BATTLE FOR IMPACT By Apostle Johnson Suleman (MINISTER CONFERENCE 2021 - Benin City, NG)

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a lot of time praise the lord a lot of time papa would say don't celebrate me but celebrate the grace and we all know that if papa didn't yield himself the grace won't be there can we one more time celebrate the grace of god upon our father that has carried us amen before we take this offering three pastors called me from lagos after this morning section i said what is your father doing in ouch and benin he said what kind of meeting is this to start the year he said i have not recovered after watching it online how much more you people that are there you know sometimes hold on sometimes when certain genuine things comes to you cheaply appreciation drops but when you have to pay too much price to get a good thing i think you place more value on it this is the last night and we're taking an offering and i want to believe god that there are persons here who are feeling the same way i'm feeling apart from the general offering you want to take tonight i want you to believe god is touching me take prison this meeting is said to be become our testimony as we live here today may the revelation on this altar stand above every life realities that has brought limitation to our lives in the name of jesus christ amen all right i should take the place please put your offering [Music] come on somebody give the lord and shout out [Music] [Applause] hey yes everybody [Music] oh foreign me [Music] wow foreign oh [Music] is [Music] hallelujah can we give the lord a big shout of praise my father my mother is in the house can we celebrate grace everybody i say celebrate the grace of god eyes upon my father and my mother come and give the lord a shout to everybody you can have yourself please let's receive the dancing heart for their presentation [Music] is to the place [Applause] [Music] is take me [Music] me is we to the is [Music] is [Music] okay [Music] take a picture hallelujah god bless you let's jam my hands together for jesus [Music] [Applause] oops are you blessed are you blessed thank you holy spirit there's no man on earth alive or dead who made outstanding ministerial impact in the realm of the supernatural without a relationship with the holy spirit they may not have announced it they may not have focused on it but check it at the root of the manifestations of any supernatural move we see his relationship with the holy spirit because that's that's the source of power that's the roots of impact you need what is more than this world to handle the god of this world the bible says in second corinthians 4 4 that the god of this world has blinded the minds of them that believe not unless they should believe the glorious gospel of christ so we need what is more than this world to silence the god of this world and as we open up our heart today [Music] may there be a release of grace that only god gives from the pages of my heart let my worship begin and never end to the god of our flesh [Music] from the peaches of my heart let my worship begin and never read you are my god and your name [Music] is you are my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] when i'm down on my soul so well when trouble comes [Music] my heart's a body i am still wandering in the silence [Music] until he comes and sit a while with me blessing when i'm down my soul so worried when trouble comes i am still wandering in the silence until you come and sit a while with me you raise me [Applause] [Music] is me hmm is blessed be your name thank you my lord [Music] in the name of jesus you know there was something i read some years ago that broke me paul was talking to king agrippa and agrippa said to paul you almost persuaded me to be a christian there are people who are almost pastors but they are not pastors there are people who are almost prophets but they are not prophets he said you almost acts 26 28 almost a christian is a message almost a christian in other words i know everything that christians do i have the knowledge of it i know the workings that are people know the workings of ministry they know how to operate ministry but they are not christians they went to bible school somebody poured oil on them they know what it means to fast they know all the rudiments all the emotions of worship they understand the hierarchy and organogram of ministry but the problem is fundamental they are not chris there are they are almost christians god listen to me i ask that there be a surgery let there be a surgical operation let the god of heaven transform you take out listen listen to this listen to this never copy evil no matter the result it produces everybody has a day to be do exposed want me to show you something first thessalonians 5 24. first thessalonians 5 24 in case you are doing evil and you think you try first timothy rather first timothy first timothy because you are doing evil and think you thrive in it until you thrive in it hallelujah and thank you driving it so many things are clearly evident preceded them to judgment but some but those of some men follow later so men sin are evident they get the judgment immediately but the judgment of some others come later meaning it will come now or later do you have other translations i don't know who's on the council you're supposed to have several translations several several several translations remember the scene of some people are obvious leaving them to set in judgment but there are others whose sin will not be revealed until later there are people that do something god loves them so he punishes them and exposes them there are others that can be audacity for 30 years because god has already concluded their judgment he doesn't talk about it for whom the lord loves it it is and skudjet every son he received it so somebody can actually nothing moves me feel like i have a crowd i have money it doesn't move me it doesn't mean nothing to me i have been in this ministry i've been preaching this gospel for 33 years and i've seen people who rose they jump stadium when i say jump stadium they jam stadiums countless of them they walk in if you see the comfort of their cars a president does he have it these are men who move the massive supernatural i know a man who started ministry he started ministry in 98. as a 2000 it was in over 40 nations in two years over as i speak to you now is not in one nation everybody left him in fact he left himself am i happy about that no lifting is good but the process is important [Applause] lifting is good but process is important building a skyscraper on the foundation of a duplex is not only a personal disaster but a disaster that is generational because the building does not just crash on you there are occupants in that building why are you building why are you building building that will attract lives destinies connected to you i'm already preaching sit down hallelujah the workings of this god is fearful the workings of this god is fearful somebody says fearful are pastors and preachers of the gospel who don't lie they don't steal they are not they don't have anger issues they are not immoral they don't double speak here they will go to hell because of spiritual pride spiritual pride having defense consciousness that they are better than somebody is so silent spiritual prayer is so silent of one of the problems of jonah was spiritual pride god sending jonah to nineveh was to keep spiritual pride god why did jonah run from god jonah was so proud because he knew if he gives a declaration god could change it and his ministry will be at stake his prophetic ministry will be asked so it was not about god it was about himself if i go there now i tell them they will die and they cry to you they don't die nobody will believe i'm a prophet so it was about him not about god and god said this has been your problem so god sent him and said go to the nineveh and there was a mobility waiting to take him to tashish and he paid his faith to touch it when god sends you to nineveh god pays your faith you got to touch it you pay your affair sometimes you put more than necessary energy into where god does not send you when he has really sent you he's out there we have god that sent you one can i go on god spoke to jonah now go jonah is kept and the bible says that the boats the sheep as the as it were there was a massive turmoil the wind was tempestuous and jonah was asleep and all the mariners began to throw in their wheels throw in their wheels throw in their wares throw in their words before they spoke to themselves and said there is a man amongst us that is not even praying but they had lost so much before they discovered there was a wrong person in their book before i proceed i want to pray for you may you not lose more may you not lose wealth may you not lose impact may you not lose the people god has given to you all because of a wrong individual in your midst amen that is why sir is not to listen it is not enough to detect error in your life it is very important to dictate it early because you dictate error late you may have lost a lot before you found out it is important to detect it early it is important to detect lle to detect only those who are on assignment who are there are people i have followed to the door and escorted out of our church i mean i have an assistant pastor that is very very calm a resident pastor those are the airports i know him pastor yara is a very calm person i mean you can put all the insults on his head to be quiet but i was surprised he also escorted the young guy out of the church on sunday morning he thought security bundle her told the guy don't come to this church again i say you gentleman is yes i driver that's okay sir okay sir thank you sir he said i told her don't come here again because she she was practicing ministries and ministry going from member to member prophet signing on them prophet signing their houses prophet saying that you don't tolerate people who do ministries and ministry don't be afraid of losing them because you will always lose them the earlier you let them go they're better for you let them go [Applause] it is people who don't who lack content that are bothered about those exiting when you know what you carry anyone's absence on presence is immaterial to you but you lack capacity and you're not dynamic you are threatened by exit i told the young man who i had left one of our branches so i said they should give me time to come there put it in my schedule everybody who left would return back i said let me step there there are people who think they carry something and there are those who know what they carry i said i'm not calling but let me just put my food there i know what to do and whatever i'm going to do is private so long as in that time my feet is there i know what to do i know what to do am i communicating here is spiritual is not doubling supernatural calling those things that be not [Applause] for god who quickened the day of romans 4 17 who quicken out the dead and call it those things that be not as though they were lift your right hand say jesus how can you say jesus jesus this season of my life my generation will feel my impact break your bibles if you have one to genesis 38 verse 27 to 30. are you excited that we are working with time right are you excited about that we are working with time from verse 27 and it came to pass in the time of a travail that behold twins we are in a room and it came to pass when she traveled that the one put out his hand and the midwife took and bound on his arm a scarlet thread saying this came out first and it came to pass as he drew back his hand that behold his brother came out and she said how has doubt broken for the bridge broken broken foot this bridge be upon thee therefore his name was called fares and afterwards his brother that had scarlet thread upon his hand and his name afterward came out his brother that was collected upon his hand and his name was called zara battle for impact battle for impact to make impact in destiny is a battle to be outstanding in ministry and excellence is a battle battle for impact the battle for impact is resilience restlessness for a desired rest to have resilient restlessness for a desired rest there is no progress without force there is no motion without action the battle for impact is aggressive encroachment defined resultant consequence when you encroach aggressively into realms and dimensions that are that are outstanding and supernatural without focusing on the resulted consequences to make impact in life is say battle aggression is exertion of willful and moral violence for advancement aggression is the exhaustion of willful and moral violence for advancement there are people in life and destiny you must set on your in your heart that there are people that stand out their location is not an issue am i communicating here the bible says in book study acts chapter 8 the bible says a man called up called saul his name was saul he persecuted that sent in jerusalem he had killed stephen in acts chapter seven and was conserving to death of stephen stephen was killed in jerusalem paul had messed up everybody in jerusalem what was what was jerusalem jerusalem was the city of the living god jerusalem was a place that was founded in peace how come saul was killing people in jerusalem and god did nothing it is not the location it is the man in the location there were no men in jerusalem and paul thought he could do that in damascus he didn't know there was a man called ananias that was current with god as soon as paul was entering ananias the god of ananias waited for him by the way and said you entered jerusalem because there was no not a man but in this place there are men that was the mistake paul made if you study your bible in acts chapter 7 stephen said i see jesus standing at the right hand of god ladies and gentlemen jesus doesn't stand jesus seats for jesus to stand so would have known that jesus was on his way coming down he was coming down to defend this church and in acts chapter 19 came down when they killed stephen jesus was on his way but stephen could not make a declaration and in acts chapter 9 he came down and he stopped saul is not every church you break into it's not every place you go and rob it's not every place you go to steal it's not every pastor that you can kidnap it's not everyone you can attack am i talking to somebody when they go to damascus jesus said i am here there is the custodian of damascus his name is ananias and he blinded saul as he blended so he gave another signal because he was a keeper of damascus he said there is a guy that entered here he said he was trying to do here what he did in other places i closed his eye go and open it let me know the power pass power am i talking take your seat ah yeah yeah yeah yeah god are servants god has servants goddess servants i was told you replied somebody who said there are no prophets in nigeria you would not have replied him when a man is confused he looked for confused things to say he's a confused boy he's a confused boy don't forget there are people who are just looking for relevance there's too much wickedness in the world and for you to be targeting pastors that get the wickedness in politics there are countless prophets in this country countless there are count if you say no prophet there are no pastors no teachers no evangelists no nothing because god does not give half two or three fold when the holy ghost comes he gives to everyone there must be a complete why am i replying am i communicating it's not necessary there are some things you don't just hold the mic and just start talking once you lose guard it shows what happens to your private life when you hold microphone and you lose control if you lose control under inspiration under the spirit of god you still have no control without the holy ghost what will you do you don't get what i'm talking about so you must have some level of restriction when you speak it's not necessary if you don't have it look for those that have it if you don't have it you don't have it the impact is generation cannot be made by motivational speakers a church without the holy ghost is a museum [Applause] a church building without the holy ghost is a tory center it's a museum the world wants to see power we're not that much if i need motivation i don't need to go to church to come to church and you are teaching people motivation you have lost your calling am i communicating a pastor without power is a lecturer without knowing [Applause] a pastor without power is a lecturer without knowing there are people do you do research do you do research do you read you want you want to confront malams or muslims have you seen them read i know some people why in the other religion they read they read history you can't stand them when it comes to delivery you can't stand there when it comes to delivery they will blow your mind i know somebody who's a muslim he told me say he has read genesis to revelation he has that king james he has read niv yes good news he's a malam he's not a christian he has finished three three three versions pastors are the only group of people that are not deep in study they are not deep in research a pastor wants to preach on sundays preparing message on saturday how confused are you saturday everybody is under pressure nobody must talk to him the wife is in trouble she knocked the dog she died the children come around and knock on their head because it's under pressure sunday must be as fast is concerned someday is the day you can be productive if you are not proactive by saturday you should be brooding over a message already prepared you should be adding spice balancing it so when you stand on sunday you are delivering and delivering non-stop because you have been incubating and brooding over a message for a long time am i communicating here the place yeah we read we know the story about a woman the bible says why she was in travail every impact is made on the platform of travail if you don't travel you don't prevail it is only travail that brings out what you carry to bring out the gifting and the deposit of god in your life you need to pray it out you need to travail isaiah 66 and there's eight who has had such things who have seen such things shall the nation be made to bring forty one day shall the egg be shall the evidence will bring forty one day shall the nation be born at once but as soon as zion traveled give us other translations let's see i like to preach with several translations who has ever heard anything as strange as this who has ever heard of such a thing as a nation ever be born in a day as a country comfort in the mere moment but by the time jerusalem's bad pain begins our children will be born in other words he said who has had such things shall the ex bring forty one day shall the nation be born at once as soon as zion travel in other words if zion can travel the earth can bring forth in one day a nation can be born at once if you can travel in the place of prayer you can bet and bring to being dimensions that are national generational and monumental am i talking to somebody right now my children are still very young there is no lukewarmness in my house where are they coming from i see one time i woke up in the morning to two i went to my chair i was just walking through my children so this one the other one this was 2 am 3 am everywhere i was on fire i shook my head i said i am a father is not to bring them into the world but to make them follow your land carry the fire you carry am i talking to somebody right now and you have to set everywhere on fire i told them i may not teach you anything but i can teach you prayer because in prayer you navigate your way to your future as soon as zion travels the best battle for impact is the battle in the place of prayer the battle in the place of prayer if you win the war on your knees evangelism and church growth strategies are good home sale is good but take your community on your knees take your location on your knees take that area on your knees take that place on your knees god's servant doctor rasulullah said himself and bishop in london one time and they just decided to have evangelism and i mean told me this personally and he said they were giving that abstract as they gave our track nobody connected in london they gave our track no they said we are not collecting they gave a trap no so if they they left the hotel room to go and do evangelism so when they came back he said come doctor how many people did you give truck he said nobody collected he said for me nobody collected they held their hands and began to command the principality in that part of london to bow they began to swallow that place that locality on their knees and began to pray in the holy ghost for all the nights they waited on god and they prayed the next morning as they went out people were not collecting they were dragging he said that was saying that's two locational demons that control location it doesn't take just 40 days to kill them it takes progressional consistent favency of prayer am i talking to somebody here because they are they have been there for years said powerful satan is only organized he stays in the location for a long time that is when jesus was to cast out the dimmer in the demonic the demon said don't cast us out of this area in other words we have been here for a long time the structure we know the streets we know the houses we know the elders that we have entered into them we know how to manipulate them if you cast us out of here to a new place it will take us a long time to understand the terrain to manipulate the people so do not relocate us do not cast us out of here when a man begins to battle in the place of prayer the true test of prayer is time consuming a man to pray do you know that it was when jesus prayed the bible said the sweats that came from him they are like thick drop set of blood it's time to pray as soon as zion travail in matthew 21 and verse 13 he said my father's house shall be called the house of prayer that you have made in the den of jesus so that tells me if the house of prayer is not exercised in the house of prayer then you are opening that house for robbery there are destinies that have been stolen because men refuse to pray there are homes that have been stolen become men refuse to pray there are ministries that have been rounded up because men refuse to pray there are many one of my daughters said to me he said a woman gave my husband a land we built a church and the woman suddenly said we should carry our church out of the land and i said daughter what was she he said a woman i said who are you you see a woman as a facet leave me leave my son out of it face it you see how that's what happened to your knees what happened to your knees and she said daddy i beg of you give me only one scripture i don't need several if i can get one that's very easy because that is 80 level because sentence against an evil work it's not executed speedily therefore the heart of men is set fully in them to do evil and she began to bless prayer the court day was already put there she said sir 21 days 24 days he said father your son gave me this scripture he said 12 to 3 she never missed it on the day that they were appearing caught the lady at the stroke stayed at home they adjourned it the second day destroyed question they adjourned it was young they cancelled it they said she's not here so the case is cancelled am i speaking to somebody here the kids died the matter reversed because somebody looked at the devil and said enough is enough of running from you i want to pray we need to silence your manipulation impact is a battle it is time to pray don't allow the devil make news in your area a native doctor cannot be running where your church is it is an arrow it is an error it is an [Music] [Applause] [Music] error when i got to our ocean there was a popular herbalist he was in the school area if you see people tripping to town is that someone coming to see me or something coming to see him i said two principalities in one in one i thought they were location to see him or coming to see me if i was so bad that he would refer some cases he can't handle to me don't say this person they brought him mad he came from place you put a note say this beyond me handle it now initially i was feeling good as ellis is buying to christ let us say wait hold this place i'm complaining is too small a demon is still dragging it with me if it's a pastor i have no problem if he's a minister of god i have no you can put your church opposite my church and i will not be angry i am not in that right in that category you are my son you are now you are doing well i mean we are somebody who came to town and said god sent him to me i said to do what say god says she should come and open this church in our chief that's okay i'll pray for you say no god said you should open it i said me he said yes i said okay have you seen location he said i don't have one okay go tomorrow come here say i don't have a house i said what do we do i said okay i saw one place one hall follow me we drove somewhere i think he has grown nice in benin miracle past america you know miracle is here you know him okay so and i drove to the place there was no way no entrance or exit i used my car to create a path bush i saw the hall i said you like it he said yes sir it was near the polygate i said you like it he said yes sir i said okay as it starts here is there no chair i brought chairs for him i gave him pulpit jesus start for me i had to carry the fidelis to preach for him so that with his influence he can gather people the one that came we begged and said please stay here stay here stay here stay here stay yesterday stay here that is how he started church the same town it is about jesus [Applause] if people leave my church to your church it may mean that my time for pastoring them is over i cannot be angry sheep is too relevant to make shepherds fight ship is too irrelevant to make shepherds fight you carry my member you carry my choir i carry your choir you kind of both of you are babies you are fighting over choir members that will see me both of you are you pulled apart what was i saying before i wouldn't divide today this preaches eve er they have a list thank you but there was something i was saying you know this preaching thing you have to just stay on what you are saying you know prophets preach the way women drive prophets preach the way women drive you know women are driving hey there's a house here hey this video is not the year before that's why you see a woman in your front you are complaining move move she's admiring everything around her that's how women drive they don't just drive straight they will look ah this has not been here before they are moving ah this place now bank oh thank god our city is progressing so when professors are preaching they will touch it they will touch you if you are not careful don't miss the point so i went on my knees and i said father this man cannot be here and i'm here satan cannot make news father i'm not saying you'll kill anybody don't kill anybody but somebody has to leave and obviously it's not me relocating over 10 years he has expired expire arrow i be expired am i talking to somebody here satan should not make news when we are the grace of god on youtube there's a brew tell by your church your life does is close it close it in the place of prayer my wife is here i lived in the house before to humiliate me they came to buy a land look at my house less than 30 feet look at where they bought a building guess what they built there a mosque by my residence where i live look at the mosque if i i'm seeing the muslims you see me they took this speaker they faced my at my door my mama was worried see what kind of thing is this what are they building just is outside my gate look at the mosque and i said to i said let them finish building he said what i should not be to build not to occupy let them be they built it they did everything one night by 1am i sneaked out i carried a mountain away i spoke in tongues and capital letters i took the oil and i splashed it i said grass is wherever you are start growing from the concrete and i said this place will not be inhabited except by lizards snakes and animals nobody will stand here i said that i left a week later there was someone that was carrying from there he was beaten by a snake why are you laughing there was a snake in the garden of eden it was beating [Music] beaten by a slave what happened to your prayer now that now is what is a provisional shop what happened it is an error you are doing healing service fasted and prayed and by you there is a herbalist there are rushing cases to what happened to you what happened to your prayer altar what happened to your prayer altar prayer does not just change things it changes you it places you at the point where you become sensitive allah that when god is speaking when the donkey is speaking you can pick it oh one time listen to this one time god god rebuked david and gave him threefold judgment what was his problem first chronicles 21 from verse one to four and verse seven the bible says and satan moved david to number israel now when dave is true to number israel listen to this it will bless you a man called job listen to this job said to david why would you remember israel because job be sent the bible saying there's four that job david prevailed against joan david was angry at job because job killed absalom in second summer chapter 18 verse 14 and 15 job and ten men wasted absalom david had that against him that is why in first king chapter two if you read from verse five down when david was talking to solomon he said concerning job don't let his hair go down to the graven piece so because he killed absalom david held it against him so even when god was speaking through him david despised it the man who just fell into your trap can be the man god uses to deliver you from a trap the man who you just disciplined can be the voice that god uses to prevent you from discipline don't discipline people and push them away hurt the offense love the offender hurt it hurt the offense it's time for us to let the flesh let the flesh give way in the place of prayer let the flesh give way let the government of canality be rolled off that you don't have passion for mature materialism the passion for carnality the passion for the things of the world dies in the place of prayer you don't go about talking about people socrates there are three there are several men who were who one of them was pluto achimades socrates socrates was a man in the ancient greek around athens so christ is one day somebody met him and said socrates i have i want to tell you something about your friend and socrates said okay you want to talk to me about my friend say he said hold on there are three filters i will give to you if you pass these three filters you tell me about your friend my friend number one what you're about to tell me about him is it true the man said i just heard it he said that means you have not verified he said no she was not true number two the thing you're about to tell me about him is there goodness in it he said no it's not good it's a bad thing so you're about to tell me something bad about my friend that is not true number three the third future what you're about to tell me is he useful he said just for you to know he said okay since it is not true since it is not good since it is not useful why tell me these are filters that must guard every information that comes to your spirit philippians 4 7 whatsoever things appear whatsoever things are harnessed whatsoever things of good report think on these things and the peace of god shall fill your heart tell somebody it is time to pray i can't hear you at all say it one more time time to pray not your need not for what you want sir until your expectation becomes god's desire your relevance may not be felt can i say that again look here let me explain that look here hannah here to here was going to chilo a baby never came because she knew man i can't be pregnant god kept nothing because it was about her but the day she entered the temple of god she looked to our left the sons of ally had corrupted the sacrifice of god ella himself had become too old there was no priest in the house she now said god i need a child your temple needs a priest let's have an agreement it's not about me it's about your temple there is no man in the house no man in the temple you give me a man so i can give him to you god said this is what i've been looking for it has been about you it has been about removing your reproach but now that is about me the bible said as she left there she conceived it's not about you father bless me because orphans need help lord have preached the gospel of fruitfulness bless me so that a very woman can be encouraged lord bless me so that the gospel can be heard in north america in south america that's what prayer does it kills the person for the flesh as they travel he said one brought the child brought out his hand as the hand came out people scream this is the first this is the first write this down man's opinion is not god's conclusion man's opinion is not god's conclusion this came out first this came out first we live in a generation where people talk too much they come up with separate conclusion a child's hand came out not his body his hand and before the world he has become first born we live in a generation we where people celebrate the wrong things wrong things for you to make impact in this battle for impact number two point which is very important because i'm going to pray you must make deliberate decision to succeed legitimately to succeed in this world of pressure hardship comparison and competition scarcity unwantedness to succeed deliberately has to be a conscious deadly regular decision when one brought up his hand every woman who has a child can tell you when a child comes out with a hand it's an error every woman was giving back that a child coming out with the hand is a disaster how does the child come out the head so this one coming out with the hand was an error but for some people they applauded it a generation a minister of god or a minister or whatever is succeeded via wrong means and people are clapping for him people arranging miracles affecting miracles and people are clapping for them a pastor is succeeding by telling people in this beginning to come and buy soap by sponge by this by reason of doing that he has crowd he has money and you are copying him what is an error to copy came out with hand and yet we are plotting this came out first a fellow pastor's wife whose husband is living all kinds of life is now your justice for comparison as a woman of god you have left the place of the cross your comparison is now somebody who is full of canality when you see some minister's wife you are asking yourself how did the men meet them no godliness around them at all no godliness around them at all pastors wife even in shopping mall they take picture and post supermarket they take pictures and post everywhere they go they take picture and post you say that these are supposed to be wrong mothers why why people that should lead people struggling with choir members on the latest hairstyle between both of you who is always the mother to who when i was in canada i was preparing to minister and i was with my wife and the holy ghost said to me let your wife preach hey i said thank god so i thought i said you are preaching no he said hey you told me to follow you didn't tell me i would preach i said but god just told me i want to sleep i climbed the bed i heard that i said i said better for me let me rest here she prays a lot i mean my family prays a lot but that day she was praying i was just i climbed the bed with duvet because that day i was to bdp the personal assistant so in the morning in canada she took the mic when she began to minister in fact long story cut shots i became an usher i was people were flying i was holding them fact she will collect ministry from me i have to take the mic [Applause] i saw your place upside down i mean in canada in toronto the power of god everywhere people that flame from america everywhere [Music] service was about ending i said what i thought i was the overseer i took the mic i said there's somebody here prophet not prophet [Applause] when we got back i looked she didn't look at her and i hugged her i said i'm proud of you deep down my heart i felt this sense of fulfillment i have traveled to places and members who text me say mama minister daddy we didn't miss you don't just don't listen can i say this this is this is going to be controversial refuse to die as a pastor's wife become a woman of god now there's a world of difference there are many pastors wives who are not women of god refuse to die as just a pastor's wife become a woman of god that there is a deposit inside you and please sir when you locate grace on your wife don't cover it let her manifest [Applause] don't be intimidated by a woman you married give her expression give a platform when the man becomes envious of his own wife do i finish ministry you come out to counter it no the proof that you are the husband is after she has finished manifesting you manifest don't don't come there to counter what she has said said the teaching mommy just thought now some things we are not in order on friday i'm going to stretching i will stretching some of those things i will stretching some i will i will put it in proper perspective yeah you are intimidated deliberate decision when you make this decision there are people you can be friends with there's a nigerian parable that said 20 friends can be can be friends in 20 years 20 friends cannot play together in 20 years everybody will look for their square root am i communicating here deliberate decision to make it i will not lie i will not steal i will not fake nothing sir this thing is real the anointing is real somebody told me he invited the wealthy man to our church he blessed my city i want to see me i said okay i don't know if i should call him the boy my son or not my i don't know they say it's my son he thinks he's my son so he invited somebody to our church on saturday i noticed he said he's coming with the wife i said okay the next thing i saw him send me say he has seven children he sent all their names i was confused that's okay he sent what they do he sent what the woman does he sent her age sent the man's age i was confused so i got to the altar i ministered and at the end of the service daddy i gave you the info i said info what is the info because i was confused i didn't know what i was sending he just said they are coming to church that's what he said to me so i feel like i'll see them in church so what that day i went there and i me i saw them i prayed for them they gave me something that they were like to give me okay while i was praying for them the lord opened my eyes so something totally different the wife knows the husband doesn't know so i asked them and they mentioned the wife confirmed me that was true to the husband when i left he said daddy if only you had used what i gave you i said oh
Channel: CelebrationTV
Views: 35,870
Rating: 4.9019189 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle, Johnson, Suleman, messages, prophecy, grace, glory, bible, church, God, Jesus, good, great, celebration, tv, pastor, rev, lizzy, papa, mama, america, europe, nigeria, edo, state, auchi, prayer, word, preach, preacher, prophetic, declaration, manifestation, power, politics, ministry, anointing, voice, fire, new, rebroadcast, live, service, invasion, crusade, outreach, ministering, upper, room, he, touched, me, ministers, without, blemish, 2016messages, 2015message, Center For Revival, Scriptures, Strange Miracles & the Prophetic in Africa
Id: cWtYfef7j2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 33sec (4353 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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