DaVinci Resolve VOICE Recording like a PRO

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today I'm going to show you how to record voice  over directly into davinci resolve in five   easy steps now step one just make sure that the  operating system sees your microphone let's take a   look over here I am on a Mac and up in the header  bar there's a little speaker icon right and we go   down to sound settings down below and once that's  open you've got an output input section we're   concerned about the input part okay I'm using a  universal audio volt 2 but it could be a Scarlet   it could be a Blue Yeti whatever your microphone  is make sure you're actually seeing levels right   here with that selected now let's open up the  Davinci resolve and move to step two oh by the   way everything is chapter marked on here so you  can just skip around if you already know some of   these Basics but step two is all about where are  we saving our files and what are we calling them   what are they automatically going to get named  over here in resolve we have a little project   setting uh little gear icon down in the far far  right down there so we're going to click that and   this is where we're going to be able to control on  a perp project basis where we're saving media that   we generate and that's done under the capture and  Playback tab with capture and Playback tab there   is an area under capture called save Clips to this  is the important part of where you're actually   saving your Clips to when you're recording audio  in here uh you just click browse and you have the   option here obviously this is going to my movies  folder but you could set this to maybe a good idea   would be for this to go straight to a uh like  a job folder with all your assets in one single   folder which makes it easy to Archive but we'll  just leave that in this uh movies folder area for   today and so now you know where that is that's  where they're going to be written to and linked   to when you're creating the media let's Hit cancel  and now where are the files actually going in the   project we know we're going on disk let's create a  bin by right clicking and saying a new bin call it   vo for voice over and that just gives us a place  for them to land so whatever bin you're inside of   we're in this um Master vo bin when it's writing  the files it's going to place them in whatever bin   is selected so if you have a giant project lots of  bins choose the bin first then record your voice   over all right now we have to actually have a  place to to write the files to and you do that by   creating a timeline and resolve and that's pretty  easy you right click here if you don't really know   just right click and resolve create a new timeline  and we could just call it vo now here's something   I want to point out uh the audio track type  by default is going to be stereo that's that's   normally what most people need but for voice over  work you really just have one mouth so your audio   track type should be mono that that means it's  like a single channel so I'm going to go back over   here and choose mono and click create and I'll  Zoom back out and we're almost ready to go now the   next thing I want to show you I've never really  seen top much and it's a really nice feature so   if you go to the fairlight Tab and let's see are  everything nice and big so if you hold down shift   and then the scroll wheel it makes everything  everything nice and tall and we can get rid of   this bus down here we don't need to see that by  clicking this button so this is the big tip here I   want to show you if you click on audio one instead  of that being called Audio One Call this something   unique and this is actually part of the file name  that gets written to the hard drive so today is   the 6th of January so I'm going to just type in uh  240106 and then something that is useful like uh   probably the person's name so I'm Chadwick by the  way welcome if if you're new here for the first   time um if you're not uh I'm so thankful that you  would watch a second video of mine but let's just   click okay now and we're all set up and so that's  the end of step two we know where they're going   to be saved on disk we know where they're going  in the project and we know what they're going to   be called oh and remember voiceovers mono now  let's patch the microphone into the timeline   that is done only on the fairlight page that I'm  aware of and you go over here to our track that   you want to be writing to which is going to be  A1 okay and what I'm going to do is just click   on that and choose input and we have a couple  options there's not a lot of timeline stuff   going on here so basically the right side is the  destination which is the timeline and the left   side is our audio inputs and I'm going to choose  volt one volt to and that's because the device   that I'm actually plugged into over here has two  audio inputs and I'm plugged into channel one of   it so I want to take one and plug that directly  into my track one which we had already renamed in   the last step to today's date with a name we're  going to hit patch and so those are patched now   the next thing you're going to want to do is mute  your output so even if you left your speakers on   this is a good time to turn this button right  here this is your output to your speakers turn   that to mute so that you're not getting a feedback  loop from your speakers back into your microphone   that could be in the same room you're not going to  want that and we're going to be arming our track   which is this button right here arm for record and  as soon as you do that you can see we have levels   right here on our screen now I'm going to show  you how I professionally gain stage a microphone   so that you never have to worry about clipping or  32-bit audio if we take a look back over here at   my screen we have our audio meteors are bouncing  because we have that armed for record available so   it's hearing our microphone and down here you can  actually see the numbers right there's a minus 20   -15 - 10 people will tell you all these different  things you should record it minus 6 to 12 or you   know there's all these different numbers being  thrown out there it's actually really really   simple for a voice going into a microphone no  matter where it is you should really be peeking   around minus 18 and that's when that line turns  yellow so on your device if you have a device   that has a gain knob I'm going to show you what  this is like if I turn it up and I keep turning   it up and up and up this is where some people will  tell you to record your audio the reason you don't   want to do this is if I get excited you can see  how quickly that starts to clip where you want   to be setting this honestly is you keep turning  it down and down down and down until you're just   kissing that yellow line from your normal speaking  so honestly as a professional from me to you set   your audio levels so that they Peak around  minus 18 and you're going to save yourself so   much headache from clipped audio and you just turn  it up afterwards in step five and then step four   is simple you just hit record that's this button  right here but before you do that you might want   to take a look up in the keyboard customization  area up here um there is actually a command for   record so you can assign this to your own keyboard  customization I personally have this set and it's   fairlight record if you just search for record uh  command shift R you know it's a pneumonic record   it's an easy one for me to remember that's what  I do so maybe that would be helpful let's start   recording command shift R and there it goes it's  starting to record our voiceover file so there was   a lot of setup to this but I promise you that this  gets faster and faster as you do this more often   and you realize where things have gone wrong I  broke this into five steps because I always start   with the microphone into the computer then it's  like where is it going what is it being called   and then we got to gain stage that mic and that's  the reason I do that inside of DaVinci resolve is   because we have these meters here I will point out  if you do not have a if you have a USB microphone   that is often controlled in system settings so  if it's a USB mic there'll be a slider somewhere   over here to turn that up and down that's where  you want to be changing that if that's the case   but hopefully you can get a microphone that has  an actual physical dial on it or an interface   like this this volt to that I like to use um we  have plenty of voice over recorded So to stop it   you could hit the stop button right here or again  use your keyboard i' use command shift R to start   recording space bar stops it now check this out  the file that we just created is right here it's   in the bin that was selected like I promised  you it would be and if you want to find it on   the dis you can rightclick on it and say reveal  and finder and look at this it created a file   with today's date on it with my name on it and if  we go up levels now here's a mac finder trick if   you're in this list view which is the best view by  the way you hit command up it basically created a   folder look at this that is the exact name of the  project so that extra organization that resolve   does in the background based off of your project  name is really helpful if you forget to set it   directly to your project folder that should have  all your assets together so you made it to step   five processing the audio this actually isn't hard  at all anymore because there's some new tools that   Blackmagic design has in davinci resolve and I'm  going to show you those because I've never gotten   a show them before and it's actually my preferred  way of working so let's take a look over here we   have audio that was recorded perfectly great  but it's obviously it's going to be a little   bit low to deliver so let's take a list I'm going  to get rid of this mute oh that's a big thing as   soon as I click that we get feedback click this  button first next time and you won't have that   feedback okay um you want to disarm then turn  those back on then you don't get those weird   Loops let's take a listen to a little segment of  it and look at the meters before we process so   there was a lot of setup to this but I promise  you that this gets faster and faster as you do   this more often there you go so we're we're just  you know we're not as loud as we probably want   to be for YouTube and up here in the upper right  we have these loudness meters I've talked about   this a lot before but there is a new addition  here called the YouTube presets which is going   to be helpful if you put stuff out online the  YouTube preset is basically -14 LUFs and negative   1 debel true Peak why this really matters is it  just gives you a way of playing and listening to   the loudness over time like an average overtime  because this is actually what's always important   for broadcast and delivery these over here are  just going to tell you if you're clipping this   is this section up here this loudness area and  this control true Peak this is the real thing   that matters so there was a lot of setup to this  but I promise you that this gets faster and faster   as you do this more often and you realize where  things have gone wrong I there see we had -13.1   means we had 13 DB of head room available so the  first thing I would always suggest you do is open   the inspector and when we open the inspector we  see nothing because we have nothing selected I'm   going to choose this track right here and on the  track level I'm going to use these two new tools   that are here there's one called voice isolation  and one called dialogue leveler I I believe on   the free version you won't have voice isolation  but you have it if you have it it's great because   what this does is it it removes background noise  um so I have like fans going on in here so put   this on turn it down to you know 30 or so it's a  little bit aggressive and it'll just clean up the   background and then apply the dialogue leveler  and this is the the big key thing that I want   to you to take away is the dialogue lever it's  kind of like a compressor but it's actually very   very intelligent and how it works and detects  things um it's basically going to lower the   Peaks and it's going to raise the soft parts  for you and the presets that they've kind of   built into the software are so good that I don't  really bother much with dealing with applying my   own compression anymore this does a fantastic  job so I turn off background reduction because   I'm also applying voice isolation which gets rid  of the background noise and I'm going to choose   the option for optimize moderate levels this I've  done a lot testing this gets things flattened out   to a point where it doesn't sound bad but there's  still a really consistent volume so you can play   things on things like a phone and that or speakers  that don't have a lot of power and you can hear   them even in the subway and the way that I would  process the audio next after this is actually to   normalize it but here's the thing if you are  creating a normalization for YouTube you'll   have a whole lot of different tracks so don't do  this on a clip by clip basis and instead create   a mix down and apply normalization to that let me  show you how that works so with a track selected   you can go up to timeline bounce mix to track  okay what this is doing is is going to take all   the effects that are on that track which we had  voice isolation and dialogue leveler with optimize   moderate levels remember that over there that's  basically my settings I'm using most of the time   and then we're going to choose our destination  to be bounced to a new track and this is going to   be a stereo track because this is going to be for  like a final output click okay and it goes through   your entire timeline so this will include you  know your music that you've mixed sound effects   all that sort of stuff not just your voiceover so  let's say you have a podcast with like two people   use those dialogue levelers it's going to put them  in you can get them in the same ballpark and then   use this for your final mastering you can see it  has actually taken some of the Dynamics out of the   voice so it's made the louder Parts quieter and  the quieter Parts louder in addition to getting   rid of that background noise which is that studio  feature called voice isolation so let's take a   listen to that now and the way you would do that  is you would mute the or you could just actually   you could just if you wanted to you could just  solo if you like lots of tracks you could just   solo the new one take listen so there was a lot  of setup to this but I promise you that this gets   faster and faster as you do this more often and  you realize where things have gone wrong I broke   this into five steps because I always start with  the microphone into the computer then it's like   where is it going what is it being called So that  obviously that leveled things out so there's not   as much Dynamics but it's not loud enough so this  is where you apply the normalization check this   out over here you just select your clip you  rightclick it you say normalize audio levels   YouTube's a good option for anything online click  normalize and catch this don't misunderstand what   normalize does what normalize does is it brings  all of your levels up to the same amount there's   no Dynamics applied it is either hitting -1 DB  true Peak or the target loudness of -14 I don't   think you're ever going to hit the target loudness  of -14 so it's basically saying it's going to hit   a Target loudness of -1 decibel true Peak it's  going to find the highest peak bring all of it up   an even amount so that it's hitting that Negative  one now over here in your inspector era you'll see   the volume has been turned up to 10.9 so basically  it had 10 DB of Headroom that's like perfect it's   not pushing the audio file too much because this  is a 24-bit audio file it has lots of dynamic   range even though they'll tell you you always  got to use 32-bit float on YouTube now 24-bit   is actually really really good now you've got that  voice over much louder so it's easy to hear on any   sort of speaker and it's not going to be clipped  at all let's take a listen so there was a lot of   setup to this but I promise you that this gets  faster and faster as you do this more often and   you realize where things have gone wrong I broke  this into five steps because I always start with   the microphone into the computer then it's like  where is it go okay now I do want to point out one   thing here our integrated level is still not all  the way up to -14 -15 -16 where you probably want   to eventually get honestly voice like this I think  -16 is probably a good spot -17 so what we do to   pull this up one step further this is the last  little Final Touch in processing I'm not going to   be sending this out you can kill this with command  D or I have it k for kill just mutes the clip so   you're sure it's not going to go out anywhere and  then in the effects area over here you can click   your effects Dynamics fairlight effects limiter  okay this is a great effect to apply at the end to   protect yourself and still increase your level so  instead of using the faders I don't use the faders   in here I use the limiter effect set the ceiling  to -1 cuz that's as loud as we want it to go for   YouTube or really anywhere for decibels true Peak  and then under the input we kind of get an idea   of where how much we can actually add to this to  get us where we want to be well -19 up here and we   want to go to -14 that would be five Deb this loss  is the same as a a decibel for all purposes here   but if you look here we have a negative 4.6 true  Peak so I don't want to get super close to there   so what what I might do in this situation I would  add three DB and that's going to get us to a great   spot so that's the input is going to be adding  three DB okay actually you can probably just   click in there yeah just type three and this soft  button makes it a little bit less harsh on the the   processing getting turned on and off we know it's  on because this orange thing is turned on and we   take a listen to another segment again and let's  reset our meter start it again hit you know space   bar to play and you realize where things have  gone wrong I broke this into five steps because I   always start with the microphone into the computer  then it's like where is it going what is it being   called and then we got to gain stage that mic and  that's the reason I do that okay and you can see   we have an integrated loudness level of -16.3  that is awesome that is super good for anything   you need to send online that is like spoken word  like a tutorial uh I might have said in the past   to go louder than that but honestly when you  go to -14 -15 it gets super crunchy compressed   sound so I would not advise that you can know if  you're pushing it too hard let me zoom into here   and push play if you're going across this blue  line much inside of DaVinci resolve is because   we have these meters here I will point out if you  do not have a if you have a USB micro the goal   really is to be kissing this line and only going  over it in like rare circumstances otherwise your   audio is going to sound crunchy and not great  please let us all know down in the comments how   you process audio and because there's so much  more to learn I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Creative Video Tips
Views: 12,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve Tutorials, Resolve Tutorials, Speed Editor, DaVinci Speed Editor, Video Editing Tutorials, How to Edit Video, Creative Video Tips, Resolve Studio, Video Editing Tips, How to use DaVinci Resolve, devinchi resolve, davinchi, davinchi resolve, Blackmagic Design, Collaborative Editing
Id: JKLJ-37Zv_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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