What is Tabernacle Prayer: 3. Wash at the Laver

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laver the water basin where the preachers wash their hand feed in the face before they enter into the holy place and this Laver is made out of the looking glass towards a stadium deputies class they used the looking glass by bronze they revved and made shine and finally they made a looking glass and and Moses gather together this looking glass and pounded out with a bronze glass and made a Laver so before the priests enter into the holy places they looked through the labor there there their whole future is reflected by the labor and they make the hair need and they wash face and ocean so when I come to the Laver I reflect myself there if I have anything wrong in my life so in my heart I visualized the ten commandment which is my labor so I speak ten commandment one by one do not worship another god do I worship another god before I become a Christian I was born and raised up as a Buddhist I don't know anything about Christianity in our talent there were no church at all there was plenty of temples so I was born and raised up as a Buddhist and I was trained to chant prayer to Buddha day after day my father and I would kneel down and pray and chant to the Buddha my father was a very devout Buddhist but I was nominal so I follow after my father chanting till I become spooky so tell but when I was 17 years old I was trapped down with the tuberculosis it was right during the Korean War our society was terribly broken down in great chaos and we were living from hand to mouth and I because malnutrition and hard work I had a terminal tuberculosis and that that has told me that I would only live free at most a six-month so I came home we had no money to receive any treatment nor any means to go to hospital so I was left alone flat on my back looking to the ceiling counting the specks in spot on the ceiling every day and nothing to do vomiting blood fever running high and I was praying to Buddha or Buddha come help me I've been such a faithful Buddhist for 10 years and why don't you come and touch me and I was begging and begging but nothing happened finally I wonder if Buddha went on vacation nothing happened or if he was out of this job so I become a turncoat before Buddha I said Buddha I don't know where you are God if they are Guardian universe would you come instead of Buddha in less than one week one Christian high school girl visited my home on away from school to home witnessing of a change as the she told me about Jesus but I first was very rebellious but she kept on coming day after day crying for me finally I was persuaded by her concern and love and I began to read Bible and I found Jesus up until that time I had never been to church I had never heard any sermon but because the witness of this young girl she left the Bible to me then she will not come back again so I read from Matthew Mark Luke John and I said well this Bible would be like a Buddhistic Bible I was well versed in Buddhist Bible but Bible was so different Bible was talking about one person Jesus Christ a shallow God Jesus who forgave sin Jesus who cast a devil Jesus who healed the sick teachers who fed the hungry Jesus who raised up dead and all of those wonderful work what Jesus was doing puristic religion is very logical profound philosophical but at that time when I will read Bible Bible was so practical and pragmatic and I need a practical God not the philosophical God because I was dying from tuberculosis so one day I knelt down by myself and I don't know how to pray so I said mister Jesus if you were truly son of God why don't you prove on me I'm young and seventeen years old too young to die you'd get tremendous benefit out of me if you would ever hear me so I try to make a bargain with God if you would ever touch and heal me then I'll become your servant and I will go any place where so ever you want me to go and preach but suddenly I felt such a piece o that unspeakable Peace in Joey flood me so I stood up and I shouted but I didn't know hallelujah I didn't know even one Christian song so I shouted something happen oh my god something happened something if I was jumping all around but later when I came to America day was singing my poem something happened and now I know did he touch me and now am saved wonderful song but dead I wrote the poem at the time I was jumping around and I saw something happen in my life something happened sure God miraculously intervened in my life and delivered me from the another God the Buddha to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ then I went to the Bible College graded Bible College in 1958 and since the time until of for forty-five years I've been in ministry and I've never never regretted that I have become a Christian Jesus Christ has been the source of joy happiness his victory in everything and the tuberculosis never relapsed in my life Christ healed me and he finished completely so when I pray before the labor I say dear father I used to worship the other God but no more no more I'm only one God our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ then secondly do not bow down to either because we are not bowing down to the idol made by iron were stone or gold or gems but many times we are bowing down the idol of the money power and special favored children husband and wife and soft zone and it's very easy to fall in the trap so I always say oh god am i loving my wife more than you am i loving my three sons more than you am i loving the name in the fame more than you please reveal everything to me and I want to destroy that either before you every morning I'm searching my heart if I have any idolatrous love in my heart and if I find anything I confess then do not call God's name in vain of course we won't call God's name in vain but very easily in a very naive way when we say joke we use name of God but even that is very very bad habit whenever I do that I knelt before God and I confess all up to since then also Bible says keep service holy I say now we are not keeping Saturday we are keeping the Resurrection Day the day when the Holy Ghost came the Sunday so I always say do you keep sunday holy well Sunday we have 7 services so I can't help but keeping the sunday holy know but I really teach my people to keep low to stay holy in our church I am teaching very strongly to our people to pay tithe and keep sunday holy before you try to receive blessing from the Lord and other people give tithe and amazingly God ought to storm heaven and really place bless those people who keep trying so when you want glad to intervene in your business in life more than anything else these two things you match the keep keeping the sunday holy and give tithe to the Lord then Bible says respect your parent my father is 91 years old and my mother is 90 years old and they are very old and always I'm asking question man do you really respect and love your parent you know I've been busy always and I've been traveling constantly to Africa Europe the part of Asia South America and so I wouldn't have much time to share my life with parents so get always condemned my heart and I call by telephone and I ask forgiveness from the parents but I keep abundant material things to my parents so that they would not feel neglected I buy a car and I supply chauffeur and I supply a daily need and enough money to spend so always I'm trying to do my best to respect my parents because Bible command me so and since I do that my three boys are respecting me and my wife also very much and because they see my life and my wife's life in their life and so they make mimic out of my life so I'm very happy about that and this is very important very important well I don't know an American culture but in oriental culture we are very near to our parent and in older age children must support parent that is our tradition in orient and if you neglect parents then we will be ostracized out of our society these traditions are fading away now by Anna by Prakash of American television as everybody watches American family way but still I am trying to teach our people to do their utmost to respect their parents because that is command from the Lord and to not kill we are not really killing we are not manslaughter but we are killing neighbor by hating but I tell you when you hate neighbors you are programming your mind to hate and when they hate programmed in your mind that hurt you first before you do any harm to your neighbors and so I say for my own happiness I don't hate if I ever try to hate then hate programmed into my mind and death began source of destruction to my personal life so I say I cannot hate I forgive I always forgive and I don't try to kill labor by hatred and that thing I always take good care when I come and pray before the labor then do not commit adultery where we are not committing adultery outright 3 especially now in my age the opposite sex is all same like a men and women but when I was a young man it was not so I had hot blood and I had temptations surrounding myself and it was so dangerous and this miracle that I have come through to this fire safely so every day we should confess even the fancy things we play in our mind people say oh it's not seen it's a simile imagination but they will show the seed in our imagination and that seed finally cross the fruit and so from my young time always every day I am praying to God to root out all the fancy imagination in my mind about opening sex and cleanse my heart and make me holy the Holy Spirit makes you holy and when you especially feel the presence of God then you can commit adultery you know the Holy Spirit to list the valleys in your body and God present in you and how can you commit adultery together with God no way fear of the Lord is very important in Christian life many people do not feel oh they love Lord and they enjoy the creation of love of God but they still should know the God is a fearsome God when we have the field the law then we will think twice and thrice before we commit sin so there I pray oh god let me really have the fear of the Lord in my life and let me walk softly before you then also Bible says do not steal well I always say to our people you may not steal openly but you will still something without getting permission from your husband and wife and children and neighbor very easily we are still in books via borrow books and read and put in application we'll never return the books that is very common case many of my friends borrow books from me and very few of them ever returned book to me when I hit their home day I find my book in their bookshelf this is also kind of stealing but more than anything as we should never steal from God we should not steal - we should never steal the tithe and we should be very careful about this and when we still we should really confess then do not witness falsely we are very very easily witness falsely and we Cal Cal among us so easily and that is worst sin in my life because when I meet ministers and when Frances oh did you see a story about that guy that ministers did you hear the story in that family and something like that and so on and on all of those telltale make me feel curve after that kind of talking I feel smeared in my spirit so every day I'm praying oh god help me not to witness falsely and then to not covet your neighbor when I was a young man I coveted because when I will be my wife and I were pioneering church we were living in a pro tent church and we were eating very host food but neighboring people they were driving a beautiful car having good growth and living a very abundant life and basically my heart I covet it but now I cannot have it because I can't become poor that is my travel in my mind I can't find any space where the poor dwellers always I see my mind abundance for example presence sisters suppose I visit every one of my Christian all of them want me to visit their home and stay at least one night in their home think of feasting seven hundred sixty thousand of them I would spend many of my lifetime spend to visit and stay there home they would give me pastor treatment so I would not have any chance to become poor when I was young we experienced plenty poverty but now by blessing of God we can't become poor I always say to God father about 50 years ago when I was coming from another city Busan to Seoul Korea riding the third-class train I was penniless homeless absolutely poverty-stricken but after 50 years now look at me I'm so blessed I a beautiful wife very able more talented that I am beautiful three boys could home car money Church everything and all of these things are from our Lord goddess bless me I've never worked anything for myself God has blessed me so abundantly God is a good car carries abundant God through my own experience goddess greater desire that you have to bless you so actually we don't need to live in coveting our neighbors because we would abundance in your life if you give days and tithe to God you are making the open space before God so that God could feel it many people do not have open space in their mind all clogged up fool with their own desire and covetousness but if you release your time release your money and make an open space before God then God open the door of heaven and pour out his blessing upon your life amazing abundant life
Channel: Derek Packard
Views: 46,728
Rating: 4.7706423 out of 5
Keywords: how do i pray, david yonggi cho, why pray, how to pray, tabernacle laver, temple laver, what is the laver, how can i be clean, what is the ten commandments, what are the ten commandments, law vs grace, under the law, are christians under the law
Id: N-ZN5A1hRno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2012
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