DaVinci Resolve 19 Explained – Film Look Creator, AI-Powered Tools, and More

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these are the brand new updates coming to resolve from Blackmagic design you're watching cinity supported by B&H and CVP hey everyone gramor Sheldon here from cine.com Welcome to our continuing coverage from Nabb 2024 I'm here at the Blackmagic Booth joined by Stuart to talk all about the new updates to resolve 19 so Stuart what's uh what's in resolve 19 so resolve 19 is now public beta you can go and download that from our website and start playing with that immediately um it's probably the most feature packed um feature Rich version of resolve that we've ever had we're talking about over a hundred new features now within resolve across all the different aspects of resolve as a post-production tool um obviously background within resolve is it obviously came from color we added editing we also added Fusion U effects we also added in their Fair light there's a huge emphasis there on ensuring that we don't neglect certain aspects of the application and we and we really try and push the boundaries of each of those each of those areas um that really is enabled us to do that through the advancement and development of processes so as processes get faster talking about M M2 M3 chips what you can do now is really kind of work with a neural engine which is in other words AI so it's how we now start to integrate some of those AI tools into um really streamlining and and making your process of of color audio editing visual editing um much more efficient and I mean just at a high level uh AI bit of a buzzword right now but for me personally I don't know if you agree AI is a way to take away pain points and it's another tool you know great and I do you guys agree with that fundamentally that philosophy yeah what what we want to do is give everybody the opportunity to be as creative as possible but do so in a way that still is efficient because I think that you can achieve certain things that you want to do it would go back 5 years ago but it might take you an entire day to do so well if we can utilize tools that are available to us today with the power of the processes that exist today then if we can achieve that in 5 minutes then why wouldn't that benefit anybody so it's all about human enhancement that's the way I kind of look at it really it's how we enhance that creativity for for humans really well maybe a good way to sort of break down resolve 19 is kind of go by the different tabs at the bottom of resolve so maybe let uh let's do that so what are the new updates based on each of the tabs color uh and then of course edit and and Beyond yeah so I'll start I'll start with color I mean obviously when you look at um it as a color tool it's already incredibly feature Rich so you've got to look at different aspects of way again of streamlining the process or achieving a particular look um in a much more efficient and more controllable way so as an example we have added things like film look emulators in there so a whole series of presets to enable you to take your video footage and um add that filmic look so it looks like old film stock you might want to add in gr grain you may want to add in noise you may want to remove noise you may want to add in certain cpia tones um but again to do so with a whole series of um of presets that that are there um equally what we've also done as well is added um something called intell track now this is an intelligent tracker that exists both in the color page and also in the audio page what that allows you to do is to select multiple points of interest um and then track that object so as an example we could be sat here um we could set um an intelligent tracker against you an intelligent tracker against me we could get up we could walk around we could move um the um neural engine and AI features within resolve would know that we are an object that we've that we've had that tracker fixed to which ultimately means if we adjust any parameters on you or I it could be stabilization it could be a color correction um that will happen um with the motion that we then uh that then happens thereafter so maybe to refine you know my skin tone as compared to yours or something yeah so we can also map that tracking to our face so that um if I've got a side profile now but I turn to the camera and I look back obviously what we don't want to do in that scenario is um is is apply an effect that works great in profile but the moment I turn in face the camera everything looks wrong so what we want to be able to do is track through that series of motions and that's what the neural engine and AI within resolve will do it will it will ultimately anticipate those movements it will um it will be able to address and analyze certain features and make sure that it maintains some consistency through that tracking process well well when you say certain features what do you mean specifically we're tracking only humans could you track like a cinity logo for example yeah absolutely so with your logo we could track your logo and if we wanted to we could actually remove that logo so that now what happens is that um if you're carrying say sponsorship for a particular brand and you don't want to see that brand well we can actually remove that we could change the color of that logo um we could make that Logo Pop we could add more highlight to it we could increase the exposure of it so fundamentally you get all of this control really down to a granular level and it doesn't stop there just with video because it can also be done within audio so one of the new features within the intelligent track is that I can map audio movement across the scene so if I'm camera left and I stand up and I move to camera right we can create a three-dimensional um spatial um area which follows my audio tracking across my speakers so as I'm listening at home um if I'm listening through stereo audio or through a Dolby um uh setup I can have that audio pan and move with me all through this this this new tracking feature very cool okay so that's sort of the AI tracking tool anything else new in resolve 19 we should know about I mean you you mentioned a lot of features but just at the highest level ones I guess for us here yeah I think I think um audio is a big big part of this new release as well um a lot of people are starting Really T to look at the fair Light page and it seems somewhat daunting to those of us that are more visually inclined or visually minded but we all know that in that editing process or in that color grading process or in any form of production there is always those things with audio you think God I wish I I knew about that on on on location and when I shot this I could deal with that much more simpler and we always use those terms in the background which everyone should us with we'll fix it in post well with the new dinin resolve 19 there is some fantastic features on audio things like um uh uh audio detection so um dialogue detection so what it will do is analyze um the audio coming from me now and if you can hear any background noise that exists here we can actually isolate the two so you could actually remove my voice Al together and maintain that background audio or alternatively we could actually remove all the background audio and retain retain my audio it then goes one step further because within those AI audio tools we also have something called music remixer so the best way to imagine this is that if we have a band playing and that's a four-piece band guy on drums guy on guitar guy singing um guy playing a trumpet the AI tools within denture resolve 19 now within that music remixer actually enables you to isolate each of those individual components so we can actually take a vocal track of a music track remove the vocal and turn it into an instrumental and this is all done through our our new AI tools very cool you know one of the things that I've Loved just from afar watching the the resolve as a sort of Standalone brand uh evolve is you know I admit first I thought okay this is for color you know I'm starting to get on board with the editing thing I know a lot of people are on board with it as an editing Suite of tools as well and now you guys are pushing into audio I think you're convincing you're fighting the good fight you're convincing one person at a time uh that the tools are right for their particular job so that's been very cool to see from afar yeah so so for us it's all about ensuring that this is all encompassing I think if you get familiar with one environment and you um it's imagine it's like a house it's like you want every room in your house to be nice what I don't want to do is every time I want to go and you know go to bed is walk out my front door and walk down the road I want to be able to make sure that everything works in exactly the same way everything has a feel of familiarity and also it's very easy to use but has the ability to deep to delve deeper and deeper into the application to learn more um you mentioned before about some of the other things as well I mean simple things like um uh like defocusing and image so again we could be sat here now with the new divin resolve 19 um feature of um of of uh of the um uh defocusing our background we can analyze our foreground edging of you and I and we could completely defocus our background and we could also do that with um with with a bouquet look with anamorphic looks um you know and you promise it doesn't have that sort of digital feel because I've seen tools uh described like that that bum me out a little bit because it feels a little it doesn't feel like uh it was done on the lens side so to speak yeah so so I think this is the benefit of coming from a position where we're also a camera company so what you're doing is you're looking at the production process from acquisition all the way through to delivery and our thought has always been to make a tool that is ultimately a post- Production Tool but taking the whole production process into uh you know into consideration so as a dop you should be able to enhance your work through D Vinci resols in a way that has the same level of quality and detail as when you were on set so all of these features we wouldn't add those features if we didn't think those features were good enough um for a you know for for for a dop a dop should be able to look at that and go wow that looks like I've just used that particular lens in that particular environment with those particular camera settings um and not really be able to tell the difference okay now I understand that there might be some additional tools for uh folks interested in live production Stuart yes so obviously those people that are aware of black Magic's live production offering we have a whole range of switches um but one of the biggest areas that people um talk to was about in that live production workflow is replay so what we wanted to do was really consider how we can address replay not just in its most simplistic form of replaying a two second clip of some action that's just happened but how we can actually give creativity back to that person who is doing replay so in a live camera environment live multicam environment once a moment has passed in time that time has gone unless what if you could actually jump into the V resolve whilst that action is still happening and go back and re-edit something slow it down add dissolves add effects and then deliver that back out instantaneously back out through D Vinci resolve and that's the mindset that we've come to with replay replay enables you to mix both D Vin resolves functionality as a post- Production Tool along with the replay Hardware panel um to be able to take that post- production mentality of creativity to deliver something back into a live production instantaneously that's a little more polished absolutely and this is all about making sure that things happen fast because what you don't want to do is sit there for you know the next 10 minutes re-editing something or making or trying to find that replay to deliver it back out what you actually want to do is you want to be able to hit a point of interest and go okay something's just happened point of Interest we've got it okay I can start working on that now I work on it action's still happening oh something else is happening point of interest I'm going to lay a new marker that's my next thing I'm going to work on but whilst I'm thinking about the first point of Interest I can do that edit I can then send that back out to live production and that can then be run live on TV and now I can start working on that second point of Interest so it's a is it truly a matter of seconds that this can be done yeah absolutely this is all interfacing through um through can be interfaced through cloud it can also be interfaced through our hyperdex um so essentially the footage is kind of coming in it's recording ISO footage onto our hypexs so we have a demonstration here at the show where we're using eight hyperdeck um recorders um all ISO feeds are coming in from eight different cameras um and then what we're actually doing is accessing those ISO feeds we're actually doing an edit on those ISO feeds and we're delivering that back out in a matter of seconds thank you very much Stuart look I never recommend saying the sentence we're going to fix it in post but you know with resolve 19 it at least seems like you have a bunch of options for doing just that so thank you so much for your time here today steuart you're welcome thank you all right that's it for us here at the Blackmagic booth at NAB 2024 stay tuned for more continuing coverage from the show floor and oh if you could hit like And subscribe that would also be super cool thanks everybody [Music] [Music]
Channel: CineD
Views: 4,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CineD, cined, NAB 2024, NAB Show, Blackmagic Design, DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve 19, Film Look Creator, AI post-production tools
Id: pL1BdVIgDsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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