David Yonggi Cho - Learn How to Pray the Tabernacle Prayer - 2. Blood Covenant - Brazen Altar

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but the most important prayer that God taught me is the Tabernacle prayer you know I need to pray very effectively so that I may receive all the anointing that I need for that job so one day while I was lecturing in Taiwan in a split of second God showed me the Revelation about demonical prayer and since that time until now decade after decad I've been praying in this Tabernacle prayer and whenever I finish tacal prayer I would receive enough anointing to carry out that day burden so tal prayer is so effective and so precious and this evening I want to share about teal prayer when Israelite was coming through the Wilderness led by the Moses god asked Moses to build the Tabernacle which he saw on the Mount Si and when he built the Tabernacle in the wilderness then God commanded all Israelite to come and worship God only in the Tabernacle so in the Tabernacle God was dwelling and meeting people there and when you see the the tle is has many kind of the uh things through which they could uh worship God but now we don't see the Tabernacle but Bible says ye are the Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit you are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and our Spirits is analogous to the holy of holies our mind is analogous to the holy place and our physical body is analogous to the Courtyard so we are the Temple of the Holy Ghost now we don't need to go to Wilderness to find the Tabernacle we don't need to go to Jerusalem to find the Solomon Temple you are the Tabernacle and The God Who dwelt in the Tabernacle and Solomon's Temple now dwells in you fully and he is in the holy of holy of your being your spirit and the Holy Spirit works from your spirit through your mind the holy Place through cour your body and God manifest his glory through your being so as the high priest and priest worshiped God in the Tabernacle so ye are preached now unto the Lord each of us we are the preach so we don't need to worship God through our representa we are preach and we can directly worship through the temple of our body so every day in early morning prayer meeting I in my imagination come to the courtyard and as soon as I move into the Temple of of the courtyard there I find a Brazen altar on the Brazen altar Israelite they would offer the sin offering trespass offering burnt offering thanks offering or offering of reconciliation and so and so on but all of those offerings represent our Lord Jesus Christ in his sacrifice on the cross Calvary so I come in my imagination to the Brazen altar of the Cross of Calvary and I see Jesus and I see the Redeeming Grace flowing out from Calvary I say dear Jesus through your sacrifice through your shed blood my sin has been forgiven I have been declared as righteous and I can now enjoy the glory of God you know as a Christian we are enjoying the glory of God glory is in us the Shak glory of God when we commit sin the glory lives and we feel trouble pain in our spirit but when we restore our fellowship with God then we once again experience the sh kind of Glory come and dwells in us so I say oh dear Jesus through thy blood my sin has been forgiven completely and I have been declared as a righteous person so I can enjoy this glory in you I thank you dear Jesus then I say dear Jesus through your blood you have conquered the world and the devil and now through the blood I can have sanctification and the fullness of the Holy Spirit I claim the sanctification I claim the full as Holy Spirit through the blood dear Jesus Through the blood give me the sanctification give me the fullness of the Holy Spirit then I look to look up to the Christ hung up on the cross again and I say dear Jesus you took my infirmities and carried away my sickness Bible says by his stripes you were healed so I am healed since 2,000 years ago legally speaking I have been healed through your sacrifice and sickness is illegal because it is Jesus Christ already paid the price for the healing so I claimed the healing you know many people are only pray for the healing when they become sick but if you pray before you become sick you never get sick so I say oh God I claimed healing Divine Healing to go through and through me so that I will not get sickness then I look again to the cross and I see the Redemption from the curse Galatians chapter 3 verse 13 Bible clearly says the Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it this rich and curs that everyone that hangs up the tree that The Blessing of Abraham might come upon Gentiles so I said God I'm a blessed person I will never on the thorny page I'm a blessed person Jesus Took My Curse 2,000 years ago so I am not under the curse of the law I am under the blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ so I say God I am blessed personally my home is blessed my Ministry is blessed and my work is blessed and I am the source of the blessing to others and I rejoice and I take away all poverty Consciousness so many people are unsuccessful in their life because they live in poverty Consciousness unconsciously they are controlled by the poverty Consciousness but I get rid of them all while I worship Jesus Jesus I am completely redeemed from the curse and the poverty because Bible says in 2 Corinthians chapter 88:9 that ye know for the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who was rich but he became poor for you so that you may be rich in Jesus Christ you are even redeemed from the poverty well don't reprimand me saying that you are preaching the Prosperity Gospel you know I'm bound to preach about Prosperity Gospel because Jesus Christ redeemed me from curse and the poverty when you are m m when your mind is Cloudy with the curse Consciousness and poverty Consciousness and failure Consciousness then your life will be fully occupied by curse and poverty Pastor Frank asked me if I could tell how to become a millionaire but I tell you I was making Korean people to think in term of the freedom from the curse and poverty I was preaching to them and clearing their mind and let them see the cross of Jesus Christ and redeemed completely in their mind and thinking life and as approv when you come to Korea I'll show them to you they are all well to the Bish people tremendously successful giving the tens of thousands or millions of dollars to the Lord's work because God has blessed them I'm not just talking grandiloquently I'm not babbler I'm telling the truth because I've experience in my Ministry for 45 long years and so I say oh God through Jesus I'm redeemed from curse and poverty I'm blessed person I'm in riched and I'm abundantly blessed and so I am constantly want to share this blessing with others and I worship Jesus in such a way then I look up to Jesus once again Jesus through your blood I have been redeemed from death and Hell through your death I die together through your Resurrection I have resurrected again and through your Ascension I've been ascended to the right hand of God so God I love you because even though I'm staying in my physical body in Korea but spiritually I have been resurrected together with you and I've have been seated on the right hand of God right now so I say whenever I get out of this physical body in Split Second of moment I'll be on the right hand of heavenly father through Jesus Christ so oh I worship Jesus looking to his cross our BR bra Brazen Altar and I see the Redeeming Grace flowing down to me and make me righteous holy healed blessed resurrected so through repeating that prayer over and over again I renew my mind because I while I was living as old man as a child of Adam my mind was so cloged up with the curse I was saing the sin Consciousness and filthy Consciousness Unholy Consciousness and sickness Consciousness and defeatism Consciousness and death Consciousness my mind was totally de devastated by the devil and sin but through Jesus I'm new person whosoever in Christ Jesus is a new creature all the things has passed away L all things has become you so I renew my mind worshiping Jesus kneeling before him looking to the Cross then through that prayer I strengthen my faith I become very strong I I'm righteous in Jesus Christ I'm righteous I'm holy Sanctified I have nothing to do with the filthy things in the world by Stripes I am shielded I am shielded I'm not under the control of sickness I am a blessed person God is pouring out His abundant blessing in my life and I've been alled to resurrected together with Jesus Christ by faith and glory of God is mine and through that worship session I strengthen my faith and also I clarify my vision many people do not have Clear Vision but through cross of Jesus Christ I see my new person clearly in my vision I see myself in my vision dream the new person in Jesus Christ that is me that is me so affirm my new identity many people are having identity crisis many Christians they have identity crisis say who are you in Jesus I don't know my pastor knows if CH Christians get out of the identity crisis they would become a tremendous tools of God we have no identity crisis because Through Blood we have been transferred from the sin to the righteousness we have been transferred from the world and the devil to the Holy Spirit to the throne of God we've been translated from sickness and disease to the health and healing translated from the poverty and curse to the blessings and and abrahamic blessing and we have tremendous experience of the having this citizenship in the glory so we have no identity crisis we should have clear identity in our mind every second and whatsoever things come against our identity you should rebuke and cast out many people are so confused that they accept whatsoever comes upon you when they will try to deliver wrong kind of the package you should compare with your new identity and if that does not identify with your new identity you must say you devil get out of my place with your package to never sign your package every time people when Devil comes and bring the all kind of the package they sign and accept it thank you devil so every day I am renewing my mind and every day I'm strengthening my faith and clarify my vision and affirm my new identity when I kneel down before our pris and altar the cross of Jesus Christ and when I see his sacrifice and blood Oh I Think Jesus I worship and it it can take 30 minutes in one hour like that just kneeling meditating upon this beautiful wonderful blessing boy this will change your whole feeling when I finish that phase of the prayer I feel so elated so uplifted I feel like jump up and dance Japanese people are very sber people they are acting very cly but very sunber even Japanese Church they are worshiping very silent but when I went to Japan about decades ago all of these passion Christians were so happy and they were clipping and jump up and dancing so I said what has happened to you where did you learn this from Dr Iverson oh they become happy Christian singing clapping dancing all over so right away I also pick up their way of the worshiping God and I try to dance and shout and release myself in free praising God isn't it wonderful so brothers and sisters let's come come to the Temple of the Holy Ghost your body through your imagination come to the couryard and have worship before the Brazen altar
Channel: Derek Packard
Views: 196,542
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Keywords: Prayer: How to Pray, Tabernacle Prayer, Dr. Cho, brazen altar, bible teaching, how to pray, what is prayer, how to prayers, why pray, what to pray for, how can i pray, love to pray, a prayer to god, the god prayer, what is the blood covenant, how can i be under the blood, what is the blood of jesus, who is jesus christ, is jesus christ god, what is the brazen altar, what is the cross, how can i go to heaven, how to i pray to jesus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2012
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