David's Anointing | Chicago Tabernacle Prayer Meeting

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[Music] like the stars [Music] reach through the darkness shine across the earth [Music] the light of the the tragedies you saw my story [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey [Music] for the things [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he'll lead us glory and there he shall reign forever [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] god bless you everyone happy tuesday to you welcome to the tuesday night prayer meeting and we want to say hello to people who are not just local to chicago but friends and family from all over the country and even all over the world it's so amazing to me how despite this covet season that we're living through that nothing can stop the people of god from getting together and calling upon the name of the lord and we know that when we call upon him great things happen and we know that great things are going to happen tonight he's going to move by his mighty power as we approach him with faith with joy with praise i read this morning where david said i will extol you with the words of my mouth and that's what we're going to do right now we're going gonna lift up the name of jesus we're gonna glorify jesus come on open your mouth there's something powerful that happens as we praise him and glorify him so come on right now wherever you find yourself lift your hands lift your voice don't let the distance stop you we are one in the spirit right now hallelujah jesus oh blessed be the name of the lord oh magnify the lord hallelujah we magnify your name oh god [Music] hallelujah [Music] god's people's lives [Music] lord [Music] my [Music] [Music] resistance i give permission so come now invade my heart this life is yours [Music] your life [Music] [Music] no reason let's give it permission [Music] tonight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yours until the whole world [Music] through us this is [Music] this is this is [Music] your love [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] right [Music] until [Music] oh [Music] jesus we [Music] [Music] jesus i want there is always more [Music] this is [Music] is this is consume us completely [Music] fresh do something new [Music] we worship you we worship [Music] we worship you he's my faithful [Music] what he said he is my firm foundation my ankle won't be moved storms may collide but my soul [Music] on my lips jesus has broken the curse he has never lost a battle and who are you great mountain [Music] jesus how many of you agree with that tonight if there's an amen in your spirit lifted up we believe in that today you've never lost jesus [Music] [Applause] he is [Music] is he has never lost [Music] jesus [Music] and he never [Music] there's a special anointing on this tonight i want us to sing this with open hearts with hearts of faith and expectancy i feel like god wants to do miracles today wherever you are he wants to do a miracle god we participate in the miracle tonight jesus we partner with the holy spirit and with what you want to do jesus let us not fall back because we don't believe jesus but let us participate with what you're doing jesus fix our hearts in the position for miracles tonight jesus do it in your people tonight god you say without faith is impossible to please you and we want to please you tonight lord we want to have faith jesus there's power in this today hallelujah we believe this as a word for our church i believe this as a prophetic word for us today hallelujah sing our great defender our great defender [Music] today our [Music] he's never lost jesus defeated the [Music] that you should know [Music] and he never he never will and he never will never whatever that mountain is today jesus says that we can speak to the mountain and cast it right in cast it down we can do that because of the power of his spirit and i feel like today that miracle that we were talking about i don't know what it is for you maybe it's your health maybe it's your finance finances maybe it's your marriage maybe you're a young person and you just feel confused but tonight i really believe with my whole heart that god wants to cast down some mountains as we sing there's power when we sing in the old testament people sang and they went around walls there were big walls of jericho it was like a fortress and it was something they couldn't get through but they went and they sang and they believed in the power of their god and we know the walls came falling down and tonight i feel like we're supposed to sing the mountain down tonight so we're gonna sing that again i want you to lift it up if you have to say it out who cares what it it looks like or if you feel awkward just tell him lord tonight i'm believing for god to do a breakthrough in my health in my life jesus you can do it god we believe in the miracle working god and who are you great who are you [Music] [Music] and he never will never [Music] [Music] jesus has broken the curse he has never lost jesus [Music] will [Music] we thank you jesus we believe it sing it again [Music] and he never will just start to give him praise thank him for the miracle we thank you and we praise you jesus for the breakthrough god we thank you and we praise you god for your miracle working power you are a mighty jesus you are an authority god and we worship you we praise your name you are the name above every name you are the name that is above every situation and we thank you god we're your people we have faith and we believe tonight jesus hallelujah we worship you jesus tell him i worship you lord i worship you you're a miracle working god declare it out you're a miracle working god hallelujah [Music] you know what brothers and sisters i want you to listen to what i'm gonna share now but i want you to stay in an attitude of worship and he had no idea when they picked these songs they had no idea what i was going to be sharing on and you know for us whenever we do a prayer meeting we have a general plan of what songs we're going to sing but [Music] but this is not programmed because we want to respond to god to the best of our abilities the the holy spirit is able to walk us through a meeting and i've read once i don't know if it was tozer or andrew murray who once said that there are moods to the holy spirit some services you're just supposed to bow down some services you're supposed to repent some services you're just supposed to mostly worship and for us we we're just trying our best the spirit of the lord is right here with us the spirit of the lord is with you they had no idea [Music] as they chose the songs and what god is doing here so i want to share from the word first and what i want to talk to you about is one of the things that makes the church the church outside of the church it's what makes us the church when we're not in the church and when we're not together it relates directly to the prayer meeting it relates directly to what we've just been doing because one of the great purposes of the prayer meeting is not just that we receive answered prayer one of the great purposes of the prayer meeting is that we receive more of god so you're you're spending time with god and you're receiving more of god and the more that we receive of god the more useful we are i want to use a word tonight the more anointed we are okay and um as we were worshiping god the presence of god began to descend the bible talks about how god inhabits the praises of his people he's drawn to places of worship one of the psalmists psalm 65 1 actually somebody was saying it's like praise awaits you here and we worship god and the bible says draw near to me and i'll draw near to you okay but the the after effect of drawing close to god and and reaching out to god and even interceding and asking for god to do miracles in other people's lives we're gonna pray for a number of people uh after we pray for ourselves tonight tonight we're gonna pray for ourselves first but um the the after effect of of spending time with god is that you have more of him and he anoints you there's an anointing that god wants on his people and sort of the anointing is one of god's secret weapons on the earth i could say because when the anointing of god is on a person's life no matter how simple they are no matter how ordinary and we're all we're just ordinary folks some people have some special guests but come on we're just people but god loves to use his people and he uses his people regardless of of climate regardless of hardship regardless of difficulty he uses his people one of the ways is by anointing us okay we want to be anointing i want to pray for the anointing and i want to talk about one of the things that the anointing does and i even felt it in this room a few moments ago and i do want to say this so um when i was in bible school and remember this is a sermon to future preachers and children's pastors and people in ministry so this was a message from a minister to future ministers and the the speaker said this he said you know at times you're going to discover that the anointing being anointed is not easy he said but it is fun he says fun to be anointed because it's fun it's such a blessing when god really uses you and so it's worth it it's worth whatever it takes to be anointed how many would agree i want to be anointed by god i want to be i want to have the hand of god on my life the presence of god um um i want to i want to be effective for the kingdom of god and the glory of god um it reminds me of a proverb this is not the key text of the night there's a proverb that says he who tends to the fig tree will eat its fruit right you got a little fig tree you take care of the fig tree guess what the fig tree does it gives you fruit and then it says and he who tends to the master will be honored the proverb is taking something natural to really bring us into a place of the spiritual and it's basically saying if you minister to god god will minister to you and that's one of the secrets of the anointing and i want to read a unique passage of scripture um it's actually just one verse and as i was getting ready for this i was like man if i was gonna sometimes i asked myself what is the title of this just so that you know what you're talking about and it would be david's anointing david was anointed in a very special way david's anointing and this is part of what the anointing does david was so anointed not only did he win battles and lead the kingdom and write psalms and do all of these things but david was so anointed that in a very one-on-one kind of way he was able to lift the darkness off of people that's the anointing wouldn't you love we're gonna pray we're going to pray for people who are discouraged we're going to pray for people who are dealing with mountains wouldn't you love to minister to someone tonight and let the mountain be gone that's what david did david had there was this special thing about him and um i want to read a verse now this verse is is uh so unique and and so uh intense could you put that up listen to this so david was ministering to saul um and saul would go on to be so jealous of david for so many years and it was like so what a unique relationship eventually he would become his father-in-law but the way that saul met david is that saul got in difficult and dark places saul had the favor of god in his life and he turned away from god and when he turned away from god it's like the favor of god left and the way they would describe it in those terms this could be a slightly controversial verse but i'm going to tell you what it really means in in uh first samuel uh what is this first samuel uh 16. first time in chapter 16 23 it says this whenever the spirit from god came on saul david would take up his liar and play then relief would come to saul and he would feel better and the evil spirit would leave him and so in a nutshell saul who had turned away from god when the bible's talking about an evil spirit from god it does not mean that god sent him an evil spirit how many know god doesn't send evil spirits but here's the way they described it was this spirit the word spirit in the hebrew has a number of different words there's air there's breath there's wind and the way they would describe it is saul is in bad air saul is in uh is is in in a bad uh there's a bad breath on him is what basically they were they were saying and fundamentally what that meant was saul has gotten to the point where he's in a dark and bad place in the new testament the bible does say that satan is the prince of the power of the air and see what happened to saul is because he ran he turned away from god the it's almost like it's almost like a darkness began to overtake him his servant said to him you know what you need you need an anointed person you need someone to come and to sing so already they understood the power of worship and what we were doing just now you need someone to come and to sing and to worship god and if they're anointed is basically what they were saying this bad air this darkness is going to lift from you when we worship god it is so important brothers and sisters because when we worship god how many know when the spirit of the lord draws near the spirit of darkness has to depart we the bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places every single day we are dealing with the kingdom of darkness and what we need is we need to be anointed god can make us the kind of people that did what david did you see how we were just worshiping god we're just worshiping god and you worship god and the lord draws near when the lord draws near darkness leaves the room heaven i don't know if you've ever done this but i want to encourage you if you're ever struggling with reading your bible if you're ever struggling with with praying when you're alone one of the best things that you could do is just start praising god because as you start to praise god it's like the spirit of the lord will come and fill the room and darkness has to lift and that's what we were doing a few minutes ago and that's what david would do is david would worship the lord on his own and so much so we know that he wrote many of the psalms so much so that people started to discern the anointing of god and here's what i would say okay your ministry to the lord will determine your ministry to people the quality of your ministry to the lord will determine the quality of your ministry to people it's the secret to the anointing i'll never forget the first time i experienced this so i didn't grow up in church i remember i just started going to the brooklyn tabernacle and i was just sharing the story recently and i didn't know anything about spiritual things or whatever just started going to church and was kind of experiencing so many things in god and the brooklyn tabernacle choir had a concert at radio city and if you went to the concert if you bought a ticket to the concert they gave you this is back in the stone ages they gave you a cassette okay if you don't know what that is just look it up you can google it okay so they would give you a cassette and so i went to the concert i got the cassette i remember all of this was like new to me and i went i was in my room and um it's like 20 years i wasn't married you know i was just by myself and i i remember take the the wrapper off he's coming that plastic wrap i took the wrap off opened it up and i had a cassette player in my room little boombox opened it up put it in and i hit the play and the music of the choir started to come through the through the speakers and as the music came through the speakers something filled my room and the anointing of god fell and i just worshiped and i wept and it was one of those moments where i realized wow lord those people i know that they pray i know that they worship and they recorded this song and you know what this is the anointing god wants to anoint his people god wants to do something so special and so powerful this week this week we need the anointing of god we need people to say you know what i want to call so i need i need to call annie or or alex or or jane pastor james i need to you know why because i know they are anointed and if they come the darkness is gonna lift not because of them but because of god upon them how many would say we want that do you want that tonight [Music] now here's the thing david would minister to the lord and it got to the point that he would minister to people out of his ministry to the lord it would chase away the darkness but here was the key to david's ministry is david worshipped him david would lift his hands i know he would do this dave would lift his hands when he was by himself see it's like as a pastor as a pastor it's like how do we get all of our people anointed of god you've got to minister to him alone you've got to learn how to lift your heart and lift your voice when we lift our hearts and when we lift our voices the walls of jericho come down mountains are cast into the sea demons have to flee when we just minister to him in other words as we just draw near to god yes there's petitioning but before petitioning there's worship lift your hands right now set aside what you need let's honor the master for a minute [Music] i wish we were together if we were together i would make an altar call right now if we were together i would say everyone get out of your seat right now and come down and we're gonna we're gonna seek the lord together but god is with us and he's gonna he's gonna visit you right now lift your hands right now we worship you lord jesus christ we worship you we worship you jesus hallelujah jesus [Music] hallelujah we worship you lord jesus we worship you lord come on reach to him reach with your heart reach with your worship reach deep towards the lord right now [Music] don't let anything make you uncomfortable be comfortable in the presence of the most high god we bless you lord look down from heaven we bless you lord look down from your mighty throne oh god we worship you we worship you lord [Music] us us come baptize us as we reach out to you come back [Music] us as you come baptize us [Music] us come baptize us as we reach out to you we'll listen to [Music] jesus has broken the curse he has never lost a [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] that you should [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] baptize us [Music] oh [Music] on your heart right now [Music] i want us to pray lord teach us to minister to you because if we minister to you lord then we will be empowered to minister to people teach us lord i want to pray for this week i want to pray for the days ahead sometimes we need not sometimes all the time god has to do a work in us before we can do works for him [Music] so lord we pray right now give us the heart of david oh god give us a desire god put some put a fire in us to minister to you to bless you lord to make your heart glad oh god god said every person that's listening lord god help them to look past the problem to look past the mountain to look past the challenges and to look right to you and say lord i just want to bless you o god we want to bless you tonight oh god all week we want to bless you every day we want to bless you we want to glorify you o god we want to say the lord is my shepherd hallelujah blessed be your name god i pray for anointed moms and dads i pray lord god that as moms and dads speak to their children i pray for an anointing upon them o god an anointing to chase away the darkness o god on our young people oh god on our teenagers on college students lord god on toddlers in the name of jesus [Music] god on pre-teens i pray for anointed words that chase that would chase the devil off o god and away lord from young people that are being bullied or oppressed by the prince of the power of the air anoint us oh god i pray lord god that you would anoint marriages right now oh god god in the name of jesus would you flood homes with your presence and power right now oh god [Music] by your mighty power lord jesus you know what brothers and sisters i heard this week from a friend who said my buddy is a divorce lawyer and he said business is booming right now you know what can stop business from booming in the in the area of divorce it's the anointing of god i want to pray father oh god flood your people oh god god by your mighty power let the anointing that lifts the darkness in the name of jesus we pray oh god release your miraculous power oh god reverse the works of darkness tonight in the name of jesus move by your mighty power move by your mighty power god make every child of god a darkness chaser oh god anoint us oh god anoint us oh god god anoint our church anoint all of your people oh god can i say this one last thing brothers and sisters and i want to encourage you make this whole week a week where your your focus is to minister to the master whoever looks after the master will be honored why did they call david think of all the people they could have called why did they call david because david ministered to the lord and his ministry to the lord impacted his ministry to people and he'll do that for any of us but here's the thing sometimes and and we pastors know this pastor james will tell you this okay the anointing of god could fall upon you today but it has to be refreshed tomorrow so it's not a one-time anointing it's an outflow of your time with the lord it's an outflow it's an outflow what did you say to the lord this morning what did you say to him come on lift your hands one more time we say we love you we say we honor you we say we trust you we say we desire god for your kingdom to come and to you for your will to be done oh god we focus on you and you alone lord jesus we set aside our struggles and our sorrows and our problems and our cares and we look oh god we fix our eyes upon you oh god blessed be the name of the lord so god i pray for a fresh anointing if someone has been serving you for many years i pray for a fresh anointing oh god i pray for a fresh anointing on our church oh god i pray for a fresh anointing on everything that we do o god god help us o god rest upon us so that the darkness has to flee in the name of jesus we see darkness running away in classrooms oh god we see darkness leaving office spaces oh god work sites in the name of jesus hallelujah do it by your mighty power pastor james is going to pray now he's going to pray for a couple of situations one in particular of of someone who's uh um battling with cohen pastor james what are the the details on that yeah so we want to pray for um julie and yadida their father carlos we prayed for him in the prayer meeting already carlos has been battling with covet and he's been in the hospital for the last couple of months he's been on and off of a ventilator and the family is asking the children of god the church to come together and to pray and to believe that god would intercede on his behalf and that he would be totally restored in the name of jesus right now the doctors are considering a procedure that could be it's just another additional procedure that would put stress on his body and so we want to come to god today we've already declared that our god has not lost the battle he never has he is victorious so right now i want to encourage you church family we're going to be begin to pray for the request we're going to pray for brother carlos but i want you to pray and intercede like you would want someone to pray for you and your family member if they were in the hospital so come on right now just begin to lift your hand and lift your voice hallelujah jesus lord we thank you god that you have never lost the battle god god that you remain victorious god no matter what mountains we might face god no matter what obstacles are in front of us god you are greater than those obstacles and so right now god we come together as the family of god lord god we lift up carlos to you god right now god lord we declare that life would touch him god yeah we ask that you would breathe upon him lord god visit that room right now god with your anointing fall in that hospital room god lord jesus would one touch god one touch from you lord and he would be restored god lord we pray god and ask god there would be no need for this additional surgery god lord but that you would show empower god that you are the great physician lord jesus god we lift up god his family to you right now god give them comfort holy spirit be with them lord jesus lord jesus god give wisdoms doc give give doctors wisdom and discernment lord jesus but god we're believing god for you to move and to do a miracle lord jesus and god we thank you lord for for keeping us in this season god lord you've been faithful through it all god there are those who are in need of jobs yes god we we've heard so many reports from the last week god how you provided jobs god those who are in need of a raise those who are in need of more hours that word god you are a miracle-working god thank you thank you lord jesus and so jesus right now god we lift every request god those who are in need of encouragement god those who are who are in need of a job interview god they just need more of your peace lord god you promised us jesus not just any peace but your perfect peace yes so god we bring it all to you lord we bring it to your feet god because you are able god and willingness can we lift up any anyone who might be battling with depression or anger god they're dealing with anxiety god lord i pray you would speak life over them right now god give them peace for in the name of jesus you are the god who can speak to the storm god and his jesus so jesus we bring all of our requests to you god believing in faith god and with anticipation that you're going to move in power lord god i pray that this week god you would continually remind us god of your goodness of your faithfulness god but god remind us of your anointing yes jesus god there's no obstacle that your anointing cannot overcome yes lord god and so god encourage your people let us be edified and built up lord to do the work of the master guys so we thank you lord for what you're doing in our lives in the lives of our church god yes we continue to say yes to you lord yes lord yes we continue to say yes to you lord we continue to trust you god we place our hope and our faith in you jesus listen we love you lord and we honor you in your mighty name yes amen yes lord hallelujah amen hallelujah blessed be the name of the lord amen will church what a blessed time in the prayer meeting tonight i hope you're encouraged to continue to worship the lord in your house continue to seek the anointing of the lord we want to invite you out this saturday at 8 a.m we are going to be hosting another love and serve event we have been so blessed with how the lord has used our church and your generosity to provide meals for families who are in need in this season so we want to invite you you can come and receive if your family is in need you can give and you can even sign up to serve so please visit our website that's this saturday at 8am and then once again we want to invite you to join us sunday online as we continue to worship the lord together 8 30 10 30 and 12 30. we love you so much church family god bless you and have a wonderful week man we love you have a great night [Music] reach through the darkness shine across the earth [Music] the light of the world from the beginning the tragedies of time [Music] great heights of glory you saw my and story one of us [Music] for the world [Music] born [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] him oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] say [Music] his eyes [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] sing [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] say to the light of the world
Channel: Chicago Tabernacle
Views: 1,420
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Id: t2Y76IGqb3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 55sec (3775 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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