DaVinci Resolve 17 - L & J Cuts - Easy Tutorial

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hey everyone it's mike from big buy media and today we're going to be talking about spicing up your videos with ellen j cuts so what is an l or a j cut compared to a standard cut well essentially it's just talking about the audio and video components and what is leading in the transition so for a standard cut your audio and video are going to transition at the same exact time an lrj cut essentially is offsetting either your audio or video for leading the transition so an l cut is well you'll see the shape and why it's called an l cut shortly but an l cut is when the video transitions before the audio does a j cut is going to be the opposite so it's going to be the audio leading before the video so to see this in real time we're actually going to look at a really cheesy video clip uh that i created using standard cuts and then watching the same exact clip using j and l cuts to see the difference fact of fiction the canary islands are named after dogs not birds that's the fact that is a fact at least according to wikipedia hell yeah man dogs are way better than birds fact of fiction carrots help you see better in the dark gonna go effect that is false a flashlight will be much more useful in that situation well i can't say i disagree there congratulations you won absolutely nothing well thank you for wasting my time i greatly appreciate it thank you fact of fiction the canary islands are named after dogs not birds that's a fact that is a fact at least according to wikipedia hell yeah man dogs are way better than birds fact or fiction carrots help you see better in the dark i'm gonna go with fact that is false a flashlight will be much more useful in that situation well i can't say i disagree there congratulations you won absolutely nothing well thank you for wasting my time i greatly appreciate it thank you okay so here we have just the regular video with standard cuts and you could tell their standard cuts because you could see the seams right here between the video and audio source it's the same exact on the timeline for every single cut so to make an l or a j cut this is actually going to be pretty simple and davinci resolve so you'll see that both of these clips are linked so we don't have to worry about the audio or video coming out of sync at any point in time but what i'm actually going to do is hold down the alt key um and i believe it's the command key for mac users could be wrong we'll see anywho you just hold down the alt key and then you click on the video clip and then i'm actually just gonna drag it down to this little space between the audio gap here and you're gonna see that this actually kind of makes an l shape right here um so this l shape is well an l cut right and so now if we watch this you're gonna see the video transition to the next scene before the audio does the canary islands are named after dogs not birds and it's that simple to get an l cut so i'm actually just going to drag this down right here for our video and bam there we are now a good example for a j cut well let's try this scene over here yeah hell yeah man is way better than birds fact of fiction carrots help you so now if we wanted the j cut i'm gonna do the same thing uh where i'm gonna highlight this clip in between and since everything is linked all i have to do is hold the alt key and then i'm going to drag this down the same thing for here i'm going to leave this about in between of these sound waves maybe a little bit more and so now we end up with hell yeah me dog's way better than birds fact of fiction carrots help you see better in the dark and that simple now the audio transitions before the video and you can see the shape here is well kind of the opposite of an l which is why it is called a j cut and hopefully you learned something if you did give it a thumbs up if you didn't so give us a thumbs up we greatly appreciate it until next time you
Channel: Big Byte Media
Views: 3,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinciresolve, davinciresolve17
Id: Az6ZCG52wYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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