DAY 1: How To Build A Garage (For Your Brother)

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so this week on the boss garage we're going to build a [Music] [Applause] garage all right something different on the box garage this week we are going to build a garage I'm going to show you guys start to finish how uh we're going to go about that right from the permit stage to inspections to final completion and rather than doing three videos on Sunday this is the only video because we'll be releasing one video each day this week to show the progress of our build uh whenever we get our permits we'll start that that series um there's three different kinds of buildings you can put up pole barn floating and a studded building uh pole barn is by far the cheapest and that's the route that we're going to go so with the permit stage um the town needs to uh you to go and ask for an application fill out all the information that they require on there and they'll let you know which uh jurisdictions you have to uh get approval from whether in Wetlands Highway um things like that uh they need an overhead shot of the building that you're going to put up to show exactly where the windows and the doors are going to be sizes which is what this is they also need a side view of how structurally you're going to build build it so we're pole barn sitting on a 2T concrete slab if you guys want to see in Greater detail on how we do this building head over to patreon right now and I'll go step by step on how um to go about this pole bar and if you guys are interested and you want me to draw you a studded building or a floating slab I can do that too here in our town I'm not allowed to make the drawings for the customer but um the customer can submit his own so I'm going to draw these give them to my brother he's going to copy them or put his name on this whatever and then uh submit those to the town they're going to approve it as soon as we have approval we can uh get a couple quotes from uh different Lumber suppliers and I always say get a couple quotes because um sometimes they're all over the map so once we have our quotes we're going to order our materials hopefully all materials will be on site and when the weather's good we're going to crack out it hopefully we're going to um be able to release one video every day and then uh finish it off in a week now this is 28 by 38 with uh the trust is on 2T Center so I'll also be installing the overhead door I'll show you guys how to do that so with all that I don't think we'll be be able to do it in 5 days might take six but as long as all the materials are there um we should be able to get pretty well the most of it done in in one week anyway so here we go time to get out of the shop for a bit smell some cedar instead of diesel and uh yeah here we go we're going to start by squaring up the building and uh sorting out the lumber drilling some holes and pouring some concrete Today Show you guys the the job site here Ford I like your rockers Luke you can at least trim it that's my neighbor said to me yesterday too you know what just cuz that comment I'm going to do the other side and leave it and I'll let it even hang down [Music] further nice they just don't care all we're doing here is putting the fence you see where we got our Stakes for the actual outside of the building what we do is put these fences up uh about 6 ft out so we can still run the skid steer drill the holes put our string line up but then take it back down again we can move the nails back and forth on the 2x4 so we can get a perfectly Square take the line down drill the holes put the line back up again and then set our post so here we go when you're running your string line to make sure that the strings don't touch each other if this string line was below this one it would pull it down and then your lines don't always meet up so it helps if you um laser the uh fences so that they're all the same height because now when we run the when we run it um if they're all the same height then it doesn't really one's not really dragging on the other but I'm checking the length and the width making sure those are right and then we'll square It Up by going corner to corner when we're marking the X for the Post we stay in 3 in off the line the line's actually there but if we're because the outside of the post post is 6 in so the outside of the post will be the string line so we we drill the whole 3 in in um but still centered in the in the middle of the line 38 now I can measure from the other side and make sure you end up in the same spot right you want eight and then you said 14 yeah damn it's like you did this [Music] before can't have any sand gravel or water in the bottle of the holes cuz the concrete doesn't like that I think you went past 4T on that one mik so we're going to Mark the trusses on the on the face where we're going to lay our 2x4s so we're going to mark them all on the ground while we're there so um this uh when they dropped the trusses it did a pretty good job so you want to make it nice and straight all the way across and then we can mark the top one the bottom one run a level down and then put a line with an x on it where the 2x4 four sits every 2 ft along with the um Runners on the bottom cord and there might be some in the webbing too so each trust will be different each design will be different um they calculate it in our area how much snow load we get and and whatnot as to how to design the trust and how much strapping and bracing it needs so just tap along back and forth a few times if you have a 2x6 top cord because the face is 2x6 have to take a a saw and just cut the bottom corner off otherwise the bottom of the truss sticks out past the bottom of the uh fascia and then you have to trim them all afterwards so little steps like that save a lot of time while the trusses are on the ground here we go so on the bottom cord we also need bracing uh and the trust drawings will show that we need uh a row every 10 ft so when you are marking these Luke is going to go from the outside in on both sides because it won't end up up even every 10 ft and if the trusses get spun the other way by the linesmen then the bottom cord won't line up anymore the top cord will but by going from the outside and doing the same measurement then it doesn't matter if it gets spin spun around the uh bottom cord marking still line up because we're doing the strapping uh in 2x6 in the flat between the post uh all the 2x4 gets cut to 16 or 8 ft and gets marked right away so when we get the we get the 16 Footers they're actually 16t and a/4 so they have to be cut exactly 16 and then we mark them our trusses are spaced every 2 feet apart so what we do is we um we put a line 3/4 of an inch off from 2 feet and then put an X right on the two feet so when we lay them on the trusses it doesn't matter whether the x is uh whether the line is in front of the x or if the lumber gets turned around and it's on the back of the X the the truss still ends up up in the middle so um we take our Tresses and we uh build a section on the ground they're very light so the crane has no problem uh picking it up we put a bean down the center of it and then um because our trusses are already marked with the with a line and an X the 2x4 lays on top and then you line up the line on the 2x4 for the truss now it's just zipping away um just like a puzzle that you really can't screw up uh we don't put the seams on the same tress so we start off with uh an 8-footer and then have it hanging out 2 ft and then 4T so that it's nice and strong uh we never nail the end tress solid because we'll level the whole trusses and Brace it but when it's time to nail this one solid we'll run a chalk line and then have this truss 100% perfectly straight on both ends even if these are off a quarter in/ in you'll never ever see that but the end trust you do and and wood does move wood warps and also um this truss is on twoot on the center but the twoot on our line is actually to the outside of the truss because the building end to end is a is an even number right so this line doesn't work on this truss um once we do that we climb up we have one guy on each wall we have somebody on the lanyard uh and the crane operator and just one guy on the peak and we just asked for some Lumber I have the lumber up here already and just do one truss at a time so generally um whether it's twoot centers or 4ft centers we can get the crane in and out in a couple hours and then spend the rest of the day bracing making sure we don't do it again twice so yeah we're waiting for concrete to fill the bottom of the holes the holes are all nice and clean we passed uh inspection for that so we need 2 ft of concrete in the bottom and then we set our post on top and like I said said in the drawings um we're not going to do a double pour on this one they're getting carried away with uh building's fear of them blowing away this one only has the one door in the front so there's really no uh amount of wind coming in that'll lift the building up so we're just setting the post on top the 2 ft concrete and then back filling so as soon as the concrete's here we can throw the concrete in and then we can start laying out our post we'll be setting post tomorrow morning so here we go so it's uh about 2:00 on Monday we've got our roof built we've got Concrete in the holes we've got our lumber sorted we were supposed to get roof steel today and wall steel apparently the roof steel is not coming cuz we could have drilled that for the roof but have to wait for the concrete to dry to set the post so we'll do that in the morning we're going to go home and uh I'll probably work on some stuff in the shop it's kind of disappointing but we don't have everything but that's the way it goes so see you tomorrow hey hey thanks for watching watching don't forget to like And subscribe cuz you never know what you're going to see next week on debos garage if you like what you see there's a lot of stuff happening to help support the channel and remember if you're not filthy you're not rich
Views: 280,972
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Keywords: garage, construction, build a garage, apply for permit, polebarn, amish construction, pouring concrete, building trusses, building permit, how to build a garage, building a garage by yourself, garage construction, how to build a pole barn, pole building framing, pole building framing details, pole building framing plans, diy garage, pole barn construction, small pole barn construction, pole barn construction plans, pole barn build how to, how to start building a pole barn
Id: 6iZtbTY8NG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2016
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