Setting 16 Trusses Alone - Build a 20x30 Workshop

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welcome to Seth craft I'm currently building a 20 by 30 shop and it's time to get the trusses installed I ordered my trusses from a local truss building company and they cost about 1700 delivered I thought that was a pretty awesome deal considering this is a 20-foot span there's no way I was going to be able to build that by myself so to begin I'm going to be using a Samson strong tie this is the H1 clip this will essentially span across the double top plate like this right here so it will have three holes in the top and one hole in the bottom and that's going to allow the trusses to fit down into like this right here and that will basically lock the trusses into the rest of the building and it will have a nice strong connection I may come back later and put the H 2.5 clip on the inside but we'll see if I need that or not all right so the first step is to Mark out two foot on Center all along one side move over to the other side staying or starting from the same side and going down and marking two foot on Center so that we can install these H1 Clips I'm going to be using three and a half inch nails to install these so it will be nice and strong now the H1 clip can be installed either on the outside or on the inside but it is recommended on new construction which is what I've got here that this is put on the outside what I want to do is Mark out two foot on Center so I'm going to use my tape measure here and a pencil and Mark out every two foot along the top of this building here we have two foot right here go ahead and place a mark there now if you want to get extra technical you could here so if you step back three quarters of an inch on both sides that is actually where the trusses will go so now if I remove this tape measure and get the H1 clip you can see how those lines we just made right there will match up with where the bent pieces are going to go here on the H1 clip okay time to install these H1 Clips you can see my markings right here this is the 28 foot so we'll go ahead and place this right here I'm going to line up those two marks that I made and I'm going to put some three and a half inch nails through all four of these holes three in the top plate one in the bottom plate and that will line things up now I won't be able to hold this camera and Hammer at the same time so let me toss the Drone up so you can see me get this thing installed [Music] thank you I stepped over here to the other side and got all of the H1 Clips installed and they are looking great so you can see this side here matches up with that side over there and that will allow my trusses to slip in here and be uniform all the way across all right let's go ahead and talk about the trusses now my trusses have arrived so I use a local truss building company called Appalachian truss and uh it was seventeen hundred dollars delivered for 14 full-size trusses and then two gable ends that are shorter and this allows me to have boards that come out for my extended Gable end so anyway now one accident that happened was the delivery guy was a young fellow and he backed into my car and possibly destroyed it that was not fun we're in the middle of dealing with all that but um the trusses are here so it's time for us to go ahead and start putting these into the building I'm going to pop all the straps on here and see if I can't carry these over there by myself I think the full-size ones weigh somewhere around 85 to 86 pounds and the smaller ones are like 82 pounds something like that heavy it's like a bag of sack cream so anyway let's pop these loose and see if we can't carry these let's just see what we can do here all right yeah it's on there pretty tight that's for sure okay I have no idea if I'll be able to carry this or not especially since it's summertime and I don't go to the gym yeah I may have to invite my dad over for some food or my neighbor and see if he's interested in helping but let's see what we got okay good news I called the trusses company and said hey there's some mold or fungus on these trusses and they said okay no problem and within an hour and a half they were out here with a uh a bleach and other kind of chemical and they sprayed every side of the trusses and that mold and stuff is gone so awesome I appreciate that I'm gonna drag one more of these over here and we will begin getting these up into place hopefully if I can't do this by myself I'll have to uh find somebody to help I purchased two different types of trusses this one over here will be one of the middle trusses as you can see it's got a triangular pattern here so it will have the H1 clip will attach right in here and that will rest on top of the double top plate and this will go all the way up to form the roof now if you look on these Gable end trusses over here they are actually three and a half inches shorter than this one over here the reason for that is that whenever these are installed I can basically screw in my boards from here and they will stick out and they will go on top of this I will toenail into that and so that board will stick out and have the option for adding the eaves on my building and so with that being said I need to go ahead and put one of these in first on the side and to do that first of all my building has already been sheathed with half inch OSB that's underneath the Tyvek here so I need to make a block that will hold this up in place so that whenever I swing this Cable in truss up here it doesn't just flip off the side and fall down so what I want to do is take a scrap piece of 2x4 we've got one that can be used on a low end right here and I've also got one I can use over here I'm gonna cut this a little bit and put it on the top side and so on this I also have to use a piece of scrap half inch OSB for instance put it right in there and that way it will bridge the gap between the uh where the 2x4 is and where the OSB is so let's go ahead and make a couple of these real quick this right here will be mounted to the bottom of the building and this right here will stick up above and so I just need to have a couple screws to hold this in place all right I'm going to take this little piece right here and stick it up so that it at the very least hits the bottom of the double top plate [Music] all right two more of those one on the other side one in the middle and that should be sufficient to hold these trusses in place as I swing them up I measured 10 foot so I can have this here in the center of the building all right here's my plant these weigh almost 90 pounds so I'm going to try to get this into the building through the door and then get one side up on one wall and then use the ladder to hike the other one up on the other side and then move the ladder to the middle and flip it into position and this is 20 foot and a quarter inch from what I was measuring here so I need to basically find the perfect spot where that will line up in the middle and then go ahead and toenail into my top plate to get this locked down all right let's see how well this works and if I'm able to do this by myself thank you start working on getting this one side up real quick all right here's where it gets fun I'm going to try to get this up here now because the triangle shape it will basically hold itself up there so once I get it there it won't be too much of a stress but then I'll have to move the ladder in the front here and or the middle and swing this into position so all right let me see if I can get this picked up here and uh not drop it that's one of the main things good I managed to get this one hanging up here so now it's time to swing it into position this might go well and it might not let's find out how this is going to be I need to find out how close I can get my ladder so this has got to be able to swing forward and not hit my ladder so I think I've got another six to eight inches here that I can move forward impact driver down here so it's easy for me to get to have to get me a sweat rack this is crazy all right okay well I got it flipped up into position here after only about 20 minutes of work I was sweating so much I had to go in and take a break I think I might get this one done and then come back in the afternoon when it's Shady over here because it's got to be at least 10 degrees warmer inside of this building than it is out here let's talk about this second trust here so the first one was a Gable end which is unique and then this next one is a little bit unique as well because there is nothing to attach to on that Gable end because that one is shrunk down by the width of a 2x4 so typically you would take the 2x4 and you would apply this to the downside of the truss like this so whenever you swing it into position the board swings up and makes connection with the previous one but there's not a previous one so I'm going to attempt to get this up into place and then attach it to the H1 clip and hopefully that'll hold it and then I may put a board across there just to support it while I'm working but in the third truss here we will do it right with having this board swing up and connect to this next one okay the more I looked at this the more I realized it would be unwise to swing this much weight up without a middle support so I'm gonna go ahead and just stick a 22 inch board here in the middle simply to catch the other truss over there and then I can take it out later whenever I don't need it all right so when I put this up here and turn it upside down this board that we just put in will be facing this way whenever I flip it correct it'll be facing against the other truss over here foreign ly say that pushing this up with a 2x4 was way better than trying to climb the ladder and flip this up so I just held a 10 foot 2x4 swung it into position and uh it locked down well enough that it would stay up there the next step is to make sure both sides of the trusses the Tails of the trusses are the same length and then put some of these inch and a half galvanized nails in into those H1 Clips all right so I've actually already done this but I just wanted to show you that I've got one foot on both sides here as you can see right there so now it's time to get this locked down I'll uh fly the Drone up in a bit so you can see this work being done but for now I'm just going to do this without you I'm going to put a nail right here and then see if I can drive one and holding this camera there you go all right so there's three on both sides I'm gonna get these locked down and then go inside because it's too hot I've brought the next truss in here ready to go up so it's time to get the top piece that will go from here on over and so I want to do is climb up this ladder real quick and the distance that I need is going to be from right here to right here plus eighth of an inch or so all right so about 22 and a half is what we want okay 22 and a half is what I want right here once I turn this truss up into place this side will be facing the previous one and uh I think for now I'm just going to come down here a little bit like we did on the previous one and put this down here and I can come back later and adjust these if I need to but I've got other boards that I'll be putting in here to let that OSB rest on so for now I'm just going to put this over here and we will get this one into place and worry about changing things up later if need be foreign method worked really well so I'm going to try that again here and see what happens um I may need to have something underneath this to um support it once it's up just to give me enough time to get from you know here to the ladder but anyway we'll just give it a try and see what happens foreign yeah it's going to want to fall back so there's the issue hey hold on hold on the H1 clip is just strong enough to hold that in there okay let me move quick before that wind catches it all right well that seems to be right where I want it 12 inches of overhang [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] and the trusses are done this took about a week longer than I anticipated I was getting about one or two done in the morning and then one or two done at night and so to get all of these up here took quite some time now I didn't really show you what I did back here whenever I set up those two and then brought the third one in but it worked out pretty good so let's walk around real quick and talk about what's been done I started off on this side over here getting the Gable in truss up there now I put lots of screws all along the whole thing on both the front and inside and that was able to lock that down really well and then using this cross piece in between has locked each truss into the next one now I did stagger those cross pieces one above one below and that was allowing me to access that from both sides of the trusses and I just used the H1 Clips on the outside I may come back and put a few of the h 2.5 clips and that will allow for the inside of the trusses to be locked down as well I'll have to see it's possible that once the OSB is on top it will be strong enough I was able to get very consistent there may be two of these that are about a quarter inch off and some of that may be due to the walls Bowing in and out now I talked to somebody in construction and they recommended that I should have used some two by fours across the top to keep that more rigid instead of using the strap system but it is what it is at this point I think it's going to be close enough so what I did down here to get these last three installed I flipped up the two of them here and pushed them against the Gable end and then I was able to set this one and what I did then is climb up the ladder and install those cross pieces and that allowed the next one to basically fall onto that cross piece and I just use the big 12 foot ladder here to pull the next one into position it worked out fine and everything seems to be nice and consistent so uh yeah I'm glad to have this step done definitely took about a week longer than I had first anticipated that it would [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] I ordered my trusses from a place called Appalachian trusses and I think they built them and had them sitting in the yard for about a week and we had a torrential downpour for all week long and so I got a little bit of fungus or mold growing on these they came back and sprayed those after I called them and then also when these were delivered the young fellow that was delivering backed into my little car and it is no more so I have now purchased a vehicle that I've been saving up for over four years for and it's a Toyota Tacoma so very excited about that anyway I look forward to seeing that delivering some materials in the future but as far as the trusses go they are now installed and I can check that task off of my task list so the next step here in building this building is to put the sub fascia the eve boards and the blocking on these trusses so be sure you're subscribed and ring that notification Bell so you can stay tuned for that video as well I'm Seth with the Seth craft workshop and I will see you in the next video bye
Channel: SethCraft Workshop
Views: 52,124
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Keywords: sethcraft, seth craft, sethcraft workshop, roof trusses, install trusses, how to install trusses, solo trusses, install roof, joists, how to install a roof, build a workshop, workshop, storage building, install trusses alone, trusses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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