot to me so coming on down here we got another scar in the background we got the DeLorean we got Doc Marty McFly and then these are things that I've gotten through scar mail so this was given to me at Minecon and then some of this is of course from scar mail this is the Lego figure of me giving to me by viewers the little figures have also been given to me and then this is on loan from my dad this is like a very like vintage Yoda puppet animatronic thingy and yeah also down below here we have a really really kind of dissatisfied cat jelly jelly hi hi Julie and then over here this is kind of cool this is a bit different from the last day in the life this is my badge for torch huh so that was a badge that was for the 2015 which con this was for mine con so that's really cool and additional ones of those what is this one this one's packs and then down below that's my credentials for e3 which was really really cool experience to be able to attend an industry event like that so yeah that's my little collection of that and yeah not a lot of things have really changed um things are going to be changing in this room drastically and probably the next month or two and I'm definitely gonna do a vlog for that and of course if you want to see it we're gonna be moving this setup over so we're gonna be taking this and we're going to be moving it over to here and then this right over here will then become my art area so I'll be able to do art streams painting Legos things like that'll take place over here and have the nice backdrop and then the gaming area will be right over here so this will be my gaming area we're gonna have a green screen we're gonna have Skaar in space it's gonna be amazing hashtag Skaar in space the USS good times it's fully gonna be taking off and yeah so there might be more changes but I don't really notice because I just live in it all day so I'm not 100% sure one of my favorite photographs it's a little difficult to see from here but that's from grizzly Point in San Francisco or actually it's in Oakland but overlooks San Francisco one of my favorite locations to go for a sunset photography and yeah I really like that picture so there you go there's a brief tour next we need to do we need to feed jelly and play with her because she's really sad right now I wanted to show you guys this and that is 13-year old scar at Disney's California Adventure in Disneyland we got the Sun wheel in the background we've got California screamin without Midway mania down below and the original Mickey on the side of it and look at scar look at those pants all color-coordinated look at that guy anyway I thought you guys got my kid kick out of that so this is my feeding tube this goes into my intestine and this is how you know I get food and of course my medicine so this is my four o'clock medicine and I've cut out most of the medical stuff today because I want to focus on some of the fun stuff so if you're interested in seeing kind of the life of that definitely follow my last day in the life so I'll definitely link that so you can enjoy that for sure so another thing we're going to do is we need to take this off so this end right here is what goes to the feeding pump so I'm gonna set that aside I'm going to close this up I need to take this thing off so now this tube is what connects to me and this wood connects to the theme but that is done you change these things about every week or so I go through a lot of packaging if you will so it's quite a process to get all this stuff done but yeah toss it on the floor there we go grab that and we will connect them two together and now we have a brand new one so these things usually wear out so this thing usually stiffens and it gets like just harder to rock and then this connector is where things go in of course so that the feeding tube will then go inside there this wears out after a while and then this falls out and then you get all messy nobody's got no time for that so this is the actual adapter so you just take this make sure you little line it up appropriately this is a little harder to do with one hand but there it's done poor old jelly waiting for someone to learn around alright it's time to feed jelly and you don't give her an exercise a little playtime I'm rolling backwards I hope I don't run it over hi jelly you want you on your snack you ready for your snacks so to keep jelly lean and mean fighting machine go throw our food look look ah there she goes there she goes now the question is can she find it does she have the intelligence oh it doesn't look good doesn't look good let's zoom in on her oh I think she might have found it yeah I think she got it okay okay that's good now the real question is will she come back here to reset the run where she's just gonna sit there come on come on jelly okay okay you know let's drop it next to me then okay that's that's a slow walk that's not that's not burning in a jelly fat okay look hey hey yeah there you go okay go get a Joey oh there she goes there's a good one there's a good one all right so this is our scratching post let's put some up here okay well you know I missed oh okay well that's unfortunate I was hoping to make her oh boy one more truck this is at this point we're gonna have too much food and this all whole exercise thing is all out of the window if heats this okay that's one right there one successful crunchy has been dropped she was supposed to climb and to get that but now they're now they're all over the floor so what they're not there there you go there's a little bit of exercise oh there we go awesome okay good we've got jelly to partially exercise today which is important and she got the chase which keeps her mind you know all stimulated and also that's very good all right that was successful well I planned on going outside to have a little fun with the magic wheel but unfortunately it is absolutely pouring and I am NOT going out there she doesn't like it when it rains hard she's just staring off wondering why there's a giant turquoise thing on top of her toy bag so going out and using the magic wheel and things along those lines it's not going to be an option with the amount of rain and now hail that is coming down so we're gonna work on a video instead which is actually what I really need to do so it's a uhb video so we need to edit the clips together things along those lines and it's uh it's fairly simple so just be a quick edit it is cover not going amongst the pills talking about them talking about the judges scores of course and thrown in a little neck shade as we always do and it was quite a bit of fun so I'm gonna enjoy that edit and I need to come over the thumbnail that's an interesting one we're gonna have to come up with that and of course we'll update that and set it off on to the youtubes and yeah so let's do it so this is kind of nifty so down with my stream deck here what I can do is I can go out of the stream settings which we had earlier today and go to video so now up here I have OBS record Premiere Photoshop and then down below that's raw videos done videos so these are the clips that I have recorded and this is done files so these are the files that I have videos that have been already edited and then this is my art file and then directly to YouTube I click that Byam we make some magic happen so let's do this let's open some files up here and let's get busy I would have to say one of my favorite tips that ever got for premiere was the minus and plus key zooms in and out of the timeline so you just head on down here to your - and your plus and just zoom in and out and that I can't tell you how much that saves time so next thing we need to do we just need to start bringing them together and then finding the point once we actually started talking there is what I like to sectionally refer to as the void clown that's right similar to the sewer clown of the it variety this is a void clown it comes up out of the dips of the void and watches you it's really creepy and there we go we've got our video done so we are going to drag that on to YouTube making sure it is scheduled and a way that goes I've also created the thumbnail so what we need to do is we need to schedule the video so up in this portion of the screen we have schedule down below we have the thumbnail title description and tags and then a few other columns but yeah so let me fill this all in and we are actually very close to finishing this which is awesome oh she's so tired she is very tired from her exercises earlier she actually puts me on her she didn't do that much this time but oh hello we woke her up okay we will leave me alone we'll leave you alone good night good night got the video done super happy about it so as of now I've gotten the stream done I've got our meeting taken care of got some super awesome ideas coming from that and I've got the video edited and uploaded and ready to roll so yeah I am really happy about that now what do I need to do now there's like things that I can do like I need to work on a few designs for some future episodes and stuff along those lines but I always try to make sure there is specific things that I get done like the string the meaning get the video uploaded now there's like optional stuff that I can do but yeah I'm really happy this is a very successful day so far and yeah I hope you guys are enjoying following along so after quite some time jelly is finally waking up from her catnap because she's a good little cutie anyway I need to start on my next medicine for the day so this is my nighttime medicine I do this twice a day and like I said before this is way harder than it seems with one hand there we go these things are brand new because we changed it earlier so it's a little bit tougher so this medicine once this is done we have two more to go and then we'll be done all right scars we need to do our own last medicine for the day and this one's a little bit tricky actually it's not the last this is the last and that's at 12:00 anyway so what we need to do is we need to crush this pill in this little crush room to crush person and we'll do that there we go there we go see that into a fine powder there we go I get that all mixed up you got to add a little bit of water so I'm gonna do is on this going to fill that up there we go mixer mix that all up like so there we go this is like an old day this is like Maryland there we go clean that off grab the syringe fill that up clear the air out go hook up this is just riveting there we go fill that up and then flush it with the remaining particles in here so that you get everything go mix it together and now flush the line out and away it goes open put a little air in there good guys thank you so much for coming along with me in this day in the life of scar on a live stream day so I hope you enjoyed of course we tried to do a few things different then was on my last day in a life which was more of documentation of a week's day and videos this is more of a weekend so weekend's of course are more streams than videos and I had a lot of fun bringing you along and I hope you guys enjoyed also if you want to see more vlogs hash tags scarf vlogs in the chat and also that'll let me know that you made it to the end which that means you are a super awesome scar and yeah so few more things to do to get ready I got a hook up the feed pump for the next day I need to get the I've one more medicine to do and that's at 12 o'clock so this is of course the feeding bag so over here this is the actual formula this is the water and of course the tube and then the pump is in here if you remember from the last day no life watch this watch this you got the little kangaroos by the way can I ask you guys a question why is there no kangaroo emoji and also Time Machine can you ask me that I want that I want a kangaroo emoji and I want a time machine emoji I really got on it I really got a tangent there it's late it's a long day anyway guys thank you so much for watching this but good times with scar now Oh each brother pusher guys taking the time to watch my videos if you bleed a video to writing have much appreciated and until next time we'll see you later don't Francis subscribe because you may just become scarred for life [Music] you
Channel: GoodTimesWithScar
Views: 3,429,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goodtimeswithscar, good times with scar, day in the life, day in the life youtuber, day in the life streamer, day in the life twitch streamer, Youtube, twitch, gaming setup, gaming setup 2018, gaming setup room tour, youtube gaming setup tour, twitch room setup, day in the life wheelchair, wheelchair, vlog, the day in the life, the day in the life of a youtuber, a day in the life, a day in the life twitch streamer, a day in the life of a disabled person, scar, goodtimeswithscar vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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